Rudolf Serkin Made His American Debut Under Toscanini' s Bato Russian-Czeeh Pianist Tours U.S. 6th Year Played In Europe Several Seasons In Company Of Violinist Adolph Busch Rudolf Serkin was born in Bo- hemia, now Czech.o-Slovakia, of Rus- sian parents. His father as a young man abandoned a career as a singer and became a merchant in order to support his large family. Rudolf was the fifth of a brood of musically tal- ented children. At four, perched on a high stool, he could already play the family piano creditably and was able to read music with facility. Here was a child prodigy ripe for the customary .ekplotations. But although his parents' desperately needed the money that might accrue from exhibiting their gifted son in public, they wisely listened to the counsel of the celebrated Viennese pianist, Alfred Gruenfeld, who point- ed out the dangers of a premature career. On his advice the boy was taken to Vienna and placed under the tutelage of Prof. Richard Robert. Debut At 12 At 12 Rudolf Serkin made his debut as guest artist with the Vienna Sym- phony Orchestra. But though he achieved a great success and was of- fered a long tour by several enthusi- astic managers, his teacher and par- ents decided he was still too young to undertake anything so strenuous. So for several years more he con- tinued his studies, rounding out his technical knowledge of music by studying composition under Arnold; Schoenberg. When finally he did inaugurate his career he quickly established himself as an important artist, concertizing in France, Eng- land, Switzerland, Italy, Spain and Austria. Making the acquaintance, of Adolph Busch, the violinist, Serkin undertook several tours in joint re- cital with this artist., It was five years ago that he ap- peared in the United States for the first time, together with Busch, at the Coolidge Festival in Washington. The following winter he made his American debut as soloist under the baton of Arturo Toscanini, who con- ducted the New York Philharmonic Symphony. Brilliant Impression Serkin made a brilliant impression receiving such an ovation from both the critics and the exacting Carnegie Hall audience as has seldom been witnessed in drew York. The ensuing seasons have seen him rapidly estab- lish himself with concert audiences1 throughout the country. One of Serkin's most vivid mem- ories is of his first public -appear- ance, at the age of 12, as guest soloista with the Vienna Symphony Orches- 1I RUDOLPH SERKIN tra. What he recalls chiefly con- cerns not music but dress. It seems that in preparation for the debut some well-meaning friends convinced his mother that Rudolf would make a more appealing figure on the stage if he were dressed in a Fauntleroy costume, with his hair arranged in curls. So, loudly protesting, the boy was dragged to a local hairdresser on the day before his debut. There with the aid of nkuch liquid vaseline the desired tonsorial effect was achieved. When the ordeal was finally over, the youthful pianist was taken be- fore a full length mirror to admire the result. Instead of being pleased he went into a violent tantrum, prob- ably the only one he has ever in- dulged in during his career. He bolt- ed out of the hairdressing salon, ran home and put his head under the water faucet. By the time his astounded companions caught up with him, every vestige of curl had disappeared, and he was struggling with a towel to remove the stubborn vaseline: His hair was still a bit greasy and stringy when he came on the stage the next day, but at least there were no curls. The debut, incidentally, was a tremendous suc- cess, from the muscial point of view. Tenor Peerce Got Start As Violinist I I 4 I (Continued from Page 1) conductor's Carnegie Hall concert in New York last year. Mr. Peerce was chosen later in the season to sing Verdi's "Requiem" and has been a frequent guest artist at Toscanini's Saturday night broadcast with the NBC Symphony Orchestra. To his credit, beside the Toscanini concerts this season, Peerce has giv- en recitals in Chicago, Cleveland, Pittsburgh and Baltimore, the latter at the Peabody Conservatory, which only presents in its course "lieder" singers of the finest calibre. S A If RUDOLPH SERKIN 11 i I I This brilliant young piano virtuoso, who first appeared, in this country,, only five years ago, has since been widely acclaimed by critics at every performance. His inspired interpreta- tions have been received everywhere with the utmost of enthusiasm. Mr. Serkin will.appear 1 11