18 THE MICfhIGAN' DAILY 'A It FVE Vincent Lopez And Orchestra To Sell Tickets To Engineering StudentsToday, Annual Dance To Be Held Friday, March 31; Betty, Sutton Will Be Vocalist Vincent Lopez and his orchestra I have been contracted to play for the; tenth annual Slide Rule Ball to be held from 9 p.m. to 1 a.m. Friday, March 31, in the Union Ballroom. It is the official dance of the engineer- ing school sponsored by the Michi- gan Technic. Walton A. Rodger, '39E, is general chairman. Ticket sale, which opened yester- day, will be continued today when the limited number of tickets re- maining will be offered to engineer- ing students from 9 a.m. to noon over the arch in the West Engineering Building. Students must hold en- gineering identification cards, An- derson Ashburn, '40E, publicity chair- man, said. Any remaining tickets will be opened to general sale from 1 p.m. to 5 p.m. Monday at the Union desk. The price is $3.50 per couple. Lopez will feature as vocalists New York socialite Betty Hutton and Johnnie Morris, who is also featured on drums. The orchestra which ad- vertises "suave swing" comes to Ann Arbor direct from an engagement at Billy Rose's Casa Manana in New York. It has previously appeared there at the Hotels St. Regis and Ambassador and at the Chez Paris in Chicago. Other members of the central com- mittee are Richard G. Tarbell, '39E, finance chairman; Richard M. Adams, '40E, music chairman; M. Robert Herman, '40E, chairman of tickets and programs; Donald F. Van Loon, '39E, chairman of the floor committee, and George Hanson, '39E, patrons chairman. Wesley W. War- ren, '39E, chairman of the decora- tions committee, will be assisted b Robert F. May, '39E, and Jack Stev- ens, 139E. Head 300 Couples A tCapitalist Ball JACK MacLEOD PATRICIA MATTHEWS . .__. .e.._..._ _._ ..___...__.___ _ v__.__._____ ____ _.__ _ _ . _ _. _ _.._ _ __. _ . ___ _ --.. -.- . __ ____ --_- --- _ - -_-- _ _____ --- _-- aIf AM. O a CHURCH 0 WillPlayFor Slide Rule Ball Dinners Precede Capitalist Ball Will Hold Dance Contest _ At Birthday Ball Tonight . The Capitalist Ball provided danc- Black and white taffeta was chosen The Michigan "Birthday Ball," ing pleasure for over 300 couples from !by Lillian Tolhurst, '40, who was the which will be held at the regular in- DRESSES 9 p.m. to 1 a.m. yesterday in the guest of Stanley Trubey, '40BAd, formal Union dance tonight, will fea- Union ballroom. Frank Dailey and Warren Bosworth, '39BAd, was seen ture a dance contest. Instructors of his orchestra played for the affair. with Peggy Strand, '41, who appearedts Among the fraternities who held In black silk cut on Grecian lines., the League swing sessions will pink formal dinners before the dance are with a fuschia girdle. eles. andthe winnes willdeciwent Alpha Kappa Psi, Delta Sigma Pi, Neil Seegert, '40BAd, invited Vir- free tickets to the swing sessions and Lambda Chi Alpha, who honored ina Keillolz, '41, who wore a strap- which will be held at the League af- to college Jack MacLeod, '40BAd, co-chairman of the dance. Frank Dailey was a less blue taffeta gown. Elizabeth ter Spring Vacation. guest at the dinner. Boothby. '40, dressed in hyacinth The "Ball" will be a continuation herself Paul Simson, '39BAd, attended blue taffeta made with a hoop skirt, of the festivities centering about the with Mary McClure, '39, who wore was the guest of Joseph Bibik, '40BAd. Birthday Party broadcast. - purple chiffon with a beaded bodice. - With a tiny budget, and a great desire to look smart, Kay Dunhill learned what young moderns are en Iifor m al Iup against. And out of her dis- appointments grew the frantic Radio0 ances desire to make the kind of clothes that she'd been searching for .. simple, good-taste dresses, made e Tonuohtso well that they would look ex- pensive. Twelve dances, two formal and 10 informal, will be given tonight. Radio dances are still prdving popular, but with the advent of spring, chapter houses are sprinkling the party list , a semy with more formal affairs. Alpha Kappa Kappa will give a beginning radio dance tonight, for which Dr. and Mrs. Albert Huestis and Mr. andI- Mrs. Robert Trimby will chaperon. I