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March 14, 1939 - Image 1

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1939-03-14

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* eather
Rising temperature today;
tomorrow snow and older.'


YI e



Communism Vs.,
Church In, Spain .




Einstein Sees.
Universe Key
In Single Law
Noted Scientist Announces
'Find' On 60th Birthday
Eve; Details Withheld
Reverses Former
Relativity Theory
NEW YORK, March 13.-)-A
new solution of one of the great mys-
teries of science, a single law to ex-
plain -all the phenomena of the
material universe, has been found by
Prof. Albert Einstein.
He announced this today in an in-
terview, on the eve of his sixtieth
birthday, with his friend, L. E. Levick,
New York newspaper man and mem-
ber of the National Association of
Science Writers.
Einstein calls the mystery the uni-
fied theory. It aims to bring together
gravitation, magnetism and matter
under one "unifying mathematical
For four years, since leaving Ger-
many a voluntary exile,. he'has been
working on this program at the Insti-
tute for Advanced Study in Prince-
ton University. The study began 20
years ago, when "relativity" was fin-
ished, and before it is complete Ein-
stein hopes to be an American citizen.
He does not make public the nature
of his announced discovery. But its
main outlines are known to science
"The mathematical constructions
for a unified field theory devised by
me heretofore," he. said, "have not
stood the test of experience. A year
ago I discovered a new solution and
I am now engaged with twocollabor-
ators in' developing the results to a
point where they could be checked
with experimental facts."
Einstein, a year ago, with Leopold
Infeld, published a book, which point-
ed out that scientists have believed
of late in two realities in the material
universe. These he said were matter
and "field." Field means the fields
of gravitation, magnetism and elec-
Pius Reiterates
Peace Desires
Pope Returns To Routine
Work After Coronation
Mimes To Present Skit
VATICAN CITY, March 13.-()-
Determined to strive for world peace,
Pope Pius XII turned today to routine
labor from the historic ceremonies of
his coronation.
One of the first acts after his coro-
nation yesterday, it was disclosed to-
day, was to pronounce an allocution
before the Cardinals reiterating his
desire for peace,
"We grasp with our hands the tiller
of St. Peter's ship with the intention
of guiding it to the port of peace
across so many waves and tempests,"
several Cardinals quoted him as say-
The Pontiff told them that he had
not foreseen his election to the Pap-
acy and had not wished it, but that he
had bowed to the will of God.,
Today the Pope received Joseph P.
Kennedy, United States Ambassador
to London, who had attended yester-
day's coronation as the official repre-

sentative of President Roosevelt. With
the envoy were Mrs. Kennedy and
all of their nine children except 'Jos-
eph P. Kennedy, Jr., who was unable
to come here from Spain in time for
the coronation.
Garg To Sponsor Photo
Contest On Freak Storm
To reward the best efforts of the
hundreds of candid camera fans who
worked overtime last Sunday on the
beautiful spectacle of the campus,
the Gargoyle is sponsoring a photo
contest. Substantial prizes, to be an-
nounced later, will be given for pic-
tures selected by MaxHodge, '39, edi-
tor of the Garg, to appear in the next
issue of the magazine. All entries must
be turned in at the Gargoyle office
by noon tomorrow to be included in
the judging.
NLRB Attorney To Talk
To Lawyers' Liberal Club

Heavy Ice Sheet Covers City
After Eighteen Hours Of Rain.

Aftermath of the last two days' out-of-season sleet is shown as work-
men cleaned up branches and debris from the campus' damaged trees.
The tarpaulin-covered green house on the right was hit by a falling

