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March 17, 1939 - Image 4

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The Michigan Daily, 1939-03-17

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It SeemWs To Me

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and managed by students of the University of
under the authority of the Board in Control of
ed every morning except Monday during the
/ year and Suni r Session.
Member of the Associated Press
sociated Press is exclusively entitled to the
spublication of all news dispatches credited to
t otherwise credited in this newspaper. All
republicadon of all other matters herein also
l at the Post Office at Ann Arbor, Michigan, as
ass mail matter-
pton s during regular school year by carrier,
mail, $4.50.
National Advertising Service, Inc,
College Publrshes RPresentetive
120 MADISON Av-. New YORK, N, Y,
r, Associated CoUegiate Press, 1938-39

CORAL GABLES, Fla., March 15.-Aside from
a troupe of acrobats and a dance 'orchestra, I
had the cabaret practically to myself. And a
deserted night club can be as depressing as a
haunted house. Solemnly the
acrobats heaved and tossed.
They approach the climax
trick, in which the most agile
member of the band turn
numerous somersaults and
lands upon a red leather
' chair balanced upon a lady's
shoulders. The lady, in turn,
happens to be standing on
the head of a stalwart gentleman. It is a good
trick, and the Ygcopis almost complete it the
first time. But on this particular evenlng it
seemed frivolous and punishing.
Why should an acrobat risk his neck to amuse
a dance orchestra, a few waiters and a lone
newspaperman? It is just such situations which
create a distrust of our economic system. But the
young man had a happy landing. The acrobats
bowed low and went home to their spaghetti. I
was about to do the same when a waiter who is
an old acquaintance wandered over to extend the
greetings of the faded season.
No Playboys Any More
"I'm afraid," he said, "the revolution isn't com-
ing in my lifetime." I asked him why he was so
pessimistic and suggested that maybe he got up
on the wrong side of the bed. !
"No,"' said the waiter, "the ruling class is not
qaite as dumb as it used to be. If you were famil-
{ar with Marx you would know that he points out
that capitalism carries within itself the seeds of
its own destruction. Now', of course, there can't
be any argument about that. But the trouble is
that every now and then a reform wave hits the
exploiters. This will have no effect on the final
conflict, but it slows it up, and I'm afraid I won't

be around to see it happen. I'm 45, and I keei
late hours."
Naturally, as an inquiring reporter, I asked the
specific reasons for my friend's change of heart.
"All this I've learned," the waiter said, "right
in this place. There aren't any playboys any more.
We haven't had a single one this season. We've
had our season. We've had our fair share of
drunks, of, course, but I mean those economic
royalists who used to gather ten or twenty guests
around a table and hand hundred-dollar bills
to the waiters."
* * *
'Cockeyed' Civilization
"But surely," I interrupted, "you didn't object
to that?"
"Don't be silly," said the waiter. "I liked the
tips, and also it 'pleased me to observe what
seemed to be the last gasp of a cockeyed civiliza-
tion. You need Marie Antoinettes and Louises as
well as Lenins to create a revolution.
"Meaning no personal offense, theer is nothing
so conducive to the creation of class consciousness
as a crowd of fat and bleary-eyed people sitting
around and yelling for mixed drinks at 4 o'clock
in the morning. And these are the same fellows
who have the nerve to talk about 'subversive in-
fluences' when they sober up.
"We had a customer a couple of years ago who
was so obnoxious that whenever he staggered out
I could almost imagine his saying to the starter,
'Call me a tumbril,' But the playboys are gone.
They're dead or broke or reformed. It really is a
pity. No one will ever know what yeoman work
thev did for the movement."
"But whom do you blame for all this?" I asked.
"That's where the irony comes in," my friend
answered. "I blame the same fellow that they
bawl out. I might have had a chance to see the
revolution with my own eyes if it hadn't been
for Franklin Delano Roosevelt."

