0 XAGE FOUR~ THE MICHIGAN DAILY TUESDAY, MARCH 14, 1939 THE MICHIGAN DAILY TUESDAY, MARCH 14, 1939 THE MICHIGAN DAILY Edited and managed by students of the University of Michigan under the authority of the Board in Control of Student Publications. Published every .mornig except- Monday during the University year and Sumni r Session. Member of the Associated Press The Associated Press is exclusively entitled to the use for republication of all news dispatches credited to it or not otherwise credited. in this newspaper. All rights of republication of all other matters herein also reserved. Entered at the Post Office at Ann Arbor, Michigan, as second class mail matter. Subscriptions during regular school year by carrier, $4.00; by. mail, $4.50. REPRESENTED FOR NATIONAL ADVERTIStNG DY National Advertising Service, The. College Publishers Representative 420 MAD1$ON AVE. NEW YORK, N. Y. CHICAGO ',BOSTON * Los ANCLES - SAN FRANCISCO Member, Associated Collegiate Press, 1938-39 and State. If that be religious persecution, as the writers of the letter charge, then Loyalist Spain stands condemned. But Spain was, before the rebellion of Franco and before the hierarchy of the Church blessed his cause, 98 per cent Catholic. If this is so, then it follows that even if the two per cent of Spain's population who were not Catholic supported the Loyalist government, the great majority of those who fought for it were Roman Catholics. Why wa.s it necessary for Franco to call in Moorish, Italian and German troops if he had the sup- port of the Catholic Spanish people? If the issue was Catholicism versus communism why did the $asques and their priests support the Loyalists? Why did a group of Catholic priests write an answer and a condemnation of the Spanish Bishops' letter supporting the Rebels? Why did the Bishop of Vitoria protest against that letter and refuse to sign? Why did such men as Father Lobo and Father Sarasola support the Loyalist cause? Why did such outstanding lay Catholics as Don Enrique Moreno and Count Lowenstein condemn the rebel cause? The issues in Spain were clericalism versus anti-clericalism, fascism and monarchism versus democracy, army versus the people, rich land- owners against impoverished peasants. One can not justify Franco without justifying also fasc- ism, clericalism, supremacy of the army and in- human exploitation. One can not say "I don't care much for Franco, but I dislike the Loyalists nore," without at the same time liking fascism more and democracy less. --Albert Mayjo The Editor Gets Told Board of Mfanaging Editor. Editorial Director . City Editor . Associate Editor . . Associate Editor Associate Editor Associate Editor Associate Editor Associate Editor Book Editor . Women's Editor . . Sports Editor . . Editors . Robert b. Mitchell . . Albert P. May1o . Horace W. Gilmore . Robert I. Fitzbenry . . . R. Klman * . Robert Perlman i . . Earl Gltnan . . William Elvin . . Joseph Feedman * . .Joseph, Gies . . Dorothea Staebler . Bud Benjamin TODAY in WASHINGTON -by David Lawrence- Business Department Business Manager. . . . Philip W Buchen Credit Manager . . . .Leonar4 P. Biegelman .dertising Manager . . * William L. Newnan ,Womens Business manager. Helen Jan Dean Women's Service Manager . Marian A. Baxter NIGHT EDITOR: MALCOLM E. LONG The editorials published in The Michigan; Daily are written by members of the Daiyn staff and represent the vieWS a the Writerg only. COA munism Vs. Church In Spain ... IN ANOTHER COLUMN we print a third letter by a group of Catholic students in defense of General Franco. The thesis of this letter is that the issue in Spain was com- .munism versus Catholicism. It was: (1) If it is communism to call for an amnesty of 30,000 political prisoners, 2) If it is communism to pledge the rein- statement of hundreds of thousands of men and women thrown out of public and private work for political reasons, (3) if it is communism to reject the national- ization of land, and to ask instead a new tenancy law, reduction in taxes and rents in a country where: (a) out of 800,000 families who depended wholly on agriculture for a living, 350,000 had no land, 350,000 more had individtual 'pits too small to support them, 100,000 had enough land to make a living, (b) 20,000 landowners owned one-half the land, (c) the minimum subsistence wage was 2,000 pesetas for a single laborer, who actually earned 700-900 pesetas a year and paid for the deficit with hunger and privation. (d) the landlord controlled, through