y cloudy, continued cold. I V0e £fr igan ~Iait33 When Dog Bites Man .' , . ,, VOL. XLIX. No. 120 Z-323 ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN FRIDAY, MARCH 17, 1939 PRICE FIVE __________________________________________________________ U N S lova kia Requests Nazi Rule 2,450,000 Join Growing Nazi Empire As Hungary Takes Carpatho-Ukraine Der Fuehrer Follows As Troops Advance BERLIN, March 16.-( --Slovakia threw herself under protection of the swastika today, joining Bohemia and Moravia in the expanding em- pire of Adolf Hitler. It was a significant anniversary for the former army corporal. He took under his rule 14,600 square miles and 2,450,000 persons in Slo- vakia just a day after he became protector of the 19,030 square miles and 6,733,632 persons in Bohemia and Moravia. Carpatho-Ukraine, the other pro- vince of war-born Czecho-slovakia with an area of 4,206 square miles and a population of 550,000 persons, became a part of the Kingdom of Hungary,. No British Move (In London, Prime Minister Cham- berlain told the House of Commons the British government "has under coisideraion" the summoning home of Sir Nevile Henderson, Ambassador to Berlin, to report on Germany's new advance- eastward). The Fuehrer had great power be- hind him as he sat in troop-surround- ed Hradcany castle in Prague work- ing out details for administration of the protectorate of Bohemia and Moravia. Through Foreign Minister Joachim Von Ribbentrop, Hitler issued a de- cree making the Bohemians and Mo- ravians subject to Berlin but grant- ing them a degree of self-manage- ment and cultural autonomy. Slovakian Appeal An appeal had come to him from Slovakia-which had declared its independence with his backing only last Tuesday-for his protection. Thus he extended his sway deep into Eastern Europe t the frontier of Carpatho-Ukraine, which Hun- gary announced she was annexing. Then Hitler followed his troops out of Prague in the direction of Brunn 116 miles southeast of the capital of the dismembered Czecho-Slovak re- public. Though their fighting cause seem- ingly was lost, Ukrainians and some Czech troops engaged the Hungarian army of occupation in a bitter battle in the snows of Carpatho-Ukraine near Chust, its capital. Club Meets Sunday A meeting of theqnternational Re- lations Club will be held at 4 p.m. Sunday in the League, Prof. Howard B. Calderwood of the political science department, faculty sponsor, an- nounced yesterday. Arts Academy Starts Section MeetsToday State Educators Convene For Two-Day Session; Prof. Boak To Speak The 44th annual convention of the Michigan Academy of Science, Arts and Letters will swing into intense activity this morning with speeches and symposiums in 13 fieas of aca- demic work from anthropology to zoo- olgy. The convention began here yester- day with a meeting of the Council, and will continue today and tomorrow. More than 490 educators and scienti- fic investigators from the State will be in attendance. All addresses and section meetings are open to the pub- lic. Whipple To Speak Featured on today's program will be addresses by . Dr. George H. Whipple, dean of the University of Rochester School of Medicine and Dentistry, and by Prof. A.E.R. Boak of the history department, president of the Academy. Dr. Whipple, guest lecturer, will speak on "Anemia and the Building of Hemoglobin in the Body" at 4:15 p.m. in the Rackham Auditorium. Professor Boak will give his presidential address on "The Role of Taxation in the Decline of the Roman Empire," at the general re- ception at 8 p.m. in the Rackham Amphitheatre. Sessions will begin at 8:30 a.m. and continue until 4:15 p.m. Meeting at' 8:30 a.m. are the geology and miner- alogg section in Room 3056, Natural Science Building; botany, West Lec- ture Room, Rackham Building; for- estry, Room 2054, Natural Science Building; geography, Room 25, Angell Hall; language and literature, Room 231, Angell Hall; psychology, Rack- ham Amphitheatre and zoology, Room 2116, Natural Science Building. Anthropologists Meet At 9:30 a.m. the anthropology sec- tion will meet in Room 3024, Uni- versity Museums; economics and sociology, Room 101, Economics Building; sanitary and medical science, group A, Room 2051, East Medical Building; group B, Room 1520, East Medical Building. The section of landscape architecture will begin at 10 a.m. in Room 305 of the Union. A wide variety of topics have been listed for discussion during the day's meetings. The problems of changing school populations, community plan- ning and programs to combat delin- quency will be debated at the meeting of the sociology section at 2:15 p.m. in the East Lecture Room of the Rackham Building. Speakers will be J. F. Thaden of Michigan State Col- lege, Elroy S. Guckert of the Flint Institute of Research and Training and Stuart Lottier -of the Wayne County Recorder's Court Psycholog- ical Clinic. Prof. Shorey Peterson of the eco- nomics department will speak on "The' Present Monopoly Issue" at the joint meeting of the sociology and economics sections at 9:30 a.m. in Room 101 of the Economics Building. A discussion of United States foreign trade policy will follow led by Ber- (Continued on Page 3) Lieutenant- Governor, Is Successc Griffin Scores Governments' Conserva tisr Dean Of Business School Calls Group Protection A Threat To Progress Growing