Weather asional snow today and rising temperature. L .L -AL f A6P lit r4t XLI X.No. 96 Z-323 ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, THURSDAY, FEB. 16, 1939 Highway Meet Hears Demand For Increased RoadBudgets Straits Tie-Up Demands Immediate Attention, Declares G. D. Kennedy M. D Van Wagoner To SpeakTonight A cry for increased revenues to meet the ever-growing needs of Mich- igan's 105,000 miles of roads and streets was re-echoed throughout the opening session of the 1939 Michigan Highway Conference yesterday at the union. The three-day conference will con- tinue today with a discussion of "Black-Top" road surfaces by E. L. Roettiger, Wisconsin Highway En- gineer. The meeting will be climaxed tonight with the annual banquet at which Highway Commissioner Mur- ray D. Van Wagoner will be the prin- cipal speaker. "The upwad trend of travel on roadways and the downward trend of public expenditures to support them," holds particular interest for state and county highway administrators," G. Donald Kennedy, Deputy State High- way Commissioner, declared. Emergency At Straits The emergency at the Straits of Mackinac where ferry service has been discontinued because of ice tie- ups, virtually isolating the Upper and Lower Peninsulas for more than a week, is a situation that demands im- mediate attention, Kennedy claimed. and either "a bridge or improved ferry service, which is very costly, is net- essary." Despite the fact that $14,500,000 are available to finance construction programs, he said, "the rate of im- provement does not meet the state system's requirements if it is to ade- quately serve the state's vitally im- portant highway transportation." However, he admitted, the State's present fiscal situation and responsi- bilities do not warrant additions to the sources of highway funds. He hailed the "good roads" amend- metpassed by Michigan voters last fall as a "bill of rights" for the High- way Department and declared that it could not accept this mandate from the people without a realization of the State's financial obligation to other agencies of the state. tx Asks Wiser Spending Immediate increases and wiser spending of federal moneys for high- ways in Michigan was strongly urged in a paper prepared by R. H. Harri- son, senior highway engineer, of the U. S. Bureau' of Public Roads, and presented by L. P. Scott of his office. Present-day needs on our highways are the greatest in the history of the nation, Mr. Harrison warned his au- dience, and "to keep pace with pro- gress, we must appropriate large sums of money and spend the money more wisely" The new highway policy, "must keep constantly in mind the place of. the highway in the general transpor- tation system," the paper empha- sized, "and should preserve a balance 1etween new construction and needs,. and should provide bases for the as- sessment of the necessary revenue, for the allocation of funds to new con- struction and highway services and for the order of precedences of proj- ects and services." Revenue A Problem The problem of county road reve- nues, mentioned by Mr. Kennedy and Mr. Harrison, was considered at length by Leon Belknap, of the Oak-. land County Road Commission. He explained how the transfer of con- trol of 77,200 miles of local highways under the McNitt Act of 1931 "has increased the burden of highway re- quirements without a corresponding increase in revenue sufficient for the purpose." New sources of revenue must be found, he claimed, to keep these roads in "reasonable repair," and he sug- gested that an allotment of two to; four million dollars from the $9,000,- 000 collected in sales taxes on motor vehicles, gasoline and repair parts would be "justifiable" for this pur- pose. Emphasis was laid on the develop- ment and problems of the secon- dary Federal aid program for county roads in Michigan at the afternoon session. Federal aid programs for the construction and improvement of State roads have been a regular poli- Capt. Les Hillberg's Five Goals Pace Wolverine Puck Victory Hockey Team Again Wins After Losing Streak; M Woodstock Team Small :;r: By NEWELL McCABE Scoring five of his team's six goals, Capt. Les Hillberg led the Wolverine hockey sextet to a 6 to 2 victory over the small Woodstock Trojan team last night at the Coliseum. This im- pressive triumph placed Michigan back in the win column, the ranks of which were last entered when the Wolverines defeated Illinois a month ago. Although walking away with the game in a decisive manner, the Wol- verines could easily have doubled their final score if they had capital- ized on all the golden opportunities that were placed before them. Hillberg came through with his first score in the initial period, five minutes after the game had gotten under way. At the time this goal came Woodstock was playing with only four men. Rockett was sent to the penalty box for tripping and a min- ute later Loft was sent from the ice on a similar charge. As the second period passed the halfway mark Hillberg, on a pass from Al Chadwick, slipped the puck into the Woodstock net. A few min- utes after this shot Les picked the puck up in center ice, made a drive for the visiting goal and did not stop until he had completed the so-called hat trick, making his third goal in one game. Although playing defensive hockey the third period the Wolverines came through in the last minutes of play to put the game definitely in their hip pocket. Both of these tallies were made by Hillberg, the first on a solo dash when Woodstock had five men over the Michigan blue line, and the final score came with an assist from Chadwick a few seconds 'before the game ended. One of the Trojans' two goals was made in the closing seconds of the first period when Kennedy lifted the puck over the heads of the Wolverine defense men, the puck then bound- ing past "Spike" James..Woodstock's final goal came towards the last of second period when the Wolverines Were playing a man short. Stodden was in the penalty box when, on a pass from Neave, Dolson burned the puck past James. In the second period a penalty shot -1(Continued on Page 3) Need Of Free Press I Cited By Lee White Detroit Journalist Initiates New Series Of Lectures; Asks . Truth In Reports A free press is democracy's great- est mainstay, Lee A White of the Detroit News declared yesterday in inauguruating the journalism de- partment's lecture series on news- paper subjects. Citizens of a democracy by virtue of the fact that they adhere