the local boss, the votes of his laborers whom he could throw off the land for any reason and at any time. (4) If it is communism to advocate a moderate degree of regulation of industry and conunerce, (5) if it is communism to plai an extensive public works program, and to reject the principle of the unemployment dole advocated by the workers' representatives, (6) if it is communism to reject 'nationaliza- tion of banking, and to pledge instead, tax re- forms and stricter control of the Bank of Spain and private banking, (7) if it is communism to promise reorganiza- tion of industrial arbitration, fix minimum wages and to set up public 'employment offices, (8) if it is communism to advocate the devel- opmnent of public education, supervision of priv- ate schools and wider access to middle and higher edcuation by working-class' students, (9 if it is communism to set up principles of regional autonomy for local government, (10) if it is communism to declare that Spain would be guided by the Covenant of the League of Nations. It was the issue in Spain if Catholicism meant: (1) that the Cahtolic Church should keep its stranglehold on the political, economic and social life of Spain. It was the largest property-owner in Spain. (See points a, b, c, d, under 3 above. One of 'its orders, the Jesuit, controlled eight banks, 35 large-scale businesses, 60 newspapers, a news agency and a wireless station), (2) that Roman Catholicsm should be the state religion of the Spanish government, (3) that one-half of the total number of stu- dents in the schools should be educated in Catho- lic schools and that the other half should be *nm. tho *ia i.. tanf nnr.,,. n +fa- fntfnlie% WASHINGTON, March 13.--"Reorganization" -the fateful word which became last year synonymous in some minds with "dictatorship" -is back in the realm of Congressional contro- versy. For, while the House of Representatives has passed a bill providing that the President may reorganize executive bureaus and make trans- fers of personnel, the Senate has other ideas. The point at issue is one that has always wrecked reorganization plans-who shall have the final say, the President or both Houses or either House of .Congress? The House bill theoretically gives Congress a voice by providing that, when the President issues an executive order reorganizing bureaus, it shall be final unless Congress within sixty days shall by resdlution say "no." Members of the Senate want to do the opposite. They wish to provide that no executive order for reorganization shall be valid unless Congress gives specific approval within sixty days. On its face, the propositions look alike, but they are fundamentally different. In the one instance, the President's order would probably prevail, because it is easy to block any legislation that must be passed within a certain time limit. Conversely, if the other plan were used, it would be easy for a small grou to prevent the Presi- dent's plan from going into effect, because they could block affirmative action. The delays incident to committee action, the filibusters and the other pa'rliamentary devices that can be employed are such that, if it were left to Congress to disapprove as a matter of original action, the President would really con- -trol reorganizations, whereas, if the President had to .get specificapproval in each instance and wait on Congress to act, there would be no re- organizations except in a few cases. This stalemate, for such it really is, is based.on the desire of the Executive, "on the one hand, to put through consolidation of bureaus, and on an equal desire on the part of members of Con- gress to protect the jobs of their friends and, in some cases, their. political henchmenwho were placed in the bureaus by these same members of Congress. The "reorganization" issue became obscured by an atmosphere of "dictatorship" a year ago only because it was projected after the President tried to "reorganize" the Supreme Court of the United States. Had Mr. Roosevelt proposed the Executive Reorganization Bill ahead of the Supreme Court legislation, he would have been successful, because Congress was not in a sus- picious mood. A combination of influences-job- holders who did not want to be molested in what they conceive to be life-time tenure and members of Congress who were importuned by telegrams and letters to fight "usurpation" of power-de- feated the last "reorganization" bill. * From the standpoint of the true public interest. none of the