A freak sleet storm, the worst sincee
1913, covered Ann Arbor and all low-1
er Michigan with ice Sunday, caus-
ing damages to utility services andt
treesthat estimates total above $100,-
000, and endangering pedestrians and
motorists for two days.
For 18 hours Sunday, rain fell and
a temperature that hovered at freez-
ing coated trees with tons of ice. Yes-r
terday morning a rise in temperaturel
began to thaw the frozen limbs and
wires, and falling clods of ice further
jeopardized pedestrians.
More than 1,000 Ann Arbor resi-
dents and business places were with-r
out telephone and light services as
falling limbs tore down more than
100 telephone poles and scores of
main electric wires. The Michigan
Telephone Company rushed 85 men
to Ann Arbor in an effort to restore
service. The Edison Company im-
ported recruits from Detroit and as
far north as Port Huron to aid in the
rehabilitation of the scores of ruined
primary wires. The men have been
working night and day since early
Sunday, and will probably continue
until tonight. The Edison Company
described the storm as the worst they
have ever had.
No serious casulaties were reported.
The diagonal was closed with danger
signs Sunday, and pedestrians walked
cautiously in the streets, watching1
trees for huge limbs crashing to the,
ground under the weight of ice.
University chemists weighing sample
limbs, estimated each tree carried at
least a ton of ice, while the larger1
ones bent beneath tremendous loads.
Replacement of treesand shrub-
bery alone, as they were before the
erratic storm, would cost $5,009, thet
buildings and grounds department1
estimated, althoughnseveral hundred
dollars ofbrepair work is probably all
that will be done.
Part of the glass roof of the green-r
ASU Sponsors
Spivak Lecture
Newspaperman Discusses
Fascism Wednesday +
John L. Spivak, noted newspaper-
man and author, who will speak at 4
p.m. Wednesday in Natural Science
Auditorium under the auspices of the
American Student Union, has long
been active in investigating fascist
activities in the United States.
His latest book, "Secret Armies"1
has been credited by reviewers as be-
ing a carefully documented account
of Nazi activities i this country. This
book was recently sent to every mem-
ber of the Congress by columnist
Walter Winchell. In a letter to
Winchell, Congressman Geyer of Cal-
ifornia writes "I say orchids to you
for making this book available to
every member of Congress. If you
will refer to the record you will see
that the book is also provoking dis-
cussion inthe House."
Spivak has been a contributor to a
number of periodicals, notably "Ken"
magazine. Among other books which
he has written are "The Devil's Bri-
gade," "Georgia Nigger," "America
Faces the Barricades," and "Europe
Under Terror.
Reault To Present
Talk On.Insurance
Joseph Reault, formerly of the
State Insurance Department, will
give the fifth in a series of lectures
on insurance at 8 p.m. tomorrow in

house attached to the Natural Sci-
ence Buiding was destroyed when a
limb broke through it. Comparative-
ly little damage was done to the rare
trees in the Arboretum. Members of
the landscape design department esti-
mated that cost of replacement of
trees destroyed would reach $30,000.
Outside of Ann Arbor the storm
worked similar havoc. Roads re-
mained passable but dangerous, and
bus and railroad lines maintained
service behind schedule. Airplanes
were grounded, and Station CKLW,
was off the air for several hours Sun-
day. Trains from Buffalo, Cleveland
and Chicago to Michigan were halted.
More than 35 towns in lower Michi-
(Continued on Page 2)
3001 Students
Will See Party
Broadcast Here
Special Groups To Gather
For Broadcast; Program
To Origiate In Union
Students will be admitted to the
world-wide broadcast which will fea-
ture the Michigan Birthday Party
Saturday, it was announced yester-
day at a meeting of the general pro-
gram committee. The committee
pointed out, however, that the size of
the Union ballroom, where the broad-
cast will originate, will limit the num-
ber of admittances to 300.
Tickets will go on sale tomorrow at
the Union, alumni office in Alumni
Memorial Hall and alumnae office in
the League. Their price will be 25
Those who are unable to obtain ad-
mittance to the broadcast will be able
to take part in the celebration by at-
tending one of the numerous campus
functions Saturday afternoon. The
League has announced a special
birthday party session in its grill
room. During the broadcast, which
will begin at 3 p.m. and last 45 min-
utes, a radio will be set up in the
grill. A radio will also be set up in
the new cafeteria unit in the Union
during the broadcast. Women will
be admitted to that room during that
Fraternities, sororities and dormi-
tories will also hold special gather-
ings during the afternoon of the
broadcast. Many organizations are
being contacted, and many are ex-
pected to participate in the celebra-