conservatism in the coun- tries of western civilization is the greatest threat to continued ec- onomic progress, Dean Clare B. Grif- fin of the School of Business Ad- ministration declared yesterday at the Honors Convocation of Michigan State College in East Lansing. iiven the satisfactory functioning of the economic system at its pres- ent level is threatened by this ten- dency for groups to seek protection from the rigors of competition and change, Dean Griffin said. "Since the success of any government de- pends on its ability to organize so- ciety so as to wrest from nature the goods by which human beings live, the existence of democratic gov- ernment is endangered," he ob- served. This danger is particularly acute in a democracy, in the opinion of Dean Griffin, since the government is especially susceptible to the de- mands of special groups in the so- ciety. As evidence of protective measures, Dean Griffin listed the development of the protective tariff, other ob- stacles to international and inter- state trade and recent legislation sought by farmers, workers and em- ployers. To support his contention, Dean Griffin quoted Macauley's prediction that "the American government could not long endure" because of forces which tend to check the rate of progress. Macauley, according to Dean Griffin, forecast that "in time it was inevitable that the majority of the $eople, fearing the competition of the superior minority, would place such restrictions upon this minority that progress would come to an end." A few tickets for the Birthday Broadcast are still available at the Union desk and the alumnae office in the League. Purchasers are urged to come early to the' broadcast tomorrow, as no one will be admitted after 2:50 p.m. Lieutenant-Governor Dickinson Succeeds To Gubernatorial Chair Death Comes Unexpectedly After 9 P.Mi Oxygen Tent Used To Aid Breathin No Hint Given Of Critical Conditio 80 Year Old Conservative Becomes New Governor While Ill Of Influenza .LANSING, March 16.-(A)-Luren D. Dickinson, 80 years old. seven times Lieutenant Governor of Michigan, became Governor tonight upon the death of Frank D. Fitzgerald. A physically frail figure, but - a dynamo of energy, Dickinson fell heir to a bewildering mass of administra- tive problems, some of thene barely launched by his predecessor. His phyisician said he "withstood the shock well" when he was informed of Fitzgerald's deaht, but that he thought it would' be wise to wait un- til tomorrow to administer the oath. Dickinson is recovering from an attack of influenza, the ailment that was a contributing factor to Fitz- geraid's death, but he has not been confined to his bed since Tuesday. Dickinson is an avowed conserva- tive, an accomplished political strat- egist, known as a "strong man" in the control of legislative affairs. He is one of Michigan's outstanding prohibitionists. He affects an almost ministerial garb. Once a schoolmaster, Dickinson turned to politics inhis early man- hood. After experimenting in local politics, he was elected to the State House of Representatives in 1897, and returned in 1905 and 1907. Two years later he was elected to the Sen- ate, then, in 1914, as Lieutenant Gov- ernor. Before the new Governor lie such problems as the fate of a labor rela- tions bill drafted at the behest of Fitzgerald and adopted in the House of Representatives as Fitzgerald lay dying; a budget millions of dollars out of balance, determination as to whether civil service should be re- tained as an adjunct to state govern- ment, all of the political problems of the day. He and Fitzgerald had maintained a surface friendliness, but they were far fgomseing eye to eye. At one time in the 1938 campaign Dickinson pre- pared a statementicharging Fitzger- ad planned to "trade" him out of the picture, and to ally himself with Leo J. Nowicki, Dickinson's democratic predecessor in the Lieutenant Gov- ernor chair. Dickinson conferred with friends of -Fitzgerald, however, and Chief Executive Sick With Flu, Succumb LANSING, March 16.-(IP)-Gov. Frank D. Fitzgerald, who climaxe career of more than a quarter of a century of service to, the State of Mi gan by regaining the Governorship from the man who wrested it from ] died tonight from a heart attack at his residence in Grand Ledge. The Republican Governor, 54 years old, had been confined to bed s Monday with influenza. His condition was complicated by the effects pneumonia five years ago, said Dr. E. M. McCoy, his physician. Fitzgerald, serving his second term-his two terms were separated the administration of Frank Murphy, now United. States Attorney Gen -was the first Michigan Govenor to die in office. Hence Luren D. Dickinson, who will be 80 years old next month an serving his seventh term as Lieutenant Governor, will succeed to Governorship. Dickinson is confined to his Charlotte home with influenza, but h expected to receive the oath as chief executive at his residence tomorrow. condition was not regarded as seri-1> ous. Like Fitzgerald, Dickinson is a Re- H ouse Adopts publican and a farmer. The Lieuten- ant-Governor is an ardent prohibi- - Bil Dickinson will appoint a new Lieu- tenant-Governor to preside over the F r lh 10.- 4 'r.i ..LT..For .