THE MICHIGAN DAILY WEDNESDAY, MICHIGAN DAILY it r--.r r l . \ a I M_ ;NS. .,.mv Edited and managed by students of the University of Michigan under the authority of the Board in Control of Student Publications.: Published every morning except Monday during the University year and Sumib r Session. Member of the Associated Press The Associated Press is exclusively entitled to the use for republication of all news dispatches credited to it or not otherwise credited in this newspaper. All rights of republication of all other matters herein also reserved. Entered at the Post Office at Ann Arbor, Michigan, as second class mail matter. Subscriptions during regular school year by carrier, $4.00; by mail, $4.50. REPRESENTED FOR NATIONAL ADVERTISING BY National Advertising Service, Inc. College Publissbers Representative 420 MADISON AVE. NEW YORK, N. Y. "ICAGO - BoSTon -Los ANWOES - SAN lFANCISCO Member, Associated Collegiate Press, 1938-39 Managing Editor Editorial Director City Editor Associate Editor Associate Editor Associate Editor Associate Editor Associate Editor Associate Editor Book Editor. Women's Editor Sports Editor. Board of Editors * . . Robert D. Aitchell " . . . Albert P. May10 . . . . Horace W. Gilmore . . . . Robert I. Fitshenry . . 6. R. Kleiman . . . . Robert Perlman . . .Earl Gilman - - . . William Elvin Joseph Freedman . , Joseph Gies . . . . . Dorothea Staebler . . . .. . Bud Benjamin Business Department Business Manager. - . . . Philip W. Buchen Credit Manager . . . Leonard P. Siegelman Advertising Manager ,. .. William L. Newnan Women's Business Manager . . Helen Jean Dean Women's Service Manager . . . Marian A. Baxter NIGHT EDITOR: STAN M. SWINTON The editorials published in The Michigan Daily are written by members of the Daily staff and represent the views of the writers only. Unity In View F6r CIO, AFL . . W HEN President Roosevelt last week " sent letters to William Green and John L. Lewis urging that the breach in the ranks of labor be sealed so that working men could more effectively "play their 'part along with all other groups in our community in overcoming mutual problems and bringing about the good American life," he brought to a head the long-apparent desire among rank and file workers of both factions for peace. By looking through liberal newspapers of any week it is easy to find numerous instances of rank and file cooperation which attest to the willingness of union members to bury the hatchet. Confirming this desire are the numerous letters and tele- grams sent to the President from AFL and CIO factions congratulating him on his stand and expressing their whole-hearted agreement with it. Among the instances of rank and file solidarity is -the Guild Hearst Strike in Chicago. Jack Weeks, president of the Detroit Newspaper Guild, speaking here last week, stressed the efforts of the AFL membership to aid the News- paper Guild, a CIO affiliate, contrary to wishes of the union's leadership. This situation is explained in a letter to Frank Morrison, AFL Secretary, urging unity, signed by George E. Axelle, vice-president of the American Federa- tion of Teachers, and Merle D. Simpkins, of the Chicago Typographical Union, secretary of the committee to aid the CIO strikers. It reads: "We see here in Chicago one branch of or- ganized labor (AFL) supporting labor's enemy number one (Hearst) against another branch of organized labor (CIO) in its effort to secure job security and organization. As rank and file members of the AFL we urge you to seve our vital interests. We urge you to cease the use of the power we gave you to fight your opponents through our suffering." NAgain in Chicago the victory of Mayor Kelly, New Dealer and friend of labor, in the recent primaries was largely attributable to labor unity. Labor's Non-Partisan League, AFL and CIO candidates joined actively behind Kelly and progressive nominees in the campaign. Unionists from both camps helped the regular Democratic organization in turning out the huge vote and acted as Poll watchers, literature distributors, precinct captains and chauffeurs throughout election day. At the recent hearing at Lansing on Governor Fitzgerald's proposed labor bill, the CIO a4 AFL joined in opposing it as a measure that would take away labor's right to strike. At a public hearing at Albany labor again presented a united front in demanding the immediate enactment of a slum clearance and low rent housing program. Throughout the country the President's stand has met with overwhelming approval. In labor circles the Amalgamated Meat Cutters and Butcher Workmen of North America, AFL affili- ate, broadcast a radio appeal over Station WEVD urging