THE MICHIGAN DAILY CHIGAN DAILY t, -- - The Editor Gets Told TODAY in WASHINGTON w --by David Lawrence- I' I Edited and managed by students of the University of Michigan under the authority of the Board in Control of Student Publications. Published every morning except Monday during the University year and Summ Tr Session. Member of the Associated Press The Associated Press is exclusively entitled to the use for republication of all news dispatches credited to it or not otherwise credited in this newspaper. All rights of republication of all other matters herein also reserved.! Entered at the Post Office at Ann Arbor, Michigan, as second class mail matter. Subscriptions during regular school year by carrier, $4.00; by mail, $4.50. REPRESENTED FOR NATIONAL ADVERTISING SY National Advertising Service, Inc. College Publishers Representative _. 420 MADISON AVE. NEW YORK, N. Y. CHICAGO BOSTON - LOS ANGELES - SAN FRANSCO Member, Associated Collegiate Press, 1938-39 Board of Editors Managing Editor . . . Robert D. Mitchell Editorial Director . . . . . Albert P. Maylo City Editor . . . . . Horace W. Gilmore Associate'Editor . . . . Robert I. Fitzhenry Associate Editor . . . . S. R. Kleiman Associate Editor . . . . . Robert Perlman Associate Editor . . . . . Earl Gilman Associate Editor . . . . William Evin Associate Editor . . . . Joseph Freedman Book Editor . . . . . . . Joseph Gies Women's Editor . . . . . Dorothea Staebler Sports Editor . . . . . . Bud Benjamin Business Department Business Manager. . . , . Philip W. Buchen Credit Manager . . . . Leonard P. Siegelman Advertising Manager . . . William L. Newnan Women's Business Manager . . Helen Jean Dean Women's Service Manager . . . Marian A. Baxter NIGHT EDITOR: JACK CANAVAN The editorials published in The Michigan Daily are written by members of the Daily staff and represent the views of the writers only. Indispensable And Responsible Unions. lANDWICHED among the accounts S of intra-union conflicts, which seem to comprise most labor news at present, are occassionally found items that predict a more optimistic future for labor. These items tell of the progress the unions continue to achieve in spite of the factional warfare among labor leaders. The result is like a glimpse of smooth- working machinery through the smoke that shrouds it. The latest account of union-employer co- operation comes from Lockland, Ohio, where the AFL local at the Philip Carey factory is following a "specific program to help raise efficiency, improve the company's product and assist indirectly in making sales." Close to the actual functioning of a factory, workers often see shortcuts and improvements in production that escape the notice of the best efficiency ex- perts, and some unions are better versed in the technical knowledge of an industry than the operators themselves. At the Philip Carey plant, the AFL has offered this technical knowledge to the management in return for a voice in labor adjustments. The union has secured an oppor- tunity to show that it can be a help to capital, rather than a hindrance. The classic example of mutual understanding is, of cours.e, the close cooperation between the clothing manufacturers and Sidney Hillman's Amalgamated Clothing Workers. For nearly two decades the CIO affiliate has cooperated with the Hart, Schaffner and Marx manufacturers in the operation of the firm, has gained for the employes a share in the management and, as a company official has said, has created "har- mony and good will on the part of the people toward the omany" The Amalgamated has its own bank and once loaned $100,000 to a clothing firm to keep it from bankruptcy. Needless to say, violent labor tactics have found no place in the men's clothing industry. In fact, there has been no strike in the two decades of union-management cooperation. Another CIO affiliate, the United Mine Work- ers. of America, has also succeeded in gradually attaining the respect and confidence of the em- ployer. Again the relationship has gone beyond merely a spirit to cooperate. Union funds have often been used to bolster mines in danger of receivership, and the UMWA has received the cooperation and trust of the operators in return. The bitter struggle last year between the Steel Workers' Organizing* Committee and Tom Girdler's Republic Steel Corporation seems to preclude any possibility of mutual understand- ing in the steel industry. Yet this struggle was merely a front-line engagement; behind the lines the SWOC was acquiring the friendship of many steel companies. SWOC officials have established schools in which steel workers take courses ;in collective bargaining and grievance adjustment, have drawn up a manual or co- operation and have worked out a plan to cut production costs in steel manufacture. These are tangible proofs of the possibility of cooperation between capital and labor. In each instance the chief aims of the unions-to protect the workers and to better their working conditions-have been accomplished peacably, uw ,-,i~m ~na- t ittian n etriiq r Ma, ecR Another Spanish Catholic Speaks To the Editor: We are told in