F eather Fesr, continued cold. Yl Sir aitt Editorial Chancellor Adolf Blazes A Trail . I VOL. XLIX. No. 118 Z-323 ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN WEDNESDAY, MARCH 15, 1939 PRICE FIVE CNTS Senate Drops Dif ferential Ban On Arms Contract Bill Removal Of Amendment Makes Labor Violators EligibleFor Contracts War Plane Profits Are To Be Limited WASHINGTON, March 14.-()- Senate-House conferees yielded to the War Department and business spokes- men today and dropped from the Administration's $358,000,000 Na- tional Defense Bill a Senate amend- ment forbidding the award of rearm- ament contracts to firms alleged to be violating federal labor laws. At the same time, reaching a com- promise on another disputed Senate amendment, they voted that profits to manufactures building army air- planes should be limited to 12 per cent. To this they added a proviso that in determining the extent of the profit all revenues and losses from Army contracts over a period of four years should be included in the computation. Asks For Funds Meanwhile, the day saw other de- velopments related to the allied sub- jects of national defense and foreign policy. President Roosevelt asked Con- gress for an appropriation of '$14,- 700,000 to be spent in the next fiscal year to strengthen the defenses of the Panama Canal. Such an appropria- tion is, authorized as part of the $358,000,000 National Defense Act. Sumner Welles, Undersecretary of State, spoke in behalf of a resolu- tion by Chairman Pittman (Dem.- Nev.) of the Senate Foreign Relations Committee that Latin American coun- tries be permitted to purchase war- ships, coast artillery and other muni- tions manufactured in the United States. Latin American nations, he said, had few if any facilities for manufacturing such products and to facilitate their purchase here would be in line with the "good neghbor policy." Naval Yards Busy On the other hand, Rear Admiral Ben Moreell, chief of the Navy's Bureau of Yards and Docks, told the Senate Naval Committee that naval shipbuilding yards were and would be "choked with work for several years as a result of the United States' re- armament program" and that same situation applied at private yards. President Roosevelt told reporters, the Administration had not received. any information that Great Britain would be displeased by the Pittman proposal. Forest Essay Winner Picked Frank Becker Awarded C. L. Pack Prize Frank C. Becker, Jr., '39F&C, was selected the winner of the annual Charles Lathrop Pack forest essay contest, announced Dean Samuel T. Dana, of the forestry school. The announcement was made yesterday at a .forestry school assembly in the Rackham Building. The subject of Becker's prize win- ning essay was "Floods and Fors- try." Prof. W. F. Ramsdell was chairman of the committee in charge of, examining the papers submitted this year in the annual contest. Stanley A. Fontanna, Deputy Di- rector of the Michigan State De- partment of Conservation, spoke on the activities of that department. Toledo U. Team Defeats Sigma Rho Tau In Debate The University of Toledo debating team defeated Sigma Rho Tau on the resolution, "No engineering de- gree should be granted until a defi- nite six year course be completed," last night at the Union. The four members of the Michigan team were: Vance Middlesworth, '41E; Wade Flaherty, '40E; George Weesner, '41E; and Harry Reid, 40E. The arguments on the negative side as presented by the Toledo team were Judged superior by Prof. R. S. Swin- ton, Prof. W. E. Emmons and Paul Phillips, '39L. Students Included In Radio Broadcast For Michigan Day Eleven students will participate in the world-wide broadcast of Michi- gan Day Celebration from 3 to 3:45 p.m. Saturday in the Union over the Columbia Broadcasting System. Mary Bell, '39, the only woman in the cast will be heard as Madelon Stockwell, who entered the Univer- sity in 1870, the first woman to brave Michigan's edifice of higher learn- ing. Other students included in the cast are Donn Chown, Grad; Stephen Filipiak, '39; Myron Wallace '39; Ted Grace, '39; John Mitchell, ,'39; Har- old Gast, '39; Ben Wampler, '39A; Alfred Baumann, Jr., '39; Jack Geld- er and Duane Nelson. Heard also from Ann Arbor will be President Ruthven, "Fritz" Cris ler and Benny Oosterbaan. Sen. Ar- thur Vandenberg and Attorney Gen- eral Frank Murphy will speak from Washington, D.C., and Lyman Bry- son and Bennie Friedman from New York City. The ticket sale for the broadcast of the Michigan Birthday