PAGE s THE MICHIGAN DAILY TIir rNY, 14It1tRCH 14r 1939 Pi~GT7. ST~ TUES1~AV, MitRCH 14, 19~9 Rev. Chapman Plas To Retire As RIaprist Head Publishes His Resignation After 20 Years Service In Lcal Student Guild In keeping with his decision to retire at the end of 20 years, the Rev., Howard R. Chapman, who is complet-I ing 20 years of service as director of the Baiatist Student Guild, has an- nounced that he would retire in June. Reverend Chapman came to Ann Arbor in 1919 upon the joint invita- tion of the Michigan Baptist commit- tee on higher education and the board of education of the Northern Baptist Convention. The Baptist Guild had been established 15 years prior to Reverend Chapman's arrival with the Guild house having special dormitory facilities for boys. Made A 'Home' Sunday night programs in addition to regular religious education meet- ings were held. Reverend and Mrs. Chapman have suceeded in making their residence a "home" where stu- dents could drop in at. any time, Dr. Edward W. Blakeman, counsellor in religious education, said in comment- ing upon Reverend Chapman's res- ignation. Reverend Chapman's interests were not confined to student activities alone. He served for several years as the chairman of the local inter- church committee in religious educa- tion and furthered a teacher train- ing course in religious education in Washtenaw county. For the past three" years he has represented the Northern Baptist board of education on the state promotion committee. He taught for four summers in the New England Baptist School of Methods at Ocean Park, Me., Dr. Blakeman said, and is ranked as one of the progressive relig- ious educators in his denomination. Graduate Of Shurtleff Reverend Chapman holds bachelor of arts, master of arts, and doctor of divinity degrees from Shurtleff College and is also a graduate of the Colgate-Rochester Divinity School. He is also a member of the Michigan Academy of Arts and Sciences and of the Ann Arbor Exchange Club and has served as a member of the Ex- change Club board. Retires In June Relics"From Sepphoris Shown Here By Prof. Leroy Waterman By RICHARD iARMEL A long cylindrical lead drainage The musty odor of ancient civili- pipe, served an open air theater on zations pervades 2029 Angell Hall the side of a hill in Sepphoris, Dr.' where Prof. Leroy Waterman, chair- Waterman explained, and was used man of the Department of Oriental 'to draw off rainwater. Languages, has gathered antiquities Fragments of pottery and ancient and plaster casts from the Palestin- lamps of Sepphoris are in the collec- ian city of Sepphoris and from the tion. The lamps were ingenious in East. their manufacture, having a round Sepphoris, located only a few miles hole in the top into which the an- from Nazareth, flourished in the first, cients poured olive oil.j century, A.D., Professor Waterman said. The oik of the antiquities were MiuseilmL (Quiet Broken discovered on a University expeditionr in 1932. (C By Its Spring Cleaning DAILY OFFICIAL BULLETIN Puibiiation in the Bunetin is consttiietive notice to all members of the University. Copy received at the .fflee of the Assistant to the President Unt :3:20 PAC; 11:00 A.1. on Saturday. REVEREND CHAPMAN C Cooperation IS Lecture Topic Stevens To Present Eighth Extension Service Talk "Cooperation - a Technique for Living Together' will be the subject of A. K. Stevens of the English de- partment in the eighth lecture of the course on "Contemporary Problems and the Cooperative Movement" sponsored by the Extension Service. The lecture will be given at 8 p.m. today in Room 1025 Angell Hall. In his lecture, Mr. Stevens will de- scribe the "group-process" method of solving problems collectively and will discuss a functional plan of co- operative organization. Prof. Edgar H. Gault of the mar- keting edpartment will give the lat lecture of the course March 21. His talk, on recent legislation toward price-fixing and its effect on coopera- tives, has been added to the original series. Avukah To Hear Heller Dr. Bernard Heller, recently re- tired director of the local Hillel Foun- dation, will speak at a meeting of Avukah, national student Zionist or- ganization, at 7:30 p.m. today in the Foundation. His subject will be "Palestine and the World Today." One show case contains plaster casts of Babylonian seals for business documents