plans as yet proposed goes to the heart of the question of reorganizing the Federal Government to save money and get better results for the money spent. Most of the suggestions thus far made relate to so-called administrative efficiency without setting forth any criterion for determining efficiency. What, for instance, is the true Federal func- tion? This has never been clearly defined by Congress. Likewise, is tjhe Federal Government a business or is it a welfare institution? While business methods are always desirable even in welfare agencies, the whole character of the in- stitution changes when the profit motive is ab- sent. The Federal Government today is a mix- ture of many purposes, motives, functions and duties. The real trouble with the Federal Government structure is that Congress has imposed no system of constant revision or check on federal laws except the casual attention given when appro- priation bills are rushed through, without a look at the whale srfinnal nv~rnmmnt in +l u Bah Spanish Issue Clarified To the Editor: We feel that it is necessary at this time to make definite clarification of the stand that we have assumed in our recent letters to the Daily. The attacks that we have received in the columns now demand it. It is apparent from the letter of Harvey Swados that the fine art of dialectics i being thrown into the background; emotion and bias is triumphing over an attempt to get at the truth of the situation. Everyone is sharpened by bias; ours is not a conflict between the biased and the unbiased, but between those who are conscious of their bias and those who are not. The indignation that prompted us to seek into the Spanish situation arose from reading the various articles in the Daily and from hearing various speakers that came to this campus. We realized full well that the approach to the Span- ish question was far too lopsided. We heard of the religious persecutions in the most Catholic country in the world; we saw our own Catholic Church in that country being attacked openly in the Daily. We felt his insidious attempt to link the Catholic Church with Fascism-that Church whose very traditions and structure represents an eternal barrier to narrow nationalism, that Church that teaches universal fellowship and fraternity. We know its enemies--the communists and fascists that seek to destroy the very founda- tions of our public worship. This has not been an attack upon our religion alone, but upon all others, Jewish and Christian. But the approach to, the religious persecution throughout the world, too, has been too lopsided. The protest is directed against a person rather than against a wrong. The attempt has been to make people hate Hitler more than the wrong. If, though, we hated persons less and wrongs more, then our moral indignation would be uni- versal. We feel that the people must hate wrong because it is wrong, and then our hate of religious persecution will be universal-such has not been the case. We have looked into the Spanish situation, found that our skepticism toward the overwhelm- ingly Leftist propaganda in this country was justified and now we want to debate the issue. When we debate we do not expect our opponents to denounce; we must accept the existence of an objective morality as a standard of ethics upon which to debate. This standard has been denied us, i.e., whatever Leftists do or write is right, and whatever the Rightists do is bad, We don't say that the rebels are entirely fault- less, but we do deny that the Loyalists are as faultless. as our Leftist friends and their fellow mentors would have us think. These pro-Leftists never jade from denouncing the persecution of the religious fervor in Italy and Germany, but how few were the honorable that took up that same cry against suppression of it in Russia and Mexico. They see no lack of logic in the fact that they denounce the inter- vention from Germany and Italy and applaud the intervention of Russia and France. We all de- plore the inhumanity of killing innocent civilians from the air, but we cannot understand the posi- tion of people like Mr. Swados that are indig- nant when Guernica is bombed and who raise no protest against the bombings of Saragossa, Tab avera, Seville, Avila or Granada by the Left. Our bias is the hatred of religious persecution; our prejudice is truth, which we are trying to uncover. Arguments must be met with arguments. Contrary to the pro-Loyalist declarations, we be-' lieve that the government in Spain