peace and unity on the labor movement. The International Federation of Architects, Engineers, Chemists and Technicians of the CO sent telegrams to Roosevelt and Lewis ex- pressing support of the move for unity. The Cafeteria Employees Union, an affiliate of the The Editor Gets Told Spain 'Democratic' Election-936 To the Editor: The argument over the Spanish question has by no means ended. Even though Franco has been conceded victory we have no right to say offhand that he has any right to that victory. It has been the contention of the Daily editorial writers and other pro-Loyalists groups that the Loyalist government was a democratic govern- ment, so elected and so maintained. "The gov- ernment of Loyalist Spain is the elected govern- ment of the Spanish people. Whatever range of political opinion there may be in the ranks of the men who are fighting for that government, certainly it was brought into being and is main-- tained by democratic processes." (from "Catholic Evidence on Spain" published by the Medical Bureau and North American Committee to Aid Spanish Democracy-a pro-Loyalist group). "Democracy" is too often used as a magic cabala that dispenses those who use it from any further reason to continue thinking. From a democracy we expect many things, foremost being that a majority elect and govern, but we do not naively assume that this majority has the right to do anything it pleases; the theory that the majority has a divine right to suppress all opposition and to condone or instigate the mur- der of its political opponents is nothing more than the divine right of kings standing on its head. Itt us look into the evidence on the election on Feb. 16, 1936: The Current History Magazine of May, 1936 tells us that 9,408,514 Spanish voters went to the polls out of a possible electorate of 13,528,609. Of these nine millions 5,051,955 voted for the Rightists and Centrists. Only 4,356,559 votes were for the Left Republicans made up of the Socialists, Communists, Syndicalists and An- archists. The distribution of seats in the Cortes resulted in 266 seats for the Leftists, 52 seats for the Centrists and 165 for the Rightists. This gave the left forty-nine seats more than the Rightists and Centrists, a lead which the so- called "Popular Front" soon increased to over 100 by violently unseating many of its oppon- ents.. Former President Accuses We quote now from a very interesting letter from Niceto Alcala Zamora, the former president of the Spanish Republic whose action in dissolv- ing the Cortes in 1936 led to the call of the February election and to his own downfall, being accused by both sides of illegally dissolving the Cortes. He says in the Journal de Geneve, Jan. 17, 1937: ". . . in spite of the aid of the Syndi- calists, the Popular Front did not obtain legally more than slightly over 200 seats in a parlia- ment of 473 deputies. It became the most im- portant minority, but it did not have an absolut'" majority. It succeeded in obtaining it, however; by two quick moves: "First, from the 17th of February, as a matter of fact from the evening of the 16th, the Popular Front, without waiting for the completion of the counting of the votes, and the announce- ment of the results, which was to take place before the provincial committees of verification on the 20th, unleashed a campaign of disorder in the streets and clamored for power througe violence. There was a crisis; many governors resigned. At the instigation of irresponsible ring- leaders, the mob took possession of the electorial certificates and in many places the results were falsified. "Second, having thus obtained a majority, it was easy to make it a crushing one. Strengthened by a bizarre alliance with the reactionary Basques, the Popular Front appointed a com- mittee in charge of the validation of parliamen- tary credentials, which acted in a purely arbi- trary manner. All the election certificates of certain provinces in which the Right was victor- ious were annulled and defeated candidates of the Left were declared elected. Many other deputies of the Right were expelled from parlia- ment. This whole procedure was not merely the blind passion of Sectarian politics; it was the execution of a deliberate and widespread plan An article in the New York Times of Feb. 23 says: ". . . 