The Editor
Gets Told
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College Publishers Representative
Associated Collegiate Press, 1938-39
Editor. .
. Robert D. Mitchell
* . Albert P. Mayio
. Horae PWGilmore
. Robert I.i Fitzhenry
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Robert Perlman
. . Earl Gilman
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The editorials published in The Michigan
)aly are written by members of the Dily
taff and represent the views of the writers
6e New
4ictator Bill'
T"HE Administration's Cochran-War-
T,, ren reorganization measure, having
ded the emasculatory attempts of desperate
Oublicans and unsympathetic Democrats in
House, this week faces the possibility of
n greater assaults in the Senate.
ust why the Senate should desire any fur-
r changes in the bill is not clear. Designed
recapture rebellious Democrats, it is only a
dow of last year's proposal which provoked
s of "dictator bill," and eventually was forced
o recommittment. Successive deletions, addi-
is and compromises have extracted whatever
th it had, leaving in place of a forceful and
bitious measure, a weak, almost apologetic,
n for reorganization.
et, it would seem that the trials of the Coch-
-Warren bill at the hands of Congress have
ly just begun. For to supplement and crystal-
opposition against it, Sen. Harry F. Byrd
n.-Va.) has offered a substitute bill already
roned by the Senate's Select Committee to
,estigate Government Agencies.
hif '7g from the Cochran-Warren bill essen-
ly in its approach to the problem of adminis-
:ve reorganization, the Byrd bill offers sol-
to economy-minded, anti-Administration
ators. The Administration proposal provides
t an executive reorganization order will go
Seffect unless disapproved within 60 days
concurrent action of Congress. The Senate
would replace this "negative" veto power
Congress by "affirmative" action: ,a presi-
tial reorganization order would have to be
roved by both houses of Congress be'ore
ig into effect. In an attempt to "reduce dras-
sly government -expenditures," the Byrd pro-
o1 would not give the President the power to
trol the budgets of independent government
ncies, and to create six executive assistants at
,ries of $10,000 a year. The House bill speci-
ily includes these powers.
; is doubtful whether the great savings Sena-
Byrd desires can come froiin mere structural
'ganization of Federal administrative agen-
. According to a recent report of the Brook-
e' Institute, the entire budget of these agencies
hie past fiscal year was $1,827,318,000. "What-
economies are realized here," the report
tinues, "would, therefore, affect only 18 per
t of the total expenditures. ."
cannot be hoped, then, that any'reorganiza-
. bill primarily aimed at the setting-up of an
dient administrative organization can realize
dtantial economie at the same time. What
ild be sought instead, the Brookings' report
cates, is a "fully-developed, permanent co-
nating agency under the President."
hichever bill is accepted, or whatever com-
6ises are effected, there promises to be a
Lt deal of partisan fireworks, if the following
rpts from the House session of last week are
ep. Warren (Dem.-N.C.): "Representative
Ord wouldn't vote for the Ten Command-
,ts if they were offered from the Democratic
ep. Gifford (Rep.-Mass.): "I do not trust this
ldent to bring in any reorganization orders
re this onno-e with Gan but a hhavarA
Letter From Swados
To the Editor:
The letter in Saturday's Daily signed by four
students is the most disgusting piece of shady
writing which it has ever been my displeasure to
read. These gentlemen seem to have two main
tactics: (1) Quotation from fascist and semi-
fascist .sources. (2) Distortion and evasion of
the main issues.
They quote one H. Howard Knoblaugh, an AP
correspondent who was expelled from Spain. They
quote one William Carney, who was long since
exposed as, a Franco press agent. They quote
Le Temps, French pro-fascist paper owned by
the Comite Des Forges.
So much for their sources. And what do these
young scholars propose to prove with their quota-
tions? That the government of Spain is in the
hands of Moscow. Very adroitly they attempt to
prove that Largo Caballero was an agent of
the Russian Communists, neglecting to mention
the fact that Caballero was denounced by the
Communists years ago and has had no part in
forming the policies of the Spanish Government
since he left office early in the war.
How clever these young men are! Notice that
they do not come out openly in support of Franco.