Mr. Carulla's article, among other things which I do not dispute, that Spain "is the most Catholic country in the world." As a fervent Catholic, educated in Catholic schools in Spain, I had manifold opportunities to observe the religious life of the country, both among the poor and among the rich, and evi dently what I found does not square with the optimistic dictum of Mr. Carulla. Every human aspect seems to have a dual aspect,' at least in Spain, the idealistic and realistic, much like the famous work of Cer- vantes, the world of Don Quixote and the world of Sancho Panza. Mr. Carulla, like Don Quixote, sees the idealizations of our group, full of plati- tudes and empty idealism, which added to his own produce a perfectly ditsorted view of Spain. Some of us (old Catholics indeed), the tough realistic minded Sanchos, see misery, brutality, waste, and lack of human dignity in "the most Catholic country in the world." But my dis- agreement needs facts, which I shall supply, to prove incorrect the naive optimism of Mr. Carulla.% 1. "The most Catholic country in the world" would not permit a corrppt monarchy, aristocracy and army to use the churches ' to display their vanity. 2. It is incompatible with "the most Catholic country in the world" to allow hordes of beggars at the doors of the churches, while the rich, well fed and clad, toss few coins (and stop at it) to prolongate the miserable life of the disinherited. 3. A country where the rich are overfed, abandon themselves to lust and cruelty, while the masses perish of filth and star- vation, cannot be called "the most Catho- lic country in the world." 4. The morals of our nobles and rules had been, in general, pagan. They made a virtue of each one of the capital sins. Yet, paradoxically, they call themselves "the most Catholic" people. 5. A country owned by few, where the masses toil the soil day after day to support few parasites, admits slavery, and Catholic morality condemns it. 6. Civil wars cannot take place in "the most Catholic country in the world," be- cause everybody would love his neighbor with brotherly love. Yet people in Spain kill each other. 7. Catholics evaluate the dignity of each man, yet our people suffer the traditional sin of soberbia. Egoism has become a virtue. 8. The sadistic amusement of killing bulls is cruel and morbid, and lacks moderation, but "the most Catholic country in the world" has made out of it the national sport. etc., etc. This is sufficient to show that Spain, far from being "the most Catholic country in the world," needs an immense work in missionary work to spread the gospel of charity among a divided nation, fallen into the depraved cruelty of a civil war. Wanted: Fraternity Blueprint To the Editor: I have been a fraternity member for three years and I must confess that Dr. Ruthven's report to the Board of Regents concerning the fraternity situation is something that I don't understand. When Dr. Ruthven says "these organizations have consistently failed to realize their possi- bilities for service, either as rooming houses or educational units" I fail to perceive the point. Perhaps all he says is true-perhaps the ideal state that he believes should exist has never existed and, never having existed, how are we to know what is expected of us? Having lived in a rooming house during my freshman year and comparing those conditions with the rooming conditions in the fraternity house, it is incomprehensible to me what Dr. Ruthven means when he deplores the rooming situation in fraternity houses. Of course, having no P.W.A. funds available, the fraternities can- not build new houses that would compare with the new dorms being built. It seems to me that the recent activity in the building of dorms isj the first manifestation of any activity on tp part of the University to improve housing condi- tions-so why should the fraternities be pilloried when the University has been guilty of the same offense? I would also like to know the meaning of the statement "fostering the ideals and forwarding the work of the University." In brief, I would like a definition of what is an "ideal rooming situa- tion"-just what are the "ideals" we are expected to further? Give to the fraternities some speci- fic and tangible program and I'm sure that they will cooperate to the fullest extent. Generalities are fine sounding terms but they do little to solve any problem. -Ted J. Madden, '39 "Evidence that the President intended the sales to France and Britain to be indicative of an alignment with them is seen by those who maintain that the President went over the heads of the War and Navy departments in sanction- ing the sales. A survey of the administration foreign policy leaves little doubt that the Presi- dent favors active cooperation with the demo- cratic states of Eurone." WASHINGTON, March 6-Democracy cele- brated its 150th birthday in a manner calculuated to live long in the memory of man. The scene at the Capitol last Saturday will ever be remem- bered not for the extraordinary picture of the Executive, Legislative and Judicial branches of the Government in formal assembly, but