Party op- ens today. Tickets, priced at 25 cents, will be sold at the Union desk, alumni office in Alumni Memorial Hall and alumnae office in the League. Only 300 students can be admitted to the broadcast. Alumni To Talk The appearance of Frank Murphy, '14L, attorney general of the United States, and Arthur H. Vandenberg, United States senator from Michi- gan, before the same microphone in Washington Saturday will be only one of the many instances that .day in which thoughts of nationally fa- mous figures, many years out of (Continued on Page 6) 44th Annual Arts Academy To Open Here Battle Looms As FDR Asks Added Relief Congress Economy Bloc Supports Cox Proposal For WPAInvestigation I Democrats Furnish Leading Opposition WASHINGTON, March 14.-M-P)_ President Roosevelt stirred up a temp- est of Congressional strife today with a sharply-worded request for an im- mediate, additional appropriation of $150,000,000 for WPA lest, he said, nearly 5,000,000 people lose the source of their livelihoods. - His appeal cut to the core of the constantly agitated issue of Govern- ment spending and led to predictions of a battle even more strenuous than that which attended the refusal of Congress, earlier in the session, to grant the very same appropriation which was proposed today. Woodrum Deposed In preparation for that struggle, Administration forces deposed Repre- sentative Woodrum (Dem.-Va.), ag- gressive leader of the House economy bloc, as acting chairman of the sub- committee in charge of relief appro- priations. He will be replaced, it was said, by Chairman Taylor (Dem.- Colo.), of the appropriations commit- tee, who almost immediately upon the receipt of the President's message introduced a bill to carry it out. As though to offset this move, the economy group rallied at once behind a proposal by Representative Cox (Dem.-Ga.) that the appropriations committee be directed to make a thoroughgoing investigation of WPA to determine whether it is "fish or fowl, sane or insane, good or bad." Thus the principal opposition to the President's proposal came from the Democratic side of the House. For the most part, Republican members followed the lead of Representative Martin (Rep.-Mass.), their floor lead- er, in saying they were "judicially minded" and wanted "to see what the facts" were before coming to a deci- sion. In many such statements there was, however, an obvious tone of skepticism., Adopt Moderate View In the Senate, also, the Republican leadership adopted a moderate atti- tude toward the President's request. 'Senator McNary (Rep.-Ore.), the Re- publican leader, said that if the money was "actually needed for relief and not for politics" it would be forthcom- ing. With this statement, he left the forthright opposition to Democrats in the chamber, and Senator Byrnes (Dem.-S.C.) led it off with an asser- tion that "they'll have to show me the need for any more money." However, Senator Barkley (Dem.- Ky.), the majority leader, predicted flatly that the Senate, which turned down the appropriation by a single vote before, would approve it this time. In his special message, Mr. Roose- velt recalled, first of all, the history and background of his request. In January the Administration asked Congress for $875,000,000 to run WPA from early February to the end of the fiscal year on June 30. Rally To Hear Columnist Dorothy Thompson, nationally read columnist, will highlight a rally for social tolerance to be held at 7:30 p.m. Friday in Olympia in Detroit. The meeting is arranged by the Civil Rights Federation with several other organizations and individuals cooper- ating. Czechs Give U p Republic To Hitler As Country Rapidly Disintegrates; England And France Remain Silent Sessions Begin Leaders In 15 To Direct Syml Friday; Fields posiums The 44th annual meeting of the Michigan Academy of Science, Arts, and Letters opens here tomorrow with the meeting of the council at 2:30 p.m. in Room 4065 of the Na- tural Science Building. Sessions open to the public be- gin Friday and will continue through Saturday. Sessions will deal with 15 fields of academic work: anthropolo- gy, botany, economics, forestry, geog- raphy, geology and mineralogy, his- tory and political science, landscape architecture, language and litera- ture, mathematics, philosophy, psy- chology, sanitary and medical science, sociology and zoology. Friday's meetings, which begin at 8:30 a.m., will be highlighted by an address by Dr. George H. Whipple, Dean of the University of Rochester