PAC E'- POU s WFDNJ~sJDAY, MARC-f 15a1 839 TyI E MIC IAN WA tLY THE MICHIGAN DAILY Germany's Undeclared War- On U.S. Revealed By Spivak Edited and managed by students of, the University of Michigan under the authority of the Board InControl of Student Publications. published every morning except Monday during the University year and Sumxfl r Session. Member of the Associated Press The Associated Pre.s is exclusively entitled to the use for republication of allnews dispatches credited to it or not otherwise credited in this newspaper. All rights of republication of all other matters herein also reserved. Entered at the Post Office at Ann Arbor, Michigan, as second class mal matter. Subscriptions during regular school year by carrier, $4.00; by. mail, $4s.0 REPRESENTED FOR NATIONAL ADVERTISING SY National Advertising Service, Inc. College Publishers representative 420MADISN AVE. NEw YORK, N. Y. CHtICA 9O SOO'Los AReE4E, SAR FRANICISCO Member, Associated Collegiate Press, 1938-39 The Nazi War Here SECRET ARMIES: The New Technique of Nazi Warfare, by John L. Spivak. Modern Age Books, New York. pp. 160. $.50 By 1. M. PURDY John L. Spivak, who will lecture here tomor- row, is a brilliant journalist, and his book was meant to awaken Americans to the reality of Hit- ler's undeclared war against the North American Continent. It does exactly that. Spivak, a product originally of the tabloid press, again demonstrates that his social researches have more dynamite than any love-nest story of the chorus girl and the sheepish broker. His book is documentary: you learn the names of Nazi spies in this country, you read private correspondence (in the form of facsimile letters) between Fascist movement, you have reports of conversations involving the Ger- man, Italian, and Japanese espionage systems, including the time, place and names of the par- Foreign Policy Board of Managing Editor. Editorial Director . City Editor. Associate Editor Associate Editor Associate Editor Associate Editor Associate Editor Associate Editor Book Editor Women's Editor Sports Editor " f 1 i Editors Robert D. Mitchell . . Albert P. May1o . Horace W. Gilmore . Robert I. Fitzhenry S. . B.leiianar . . Robert Perlman Earl Oilman * . William Elvin Joseph Freedman . . . Joseph Gies . . Dorothea Staebler . . Bud Ajamla Business Department Business Manager. . Philip W. Buchn Credit manager * Lenrd P. Siegelman Advertising Manager . William L. Newnan Women's Business Manager . Helen Jean Dean Wolnle~' Service M!anger.*. Marian A. Bater NIGHT EDITOR: ELLIOTT MARANISS The editorials published In The Michigan Daily are written by members of the Daily staff and represent the views of the writers only. Chancellor Adolf Blazes A Trail . . "If we had the Ukraine then Nazi Germany would - be swimming in prosperity." -Adolf Hitler, Nurnberg Congress, 1936 E XACTLY ONE YEAR after German troops marched into Austria, Chan- cellor Adolf Hitler yesterday completed another leg of his long and expensive road to the east when the Slovakian Parliame.nt seceded from bruised and battered Czecho-Slovakia. Thus did Nazi propagandists. succeed in assur- ing their Chancellcr that German domination of the remnants of Czechoslovakia would be absolute. The last danger of anti-German resist- ance was eradicated with the disintegration of the small state-the key to the east. This coup, however, was not a sudden incident. The Hitler machine moves quickly but after delib- erate, clandestine preparation. Several weeks ago German business men in the United States and Latin America were warned to be ready for an international crisis in March, and rumors of new German mobilization to be completed early in March were rife in England." The incident of the secession of Slovakia is of little importance, however, compared to the en- tire march of which this is just a small part. The Munich Pact advanced Hitler 300 miles east. Hitler has a definite goal: the rich Ukraine, and 300 miles is a small part of the distance he had to go. Now with the road through the Czech and Slovak areas wide open it is not so far away. The next step in the strange Nazi journey is the Carpatho-Ukraine. Germany already domi- nates strongly this small territory (formerly part of Czecho-Slovakia). President of the Council of Ministers Augustin Volosin is a puppet whose strings are in Hitler's hands. The Ukranian Na- tional Democratic Organization is a fascist groug that works constantly for Hitler. It is only