for the confession of faith of all parties, all groups, al! factions in the unchanging spirit of representa- tive government. Every word spoken seemed o carry unusual significance on account of the troubled condi- tion of the world and particuluarly because of the peril into which human liberties have been thrust by arbitrary power. Without preconceived concert and without collaboration, the utterances of America's lead- ers conveyed a remarkable unanimity of thought. And, whatever differences of party or economic bias may have been astir on other occasions in the same surroundings, there was not one echo of it in the wholehearted devotion of all con- cerned to the tenets and principles of American democracy. The ovation to the President and to the Chief Justice were unmistakable in their sincerity- a combination of personal esteem and admira- tion and the respect which is given to high office in America. One saw Mr. Roosevelt ap- plauding as Chief Justice Hughes was introduced and one saw the Chief Justice and the members of the Supreme Court joining in the testimonial to the Chief Executive. Speakers Reaffirm Democracy In not a single sentence of these speeches did one observe any acrimony, even by implication, with reference to domestic controversy. But one felt throughout the ceremonies that the whole celebration was involuntarily designed to answer the skeptics who have lost faith in the efficacy of democracy as a system of government. If the contrast between the liberties that are enjoyed in Free America and the suppression of liberties in the totalitarian states was evident, it was not so much in order to cast aspersions in other forms of government, but to revivify and re- etnphasize the American faith in her own sys- tem and in the attributes of democratic repre- sentative government throughout the world. Mr. Roosevelt's address carried perhaps the most pointed reference of all to external hap- penings. When he asked whether America should "by our silence lend encouragement to those who today persecute religion or deny it," and when he answered that self-same question with an emphatic "no," he was exercising one of the American basic rights of free comment and free speech. He was endeavoring to utter the moral judgment of a nation at a time when there is somewhat of a tendency to cry out, as did Cain: "Am I my brother's keeper?" This in- difference to the fate of man elsewhere, this assumption of an attitude of complete detach- ment from what is happening abroad, even to the point of denying a word of sympathy to oppressed human beings in other countries, is not in accord with tradition, but springs from a recently developed idea that, even when the blood of innocent persons is being spilled unjustly, there must be neutrality of word and thought. Roosevelt Renounces Isolation The President renounced this concept of isolat- ed Americanism. He might have, if he wished, gone back into the records from the beginning of the American Republic to find on many occa- sions, in resolutions of Congress, in platform planks of both parties, in declarations of o.W Department of State and by civic and patriotic organizations, unrestrained pronouncements of America's sympathy with downtrodden peoples. Mr. Roosevelt might have recalled the way Americans of all parties and all classes spoke clearly their sympathy with the Irish people in their long struggle for freedom. Technically, it was none of America's business, but, morally and actually, it was a sympathy that hardly anybody in public life cared to suppress. When the Boer Rebellion was on in South Africa, party platforms expressed American sympathy in unequivocal terms, and, when the Russian Government of the Czar refused to recognize the passports of American citizens be- cause of religious or racial discrimination, there was no passive acquiescence by a Republican President, any more than there is today by a Democratic President, or craven exhortation that, we should "mind our own business" and remain silent about these attacks on human liberties. Hughes Rejects Autocracy, Turing to the speech of the Chief Justice, there were phrases which revealed an aware- ness of the "grounds wells of autocracy" abroad and of the "direct attack and subversive influ- ences" leveled at our institutions, and it was noteworthy that the greatest applause came as he said, "There is every indication that the vastly preponderant sentiment of the Ameri- can people is that our form of government shall be preserved." The Hughes address was a masterpiece of analysis and was filled with penetrating sentences whose meaning will live for many years as representative government weathers the storms of those who with excessive zeal seek to wield through government various arbitrary powers against the citizen. Again and again he referred to "restraint" and the wisdom of the fathers in providing "checks and balances" which may at times seem slow but are designed to "assure in the long run a more deliberate judgment." The courts are slow, he might have said, but they are not the less respected because they substitute for