THE MICHIGAN DAILY tTNTA Y.;1 MICHIGAN DAILY I Ti _A;44eoE d and managed by students of the University of an under the authority of the Board in Control of t Publications shed every morning except Monday during the uLy year and Sumn: r Session. Member of the Associated Press Associated Press is exclusively entitled to the republication of all news dispatches credited to nlot otherwise credited in this newspaper. All of republication of ,a1 other matters herein also d. ed at the Post Office at Ann Arbor, Michigan, as class mail matter. riptions during regular school year by carrier, )y mail,, $4.50., REPRESENTED FOR NATIONAL ADVERTISING BY National Advertising Service, Inc. College Publisbers Representative 4ao MADISON AvE. NEW YORK, N. Y. CHICAGO ' BOSTON * LoS ANGELES -SAN RANCISCO- her, Associated Collegiate Press, 1938-39 Board Ig Editor al Director' itor te Editor te Editor te Editor . te Editor te Editor ate Editor ditor 'a Editor Editor of Editors Robert D. Mitchell * Albert P. May10 . Borace W. Gilmore . Robert I. Fitzhenry . . 8. R. kleiman . . Robert Perlman . . Earl ilman * . William Elvin . Joseph Freedman . . Joseph Ges . Dorothea Staebler Bud Benjamin Business Department Business Manager . . . Philip W. Buchen Credit Manager . . . . Leonard P. Siegelman Adertising Manager .. William L. Newnan wome's Business Manager . Helen Jean Dean Women's Service Manager . . Marian A. Baxter NIGHT EDITOR: DENNIS FLANAGAN The editorials Published In The Michigan D aly are written by members of the Daily staff and represent the views of the writers .oly. Labor's Biggest C RACKING under the pressure of a three months strike of the American Newspaper Guild, the management of the Hearst Evening American and Herald and Examiner in Chicago has made its first move for peace. For- mnal negotiations began this week when Harry Koehler, Examiner publisher, accepted the stand- ing Guild offer for strike settlement discussions and invited Harry Woh, Chicago Guild presi- dent, to a meeting Monday night in a Loop hotel. The conference marks an abrupt change ir Hearst's tactics. For 15 weeks the 500 Guilds- men on strike faced the prize pick of strikebreak- ing tactics chosen from the bag of tricks of the mfan who has been called frequently, and not without reason, "labor's biggest enemy." Put even the mogul of San Simeon cannot hold out forever. That is, not in the face of a drop of 250 000 copies In the circulation of the two papers and a loss of $500.000 in advertising rev- enue. a of March 7. According to Media Records an tindenendent source. auoted in Editor and Puhl4herr magaaie). frnm Dec. 5 to March 7 the acounts of 444 local and 50 national advertisers were withdrawn. The strike began formally on Dec. 5 at the end, of a year in which the manaement attempted to destroy the Guild by wholesale dismiscals con- tract violations, demotions, the organization of nminanv ininons and the ue of snsters against ice d ciirelirnm men. In November, Harry Read. nif t unit ohirman and former city editor of thoa IFning American. was fired as he walked off the witness stand in the Guild's case before fhe NJRR R.ed. before he joined the Guild, was on'e r.cribed by Hearst as "my best city ed tnr." EArlier. in October. 35 circulation branch managers, members of the Guild, were dis- chargped. After weeks of protest, on Dec. 2, a nmbher of Gnildmen were fired from the busi- ness and editorial staffs. When more thi 500 l.i an -r wk-i-d ot on strike on Dec. 5 a anbuI'tAin revealed tbp.t the management had #Ioloted its nntract with the Guild 62 times on matters of hours and overtime pay and 25 times :n economy dismissals. 'But this was old stuff for industrial America. And Hearst believes in originality. So it wasn't ong before be mixed the usual fast ones with a few new r Nifty curves. On Dec. 7, after five striking circulation emloyes were arrested and "talked to" by the police, two Guildsmen were viciously beaten and the strikers' cars were smashed. On Dec. 8 Hearst trucks backed up to the curb at the plant, turned their motors on, and at the slight cost of gasoline laid down an exhaust gas attack against the strikers. When ihis novel, if not to say nauseating device, failed o discourage the persistent pickets, thugs were dumed upon the scene; armed with