'the new leftist government has ap- pointed its own (our emphasis) provincial gov- ernors and municipal councilors throughout the country. These officials of course will super- vise the run off elections and the Rightists press today sounds a note of alarm alleging that there is a movement afoot tofinvalidate the elections in many provinces where the conservative can- didates seemed to have triumphed." The Encyclopedia Britannica, Vol. 21, 1937, says "The general election in Feb. 1936 gave the Fronte Populare of the Left an absolute majority in the Cortes, although they received only 47 per cent of the total votes." The Joint letter of the Spanish Bishops to the Bishops of the world on July 1, 1937 say: "Our political regime of democratic liberty was unsettled through arbitrary actions on the part of the authority of the State, and through Governmental connivance which overrode the people's will, forming a political machine in conflict with the majority of the nation. This occurred in the last parliamentary elections in Feb. 1936, when with a majority of more than a half a million votes over the Left, the Right had 118 fewer deputies than the Popular Front, be- cause the votes of whole provinces had been cancelled at will, thus corrupting at its source the legitimacy of the Parliament." Police Withdrawn Jfecini lMe Heywood Broun The Nobel experiment has not been invariably successful as far as literature is concerned. Upon several occasions the prize winner has pro- ceeded to go into retirement and let his fame have a chanc to catch up with him before he set other words to paper. But in the case of Pearl S. Buck the award has been distinctly stimulating. Her newest novel is practically "just off the boat," and its final chapters press hard upon the newspaper headlines dealing with the Far East. It is possible that "The Good Earth" will stand as Miss Buck's best book, but I think "The Patriot" deserves a place beside it. Miss Buck returns for the first time in several years and uses China as a setting, although there is rather more about Japan. At any rate, it seems to me that here is an author whose domain lies in the East. There is nothing I strive more strenuously to avoid than dogmatism, and so I am only guess- ing when I say that I think Pearl S. Buck will never do one-half as well with New York or Chicago as she has with Shanghai and the island of Kyushu. Material is naturally important to any literary craftsman, though some seem to slide by with a very meager allowance of straw. But when Pearl Buck builds a tower to the sky she needs to get her capable hands around substantial blocks. My secret feeling is that she has every attribute 'needed by a truly great novelist with one excep- tion. It doesn't seem to me that she writes very well. This lack-if indeed, it exists-is less impor- tant than one might think. Possibly I am using the word "writes" in too narrow and nice a man- ner. Pearl Buck is magnificent in the manner in which she organizes her material. This is particularly true in "The Patriot." She has a quick and deep understanding of national traits and individual quirks. Her sense of the dramatic is keen. And so I mean little more than to assert that to the eyes and ears of one this particular Nobel Prize winner is no master in the shades or cadences of words. Possibly it isn't a matter of vast importance. Upton Sinclair and Dreiser will be remembered when many who could write rings about them are gone with Scarlett O'Hara. Maybe the world has had enough of needlework. The story teller of today and tomorrow is perhaps the fellow who goes Jack Horner one better and sticks h'ff fist into the subject in hand. "Another system was to withdraw all the police from the streets; and the non-Red elements stayed at home rather than take the chanc of receiving a thrashing or being shot at. In other places, the president of the voting bureau, on realizing that the voting was not going as he desired, smashed the glass urn containing the votes; with the purpose of later "leading" the elections more satisfactorily to himself . .In many districts, e.g. Cuenca, Communists had destroyed the voting urns . . . and had them refilled with votes from the "Left." . . In order to prepare for the elections, he Government had replaced all high officials with its own creatures, and on Feb. 1st it had dismissed in addition 1,000 urban councils and replaced them with others, which were to "assist" the Govern- ment . . . voters of the Left went from district to district and recorded their votes a number of times . . . The parties of the Left brought in voting papers with names of people who were dead . . . It is abundantly clear that this Gov- ernment had not title to legitimacy whatever.- (The Universe, London, April 14, 1938). The working of the electoral majority system of Spain is explained by Gil Robles, the leader of the largest party in the elected Cortes, in his pamphlet "Spain in Chains" (America Press): "Madrid was a markedly Leftist district. Madrid elected. 