a mat- ter of time-weeks or months, perhaps even days -before Hitler takes the Carpatho-Ukraine out- right and masses his troops at the border of the rich and badly needed Ukraine. The Carpatho-Ukraine, only 5,000 square miles, with a population of 800,000 is-in itself of ltle value to Der Fuehrer. But it opens the way to the Polish Ukraine, with five million inhabitants, and the richer Russian Ukraine with a population of 36 million. This area, controlled by Germany un- der a short-lived provision of the Treaty of Brest- Litovsk in 1918, is rich in iron, oil, livestock, wheat, salt deposits, and fruit, and includes the famous Donetz coal mines. In the Ukraine Nazi propagandists have long been at work. Napoleon said his army traveled on its stomach. Hitler's army travels on its propa- gandists. Nazi agents are arousing Ukainian. nationalism, calling for an indlepedet Greater Ukraine. Four hundred thousand White .Russians, led by the former Czarist general Pavo Skoro- padsky, and encouraged by Berlin, are doing Hitler's work for him, in an effort to win the Ukraine away from the Soviets. An independent Greater Ukraine would cost Poland her five million Ukrainians and Galci- r0 The present tendency to play down the up- roar which followed President Roosevelt's inter- vention in the French airplane deal should not be allowed to deceive the people. The controver- sy is correctly called, in and of itself, a tempest in a teapot. But the fact the tempest raged is of fundamental importance, for it shows the con- tinuing uncertainty of the public mind in regard to basic American foreign policy. Events of the past few days ought to help clarify this confusion. First, we have had the collapse of Britain and France before General Franco's demands for the unconditional sur- render of the Spanish Loyalists. Coupled with that is Mussolini's pledge to Franco that the in- surgents shall have Italian troops until "complete victory" is gained. Second, we have had the con- fession by Prime Minister Chamberlain that his hope for an arms-limitation conference is de- stroyed. The Star-Times pointed out on Feb. 1 that when Chamberlain suggested this conference and demanded that Hitler and Mussolini show their "willingness to enter into arrangements," it was a test of the British appeasement policy as much as a test of the dictators. That test is now ended-in failure and futility. The dictators have refused to show their desire for peace, as Cham- berlain had asked, by deeds as well as words. The clear meaning of these events is that the Rome-Berlin-Tokio triangle intends to continue its depredations. No one with the wit to use his eyes can fail to comprehend that this "triangle" is in fact a military alliance, a Fascist Interna- tional, bent on conquest and using even in time of theoretical peace the tactics of war. And no one with a sense of history can doubt that this fierce pressure, unless it is relieved, eventually will result in an explosion that will shake the world. A deep division in American sentiment over foreign policy-a breach between two groups equally anxious for the peace and security .of the nation-is a dangerous luxury in such a criti- cal situation. The time is coming when, in the debate on the amendment and extension of the neutrality act, our fundamental issue will have to be faced and decided. War is so shocking that ordinary people shrink from the thought of it. But war we must con- template as an inevitable effect of the continued aggressions of the Fascist International. And also we must contemplate, as a possible result of these aggressions, a world where the Fascist triangle has conquered Europe and the Orient, where it rides triumphant over the lives and des- tinies of a billion people. We need to confront a world where the Fascists rule and theraten to rule, an American foreign policy. We need a policy on which the nation can stand united. And we shall have to choose very soon whether we dare to cling to the illu- sion of last century's isolation, aloof from the struggles and sufferings of the world, or whether with greater clarity, we shall see what Mr. Roose- velt sees-that our hope for peace and security rests largely on the hope of checking the Fascists before they have grown too great with repeated conquests. -St. Louis Star-Times Referred To The D.AR. We assume that there must be some misunder- standing about the refusal of the Daughters of the American Revolution to permit Marian