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March 15, 1939 - Image 6

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1939-03-15

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Czechs Hand

Soprano Helen Jepson Differs
From Traditional Prima Donnal

Over Country
oi Germarny
London And Paris Silent
As Hitler roopsEnter;
Protectorate Is Sought
(Continued from Page 1)
ward the Tatra Mountains in the di-
rection of Carpatho-Ukraine, were
reported to have reached Zilina at
10:30 p.m. and to be continuing on
eastward. Zilina is 50 miles south-
east of Moravska-Ostrava.
Presence of three armies in the
crumbling Republic, with a fourth not
far away, created a tinder box of the
entire region.
Germans were advancing eastward
in Slovalia while 20,000 Czechs were
retiring westward in the same area
from Carpatho-Ukraine.
Hungary during the day had given
tie Prague government an ultimatum
the Czechs evacuate Carpatho-
Ukraine, and Hungarian troops
marched into the province 'long be-
fore expiration of the ultimatum-3
p.m. (9 a.m., EST) tomorrow.
The fourth army was the Polish,
remaining on its own side of the
border to the north.
Czecho-Slovakia's last day as a
federal republic began with Slovakia
declaring herself-with Germany's
bacing-independent of Prague.
Then Hungary-acting also with
German's backing-sent two ulti-
matums to Prague. One had a 12-
hour deadline expiring at 3 a.m. to-
morrow (9 p.m. Tuesday EST) and
demanded various Hungarian rights
be granted in Carpatho-Ukraine. The
second was a 24-hour order, expiring
at 3 p.m. (9 a.m. EST) tomorrow,
demanding withdrawal of Czech
troops from Carpatho-Ukraine.
Hungary rejected a Czech reply to
the first ultimatum, received four
hours before the deadline. As for the
second, the Hungarian troops raced
northward through Carpatho-Ukraine
just a few hours after it was deliv-
An estimated 10,000 Czech sol-
diers and gendarmerie were report-
ed withdrawing as the Hungarians
House To Discuss
Health Insurance
LANSING, March 14. --P)-A
health insurance bill, limited to the
medical profession only, was released
from a House committee today for
debate on the floor of the House of
Representatives tomorrow.
Attempts to amend the measure to
permit osteopaths, dentists and
nurses to incorporate similar non-
profit associations to provide health
services were rejected in the com-
Rep. Warren G. Hooper, Republi-
can, Albion, sponsor of the bill and
2hairman of the committee, indicat-
ed he would renew his attempts to
obtain the amendments on the floor.
The committee released a compan-
ion bill which would permit osteopath-
ic hospitals and other hospitals to
incorporate non-profit group hospit-
alization cooperatives for the benefit
of persons of limited means.
Insurance Man
To Lecture Today
Joseph Reault, controller of the
Maccabees and formerly with the
State Insurance Department, will give
the fifth in a series of lectures on
insurance at 8 p.m. today in the West

Lecture Room of the Rackham Build-
Mr. Reault's topic will be "Super-
vision of Insurance Companies by
Insurance Departments."
The Macabees is a fraternal associ-
ation existing primarily for granting
insurance benefits to its members.
Prof. James W. Glover, professor
emeritus of the mathematics depart-
ment, was a former speaker in the

Singer Car, Cool, Enjoys
Pcopnlar~JV lisle, 8wims,
Is Not Temperamental
Helen Jepson, who makes her first
Ann Arbor appearance in this year'sj
May Festival, represents a modern
prima donna in more respects thanko
trim figure and American parentage
and education.
She isn't temperamental and says
she can't scare up a good outburst
even for showmanship purposes.
She swims in the ocean with utter
disregard for possible dire conse-
quences to her precious vocal chords.
She likes popular music and likes
to sing it; she can cook and, on occa-
sion, does.
Tea parties, cocktail hours and
night clubs see very little of Miss
Jepson, who has had her full meas-
ure of ups and downs. She is ever
striving for perfection in her art and
allows nothing to interfere with her
work at any time. As she puts it:
"I shall never let myself think that
I am at the top. Or at least, I shall
always try to feel that the ladder
really is a greased pole with danger
of one's slipping down much faster
than one has climbed up. An operatic
career is a serious thing-a 24 hour
In her brief career, Mist Jepson has
crowded an amazing series of success-
es in opera, concert, radio and pic-
tures. Since her Metropolitan debut
opposite Tibbett a few years ago,
she has fast become an outstanding
favorite of the Golden Horseshoe.
Probably the greatest compliment
ever paid Miss Jepson came when
Student Senate
Condemns Fee


Topic Of Talk
Fho V itai intis
The most vitafl distmnctai between


, onn i from Page 4)
Detroit City Airport, will discuss the
operation of the trainer. All mem-
bers and others interested in the

Michigan League bajiroom.
ments will be served.