Board of

Robert D. Mitchell
Albert P. Maylo
Horace W. Gilmore
Robert 1. Fitzhenry
S. R Kleiman
Robert Perlman
Earl Olman
Willam iEivifl
Joseph reedman
Dorothea Stsebler
Bud Benjamin



Business Department
ins Manager Philip W Buchen
,redit Manager Leonard P. Biegelan
idvertieing Manager William L Newnan
W'omen's Business Manager Helen Jean Dean
Women's Service Manager Marian A Baxter
The editorials published in The Michigan
Daily are written by members of the Daly
staff and represent the views of the writers
Wen Dog
Bites Man . .
W HILE Adolf Hitler's troops marched
into "Czechia" yesterday only to find
insolent ingratitude for the gracious Nazi "pro-
tection" from an unknown enemy, little Hungary
decided that the time was ripe to expropriate
the Carpatho-Ukraine. While Poland and Ruma-
nia conferred on splitting the tiny but strategic
area between them, Hungary took it all.
The importance of Carpatho-Ukraine (Ruth-
enia), an area of only 4,254 square miles, with a
population of 500,000, multiplies tremendously by
this act.
Chancellor Hitler is moving east like an irresist-
ible force. Now he finds little Hungary standing
up to him by putting a "Dead End" sign on the
road he has so laboriously constructed.
Ordinarily the Chancellor chooses the path of
least resistance. Nazi-dominated Rumania should
be an easier route to the east, it might be said.
However, buried in the insides of most papers a
week ago was the report that Minor Cristea, 71-
year- old premier of Rumania, had died.'Cristea,
patriarch of the Rumanian Catholic Church, was
strong fascist and had a tremendous influence
on King Carol. He was the fascist balance in the
scale of pressure that was keeping Carol to the
middle road. While Carol can be counted on not
to go anywhere near the left, he will at least now
stay equally distant from the right, or Gerfmany.
When Cornelous Codreanu, leader of the fascist
rron Guard, was slain recently, "attempting to
escape," fascist pressure In Rumania was hit
strongly. Now the death of Cristea leaves Ru-
mania a. stone wall to Nazi propagandists who
pave the way for the brown-shirted troops.
To the north Poland Is also a difficult state for
Hitler to try to browbeat without incurring the
danger of armed resistance. Poland uses tactics
too similar to Hitler's for Der Fuehrer to take
any chances. Polaild has vacillated between
Russia end Germany whenever she had some-
thing to gain. Obviously with Hitler looking for a
mad to the east, Poland will have little to gain
However, there is the possibility that Hitler
will threaten the precious Polish corridor to the
e'a unless Poland consents to let Germany pass
:hrouah Galicia. But even that is not as imort-
mt to Poland as the danger of losing her Ukraine
trovinces with five million people.
Therefore. of the three countries-Rumania,
koland and Hingary-that stand between Hitler
and the Ukraine, which we believe to be his
present goal, the latter is by far the path of
east resistance. ITs Hungary that we can now
watch for the next trouble in the volcanic Euro-
>ean situation. Hitler has much more than mere
,restiae staked on his drive to the east, and
ittle Hungary sitting up on its legs and arking
it the master is very likely to find itself slapped
l6wn for its impertinence.
-Morton Jampel

ThEditor Gets Told...

For Fr. Lobo ...

