f tit, MICHIGAN DAILY .'i.' u r, u i. s i . n 1i, I 39 THE MICHIGAN DAILY a SATTJ~T)A~, MARCh 11,1939 The Editor Gets Told TODAY 1 WASHNd INGON b4y David La vrence- $ More "It Spa hit * Edited and managed by students of the University of Michigan under the authority of the Board in Control of Student Publications. Published every morning except Monday during the University year and Suma "rhSession. Member of the Associated Press The Associated Press is exclusively entitled to the use for republication of all news dispatches credited to it or not otherwise credited in this newspaper. All rightsof republication of all other matters herein also reserved. Entered at the Post Office at Ann Arbor, Michigan, as second class mail matter. Subscriptions during regular school year by carrier, $4.00; by mail, $4.50. REPRESENTED FOR NATIONAL ADVERTISING Y National AdvertisingService, mc. College Publishers Represent'tive 420 MADISON AVE. NEW YORK, N. Y. CHICAOC -IOSTON LO- ANGELESW SAN FRANCISCO Member, Associated Collegiate Press, 1938-39 Board of Managing Editor Editorial Director . City Editor . Associate Editor . . . Associate Editor- . Associate Editor . . Associate Editor. . . Associate Editor. . Associate Editor. Book Editor .. Women's Editor sports Editor. . . Editors Robert D. Mitchell Albert P. Mayio . Horace W. Gilmore . Robert I. Pit~henry * . S. R. Kliman . . Robert Perman Earl Oilmaan William Elvin Joseph Freedman . . Joseph Gies . . Dorothea Staebler . . Bud Benjamin Business Department Business Manager. . . , . Philip W. Buchen Credit Manager . . . Leonard P. Siegelman Advertising Manager... William L. Newnan Women's Business Manager Helen Jean Dean Women's Service Manager . . Marian A. Baxter NIGHT EDITOR: ELLIOTT MARANIS The editorials published in The Michigan Daily are written by members of the Daily staff and represent the views of the writers only. Airplane Sales For Democracy . j T IS BROMIDIC to say thdt the only g way to prove anything to Hitler is to show him the size of your army and the number of your airplanes; the only way to stop his on- ward drive is to make your military forces vastly superior to his. ,It is common sense to realize that if fascist aggression can be stopped, a gen- eral European war can be avoided. It is in that way that the "peace in our times" can be attained and that this peace can be based upon honorable principles, something that was not gained at Munich or in Spain. In order to accomplish this end, however, the air fleets of Britain and France must be enlarged, Since military production in a democracy is limited by the popular demand for consump- tive goods, the military forces of Britain and France, the "great democracies," must be aug- mented by another nation whose interests coin- cide with theirs. It is up to the United States there fore, to aid the democracies in building their air fleet and thus helping them to adopt a firm stand toward aggressors. The recent cash sale of planes to France by President Roosevelt was just such a step. The sale, however, was strongly opposed by the substantial bloc of those who desire a foreign policy based upon American isolation. Recent developments both here and abroad show the impossibility of such a policy. Although it is practically impossible for a fleet of foreign planes to reach the United States under the existing limitations upon long distance airplane travel, especially those limitations for heavily loaded bombers, we are far from invulnerable to foreign propaganda. The recent Bund rally proved that the effects, moreover, of a general European war upon our national economy would be far- reaching and disorganizing. Our foreign trade which has so much to do with our production and prosperity could only be thrown into a state of chaos. Our foreign policy, therefore, must not be based upon a quixotic theory of isolation, but, upon a more realistic, pragmatic attempt to prevent thegeneralsEuropean war that could only have such disastrous consequences. The policy of helping the "great democracies" is such an attempt. American aid to the democracies, however, does not mean that that aid must be unqualified. 