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March 07, 1939 - Image 6

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1939-03-07

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Bates suggests
Objective Study
Of New Deal
Law School Dean Urges
Class Room Discussion
Led By Good Judgment
Should "New Dea " legislation, tra-
litional institutions and legal prin-
iples be considered "untouchables"
n the classroom or should discussion
.f them be permitted to stimulate
,he student and permit reevaluation
f the contemporary world?
The answer, says Dean Henry M.
3ates of the Law School in his sec-
ion of the President's Report, is
imple. Let discussion remain ob-
ective with the instructor not at-
empting to urge his own opinions
pon the student and critical evalu-
tion is for the best.
Good Judgment Needed
Suspicions and fears which have
enerated much unjust and unfound-
d comment on the work of educa-
ional institutions in political, ec-
nomic and social fields will be with-
ut justification if instructors use
ood judgment and a sense of pro-
riety and proportion in discussing
urrent affairs, Dean Bates points
An unprecedented amount of dis-
ussion of such topical matters in re-
ent years has resulted in a recon-
deration of our institutions, policies
nd administrative methods of gov-
rnment which is most desirable from
ny reasonable point of view and
romises well for k better future, he,

Marian Anderson Is Termed
Perfect Contralto' ByCritics

Publication in the Bulletin is constructive notice to all members of the University.
Copy received at the office of the Assistant to the President until 3:30 P.M.;
11:00' A.M. on Saturday.

Well-Known Negro Soloist
Will Give Performance
Here For May Festival
Booked solidly until Christmas,'
1940, Marian Anderson, the perfect
contralto," who makes her second
appearance here in this year's May
Festival, has risen from a squalid
flat in Philadelphia's Negro quarter
to the position where she is rated
as one of the greatest solo artists in
the world.
Returning from her second con-
secutive record-breaking tour of
South ,America, Miss Anderson is
now embarked on her fourth succes-
sive coast-to-coast tour. It was not
until fairly recently that the United
States gave recognition to the gifted
Negro contralto, and then only after
Switzerland reported her "magical,"
and Geneva found itself "stupified"
by her range.
when Toscanini exclaimed, "a
voice like yours is heard only once in
a 100 years," the United States lost
no time in reclaiming its outstanding
daughter. The result was that Miss
Anderson, in 1937, was forced to omit
Eastern Europe and Finland from
her schedule and come home for a
record-breaking tour of 67 cities in
less than five months.
Last year, Miss Anderson gave 70
performances between January and
May, which was the longest and
most intensive program ever booked
in concert history for a singer. On
this tour, she travelled 26,000 miles,
in America, which brought her total
concert mileage well above 10,000.
One of the many "super" names
that has been given to Miss Ander-
son is "darling of the critics," arising
from the fact that music experts have
received her more auspiciously than
any other artist in recent years.
Newspapers, from coast to coast have
sung paeans, and reviewers are quick
to agree that she is a performer
without equal.
Since her rise to international;
fame, Miss Anderson has been hon,-
ored by practically every nation in
which she has appeared. In 1935, six
years after she had been awarded a
Julius Rosenwald Scholarship, she
was invited by the Salzburg Festi-
val to offer a program at the Mo-s
zarteum. Last year, her farewell ap-

(Continued from Page 4)1

cclock. Radio program in
Lounge: Metropolitan Opera.


Ideas Shouldn't Be Forced
Even the schools themselves should
not be excluded from -this discussion
and reevaluation, Dean Bates de-
clares. No instructor capable of do-
ing first class work, he warns, can
fail ' to reveal his own opinions re-
garding matters over which he has
achieved mastery and with which he
deals thoroughly in the classroom-
but these ideas should not be forced
upon the pupil.
Of law schools, he comments that
any one deserving of the name should
give its students as complete a pic-
ture as possible of the problems in-
volved in the courses offered.

pearance in Paris drew a capacity
audience in the Great Hall of the
Grand Opera House, where only
Kreisler and Rachmaninoff had dared
concertize. She was rewarded the
Grand Prix de Chant for the best
voice recorded on the Continent.
Before she left Europe in June,
she was honored with a Doctorate of
Music from Heward University in
Washington, D.C.
Technic Appointments
To Be Made At Dinner
Appointment to the Michigan
Technic publications board for the
new year will be announced at a din-
ner at 6:15 p.m. tomorrow at the
League, Walton A. Rodger, '39E, edi-
tor, said yesterday. Dean of 'Students
Joseph A. Bursley will speak.
The Technic, magazine of the en-
gineering college, is the oldest stu-
dent publication on campus, appear-
ing continuouosly since 1882.