such as bills of lading, contracts and receipts. These were brought to Ann Arbor in 1920 by Professor Waterman's predecessor and were copied from the originals in the British Museum. Another case contains ancient Babylonian business documents. Cu- neiform characters in the form of wedges, Professor Waterman ex- plained, were used by the Babylon- ians, Assyrians and Persians. The mechanical skill and the art work of ancient Sepphoris, including long bone and ivory hairpins and needles together with some orna- mental shells are also on exhibition. Kohl sticks, that is eyebrow pencils, used much the same as modern lip- sticks, heavily corroded metal bells, hammers and other utensils along with a finely wrought piece of mosaic, made by a remarkably skilled crafts- man, are in this display. Faculty Members To Give Lectures University faculty men will give more than a score of talks on inter- national relations, music, literature, art and adult education as part of the program of the seventh annual Adult Eduction Institute to be held here May 1 to 5. Tentative plans were announced yesterday by Dr. C. A. Fisher, director of the University Ex- tension Service. Among those speaking will be Prof. Dwight L. Dumond of the history department, Prof. Robert C. Angell of the sociology department and Prof. Paul M. Cuncannon of the political science department. The academic peace of the Mu- seums Building has been. shattered the last few weeks while the sound of scaffolding being erected and re- moved echoes through the halls. Re- search work has been hindered by the acrid smell of fresh paint which has penetrated the dustiest corners. For the first time in 10 years the exhibition halls are being given a spring cleaning. So while the re- decoration process is going on, Dr.1 Elmer Berry of the museums staff, sadly turns would-be visitors away with, "We hope to be finished about March 20, but who can tell?" University Can Be Improved, Claim Students (Continued from Page 1) all women, size 14, of a pulchritudin- ous nature, who aren't taller than Il could attend college without expense."n Dorothy Primeau, '40: "Increased faciltiies for a more social life that will make each individual feel him- self part of a University; a real social group instead of a series of unrelat- ed and individual endeavors." Saul Sachs, '39: "I feel that, now that the University has taken a step in the right direction in adopting a tutorial system for some students, thus providing greater stimulus for individual achievement, it should go even further. Extend it to eventually include all students. I think that a system based on the Chicago tutorial plan would be quite adequate." (Continued from Page 4) afternoon, March 14, at 2:15, in the Mary B. Henderson Room of the Michigan League. Finance Committec: The following people are asked to meet with the Finance Committee at the League at three o'clock today. R. Barber J. Baron M. McNeill M. K. Adams D. Arnold P. Kalb M. Warshaw E. Trebilcock C. Priehs L. Packer 0. Erickson H. Weinstein Airnien Plan rip rI() ]'Oy A i 1p 10O 1 MY Aeronauiticeal S t ni d e ui t s To Visit Waco Plant The Institute of Aeronautical Sci- ences will conduct the first in a series of inspection tours Friday morning when the members of the Institute will visit the Waco Aircraft Corp. at Troy, O., Jerome J. Czajkowski, '39E, publicity director, announced yes- terday. The group will be shown the plant, the production arrange- mend and the finished planes, he said. Friday afternoon the group will' visit Wright Field, the U.S. Army proving station for aircraft, equip- ment and materials. The members of the Institute will have the oppor- tunity to witness the pursuit ship competition being held at the field at that time. They will also inspect Wright Field's famed museum, test- ing and research laboratories, and administrative offices. To Talk In Pontiac Harry Hopkins, Secretary of Coin- merce, has been invited to speak March 22 in Pontiac by U.S. Senator Prentiss M. Brown of Michigan.'The occasion is the fiftieth anniversary of the Oakland County Jefferson Club. Hopkins' subject is expected to be labor relations. M. McElroy F. Wilkinson Coning Events Research Club will meet on Wed- nesday,. March 15, at 8 p.m., in the Amphitheatre of the Rackham Bldg. Program: Prof. H. T. Price will speak on "Compositor's Grammar," and Dean E. H. Kraus will speak on "Some Aspects of the Practice and Theory of Diamond Cutting." The Council will meet in the As- sembly Hall at 7:30 p.m. Mr. Louis Untermeyer. Schedule for week of March 13-20. Tuesday, March 14. Coffee hour at Michigan Union (North Lounge). 