4T the present leaders of the governments of Britain and France do not sincerely desire to take a firm stand against the aggressors and thus preserve lasting peace in the only possible way, there can be no excuse for our giving these "grq democracies" our help. But if these governments are not equipped to assumea stand, our inter- related interests should force us to give them aid, physically as well as morally. The situation demands a clarification and explanation of policy from Chamberlain and Daladier. It also demands an intensive investiga- tion by American authorities of all pertinent factors before they offer American aid in any way to the "great democracies." The situation de- mands an expression of opinion from the Ameri-' can people, declaring their belief in peace and To the Editor: In an editorial in the Daily (Mar. 3) S. R. Kleiman said: "As for communism in Spain, communism is not, and never has been a true issue in Spain. It was made a false issue by those who sought to create a "Red" scare and seize power themselves. When the revolt broke out in 1936, the Rebels were acting with the aid of Italian Fascists, utilizing Italian planes, but not one member of the Cabinet of Spain was a Communist. There were 16 communist repre- sentatives in the Spanish Parliament out of a total of more than 500." For accurate informa- tion there were only 473 members to the Cortes, but as to the other facts so blandly stated, we wonder if the editor knows what he is talking about. Let us examine the facts and draw our conclusion. As a result of a fraudulent and undemocratic election in February 1936, as we pointed out in our letter of March 8, the Leftists got the major- ity of seats in the Cortes. The biggest and strong- est part of the Left coalition was the Socialist party under the leadership of Francisco Largo Caballero; it held about 89 seats. We will admit that there were only 16 members of the Com- munist Party in the Cortes, but we contend that there was no practical difference between the Socialists and the Communists. The words of Caballero himself as said to H. Edward Knob- laugh, Associated Press corespondent in ladrid for many years, express the fact well. Mr. Knob- laugh reports the statement on pages 16 and 17 of his book "Correspondent in Spain:" K noblaugh Speaks "I had almost laughed at Francisco Largo Cab- allero, veteran leader of the Socialist-Communist party when he had told me, in an interview in his cell while still prisoner for his part in the Left revolt of Oct., 1934: 'We will win at least 265 seats. The whole existing order will be overturned. Azana will play Kerensky to my. Lenin. Within five years the republic will be so organized that it will be easy for my party to use it as a stepping stone to our objective. A union of Iberian Soviet re- publics-that is our aim. The Iberian peninsula will again be one country. Portugal will come in, peaceably we hope, but by force if necessary. You see here behind bars the future master of Spain! Lenin declared Spain would be the second Soviet Republic in Europe. Lenin's prophecy will come true.' Knoblaugh continues:" . . . Fearing that Lar- go Caballero, if the reaction to his sensational statement were unfavorable enough, might at- tempt to repudiate it, I played safe against a 'kick-back.' Before I filed it, I submitted the cable containing the interview to him in the presence of one of his lieutenants, Maximo Fer- nandez. When Maximo, a Communist writer with a reading knowledge of English, confirmed my translation into Spanish, Largo heartily ap- proved it. Taking an extra precaution, I took a newspaper clipping of his statement as translated into Spanish and printed on page one under a banner-line by the New York Spanish language newspaper, La Prensa. He again endorsed it." For those who doubt the statement, it behooves them to prove to the contrary. For us it clearly establishes the communistic issue in Spain and shows how communistic the Socialist party was. But for those who would like to have the fact verified in another way, the New York Times of Feb. 23 says: "The chief opponents in the election were the Left, or the Popular Front, and the Right National, or anti-revolutionary Front. Fundamentally each side was stamped by its traditional attitude toward the power of the Catholic Church-anti-clericalism versus cleri- calism. "Mr. Largo Caballero, who likes the title of 'the Spanish Lenin' given him by his followers, heads the Socialist faction favoring violence if it cannot achieve its end quickly by parliamen- tary methods. It now dominates the party and has completely silenced the moderate 'revolu- tionary' elements . . . "The Socialists are by far the strongest party in the victorious left coalition, but their leader Mr. Largo Caballero, has already announced that they do not wish to take Cabinet posts or participate directly in the government for the time being. When they entered the coalition they made it clear that they were doing so merely to win the election and obtain an amnesty for their comrades in prison. "Already