Biological Chemistry Seminar: Wed-
nesday, March 8, 7:30 p.m., Room 319
West Medical Building. "Vitamin A
-Visual Acuity, and Night Blindness,
Visual Purple" will be discussed. All
interested are invited.
La Sociedad Hispanica: There will
be a meeting on Wednesday, March
8, at 7:30 p.m. in the League. A pro-
gram of games, readings, and songs
has been arranged. There will also
be a speaker. All members are urged
to be present.
"Cercle Francais will hold an in-
formal dinner at 7:15 p.m. at the
University Grill Friday, March 10 for
those who are plann'ing to attend the
showing of the cinema "Carnet du
Ball" Friday evening at 8:15 at Lydia
Mendelssohn Theatre. Please leave
your name and 55 cents for the din-
ner at the French department office
in Romance Language building before
Wednesday noon if you can attend."
Society of Indqstrial Lawyers: Meet-
ing will be held Wednesday, March 8,
at 7:30 p.m. in the Faculty Dining
of the Law Club. Prof. Smith of the
Law School will speak on "Labor
Graduate Luncheon: There will be
a graduate luncheon, March 8 at 12
noon in the Russian Tea Room of
the League, cafeteria style.
Dr. Thomas N. E. Greville of the
Mathematics Department will dis-
cuss "Extra-Sensory Perception."
All graduate students are cordially
Seminar in Physical Chemistry will
meet in Room 122 Chemistry Build-
ing at 4:15 p.m. on Wednesday,
March 8. Dr. O. L. I. Brown will
speak on "Temperatures below 1 de-
gree absolute."
Graduate Coffee Hour: Friday at
4 p.m. in the Rackham Building. Pro-

fessor M. L. Williams will speak on
"The American Humor Before 1900."
University oratorical Contest. Pre-
liminary tryout, Wednesday, March
8, 4 p.m., Room 4003 A.H. Five-
minute talk on subject of oration.
Register in Speech Office, Room 3211
New classes in golf start at the
Intramural Building Wednesday and
Thursday of this week. Classes come
on Monday and Wednesday at 3:30
and 4:30 and also on Tuesday and
Thursday at the same hours. Classes
are free to students and to faculty.
Fraternity Notice: There will be
an Executive Committee meeting of
the Interfraternity Council Wednes-
day, March 8 at 4 p.m. Any frater-
nity wishing to submit petitions to
the Committee must have them in by
the above date and hour.
Cooperative Forum. The American
Student Union will hold a member-
ship meeting in the Michigan Union
Wednesday at 8,p.m. Representatives
from the cooperative houses, restau-
rants, and the student book exchange
will speak. There will be plenty of
opportunity for questions and discus-

Parley Head
Position Goes
To Erlewine
(Cohtinued from Page 1)
classmen in order to provide continu-
ity for the committee.
Members of the present executive
committee are now Erlewine, Ham-
mond, Luby, Kresin, Rosa, Perlman,
Albert Mayio, '39, Barbara Brddfield,
Grad., Saul Kleiman, '39, Alberta
Wood, '40, Charles Dolph, '39, Jane
Krause, '41, Frank Rideout, '41,
Thomas Adams, '40, Joan Outhwaite,
'41, Leonard Rosenman, '42M, Mal-
colm Long, '40, and Bernard Weiss-
man, '39L.
Further plans for the Parley will
oe discussed at an open meeting to
be held in the League at 5 p.m. Sun-
sion. All members are urged to at-
tend and everyone interested in cam-
pus cooperatives will be welcome with
his questions.
Women's Badminton Tournament:
All women students entered in the
Women's singles badminton tourna-
ment are asked to get in touch with
their opponents and arrange a time
to play. The courts in Barbour Gym-
nasium will be open every night ex-
cept Tuesday from 7:15 to'9:15.'
Hillel Play: Anyone interested in
working in the box office for the Hill-
el Play call Eleanor Feldman at 2-'
2591 by Tuesday evening.

Toren To Discuss
Future Of Youth
John A. Toren, president of the
Young Theosophists of Canada, will
talk on, "The Future of American
Youth," at 8:15 p.m. today at the
League under the auspices of the
Theosophical Society in Ann Arbor.
Mr. Toren's lecture is the first in
a series of three talks dealing with
the application of the problems solv-
ing the theosophical ideals for fac-
ing the youth of today. Mr. Toren
is a traveling representative of the
American Young Theosophists, an
organization for people under 30
years of age who are interested in
Mr. Toren will speak on, "Theo-
sophy and Modern Society" at 4:15
p.m. Thursday, Marsh 9 and on, "The
Importance of Living," at 3:15 p.m.
Saturday, March 11, at the League,
Mrs. Thomas Greville, president, will
Deutcher Verein Meet
Features Folk Dancing
A program featuring folk dancing
and singing has been planned for the
bi-weekly meeting of the Deutscher
Verein at 8:00 p.m. today at the
Union, according to Dr. Werner F.
Striedieck of the German depart-
The next meeting of the club on
March 21, will be an illustrated talk
in German by Prof. Richard Etting-
hausen of the history department
entitled "Oriente-Teppische."








r ,r




am fussy...



I am one of those fellows that likes the little

things to be right. Take for instance my laundry. There's nothing I get a big-


ger kick out of than putting on a freshly laundered shirt.

I happen to be one of

those fellows that appreciates a perfectly laundered collar, and

I know it's


going to be that way if it comes from the laundry The Laundry picks my soiled
clothes up and delivers them. That saves me the trouble of taking my laundry
to the post office and saves mother trouble too. That's another thing I enjoy.
Well, perhaps I am fussy but I like my clothes laundered the LAUNDRY way.

Price per lb.

.i . . ..lOc

Minimum Student Bundle 50c



Shirts Extra

. . .s . 12c

Sample Student Bundle

(Full Dress Shirts are not included in this Special Price)

. 1

Sox'Extra, per pair
Handkerchiefs, Extra


3 Shirts
6 Handkerchiefs
3 Pairs of Socks

Rough Dry


Suits of Underwear
Both Towels
Pair Pajamas


. * 0


Approximate Cost.. $1.10





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P hone 4185 Ph one 23-1 -2 3

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