want every dress I make to have The theme of the Alpha Kappa three-inch hems so that they will Lambda party will be "sports." Chap- hang beautifully and can be len- erons will b Mr. and Mrs. M. L. thened at will. I also want good Denise and &r. and Mrs. Ervin La generous side seams and wide Roe. edgings all the way through. So Radio Dances Popular my dresses can be adjusted for Bridge and dancing is the enter- wider hips and when they've been tainment planned for the party be- sat in for endless hours in class- ing given by the Alpha Kappa Psi rooms, the seams won't pull out fraternity. Mr. and Mrs. Larry C. and fray before they can be mend- Barden and Mr. and Mrs. Edward ed." She was wild-eyed on the Schmidt will be chaperoning. A radio ardsubjet and non-skmning stand- dance followed by a buffet supper ards were adopted from the start. will be given at the Alpha Omicron She Pi house. Chaperoning will be Mrs. M. A. Underwood and Dr. and Mrs. Barnard Foster. put us Joe College and his inevitable Jose- "SORRY SON -- min phine will be seen at the Alpha Sig- ma Phi party. Mr. and Mrs. Frank stitches 'Mason,Mr. and Mrs. Charles Baker and Mr. and Mrs. D. P. Hanniel have Goimg to J.G.P. to see been asked to chaperon. .. Sorority Gives Dance A formal dance given by the ini- "Let's finish every Kay Dunhill tiates for the active members will be f frock with costly looking, fine held at the Chi Omega house from stitches. It will make all the dif- 9 p.m. to midnight. Bill Boyd and ference in the world," she contin- his orchestra will play for the women ued. So out to the workroom we and their guests. Mr. and Mrs. O. went, a whole organization of men V. Jensen and Mr. and Mrs. Frank trailing her meekly. One machine De Vine will chaperon. stitch was examined after another Mr. and Mrs. Howard McCowan and finally when we found one of and Mr. and Mrs. Baldwin Curtis tiffany perfection, she exclaimed, are chaperoning the informal radio "That is it!" So we've been using dance being given at the Delta Theta. fine stitched edgings ever since. Phi house. An informal radio dance It took some production magic to will also be given at the Lambda do it on inexpensive dresses, but Chi Alpha house from 8 p.m. to mid- look for yourself ., ,.you'll find night. Chaperons will be Mr. and them on each and every frock. Mrs. Robert Graham and Mr. and Mrs. Albert Baker. Theta Xi Entertains The members of Theta Chi fra- Back ternity have been invited to attend the informal dance being given by Theta Xi fraternity. Prof. and Mrs. Yie William D. Revelli, Prof. and Mrs. Henry M. Kendell and Mr. and Mrs. important James W. Freeman will chaperon. The second formal affair of the evening will be given at the Zeta Beta Tau house in honor of the fra- ternity's initiates. The merrymakers Men seem to think that girls only will dance to the music of Bill Mc- come into rooms, that they never Kay's orchestra. Chaperoning will Ce go out. And that must be the Mr. and Mrs. Charles Ackerman and reason why some dresses look so Mr. and Mrs. Samuel Bothman. skimpy in back. "I want every The-members of the Girls' Cooper- Kay Dunhill dress to be cut to ative House are giving a radio dance a hang as gracefully in back as it and party from 9 p.m. to midnight. does in front." And this verdict Mr. and Mrs. Walter F. Hunt will of Kay Dunhill's led us to intro- chaperon duce . CHAPTER HOUSE our --- asize Elections and initiatins - spector nounced by chapter houses are :n4pt- Lambda Chi Alpha: Newly elected officers are: president, William Hope, e- i u ' Ec"it BUY N EXT YEAR'S FUR COAT NOW who actually looks like an old- 41P; secretary, Don Ryker, '41E and fashioned school teacher, she's treasurer, Lawrence Randren, '41.ntte that fussy, and every dress that Phi Epsilon Pi: Recently initiated at leaves the factory must have her were: Stanley Berlow, '41; Noel Buck- O.K. for size and fit. And no mat- ner, '42; Edward Joffe, '42; Richard you'll SAVE more money ter how rushed we are, the routine Lehman, '42; Nathaniel Ritter, '42; never varies. Louis Rosenberg, '42 and Richard than you'll ctua invest Ungar, '42E. Popularity Officers of the fraternity are: su- bed er