(Editor's Note: Father, Leocadio Lobo, Catholic
Priest recently arrived in the United States from Re-
publican Spain, who spoke here last week, sent the
following letter to the Rt. Rev. Msgr. Michael Ready,
General Secretary of the National Catholic Welfare
Council, asking him to prove his charge that he is
a suspended priest, not in good standing, and citing
evidence disproving this charge.)
"I have read the very grave accusations against
me in the New York press, attributed to Your
Reverence. My person is insignificant, and if the
accusations concerned me alone, I would remain
silent. But I must defend myself as the Priest-
hood is above all personal consideration.
"As a Catholic Priest, I feel no rancour against
anyone. With the greatest respect, and after
declaring that I wish to live and die inside the
Roman Catholic Apostolic Church, employing
the priestly form of vow, before my God, with
my hands placed upon the Holy Gospel, I de-
"That I am not a suspended priest, and that
to my knowledge, neither in 1936 nor at any
time has my Prelate, or His Excellency, the
Bishop of Madrid, nor my Ordinary, Dr. Heri-
berto Prieto, his Vicar in Madrid, suspended nor
raised canonical sanctions against me.
"That I am a priest in good standing, which
is indicated by the following clerical activities
I have conducted (among others) since 1936:
"During all the Spanish war, whenever
circumstances permitted, I celebrated the
Holy Sacrifices of the Mass, administered
the Holy Sacraments, and preached the
Gospel in Republican Spain.
"On October 6th, 1936, I visited the repre-
sentative of the Holy See in Spain and the
Rev. Padre Juan Portius, Theological Coun-
sellor of Roman Congregations, and obtained
canonical approval for the publication of k
statement called 'Christian Words' which
was widely distributed throughout the capi-
tal of the Republic.
"Since December, 1937, when I moved to
Barcelona, I have celebrated the Holy Sacra-
ments in a public chapel called the Calle
Del Pino No. 6 with the knowledge of the
Vicar General of Barcelona, Father Fili-
pense, domiciled at No. 186 Balmes Street.
"On the first of November, 1938, I opened
the Chapel of the Holy Christ of Peace in
Madrid, with many Catholics attending, and
I did this with the knowledge of Dri Heriber-
to Prieto, Vicar General of the Diocese of
"On December 23, 1938, I had a long con-
versation with the Vicar General of Madrid
and obtained permission to open the Church
of St. Anthony of the Portugese, one of the
many churches respected by the people, for
religious rites. During this visit I was com-
missioned by the Vicar General to open the
Chapel of the Military Hospital No. 6, situ-
ated at No. 12 Cisne Street, and celebrate
Mass on Christmas Day. I did so, preaching
the Gospel and administering the Sacra-
ments of Confession and Communion to
several soldiers.
"During this conversation with the Vicar
General, he said to me: 'You know haw much
the Bishop of Madrid esteems you, and in
his name, I beg you to continue looking af-
ter the interests of religion in the Republic
and helping priests as you are doing, and
safe-guarding the religious and artistic
treasures of the Church.'
"In January in, 1937, I saw in Paris Cardi-

Spanish Republic, whom I have known during
these trying times, and in dissipating the hate
and misinformation about them that exists wide-
ly, and according to the rule of canon law 'pon-
entis est probare' I beg and charge Your Rever-
ence to show the people of North America any
document which proves my suspension 'a divinis.'
You may be absolutely certain that I shall rever-
ently abide by the decision of my Prelate."
"Rev. Father Mgr. Fontenelle-author of a
fine biography of His Holiness sent me the
charge through Spanish Catholics (express and
decisive) of the Holy See to remain on the side
of the Spanish people, preaching and defending
the interests of the church."
(This postscript was written for Father Lobo
in Ann Arbor after his lecture by his translator,
who wrote the date of the message from the Holy
See as of February, 1938. Whether the trans-
lator made a mistake or not, intending rather
February,1939 before the death of Pope Pius
XI, we do not know.
Against Fr. Lobo.. ..
To the Editor:
Last Friday Fr. Leocadio Lobo, of Madrid, was
brought to speak here under the auspices of the
American Student Union and its affiliated pro-
paganda society, the Medical Bureau to Aid Span-
ish Democracy. The Daily, which has always gen-
erously supplied the ASU with needed publicity,
heralded his appearance thusly: "He is touring
the U.S. . . . with the approval of the vicar-
general of Madrid (Mar. 9); "Fr. Lobo, however,
who is here at the urgent request of the people of
his parish, comes with the full permission of the
Vicar General of Madrid" (Mar. 10). In reporting
the meeting they repb'rted: "Fr. Lobo, answering
charges which have appeared against him in the
press, asked to have a letter read which he had
sent to the general secretary of the National Wel-
fare Council. In this he states, '. . . I am not a
suspended priest . . .," (Mar. 11). To fortify
what Fr. Lobo claimed the Daily stated on March
10: "Denying this charge, the Medical Bureau
to Aid Spain headed by William Cardinal O'Con-
nell, of Boston, claims that he (Lobo) is in full
exercise of his orders . . ." To date no erratta
has been printed, although the error has been
known since last Friday, to correct the state-
ment as having been said by Bishop Francis J.
McConnell of the Methodist Episcopal Church.
We feel that such errors can easily lead to grave
Fr. Lobo's talk on the culture of Spain was
edifying and on the whole we had no challenge
to it; but we did question his standing in the
Catholic Church. He was first questioned by an
ASU member; he said he was not suspended.
Thn we again questioned him and received such
replies as, "To whom am I talking a student or
the Archbishop of Detroit?", and "Who knows
more Canon law, you or I?"'The answers that he
could have given to us were simple, but he must
have felt that an admssion to the contrary would
have had an adverse effect on his audience and
to the people that brought him here.
We now present an attestation to Fr. Lobo's
official status in the Church in the form of a
telegram from the Primate of Spain:
"According to written testimony of the
Bishop Madrid proper Ordinary of Reverend
Leocadio Lobo latter has been suspended and

