THE MICHIGAN DAILY TUR THE MICHIGAN DAILY I _- ,. 31 I 4-B J'j " > - Edited and managed by students of the University of Michigan under the authority of the Board in Control of Student Publications. Published every morning except Monday during the University year and Sumnt r Session. Member of the Associated Press The Associated Press is exclusively entitled to the use for republication of all news dispatches credited to it or not otherwise credited in this newspaper. All rights of republication of all other matters herein also reserved. Entered at the Post Office at Ann Arbor, Michigan, as second class mail matter. Subscriptions during regular school year by carrier, $4.00; by mail,$4.50.r REPRESENTPE FOR NATIONAL ADVERTISiNG BY National Advertising Service, Inc. College Publishers Representative 420 MADISON AVE. NEW YORK, N. Y. CHICAGO ' BOSTON ' LOS ANGELES - SAN FRASCISCO Member, Associated Collegiate Press, 1938-39 Board of Managing Editor EditorialtDirector . ,. City Editor . . Associate Editor. Associate Editor Associate Editor Associate Editor Associate Editor Associate Editor, Book Editor . Women's Editor . Sports Editor - Editors . Robert D. Mitchell * . Albert P. Mayio . Horace W. Gilmore . Robert I. Fitzhenry S. R. Kleinan * . Robert Perlman ..Earl Gilman William Elvin Joseph Freedman . . Joseph Gies Dorothea Staebler . . Bud Benjamin Business Department Business Manager . . . Philip W. Buchen Credit Manager . . eonard P. Siegelman Advertising Manager . William L. Newnan Women's Business Manager . Helen Jean Dean Women's Service Manager. . . Marian A. Baxter NIGHT EDITOR: DENNIS FLANAGAN The editorials published in The Michigan Daily are written by members of the Daily staff and represent the views of the writers only. Democratic Elections .. . YESTERDAY on this page we printed a letterfrom a group of Catholic stu- dents who hold that the Loyalist Government of Spain was neither democratically elected nor democratically maintained. Presumably they in- tend in subsequent letters to justify Franco's - revolt against the Spanish Republic on this basis. And so it is with extreme regret that we concern ourselves with the election of February, 1936 when we should be writing an obituary- directly of the Spanish democracy, indirectly of a few million Americans, French, English, Ger- mans, Italians and what-nots who will go the way of all flesh a little before their natural time as a result of Loyal Spain's fall. The main thesis of the letter is that by un- scrupulous means the Popular Front won a dis- proportionate number of seats in the Cortes in the February elections of 1936. The letter states that out of 9,408,514 Spanish voters who went to the polls, 5,051,955 voted for the Rightists and Centrists and 4,356,559 went to the Popular Front, while the distribution of seats in the Cortes resulted in 266 seats for the leftists, 52 seats for the Center and 165 for the Rightists. The first point to be made is that the mixing together of Rightist and Centrist votes to get a popular majority over the Popular Front is a perversion of fact. The people of Spain voted for one of three alignments, as the writers of the letter themselves acknowledged when they speak of the distribution of seats of the Cortes. The popular distribution of votes according to official figures quoted in the Foreign Policy Re- port of Jan. 1, 1937 and Buell's New Govern- ments in Europe was as follows: 4,206,156 for the Popular Front, 3,783,601 for the Rightists, 681,- 047 for the Center. Deputies in the Cortes were distributed as follows: 258 for the Popular Front, 62 for the Center Parties and 152 for the Right. The second point to be made is that the elec- toral system which determined the distribution of seats (to popular vote) in the election was the same system which in 1933 had given the Right Center control. It was the same system which in 1933 gave 369 deputies to the Right Center and 92 to the Popular Front, though the latter had about half the popular vote, according to the Journal des Nations, Jan. 31, 1934. The third point to be made is that the Leftists, according to Lawrence Fernsworth, a Roman Catholic who, for many years, was a correspond- ent in Spain, won a popular majority despite wholesale corruptions and irregularities on the part of the Right - which in such provinces as Cuenca, Granada and Orense used the armed forces of the state to prevent its opponents from voting, or simply falsified returns, as was amply proved in the Cortes afterwards. The