Would they dare? No, they confine themselves
to slandering the Spanish government and, by
implication, the Spanish people.
I challenge these individuals, or their mentors,
to answer adequately the following questions:
(1) Let them deny that Mussolini's stooge in
Spain has bombarded defenseless towns for
two years.
(2) Let them deny that the Spanish Govern-
ment has never bombarded civilian populations.
(3) Let them deny that Franco has bombed
Red Cross Trucks deliberately, that he has
bombed churches, libraries, museums, universi-
(4) Let them deny that Franco massacred
thousands in a bull ring at Badajoz.
(5) Letthem deny that the policies of Franco
are and, have always been dictated by Hitler,
Mussolini, and the British Government.
(6) Let them deny that the Spanish Govern-
ment has been ruled by orderly democratic pro-
(7) Let them deny that millions of Spaniards
have fled and are fleeing into Loyalist territory
to escape Mussolini's legions. Let them deny that
no such millions have fled from Government
Spain to Franco territory.
(8) Let them deny that Franco wiped out the
holy city of Guernica, that he machine-gunned
the women and children on the open roads
as they fled from the burning city.
(9) Let them deny that Franco has system-
atically attempted to terrorize the steadfast civil-
ian population into submission through contin-
uous bombing.
(10) And let them deny, finally, that they are
the local spokesmen for Franco, for Hitler, for
-Harvey Swados
The Eliot O'Hara Water Colors
The Ann Arbor Art Association fares forth
this month with a triple offering of water colors,
prints from the collection of Mrs. William A.
Comstock, and a huidred or so fine examples of
modern bookf art. This exhibit may be viewed
each afternoon from two to five up to March 21,
in the third floor galleries of the Rackham
Building. Each room deserves a lengthy comment
of its own, but I shall confine myself in this re-.
view to the water colors only. ,
No one writes more authoritatively today about
the technical complications of that tricky medium
than does Eliot O'Hara. A Guggenheim scholar
represented in the collections of eleven museums,
and a technician of great skill himself, one can-'
not help lending an attentive ear and eye to all
he says and does. And he demonstrates so ably
everything he says that the beholder is almost
aghast at the virtuosity of the man. His handling
of clouds in "The Corcovade Rio De Janiro" and
an equally masterly treatment in "Clouds Over
Popo" deserve an honored place in the archives
of water color painting. The smashing drama of
black and white can be no more ably depicted
than in the stark pattern of trunks as vivid as
lightning in "Dead Trees, Correntoso." "104 In
The Shade, Acapulco" would cause the most
frigid observer to reach for a fan, for all the
stuff is there; the hot, murky shadows, the life-
less palm, the glassy water with a few lazy ripples,
is almost steaming in its portrayal of heat. The
expanse of mountains and the magnitude of the
sky in "From the Cram's Terrace, Taxcoe.':
(Ralph Adams Cram) is not the result of a mere
dexterity of hand alone. O'Hara knows how to,
choose his subject matter, and from his vantage
point he makes us feel the immensity of the
space around him. "The Los Arcos, Taxco" is
something that almost any student in architec-
ture would give his right hand to emulate. The
pillars are as real as pillars ever can be. But
this reviewer was a little bewildered by not recog-
nizing at once a place where he had spent no
* little time. Perhaps he had never seen the
shadows take just that particular pattern. It was
an episode that he had missed. Then his glance
fell on No.5rn nthe onnnosiwal rRa mn .rtthn
-leywood Broun
MIAMI, Fla.--On many diners a slogan is
served to the passenger along with the olives.
He is asked to help "save the American railroads."
I am glad to report that I am
ready to step forward with
a highly constructive sugges-
tion. And it came to me on}1
a diner during the middle of
the evening meal. Just a-
cross the groaning board
there sat a lady and her son,
a manly lad of five. The oth-
er occupant of the table was
a friend of the family, perhaps, a traveling sales-
man or just somebody like myself who was,
stuck with a bad seat.
