THE MICHIGAN DAILY SATURDAY, MARCH Sa, URAY..R Named Naval Chief DAILY OFFICIAL BULLETIN Publication in the Bulletin is constructive notice to all members of the University. Copy recedved at the office of the Assistant to the President until 3:30 P.M.; 11:00 A.M. on Saturday. (Editor's Note: This is the last in a cialist Party is carried out, the bot- series of interpretative articles on Ger- man universities under Hitlerism.) tor will have been reached. By LEONARD SCHLEIDER German youth prefers the army today to intellectual pursuits. In Speaking recently before the fac-- ulty of Berlin's Friedrich Wilhelm 1931, 73 per cent of secondary school University, Julius Streicher, Nazi dis- graduates entered universities; in trict leader for Franconia, and pub- 1938, only 40 per cent continued their lisher of the "Stuermer," said that he, education. himself "was not honored by his ap- An example of curriculum change pearance in the university's halls, is the replacement of economic theory but rather those halls were honored" by the "wehrwirtschaft" or defense by his presence, economy. "Defense economy," ac- Streicher warned the professors cording to the New York Herald- that he was "still far from satisfied" Tribune, is based on the theory that' with them and that a few years be- the goal of national economic life is fore he would have considered it "be- not to increase the "wealth of na-E low his dignity" to address them. tions" but rather to promote mili- Such is the lbvel to which faculties of tary power. German universities have descended "Already the Nazis are beginning to under Hitlerism. reap the fruits of their policy in the1 Observers blame the decline of severe shortage of men and women higher education in the Reich on the for various professions," the Herald- purge of Jews, Catholics and demo- Tribune commented. "In view of the crats from faculties and unscientific changes effected in the universitiesI revisions of university curricula, many of the graduates are inade- especially, the introduction of racial quately prepared to carry on their purity theories. And, if last week's chosen careers. The short cuts to decree that future students shall be produce qualified specialists have selected only by the National So- proved ineffective." Rear Admiral Harold R. Stark (above) has been appointed by President Roosevelt to be naval chief of operations during the next J aid to the Allies. This belief, he said, gradual animosity in the North toward four years. Stark will succeed Ad- I cmiral Wiliiarn D. Leahy who will was refuted by the Administration's the laws, Prof. Otto Yntema of Wes- rire on D. oeachng ithe claim that the was was one of "self- tern State Teachers College, said in retire on June 1 on reaching the defense" and thus active, intensive a report to the section meeting, age lm of 64. American participation was neces- nary. Language And Literature himself misunderstood and a victiml The second stage of war partici- Prof. Bennett Weaver of the Eng- of persecution and as a result evolved Then second stge ofghtwarg pa lish department in the morning sec- a. totally unsocial outlook, he added. pation featured the tightening and tion of the section on Language and Mr. Abraham Herman of the French increasing of government restrictions Literature sought to demonstrate department. in commenting upon Mr.' and regulations over industry, con- Wordsworth's intense passion and in- Presta's paper, claimed that 'lau- sumsption and civil liberties, he point- terest in humanity. He stressed his ' bert's pessimism goes beyond his per- ed out. This regulation was justified pre-occupation with - the problem of s-onal life. He was of the opinion that by the administration by citing the det.M.Pet tace o uhwih im, " rsd o uaiy n death. Mr. Presto attached too much weight aims, "a crusade for humanity" and "anti-barbarism," for which the war , The "Octopus" by Frank Norris was to personal grievances of the author was waged, he said. termed "the climax of sociological and offered evidence which tended to The third stage of the war which realism after the Civil War," by H. minimize Flaubert's unsocial attitude. began with the Congressional session Willard Reninger of Michigan State Prof. Marc Denkinger of the French in bNormal College. While many critics department of the University praised [nDecember, 1917, Professor Glazer consider Norris confused in his con- a pae1nSit-BueadCa emphasized, miarked the end of all sdrNrrscnudinhso-a paper on Sainte-Beuve and Cha- eutwardd, markedto the Wilson victions, Mr. Reninger suggested a teaubraind in 1834 read by Andre ouwcies. closer perusal of Norris' essays on Delattre of Wayne University for polics f the responsibilities of a novelist its consolidation of documents and The history of prosecution of the which assert that a novelist must ap- facts concerning St. Beuve and schol- fugitive slave laws of he pre-Civil proach life in all its aspects with arly appreciation of St. Beuve's lit- War era is one Of repeated attempts. sincerity in order to penetrate into erary criticism. by the South to strengthen and tight- the motives of man. While Mr. Ren- en the restrictions of the laws and a Iinger admitted the influence of Zola I Psycholovgy SATURDAY, MARCH 18, 1939 tively will be awarded to students VOL. XLIX. No. 121 taking German 32 in a translationl competition German-English and Notices English-German) to be held Marchi 23, from 2-5 p.m., Room 201 U.H. All Students. If the student who Students who wish to compete and lost a hand bag on a Michigan Cen- who have not yet handed in their tral train from Chicago, arriving in applications should do so immediately Ann Arbor, Friday, Dec. 30, will call and obtain final directions. at Room 2, University Hall and iden- tify the contents of the bag, arrange- To The Householders: Many of our ments can be made foi its return to students are in need of part-time t the owner. work. If you have any odd jobs, suchr as hou isecleaning, yard or garden Women Students: Application work, that the students can do, will1 blanks ior the Lucy Elliott Fellow- Iyou please call the Student Employ- ship of $500 and the Cleveland Mem- ment Bureau, Ext. 