fourth point is a quotation from a speech of Manuel Portela Valladares leader of the Cen- trist Party, made before the Cortes October, 1937: "These are grave and solemn moments, so solemn and grave that we cannot help but be stirred by them. That is why I will speak to your hearts. "This Parliament is the symbol of the Republic, it is Spain's legal title to life. My first duty to ment to the Popular Front, because I was con- vinced-as were the Rightists-of its victory. The members of my cabinet agreed with me that it was our duty to hand over our powers immediately, so we resigned on Feb 19." The writers of the letter quote, against thi. evidence, from the first president of the Span- ish Republic who was recalled soon after the February elections by action of the Popular Front. Of this man, the chapter on "Spain Un- der the Republic" in New Governments in Eur- ope, has this to say: "President Alcala-Zamora and Miguel Maura represented the conservative point of view, their revolutionary aims going little further than overthrow of the King an establishment of a democratic republic. Both were Catholic, both represented the land-own- ing classes, and both had recently been converted to Republicanism. The return to constitutiorj government satisfied their principal revolutionary demands." Incidentally, Alcala-Zamora had had two of his estates occupied by land-hungry' peasants in the first flush of the Popular Front victory. Not satisfied with this rather questionable aurce, a man who had every personal reason to hate the leftists, the writers give quotations, of which the most insidiousis the New York Time article. This story was written by the pro-fascist Carney whose blundering anticipations of Fascist vicfories were often written as actual fact when they were nothing but the white hopes of a poor newspaperman trying his best to make copy. Note the clever way of writing an "impartial" news story by citing Rightists who "sound a note of alarm . If Carney's article is the most insidious, the Bishop's letter is the most dangerous because of the high position of its authors One ma well question the statement of a group, the most powerful of the arch-enemies of the Re- public, because the latter had taken from iol vested prerogatives. Where its figures on the election came from, it alone knows. If Carney's article is the most insidious, and the Bishops' most dangerous, surely the most ridiculous is the quotation from Gil Robles, lead- er of the Catholic party, the monarchist who 'took his oath to the Republic with his fingers crossed, who represented in its cruelest and most unremitting'characteristics the reaction of the Right Center biennium of 1933-35, whose voice was loudest in asking the death penalty for the Catalan chiefs who dared set up an autonomous Catalonian state. Against the quotations of the writers of the letter we have presented materials from what we think will be generally accepted as much less partial sources. The excellent and thorough- ly documented study in the two Foreign Policy Reports of Jan. 1 and 15, 1936, Fernsworth's artices in Foreign Affairs, John Gunther's chap- ter on Spain in Inside Europe, Raymond Leslie Buell's New Governments in Europe must be put against the statements of Gil Robles, the Catho-. lic Bishops, Alcala-Zamora and Von Vollen- hoven, all of whom with the exception of the last mentioned had a direct interest in opposing the far-reaching but moderate reforms which a Popular Front government had set out to give the Spanish people. -Albert Mayio Shake Out The Dice . A FTER THREE MONTHS of passing the buck to local authorities, Gov. Frank Fitzgerald has finally called upon the State Police to enforce the anti-gambling laws In the first week of his administration, the Governor insisted that this was a matter of local concern and almost immediately the large gambling houses in East Detroit, Billy Chester- field's and Chalet opened their doors to suckers, one and all. Newspapers printed daily business reports of the "knock-em-down and drag 'em out" activities in East Detroit, while local con- stabularies and rustic mayors hemmed and hawed, took in a little roulette on the side- but made no pretense of enforcing the law of the State. It had been widely rumored that the Chief Executive had more than a passing interest ik gambling in the State, and his commendable move Monday is a convincing step to silence such rumors. However, words will not clear the State of gambling houses. The State Police force has a big