crank handles, rubber hose and other gentle instru- fients of polite persuasion, they lambasted about ;hem with well-paid vigor, while police arrested ivery strike leader pointed out to them by ublisher Meigs. The failure of these tactics did not discourage fiearst, however. He continued with them, adding ther and more subtle methods On Dec. 10 sv-. War (and even pst-War) favorite, the in- junction, and the courts obliged by limiting pick- eting and speech-making, Everyone who reads, and many who do not, are familiar with Hearst's journalistic ethics, or lack of them. But few are as familiar with his ethics in regard to labor as indicated above. We) cannot, obviously, expect William Randolph to tell us these things himself, despite their sensa- tional news value. And other papers maintain a silence that is ominous for the continued free- dom of the press. It is impossible to discover whether this self-enforced censorship results from the secret thrill of delight that pervades certain monied gentlemen when they observe a more daring fellow utilize means they openly condemn because privately they believe such means to be dangerous for the users. But it As certain that this code, that prevents one pub- lisher from mentioning news of a strike at an- other publisher's plant, is an example of the universal principle of self-preservationm-self- preservation, mind you, no matter what respon- sibilities to the public are buried in the process. But perhaps the most significant lesson dem- onstrated by the Guild experience arises from the extraordinary effects achieved by labor unity. The sharp slash in circulation and advertising revenue for Mr. Hearst's two organs was in- flicted by the nation-wide campaign of organized labor, a campaign in which AFL-CIO differ- ences exercised little influence. This potentially powerful progressive force is the most hopeful factor in an otherwise depressing American scene, characterized by a rising reaction. -Saul Kleman Je Demande Premier Daladier tonight asked Parliamen for almost unlimited dictatorial powers to en- able France to act as rapidly as the' dictator ruled nations. Deputies said the powers which Daladier asked to have until Nov. 30 would enable his govern- ment to surpress any party or newspaper and call any number of troops to arms without con- sulting Parliament. -Michigan Daily, Saturday, March 18 We must control the fascists And their habits of aggression And I propose to do it by A little mild suppression. This clumsy old democracy Does not provide a cure But if you make me dictator I'll grapple with Der Fuehrer. Then down with the freedom of press and speech Down with the rights of man Down with the parties that disagree And up with the dictator plan. We're sorry that Herr Hitler Tells his subjects what to do But if it works in Germany Then France must try it too. These independent deputies Are stifling and cramping I want to use the Parliament_ To do the rubber stamping. Then down with the people's government Democracy's outdated And drink to the day when the laws of France Are going to be dictated. -June Harris The Editor Gets Told Questions Facts To the Editor: In an editorial, "Communism vs. Church in Spain," in The Daily for Tuesday, March 14, 1939, Albert Mayio made the following state- ment about the wealth of the Church in Spain: "It was the largest property-owner in Spain. (. . . One of its orders, the Jesuit, controlled eight banks, 35 large-scale businesses, 60 news- papers, a news agency, and a wireless station)." The reader of such a glib, unsupported state- ment would like to know several things: 1 What are Mr. Mayio's authorities and sources for this statement, if any? 2. When was the Church the largest properti owner in Spain? In 1935, 1835, or 1735? 3. What banks, businesses, and newspapers did the Jesuits control? 