4 p.m. For informal meeting with Mr. l Untermeyer. Students and faculty members cordially invited. Meeting with C temporary Poetry class. 7 p.m. Michigan Union (North ,Lounge). Subject: "Poetry at Play: Play with Purpose." Open to all stu- dents. Thursday, March 16. Coffee hour at Michigan Union (North Lounge). 4 p.m. Lecture to engineering students. 8 p.m. Rackham Lecture Hall. Subject: "Poetry as a Function-And How It Works." Seminar in Physical Chemistry will neet in Room 122 Chemistry Build- ing at 4:15 p.m. on Wednesday, March 15. Professor Ernest F. Bark- er will speak on "Methods of Infrared Measurements and the Spectrum of Ammonia." Actuarial Students: Mr. Joseph Reault of the Maccabees will speak on "Supervision of Insurance Com- panies by Insurance Departments," on Wednesday, March 15, at 8 p.m., in the West Lecture Room of the Rackham Building. La Sociedad Hispanica; The fourth lecture on the current series spon- sored by La Sociedad Hispanica will be presented Wednesday, March 15, at 4:15 p.m., in 108'R.L. (Please note change of room). E. A. Mercado, of the Department of Romance Lan- guages, will discuss "El cuento es- panol" (The Spanish Short Story) This lecture will replace the, one or- iginally scheduled for the above date. i-sn by ticket only. The ngijsh Journal Club will hold its regilar monthly meeting Thurs- day evening, March 16, at eight p.m. in the West Conference Room of the Rackham Building. Mr. John Weim- er will speak on "A Method of Re- search in Renaissance Biography." All who are interested are invited to attend. Economics Club: Professor P. Sar- gant Floience of the University of Birmingham, England, will speak on '"The Psychology of the British Busi- nessman" before the Economics Club on Thursday, March 16, at 7:45 in the Amphitheatre of the Rackham Building. Institute of the Aeronautical Sci- ences: Members planning to take the inspection trip to Wright Field, Day- ton, Ohio, will have until 5 p.m. Wed- nesday, March 15, to sign their names on the list which is posted on the Aeronautical Engineering Bulletin Board. A complete outline of the trip, and an approximate expense account, is also posted on the Bulle- tin Board. There will be a meeting of all members going on the trip at 5 p.m. Thursday, in the Airplane De- sign Drafting Room, B-308 East En- gineering Building, for the purpose of placing everybody as to transpor- tation. Phi Sigma meeting Wednesday eve- ning at 8 p.m. in the West Lecture Room of the Rackham Building. Dr. Phillip Jay will give an il- lustrated lecture on "Recent Ad- vances in the Study of Dental Ca- ries." Refreshments will be served. Tau Beta Pi. Election meeting at the Union, Wednesday, March 15, at 6:15 p.m. It is important that every member be present. Please note change in date. Women's Athletic Association: The W.A.A. meeting scheduled for Wed- nesday, March 15 has been post- poned until later notice. The Interior D9cpration Group of the Faculty Women's Club will meet at the League on Thursday after- noon, March 16 at 3 o'clock. Mrs. Elsie McCoy, Sewing Instructor for the Singer Sewing Machine Company, will demonstrate "The Construction of Slip Covers." 4 1 F M 1 4 N I hj CLEANLINESSe Washing consists of more than just taking out the surface dirt and leav- ing the clothes looking white. It should be a process where the clothes are cleaned all the way through. Ann Arbor's big four in the laundry field have striven for years to give you really clean clothes. At a price which is but a few cents more than it would cost you to send your laundry home, you can obtain real laundry service. Have your laundry done the LAUNDRY way. Price per pound . . lOc Sample Student Bundle Finished 3 Shirts . Minimum Student Bundle - 50c Shirts, Extra 1 2c . . (Full Dress Shirts not included in this Special Price) 6 3 Rou 3 3 1 Handkerchiefs Pairs of Socks gh Dry Suits of Underwear Bath Towels Pair Pajamas Sox, Extra, per pair . . . 4c . 2c Handkerchiefs, Extra Approximate Cost ... $1.10 WHITE SWAN LAUNDRY & DRY CLEANING COMPANY TROJAN LAUNDRY I MR ITMIFWRI X 'IMAMKrMv I