And- erson to sing in Constitution Hall, Washington. We prefer to believe that this action is not taken on the un-American ground that Miss Ander- son, one of the most distinguished American contraltos, is a Negro. The genuine American idea is well set forth in a letter quoted inMarjorie Greenbie's new book, "American Saga." The letter, written in Revolu- tionary days by a Virginia slaveholder to Phyllis Wheatley, a Negro poet, follows: "If you should ever come to Cambridge, Miss Phyllis, or near headquarters, I shall be happy to see a person so favored by the muses, and to whom nature has been so beneficent ip her dis- pensations. I am, with great respect, your humble servant, George Washington." American surely, and Revolutionary. --The Christian Science Monitor affair. Prague naturally felt it useless to offer armed resistance. ticipants. In short, Spivak is a one-man Secret Service, operating in the name of democracy. The introduction consists of a sketch of the Nazi methods of penetration in Czechoslovakia, which Spivak investigated shortly before the Munich carving. Then you are introduced to the members of the Cliveden Set (the names of the inner clique are listed). Great Britain's imperial- ist policies have always been brutal, but never before has such a frontal attack been launched against the Western Democracies as that which has been initiated by the Men of Munich. The revelations about the secret Fascist army of France, the Cagoulards (Hooded Ones), are some of the mostsensational in the book, but again, the factual material is there to back up the statements. The Cagoulards had actually built steel and concrete fortresses in -the heart of Paris, within old buildings covering important intersections, etc., so that when the military re- volt began the walls of the houses could be blown down: these fortresses would dominate the streets of Paris, equipped as they were with artillery and large caliber machine guns. (Much of this infor- mation was hidden when important government- al officials were found to be implicated in the plot.) Mexico comes in for a brief whirl, as Spivak shows that Nazi and Japanese agents have been building airports and ammunition depots to prepare for attacks on the Panama canal and other vital American defense zones. A good deal of the directive work of the Mexi- can organization is centered in the United States, and much of it centers abot one Hermann Schwinn, a naturalized American citizen, ap- pointed to head Nazi organizations in this coun- try by Minister of Propaganda Goebbels. Schwinn is one of the highest ranking Nazi officials in this country (save for German diplomats, of course), and he is in turn connected with various "patriotic" organizations, like the Silver Shirts, The American Guard, etc. These groups, under the guise of an anti-Semetic and anti-Commun- ist drive, are out to smash American liberalism. Just as dangerous are the home-grown Fas- cists, such as Gerald B. Winrod, who has a direct connection with the Nazi foreign office and who made a strong campaign for the Republicani Senatorial nomination in Kansas. William J. Cameron, of the Ford Sunday Evening Hour, who headed Ford's Dearborn Independent when that newspaper was publishing the violently anti- Semitic "Protocols of Zion," is shown to have been the director of an outfit peddling Fascist mater- ial as late as the last Presidential campaign. And there are hundreds of other such organizations, all of them "patriotic," of course. It is fairly obvious that Spivak is covering Nazi activities that the Dies Committee should have investigated. But that committee was too busy taking pot-shots at the New Deal to look into Fascist activities. Spivak has done a little investigating of the Committee itself. Edward Sullivan, one of Dies' chief investigators, is proved to have been a Nazi as far back as 1934, in addi- tion to having a police record as long as the tales that he old. The Committee subppenaed three suspected Nazi spies and then refused to question them. Spivak took up the job where they left off, found that these men had access to naval blueprints, managed to save large sums of money on small salaries and take trips to Germany. Spivak closes hisbook with a plea for demo- cratic education to combat Fascist propaganda. If democracy is to survive, it must not only listen to, but act upon, such warnings as Spivak has given. ALAVER of a purely personal order: Man's incurable passion for watching