School of Medicine and Dentistry on "Anemia and the Building of Hemo- globin in the Body." He will speak at 4:15 p.m .in the Rackham Audito- rium. The presidential address, "The Role of Taxation in the Decline of the Roman Empire," will be given by Prof. A.E.R. Boak of the history de- partment at 8 p.m. Friday in the Amphitheatre of the Rackham Build- ing. The address will be followed by a reception and refreshments. Saturday's meetings will start at 9 a.m., the sessions ending with the business meeting of the Academy at 3 p.m. Luncheons for the Landscape Architecture and Mathematics Sec- tions will be given at noon in the Inion. Move Might Take German Interest From Italian Claims, Officials Hope Country's Fate Is In Hitler's Hands LONDON, March 14.-O"P)-Great Britain and France, who almost went to war with Germany over Czecho- slovakia last September, kept strictly aloof today as the little Republic fur- ther crumbled apart under overpow- ering pressure from Germany. Officials in both London and Paris were believed to be more interested; in the possibility that Germany's new moves eastward would lessen her in- terest in Italy's still unofficial claims for a part of the French colonial, empire. Prime Minister Neville Chamber- lain in the House of Commons called an "unwarrantable assumption" a suggestion that Britain now was com- pletely disinterested in Czechoslov- akia. But his replies to a series of ques- tions from members of Parliament showed plainly he had no intention of intervening in the German-Czech quarrel as he did last summer.' France, saving her strength to re- sist possible Italian demands on her, seemed to be only an interested spec- tator in the new crisis. Official sources left no doubt that France considered it a matter for Berlin and Rome to settle themselves. As for Britain, Chamberlain told the House that "the proposed guar- antee" (of. Czecho-Slovak frontiers, mentioned in an annex to the Munich Pact) was "one against unprovoked aggression against Czechoslovakia, and no such aggression has taken place." The Munich Agreement among the Four Big European powers-Britain, France, Germany, and Italy-gave Chancellor Hitler virtually all he sought from Czechoslovakia to avert a war. The two western powers ostensibly retained an interest in the future of ;he dismembered Republic, but it was recognized generally then that they left the fate of the country in Ger- many's hands. This attitude was reflected in the calm reaction of both officials and press toward the events which cul- minated in the break-up of the state today. In some diplomatic quarters Ger- many was believed to be further pav- ing the way for Hitler's long-cher- ished dream of establishing domina- tion over the Ukraine. A German move against Rumania also was considered a possibility in these quarters in view of Nazi dis- pleasure over King Carol's recent stern suppression of the Fascist Iron Guard elements. Italy was believed to be withhold- ing official territorial demands on France until Germany decided her own immediate future policy and de- termined how much support she was prepared to give her Axis partner. NLRB Lawyer Speaks Today Harold Cranefield To Talk On Wagner Act At Union The recent developments in the ad- ministration of the Wagner Act will form the basis for a discussion led by Harold A,, Cranefield, the regional attorney for the National Labor Re- lations Board in Detroit, 7:30 p.m. He will weigh the merits of the pro- posed amendment to the Act. This forum, which is open to the public, is sponsored by the Lawyers Liberal Club, an organization formed by lib- eral students in the Law School in- terested in present day affairs. Mr. Cranefield was the attorney for the labor board in a case involving an Ann Arbor firm last year. He is a graduate of the University of Wis- consin Law School. Fraternities Hold Annual Initiation Banquet Mar. 23 Holds Goal Set By Hlinka Biggest Factor In Present Assertion Of Autonomy By HERVIE HAUFLER The roots of the abrupt secession of Slovakia from the Czechoslovakian state go deeper than a mere pressure move by the Nazis, Prof. John W. Stanton of the history department said in an interview yesterday. An autonomous nation has been the goal of the Slovaks, Professor Stanton observes, since before the World War, when Father Hlinka, a Roman Catholic priest, directed a drive against Hungarian domination. The Slovaks regard themselves as a distinct people, and the present asser- tion of their. autonomy is viewed