Junior was fractious. His mother ascribed that
to his tonsils, but I believe his disability was
deeper. and to some extent she herself Was to
"Junior is going to drink his nice big glass
of orange juice," she said and shoved the tepid
draught in his direction. That, I think, is a wrong
approach. After the manner of cod liver oil,
orange juice should be forced down the throat
of each tiny tot. It doesn't make any difference
whether he likes it or not, and it is a pity that a
parent should descend to the sheer hypocrisy of
pretending that orange juice unadorned is a
zippy beverage, They couldn't fool Junior.
"I don't want no orange juice," said Junior in
a querulous and unpleasant voice which suggest-
ed adenoids as well as tonsils. And the little rascal
reached out to hurl the contents of the glass at
a passing waiter. Just in time his mother caught
his wrist, but she failed to break it.
"Junior," she announced with false oatumism,
"is going to drink all of his lovely glass of milk."
This time the cut shaver was too quick for'her
and he spilled the entire contents of his lovely
glass of milk right in my lap. The dining car
steward said I took it like a gentleman. As I
remember, I told the lady that it was an old suit
anyway and that we were all young once.
But right here the ideahit me of how to save
the American railroads. First of all, half fare is
too much for children. They should travel for
one-quarter fare. And nobody should be allowed
to take his child into a coach, sleeper, parlor car,
or lounge. Each child should be checked at the
beginning of the journey and claimed when th.e
ride has ended. No new equipment would be nec-
essary, as the modern baggage car should fit the
requirements excellently.
Possibly brakemen and conductors should re-,
ceive some slight instruction as to the best mat
ner in which to feed and water their small
charges. And, of course, before the innovation can
be introduced some popular campaign of educa-
tion may be necessary.
Here and there a parent will protest that it is
harsh to put his little boy in the baggage car.
There may even be a fear that there will be con-
fusion in distributing the various offspring in
the depot. That's nonsense. If properly tagged
and stamped, there should be slight incidence of
A SIGHT variation of the "Who-
was-that-lady-I-saw-you-with" t
gag arises to haunt not only the ir-
reverent editors of the New Yorker
magazine, whose "Talk of the Town"
is still the sanest chronicle of thesec
frivolous times, but also Continentalt
gossipers. While we have succumbed4
to the spasmodic creeps over the an-c
tics of the Nuremberg Neurotic, the
New Yorker has been investigating a
story going the rounds to the effectr
that Hitler isn't Hitler at all, but
four other guys named Oscar. Hitler,
the real job, according to the legend,
was killed in the 1934 purge, buried
quietly and replaced by a vaudevillet
comic dancer who had been in re-
hearsal for more than a year, in an-
ticipation of the role.
The New Yorker disclosures ledt
to further investigations which
confirmed Hitler's liquidation, but
which varied as to time and place.i
One source claimed Hitler had
been erased in the abortive Mun-
ich beer-hall putsch of '23. An-
other said he was wiped out in
the World War, or had at least]
disappeared. Still another de-
clared that not one man but four
were impersonating him, four im-
posters alternating at the "Heads-
I-win, tails-you-lose" pastime
with the umb'ella man.
The Inside Story
To top off the fantastic story, it
has been hinted now that the current
"Hitler" will tell all in a forthcom-
ing book. The whole things reminds
us of the story involving the defense-
less prize fighter who had for several
rounds withstood a brutal beating at
the hands of his opponent, only to
stagger to his corner and hear his
cajoling second, whisper, "You're do-
ing fine, Butch. He hasn't laid a
glove on you."
Butch listened tolerantly for a few
rounds, and then just before he be-
came completely fogbound, he turned
on his second as that worthy re-
peated, "he hasn't laid a glove on
"In that case," said Butch, "keep
an eye on the referee, 'cause some-
body's beating hell out of me."
Feminine Winchell
MICHIGAN Daily readers who have
long yearned for the Winchell-
esque slant on campus affairs may
look to the future with new optimism.
For at a meeting of freshman tryouts
the other day, during which the tech-
nic of proof-reading was illustrated
and Daily style explained, a feminine
tryout collared the senior in charge,
and inquired:
"Isn't there some way I can get
out of all this? I. only cone out
for the Daily so I could write a
gossip column."
The senior's answer was lost in his
studied reverence of the pert young
thing, and when last seen he was busy
confirming her telephone number.
