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March 11, 1939 - Image 6

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The Michigan Daily, 1939-03-11

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nn .-

Unique College
Promises Jobs,
Not Diplomas
Jobs are the diplomas that await
180 boys who are obtaining an educa-
tion through the facilities of the gov-
ernment at a "bread and butter" col-
lege which is situated near Chelsea.
Officially, the institution is known
as the Cassidy Lake Resident Work
Project of the National Youth Ad-
ministration. In contrast to the marble
halls of the University, their build-
ings are made of logs. Rabbits and
squirrels share the 300 acre campus
with the student body, who hope to
don the overalls of industry instead
of the traditional cap and gown.
The student body is made up of
boys in small rural areas and com-
munities who have little else in pros-
pect than being a gas station attend-
ant or garage mechanic., The curric-
ulum includes the equivalent of the
first year in college, high school
extension courses, instruction in
machine tool operation, wood working
and plans and specifications for con-
This "bread and butter" college
differs from the ordinary trade school
in that it offers the student explora-
tory work service. Each boy has an
opportunity to sample the instruction
until he finds what he can do best.
He may stay until he is qualified to
make a living, according to Donald L.
Miller, director.1
The students finish their instruc-
tion in less than five months at the'
college which is conducted on a co-
operative, self-governing basis. Stu-
dents are required to put in 70 work'
hours a month, 60 hours of school and
44 hours of kitchen and cleaning
work. Fifteen dollars of their monthly
pay check of 30 dollars is paid fort
fuel, heat and food.a
Each boy must be certified by thel
county supervisor of the NYA and
be sponsored by three respectable citi-f
zens in his community' who take the
responsibility of finding him a job,1
Mr., Miller added. All but 30 of the
260 graduates are working now,


est Seeks
Aid To Spain

Thompson Sees No Necessity
For Producing_10,000 Planes

Father Lobo Answers
ChargesOf Press
(Continued from Page 1)
This new development does not mean
that we should stop fighting, he de-
clared, it means that in addition to
working for the lifting of this coun-
try's arms embargo on Spain, Ameri-
cans should protest strenuously
against United States "stultifying her
honor" by recognizing the Franco
O'Sheel expressed his amazement
at American opposition to the Loyal-
ists who "are fighting to preserve the
democracy they love so well." He
enumerated the two chief sources of
this opposition, those who use fas-
cism as a weapon for exploiting the
people, and the Catholic people who,
he said, have been deceived by what
they may have read in the papers
and have entirely misinterpreted the
To convince these people of the
justice of the Loyalist cause, it is
necessary to show them that the
Catholic Church of Spain is not like
the church in this country, he ex-
plained, but has failed the people and
has lost their love.
He stated that at the Lime of the
rebel revolt the Republican govern-
ment did not contain a single radical,
that the government had at no time
persecuted the Catholics but on the
contrary had taken steps to protect
them, and that furthermore the few
outrages committed in the early days
of the war were the work of irres-
ponsible\ hoodlums.
Speaking of the anxiety of the
Spanish soldiers, Father Lobo told,
of :ibraries constructed close to the
trenches at the front. He added, "I
have seen a booth with books at the
front line trenches less than 200 met-
ers from the enemy where men were
explaining to the soldiers the impor-
tance of culture."
Father Lobo concluded his speech
with a plea for help for all of the
Spanish people who, he maintained,
were pulled into war against their
will. The refugee problem is acute,
worhen and children are suffering
from lack of food, he said, and any-
thing the American people can do toE
relieve this situation will be deeply

"There is no immediate need to
step up our aviation production to
anywhere near 10,000 planes a year"
Prof. Milton J. Thompson, of the
aeronautical engineering depart-
ment, declared in an interview yes-
terday, dealing with the United
States military airforce in relation to
However, we do need some increase
in our production, Professor Thomp-
son pointed out, since only 50 per
cent of the aviation industry is
working full time. It is imperative,
he said, that production be kept up
to a high enough level to maintain
research. It is research that must
be stressed in this country at the
present time rather than production.
With such rapid advances being made
in every branch of the field, it is
foolish to build huge airforces Pro-
fessor Thompson declared, because
models are well on the way toward
obsolescence as soon as they leave the
factory. Another disadvantage to a,
huge fleet, Professor Thompson add-I
ed, is the cost of upkeep and opera-
At the present time, Professor
Thompson said it is immaterial how
many airplanes German may have,
Disease Comes
In 'Flu's' Wake
Recent Epidemic Results!
In More Severe Ills
The aftermath of the recent mild
but widespread influenza epidemic
has begun to appear in pneumonia,
ear infections, sinus diseases and oth-
er complications, Dr. Warren E.
Forsythe, director of the Health Serv-
ice, revealed yesterday.
No serious cases arose during the
three weeks in which the epidemic
affected 1,400 students, but now as the
number of influenza cases is declin-
ing rapidly, more serious diseases aris-
ing from it are keeping the infirmary.
beds filled, Dr. Forsythe explained.
Several students have been affect-
ed by the epidemic for a second time,
after recovering earlier, and they are
under observation, and will be X-rayed
for pneumonia, Dr. Forsythe stated.
Health Service doctors are no longer
worried about the epidemic that kept
them working overtime for weeks.
"We are now worried about the wreck-7
age the storm has left," Dr. Forsythe1
Muehlig Now Heads Staff,
Dr. George F. Mueniug, '12M, hasj
been elected chief of staff of St.
Joseph's Mercy Hospital for the en-
suing year succeeding Dr. C. L. Wash-
burne. Dr. Dean W. Myers, '99M,
was reelected assistant chief of staff.