Ref rish- I

a cooperative society and other social club are urged to attend this meet-
organizations is that the cooperative ing.
presupposes voluntary instead of
compulsory organization at every Coming Events
phase of its structure. A. K. Suevens MIr. Louis Untermeyer. Schedule
of the English department, said last for week of March 13-20.


Requests Lifting

(Continued from Page 1)
ber of kilowatts by students would
come to only $1.60 for both semes-
ters, according to the report present-
ed last week, and therefore, it was
claimed, the rate charged was exorbi-
tant. Two hours a day is the average
time a student radio is in use, the re-
port showed, following a survey of 250
students chosen at random on the
campus. Doubling this figure for a
60-watt radio, on the basis of 38 full
weeks at the rates charged by the
Detroit Edison Co. produced the $1.60
More than 90 per cent of students
listen to radios, '"the report said, cit-
ing a recent survey by the Bureau of
Student Opinion.
A proposal that each new mem-
ber agree to resign after excessive
absences, introduced by Sen. Charles
Buck, '40, was tabled until the next
Upon recommendation of William
Grier, '39, the Senate voted endorse-
ment of the talk to be given Friday
by Prof. Albert Martin, director of
refugee relief for the Society of
Friends, on the Jewish problem.
Attends Ruthven Tea
Louis Untermeyer, American poet
?nd anthologist who will spend three
weeks in residence here, will attend
the Ruthven Tea today to meet in-
formally with students and faculty

she was referred to as the "new
Thais," making her successor to such
illustrious artists as Mary Garden,
Geraldine Farrar, and Maria Jerit-
za, who sustained the high tradition
of this role through various periods.
Miss Jepson will appear on the sixth
concert, Saturday evening, May 13,
presenting, with Giovanni Martinelli,
Elizabeth Wysor, Jan Peerce, Richard
Bonelli, Norman Cordon, The Phila-
delphia Symphony under Earl V.
Moore, Verdi's "Otello."
Slovak Break
Due To Hinka
Prof. Stanton Holds NazisI
Not Only Factor
(Continued from Page 1)
these two countries were reported to
have drawn up a secret agreement
to partition the Carpatho-Ukrainian
section of Slovakia in order to form a
corridor blocking Hitler's push to the
The success of the Slovak revolt,
Professor Stanton observes, has stim-
ulated the Nazis to embark on a more
vigorous propaganda campaign to
arouse a Ukrainian revolt. Here
again the national ambitions of a
people long suppressed and divided
are playing into Hitler's hands.
Ukrainian nationalists began their
separatist movement in the 1860's,
Professor Stanton said, but they have
achieved their aims during only a few
months in 1918. Then Ukrainian aut-
onomy was fostered by Germany, but
the new republic was crushed almost
immediately and its territories divid-
ed among Russia, Rumania, Poland
and Czechoslovakia.
These master count:ies have, by
their persecutions, created more an-
tagonism among the Ukrainians than
have Nazi propagandists, Professor
Stanton claims. Hitler's aim is to focus
the attention of the Ukrainians on
their own subjection until they follow
the lead of Slovakia.
S1 K
1N I
Q Spy
b:- 2 r54

night in the eighth lecthw of the
course on "Contemporary Problems
and the Cooperative Movement"
sponsored by the Extension Service.
Coops Evoke High Motives
Because it is on a voluntary basis,
Mr. Stevens believes that the coop-
erative evokes a higher level of re-
sponse and participation of its mem-
bers. It expects people to act on
"right" motives, whereas government,
is drawn up to control the worst mo-
Within the cooperative movement,
Mr. Stevens said, are degrees of dif-
ference in cooperation, yet if the
members believe in the principles they
will seek complete cooperation on all;
levels of social structure. The re-
sult, Mr. Stevens perdicts, would be,
a vastly improved social order.
Foresees Beneficial Effect l
A member of a cooperative society'
today finds himself living in two
worlds, Mr. Stevens believes. One is
the world of cooperation; the other is
the world of tradition that has de-
veloped haphazardly from the ef-
fects of competition and compulsion.
As the cooperative movement gains
ascendancy, Mr. Stevens foresees that
the effect on the traditional world
will be beneficial because the in-;
dividuals participating in it are cer-
tain to carry over a better sense of (