there are evidences of discord within the Left Coalition. Mr. Azana resented the Socialist demands for their immediate decree of reforms listed in the Popular Front program without waiting for parliament to open and acA on these projects." The reforms listed briefly were: amnesty for the 30,000 prisoners who took part in the communist revolt in the 'Asturias in 1934 in an attempt to set up a Soviet state there; confiscation of the big estates; and gradual sup- pression of Catholic education. Azana 'Mere Fror ' At that time the Preimier was Azana, who was not a member of the Caballero Socialist party. Azana was a mere front for the goverrii ment controlled by Caballero. "Everyone here now expects that Premier Azana will soon find that he has outlived his usefulness in the eyes o-4 his extremist followers especially when he has to use force to preserve order." (N.Y. Times, Feb. 23, 1936). Again on March 2: "A demonstration of 100 00 Communists and Soeialists turned nut WASHINGTON, March 7.-Peace negotiations between the AFL and the CIO, with the federal government as mediator, will delay, if not per- haps erase altogether, the chances of amend- ing the Wagner Labor Relations Act at this session of Congress. The announcement by Senator Thomas of Utah, chairman of the Senate Committee on Labor, that, in view of the negotiations, the hearings on proposed amendments must be post- poned, has been published, but back of it lies a determination on the part of one labor group to prevent from coming up in Congress the very subject matter of te dispute, Thus, as one CIO leader said, how could there be any peace negotiations if Congress were con- sidering the emasculation of those provisions of the existing law which permit industrial unionism? Announcement has come nevertheless from AFL sources that bills are to be sponsored for a re-creation of the labor board. This means getting rid of all the present memberships and requiring new appointments by the President and, of course, new confirmation by the Senate. Wagner Act Central What the AFL has done is in line with action taken at their annual Executive Committee meet- ing in Miami recently, but it would be surprising if the bills were pushed at this time Certainly, the peace negotiations will not get very far if the struggle as between craft and industrial unions is transferred to Capitol Hill. Under such cir- cumstances, the CIO negotiators might well de- cline to go on until the issue had been settled in Congress. The tight to prevent any amendments from being made to the Wagner Act is one which will take on renewed significance according as the negotiations may seem to rise or fall. Thus, while at the moment the CIO has an advantage in keeping the legislative situation at a standstill, the impending threat of a legislative step which may define the respective jurisdictions of craft and industrial unions and forbid the Board to exercise discretionary judgment will be in the background as the negotiators between AFL and CIO pursue their arguments across the peace table. Sees Long AFL-CIO Talks That the debate will be prolonged seems in- evitable. Even if there is a meeting of minds, the details of a truce or working agreement until further steps can be taken is likely to extend over a protracted period. Certainly it seems im- probable that, by May or June, the situation will have clarified sufficiently for the Congress to be willing to take a hand in the ticklish political questions involved in deciding what is an "appro- priate unit" for collective bargaining. What the members of the National Labor Relations Board have been unable to. decide satisfactorily through a series of perplexing decisions is not likely to prove easy for members of Congress to decide. So it does look as if amendments to the Wagner Act have become enmeshed to such an extent in the circumstances surrounding the AFL-CIO peace negotiations that it seems a safe bet of "no legislation" at all this session. Employer organizations, which have been hopeful that the AFL would blaze the trail and get action on the subject in Congress, will find that the hoped- for initiative is now thwarted by a situation em- barrassing alike to the AFL and to the Adminis- tration. The CIO may well refuse to negotiate if the subject is interjected in the next few months in Congress. This means a postponement until the con- gressional session of January, 1940. Members of Congress will not like it very much, because, whichever way they vote, many of them will find they will have incured enmities. ' Vatican." March 15: "Mr. Azana wants to go back