by Professor Stanton as simply the at- tainment of the goal set by Father Hlinka. It is significant that the leaders of the present revolt call themselves the Hlinka Guards. Slovak statesmen agreed to join the Czechs in forming a Czechoslovakian nation, Professor Stanton said, only on the guaranty that Slovakia should obtain autonomy. Under the leader- ship of such leaders as Benes and Masaryk, however, the Czechs were able to dominate the Slovaks until the breakup of the state following the Munich pact. The Nazi interest in the Slovakian goal of self-determination, Professor Stanton pointed out, is to create a buffer state under the economic dom- ination of Germany. Hitler has simply' used materials already present to ad- vance a step nearer success in his policy of "Drank Nach Osten." Although fostered by Germany, the revolt was probably precipitated by the actions of Poland and Hungary, Professor Stanton believes. Last week (Continued on Page 6) Student Senate Advises Lifting Of Radio Fee Action On Campus Opinion Ballot Boxes Postponed Until Council Meeting The Student Senate last night con- demand the use of regulatory fees by the University in connection with radios. Based on a report and a resolution submitted at the meeting of March 7, The Senate asked that the four-dollar per semester fee for the use of radios be withdrawn from dormitory and rooming house con- tracts. At the same time, Robert Kahn, '39, reported for the education committee that he had been attempting to com- plete plans for the setting up of stu- dent opinion ballot boxes on campus, but thatit was deemed advisable to await action by the University Ex- ecutive Council which meets this Fri- day., "The $4 fee each semester for ra- dios is not defensible on a cost basis," Robert Perlman, '39, introducer of the resolution, said last night. "Even if the object is to discourage the use of radios, it should not be done ac- cording to the ability to pay," he stat- ed, emphasizing that the question "of noisy radios should be a matter for students to regulate among them- selves as part of an education in group living." The cost of twice the average num- (Continued on Page 6) Stace To Discuss Pictorial News Arthur W. Stace, editor of the Ann Arbor News, will give an illustrated lecture on "Pictures in the News" at 3 p.m. today in the amphitheatre of the Graduate School under the aus- pices of the journalism department. Slovak Break Goes Deeper Than Nazi Force, Says Stanton Adds To Reich ADOLF HITLER Spivak To Tell Of Nazi Activity In United States Journalist Has Travelled In Italy And Russia. ObservingConditions John L. Spivak, noted newspaper- man and author who will speak at 4 p.m. today in Natural Science Audi- torium under the auspices of the American Student Union, has been credited with stimulating several con- gressional investigations by his writ- ings on Nazi activities in this coun- try. He will be introduced by Prof. James A. Pollock of the political sci- ence department. His latest book which bears the title of his talk today, "Secret Armies,", deals with the connection of Nazis and American "patriotic" societies, the connection of Nazis with impor- tant industrialists, and the efforts of the Dies Committee to supress evi- dence of Nazi activity here. Copies of this book were recently sent to every member of Congress by Walter Winchell, columnist, and according to a reply he received from one congress- men, has been provoking much dis- cussion on the floor of the House. Spivak, who was doing reporting for a -New Haven paper at the age of 18, has been to both Italy and Russia reporting on conditions there. , His sensational findings in his investiga- tion of chain gang activities in Geor- gia, led to a reform of the Georgia criminal laws. His findings on this German Troops Marching Into Prague; Bohemia Is Now Virtual Colony Germans Police Moravska-Ostrava PRAGUE, March 15.--(Wed- nesday)-(P)-The Czech Min- istry of National Defense an- nounced at 4:30 a.m. today (10:30 p.m., Tuesday EST) that the Central Czech provinces of Bohemia and Moravia would be occupied by German troops at '6 a.m. (Midnight Tuesday EST). BERLIN, March 14.-(P)-Prague, the capital 700 years ago of the Bo- hemian kings, and since 1918 the capital of the Czecho-Slovak democ- racy, was expected to be taken over by German troops late tonight, fol- lowing the visit of President Emil Hacha of Czechoslovakia today to Berlin to ask that a German protec- torate be established over his rapid- ly disintergrating republic. Adolf Hitler's mastery over central Europe seemed to be complete. 