other men work (viz. the popularity of WPA) almost dis- rupted the academic program early yesterday afternoon when a big steam shovel began to eat a hole in the front lawn of the Union . . . The library was reported strangely unoccupied . . . Wonder how officials of that Western university which conducted a contest for the best paper on "The Evils of Alcohol" feel now . . . Only one paper was entered . . . In Our Best "New Yorker" Maimer: "Pope Returns To Routine Work After Coronation Mimes To Present Skit" (from yesterday's Daily) All for the same admission charge? We recently reported a little inside information on 'the rodent situation at the Phi Gam House. Apparently all the rats weren't killed off in the kitchen skirmish for whoever heard of a dead rat writing: Dear See: This would go to a "Biting the hand that fed you--and two servings too" departmpnt if your column had one but since it doesn't here's the straight dope on that rat yarn which somehow tied in with that noble insti- tution, Phi Gamma Delta. Personally, See, I know your feelings to- ward the Fijis are strictly on the up and up. It Seems To Me By HEYWOOD BROUN MIAMI, March 14.-Florida has a quaint native custom which has been vindicated by time. The formula in- cludes moral, political and economic factors. And since it satisfies all con- cerned, there is no reason why it should be criti- cized. And yet, to an outsider, the device remains curious. In spite of the excellent weather and good publicity, nobody has ever been able to make the Florida tourist season last through the month of March. By now the crowds in night clubs be'gin to diminish and the hotels start cooing for conventions and dele- gations of visiting school teachers. And every year just before the Ides of March the Governor of Florida (cur- rently named Cone) issues a stiff per- emptory proclamation. In this State the local Executive declares that gambling in Florida must cease forthwith. Games of chance are excoriated as the greatest of all menaces to Christian civiliza- tion. Often the fall of Babylon is mentioned. As a matter of courtesy and good politics, the Governor gen- erally allows a committee of pastors to have a twenty-four hour start in the crusade against dice, roulette, bird cage and humble bingo. * * * Get A Kick Out Of It The ministers get a great kick out of it. They employ a fleet of lawyers to bring injunction proceedings agajnst the malefactors. Sometimes a clergyman will constitute himself as investigator and take on the role of roundsman of the Lord. Under such an assignment the stern reform- er must force himself to visit the dives of sin in person, and bring at least $10 for the purpose of collecting evi- dence. Disguised as a Broadway playboy the uplifter joins the giddy throng around a green baize table where a wheel is spinning. Naturally, he is wholly unfamiliar with the rules of the pastime, but some friendly dealer tells him where to spread his quarter chips. The gambling fraternity in- Forms me that when a Reverend turns over for the salvation of the com- munity and the destruction of the devil, he invariably plays the double zero. They have no explanation. The Sealer I know best thinks there may be some Freudian significance in the choice, but he was vague in explain- ing the theory. Moreover, he was a little irritated. It seems that the minister who sprung his joint was a patron at the table where my friend was spinning the wheel. He certainly had me fooled, Mr. B.," said the minion of iniquity. "He starts off with a quarter flat on your old favorite No. 11 and up it pops.He leaves two chips on the nose and strs it and gets a repeater. He was tickled pink. He was grinning all over. How could I tell he was a sky pilot? I thought it was just an- other "of those newspaper column- ists." * * * The Governor Joins In After the evidence has been gath- ered the clergymen's committee files its complaint and the Governor joins in with an order to every sheriff to do his duty, upon penalty of removal. Before the curfew clamps down there is generally one final getaway night to give the house a chance to win back the salary of the baritone, the acrobats, the ballroom dancers and the rest of the performers who have constituted the floor show for the season. Heaven pity a visiting sailor on a night like that. About 4 a.m. the wheels are packed away in camphor to protect them against moths until 1940. Everybody takes the train for New York andy