15 deputies for the majority and 4 for the minority. Salamanca elected 5 for the major- ity and 2 for the minority. In the February elec-, tions, the Leftists secured 35,000 more votes iAl Madrid than the Rightist. In Salamanca, the Rightists secured 70,000 more votes than the Leftists. In Madrid the 35,000 majority gained for the Leftists the election of 11 deputies, and in Salamanca the 70,000 majority gained for the Rightists the election of only 3 deputies . . . In Lugo the Rightist candidates and leaders were imprisoned, and the Civil Governor forcibly borrowed all the automobiles belonging to con- servative individuals, in order that the Leftist elements might take possession of the election certificates of each electoral college. In the dis- trict of Pontevedra, Government agents seized by main force the election certificates Qf 230 precincts of the districts of Tuy, Lalin, L'Estra- da, etc., and falsified them in order to bring about the triumph of the Left and of the Presi- dent of the Council . . In the district of Corun- na, the Rightist candidates were locked up in the offices of the Civil Government and obliged to sign a certificate in which they appeared to have been defeated . . . In Caceres, the Govern-' ment police seized the election certificates and falsified them unfavorably to the disadvantage of the Rightists. With these methods, the Popular Front reached the Cortes with a small majority. To make it larger, the Cortes themselves an- nulled the elections, totally or partially, in the districts of Granada, Cuenca, Salamanca, Bur- gos and Santander, where the Rightists had been victorious. In this way, the Leftists achieved a majority which allowed them later on to commit fh cr. +}a+n1 - a The FLYING TRAPEZE By Roy Heath - I Reply.. . In his report to the Regents for the year 1937-38, Michigan's Dr. Ruth- ven followed the best tradition of the American college president as he charged full gallop at the twin wind- mills which quixotic educational re- formers so dearly love to tilt: Football and Fraternities. Just what President Ruthven had in mind when he composed his double- barreled blast for the enlightenment of the Regents is not quite clear. His charges more than made up their lack of originality by being well turned masterpieces of ambiguity. President Ruthven deplored the present degenerate state of football, not Michigan football in particular, just any football. He went so far as to intimate that unlessthe collegiate game mends its ways, it is likely to undergo a major operation in the near future which in all probability will prove highly fatal. Now I am not a football apologist nor do I need to be. It doesn't take more than a very slight glance at the facts to disclose that any talk of abolishing football by President Ruthven or even President Roose- velt is just so much shadow boxing. Football is big enough to take care of itself. To haul -out all the argu- ments advanced by the training room theologians would be only to reboil old soup. Football is a sort of a Gargantua, regarded with affection if not approv- al by the public, bulwarked by debt and wealth, whose morals, if some- what murky, are not so bad as to make more than a few people really wish to see him knocked down to a proper size. Football has so far been able to meet all attacks by placing a jovial thumb to its red nose. Fraternities are something else again.tThey are the hated dwarfs, the whipping boys who are subjected to a third degree for every breach of conduct and villified at every oppor- tunity. If the average man is prone to close one eye to the faults of foot- ball, he compensates by looking at fraternities with a microscope. For four years now, President Ruthven has expressed the same views on fraternities. I say four years be- cause I have only been here four years. He probably felt the same way before I came here and will feel the same only more so after I leave. This year he got in a new twist when he said that he did not expect fraterni- ties to make any serious contribution to the housing situation soon. out- side of that, his stuff is the same. Fraternities have failed to accept the responsibility for fostering the ideals and forwarding the work of the University. Arguments in favour of them have been largely academic. Well, as a rather skeptical brother in a Michigan fraternity I will undertake to state a few facts in defense of the sadly used Michigan tongs. Stop me if I become academic. Nothing is harder for me to stom- ach than to be told, in the voice of doom, that simply because I am a fraternity man, I am responsible for some vague ideals which the Univer- sity of Michigan claims to possess