'Ioday's proclamation-under, guid- ance of Hitler-of the independence of Slovakia, center segment of Czech- oslovakia, brought Hacha with his Foreign Minister to Berlin to lay in Hitler's lap plans to convert Bo- hem' ia-Moravia, the Czech parts of the country, into a virtual German colony. German troops marched into the now shattered Czechoslovakia with- out resistance to take over police du- BUDAPEST, March 15-(Wed- nesday)--With her armies al- ready half way across Carpatho- Ukraine, Hungary announced early today 'that the dissolved Czecho-Slovak government's an- swer to an ultimatum demand- ing. evacuation of the eastern province was unsatisfactory. Hun- gary appeared to be headed to- ward attaining her long-desired common frontier with Poland by moving into Carpatho-Ukraine. ties at Vroravaska-Ostrava, Czech iron and coal center near the Polish border. During the course of the day, de- mands on the late republic were made by Poland, Hungary and Rumania demanding certain sections con- taining peoples of the respective countries. "German troops and SS (Black Shirt) formations also crossed the frontier of former Czecho-Slovakia at other points," the official news agency said. "At the bridge over the Oder, near Kruschau, the Czech military forces also laid down their arms. "The German formations the'n pro- ceeded toward Schlesisch-Ostrau. Ac- cording to German reports, the Ger- man tanks drew up at 10 p.m. at the 'German House' at Maehrisch-Os- trau (Moravska-Ostrava). "The Wittkowitz Iron Works was occupied between 7 and 10 p.m." So quickly was the occupation ef- fected, DNB said, that "Communist UI Slippery Ice, Skates Hamper C hesGridders At Coliseum subject were published in his book, Iworkmen could not carry out their "Georgia Nigger." plans to damage the plant." Spivak has contributed to several German troops also were report- periodicals, notably Ken magazine. ed crossing the Danube at Vienna and Among his other books are "The Dev- advancing, toward the Slovak border. il's Brigade," "America Faces the Bar- From late afternoon through the ricades," and "Europe Under the Ter- early hours. of the night, motorized ror." troops and transport passed through Vienna, these reports said, all mov- ing toward. the border. Name W inners No street car traffic was permitted on the famous Ringstrasse in Vienna l G By MEL FINEBERG Slightly handicapped by an ex- tremely slippery surface and the fact that some rules called for shoes with runners, Michigan's football players and the varsity coaches refought the Battle of Bull Run last night at the Coliseum with the mentors out-rough- ing the undergrads, 2-1. The game was catch-as-catch-can which the coaches claimed gave the students the advantage since Eva- shevski was the catcher on the base- ball team. The gridders retorted that Ray Fisher, the coaches' goalie, could do the pitching so the battle started. Thirteen spills later the coaches retained the prayer when he drop- kicked the puck past netminder Fish- er. The game was halted as Hook maintained that he should get three points for his heroic effort but he was finally placated. With the score tied at one all, the gridders threw caution to the winds and sent ten forwards down the ice. Ray Fisher promptly retaliated by turning the nets around backwards. But the hordes of football players led by this year's captain, Fred Janke, Evashevski, Ed Zak and Herc Renda continued to descend and only sterling work on the part of referee Mill Marsh who sat on a folding chair, saved the coaches. In Law Contest Fimals In Frosh Case Club Competition Held . Winners in the finals of the Fresh- man Case Club Final Competition were decided yesterday in arguments of counsel before three-judge benches in four Case Club courts. In Kent Club court, David L. Loeb and Donald R. Stroud were the win- ners. Both represented the defend- ant. In the Story Club court, Robert or in the principal streets leading to the Danube bridges. 'While the military movements were in progress airplanes circled over Vienna. An honor company of the German army with a group of government dignitaries were at the station to greet him. The' military company gave him a salute. Otto Meissner, chief of the Presi- dential Chancellery, gave him an of- ficial- greeting. With President Hacha also were his Foreign Minister Frantisek Chvalkovsky, and several secretaries. The President smiled faintly as