Raising Ghandi's Arm
Raikot, India, March 7. Winner
of a dispute with a native ruler,
Mohandas K. Gandhi ened this
afternoon a fast of 98 hours and
25 minutes
-Associated Press Dispatch
A giant, a Colossus, yes, and India's
toughest shoat, a hundred pounds of
skin and bone, a loin cloth and a
goat. But Mulvaney took a look at
him, and whispered to Leroy, "A
thousand tons of iron will is that spal-
peen, me bhoy. That Gandhi kid's
the candy kid, and before he touches
bread he'll have that toff, the Viceroy
standing on his bloomin' head. And
Sahib Darmitwhatshisname, the rul-
er of Rajkot, will prisintly be regis-
tered a full-fledged Democrot." How
well. Mulvaney knew his man, how
well he knew his men-If only Kip-
ling could come back to tell a yarn
-St. Louis Post-Dispatch
284) of Mozart, Mendelssohn Violin
Concerto, Barcarolle (Op. 60) and
Scherzo (Op. 39) of Chopin. 8:15, S
of M Aud.
Indianapolis Symphony, Fabian
Senitzky cond. 3-4, WADC.
Twilight Organ Recital, Palmer
Christian organist. C minor Prelude
and Fugue (Bach), Air Majesteux and
Mussette en Rondean (Rameau), An-
dante of Stamitz, Widor's Sixth Sym-
phony for Organ, in G. 4:15, Hill
WOR Sinfonietta, Alfred Wallen-
stein cond. League of Composers Con-
cert. Sinfonietta -by Waglnaar, Two
Choric Dances of Paul Creston. 8:30-
9, WOR.
Adele Marcus, pianist. Prelude and
Fugue in D (Bach), Mazurkas and
Etudes of Chopin, Paganini-Brahms
Variations. 3:30-4, WJR.
o FTem m.T A
Publication in the Bulletin is constructive notice to all members of the University.
Copy received at the office of the Assistant to the Presideut until 3:30 P.M.;
11:00 A.M. on Saturday.
(Continued from Page 3)
by lantern slides and is open to the
French Lecture: The sixth lecture
on the CerclecFrancais program will
take place Thursday, March 16, at
4:15 p.m. in the Natural Science Au-
Madame Arline Caro-Delvaille,
distinguished French author, jour-
nalist and lecturer will speak on
"Voyage au Perigord." The lecture is
accompanied with motion picture.
American Chemical Society Lec-
ture. Professor Edward Mack, Jr.,
of the University of North Carolina,
will speak on "Structure of Some
Typical Organic Molecules as Illus-
trated by Scaled Models" in Room
303, Chemistry Building, Thursday,
March 16, at 4:15 p.m. The public
is invited.
Events Today
Freshman Round Table: Professor
Robert C. Angell will speak at the
Freshman Round Table on "An
American Looks at National Social-
ism" at Lane Hall, 4 p.m., today.
Eastern Engineering Trip: All stu-
dents who are going on the engineer-
ing trip during Spring Vacation will
meet oday in the Michigan Union, to
go over the proposed schedule.
The Michigan Wolverine will hold
the regular Sunday Night Social hour
tonight from 7 until 9 p.m. It is
to be held every Sunday evening. As
a special attraction this week, Mich-
ael Massa will present his collection
of 150 of the latest dance and classi-
cal recordings.
A light lunch will be served at a
slight charge. Members of ,the Wol-
verine, friends, and the public are
cordially invited.
Druids supper meeting today, 5:30.
ASU Labor Committee will meet
today at 1:30 p.m. in the conference
room in Lane Hall. Please be prompt
All interested are invited.
Program for tody at the Hillel
Foundation: 10:30, Council meeting
6:00, Cost Supper.
7:30, Forum.
Rabbi Maurice Eisendrath, "Rome
or Jerusalem."
Christian Student Prayer Group
All students who wish to enjoy a
Sunday afternoon hour of fellowship
are invited to meet with the group
in the Fireplace Room at Lane Hal
at 4:15 p.m. Refreshments and sing-
ing will precede a discussion of the
14th chapter of Romans.