but, of which I have so far been un- able to detect any signs. I am not interested in fostering any ideals other than my own, such as they are, nor do I know of any good reason why I should be. As far as I am con- cerned, the ideals of the University of Michigan are as academic as the arguments used to justify fraternities. With regard to the "serious" hous- ing situation to which President Ruth- yen does not expect fraternial or- ganizations to soon make any "sub- stantial contribution," I would like to point out that fraternities have already made more substantial con- tributions to the housing situation than any other group on campus, a point which seems to be beside the question. I What does President Ruth- ven want the fraternities to do? Put tents in the front yard and ask for campers? No freshmen are allowed to live in fraternities so if they built houses as big as Merchandise Mart, they would still be able to house only the upper-classmen which they are already doint. Outside of building dormitories I would like to inquire what the Univer- sity is doing about the rooming situa- tion as it stands at present. Ever since I have been here, the average rooming house has been a fire trap and a rat hole. Snooping, grasping land- ladies, forced to extract every possible cent from the students by the pressure, of high rents, have made students hate the thought of living in Ann Arbor. Yet there is evidence to show that the University and Univer- sity officials have connived at keep- ing the rents prevailing in the cam- pus sections jacked to the limit the traffic will bear. Students may ob- ject to the University until their tongues hang out like a sock and all thp wilCri rmvvihnro h ~. DAILY OFFICIAL BULLETIN Publication in the Bulletin is constructive notice to all members of the University. Copy received at the office of the Assistant to the President until 3:30 P.M.; 11:00 A.M. on Saturday. .__.._ _ (Continued from Page 2) of Numbers will meet on Wednesday in 3010 A.H., at 3 o'clock. Make-up Examination: German 1, 2 and 31 will be given on Saturday, March 11, from 9-12 a.m. in Room 306 University Hall. Anthropology 31 make-up examin- ation will be held Wednesday, March 8, in Room 306 Mason Hall from 2 to 5 p.m. Concerts Organ Recital: Palmer Christian, University Organist, assisted by Har- din Van Deursen, baritone, will pro- Bide a program on the Frieze Mem- orial Organ in the Hill Auditorium Wednesday afternoon, March 8, at 4:15 o'clock. The general public will be admitted without admission charge. For obvious reasons, small children will not be admitted. The doors will be closed during numbers. Choral Union Concert: The Roth String Quartet of Budapest, will give a concert in the Choral Union Series, Thursday evening, March 9, at 8:30, in Hill Auditorium. Exhibitions Exhibition, College of Architecture: Photographs and drawings of Mich-l igan's historic old houses made dur-1 ing the recent Historical American Buildings Survey are being shown, through the courtesy of the J. L. Hud- son Company of Detroit. Third Floor Exhibition Room, Architectural Bldg.,3 through March 11. Open daily, 9 to 5.- The public is cordially invited. Exhibition of Modern Book Art: Printing and Illustration, held under, the sponsorship of the Ann Arbor Art Association. Rackham Building, third floor Exhibition Room; daily except Sunday, 8 a.m. to 10 p.m.; through March 25. Exhibition, College of Architecture:F Modern handblocked linens, de-i signed by Professor Frank of Ger-c many, loaned to the College of Archi- tecture by the Chicago Workshops, ground floor corridor cases. Open daily 9 to 5 until March 15. Thet public is invited. r . Exhibition of Prints from the Col- lection of Mrs. William A. Comstock and Water Colors by Eliot O'Hara, presented by the Ann Arbor Art As-t sociation. Rackham Building, third floor Exhibition Rooms, daily except Sunday from 2 to 5 p.m., March 7t through March 21. Lectures Stuart H. Perry, editor and publish- er of the Adrian Telegram and direc- tor of the Associated Press, will give the third in the series of Supplemen- tary Lectures in Journalism today at three o'clock in Room E, Haven Hall. Mr. Perry's subject will be "The News-; paper and the Courts." The public ist invited to attend. Harrison Forman: Motion picture lecture "Tibet-the Forbidden Land" tonight at 8:15, Hill Auditorium. Mr.l Forman, technical director of "Lost Horizon" is well known as an author and news cameraman and brings many "scoop" pictures to be shown tonight. Tickets at Wahr's. Univer- sity Oratorical Association. French Lecture: The sixth lecture. on the Cercle Francais program will take place Thursday, March 16, at 