ttAn ARROW White
IS Always Right
_ _ _ _OWL

Thursday, March 16. Coffee hour
at Michigan Union (North Lounge). 4
Lecture to engineering students. 8
p.m. Rackham Lecture Hall. Subject:
"Poetry as a Function-And How It
The Observatory Journal Club will
meet at 4:15 Thursday afternoon,
March 16, in the Observatory lecture
room. Mr. Harry Bendler will re-
view "The Stellar Temperature Scale"
by G. P. Kuiper. Tea will be served
at 4:00.
German Journal Club: There will be
a meeting Thursday at 4:10 p.m. in
Room 304 Michigan Union.
Sigma Gamma Epsilon: Prof. Ralph
L. Belknap will give a lecture entitled
"Greenland" on Thursday, March 16,
at 7:30 p.m. in Room 2054 N.S.
Association Book Group: McNair's
"The Real Conflict Between China
and Japan" will be reviewed by Cur-
tis Manchester, Thursday, 4 p.m.,
Lane Hall Library.
Upper Peninsula Men and Women:
Students from the Upper Peninsula
of Michigan are reminded of the mix-
er sponsored by the Hiawatha Club,
Thursday, March 16, 7:30 p.m. in the

Drane Lester, Inspector, First As-
sistant to J. Edgar Hoover will give a
free lecture Monday night, March 20,
at 7:30 in the Rackham Building
under the auspices of the Graduate
Student Council..
G-Man Lecture: Graduate students
may secure preferred seating for the
talk of Drane Lester by calling at the
Graduate Office, Wednesday through
Friday, March 15 to 17.
The Box Office at the Lydia Men-
delssohn Theatre will be open from
10 a.m. to 9 p.m., at which time re-
served seat tickets can be secured for
the play, "Hospital Hill," which will
be presented by the Hillel Players,
Friday and Saturday evening, March
117 and 18.
Hillel Foundation: Passover begins
this year on the evening of April 3.
The Hillel Foundation will hold Sed-
ers only if there is sufficient demand
for them. Please call the Foundation
at once, if you wish the Foundation
to sponsor Seders. The Foundation
can make arrangements for all the
Passover meals for a limited number
of students.
Westminster Guild: Reservations
for the roller skating party, Friday,
March 17, should be made today or
tomorrow by calling 2-4466.
Women interested in Speech work:
Zeta Phi Eta, National Professional
Speech Arts Society, will interview
second semester try-outs this Thurs-
day in the Portia room on the fourth
floor of Angell Hall at the regular

meeting. Applicants snould present
a speech, interpretive reading, or dra-
matic scene, not to exceed three min-
utes, for try-out, any time between
7:15 and 8:30.
Ping Pong Tournament: A 11
matches in the women's ping pong
tournament should be completed by
Friday, March 17. The managers
should have the names of the four
highest contestants handed in by
March 20.
The Michigan Dames Child Study
Group will meet Thursday evening at
8:00 o'clock in the Music Room of
the Rackham Building. Mrs. Donald
Stillman will speak on "Presenting
Music to Young Children." All wives
of students and internes are invited.
Attention Senior Engineers: There
will be an important meeting of the
Senior Engineering Class in Room
348, Thursday afternoon, March 16
at 4 p.m. In order to avoid conflicts
and make sure that everyone gets a
chance to attend, a duplicate meet-
ing will be held Thursday night at
7:15 p.m. in the same room. It is
important that all seniors try to at-
tend the meetings because the policy
of the class in regard to a composite
class picture, the swingout, and class
dues will be discussed. Come and
get acquainted with your classmates
and make sure that the class is ad-
ministrated the way you want it to be.
Fountain Pens
302 S. State St.

In u A w ours This lovely girl will hk


r, ,

in person with his movies

March 22

Hill Auditorium

Tickets at Union, Wahr's, Tel. 7020



5.1.a gine

MOSCOW NEWS. Illustrated,
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tive news on all aspects of Soviet
I yr.. |2 6;|os. $I, siagl, copy
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Monthly review of the world's
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NEW! FREEcatalog of soviet
music now avaiable. Includes
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solo instruments and ensemble
use. Write for your copy NOW.


' ' '

. . . the Hillel Players, under the direction of
Harold Gast '39, are presenting HOSPITAL HILL
Friday and Saturday nights, March 17 and 18.
Tickets will be on sale at the box office of the
League from Wednesday through Saturday. The
box office is open from 10:00 A.M. to 9:00 P.M.




Balcony 3 5 c


11 11 1


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