trosl Frolic To Be Nautical In Decoration Tarty Line Color Schene For Class Dance Friday At Union To Be Blue And White A nautical theme will be worked out in the decorations for the 1939 Frosh Frolic from 9 p.m. to 2:30 a.m. Friday in the ballroom of the Union, Margot Thom, chairman of the decor- ations for the dance, announced yes- terday. The decorations will center around a large pilot's wheel placed behind Tommy Tucker and his orchestra who will play for the Frolic. It will be necessary for all guests to enter the ballroom by a gang plank, and once insidethey will be confined by ship's railings around the orchestra, the patrons' and the chaperons' booths, Miss Thom said. Nautical Color Scheme Tommy Tucker's band will occupy the "top deck," and life-savers will add the necessary security. The color scheme will be worked out in the nautical colors of blue and white. Assisting Miss Thom on the decor- ations committee are Robert McKen- zie and Bill Funk, who are also work- ing will be Norman Taylor and his floor committee of Samuel Bruni and Gerald Rosensweig. To Have Metal Programs Metal programs of silver and blue will further carry out the decoration theme of the Frolic. This will be the first dance of the year featuring metal programs etched with a cohtrasting color, Harold Wood, programs chair- man, announced.. There have been two changes in committee chairmen because of in- eligibility, hack Grady, general chair- man, said. Thomas Goodkind will assist Grady, and Agnes Crow has been appointed publicity chairman. R7eddings c. and Cngagements The wedding of Margaret C. Good- rich, '35, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. George B. Goodrich of Detroit to Ledru E. Davis took place here Sat- urday in St. Andrew's Episcopal Church. 'Mr. Davis is the son of Mr. and Mrs. James E.sDavis of Ann Arbor. The bride is affiliated with Alpha Gamma Sigma sorority and was a member of the Cercle Francais while Mr., Davis is a member 'of Pi Kappa Alpha fraternity and is a graduate of Cornell Law School. Virginia Allmendinger, '38A, daugh- ter of Mr. and Mrs. Victor A. Allmen- dinger has set the date as June 29 for her approaching marriage to Rus- sel S. Forsman of Detroit. Mr. Forse- man also attended the University. Miss Lois Druckenbrod, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Druckenbrod of Hastings and Ann Arbor, was mar- ried to Harlan Boston Ritze, '36, son of Mr. and Mrs. John H. Holcomb at 8 p.m. Saturday in the Ethel Foun- tain Hussey Room of the League. Dr. C. W. Brashares performed the cere- mony before more than 75 guests. A reception in the League Con- cpurse followed. Bernice Drucken- brod, sister of the bride was the maid of honor, and the bridesmaids were Ruth Menefee, '39, and Kathryn Steiner, '39. Robert Eberbach, '38, and Rupert Bell, '38, served as ushers, and Law- rence Freeman, was Mr. Ritze's best man. The couple left for a trip to Florida, and will reside on McKinley Ave. on their return. Assembly Petitions Are Due Thursday Petitions for candidacy for the ma- jor offices of Assembly will be accept- ed beginning today through Thurs- day by the nominating committee of the oizganization, Betty Jane Mans- field, '39, Assembly president, an- nounced yesterday. The offices open will be those of president, vice-president, secretary and treasurer. Only juniors may apply, Miss Mansfield said. Inter- viewing by the nominating committee will take place from 3 p.m. to 4:30 p.m. Thursday and Friday in the Undergraduate Offices of the League. One does not have to be a member of the Assembly board to petition, MisĀ§ Mansfield emphasized. No one who has not petitioned will be inter- viewed, and no one will be considered unless she has been interviewed. The election will take place March 23. Union To Sponsor Sings A second series of Fraternity Night Sings sponsored by the Union will be- gin at the dance held from 9 to 12 p.m. Saturday, James Halligan, '40, Union social chairman, has an- nounced. Beta Theta Pi will be By the Neighbor (Editor's Note: The following excerpt from the diary of Judy the Jitterbug is printed by special permission of the writer. Extremes in capitalization are due to Judy's inexpertness when using the shift key.) dear diary, every party lion has his party line or something to that effect if we may say so. at any rate what with last weekend over with we now have time to rest up for next. in spite of my wish that college were all weekends, there are times when i see the wisdom of having the week in between. assembled at assembly friday night. 'twas very gay. saw prexy B. J. MANSFIELD zipping down the receiving line with BOB REINHART and finance chairman, ELLEN KRIEG- HOFF was with JIM DOUGLAS. i sometimes wonder when i"see what goes on in the creative moments of a college stu- dent-for instance there's the little matter of the giraffes and horses so laboriously eked out of those paper straws in the grill by SALLY REDNER, JACK PROBST, and TOMMY BUERMANN. then again we saw "BROWNIE" BROWN and CHUCK PROBST, MARGARET GOSE and IRL BRENT, Light Fantastic For Light Effects .. . JANET CLARK and DAVE ALTICK. quite a party, quite a party, indeed. jittered over to the Alpha chi formal friday in time to see K. ADAMS, JIMMY BLACK, BETTY BARNEY and PETE GOSSARD whizzing through a U I -' a light fantastic-or does one whiz through a light fantastic? anyway DEE ROGERS and CHUCK ALLEN were there, too, and my little chum, MARY JANE KRONNER was with CHUCK DUCHARME. LINDA GAIL GEORGE had a lean hungry look in her eye while DAME REID looked worried-or was it the lighting effects? met BETTY STOUT and LARRY THOMAS on my way to the theta chi house. guess they never made it though-or else i missed their bright and sining faces in the mob scene. ETHEL SMITH and BOB STEVENS POKED their heads out from the midst of unfamiliar countenances, and i also saw MARTIE DAILEY and HOWARD CRUSEY. turn I' .~ .-,% . . v * 'V .* :. 0 0 about is fair play, and we think it quite cummy of the boys to invite the theta xis back this week. LES GODA and NANCY SURGENOR helped represent the neighbors. Lost In A Fog, Diary Dear . . . in a fog in more ways than one saturday night when a regular "pea souper" descended on our fair town. funny how every' one looks alike in reversiviles-all we need to be really conf used is a scarf mania for michigan men. 4 o things were a little late in getting started what C .with so many initiation banquets to contend with. finally reached the phi delta epsilon informal to see HELEN NEW and WILLIS FREEDMAN feel- ing sorry for he poor med students whose good times are so few (!) JOE KERZMAN and DOTTIE ROTH were defying this observation, however, by showing a few fancy steps themselves. well, diary, dear, enough's enough and 'tis a weary world, but as i always say michiganites are nice, but ann arbor nights are better. oh hum! yours till charlie maccarthy runs a splinter in his finger and bleeds to death, judy the jitterbug . 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