4:15 p.m. in Natural Science Audi- torium. Madame Arline Caro-Del- vaille, distinguished French author, journalist and lecturer will speak on: "Voyage au Perigord." The lecture is accompanied with motion picture. Tickets for the series of lectures may be procured from the Secretary of the Romance Language Depart- ment (Room 112, Romance Language Building) or at the door at the time of the lecture. Events Today Biological Chemistry Seminar; this evening at , 7:30 p.m., Room 319 West Medical Building. "Vitamin A -Visual Acuity and Night Blindness, Visual Purple" will be discussed. All interested are invited. La Sociedad Hispanica: There will be a meeting on Wednesday, March' 8, at 7:30 p.m. in the League. A pro- gram of games, readings, and songs has been arranged. There will also be a speaker. All members are urged to be present. Chemical and Metallurgical En- gineering Seminar. Mr. Utah Tsao will be the speaker at the Seminar for graduate students in Chemical and Metallurgical Engineering today at 4 o'clock in Room 3201 E. Eng. Bldg. His subject is "Condensation of Va- pors on Horizontal Tubes." meet in Room 122 Chemistry Build- ing at 4:15 p.m. today. Dr. O. L. L Brown will speak on "Temperatures below 1 degree absolute." Society of Industrial Lawyers: Meet- ing will be held this evening at 7:30 p.m. in the Faculty Dining Room of the Law Club. Prof. Smith of the Law School will speak on "La- bor Problems." Freshmen Glee Club: There will be a meeting at 4:15 today in the Michi- gan Union. University Oratorical Contest: Pre- liminary tryout, today at 4 p.m., Room 4003 A.H. Five-minute talk on sub- ject of oration. Register in Speech Office, Room 3211 A.H. New classes in golf start at the Intramural Building today and Thursday of this week. Classes come on Monday and Wednesday at 3:30 and 4:30 and also on Tuesday and Thursday at the same hours. Classes are free to students and to faculty. Freshmen Women's Glee Club: Meeting tonight at 7:15 in the Game Room of the League. A.S.C.E. There will be a general meeting at 7:30 tonight at the Unih. Prof. McConkey will speak on "The Housing Problem." Prospective mem- bers are invited to attend. House Presidents: There will be a Fraternity President's Luncheon Club meeting of Districts II and III today, at 12:15 in the Michigan Union. Varsity Glee Club: Because of the conflict with the Roth Quartet con- cert, the Thursday night rehearsal will be held tonight at 7:30. Elections will take 'place at this meeting. American Student Union: General membership meeting at 8 p.m. tonight at the Michigan Union. Included in the program will be a symposium on campus cooperative problems. JGP: Women who are in singing choruses will meet at 4 p.m. today, tomorrow and Friday in the League Undergraduate Offices. JGP Program Committee will meet at 4:30 p.m. today in the League Un- dergraduate Offices. The Senior Ball Committee will meet tonight at 7:30 at the Michigan Union. I Cooperative Forum. The American Student Union will hold a member- ship meeting in the Michigan Union tonight at 8 p.m. Representatives from the cooperative houses, restau- rants, and the student book exchange will speak. There will be plenty of opportunity for questions and discus- sion. All members are urged to at- tend and everyone interested in cam- pus cooperatives will be welcome with his questions. Stalker Hall: Student Tea and Open House at Stalker Hall today from 4- 5:30 p.m. \The Avukah will meet at the Foun- dation tonight at 7:30 p.m. The Michigan Dames Bridge Group will meet at 8 p.m. Wednesday in the Rackham Building. A cordial invi- tation is extended to all wives of stu- dents and internes. C(oming Ev ents Scimitar: All members of Scimitar are urged to be present at the next meeting, to be held Thursday, March 9, at the Union promptly at 7:15 p.m. Physical Education for Women: In- dividual skill tests in physical educa- tion will be, given at the following hours: Ice skating: Monday, Tuesday, Thursday 3:30 to 4:30 p.m. at the Coliseum. Swimming: Tuesday and Thursday at 7:30 p.m. in the Union Pool. Badminton: Friday (March 10) at 4:30 p.m. at Barbour Gymnasium. Ann Arbor Independent Women will have their regular meeting in the Kalamazoo Room of the Michigan League, Thursday afternoon at 4:30. Projects for remainder of the semes- ter will be discussed. The meeting must begin on time so that all will be able to attend the tea dance. Congregational Fellowship: Table games will be featured at the party Friday night, and the radio will be available for informal dancing. All students will be welcome. The Graduate Outing Club will hold a party Saturday, March 11, in the Ballroom of the Rackhanm Building