when the sheriff appears on the fol- lowing evening with a strong paper he closes up a deserted village. A good time has been had by all. Only one slight dissent should be noted. I was the sucker who got nicked on curfew night, and when I came around the following evening with fresh money to get square I was turned away from the darkened casino by an assistant sheriff, who said, "Don't you know that gambling is immoral?" And all I could answer was, "I found that out last night, so may I inquire, what de- layed you?" happened was this. A lone rat, practically starving on Phi Delt rations, was wised up and came over to the house. The Phi Gam food was so good that in the five odd minutes he was around he. grew tremendously. By the time someone notice him, itwas neces- sary to send seven brothers down to put the bee on him. Not seven rats, you see Terry, just seven guys to kill a rat. The rest of the stuff is okay. A rat exterminator salesman came around soon after you left last summer and gave the joint a clean bill. As you probably know, rumor in the rat world has it that DAILY OFFICIAL BULLETIN Publication in the Bulletin is constructive notice to all members of the University. Copy received at the office of the Assistant to the President until 3:30 P.M.; 11:00 A.M. on Saturday. ion 575), who will handle the re- ports; otherwise, call A. D. Moore, head Mentor, Extension 2136. Concerts' Organ Recitl: Palmer Christian, University Organist, will play a pro-, gram of organ music by Bach, Ra-; meau, Stamitz, and Widor on thet Frieze Memorial Organ this after-i !noon at 4:15 o'clock in the Hill Au-t ditorium, to which the general pub- lic is invited without admission charge. Carillon Recital: Sidney F. Giles, of Toronto and Indianapolis, will serve as Guest Carillonneur for a period of six weeks beginning today. Mr. Giles will play short recitals each noon at 12:00 and will give formal programs Thursday night at 7:00 and Sunday afternoon at 4:15 except on such Sundays as faculty concerts may be scheduled, when carillon recitals will be played at 5:15 p.m. Exhibitionst Exhibition of Modern Book Art:- Printing and Illustration, held undert the sponsorship of the Ann Arbori Art Association. Rackham Building, third floor Exhibition Room; daily except Sunday, 8 a.m. to 10 p.m.; through March 25. Exhibition, College of Architecture:< Modern hand-blocked linens, de-i signed by Professor Frank o Ger- many, loaned to the College of Archi- tecture by the Chicago Workshops, ground floor corridor cases. Open daily 9 to 5 until March 15. Thee public is invited.- Exhibition of Prints from the Col- lection of Mrs. William A. Comstockt and Water Colors by Eliot O'Hara,' presented by the Ann Arbor Art As- sociation. Rackham Building, third1 floor Exhibition Rooms, daily exceptt Sunday from 2 to 5 p.m., March 7t through March 21. Botanical Photographic Exhibit: An exhibit of photographs of botani- cal subjects will be on display in the$ West Exhibit Room of the Rackhamt Building, in connection with thet meetings oftheBotanical Section of the Michigan Academy, Friday, March 17, 9:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. andz Saturday, March 18, 9:00 a.m. to 121 o'clock. The prints illustrate the use of photography in research andi instruction in botany. The public isc cordially invited. Lectures University Lecture: Dr. P. Sargentt Florence, Professor of Commerce ati the University of Birmingham, Eng-I land, will lecture on "The British Cooperative Movement" at 4:15 p.m., Thursday, March 16, in the Rackham Lecture Hall, under the auspices of1 the Department of Economics. The public is cordially invited. Naval Architecture and Marine En- gineering: A lecture upon Modern Marine Boilers and Auxiliaries will be given today at 7:30 p.m. in Room 348 West Engineering Building by Mr. L.i M. Rakestraw.1 Mr. Rakestraw is Asst. Manager, Marine Department of the Fosteri Wheeler Corporation of New York City. The lecture will be illustratedi by lantern slides and is open to the public.i Mr. Arthur Stace, editor of the Ann Arbor News, will give the fourth ofj the Supplementary Lecture Series in Journalism at 3 o'clock this after- noon in the third-floor amphithe- atre of the Rackham Building. Mr.1 Stace's lecture "Pictures in the News" will be illustrated with slides. The public is invited. French Lecture: The sixth lecture on the Cercle Francais program will take place Thursday, March 16, at 4:15 p.m. in the Natural