-M41-Tichi -I Governor Fitzgerald Dies Suddenb OfHeart Attack; Luren Dickinson FRANK D. FITZGERALD . * * I LUREN DICKINSON recalled the statement before it was published by newspapers to which it had been distributed. Dickinson is a sharp-tongued dis- ciplinarian. Short of stature; slightly built and bespectacled, he seldom raises his voice, but he takes pride in his ability to control others. He is Vice President in the Nation- al Anti-Saloon League, and headed the Anti-Saloon League of Michigan for years. Senate. Both Houses of the Legisla- ture likely will recess tomorrow until next week out of respect to the late Governor. FAitzgerald's death came shortly after 9 p.m. An oxygen tent had been used in an effort to enable him to breath, His last statement was that "I can't breathe. Let me up." The Governor's condition was described as unchanged only a few hours beforea he died. His p a s s i n g was unexpected. Shocked Republican and Democratic leaders joined in tribute to him. Dr. McCoy and consulting physicians had; ordered Fitzgerald to take . "com- plete rest," but there had been no hint that his condition was critical. Fitzgerald's death came just 75 days after the greatest triumph of his long career in Michigan Government, his return to the Gubernatorial chair' whence he had been ousted two years before by the Democratic. leader, Frank Murphy. The, demands of State Government and of his party members, out of power for those two years, were known to have taxed the Governor's strength materially from the day he took office. He worked long hours at his desk in the State Capitol, investi- gating State problems and meeting hordes of visitors. He often com- plained they left him no time to per- form his executive duties. Fitzgerald's Career Was Characterized BySteady Rise To Political Prommence ai G.O.P. Kills Democratic Opposition To Measure After A Bitter Session LANSING, March 16. -(P)- The House of Representatives adopted the Republican administration's far- reaching Industrial Relations Bill to- night in a session marked by a bitter debate. The G.O.P. majority smothered Democratic opposition 58 to 37, de- spite the defection of 11 of its num- ber, and ordered that the measure become effective as soon as its en- actment has been completed. The bill now goes to the Senate. The measure would create a labor relations board armed with author- ity to crush by its own word strikes it believed "unjustified," and witfi similar power to compel an employ- er to cease unfair practices against labor unions. It was amended to ex- empt industries in interstate com- merce, which are covered in the Fed- eral Wagner Act. The Democrats, led by Floor Lead- er Jbseph C. Murphy of Detroit, sought to strike out the entire bill with a single amendment and sub- stitute a copy of the New York "Little Wagner Act." The move was swamped in a vote that adhered strictly to party lines, 26 ayes to 66 nays. Under the bill strikes could be called only by majority vote, and would be effective only after 15 days' notice to the labor relations board, the "cooling off" period to which labor unions objected. It would grant minor- ity unions in a plant representation in any collective' bargaining commit- tee, but would not permit a minority union to call a strike of its members unless a majority of all the affected workers concurred in the vote. It carries stringent provisions regu- lating picketing and prohibiting boy- 'cotts, outlaws the use of pickets of placards derogatory to employers and would do away with the practice of some labor unions of advertising in the 1ewspapers lists of employeri whom they classify as "unfair to or- ganized labor." Sponsors of the measure affirmed that while the measure forbids the labor relations board to recognize a company union, nothing in the bil would prohibit the formation 0 company unions. Co-Operative lovement Called Democratic Mean By Florence By CARL PETERSEN As a democratic movement strik-I ing a balance between collectivism and individual freedom, the coopera- tive movement in Great Britain to-1 day is facing, along with political; democracy, the severest test, of its century-long history, Prof. P. Sar- gant Florence of the University of, Birmingham, England, declared in a' University lecture yesterday. Although the cooperative move- ment demonstrates the ?ideal rela- tionship between labor, the congum- er, and the supplier of capital, sev- eral basic faults in its operation will have to be remedied before it can hope to be as successful in the fu- ture as it has been in the past, he declared. It can safely be predicted, Profes- sor Florence emphasized, that if these faults are remedied, the cooperative system in England can, in the next half century, gain control of more than 50 per cent of the retail trade of the country and may even dis- place capitalist retail trade com- pletely. It controls today about 10 per cent of the retail trade and has an annual trade mounting to $1,- 250,000,000. talistic system, he pointed out, the main one of which is found in the payment of dividends on capital in- vested. Each member of the coopera- tive invests a certain amount in his society. Whatever surplus is made is paid back to the members of the society in proportion to the amount of purchases they have made. Those who invest in the society, get back a set rate of interest of three and one- half per cent. Thus the cooperative does not sell for the benefit of