THE MICHIGAN DAILY SUNDAY, IN THE WORLD OF BOOKS c - - ===Cftk JECA*ide, Michigan Graduate . I, FROM THE scusses Monopoly Problem HOPWOOD ROOM BEx Libris By JOSEPH GIES ONOMIC PROBLEMS IN A 'HANGIN'G WORLD, Willard L. horp and associates, Farrar and inehart, Inc., New York City. By CARL PETERSEN he interest of this volume for local ders derives both from the specific blems with which it deals and from fact that its editor is a University duate and two of his associates are the staff of the School of Busi- s Administration. rillard L. Thorp, '21, is-at present, comic advisor 'of the Temporary lonal Economic Committee, and ial advisor on economic studies he Department of Commerce. He recently been much in the public because of his connection with TNEC anti-monopoly investiga- in Washington. Much signifi- ce therefore attaches to this book an expression of the views of a 1 who is close to the Administra- rof. Charles L. Jamison of the ness administration school has contributed two chapters on Business Management and Competition. Prof. O. W. Blackett also of the business administration school has written a chapter on "Foresight: The Business- man Looks Ahead." In the brief contribucons which Mr. Thorp makes to the book, he re- iterates the stand/on monopoly which he took .in the anti-monopoly hear- ings. He points out that present-day monopoly problem is not one of clear-cut monopoly. It is rather that large enterprises have appeared "in pairs, in trios, or even, as in oil- refining, in a whole cluster" and com- pletely dominate the field. This phe- nomenon, Thorp points out, has cre- ated a new type of economic structure and changed the meaning of compe- tition. The problem now, Thorp says, is largely one of how the various in- terests can best be served without destroying one another and eventu- ally themselves-"one of adjustment and balance and equity." The main- tenance of balance in economic rela- ill Your .1 C ollege Days - - Helen Finnegan Willson's novel "The King Pin," which won a $1300 major award in last spring's Hop- wood contest, will be published in June by tl~e Macmillan Company. Mrs. Willson's novel will be the second manuscript winning a prize in the 1938 contest to be published this year. Vivian La Jeunesse Parsons' "Lucien," has recently appeared. tions is important, he says, because of our increased dependence on one another. Today all sections of the :ountry are closely knit and every in- dustry is dependent on other indus- tries. But the machinery for direct- ing all this activity permits serious maladjustments to develop. Thorp points out the possibilities of fair competition, collective action and centralized control as practiced in various countries to remedy this mal- adjustment. He emphasized that out of the present 8sharpening conflict of interests "must emerge new rules and conventions, assuring the neces- sary cooperation of a highly special- ized productive mechanism; other- wise the race of men, greatly reduced in number, will have to return to the meager productivity of simple agrar- Ian economies." Somethings must be done to read- just our economic system, Thorp de- clares. There is no assurance that we can muddle through; the govern- ment can spend additional millions; we may not be able to stand another depression; the instability of foreign relations is a continuous threat. The preservation of our basic institutions depends upon a reasonably satis- factory functioning of the economic system; These pages reveal that the business man need not look upon Thorp as an ogre who is out to get his profits and turn them over to the "have-nots." He has presented in the book an open- minded examination of the evils of the present system, yet displays a skepticism of the unorthodox reforms of recent years. Batts And Emerson Will Address Club Dr. Martin Batts of the Depart- ment of Orthopedic Surgery will speak on "The Development of the Primary Ossification Centers of the Lumbar Spine and its Clinical Sig- nificance-A Study of 200 Foetuses" at 4:30 p.m. Tuesday during the March meeting of the Anatomy Re- search Club in Room 2501 East Medi- cal Building. Dr. Henry S. Emerson of the De- partment of Anatomy will talk on "Embryonic Induction in Regenerat- ing Tissue." Both his and Dr. Batts' papers will be illustrated with lan- tern slides. Tea will be served from 4 p.m. to 4:30 p.m. in Room 3502. i Through photography your college days can be permanently recorded. Snapshots of dances, picnics, hikes-all will be joyfully reminisced by you in your later years. Take pictures every day ! ENTER Francisco & Boyce's PHOTOGRAPHIC CONTEST Subject for the week beginning March 19th: Interior View of the Legal Research Building George Seldes' latest onslaught on the press has been received by the big newspaper reviewers just the way everybody knew it would be. There have been two techniques: (1) vitu- peration, and (2) ignoration. Lewis Gannett, in response to an inquiry made in January as to why he hadn't reviewed the book, said that he had had it on his list for re- view since November, but had been just too busy to get around to it. He hadn't quite decided whether to re- view it still or not, it was so late, but the inquiry, which came from a new- ly-formed liberal book group, decided him-he won't. Of course the fact that the Herald-Tribune got a chap- ter from Seldes for its unlabelled ad- vertising section on Cuba last year didn't have a thing to do with Mr. Gannett's decision. Neither did the fact that the book as a whole con- stituted an attack on the entrenched publishing oligarchy. Like-- it did- n't. Sterling North of the Chicago Daily News gave the book a fair review. The Boston Transcript also did. The rest of the big press, without an excep- tion as far as I know, either assaulted it or left it out. Harry Hansen of the New York World Telegram reviewed it, but managed to avoid saying any- thing at all about its contents. Many papers refused advertising on the