The Graduate Outing Club:
Will meet this afternoon at th
Northwest door of the Rackham
Building at 2:30 p.m. They will g
ice skating or hiking as the weathe
permits. At 5:30 p.m. there will be a
business meeting; those who are no
able to come out in the afternoon
but have been interested in the clu
are asked to attend this meeting an
the supper following.
, The Lutheran Student Club wil
meet at Zion Parish Hall, 5:30 p.m
today for social hour and supper
Prof. McAllister of the Librar
School will speak on "The Rare Boo
Room" at the discussion hour at 6:45
JGP Make-up committee meeting
Monday at 4:30 p.m. in the Under
graduate Office of the League.
. Coming Events
Research Club will meet on Wed
nesday, March 15, at 8 p.m., in th
Amphitheatre of the Rackham Bldg
Program: Prof. H. T. Price wil
speak on "Compositor's Grammar,
and Dean E. H. Kraus will speak on
"Some Aspects of the Practice an
Theory of Diamond Cutting."
The Council will meet in the As-
sembly Hall at 7:30 p.m.
Forestry Assembly: There will be
an assembly of the School of For
estry and Conservation in the amphi
theatre of the Rackham Building a
11 a.m. on Tuesday, March 14, a
which Mr. Stanley A. Fontanna, Dep-
uty Director of the Michigan State
Department of Conservation, wil
speak on the activities of that De-
partment. All students in the School
of Forestry and Conservation are ex-
pected to attend, and any others in-
terested are cordially invited to do so
Physics Colloquium: Professor J. M.
Cork will speak on "Transmutation o
Uranium" at the Physics Colloquium
on Monday, March 13 at 4:15 in
Room 1041 East Physics Bldg.
Mathematics Club will meet Tues-
day, March 14, at 8 p.m., in the West
Conference Room of the Rackham
Untermeyer. Students and faculty
members cordially invited.
Meeting with Crntemporary Poetry
class. 7 p.m. Michigan Union (North
Lounge). Subject: "Poetry at Play:
Play with Purpose." Open to all stu-
Thursday, March 16. Coffee hour
at Michigan Union (North Lounge). 4
Lecture to engineering students. 8
p.m. Rackham Lecture Hall. Subject:
"Poetry as a Function-And How It
Botanical Journal Club: Tuesday,
7:30 p.m. Room N.S. 1139, March
14, 1939.
Reports by-
Mr. Laing, Recent investigations on
the influence of Vitamine B (Thio-
mine) on root growth.
Mr. Dunham, A discussion of grow-
ing plants in water instead of soil.
Mr. James, Selenium injury to
plants and animals.
Miss Scheer, Is there a flower hor-
mone distinct from growth hor-
mones? A .review of several papers.
Chairman: Professor F. G. Gustaf-
Law School Case Club Trials: The
Case Club courts will hear the argu-
ments of counsel in the Freshman
Case Club Final Competition on
Tuesday, March 14, at 4 p.m. The
same case will be argued in each of
the four courts before a three-judge
bench consisting of a faculty mem-
ber, the regular student judge in
charge of the respective court, and
a senior or graduate student as visit-
ing judge. These hearings are open
1to the public and should be of par-
ticular interest to pre-legal students.
The cases will all be heard in Hut-
chins Hall in the following rooms:
Marshall Club (Judge Clifford
Christenson) Room 218.
Story Club (Judge Bruce M. Smith)
Room 220.
Kent Club (Judge Ralph E. Help-
er) Room 120.
Cooley Club (Judge Thomas Mun-
son) Room 116.
The suit is a proceeding in equity
on behalf of a popular radio crooner
to enjoin a radio broadcasting com-
pany from' broadcasting phonograph
records of his vocal selections. The
recordings were made under a royal-
ty agreement with the record manu-
facturer with the understanding that
they were not to be used for broad-
casting purposes, and each disc bore
a stamp stating that it was "not li-
censed for broadcasting." The play-
ing of the records has diminished the
radio audiences and also cut down
l the royalties from sales of recordings.
German Table for Faculty Mem-
bers: The regular luncheon meeting
will be held Monday at 12:10 p.m. in
the Founders' Room of the Michi-
e gan Union. All faculty members in-
terested in speaking German are cor-
o dially invited. There will be a brief
r informal talk by Dr. Julius Wolff on,
I "Die San Blas Indianer in Panama."