'Average Man
A Poet,' Says
Addresses 1,200 At First
Appearance During His
Three-Week Visit
A charming picture of the average
man as a poet was painted for 1,200
persons in the Graduate School Au-
ditorium last night by Louis Unter-
meyer, noted American poet and an-
thologist, in the first and only public
appearance he will make during his
three-week stay here. His future ac-
tivities willsbe confined to making
student and faculty contacts in infor-
mal discussion meetings.
Assuring his audience that he in-
tended to prove conclusively, "and
brilliantly," that the average man is
Mr. Untermeyer will conduct a class1
in Contemporary Poetry at 7 p.m. to-,
day in the North Lounge of the
Union. The subject of this meeting,
which is open to all students interest-
ed, is "Poetry as Play: Play With Pur-
pose." He will also attend a special,
coffee hour at 4 p.m. in the North
Lounge of the Union to meet in-
formally students and faculty men.
at heart a poet and that the poet'sj
appeal lies in that he utters the un-
uttered poems in the average man's
heart, Mr. Untermeyer pointed out'
that the impulse to create poetry is
never completely lost. We grow up,
he said, into "doddering business men
and undergraduates" with a hypo-
critical attitude toward poetry. We
affirm our maturity by trying to deny
poetry, we condemn it in public but
practice it in private.
A great part of this hypocritical at-
titude on the part of the public de-
rives, Mr. Untermeyer said, from the
false interpretation given the poet by
the comic strips and comedians in
general. The picture of the poet as
a man long in queer quirks and short
in brains is basically false, he empha-
sized, pointing out that in all ages the
poets have not only performed their
function as poets but have contribut-
(continued on Page 2)
Spring Par'ley
Heads Named
Chairmen Of Committees
And Secretary Named
Appointment of three committee
chairmen and election of a permanent
secretary for the Executive Commit-
tee of the 1939 Spring Parley were
accomplished at a meeting of the
committee held at 5 p.m. Sunday in
the League.
Robert Rosa, '39, was appointed
chairman of the Contacts Committee
to consult with members of the facul-
ty. Earl Luby, '39, was made head
of the Steering Committee which is in
charge of the mechanics. Saul Klei-
man, '39, was made chairman of the
publicity committee. Members of the
committees will be announced later.
James Hammond, '40, was elected
permanent secretary.
Under discussion were topics and
sub-topics for the Parley and a tenta-
tive location and date for the meet-
An open meeting will be held in the
League at 4 p.m. Sunday to which all
interested persons are invited. Selec-
tion of a date and a location will
probably be made at that time.

Conciliation Move Causes
Hitler To Postpone Plan
For German Invasion
Report Extensive
Troop Movements
PRAGUE, March 13.-')-Czecho-
Slovakia tonight bowed to the will of
Adolf Hitler and called a special
session of the Slovak parliament for
tomorrow to vote independence if it
The decision was made while violent
anti-Czech demonstrations and fatal
bomb explosions in Bratislava, Slo-
vak capital, marked the vigor of Slo-
vak insistence upon a state separate
from Prague.
(In Berlin, confidential sources
said that as a result of Czecho-Slo-
vakia's decision, Hitler was holding in
abeyance his plans for a possible mili-
tary occupation of Czecho-Slovakia
until he sees how the parliament ses-
sion turns out.
(If the Slovak parliament does not
bring a complete victory for Dr. Jos-
eph Tiso, deposed as Slovak Premier
four days ago by the Prague Govern-
ment to nip the independence move-
ment, 14 German divisions were said
to be ready to move into Czecho-Slo-
vakia from north, west and south.
Troops Reported Moving
(Extensive troop movements near
the Czech frontiers, including the
passage of 16 carloads of troops
through Aussig, former Czecho-Slo-
vak city in the Sudetenland, and the
sudden calling up of Reservists of
the class of 1913 in Munich, indicated
Hitler was ready to back by force, if
necessary, demands of the Slovaks).
President Emil Hacha tonight sum-
moned the Slovak parliament to meet
at 10 a.m. tomorrow in Bratislava
to "decide about the future and the
existence of the Slovak nation."
The session was demanded by Hit-
ler in his conference in Berlin today
with Dr. Tiso. 0
Czechs in Prague freely predicted
that under Nazi pressure the Slovak
parliament would vote for Slovakia to
go its.way independent of Czecho-Slo-
As a result of Czech efforts begin-
ning Friday to halt the Separatist
movement, it was predicted there
would be a reorganization of the
Czecho-Slovak cabinet, with a fascist
leader taking, a minister's place.
Secession Likely
Secession of Slovakia from Czecho-
Slovakia, which Czechs Monda
night admitted was likely to happ
when the Slovak parliament meets
today under the pressure of Adolf
Hitler, would reduce the country to a
third of its pre-Munich size.'
Before the September crisis
brought cession of erritory to Ger-
many, Poland and Hungary Czecho-
Slovakia was an elongated state of
54,244 square miles and more than
15,000,000 population.
Since the separation of Slovakia
wouldcutCzecho-Slovakia in two,
separating the western part of Bo-
hemia-Moravia from the eastern part
of Carpatho-Ukraine, the secession
would mean that only oBhemia-Mo-
ravia was left. Carpatho-Ukraine al-
ready is autonomous and probably
would become independent also.
The area of Bohemia-Moravia, in-
habited mostly by Czechs, has an
area now of only 18,158 square miles
and a population of 6,804,876.
Has Large Population
Slovakia, to whom it is proposed to
grant independence, now has a popu-
lation of 2,450,096 and an area of
about 14,600 square miles.
In the Munich dismemberment of
Sept. 29, about 10,800 square miles
of Bohemia and Moravia and about
3,600,000 of their population were
ceded to Germany, besides a very
small part of Slovakia.
As a part of the same general settle-