4. What kind of newspapers were the 60- religious, or secular-commercial? What kind of news-agency was it? 5. How large and important was the wireless station, and for what purposes was it used? 6. How could the.Jesuit order own anything in Spain, since the order was suppressed in 1932? -Robert G. Walker Editor's Note In answer to question (1) above, our authori- ties ("if any") are cited in Foreign Policy Asso- ciation Report, "Spain: Issues behind the Con- flict," as of Jan. 1, 1937, compiled by C. A. Thompson with the aid of the research staff of F.P.A. The report cites two sources: (1) W. Hors- fall Carter, "Spain and the Social Revolution;" International Affairs September-October, 1936' issue; (2) A. Ramos Oliviera, El Capitalismo es- panol al desnudo (Madrid, 1935), Chapter 14. (2) The Church is said to be the largest prop- erty owner prior to 1936 when the revolution broke out. "Property does not mean land, as we O 4 1ffeeinr to e Heywood Broun MIAMI, Fla., March 17.-Speaking of politics, this seems an appropriate day to discuss Jim Parley and 1940. I ran into a friend of the Post- master General, who voiced a theory which he offered as his own and not as an offi cial utterance. "You know,' he began, "you newspaper- men do a great deal of harm. You catch a public official down here, let's say, just a4 he's winning a bet at a race track or coming out of a wave at the beach and some- thing he gurgles in an off moment is played up in the headlines the next morning." "Public officials," I replied with Spartan firm- ness, should never go near the race track or the water." "But even that wouldn't protect them from you gossipers of opinion," my friend argued. "I know of plenty of cases where a correspondent has written that some Congressman was for this and that when, as a matter of fact, the poor fel- low had never even given it a thought. But after the thing has been written up the Congressman just has to live up to the role assigned him, although it was the newspaperman who put the idea in his head." "But," I objected, "is there anything so terrible in trying to put an idea into the head of a Con- gressman? On the golf course they call an achievement like that an eagle." My friend sighed and said:-"I was looking for intelligent conversation. I have a definite case in mind and so let me do the talking and save your wisecracks,.if any, for yor column. * * * Bad Thing For The Country "Jim Farley and Roosevelt are not' as close as they were once upon a time. That's a bad thing for the country. It's bad for liber lism in the Democratic party. If I may borrow a fancy word, Jim has always been able to implement the ideas of the President. He could do it now. But there is a rift. It is not as deep as a well and ft's only just about as wide as a newspaper' column. And that's where it started. And the thing has been kept alive on stories-purporting to be based on the words of 'those on the inside.' Whenever anybody writes a story beginning, 'It is learned on good authority,' I generally assume that means that reporters have been swapping guesses. "As far as Farley and Roosevelt go, there wasn't a cloud on their own personal horizon when the column boys began, whether innocently or not, to break up an old friendship. * * * Backstairs Statesmen Get Going "I think in the beginning somebody printed a remark Jim's wife was supposed to have made and she was quoted as saying, 'The Farleys aren't Roosevelts.'. "There wasn't anything very terrible in that and I don't even know whether she said it. But it was enough to set the backstairs statesmen going. Day after day everybody in America read that an increasing coolness could be observed in the relations of Roosevelt and Farley. Jim was supposed to disapprove of this administration policy or the other. Again and again it was said he would resign from the Cabinet to indicate a lack of sympathy with the aims of his chief. "Well, Mr. Roosevelt and Mr. Farley are human beings and they read the newspapers. Of coursa they don't believe everything they read, but if a story is printed often enough some part of it sinks in. I don't think that Jim and the Presi- dent are as close as they were once upon a time, but it is the pressure of suggestions from the outside which has made the trouble. They belong together. "Garner isn't Jim's kind of fellow and I'll bet you all the tea in China that when the fight comes in 1940 you'll find Jim and Franklin stand- ing shoulder to shoulder. After all it's an old established firm and guess and gossip and rumor aren't good enough to blow it down." formacion, New York, June 7, 1933 and New York Times, June 6, 1933, cf. (6) ). (3), (4), (5) We suggest that Mr. Walker write either to Foreign Policy Association