job on its hands. -Norman A, Schorr Marital Relations. Two years ago, the University of Oregon toyed with the idea of having a marital relations course, just as Hawaii students did last year. Today Oregon students are having their courses in lectures, open to the entire student body. In fact, during the recent series of lectures on love and marriage on the Oregon campus, classes were moved up to another day at the same hour so that studuents might attend a lecture given by a bishop on "Home Sweet Home or Just a Hangout." It took two years to arrive at the stage of having classes dismissed for such a course. Ii may take us two; it may take more. But if we want the course, student action must be taken. Last year, in Ka Leo's poll of opinion on this subject, students expressed indifference. This year, the small minority that approved of the course is again asking about it. Does the student body want such a course, or do a large number of students think such a course beneficial to themselves as human beings and citizens? Just what the reaction among the students is, we do not know. The editor of Ka Leo will welcome any student opinion along these lines. -Ka Leo 0 Hawaii WASHINGTON, March 8-There is a drive on to make "intermediate" credit available to the small businesses of America. Intermediate credit is distinguishable from short-term credit in that the borrower has from five to ten years in which to pay off his loan. Commercial banks which have been merchants of short-term credit have lately been urged to go into the field of intermediate credit, and some of them are doing so, but it is against the judg- ment of most of them as to what should be the true function of a commercial bank, which must be ready at any time to pay out money demand- ed by its depositors. But, as happens so often in discussions of national policies, the two schools of thought are not' really discussing the same thing. The com- mercial banker who insists that he is making all the sound loans that should be made in his locality is right, because he is thinking of short- term credit standards, and so is the small busi- ness man who says he cannot get the necessary long-term capital needed for expanding his en- terprise: No Capital Available r "Oh," says the commercial banker, when "capital" is mentioned, "let the small business man get it from his friends who will take a stock interest in his company." "But," replies the capitalist of the small town or city, when approached by the small business man, "I am beset by tax laws which make it hardly worthwhile for me to take risks. No, thanks, I prefer tax-exempt securities or cer- tain and secure investments." Then, there's another type of comment. It comes usually from the government officials and legislators who, for the last four or five years, have heard the story about the need for intermediate credit and are frankly skeptical. They point to the Reconstruction Finance Cor- poration and to the Federal Reserve banks, which were empowered by Congress to make direct loans to industry. Confusion Exists Why, they ask, if there was a demand, didn't this satisfy the needs of small business men? The answer is to be found in the fact that the standards set up were really based on short- term credits and on liquidation of the debts in too-large amortizations, or else in an insistence on collateral or security which the borrowers could not give. The other day, the president of a large western commercial bank who has be- come convinced, unlike many of his brethren, that there is a need for intermediate credit, wrote this pertinent comment in a letter to a government department: "Both the Federal Reserve banks and the R-F.C. have been authorized to make term loans to small business, but, as the standards they have set up are not very greatly different from the standards of the commercial banks, neither agency has obtained a significant volume of such business." There is a sympathetic interest at the treas- ury department with the study of the inter- mediate credit problem and also at the Securities and Exchange Commission, where Peter Nehem- kis, director of investment studies, is about to make a survey for the Temporary National Economic Committee. TODAY in WASH INGTON -by David Lawrence- , S t111i S A M F 0 1 Q# CORRESPONDENCE DAY . IN TUESDAY'S column we posed a question about the film "Idiot's Delight" which we couldn't answer for the simple reason that we hadn't seen the Pulitzer Prize play, and therefore weren't adequately aware