that re- sulted from the 1936 election was not democratic, therefore not a government de jure; that the 'government' was not free from communism, but controlled by it; that there was religious perse- cution on the part of the Left; that there was no government de facto, permitting these atroci- ties; and that a revolt of some kind was justi- fied. Our sense of right will not permit us to believe in nor defend merciless bombing of civil- ians by either side; nor will our sense of just- ness let us defend foreign intervention on either side. We dislike ex parte arguments, but we welcome the exchange of different points of view. To those who think that these letters have been too long, let them remember that the Spanish situation can not be summed up convincingly in a few short inches. We will follow this with more argu- ments to defend our former allegations. John O'Hara Jorge Carulla Cas Sojka. Burns Huttlinger The FLYING TRAPEZE ByRoy Heath TeGlory Departs . . The Windermere Hotel on Chica- go's South shore was a glorious place to be last Saturday night. The Western Conference wrestling and indoor track championships were brilliant pages in the annals of ath- letic endeavour and the bars were down as far as the assembled ath- letes and coaches were concerned. Appearances of worry and strain had disappeared from every face, replaced by relief, mixed with liberal dashes of dejection, happiness or sheepishness, depending on how the' owner of the countenance in ques- tion had fared in contests of the past two days. Coaches stood in groups with their athletes, friends, newsmen and camp followers, post-morteming the meet. One or two sat in obscure corners of the lobby like Napoleon on his rock, figuring how a different break in this or that event would have meant the difference between weary disappoint- ment and hilarious celebration. Here and there, partisans of Mich- igan's opponents on the track con- templated the prospect of Big Ten championships to come when the' lanky, pesimistic figure of Charles B. Hoyt would not be on hand to re- mind them that their institutions would have to deal with the Wolver- ines before they could even think of a championship. This fellow Doherty, they decided, just couldn't be as rough as that mild-eyed Gloomy Gus who had sty- mied practically every attempt to make him get off of or at least move over on the Big Ten track throne. A nice, encouraging little piece of wish- ful thinking, that, but doomed to dashing when the first Doherty team takes the track. The color of the scene as athletes wearing the brilliantly hued letter sweaters of their respective schools started on expeditions into the wilds of brightest Chicago, bantering with their erstwhile opponents, jibing losers in a friendly manner and razzing winners in the same tone; would have put one of P. T. Barnum's spectacles to shame. It was a great place to be. Sunday about noon I returned to the Windermere. The glory was gone. Utterly dead. and highly re- spectable was the atmosphere in the lobby of the edifice which a few hours before had been bursting with heart- break and elation . A chair which the day before had held the portly bulk of Wisconsin's Tom Jones as he planned his fore- doomed campaign to heave Michigan out of the track championship, now contained an overweight matron of early vintage, conscientiously view- ing with alarm the reduced yield 'of investments left her by her late la-; mented husband. Bless his memory.. It was like going back to the fair grounds after the circus is gone. People who had gone completely un- noticed in the hub-bob and life of the days before now reappeared from their obscurity, as weary after the invasion of wrestlers and runners as the departed invaders. Money, lap-dogs, heavy perfumes and, small-talk were once more the order of the day. Propriety reigned' stuffily and supremely. All was right with the wrld *' * * Phmde,'s Keeper' SANTA FE, N.M., Feb. 19.