to democ- racy are entitled to as mach informa- tion and as truthful information on all subjects as the newspapers are able to give them, he said. The press should not knowingly misrepresent facts yet it should not avail itself of the freedom which it possesses unless it is fully prepared to present facts which the best avail- able sources offer, White declared. "We need to dig to the roots of the matter; we need to observe and to acknowledge that the freedoms of which we so .glibly and possessively speak, are not our freedoms, but the freedoms of all the people; their pro- tection from the perils of ignorance; from the enslavement that results from unawareness of the deeds and the utterances and the thoughts of men, quite without regard to wheth- er those men be sages or fools." The journalism department will present other newspapermen during the coming semester. The next lec- ture will be on March 1 by R. Ray Baker of the Ann Arbor News. He will speak on "Specialized Report- ing." Russell Opens Lecture Series Here Saturday Noted British Philosopher To Present Two Talks At Rackham Auditorium Dr. Bertrand Russeli, noted British philosopher and author, will deliver a University lecture on "Space in Mod- ern Philosophy and Physics," at 11 a.m. Saturday in the Graduate School Auditorium under the auspices of the philosophy department. He will present a second lecture at. 8:15 p.m. in the Graduate School Auditorium on "The Existence and Nature of God." The second lecture will be the first ,of a series of three to be delivered by Lord Russell, The Rt. Rev. Msgr. Fulton J. Sheen of the Catholic University of America and Prof. l einhold Niebuhr of Union Theological Seminary on the general subject "The Existence and Nature of God." No admission will be charged for any of the lectures. Lord Russell began his philosophic career in 1896 when he published a study of German Social Democracy. His "Philosophy of Leibnitz" appeared in 1900. The greater part of the next 10 years was devoted to mathematics, and his "Principa Mathematicia" was completed in 1910. The general topic of "The Exis- tence and Nature of God" will high- light the program of the Student Re- ligious Program until Spring Vaca- tion, Kenneth Morgan, director, an- nounced yesterday. In addition to the forms which will take place after each lecture to discuss the views held by the speakers, a weekly Saturday lun- cheon meeting will be held to consider the lectures in more detail. New Series On Marriage Will Be Given Marital Relations Course To Duplicate Lectures Offered First Semeste Four Authorities Will Come Here A second semester series of lec- tures on the subject 6f marriage rela- tions will be offered to graduate stu- dents of the University and to under- graduate seniors who did not partici- pate in a similar series last semester, it was announced today. The lectures will duplicate a series which was presented during the first semester and was attended by 600 senior men and women, and members of the medical school. The new series will be open to stu- dents holding a Bachelor of Arts de- gree, or its equivalent, to members of the Michigan Dames, to under- graduate seniors who did not attend first semester, and to professional students in public health. Four outstanding authorities on the subject of marriage relations will conduct the lectures. They are Prof. Mary Shattuck Fisher, of Vassar College, Dr. Raymond Squier, prac- ticing gynecologist and obstetrician, of New York City; Dr. Ira S. Wile, practicing psychiatrist, of New York City; and Dr. Robert G. Foster, lec- turer and consulting psychologist of the Merrill-Palmer school, Detroit. The first lecture will be given on Thursday night, Feb. 23. Five lectures will be delivered during the series, which will be concluded on March 14. The lectures will be held at 7:30 p.m. in the Rackham auditorium. The fee for the series is $1.00. rickets are not transferable and the sale will be limited to about 1,000 persons. Sale of tickets will be held from 2 to 5 p.m. Monday with the locations to be announced Sunday. If tickets are still available, the sale will continue on Tuesday Text books for the course will be reserved in the League and Lane Hall Libraries. Disciples Guild Also Offers Series The first in a series of four talk covering the topics of courtship, mar- riage and home-building will be given Sunday at the Disciples Guild meet- ing. Hoyt Servis, '39, program chair- man, will lead the discussion on "Choosing a Life-Companion." Blanks which include items of attitudes to- ward physical appearance, sense of values, congeniality, background, and good health and personal habits will be circulated before the meeting. Re- sults will be tabulated and discussed in order of their importance. "Courtship," "Problems of the En- gagement Period," and "Learning to Live Together" will be discussed at the next three meetings. Loyalists Ask For Sea Battle Five U.S. Consuls Denied RecognitionBy Rebels PERPIGNAN, France, Feb. 15-(P) -Spanish Government leaders chal- lenged the Insurgents today to shift from land to sea the Civil War battle for Southeastern Spain in which Generalissimo Francisco Franco has intensified his siege of Madrid. Under the leadership of Navy Min- ister Michel Buyza and General Tor- ibio Martinez Cabrera, former mili- tary governor of Madrid, the besieged Government forces announced they were ready and would fight the In- surgents in the Mediterranean off the one-fourth of Spain remaining in the Goverment's possessioi. BURGOS, Spain, Feb. 15-()-The Spanish Insurgent Government is withholding official recognition of five United States consuluar offices in Insurgent Spain pending United States acceptance of the Burgos Re- gime. Second Semester Rushing Rolls Open Prospective fraternity rushees who wish to register with the Interfra- Pittsburgh Professor To Discuss Glass And Modern World' Today Reich Mobilizes Man Power; Hungarian Premier Quits Post Dr. Alexander Silverman, head of the chemistry department of the University of Pittsburgh, will deliver a University lecture on "Glass and the Modern World" at 4:15 p.m. toda; in the Chemistry Ampihtheatre. Dr. Silverman will discuss in his lecture, which is sponsored by the University section of the American Chemical Society, newer develop- ments in glass, including demonstra- tions of infra-red and ultra-violet phenomena. A graduate of the University of Pittsburgh, the speaker holds gradu- ate degrees from Cornell University