or to Mr. Carter, care of the quarterly, International Af- fairs, an English publication, for more specific information. The intended implication, we think, of the citation in the F.P.A. report was that no distinction was made on the part of Church be- tween secular-commercial and religious matters. (6) One of the remarkable things about the Spanish Jesuit Order seems to be its ability to make a comeback. According to an article in Fortune, September 1937, the Jesuits had been under expulsion or suppression for 82 out of the last 175 years. After each expulsion it came back to amass greater wealth than before. A speaker in the Spanish Cortes, in 1931, complained that the order owned one-third of the wealth of Spain, "a guess testifying to the repute of the order if not to the accuracy of the sneaker." (Fortune) Because of the reputation of the order among Spaniards, it was common to speak of any rich person as "Jesuistical." As to its sunoression in 1932, Thompson says, "In June, 1933, the Cortes approved the Law of Religious Congregations which prescribed con- fiscation of properties belonging to the religious orders, and elimination of their members from all educational activities, except the teaching of religion by the end of that year. But before this legislation could come into effect, the Right #01f0 i D #f 8 110i A HAWAIIAN student, who must subscribe to th Browning phil-t osophy, thinks American advertisers lack restraint. "Here," he explains, "the dairies claim their milk is from contented cows. In Hawaii milk deal- ers say, 'Our cows are never con- tented; they always strive to do bet- ter,>, * * * FRATERNITY tip: When Alexanderl Woolcott, the raconteur, critic and anthologist, attended Hamilton College, he was even then somewhaf bizarre in appearance and loyal to his Theta Delt lodge . . .so loyal in fact, that he often attired himself iny corduroys, a turtle neck sweater and a flaming red fez, and sat on the steps of rival fraternities to give rushees an idea of what it was like inside. * * * Subtlety ... DAWN breaks: In his speech Friday Chamberlain, charging Hitler with betrayal, etc., said the problem of German aggression will require, "grave and serious consideration, not only by Germany's neighbors but by others, perhaps even beyond the con- fines of Europe." Now we wonder who he could mean. * * * TEA TALK It's a shame about Spain What a terrible thing! Why your hat is insane It's a shame about Spain Why it's started to rain What odd weather for Spring It's a shame about Spain What a terrible thing -June Harris * * * A Friend In Need THEN there is the senior who kind- ly consented to use the ticket of a sick friend, unable at the last min- ute to go to the dance. The senior hurriedly borrowed a tux, annexed five dollars on a pledge to pay, plead- ingly persuaded his roommate to let him take his (the roomie's) date, and then strutted over to the Capitalist Ball. At twelve o'clock he was still going strong, dispelling any Cinder- ellian illusions. *' * * THEY tell of the absent-minded doc- tor of philosophy who went to his session of the Academy of Arts, etc., that met here the past few days, dressed in a complete riding habit. music Calendar TODAY Radio City Music Hall, tabloid ver- sion of Donizetti's Lucia di Lanuner- moor. Broncato, Weede, Peerce, Erno Rapee conductor. 12-1, KDKA, WOWO. New York Philharmonic Sym- phony, Arthur Rubenstein pianist, John Barbirolli conductor. Concerto Grosso No. 6 in G minor (Handel), Piano Concerto No. 2 (Saint-Saens), Nights in the Gardens of Spain (De Falla), Palovetsian Dances from Prince Igor. (Borodin). 3-5, WJR. New Friends of Music Orchestra, Fritz Stiedny conductor. Concerto for Two Pianos in C (Bach), Symphony No. 77 in B-flat (Haydn). 6-7, WJZ. Bach Cantata Series, Alfred Wal- lenstein. St. John Passion Part IV. CKLW.- Ford Sunday Evening Hour, Bidu Sayao soprano, Eugene Ormandy conductor. 9-10, WJR- MONDAY Curtis Institute of Music, Veda Reynolds violinist, Zadel Skolovsky, pianist. Handel Sonata for Violin and Piano No. 4, piano pieces by Liszt, Chopin, DeBussy. 3-4, WADC, WJR. Rochester Civic Orchestra,, Guy Fraser Harrison conductor. March from Prince Igor (Borodin), Mozart Symphonie Concertante for Oboe, clarinet, horn, bassoon, and strings, Wagner's Huldigunsmarsch. 