of the changes made in the grist mill out West. Here's an answer by one who saw the play and is painfully aware of those changes. Dear See: "What had happened to Sher wood's bitter theme" in the film ver- sion of "Idiot's Delight" you asked in your last column. You gave the answer but missed some of the im- plications and misplaced the blame. The "mask of comedy which dis- guised the plight of "the Broadway hoofer and the phoney Russian siren actually "was too convincing to the Boy and Girl." Hollywood made the mask so convincing that "Idiot's Delight" turned out to be just that. Despite Robert Sherwood's part in the writing of the movie script, some gentlemen on the West Coast suc- ceeded in' butchering the original stage version beyond recognition. The changes that were made from the play, in which I saw Alfred Lunt and Lynn Fontaine, indict Holly- wood for sabotage of a story with a social message, (though it was weak enough on the stage). In the Broadway production a red-blooded Communist shout-I ed some very pertinent truths at the Fascist officers, before he was shot. On the screen the same character became a dreamy preacher of a vague road to peace. You had to guess that the of- ficers were Mussolini's best and that the locale was Fascist Italy on the Michigan screen. Behind the footlights these facts were unmistakable. But the ending is a complete con- demnation of Hollywood's deliberate soft-pedalling of Sherwood's mildi questioning. The curtain came down on the play as the hoofer and the phoney Russian princess were wildly banging the piano to the accompani- ment of a bomb raid. The question was obviously, "is civilization going to destroy itself this way?" Holly- wood gave its own quaint answer: the bombers came, reduced the hotel to a shambles and then left, with the two Americans safe and sound. I sat in the theatre waiting for a flash of the hoofer and the Omaha acro- bat leaning over the rail of a ship steaming past the Statue of Liberty. Just 48 hours before I suf- fered through "Idiot's Delight" I had had the good fortune to see the Soviet movie, "The Child- hood of Maxim Gorky," produced by people who aren't afraid to put unpleasant and real things on the screen. The difference be- tween this gripping story of the growth of a boy in a bestial and poverty-ridden home and Holly- woo d's slap-stick presentation of the war and peace question is as great as the difference between Walt Whitman and Edgar Guest. I Bob Perlman. T HE DEARS John and Bill labor controversy has been momen- tarily lost in the Dears John and Homer Martin split. Bob Friers, Michigan student, whose experiences include a jaunt around the world and organizing for the UAW, was a personally - appointed reporter of Martin's rump convention. And here is his story: The Lincoln Brigade veterans of the Spanish Civil War are now liv- ing at that Communist hotbed, Schiller Hall, in Detroit, where- they are acting asabodyguards for the anti-Martin faction of the AuAto Workers and maintaining practically a military barracks. This hall is in reality an arsenal containing shot guns, revolvers, and billies, all there for the purpose of coercing the Mar- tin forces. At any rate the assembled dele- gates to Homer Martin's rump Unit- ed Auto Workers convention gravely passed a resolution yesterday after- noon condemning this sorry state of affairs. This correspondent could hardly wait to get to the fortress to verify this alarming assertion. But on ar- riving at the spot, a different atmo- sphere from that described seemed, to prevail. Instead of the brave ex- Lincoln Brigade laddies holding out a la Madrid in a beleaguered citadel of Communism, there were only a few dispirited looking Joes playing rummy in the back room beer parlor. "Sorry to disappoint you, boys," sympathized the financial secre- tary of the local who trailed af- ter us as we searched every nook and corner from basement to roof, "but we hold a cabaret li- cense and a city ordinance for- (Continued from Page 2) Roth String Quartet Concert, Thurs- day, March 9, between the hours of 9 and 12 and 2 and 4. Members are required to call in person and no tick- ets will be given out after four o'clock. Academic Notices Philosophy 139 (Aesthetics) and 154 (Plato). Students enrolled in these courses last semester may se- cure their term papers by calling at 303 Mason Hall, Thursday, March 9, 2-3 and 4-5 p.m. Economics 52: There will be no lec- ture today. Make-up Examination: German 1, 2 and 31 will be given on Saturday, March 