to the War Ministry . . . Thus he would not personally be obliged to make a break be- tween his party and the Marxists." The New York Times of Feb., 1936, carries other interesting reports of the Socialist pro- gram. These reports may be read in similar articles in the French paper "Le Temps" of Feb., 1936. It is of note that at this time the strict censorship of the news to foreign counries was not yet in force. Feb. 16: "The socialists now repudiate the 'bourgeois republican' Constitu- tion they helped write in 1931 and want it revised to provide for the immediate nationalization of land and banks. Their goal frankly is a proletar- ian dictatorship similar to Russia's with the elim- ination of the Catholic religion and the substi- tution of atheism . . ." N. Y. Times, Feb. 29: ". . . Mr. Largo Cab- allero now promises his partisans henceforth to carry on with the Marxist aim of establish- ing a proletarian aim of establishing a proletarian dictatorship in Spain-with or without the help of his Left Republican allies." N. Y. Times, Feb. 21: "Victorious Leftists con- tinued to spread disorder throughout the 'coun- try in disturbances directed against Catholics and Rightists . . . In the midst of the Leftist celebrations came the prediction that the estab- lishment of the new government was a stepping stone to a Spanish Soviet. They said they hoped to be able to achieve a 'Union of Iberian Soviet Republics' within the next five years. Lenin pre- dicted," it continued, "that Spain would be the second Soviet Republic in Europe. His prediction has taken a great step toward the fulfillment with the Leftist' election victory." N.Y. Times, Feb. 23: "Until last August mod- Prntp -crinismm wn. nlnm rlnnenr r Ts :_. ART By HELEN B. HALL Many famous English presses are represented in the current exhibit of Modern Book Art in the Rackham iBuflding. Among these are the None- such Press by the Dickens, their fine editions of Shakespeare and Dante's Divine Comedy, the Nonesuch Cen- tury, anda Congreve which dates from the first year of this press. The Riccardi Press is represented by the Rupert Brooke volume. A Curwen Press example is the volume of Nine Poems of Yeats, published in a limit- ed edition of twenty-five copies by Clement Shorter, a famous biblio- phile. From the Walpole Printing Of- fice is a nice book on Dryden by T. S. Eliot, and fine works are on exhibit from the Golden Cockerell by Bert- hold Laufer on Paper and Printing in, Ancient China, and a volume of James Joyce is shown from the Fountain 'Press. The Welsh Gregynog Press is also represented. The work of the Dun Emer Press, later changed to the Cuala Press, run by Elizabeth Yeats, is seen in some volumes of Yeats' writings. One of the finest of the French presses is the Halcyon Press, which produced a work by Rimbaud, de- signed by A. A. Stols. Books from sev- eral excellent German presses are seen in the exhibit. The Bremer Press, which enjoys perhaps the high- est reputation, has done a work by Anna Simons, also famous as a print- er. Poeschel and Trepte do excellent work, and are represented by several volumes, including the Four Gospels and a Tartuffe. The Cranach Press,' run by a great amateur of printing, is an international establishment. Its chief designer is the Englishman, Eric Gill, and the fine edition of Virgil's5 Eclogues is illustrated by the French-l man, Maillol, and isprinted on paper1 made especially for this book. An edition of Grimm is from the press of Wilhelm Gerstung of Offenbach-< an-Main, designed by Rudolph Koch,I and illustrated by Fritz Kredel. An- other good German press represented is the Officina Serpentis. The En- schede Foundry in Holland is world- famous, and an edition of the Iliadt and a Til Elenspiegl with amusing colored illustrations by Richardt Floethe are on view. A number of smaller books printed by the Curwen Press are interesting chiefly for their excellent illustra- tions, many of which are the work ofI the English artist, McKnight Kauf- fer. The work of Eric Gill is seen in a book printed at his private press, St. Dominic's. Aubrey Beardsley worked at the beginning of this mod-t ern period. The Dada movement isI seen in wood cuts by Arp; while the surrealist exponents are well repre- sented. A list of illustrators in the exhibit presents an imposing roster of contemporary artists: Chirico, Bran-t cusi, Tchelitchew, Miro, Georg Grosz,t Picasso, Picabia with an arresting self-portrait, Andre Masson, Yves Tanguy, Leger, Lurcat, Derain, and a group of Jean Cocteau illustrations. C /1/1 f f Charley Hoyt's announced depart- ure from Michigan's