Biological' Chemistry Seminar:
b Tuesday, March 14, 7:30 p.m., Room
d 319 West Medical Bldg. "The Bio-
logical Synthesis of Amino Acids"
will be discussed. All interested are
1 invited.
La Sociedad Hispanica. The fourth
y lecture on the current series spon-
k sored by La Sociedad Hispanica will
. be presented Wednesday, March 15,
at 4:15 p.m., in 108 R.L. (Please note
g change of room). E. A. Mercado, of
-the Department of Romance Lan-
guages, will discuss "El cuento es-
panol" (The Spanish Short Story).
This lecture will replace the one or-
iginally scheduled for the above date.
- Admission. by ticket only.
. New York State Students: There
11 will be a meeting of the New York
" State Club on Tuesday, March 14.
n Eight p.m. at the League. Plans for
d future organization will be discussed.
- Faculty Women's Club: The Play
Reading Section will meet on Tues-
day afternoon, March 14, at 2:15, in
e the Mary B. Henderson Room of the
- Michigan League.
t The Intermediate Class in Social
t Dancing will be held Monday night,
- March 13 at 7:30 in the Ballroom
e of the League instead of Wednes-
l day, March 15. The Beginning Class
- will meet as usual on Tuesday night.
Recreational Swimming, Women
- Students. Recreational swimming for
. women will be held at 4 every Mon-
day afternoon at the Union Pool. This
is sponsored by the Michigan Wom-
f en's Swimming Club. Instruction in
a diving will be offered for those wish-
ing it.
ry Churches-
- First Baptist Church, Sunday,
t 10:45 a.m. Worship coinducted by
a (lr T-k AX v ,,Xnz- A- -1.,,
Radio City Music Hall, Erno Rapee cond., Ossy
Renardy violinist. Imagery (Horace Johnson),
Paganini Violin Concerto, Afternoon of a Faun
(Debussy), Hungarian Melodies (Ernst), Rou-
manian Rhapsody (Enesco). 12-1, KDKA,
Dr. Charles Courboin, organist. 12-12:15,
New York Philharmonic Symphony, \ Artur
Schnabel, pianist, John Barbirolli cond. Over-
ture to Oberon (Weber), Piano Concerto No. 5 in
E flat ("Emperor") of Beethoven, Brandenburg
Concerto No. 3 (Bach), "Enigma" Variations (El-
gar). 3-5, WJR.
New Friends of Music Orchestra, Fritz Stied-
ry cond. Concerto in A minor for Four Pianos
(Bach), Symphony No. 7 in B flat (Haydn).
6-7, WJZ.
Bach Cantata Series, Alferd Wallenstein cond.
St. John Passion, Part II (?). 7-7:30, CKLW.
University of Michigan Little Symphony, Mary
Van Doren pianist, Thor Johnson cond. Overture
to Joseph (Mehul), Symphony No. 12 in E
(Haydn), Adagio, Op. 3 (Lekeu), Five Pieces from
"For the Children" (Tansman), Piano Concerto
in B flat (K.595), Mozart. 8:30, Michigan
Curtis Institute Orchestra, Fritz Reiner cond.
Egmont Overture (Beethoven), and his Sym-
phony No. 6 in F. 3-4, WADC.
Rochester Civic Orchestra, Guy Fraser Harri,
son cond. La Princesse Jaune (Saint-Saens), En-
tr'acte from Rosamunde. (Schubert) Sleeping
Beauty Waltz and Mozartiana (Schaikowsky).,
3-4, WSPD, WXYZ.
WOR Symphony, Philip James cond. 9:30-
10:00, CKLW.
School of Music Student Recital, Celia Chao
pianist, Nancy Dawes pianist, Jeanette Halen
pianist, Margaret Martin soprano, Baldwin Mi-
kovits violinist. Bach Italian Concerto for Harp-
sichord alone, songs by Debussy and Sinding,
"O mio babbino caro" from Sianni Schicihi (Ver-
di), Variations from Piano Sonata in (DCK.