11, from 9-12 a.m. in Room 306 University Hall. Concerts Choral Union Concert: The Roth String Quartet of Budapest, will give a concert in the Choral Union Series, Thursday evening, March 9, at 8:30, in Hill Auditorium. Exhibitions Exhibition, College of Architecture:; Photographs and drawings of Mich- igan's historic old houses made dur- ing the recent Historical American Buildings Survey are being shown,1 through the courtesy of the J. L. Hud- son Company of Detroit. Third Floor Exhibition Room, Architectural Bldg., through March 11. Open daily, 9 to 5. The public is cordially invited. Exhibition of Modern Book Art:" Printing and Illustration, held under the sponsorship of the Ann Arbor Art Association. Rackham Building, third floor Exhibition Room; daily except Sunday, 8 a.m. to 10 p.m.; through March 25. Exhibition, College of Architecture: Modern hand-blocked linens, de-1 signed by Professor Frank of Ger- many, loaned to the College of Archi- tecture by the Chicago Workshops, ground floor corridor cases. Open daily 9 to 5 until March 15. The public is invited. Exhibition of Prints from the Col- lection of Mrs. William A. Comstock and Water Colors by Eliot O'Hara,t presented by the Ann Arbor Art As- sociation. Rackham Building, third floor Exhibition Rooms, daily except Sunday from 2 to 5 p.m., March 7 through March 21. Lecturest University Lecture: Mr. Louis Un- termeyer will lecture on "The Poet vs. the Average Man" on Monday,1 March 13, at 8:15 p.m. in the Rack- ham Lecture Hall under the auspices1 of the Department of English in the College of Engineering. The public is cordially invited to attend. t Dr. Maurice Eisendrath, a Rabbit from Toronto, will lecture Friday at four o'clock in the Michigan League{ upon "The Democratic Principles in Judaism." This lecture is announced by the Religious Education Commit- tee. It is open to the campus public.I French Lecture: The sixth lectureE on the Cercle Francais program will take place this afternoon at= 4:15 p.m. in Natural Science Audi- torium. Madame Arline Caro-Del- vaille, distinguished French author,t journalist and lecturer will speak on:l "Voyage au Perigord." The lecture is accompanied with motion picture. Tickets for the series of lectures may be procured from the Secretaryt of the Romance Language Depart- ment (Room 112, Romance Language" Building) or at the door at the timet of the lecture. Events Today Institute of the Aeronautical Sci- ences: There will be a meeting at j 7:30 p.m., in Room 1042 East En- gineering Building. Professor Paw- lowski will speak on "Early Develop- ments of Aeronautics in America." It is very important that all mem- bers planning to go on the inspection caused a mild furor in an otherwise almost unnaturally placid conven- tion. . After the delegates had passed this resolution unnoticed in thel morning, the powers that be decided' that it should be repassed with more appropriate fanfare. So it was bland- ly passed again in the afternoon. This time there was no slip-up. The hall thundered to the shouts of the delighted delegates as the Mar- tin faction of the UAW became a lone wolf in the labor movement. The 300-odd delegates danced on the labor movement. The 300-odd delegates danced on the tables as the band ironically enough struck up "Solidarity Forever.". Bert Harris of Flint immediately DAILY OFFICIAL BULLETIN Publication in the Bulletin is constructive notice to all members of the University,. Copy received at the office of the Assistant to the President until 3:30 P.M.; 11:00 A.M. on Saturday. trip to Wright Field, Dayton, Ohio. be present. Final plans for that trip wil be made at this meeting. Re- freshments will be served. Scimitar: All members of Scimitar are urged to be present at the next meeting, to be held tonight at the Union promptly at 7:15 p.m. Vocational Guidance Talk. Dean James B. Edmonson of the College of Education will be the speaker at the Union Vocational Guidance Talk to- day at 4:30 in the Union Small Ball- room. Association Book Review: Kenneth Leisenring will review Reinhold Niebuhr's "Moral Man and Immoral Society" this afternoon, Lane Hall, 4:15 p.m. Michigan Union tryouts, freshmen and sophomores: There will be a banquet in Room 116 tonight at 6:15 p.m. Your presence is requested. Ann Arbor Independent Women will have their regular meeting in the Kalamazoo Room of the Michigan 'League, this afternoon at 4:30 p.m. Projects for remainder of the semes- ter will pe discussed. The meeting must begin on time so that all