3-4, WS-, PD, WXYZ. WOR Symphony, Philip James con- ductor. 9:30-10, CKLW. TUESDAY School of Music Student, Recital, Mary Hamlin pianist. "Ich ruf' zu dir, Herr" (Bach- Busoni), Chromatic Fantasie and Fugue (Bach), Ondine, Toccata (Ravel), Sonata in C major, Op. 1 (Brahms). 8:15, School of Music Auditorium. WEDNESDAY Indianapolis Symphony, Fabian Sevitzky conductor. Leonore Over- ture No. 3 (Beethoven), Peinture (Borowski), Midsummer Dance (At- terbury), Adagio (McCollin), Les Pre- ludes (Liszt). Twilight Organ Recital, Palmer Christian Organist. Sonata (Men- delssohn), Choral No. 1 in F-sharp minor (Andriessen), Largo (Kryjan- owski), Three Lenten Anthems (Ark- hangelsky), In the Church (Novak), ,'r -4n+4^- lT .I % A-.I= . m , A~A (Continued from Page 3)1 DAILY OFFICIAL BULLETIN Publication in the Bulletin is constructive notice to all members of the University. Copy received at the office of the Assistant to the President until 3:30 P.M.; 11:00 A.M. on Saturday. turn to Ann Arbor by 8 o'clock. All graduate students are invited. Coming Events Mr. Louis Untermeyer. Schedule for week, March 20 to 27. Tuesday, March 21. . 4 p.m. Coffee hour at Michigan, Union. 7 p.m. Poetry class (open to all students). Michigan Union (Room 319). - Thursday, March 23. 4 p.m. Coffee hour at Michigan Union (Room 308). 8 p.m. Smoker for Engineering fac- ulty (North Lounge). Note. Students desiring personal conferences with Mr. Untermeyer, phone him at the Michigan 'Union Thursday 23 between 2 and 4 p.m. Conferences will be arranged for Fri- day, March 24. German Table for Faculty Mem- bers: The regular luncheon meeting will be held Monday at 12:10 p.m. in the Founders' Room of the Michigan Union. All faculty members interest- ed in speaking German are cordial- ly invited. There will be a brief in- formal talk by Professor Norman L. Willey on, "Ein daenischer Hamlet." Physics Colloquium: Mr. A. Alfred Erickson will speak on "The Spec- trographic Determination of Lead in Biological Materials" at the Physics Colloquium on Monday, March 20 at 4:15 in Room 1041 E. Physics Bldg. Biological Chemistry Seminar, Tuesday, Marh 21, 319 West Medical Building, 7:30 p.m. "Some Aspects of Amino Acid ,Metabolism" will be discussed. All interested are invited to attend. Deutscher Verein: Meeting Tues- day, March 21 at 8:15 p.m. in the Michigan League. Prof. Richard Et- tinghausen from the Institute of Fine Arts will give an illustrated talk on "Orient Teppiche." This is the fourth of a series of five lectures sponsored by the Verein. Students of German and others who are interested are invited to attend. The problem of the German refu- gees will be discussed by Dr. -Albert Martin at the Michigan Union Ball- room, Monday, 4:15 p.m. Dr. Mar- tin has been in charge of the Quaker Center in Berlin during the past two years and in intimate touch with the refugee problem. Anatomy Research Club Meeting: The March meeting of the Anatomy Research Club will be held on Tues- day, March 21, at 4:30 p.m. in Room 2501 East Medical Building. Dr. Martin Batts will report on "The Development of the Primary Ossification Centers of the Lumbar Spine and its Clinical Significance- A Study of Two Hundred Foetuses," and Dr. Henry S. Emerson will speak on "Eia ryonic Induction in Regen- erating Tissue." Both papers will be illustrated with lantern slides. Tea will be served in Room 3502 from 4:00 until 4:30. All interested are cordially invited. Attention Engineers: The A.S.M.E. will present Wednesday evening, March 22, at 7:30 iit the Rackham Building Auditorium the outstanding industrial film of the year, "Steel- Man's Servant," a sound, technic.olor picture on the manufacture of steel. With this, a second film, "U.S.S. Cor- Ten" dealing with the recent ad- vances made in the building of light- weight streamlined trains and other transportation equipment, will be shown. Graduate Luncheon: There will be a graduate luncheon, March 22 at 12 noon in the Russian Tea Room of the League, cafeteria style. Prof. Raleigh Schorling, of the De- partment of Education will discuss "Germany: Youth in the Saddle." All graduate students are cordially invited. Monday Evening Dramatic Club: Paul Bunyan (William Bergma). 