the haste and impulsiveness of y 9 "ra Whats Wrong Here --- ROBERT E. SHERWOOD wrote R "Idiot's Delight" for the stage as a brief against war and its maniacal disposition of the "cheap little people." The play won a Pulitzer Prize, and Hollywood rushed forth- with to Sherwood's -portals for the screen rights. We saw the film at, the Michigan Sunday night, and as we headed toward the exits a pair of romantics-cheap little people, in- deed-preceded us up the aisle, freely exchanging their reactions to the pic- ture. Sherwood, M-G-M, the Pulitzer people and the decimated few (ac- cording to the pacifists) who will survive the impending air raids may be interested in what we overheard. The girl was just mad about Gable's dimples and the slinky gown Shear- er wore; the boy liked Gable, too, especially his manner of expressing disbelief by arching his eyebrows, tut he thought Shearer stunk and her accent and wig were too phony. When the boy mentioned "Gable's dancing," there followed a round of giggles that lasted into the lobby. What had happened to Sherwood's bitter theme? In our opinion, simply this the mask of comedy which dis- guised the tragic plight of a Broad- way hoofer and the ranting Russian siren who was a dreamy acrobat in Omaha was too convincing to the Boy and Girl. They missed Sherwood's philosophical undertones, even though Hollywood had made a magnificent" attempt to preserve them. The power of the final scene, in which the hoof- er (elevated by his first contact with real love) and the "countess" (again the acrobat of Omaha) are left alone in the international hotel to face the air raid because no one gave a damn about them, was spent, as far as the Boy and Girl in the aisle were con- cerned, on Gable's spirited pounding of the piano and Shearer's hip wig- gling. Before reaching the street we were beset by two recollections. First,' Clare Boothe's play, "Kiss the Boys1 Goodbye," which Broadway critics praised as assatire ofdHollywood's efforts to cast the lead of "Gone. With the Wind." Not until Misss Boothe wrote a preface to the pub- lished version of the play did critics and public alike learn that her opus contained a crptic bit of anti-Fascis- tic propaganda. It was an embarrass- ing revelation, more Miss Boothe's than the critics', we believe. The subtle "message" had been evidently1 lost, and perhaps it may be assumed that Miss Boothe will hereafter be no less subtle than a black eye or sledge hammer when she has some- thing more to do than make funny cracks. Secondly, we recalled the French- made film, "Grand Illusion," another anti-war movie which recently showed at the Lydia Mendelssohn. There were no hilarious asides in the aisles after that show, and the audi- ence on the whole emerged from the theatre looking grave and thoughtful., Maybe Sherwood, who also wrote the movie version of "Idiot's Delight," tried too hard to stay on the philo- sophical plane of the play. At any rate, it evoked the wrong response and shoudn't have. *:*x** Factory Fiction ... T TOOK Gustave Flaubert four and a half assiduous years to write "Madam Bovary," the first required reading in Prof. Joe Davis' Modern Novel course, four and a half years in which he recited every sentence aloud for its sound and rhythm, wrote it on blackboards, studied it, and discussed it with intimates. The result was, of course, a classic that withstood the scandal and censor- ship of its time, although compared to Cain, Farrell & O'Hara of the modern school,it would hardly draw a blush from a tender-skinned spin- ster today. But 'Flaubert's patience and per- serverance brings to mind a story we heard regarding the way fiction is written nowadays. Two New York reporters, whose names, if memory serves us right, were Whittaker and Mielziner, were assigned to do a daily serial, alternating from day to day, printing each episode as they wrote it. One day, Whittaker was sent out of town to cover a murder trial, and Mielziner agreed to do both his and Whittaker's installments. Several weeks had elapsed when Whittaker got a wire from his boss. "Mielziner is stuck. He has gotten all the characters killed. Will you get him out of this mess." While several friends waited for him, Whit sat on the upturned end of a suitcase and pounded out the final chapter of the serial, not even bothering to copyread what he had written, and then wired it in. Several weeks later Hollywood bought the story for. $35,000, and when the two reporters had split the sum, Whittak- er disappeared for several days. His city editor indulged this display of temperament for a while, then wired his absent employee, threatening his . Pannnmi c gecrity_ Trm. iniparam mwas TUESDAY, MARCH 7, 1939 VOL. XLIX. No. 112 Notices All students who competed in the freshmen Hopwood contests should call for their manuscripts at the Hop- wood Room not later than Friday, March 10, at 5 o'clock. The room is open every afternoon from 2 to 5:30. The Rochidale Cooperative House, 640 Oxford Road, now has a few a, cancies. Students wshing to apply for membership may get application blanks at Dean Bursley's office, or may phone