athletic depart- ment has been duly, and even tear- fully, commented upon by authori- ties, players and the campus at large. But one of the strangest, and we think not at all improper, reactions was that registered by a member of his squad. Still overwrought by Hoyt's surprising disclosure, the boy was deeply sorrowful. "This univers- ity will some day realize who its real men are and try to keep them," he said bitterly. "I know Charley's bet- tering himself and all that, but why couldn't the people here match what- ever offers he got out East?" The question went begging. Two things cushion the shock of his resignation, however. One is that his new position at Yale was too at- tractive for him to turn down, and no one will deny that so capable and personable a coach as Charley Hoyt deserves the ultimate in opportunity. The other is that Ken Doherty re- mains here to carry on. Until now Ken hasn't had the opportunity to assert himself, and in the hubbub following Hoyt's decision, there was .a tendency to forget that a student of track, a gentleman and a fine' personality had been elected to the vacated job. Prof. Mentor Williams' lecture in his American Lit, course the other. day had progressed as usual, without interruption, when Angell Hall began to echo and re-echo with a concert of canine barking. Hardly pausing to recognize the barking, Prof. Wil- liams added parenthetically, "It's nol wonder President Ruthven made that statement about fraternities." (Continued from Page 2) cast in Morris Hall. It is necessary that everyone be there on time be- cause the entire program will be gone through. There will be a broadcast at 5:45 by the club. Bowling-: There will be an exhibi- tion of bowling at the Women's Ath- letic Building alleys at 2:00 this afternoon. Open to men and women. The Program Committee of Michi- gras will meet this afternoon at 3 p.m., at the Student Offices of the Michigan Union. Coming Events Research Club will meet on Wed- nesday, March 15, at 8 p.m., in thej Amphitheatre of the Rackham Bldg. Program : Prof. H. T. Price will; speak on "Compositor's Grammar," and Dean E. H. Kraus will speak on "Some Aspects of the Practice and Theory of Diamond Cutting." The Council will meet in the As- sembly Hall at 7:30 p.m. Forestry Assembly: There will be an assembly of the School of For- estry and Conservation in the amphi- theatre of the Rackham Building at 11 a.m. on Tuesday, March 14, at+ which Mr. Stanley A. Fontanna, Dep- uty Director of the Michigan State Department of Conservation, will speak on the activities of that De- partment. All students in the School of Forestry and Conservation are ex- pected to attend, and any others in- terested are cordially invited to do so.j Physics Coll9quium: Professor J. M. Cork will speak on "Transmutation of Uranium" at the Physics Colloquium on Monday, March 13 at 4:15 in Room 1041 East Physics Bldg. Law School Case Club Trials: Thel Case Club courts will hear the argu-i ments of counsel in the Freshman' Case Club Final Competition ont Tuesday, March 14, at 4 p.m. The same case will be argued in each of the four courts before a three-judge1 bench consisting of a faculty mem-1 ber; the regular student judge in charge of the respective court, and a senior or graduate student as visit- ing judge. These hearings are open to the public and should be of par- ticular interest to pre-legal students. , The cases will all be heard in Hut- chins Hall in the following rooms: Marshall Club (Judge Cliffordi Christenson) Room 218.E Story Club (Judge Bruce M. Smith)t Room 220. Kent Club (Judge Ralph E. Help- er) Room 120. Cooley Club (Judge Thomas Mun- son) Room 116. The suit is a proceeding in equity on behalf of a popular radio crooner to enjoin a radio broadcasting com- pany from broadcasting phonograph records of his vocal selections. The recordings were made under a royal- ty agreement with the record manu- THDE SCREEN facturer with the understanding that they were not to be used for broad- casting purposes, and eachdisc bore a stamp stating that it was "not li- censed for broadcasting." The play- ing of the records has diminished the radio audiences and also cut down the royalties from sales of recordings. German Table for Faculty Mem- bers: The regular luncheon meeting will be held Monday at 12:10 p.m. in the Founders' Room of the Michi- gan Union. All faculty members in- terested in speaking German are cor- dially invited. There will be a brief informal talk by Dr. Julius Wolff on, "Die San Was Indianer in Panama." Eastern Engineering Trip: All stu- dents who are going on the engineer- ing trip