will be able to attend the tea dance. The Class in Current Jewish Prob- lems will meet tonight at 8 p.m. Dr. Rabinowitz will speak on "The Po- litical Problems of the Jewish Peo- ple." Men's Physical Education Club will hold its next meeting tonight at 9 p.m. in the east conference room on the third floor of the Rackham Building. Dr. Bell has been chosen as the speaker and the women Physical Ed- ucation students are invited. New classes in golf start at the Intramural Building today. Classes come on Monday and Wednesday at 3:30 and 4:30 and also on Tuesday and Thursday at the same hours. Classes are free to students and to faculty. JGP: There will be a meeting of all women in the singing choruses of JGP at 4 p.m. today and tomorrow in the League Undergraduate Offices. Coming Events Law School Case Club Trials: The Case Club courts will hear the argu- ments of counsel in the Freshman CasedClub Final Competition on Tuesday, March 14, at 4 p.m. The same case will be argued in each of the four courts before a three-judge bench consisting of a faculty mem- her, the regular student judge in charge of the respective court, and a senior or graduate student as visit- ing judge. These hearings are open to the public and should be of par- ticular interest to pre-legal students. The cases will all be heard in Hut- chins, Hall in the following rooms: Marshall Club (Judge Clifford Christenson) Room 218. Story Club (Judge Bruce M. Smith) Room 220. Kent Club (Judge Ralph E. Help- er) Room 120. Cooley Club (Judge Thomas Mun- son) Room 116. The suit is a proceeding in equity on behalf of a popular radio crooner to enjoin a radio broadcasting com- pany from broadcasting phonograph records of his vocal selections. The recordings were made under a royal- ty agreement with the iecord manu- facturer with the understanding that they -were not to be used for broad- casting purposes, and each disc bore a stamp stating that it was "not li- censed for broadcasting." The play- ing of the records has diminished the radio audiences and also cut down the royalties from sales of recordings Eastern Engineering Trip: All stu- dents who are going on the engineer- ing trip during Spring Vacation will meet Sunday, March 12, in the Mich- igan Union, to go over the proposed schedule. The Outdoor Club invites you to join them for an afternoon of out- door recreation and comradeship. This week we will meet Saturday at 2:30 p.m., at Lane Hall, for a ,short bicycle ride. Arrangements will be made for bike rental. Physical Education for Women: In- dividual skill tests in physical educa-- tion will be given at the following hours: Ice skating: Monday, Tuesday, Thursday 3:30 to 4:30 p.m. at the Coliseum. Swimming: Tuesday and Thursday at 7:30 p.m. in the Union Pool. Badminton: Friday (March 10) at 4:30 p.m. at Barbour Gymnasium. The Editor Gets Told Bread And Justice To the Editor: The situation of the Catholic Church in Spain today is well worth the consideration that is being given it now by Catholics and other men of good will. It is, however, unfortunate that Catholic students are limiting their attention to the reports of only one side of the Spanish controversy-the reports of partisans of Franco and partisans of the upper hierarchy of the Church. The people's side has been ignored; the result is a badly distorted picture of what has happened in Spain. I do not wish at this time to write at length. All that I care to do is to note that this week those interested in the problem of the Spanish Church have an opportunity to hear the other side of the question from a man who is both of the Spanish people and of the Spanish Catho- lic Church. The man is Father Leocadio Lobo, Doctor of Theology, Doctor of Canon Law, and Vicar of the Madrid parish of San Gines- Father Lobo arrived in the United States only a few days ago. He has come because, as he told the press last week, the starving people of Madrid asked him to do so: "It was the people who obliged me to come. Go, and speak the truth about Spain, they said. We are hungry-we mind only for the women and the children and the old people. But our hunger is not so much for bread as for com- prehension, and we want the world to hear from the lips of a priest the meaning of our struggle, and why we are ready to die. The whole world must know that this voluntary sacrifice of a whole people is not only for material bread. It is for something far greater. It is destiny. We struggle and we die for all people who suffer, for the eternal principles A