ment Poland received about 400 square
miles and 241,000 population from
Moravia and Slovakia. About three-
fourths of the territory Poland ac-
quired was from Moravia.
Japanese Claim Capture
Of Two Chinese Towns
SHANGHAI, March 13.--UP)-Jap-
n. nan nn~tm tc atre . . .. . entt.e t.. t..

Czechs Bow To Germany;
Call Parliament To Weigh
Independence Of Slovakia

Ijeihhinen Gets
Assistant Line
Coach Position
Ralph Heikkinen, Michigan's "vest
pocket" guard who last year was
named to the guard position of virt-
ually every All-American team in thee
country, today accepted the positiont
of assistant to line coach Clarencet
E. Munn.
The 180 pound guard will enter law
school in the fall, and will divide his
time between studies and coaching
duties. In accepting the position Heik-t
kinen turned down an offer to joine
the coaching staff of the University
of Louisville.
He will assume his new role in the
next few weeks when Michigan's 1940t
grid hopes begin spring practice.
When the season begins, he will alsol
take his turn at scouting rival teams.e
Earlier in the year Heikkinen was
approached by the Green Bay andt
Brooklyn professional teams, but de-c
clined their offers. He will play with
the All-Star collegiate team late nextc
summer when the pick of the coun-
try's college elevens meet the world
champion Green Bay Packers at Chi-t
Final Hearing
I n Case Club
Trial Is Today
Mock Courts Will Hearr
Argumeuts. Of Counsel
In Finals For Freshmen
Arguments of counsel in the Fresh-1
man Case Club Final Competition will1
be heard by four Case Club courts at
4 p.m. today in Hutchins Hall. Sixteen
freshman lawyers, four in each court,
will argue the same case before a
three-judge bench, consisting of a
faculty member, the regular judge
in charge of the court and a senior
or graduate student as visiting judge.
In the Kent Club court, hearing in
Room 120, Hamilton B. Mitchell and
J. Earle Roose will represent the plain-
tiff in the case and Dayid L. Loeb
and Donald R. Stroud the defendant.
In the Story Club, hearing in Room
220, Robert P. Kneeland and John S.7
Winder will represent the plaintiff1
and Charles V. Beck and Grant E.1
Armstrong the defendant.1
Robert L. Gillis and Clyde E.
Lewis will represent the plaintiff in
the Cooley Club court, hearing in1
Room 116, while Robert M. Ham-1
mond and Herbert C. Houson
will represent the defendant. Fred-
erick Rheinheimer and Robert
Glass will represent the plaintiffs in
the Marshall Club courts, hearing in
Room 218, and Howard J. Carey and
Charles Johnson will represent the
All hearings are open to the public
and pre-legal students are especially
urged to attend.
The suit is a proceeding in equity
on behalf of a popular radio crooner
to enjoin a radio broadcasting com-
pany from broadcasting phonograph
records of his vocal selections. The
recordings were made under a royalty
agreement with the record manu-
facturer with the understanding that
they were not to be used for broad-
casting purposes, and each disc bore
a stamp stating that it was "not
licensed for broadcasting." The play-
ing of the records has diminished the
radio audiences and also cut down the
royalties from sales of recordings.
Dionne Quintuplets
To Meet King George

CALLENDAR, Ont., March 13.-
(Canadian Press)-The Dionne quin-
tuplets are to meet King George VI
and Queen Elizabeth in Toronto May
22, travelling 180 miles for their first
trip away from home.
Their father, Oliva Dionne, revers-
ing his stand of a week ago when he
first received the invitation for the
meeting, announced today he had ac-
ienrPtwi it aifter conferri'ng wit~h Mrs.