- Here is a contribution to the State penitentiary monthly newspaper: "Would you be so kind as to insert the phollowing ad in your lost and phound column: "Lost, the eph key phrom my type-. writer. Phour dukes reward phor re- turn oph same as I phind it very un- handy and phor that matter a little. undigniphied trying to make out withoust iA. "Signed, Phrank Phutller." for the last), Ric lard McKelvey is working on the Junior Girls' Play, "Pig in a Poke." which will grace the boards of the Lydia Mendelssohn one week after the "Hospital Hill" production. Mr. McKelvey, we are m2iade to understand, 'is being kept busy these days teaching the girls how to smoke a pipe and do the can- can. The reason for the former is that this musical will have the junior girls taking over the male roles; the reason for the latter we leave to your well- developed imagination. The third and'final presentation to be seen this month will be Play Pro- duction's "Two Gentlemen of Vero- na." It will undoubtedly afford the- atre-lovers a memorable evening for it is seldom that this Shakespearean comedy is offered on the stage. Fur- ther, Play Production will combine with The School of Music and the DAILY OFFICIAL BULLETIN Publication in the Bulletin is constructive notice to all members of the University. Copy received at the office of the . Assistant to the President until 3:30 P.M.; 11:00 A.M. on Saturday. (Continued from Page 2) ; students who expect to be recom- mended for a degree in June should file a formal application in the of- fice of the Graduate School by March 17. At the same time a doc- toral student must submit the title of his thesis as he wishes it to appear1 in the Commencement program. C. S. Yoakum, Dean.t Actuarial Students: The mathema- tical examination offered by the Pru- dential Insurance Company will be given Tuesday, March 14, from 3 to 5 p.m., in 3011 A.H. Candidates for the Teacher's Cer- tificate: A tentative list of candi- dates in the School of Education, Col- lege of Literature, Science, and the Arts, College of Architecture, and Graduate School to be recommended for the Teacher's Certificate in June has been posted on the bulletin board in Room 1431 U.E.S. Any student whose name does not appear on this list and who wishes to be so listed should report this fact at once to the Recorder of the School of Edu- cation, 1437 U.E.S. Concerts Organ Recital: Palmer Christian, University Organist, will play a pro- gram of organ music by Bach, Ra-a meau, Stamitz, and Widor on the Frieze Memorial Organ, Wednesday afternoon, March 15, at 4:15 o'clock in the Hill Auditorium, to which the general public is invited without ad- mission charge. Students Recital: A miscellaneous program of vocal, violin, and piano numbers will be played by advanced students of the School of Music at at recital Tuesday evening, March 14 atI 8:15 o'clock in the School of Music Building. The general public is in- vited to listen to Margaret 'Martin, Soprano; Baldwin Mikovits, Violin-. ist; Celia Chao, Nancy Dawes, and Jeannette Haien, Pianists.- Mr. Arthur Stace, editor of the AnnI Arbor News, will give the fourth of the Supplementary Lecture Series In Journalism at 3 o'clock, Wednesday afternoon, March 15, in the third- floor amphitheatre of the Rackham Building. Mr. Stace's lecture "Pic-i tures in the News" will be illustrated with slides. The public is invited.r French Lecture: The sixth lecture on the Cercle Francais prdgram willf take place Thursday, March 16,. atj 4:15 p.m. in the Natural Science Au- ditorium.C .Madame Arline Caro-Delvaille, dis- tinguished French author, journalist and lecturer will speak, on "Voyage au Perigord." The lecture is accom- panied with motion picture. ' American Chemical Society Lee- ture. Professor 'Edward 'Mack, Jr., of the University of North Carolina,' will speak on "Structure of Some Typical Organic Molecules as Illus-f trated 'by Scaled 'Models" in Room 303, Chemistry Building, Thursday,; March 16, at 4:15 p.m. The public is invited.c Events Today 7 lorestry Assembly: There will 'bei an assembly of the School of For-I estry and Conservation in the amphi-' theatre 'of the Rackham Building at, 11 a.m. today at which Mr. Stanley A., Fontanna, Deputy Director of the Michigan State Department of Con- servation, will speak on the activities; of that Department. All:students in the School of Forestry and Conserva-1 tion are expected to attend, and any others interested are cordially invited to do so.; Biological Chemistry Seminar: This evening at 7:30 p.m., 'Roon 319 West Medical Bldg. "The Bio- logical Synthesis' of Amino Acids". will be discussed. All interested are invited. Mathematics Club will meet to- night at 8 p.m., in the West Conference Room of the Rackhiam Building. Dr. P. C. Hammer will speak on "Linear Transformations in a Desarguesian Geometry." Exhibitions Exhibition of Modern Book Art:. Printing and Illustration, held under the sponsorship of the Ann Arbor Art Association. Rackham Building, third floor Exhibition Room; daily except Sunday, 8 a.m. to 10 