8:30-9, WOWO, WXYZ. WOR Sinfonietta, League of Com- posers Concert, Alfred Wallenstein conductor. Heroic Piece (Diamond), "Elegie" from Symphony No. 3 (Rog- ers), Exaltation (Cowell), Music from Anthony and Cleopatra (Porter). 8:30-9, WOR, WSAI. SATURDAY Cincinnati Conservatory of Music, Alexander von Kreisler director. 11-12 WJR. Milestones in Music, Eastman School, Howard Hanson director. 11:30-12, WWJ. Metropolitan Opera Co. in Wag- ner's Tannhaeuser. Flagstad, Thor- ' borg, Melchior, Janssen, List, Bodan- - l . Inrt .. 4 t Artrrr^1...r '7tr~a Swimming, Women Students: Re- creational swimming for all women on campus is offered by the Michi- gan Women's Swimming Club at 4 o'clock every Monday afternoon at the Union Pool. This includes in- struction in swimming, and diving, and water games. Bookshelf and Stage Section of the Faculty Women's Club will meet on' Tuesday, March 21, at 2:45 p.m. at the home of Mrs. Arthur W. Smith, 1008 Oakland Ave. Mrs. Ralph H. Upson is assisting hosteps. The Music Section of the Faculty Women's Club will meet Tuesday, March 21, at 8 o'clock, at the home of Mrs. John Johnstone, 904 Oakland Ave. Churches First Congregational Church: Rev. Leonard A. Parr. 10:45 a.m. Morning Worship, Dr. Parr will preach on: "The Mirror of Christ's Mind." IV "His Idea of Sin." 5:30 p.m. Ariston League will meet at 5:30 for supper after which there will be a period of devotions followed by a talk on "Adventures in Sumatra" by Prof. H. H. Bartlett. 6 p.m. Student Fellowship will meet at six o'clock. Following the supper hour the Pastor will give a brief Lenten study in "Christian Es- sentials," and then Prof. Parker of the Dept. of Philosophy will give the address of the evening on "Human Values." First Church of Christ, Scientist, 409 So. Division St. Sunday service at 10:30. Subject: "Matter." Golden Text: Exodus 20:7. Sunday School at 11:45. First Methodist Church. Morning worship service at 10:40 o'clock. Dr. C. W. Brashares will preach on "The Meet Today." Stalker Hall. 9:45 a.m. Class at Stalker Hall. 6 p.m. Wesleyan Guild meeting at the Church. This will be the sum- mary meeting following the discus- sion groups on "Peace,"- "Labor," "Cooperatives," and "The Church and the Student." Fellowship hour and supper following meeting. First Baptist Church, 512 E. Huron. Sunday, 10:45 a.m. Dr. John Mason Wells, of Hillsdale College, will speak on "What Crucified Christ?" This is a sequel to last Sunday's address on the Jewish-Christian tragedy. 9:30 a.m. The Church School meets. Roger Williams Guild, 503 E. Huron. 6:15 p.m. Sunday. The Guild meets at the Guild House. A group of stu- dents will express their opinions on the Church's place in social action, and what part students have in shap- ing opinion. Dick Steding will pre- sent some views which were developed in the Naperville conference during the holidays. Friendship hour and 'eats' will follow the meeting. First Presbyterian Church, 1432 Washtenaw Ave. 10:45 a.m., Morning Worship Serv- ice. The Rev. Willis L. Gelston, D.D., of the Highland Park Presbyterian Church will preach on the topic "Turning Defeat Into Victory." Pal- mer Christian at the organ and di- recting the choir. The Westminster Guild: 6 p.m., Westminster Guild, student group, will meet for supper and a fellow- ship hour.. Four groups dealing with the following subjects: "The Church in Germany," "Comparative Reli- gions: Confucianism," "Personality Development" and "Approaches in Public Worship" will meet simultan- eously at seven o'clock. St. Andrew's Episcopal Church, Sun- day: 8 a.m. Holy Communion; 9 a.m. Breakfast and Study Group for Stu- dents, Harris Hall; 9,:30 a.m.. Junior Church; 11 a.m. Kindergarten; 11 a.m. Order of Confirmation with Ser- mon by the Rt. Rev. Frank W. Creigh- ton, Bishop Coajutor of the Diocese of Michigan; 4 p.m. Confirmation Tea, Harris Hall; 7 p.m. Confirmation meeting, Harris Hall. Speaker: The Rev. Robt. Woodroofe of Christ Church, Cranbrook. Topic: Chris- tian Living, Low Church Technique. Unitarian Church, State and Hu- ron Sts. 11 a.m. Service: Rev. H. P. Marley will speak on "Ossietzky-A German Martyr." 8 p.m. Liberal Students' Union- Dance. Disciples Guild (Church of Christ). 10:45 a.m. Morning .Worship, Rev. I Faculty Women's Club, Monday night at 7:30 at the Union. This is "Hus- band's Night." Everyone come. 1 1 ,. /