'since Germany would have to estab-
lish an air base on the American con-
tinent in order to present any serious
threat. In addition to this, Germany's
planes are only built to defend the
comparatively close-knit borders of
that country and consecuently lack
the range necessary to cross the At-
There isn't any conclusive evidence,
Professor Thompson said, proving
that the German ships are any fas-
ter than those of the United States.
He pointed out that the latest Lock-
heed plane developed for the Army,
the XP-38, averaged 356 miles an
hour in a recent transcontirlental
flight and hit a top speed of 420.
Another ship whch he declared had
done better than 400, was the new
Curtiss-Wright Hawk which attract-
ed wide attention after a power dive
of 575 miles an hour. These figures,
Professor Thompson pointed out, are
both much better than the German
official world land plane record of
379 miles per hour.
Germany nas oeen doing a great
deal of research and has discovered
a practical Deisel engine for airplanes
admitted Professor Thompson. In his
opinion, however, it will be a long
time before it can compete with the
gasoline engine. One source of worry
to this nation's aviation experts has
been the fact that the radial type
motor, which is used here, has been
developed close to its capacity, while
the straight, or 'in-line' engine which
German manufacturers have con-
centrated on is constantly being im-
proved. Professor Thompson de-
clared that there is no need to be
anxious on this account since the
Allison Motor Corp. has perfected an
"in-line" engine which is even su-
perior to the German models for
streamlining and power.
In comparing the merits of the re-
spective airforces it is extremely dif-
ficult to obtain accurate information
Professor Thompson said, but it is,
very significant that almost all for-
eign nations prefer to purchase both
their military and commercial air-
planes from the United States in the
face of a strong German bid for the
Cheering With Cards
Originated By Gores
From the minds of Michigan profes-
sors spring hundreds of ideas which
later achieve national renown-but
Prof. Walter W. J. Gores of the archi-
tecture school had one that topped
all the others.
In 1919, when at Stanford Uni-
versity, Professor Gores suggested
the idea of a cheering section which
held up cards to form designs. The
idea was tried in the California game
Soon afterward with Southern Cali-
fornia and other schools immediately
copied it. Today it is used through-
sut the country.



Smith To Attend-Meeting
Ira M. Smith, registrar, and Robert
L. Williams, assistant registrar, will
attend a meeting of the North Cen-
tial Association March 27 to June 1
at Chicago.



Cabot Presents Doctors' Views
On Group Medicine Proposals

(Editor's Note: This is the fourth in
a series of articles in which Dr. Hugh
Cabot, former dean of the School of
Medicine, discusses the problem of
group medicine, one of the important
issues before the state medical society.)
Group medicine is not accepted
wholeheartedly by American doctors
and has been objected to quite vocifer-
ously, Dr. Hugh Cabot, dean of the
School of Medicine from 1921 to
1930, states in a recently published
medical journal, as he discusses the
arguments raised against group medi-
Although Dr. Cabot is one of the
foremost exponents of group medi-
cine in the country, he can be con-
sidered especially qualified to dis-
cuss the arguments against it, accord-
ing to Mrs. B. B. Cannon of Ann Ar-
bor. She relates that in 1912, Dr.
Cabot was opposed to a group medi-
cine plan, founded by his brother,
Richard, a plan which numbered
her husband among its followers.
The failure of group medicine to
maintain that "close personal contact
and personal service" between doc-
tor and patient has been frequently
cited as the outstanding argument
< gainst it, according to Dr. Cabot.
uch a failure can easily be attributed
to faults in administration and these
faults can easily be rectified. In
addition, the idea of "personal" at-
tention may be over-emphasized.
In group practice, the importance
of the specialist and of consultation
are unduly exaggerated, cry many of
its opponents, Dr. Cabot points 'out.
In private practice, however, the
patient sees too little of the special-
ist, the general practitioner making
many of the decision for which he
might advisedly call a consultation.
A well-organized group practice
could eliminate such cause for com-
plaint, Dr. Cabot replies, by having
most of the patients see the general
physician and be referred to special-

al ethics is often pointed out as an-i
other important opposition argument,
Dr. Cabot declares. Group practices
are censured for advertising and oth-
er "improper methods." If "organized
medicine" considered such practices
as unethical, it certainly would wield
its power of impressing and enforcing
its codes on doctors in groups as well
as in private practice.
Unfair competition is usually con-
sidered a powerful argument against
group medicine, Dr. Cabot believes.
Such charges should not apply to
the medical profession, however, be-
cause physicians are not competing
in regard to income, but in regard
to offering professional services. In
addition, a doctor has no right to cry
"unfair competition" when an or-
ganization designed to reduce "the
cost of his services" is organized in
the community.
Lake Farm $3,700. Attractive
brick house, nearly remodeled.
Shady yard, garage, barn. 150
acres about 45 acres tillable,

I I I'll 1 lill ;jjjjjjlj- ljjlj - =

$2500 buys 160 acres near
North Lake. Beautiful stream.

Lake farm-253 or 345 acres.
1-mile lake'and river frontage
on 12-mile chain of lakes: 75-
acre wooded point; attractive
old homestead, fireplace, elec-
tricity, bath, furnace. Farmed
successfully 105 years by own-
er's family. Only $50 per acre.
Other good farms for sale. Oril
Ferguson; Allyn Ferguson. 928
Forest. Phone 2-2839.

MARCH 23, 24, 25, at 8:30 p.m.
From March 15 on


A tendency to disregard profession- I
HEAR - This Series of





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