s Warre Brcer'40; vice-su- 79 COATS to choose from and no two alike! perior, Warren Brock, '4;vc-s-Jed perior, Bert Michael, '40; treasurer, When you buy at Zwerdling's you are sure of John Sykes, '41: corresponding secre- - tary, Nathaniel Ritter, '42; recording correct fashion, fine skins and expert work- fabri secretary,hRichard Lehman, '42 and manship throughout the garment. fabrics steward, Emanuel Knobloch, '40. Most fabrics today are excellent Theta Chi: New members of the A small deposit reserves your selection, insured . . . but it takes a little luck to fraternity are : Donald R. Boyer, '40;gethbstotelt.Ta'wy Walter C. Cowles, '42; Donald . storage free, no interest or carrying charge. success leads to more successes. Crumbaker, '42; James H. Garvin, Kay Dunhill frocks sell in suffi- '42; John H. Gracey, '42; Jack A. cient number to use a large-sized Grady, '42; Rolf E. Muenter, '40; Paul order of fabrics . . . and for that Nielson, '40. EXPERT REMODELING and reason Kay frequently gets first - -REPAIRING at LOWEST PRICES. choice.. . she plans her own col- ors and then has the prints she ] ops, Gowns & Hoods uses confined to Kay Dunhill .. For FACULTY and GRADUATES Get our Estimate! naturally, these fabrics are tested Complete Rental and Sales Service for color and wearability, and Call and inspect the nation- I when the material is to be cleaned, DIRECTORY HILLEL FOUNDATION East University at Oakland. Dial 3779 Dr. Isaac Rabinowitz, Director Sunday, 6:45 P.M. Meeting of the Hillel News staff. 7:30 P.M. Forum. Speaker: Professor Wil- liam Haber. Tuesday, 7:30 P.M. Avukah meeting. Thursday, 8:00 P.M. Current Jewish Prob- lems Class. Friday, 8:00 P.M. Reform Services. Sermon by Dr. Rabinowitz. Topic: "Chassidism." FIRST PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH 1432 Washtenaw Avenue. Dial 2-4466 William P. Lemon, D.D. Minister. Elizabeth Leinbach, Assistant Palmer Christian. Director of Music. 9:30 A.M. Church School. Classes for all age groups. 9:30 A.M. Sunday Morning Levee of the Mr. and Mrs. Club. 10:45 A.M. Morning Worship Service. "TURNING DEFEAT INTO VICTORY." Sermon by the Rev. Willis L. Gelston, D.D., of the Highland Park Presbyterian Church. Special Lenten music by the student choir. 10:45 A.M. Nursery for small-children tiuring the Morning Worship Service. 6:00 P.M. Meeting of the Tuxis Society, high school group, in the Vance Parlor. 6:00 P.M. Westminster Guild, student group, will meet for supper and a fellowship hour. At the meeting which follows at 7 o'clock the discussion groups will be continued. FIRST METHODIST EPISCOPAL CHURCH State and Washington Streets Chas. W. Brashares, Minister. Earl Sawyer, Minister 9:45 A.M. Student Class at Stalker Hall. 10:40 A.M. Worship Service. Dr. Brashare's subject will be "The Meek Today." The choir, under the direction of Achilles Tal- iaferro, will sing special music. Warren Foster will sing the solo part in "Seek Ye the Lord." The choir will sing the negro spiritual, "Jesus, Walk This Lonesome Val- ley," by Dawson. FIRST CHURCH OF CHRIST, SCIENTIST 409 South Division Street 10:30 a.m. Sunday Service 11:45 a.m. Sunday School for pupils up to the age of 20 years 7:30 p.m. Wednesday Evening Testimony Meeting Free Public Reading Rooms at 206 East Liberty St. open daily except Sundays and holidays from 11:30 a.m. to 5 p.m. BETHLEHEM EVANGELICAL -CHURCH Theodore Schmale, Pastor. 432 South Fourth Avenue Dial 8498 9:00 A.M. man). 9:30 A.M. 10:30 A.M. Sermon: 6:00 P.M. 7:00 P.M. Early Service (conducted in Ger- Church School. Morning Worship. "Life's Deeper Meaning." Student Fellowship. Young People's League. FIRST BAPTIST CHURCH 512 E. Huron. Dr. Howard Chapman, University Pastor. John Mason Wells, D.D., Stated Supply. 9:30 A.M. The Church School. 10:45 A.M. Dr. John Mason Wells will fill the pulpit. His topic will be "What Crucified Christ?" 6:15 P.M. Roger Williams Guild. The stu- dents will discuss the church influence in public social action. GRACE BIBLE FELLOWSHIP Undenominational Masonic Temple 327 South Fourth Avenue Harold J. DeVries, Pastor 10:00 A.M. Sunday School. 11:00 A.M. Morning Worship. "The King of 1111 1 I !I!H