" RETRACT" cried the Caliph, and
five loyal subjects rushed to the
paper shops and retracted, for the!
Caliph'scommand waslaw. Retrac-.
tions being the day's order, we feel not
at all indifferent to this refutation
of an item that appeared in this
space several days ago. As you re-
member, Continental rumor hath it
that Hitler died in the world, war, in
the Munich beer-hall putsch of 1923,
and in the purge of 1934, respectively.
We regret to have been duped by an
unreliable informer, and now make
the shamefaced admission that Hitler
didn't die in any of the three places
above, but expired the night before1
Chamberlain, Mussolini and Daladier
gathered at Munich-of a gut ache
brought on by some vile soup and an
And for confirmation of this fact,
read "The Strange Death of Adolf
Hitler," anonymously translated from
the narrative of Maximilian Bauer,
Hitler's double, (The Macauley Com-
pany, $2.50).
* * *
Beautiful flu, how I love you;
Out of six profs, you disabled two.
Lectures and blue books post-
poned 'till recovery
Imagine my joy when I made that
You've got the stuff, I've got the
Far be it from me to stop natural
I hate to hint, but-well, you
Two profs down and four to go!
I've waited and waited these long
years through
For some such obliging thing as
the flu.
Of all earth's diseases, I like you
the most.
To you, flu: you're true blue; I
drink thee a toast.
You're a wonderful thing, you're
a joy to see,
You're OK as long as you don't
get me.
TIME magazine reports that Maj.
Gen. Smedley Darlington Butler,
the explosive pacifist, spoke thus at
a recent foreign policy conference:
"If there is another war I intend
to make James Roosevelt go to the
front line trenches. He is a lieutenant
colonel in the Marines, and if his
father starts up this war business I
am going to see that he does. I am
not afraid! Let them shoot me! I'm
all through. Let's get shot here at
home if we're going to be shot."
Who's excited!
* * *
A FEW months ago it was suggested
that the state of Michigan be
named "the Lake State" instead of
Wolverine State, because the wol-
verine is a cowardly, slothful and
gluttonous beast that stinks and is of
wolfish habits. What a sportswriter
would do to a nickname like "Lake."
Picture this lead on a football story:
"Fettered and hogtied by the
visitors for three quarters and 10
minutes of the final stanza, the
Michigan Lakes suddenly burst
through the dikes and inundated
their foe, while 50,040 spectators,
braving the elements, thrilled to
the spectacle of this magnificent
deluge. Noah never saw anything
like this."

OFF THE CUFF: One student we
know has a new-born respect for
the Academy of Arts and Sciences
which meets here today . . . He got
three morning cuts because room 219
of Angell Hall is being used for the
meeting . . . The United Press re-
porter here is 'claiming sabotage on
the part of the Associated Press af-
ter reading a headline in a Detroit
paper, "U.P. Buried Under Snow ."
Alaskans Request
Territorial Rights
FAIRBANKS, Alaska, March 16.-
(P)-The Alaska Home Rule Associa-
tion, a pioneer group, today issued a
"declaration of necessity" demand-
ing "full territorial status" now and
eventual statehood for Alaska.
The declaration sharply assailed
"taxation without "representation." It
asserted the "despots," the "lord
norths" and "tories in our own coun-
try" were retarding development of a
territory "which should now be sup-
porting a population of millions."
The references to taxation, "Lord
Norths" and "Tories" referred to
American revolutionary times. Lord
North was the member of the British
Government who sponsored the stamp
tax which led to the historic Boston
Tea Party and spurred the indepen-
dence movement.
lution and remains still outside
diocese -stop- from place refuge
imposed suspension on Lobo when
heard Lobo's activities Madrid.