p.m.; through March 25. . Exhibition, College of Architecture: Modern hand-blocked linens, de- signed by Professor Frank of Ger- many, loaned to the College of Archi- tecture by the Chicago Workshops, ground floor corridor cases. Open dail9 to +5 untilMeuoh 15 rthp University of Michigan Excavations in Egypt. Lectures University Lecture: Dr. P. Sargent Florence, Professor of Commerce at the University of Birmingham, Eng- land, will lecture on "The British Cooperative Movement" at 4:15 pan., Thursday, March 16, in the Rackham Lecture Hall, under the auspices of the Department of Economics. The public is cordially invited. Henry Russel Lecture for 1938-39: Professor Campbell Bonner,' Chair- man of the Department of Greek, will deliver the Henry Russel Lecture for 1938-39, on the subject, "Sophocles, Aristotle, and the Tired Business Man," at 4:15 p.m., Wednesday, March 22, in the Rackham Amphithe- atre. The announcement of the Henry Russel Award for 1938-39 will be made at this time. The public is cor- dially invited. Naval Architecture and Marine En- gineering: A lecture upon Modern Marine Boilers and Auxiliaries will be given on Wednesday, March 15 at 7:30 p.m. in Room 348 West En- gineering Building by Mr. L. M. Rake- straw. Mr. Rakestraw is Asst. Manager, Marine Department of the Foster Wheeler Corporation of New York City. The lecture will be illustrated by lantern slides and is open to the public. Botanical Journal Club: Tonight, 7:30 p.m. Room N.S. 1139, March 14, 1939. Reports by- Mr. Laing, Recent investigations on the influence of Vitamine B (Thio- mine) on root growth. Mr. Dunham, A discussion of grow- ing plants in water instead of soil. Mr. James, Selenium injury to plants and animals. Miss Scheer, Is there a flower hor- mone distinct from growth hor- mones? A review of several papers. Chairman: Professor F. G. Gustaf- son. Law School Case Club Trials: The Case Club courts will hear the argu- ments of 'counsel in the Freshman Case Club Final Competition today at 4 p.m. The same case will be 'argued in each of the four courts before a three-judge bench consisting of a faculty member, the regular student judge in charge of the respective court, and a senior or graduate stu- dent as visting judge. These hear- ings are open to the public and should be of particular interest to pre-legal students. The cases will all be heard in Hut- chinis Nall in the following rooms: #Marshall Club (Judge Clifford Christenson) Room 218. story Club (Judge Bruce M. Smith) Room 220. Kent Club (Judge Ralph E. Help- er) Room 120. Cooley Club (Judge Thoma's Mun- son) Room 116. The suit is a proceeding in equity on behalf of a popular radio crooner to enjoin a radio broadcasting com- pany from broadcasting phonograph records of .his vocal selections. The recordings 'were made undera royal- ty agreement with the record manu- facturer with the understanding that they were not to be used for broad- casting purposes, and each disc bore a stamp stating that it was "not li- censed for broadcasting." The play- ing of the records has diminished the radio audiences and also cut down the royalties from sales of recordings. Algebra Seminar, Will meet today at 4 p.m. in 3201 AH. Mr. Arnold will speak on "Factor Algebras." Christian Science Organiation: 8:15 p.m. League Chapel. Students alumni and .faculty are invited to at- tend the services. The Student Senate will meet in Room -302, Michigan Union, at 7:30 p.m., tonight. Polish Eiigineriing Society: There will be a meeting tonight at 7:30 in the Women's League. A talk on "Europe" will be present- ed by Mr. J. C. Czudak who has just recently spent one year traveling ex- tensively throughout France, *Ger- nany, :Poland, Turkey, Greece -and many other countries. Freshman Handbook: All those in- terested in revising the Freshmian Randbook will meet at Lane Hall this evening at 7:15. Phi'Delta Kappa. The xegular monthly meeting of Omega Chapter will be held ,tonight at 7:30 in the Rackham Building. Mr. eneth Mor- gan of the Student Religious Associa- I I I TN EATR E By NORMAN KIELL Past The Ides The last few weeks of March will see the Lydia Mendelssohn Theatre crowded with as diverge dramatic offerings as a theatre-goer could hope for. Shakespeare and two original works, one a drama, the other a musical comedy, are all in rehearsal at this writing. The drama, first of the three to be presented, is "Hospital Hill," the work of Harold Gast and S. H. S. Dann. Under the auspices of the Hillel pl - ..p c- a 71 ,n . I