Science Au- ditorium. Madame Arline Caro-Delvaille, dis- tinguished French author, journalist and lecturer, will speak on "Voyage au Perigord." The lecture is accom- panied with motion pictures. American Chemical Society Lec- ture. Professor Edward Mack, Jr., of the University of North Carolina, will speak on "Structure of Some Typical Organic Molecules as Illus- trated by Scaled Models" in Room 303, Chemistry Building, Thursday, March 16, at 4:15 p.m. The public is invited. Events Today Research Club will meet today at 8 p.m., in the Amphitheatre of the Rackham Bldg. Program: Prof. H. T. Price will speak on "Compositor's Grammar," and Dean E. H. Kraus will peak on "Some Aspects of the Practice and (Continued from Page 2) Reault of the Maccabees will speak on "Supervision of Insurance Com- panies by Insurance Departments," today at 8 p.m., in the West Lecture Room of the Rackham Building. La Sociedad Hispanica: The fourth lecture on the current series spon- sored by La Sociedad Hispanica will be presented this afternoon at 4:15 p.m., in 108 R.L. (Please note change of room). E. A. Mercado, of the Department of Romance Lan- guages, will discuss "El cuento es- panol" (The Spanish Short Story). This lecture will replace the one or- iginally scheduled for the above date. Admission by ticket only. Seminar for Chemical and Metal- lurgical Engineers: Mr. Ward L. Paine will be the speaker at the Seminar for graduate students in Chemical and Metallurgical E- gineering today at 4 o'clock in Room 3201 E. Eng. Bldg His subject .i: "The Slow Combustion of Methane at High Pressures." A.I.E.E. Meeting, today at 7:15 in the Michigan Union. All members please be present as there will be an election of officers. The speaker of the evening will be Mr. Arthur E. Lewis from the Michigan Bell Tel - phone Co. He will talk on "Broad- cast Networks." Women Debaters: The first round of Intramural Debates will be held in Angell Hall at 4 p.m. today in the following rooms: 4208, 4003, 3209, 3011, 1025. Institute of the Aeronautical Set- ences: Members planning to take the inspection trip to Wright Field, Day- on, Ohio, will have until 5 pm. this afternoon to sign their names on the list which is posted on the Aeronautical Engineering Bulletin Board. A complete outline of the trip, and an approximate expense account, is also posted on the Bulle- tin Board. There will be a meeting of all members going on the trip at 5 p.m. Thursday, in the Airplane De- sign Drafting Room, B-308 East En- gineering Building, for the purpose of placing everybody as to transpor- tation. Phi Sigma meeting this eve- ning at 8 p.m. in the West' Lecture Room of the Rackham Building. Dr. Phillip Jay will give an il- lustrated lecture on "Recent 4d- vances in the Study of Dental Ca- ries." Refreshments will be served. Tau Beta Pi. Election meeting at the Union, today at 6:15 p.m. It Is important that every member be present. Please note change in date. Women's Athletic Association: The W.A.A. meeting scheduled for today has been postponed until later notice. Freshmen Glee Club: There will be a meeting at 4:15 today in the Michi- gan Union. Graduate Luncheon: There will be a graduate luncheon today at 12 noon in the Russian Tea Room of the League, Cafeteria Style. Dr. Robert R. Dieterle of the Neu- ropsychiatric Institute will discuss "The Experimental Use of Hypno- tism." All graduate students are cordially invited. Members of Pi Lambda Theta are invited to attend a tea in the Michi- gan League at 5 o'clock today. Im- mediately following the tea, there will be a dinner-business meeting in the Russian Tea Room of the Michi- gan League. Omega Upsilon: There will be a meeting tonight, 7:15 Morris Hall. Important. Hillel Camera Club will meet at the Foundation tonight at 7:30. Members are invited to bring their cameras and equipment to take indoor shots. There will be an opportunity for using them. JGP: Properties committee will meet at 4 p.m. today in the League Undergraduate Offices. Congress pistrict Presidents: Your attendance is expected at the meet- ing of the District Council today at 5:00. Junior Division of A.A.U.W.: March dinner meeting, today, 6:30 p.m., Michigan Union. Mrs. Everett Brown will talk on "Modern Painting." Open to members only. Moral Rearmament, the Battle for Peace, will be discussed at 8:15 this evening at Lane Hall. University faculty and students, as well as the general public, are invited to attend ti maptnv M mrc of . a n - 4 I4