(Continued from Page 3) d
ness on Wednesday, May 17. If ap- A
plication is received later than May M
17, your degree or certificate may N
not be awarded until next fall. a
Candidates for degrees or certifi- R
cates may fill out card at once at a
office of the secretary or recorder of i
their own school or college (students
enrolled in the College of Literature,
Science, and the Arts, College ofd
Architecture, School of Music, School b
of Education, and School of Fores-E
try and Conservation, please noteh
that application blank may be ob-A
tained and filed in the Registrar's Of-i
fice, Room 4, University Hall). All
applications for the Teacher's Cer-
tificate should be made at the office
of the School of Education.
Please do not delay unt the lastc
day, as more than 2,500 diplomas andi
certificates must be lettered, signed,
and sealed *and we shall be greatly1
helped in this work by the early filing
of applications and the resulting
longer period for preparation.- ,
The filing of these applicationsI
does not involve the payment of any -
fee whatsoever:>
Shirley W. Smith.s
Ail Students. If the student who
lost a hand bag on a Michigan Cen-
tral train from Chicago, arriving in1
Ann Arbor, Friday, Dec. 30, will call
at Room 2, University Hall and iden-
tify the contents of the bag, arrange-
ments can be made for its return to"
the owner.'
Students interested in summer em-
ployment in their own county, con-
tacting schools for supplies and
equipment, call at the Bureau of Ap-
pointments, 201 Mason Hall; Office
Hours 9-12 and 2-4, immediately.
Appointments for interviews today
may be made by asking for Mrs.
T. Luther Purdom,'
University Bureau of Appointments
and Occupational Information.
First Mortgage Loans: The Univer-
sity has a limited amount of funds
to loan on modern well-located Ann
Arbor residential property. Interest
at current rates. Apply Investment
Office, Room 100, South Wing,
University Hall.
Academic Notices
Faculty of the College of Literature,
Science and the Arts: The five-week
freshman reports will be due Satur-
day, March 18, in the Academic
Counselors' Office, 108 Mason Hall.
Faculty, College of Literature, Sci-
ence, and the Arts:bAttendance re-
port cards are being distributed
throughrthe Departmental Offices.
Instructors are requested to report
absences to my office in accordance
with the rules printed on these cards,
Please note especially the regula-
tions concerning three-week absen-
ces to my office in accordance with
the rules printed on these cards.
Please note especially the regula-
tions concerning three-week absen-
ces, and the time limits for dropping
courses. The rules relting to ab-
sences are printed on the attendance
cards. They may also be found on
page 36 of the current Announce-
ment of our College
E. A. Walter, Assistant Dean.
Friday Section of Freshmen Wom-
en Hygiene Lectures: This week the
lecture is to be given in 1025 Angell
Dr. Edward Greene, of Psychology
Department, will not meet his classes
the remainder of the week.
Candidates for the Master's Degree
in History: The language examina-
tion will be held from 4 to 5 p.m.,
Friday, March 31, in Room $, Haven
Hall. Students should bring their

own dictionaries. Please register for
the examination in the History De-
partment Office, 119 Haven Hall, be-
fore Saturday, March 25.
Exhibition of Modern Book Art:
Printing and. Illustration, held under
nthe sponsorship of the Ann Arbor
Art Association. Rackham Building,
third floor Exhibition Room; daily
except Sunday, 8 a.m. to 10 p.m.;
through March 25.
Exhibition of Prints from the Col-
lection of Mrs. William A. Comstock
and Water Colors by Eliot O'Hara,
presented by the Ann Arbor Art As-
sociation. Rackham Building, third
floor Exhibition Rooms, daily except
Sunday from 2 to 5p.m., March 7
through March 21.
Botanical Photographic Exhibit:
An exhibit of photographs of botani-
cal subjects will be on display in the
West Exhibit Room of the Rackham
Building, in connection with the
meetings of the Botanical Section of
the Michigan Academy, Friday,