book. The Herald-Trib rejected the copy on an ad headed: "'Here's Some Real News-But You May Nev- er See It Iq the Columns of Any Newspaper." It seems to have been a case of the truth hurting. There are plenty of books that the big reviewers Just Don't Find Time For. Pro-labor books frequently get minor notices or none at all, even when they're by distinguished au- thors. But books attacking the press itself never have a fighting chance. It isn't necessarily a case of pre- determined policy. But reactionary papers have reactionary book editors, just as they have reactionary editorial writers. I'm on the lookout for books by liberal and radical writers, be- cause that's where my sympathies lie, and I naturally think books like Selde's are important. Correspond- ingly, most big reviewers think and act the reverse. One of those big graphic books which are so popular latelynalong with the day-to-day accounts of what's what in Europe was recently given to me. It is called Our Coun- try, Our People and Theirs, and is written and edited by M. E. Tracy, editor of Current Affairs. It con- sists of a comparison, by statistics and by summary, of the United States, Germany, Italy and Russia in respect to raw materials, productivity, na- tional wealth and a few other things. Naturally, it does not take much of a statistician to prove that the United States is far richer than any of the others. From this Mr. Tracy leaps to the conclusion that life in the United States is better than it is in Germany, Italy or Russia. Now it seems to me that in order to demonstrate the superiority of life in the U.S., even in the strictly material sense, it is necessary to prove that the majority of people in this coun- try are more secure economically than the majority of Germans, Italians, Russians. Even a higher living stand- ard (and Mr. Tracy does not attempt to prove that it is higher) would not compensate for insecurity. Russian Aid Sought By France, England (Continued from Page 1) WORDSWORTH His Later Letters Are Edited By Professor De Selincourt THE LETTERS OF WILLIAM AND DOROTHY WORDSWORTH. The later years (1821-1850). Edited by E. de Selincourt. Oxford Claren- don Press. Three vols. Three guineas. By B. IFOR EVANS (in The Manchester Guardian) Professor de Selincourt in three volumes, with over a thousand letters, more than a half of thempreviously unpublished, brings to completion his great collection of the correspondence of William and Dorothy Wordsworth. 1 When the present series opens Words worth is already fifty; the early and tumultuous days are over, wtih all their exultation and self-laceration. "The Prelude," in its first draft, has been long completed, and "The Excursion" has faced the public for over six years. Before him lay thirty long and difficult years, when verse would be less effective and less fre- quent. These are the decades in which Wordsworth opposed the Reform Bill, attacked Catholic emancipation in Ireland, and expressed grave sus- picions of mechanics' institutes and the education of the poor. Browning found in this later Wordsworth his portrait of the "Lost Leader," and many radically minded men have expressed their disgust at the way that the poet had hardened into a stern and unyielding Tory. Of course, Browning on reading "The Prelude" had already repented of his poem, and after reading Professor de Selin- court's volumes any just mind will regret that Wordsworth was ever exposed to the charge: either of apostasy or dishonesty. Throughout these letters there towers atgrim and rugged rectitude, which ' stooped, neither to public nor to patron. How- ever unpopular Wordsworth's views may be with some of his admirers, they arise clearly from the unfettered operations of his own intellect. He was in danger, it is true, of seeing everything from the isolation of Ryda Mount, surrounded by a small and possibly too acquiescent group of devoted admirers. Had he seen more of England in those years he might have judged differently. At home at Rydal Mount he fulminates against the Irish Catholics, but when he visits Ireland and sees a peasant woman carrying her lame child to St. Kevin's pool the generous human feelings of II the young poet stir in him again. It wouid have affected you very much to see this poor confiding creature, and to hear the way she expressed her faith in the good- ness of God and St. Kevin. What would one not give to see among - NEW PRINTED - IRISH LINEN4. CRASH ES In Spring Pastel Shades For Luncheon sets, guest and tea towels Always Reasonably Priced ,GAGE LINEN SHOP 10 NICKELS ARCADE l U Q(}i.'?Q C) (> "r<.' > OrO' {>O t Protestants such devout reliance on the mercy of their Creator, so much resignation, so much piety, so muchsimplicity and singleness of mind, purged of the accom- panying superstitions! I k1 ~fA4~GIRDLE Francisco 723 North University & Boyce 40 221 South 4th Avenue: il " _____MARI LYN F r "Little" SUIT S. a - - -... ' - .,. .. - a ' r , 1 1 1 t 1 '___ . .... t : : ! ,. 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The British and French ambassa- dors to Berlin, who both are to come home "to report" but are expected to remain home for some time in dip- lomatic rebuff to Germany, were in- structed to deliver formal notes to the German Government describing "Germany's military action in Czechoslovakia" as being "without legal basis" and "a complete repu- diation of the Munich agreement." * "Little" suits that look like dresses . . .so chic and young you'll probably wear them more, like them better than anything else in your Spring i ,. ; . hOIVXIIATE With the narrow waistline emphasized in the newest gowns, we prescribe this new step-in...especially designed to control above and below the waistline. There are two extra-long styles, both of which extend 2 inches above the waistline. wardrobe. Figure-hugging jackets atop pleated or swing skirts. Beautifully tailored sheer Brighten Up YOUR ROOM with woolens in navy, black. Pique 11 I -- U I 'I