Bratislava, Slovak Capital,
Shaken By Explosions;
Police Disperse Mobs
Propaganda Chief
Asks Independence
BRATISLAVA, Czecho - Slovakia,
March 13.-(P)-Bratislava was shak-
en by a succession of explosions to-
night as the excited Slovak popula-
tion that is demanding independence
from Prague participated in angry
demonstrations against Czechs.
A shouting mob was dispersed in
the State Theatre Square by mount-
ed policemen swinging sabres and
squads of officers with bayoneted
Then the officers permitted the
crowd to reassemble to hear a stirring
address by Alexander Mach, Slovak
propaganda chief, who was released
earlier in the day from a Czech jail.
Mach, standing on a balcony of the
theatre, virtually made a declaration
of Slovak independence. The Propa-
ganda Chief had been held since Fri-
day when the Slovak cabinet of Dr.
Joseph Tiso was ousted by the Prague
Central Government in a bold stroke
to quell the Slovak separatist move-
Harassed police dashing to answer
dozens of emergency calls were un-
able to verify immediately reports
which said at least 50 persons were
German party leaders said six per-
sons were killed by a bomb in an
apartment house owned by the Jesuit
Order near the old city hall.
Another bomb exploded in a Ger-
man-owned shoe polish factory.
In connectiont with these blasts It
was recalled that German newspapers
recently published hints that German
property in Slovakia might have to be
Eskimo Movies
To Be Shown
Father Hubbard To Speak
Here March 22
The only motion picture record ever
made of the daily life of the King
Island Eskimos will be shown here
when Rev. Father Bernard R. Hub-
bard presents his "Cliff Dwellers of
the Far North" at 8:15 p.m., March
22 in Hill Auditorium.
Outstanding for its scientific in-
terest, human interest and scenic
beauty, the film also abounds in high-
ly entertaining and humorous inci-
dents, such as fur-clad Eskimos in
their first game of modern football.
Although not unknown, the King
Islands are rich illustration of what
people do not know about Eskimos.
Living just 90 miles from Nome,
these Eskimos take just as much
civilization as they wish. Summer
vacations mean ice cream cones, mo-
vies, beach bathing-yet these level
(headed people never lose their own
identity. Home to them is King
Island. Acknowledging their chief
as civic leader, doctor, dentist, mid-
wife-yet they bow to the spiritual
guidance of the Jesuit Missionary
who has lived with them for 38 years.
Tickets for the lecture are on sale
at Wahr's Bookstore, the Union, and
the St. Mary's Student Chapel.
Industrial Manager Talks
To Engineers Tomorrow
L. M. Rakestraw, assistant man-
ager of the Foster Wheeler Corpora-
tion of New York City, will talk on
"Modern Marine Boilers and Aux-

iliaries" at 7:30 p.m. tomorrow in
Room 348 West Engineering Building.
The lecture will be illustrated by
lantern slides. All students interest-
ed in naval architecture and marine
engineering are invited to attend.
Tryouts for The Daily editorial,
sports and women's staffs will
meet at 5 p.m., instead of 4, to-
day in Room 319 of the Union.

Reporter Asks For Suggestions
For ChangingThe University

If you can recall your earlier days,
you will remember having been en-
tranced by wondrous tales "'of Alad-
din and his magic lamp. What would
you wish for if you had such a lamp?
Suspecting that a barrage including
"a million dollars," "to attend Hit-
ler's funeral," "Hedy LaMarr's di-
vorce," and other ardent wishes would
greet such a general question, this
edition of your Inquiring Reporter
decided; to confine the lamp-rubbing
to campus matters.
THE QUESTION: If you had your
choice, what one change or addition
would you advocate for the Universi-
THE PLACE: Library steps.
THE ANSWERS: William Dann-
acher, '42: "I believe that the cooper-

with their professors. I don't nean
apple-polishing, however, but rather
a better spirit 'of cooperation. This
might be accomplished if the students
could obtain the same professor the
second semester and so get to know
them better."
V. L. Petersen, Grad.: "Greater ex-
tension of counselling services of the
faculty to the students. There is too
large a percentage of waste due to the
fact that students do not have a spe-
cific counsellor to whom they feel
free to go."
Elizabeth Bassett, '40: "All girls
participating in J.G.P. should be ex-
cused from mid-semesters. Come to
think of it, they should be excused
from finals, too. In fact, they might be
excused from attending classes. Or
at least excused."
William Knightly, '41: "If I had

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