Publication in the Bulletin is constructive notice to all members of ta .tuniversity.
Copy received at the office of the Assistant to the President until 3:30 P.M.;
11:00 A.M. on Saturday.,

eliver the Henry Russel Lecture for
938- 39, on the subject, "Sophocles,
Aristotle, and the Tired Business
Man," at 4:15 p.m., Wednesday,
March 22, in the Rackham Amphithe-
atre. The announcement of the Henry
Russel Award for 1938-39 will be made
at this time. The public is cordially
G-Man Lecture. The Graduate Stu-
dent Council presents a free lecture
by Drane Lester, First Assistant to J.
Edgar Hoover, Monday night at 7:30,
March 20, in the Rackham Building.
All who are interested are cordially
invited to attend.
Events Today
Michigan Academy. Section of
Sanitary and Medical Science. Meet-
ings, today, 9:30-12:00 a.m., East
Medical Building, Rooms 2501 and
1520; 2-4 p.m., East Medical Build-
ing, Rooms 1528 and 2501.
Section luncheon, Room 116,
Michigan Union. Address by Dr.
Raymond B. Allen, Dean, Wayne
University College of Medicine, "Tie
challenge of our times to medical
Suomi Club: Dr. Hirsch Hootkins,
of the French Department, will
be the guest speaker this eve-
ning, at Lane Hall. Also, a
group of Finnish songs will be pre-
sented by Mr.' Matty Lappinen of
Ypsilanti,. and Bill Sahi, '40E, will
entertain with several schottsches
and polkas on the harmonica. The
program is scheduled to begin
promptly at 8 p.m. to allow sufficient
time for discussion and refresh-
The Study and Theatre Groups of
the Newman Club will Miold an im-
portant meeting from 4 to 5:30 p.m.
tod y in the auditorium of St. Mary's
Students Chapel. Cas Sojka, chair-
man, urges all members to attend.
Stalker Hall. Class in "Through the
New Testament" led by Dr. Bra-
Csharesat 7:30 p.m. at the Methodist
Church. St. Patrick's Party at Stalk-
er Hall at 9 o'clock.
Reservations can still be made for
Westminster Guild's roller-skating
party by calling 2-4466. It is to be
held tonight at the Ivory Palace rink.
Graduate Students may obtain pre-
ferred seating for the G-man lecture
by calling for tickets at the Graduate
Office, Rackham Building, Friday,
March 17.
Conservative Services will be held
at the Hillel Foundation tonight at
7:15 p.m. Dr. Rabinowitz will deliver
the sermon.
Coming Events
International Center:
1. The duplicate bridge tournament
under the direction of Mr. Conway
Magee, and the beginners class for
foreign students wanting to learn to
play bridge are the two outstanding
features of the weekly Recreation
Night at the Center tonight from 8 to
12 o'clock.
2. Following the usual'Sunday eve-
ning supper, Mrs. Wilma Donahle,
of the Psy'ihological Clinic and' As-
sociate Mental Hygienist, at the
Health Service, will speak at 7 o'clock
on "Mental Hygiene Services in
American Institutions."
3. The regular Monday evening
movie will present two films.on the
West, one of "The Arid South West"
and the other an account of a ex-
pedition of a group of college stu-
dents through one of the few unex-
plored regions of our country.
German, Table for Faculty Mem-
bers: The regular luncheon meeting
I will be held Monday at 12:10 p.m. in
the Founders' Room of the'Michigan

Union. All faculty members interest-
ed in speaking German are, cordial-
ly invited. There will be a brief in-
formal talk by Professor Norman L.
Willey on, "Ein daenischer Hamlet."
Swimming, Women Students: Re-
creational swimming for all women
on campus is offered by the Michi-
gan Women's Swimming Club at 4
o'clock every Monday afternoon at
the Union Pool. This includes in-
struction in swimming, and diving,
and water games.
The name, Michigan Christian Fel-
lowship, has been adopted by mem-
bers of what was formerly known as
the Christian Student Prayer Group
because of expanding activities.
All students who wish to enjoy a
Sunday afternoon hour of fellowship
are invited to meet in the Fireplace
Room at Lane Hall at 4:15 p.m. Re-
freshments and singing will precede
a discussion period led by one of the
Anti-War Strike. This year the.
national students' strike against war
ill hpsh Pa n, Anil 9 1 lnc +n.



elli, NotO'Donnell

Daily (March 10) a news item: "Span-
t speaks today" carried the following
t: ". . . the Medical Bureau to Aid
6 a s. m mWC Z il o m ..tria iF !1 .. . .

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