2121, Room 21 orial Scholarship of $100 are now University Hall? We will endeavor to available in the Alumnae Council send you satisfactory help. Office and the Office of the Dean of J. A. ~inrsley, Dean of Students. Women. All applications must be turned in before April 1. Winners 1 will be announced following Spring Acandemic o tices [Vacation. Faculty of the College of Literature, B Science and the Arts: The five-week Branson-Thomas Prize in German. freshmaina reports will be due Satur- Value $40.00. Open to all undergrad- day, March 18, In the Academic uate students in German of distinctly Counselors' Office, 108 Mason Hall. American training. Will oe awarded Cn__,__n_ on the results of a three-hour essay Faculty, College of Literature, Sci- competition to be held under depart- ence, and the Arts: Attendance re- mental supervision on Thursday, port cards are being distributed March 23, from 2-5 p.m., 201 U.H. through the Departmental Offices.1 i Contestants must satisfy the Depart- Instructors are requested to report ment that they have done the neces- absences to my office in accordance' sary reading in German. The essay with the rules printed on these cards. I may be written in English or German. Please note especially the regula- Each contestant will be free to choose tions concerning three-week absen- . his own subject from a list of 30 of- ces to my office in accordance with' fered. The list will cover six chap- the rules printed on these cards. ters in the development of German Please note especially the regula- literature from 1750 to 1900, each of tions concerning three-week absen- which will be represented by five ces, and the time limits for dropping subjects. Students who wish to courses. The rules relating to ab- compete and who have not yet hand- [sences are printed on the attendance ed in their applications should do so cards. They may also be found on immediately and obtain final direc- page 36 of the current Announce- tions. ment of our College. --_ F. A. Walter, Assistant Dean. Kothe-Hildner Prize in German: Two prizes, of $30 and $20 respec- English 2, Section 9, will meet for Mervin Patterson of the Wayne Coun- 1 ated after a period of four years ! ty Training School. Another repre- research by the University here. The sentative of the same school was Z. patients were children from two to Pauline Hoakley, who presented a five years old. If Vitamin B is given comparison of the results of the in excess, Dr. Colby said, it will cause Stanford and Terman-Merrill revi- rapid growth both mentally and phys- sions of the Binet Test. Harry J. Bak- ically. A comparison between a nor- ; -r of the Psychological Clinic, De- mal child and one treated with this troit Public Schools, discussed the vitamin proves that the latter will Detroit General Aptitudes Examina- act more quickly. tion. Each speech was followed by a There is a distressing tendency discussion from the floor. among psychologists today to over- Mental retardation of a patient af- simplify the reasons for academic flicted with rickets becomes more failure in college students, Dr. Ken- marked the older a child gets, Dr. neth L. Heaton, director of the State Martha G. Colby of the psychology Cooperative Bureau for Educational department declared at the meeting Research, declared yesterday at the of the psychology section, in a paper dinner of the Michigan Psychological presented in the Amphitheatre of the Association in the League. Rackham Building. Correlations between academic suc- This information has been corre-.I (Continued on Page 6) an additional session Saturday, March 18, 1-2 p.m. in 2231 A.H. Y. Z. Chang. Dr. Edward Greene, of Psychology Department will meet his classes to- day. Concerts Student Recital. M.ry Katherin Hamlin, pianist, of Golden, Colo., will give a recital in partial fulfill- ment of the requirements for the Bachelor of Music degree, in the School of Music Auditorium, Tues- day evening, March 21, at 8:15 o'clock. The general public is In- vited to attend. Carillon Recital. Mr. Sidney F. Giles, Guest Carillonneur, will give a program of music by Heller, Bland, Haydn, Sullivan, Lefevere, Nees, 01- cott, Verdi, Handel, Scholefield, in the (Continueed on Page 4) I upon Norris, in the end Norris aban- doned Zola's naturalism. The great- ness of "The Octopus" is due, Mr. Reninger believes, to its philosophic consistency. Prof. Joe L. Davis of the English department differed wich Mr. Ren- inger's evaluation of Norris in respect to his estimation of Zola, who, Pro- fessor Davis believes, influenced Nor-i ris greatly. Professor Davis said that Norris revised Zola's naturalism to fit American tradition. Flaubert's social attitude reflected by his writing may be largely attrib- uted to his personal life, Peter S. Presta of the University of Detroit told listeners at the afternoon ses- sion. The French author believed Discussions of clinical and labora- tory experiments featured the meet- ings of the psychology section at which Prof. W. B. Pillsbury, chair- man of the psychology department,j presided. Henry Feinberg of the Detroiti Jewsh Social Service Bureau recom- mended the use of age rather than grade norms in administering the Seashore test for musical ability. Milton H. Erickson presented a resume of the experimental studies of age regression through h-ypnosis which he and Elizabeth Erickson con- ducted recently. Problems and ob- jectives in developing a behavior rating for mentally handicapped problem children were explained by Popeye Cartoon Novelties - News Sunday AGNEW Orchestra-on stage TODAY 2 - 4 - 7 - 9 P.M. N w Danger's what theyliv on !' i .., -ter C-. To keep you looking fresh as the morning Travel Kit of Facials .A treasure trove of beauty aids tucked into a compact travel kit that fits into your overnight suit case. Within this zip- pered kit of maroon coloured simulated alligator are Mary Dunhill's famous Devonshire essentials to beauty everything to keep you looking your loveliest for a week-end or overnight. Special for Mar. 18-April 8 -Only $3.50 (Regular Value $5) 0 SPECIAL OFFER. From March 18th through April 8th $1.00 Mary Dunhill Frou Frou du Gardenia LIPSTICK S -FR EE If I r I 1 I 111