during Spring Vacation will meet Sunday, March 12, in the Mich- igan Union, to go over the proposed schedule. The Michigan Wolverine will hold the regular Sunday Night Social hour March 12 from 7 until 9 p.m. It is to be held every Sunday evening. As a special attraction this week, Mich- ael Massa will present his collection of 150 of the latest dance and classi- cal recordings. A light lunch will be served at a slight charge. Members of the Wol- verine, friends, and the public are cordially invited. Druids supper meeting, Sunday, March 12, 5:30. New York State Students: There will be a meeting of the New York State Club on Tuesday, March 4. Eight p.m. at the League. Plans for future organization will be discussed. The Graduate Outing Club will meet Sunday, March 12, at the Northwest door of the Rackham Building at 2:30 p.m. They will go ice skating or hiking as the weather permits. At 5:30 p.m. there will be a business meeting; those who are not able to come out in the afternoon but have been interested in the club are asked to attend this meeting and the supper following. The Intermediate Class in Social Dancing will be held Monday night, March 13 at 7:30 in the Ballroom . of the League instead of Wednes- day, March 15. The Beginning Class will meet as usual on Tuesday night. Recreational Swimming, Women Students. Recreational swimming for women will be held at 4 every Mon- day afternoon at the Union Pool. This is sponsored by the Michigan Wom- en's Swimming Club. Instruction in diving will be offered for those wish- ing it. ASU Labor Committee will meet Sunday at 1:30 p.m. in the conference room in Lane Hall. Please be prompt All interested are invited. 40 DAILY OFFICIAL BULLETIN Publication in the Bulletin is constructive notice to all members of the University. Copy received at the office of the Assistant to the President untIl 3:30 P.M.; 1i:00 A.M. on Saturday. 10 By HARVEY SWADOS Un Carnet De Bal The Art Cinema League has an- other French film at the Lydia Men-' delssohn. This one is Life Dances On (Un Carnet De Bal), and while it's no Grand Illusion, it's entertaining. It; was done by Julien Duvivier, who has made himself quite a reputation both in France and in Hollywood, where he has made a few colossals. Life Dances On is the old spinach, but it is done up into such a fine bouquet that for a while you think it might be the McCoy. Here's the idea: a wealthy woman finds herself sud- denly alone at the death of her hus- band. She looks over the dance pro- gram of her first ball, when she was sweet 16, and she decides to look up the boys. From here on it's any- body's story, a little 0. Henry, a little de Maupassant, with hearts and flowers thrown in. One of the boys has become a priest, another a crook, another a small town mayor, another an epileptic doctor, and so on. She visits one after another, and all in all it's quite a chamber of horrors. It might go on indefinitely, but it ends at a more or less arbitrary point.' Just the same, the picture succeeds in being an exciting job. It's true that the episodes are pretty disjoint- ed, but each one is good. The acting is so good that it hurts-Hollywood was never like this. In the picture are Pierre Blanchard, Francoise Ro- Program for Sunday at the Hillel Foundation: 10:30, Council meeting. 6:00, Cost Supper. 7:30, Forum. Rabbi Maurice Eisendrath, "Rome or Jerusalem." Christian Student Prayer Group. All students who wish to enjoy a Sunday afternoon hour of fellowship are invited to meet, with the group in the Fireplace Room at Lane Hall at 4:15 p.m. Refreshments and sing- ing will precede a discussion of the 14th chapter of Romans. The Lutheran Student Club will meet at Zion Parish Hall, 5:30 p.m. Sunday for social hour and supper. Prof. McAllister of the Library School will speak on "The Rare Book Room" at the discussion hour at 6:45. Churches First Baptist Church, Sunday, 10:45 a.m. Worship coinducted by Dr. John Mason Wells, who will preach. Church school at 9:30 a.m. Mr. J. E. Wiessler, leader. Class for adults taught by Rev. H. A. Huey. Roger Williams Guild, Suhday, -6 :15 p.m. At Guild House, 503, E. Huron. "What is the Church's responsibility in sponsoring social and ethical movements?" This question will be discussed by students with the back- ground of the Naperville Conference held during the holidays. First Church of Christ, Scientist, 409 S. Division St. Sunday mrniong service at 10:30. Subject: "Substance." Golden Text: Proverbs 3:9. Sunday School at 11:45. First Presbyterian - Church, 1432 Washtenaw Ave. 10:45 a.m., Morning Worship Serv- ice. The Rev. Walter Nichol of the