a capitalist class but for the benefit of the consumers who are its members. Further, the management of the cooperative is democratically elected. Each member of the society, despite the amount he has invested in it, has only one vote in choosing its officers. All meetings of cooperative societies are, Professor Florence said, charac- terized by lively discussion and by a sensitiveness on the part of the man- agers to the will of the members. A criticism has often been levied against the cooperative system that it makes no provision for the worker and that in regard to treatment of labor it is no more satisfactory than the capitalistic system. The investi- gation which Professor Florence car- (By Associated Press) Frank D. Fitzgerald was the first Michigan Governor to be returned to office after once being defeated 'for reelection. He first was elected Governor in 1934, climaxing a 22-year climb from an humble clerkship in the State government to the highest position in the state. On the way up, he had served as manager of the State High- way Department and, for two terms, as Secretary of State. He probably knew more about the practical prob- lems of state government than any iflier person in Michigan. Governor Fitzgerald was defeated for reelection by Frank Murphy in the second Roosevelt landslide of 1936. He had the consolation of leading the national ticket by 250,000 votes. Returned To Office He was returned to office in 1938 after a spectacular campaign which drew national attention because la- bor strikes constituted the paramount issue and because of the unequivocal endorsement given to Governor Mur- phy by President Roosevelt. Governor Fitzgerald interpreted his election as "a mandate from the people for orderly and peaceful gov- ernment." Michigan had been beset by strikes from the outset of the Murphy Ad- ment of a permanent labor relations board and of temporary mediation boards to settle stubborn strikes. The bill, passed Thursday by the House, and now awaiting Senate action, was unpopular with labor organizations. Governor Fitzgerald won acclaim during his first administration by balancing the State budget. That achievement, rare during the depres- sion, caused him to be mentioned for the Republican Presidential nomina- tion in 1936, although his name was not presented at the National Con- vention. Second Administration Stormy His second acministration got away to a stormy start and annoy- ance over criticis m which he con- sidered unjustified probably con- tributed to an illness which sent him to bed two months and a half after. his inauguration, suffering from in- fluenza and a heart condition. Nearly a quarter of a century in the State's service gave him an intimate knowledge of State government un- surpassed in Michigan. It also gave him full opportunity to exercise his remarkable faculty for making and retaining friends. That faculty served him well dur- ing the two years that followed his defeat for reelection as Governor, as he went quietly about the job of re- Senate and the Department of State at $600 a year,\ came in 1913. In 1915 and 1916, he was a proofreader in the House of Representatives. In 1917 and 1918, he was bill clerk in the House of Representatives and Execu- tive Secretary of the war-time Fed- eral Food Administration for Michi- gan. In 1919 and 1920, he was Dep- uty Secretary of State. Then came a brief interlude in private life as manager of an automo- bile agency in Memphis, Tenn. Fitzgerald returned to Michigan in 1923 as manager of the State High- way Department, under appointment by Gov. Alex J. Groesbeck. He held that position until he became Secre- tary of State in 1931. He was reelected in 1933, the only Republican survivor in Lansing of the Democratic landslide. That made him, inevitably, the standard bearer of his party in 1934. Two years later, in a Presidential year, he lost to Murphy by fewer than 50,000 votes, 892,774' to 843,855. Turns Tables On Murphy In 1938, Fitzgerald turned the tables on Governor Murphy and de- feated him by 93,000 votes, 847,245 to 753,752. The election also gave Re- publicans control of the legislature and all but one of the major State offices, but it was not to usher in an Hillel Group's' '11osital Hill' Opens Todaty Hillel Players' major production for the year, "Hospital Hill," by Harold Gast, '39, and H. S. H. Dann, opens at 8:15 p.m. today in the Lydia Men- delssohn Theatre. It will be given at the same time tomorrow. An appraisal of the play was given by Prof. Kenneth T. Rowe of the English department in an interview yesterday. "The most significant, thing I know to say about "Hospital' Hill," he said, "is the way I reacted' on the first reading. I found the play exciting; it gripped me from beginning to end so that I couldn't lay it down." "My first reading of a student's play," .he continued, "is intention- ally uncritical. I submit myself to the play and let it do what it can to me, in order to get the dramatic basis from which to work if revision is needed, and to judge the probable relation of the play to the audience. "Hospital Hill" taken that way was absorbing and dramatically vigorous in the first script written by Mr. Gast } 1 .: S S' Legislature May Adjou For Governor's Fune LANSING, March 16.---(A)-S er of the House of Represente Howard Nugent, of Bad Axe,