the house, 6957. Menbership for meals alone will be considered, if desired. Academic Notices Psychology 31: Make-up final ex- amination for all sections will be held on March 7, at 7:30 p.m., in Room 3126, Natural Science Building. Psychology 33, 34, 41 and 42 make- ups for final examinations will bei held Tuesday, March 7, in Room 2116 Natural Science Bldg. "Psychology 106, 116 and 166 will7 not meet this week. Anthropology 31 make-up examin- ation will be held Wednesday, March; 8, in Room 306 Mason Hall from 2 to 5 p.m. Economics 54: Make-up final will be held in Room 207 Ec. on Friday, March 10, at 2:30 p.m. Please in- form Professor Peterson of your in- tention to take this examination. English 143: Makeup examinationI will be held Tuesday afternoon, March 7, 3-6 p.m., in Room 3231 A.H.. J. L. Davis. Make-up Examination: German 1,1 2 ad 31 will be given on Saturday, March 11, from 9-12 a.m. in Room 3061 University Hall.Y College of Literature, Science and the Arts, School of Music, and School of Education: Students who received marks of I or X at the close of their last term of attendance (viz., semes-1 ter or summer session) will receive a grade of E in the course unless this1 work is-made up and reported to this1 office by March 13, at 8 a.m. Students, wishing an extension of time should file a. petition addressed to the ap- propriate official in their school with Room 4 U.H. where it will be trans- mitted., Robert L. Williams, Asst. Regist ar Concerts Organ Recital: Palmer Christian, University Organist, assisted by Har- din Van Deursen, baritone, will pro- vide a program on the Frieze Mem- orial Organ in the Hill Auditorium Wednesday afternoon, March 8, at, 4:15 o'clock. The general public will be admitted without admission charge. For obvious easons, small children will not be admitted. The doors will be closed during numbers. Exhibitions Exhibition, College of Architecture: Photographs and drawings of Mich- igan's historic old houses made dur- ing the recent Historical American Buildings Survey are being shown, through the courtesy of the J. L. Hud- son Company of Detroit. Third Floor Exhibition Room, Architectural Bldg., through March 11. Open daily, 9 to 5. The public is cordially invited. Mhibition of Modern Book Art: Printing and Illustration, held under the sponsorship of the Ann Arbor Art Association. Rackham Building, third floor Exhibition Room; daily except Sunday, 8 a.m. to 10 p.m.; through March 25. Museum of Classical Archaeology: Special exhibit of terracotta figurines, baskets, harness and rope from the University of Michigan Excavations in Egypt. Exhibition, College of Architecture: Modern hand-blocked linens, de- signed by Professor Frank of Ger- many, loaned to the College of Archi- tecture by the Chicago Workshops, Ground floor corridor cases. Open daily 9 to 5 until March 15. The public is invited. Exhibition of Prints from the Col- lection of Mrs. William A. Comstock and Water Colors by Eliot O'Hara, presented by the Ann Arbor Art As- sociation. Rackham Building, third floor Exhibition Rooms, daily except Sunday from 2 to 5 p.m., March 7 through March 21. Lectures University Lecture: Ir. P. Sargent bone accused all comedians of want- ing to portray the role of a tragedian. Groucho Marx, also on the program, DAILY OFFICIAL BULLETIN Publication in the Bulletin is constructive notice to all members of the University. Copy received at the office of the Assistant toa the President until3:30 P.M. 11:00 A.A. on Saturday., Florence, Professor of Commerce at the University of Birmingham, Eng- land, will lecture on "The British Cooperative Movement" at 4:15 p.m., Thursday, March 16, in the Rackham Lecture Hall, under the auspices of the Department of Economics. The pu'blic is cordially invited. University Lecture: Mr. Louis Un- termeyer will lecture on "The Poet vs. the Average Man" on Monday, March 13, at 8:15 p.m. in the Rack- ham Lecture Hall under the auspices of the Department of English in the College of Engineering. The public is cordially invited to attend. Henry Russel Lecture for 1938-39: Professor Campbell Bonner, Chair- man of the Department of Greek, will deliver the Henry Russel Lecture for 1938-39, on the subject, "Sophocles, Aristotle, and the Tired Business Man," at 4:15 p.m., Wednesday, March 22, in the Rackham Amphithe- atre. The announcement of the Henry Russel Award for 1938-39 will be made at this time. The public is cordially invited. Stuart H. Perry, editor and publish- er of the Adrian Telegram and direc- tor of the Associated Press, will give the third in the series of Supplemen- tary Lectures in Journalism on Wed- nesday, March 8, at three o'clock in Room E, Haven Hall. Mr. Perry's subject will be "The Newspaper and the Courts." The public is invited to attend. Events Today The Junior Research Club: The March meeting will be held tonight at 7:30 p.m. in the amphitheatre of the Rackham Building. Dr. J. W. Leonard of the Institute for Fisheries Research will speak on "The Bottom Fauna of Trout Streams and its Relation to Trout Production." Prof. W. J. Nungester and Prof. L. F. Catron will speak on "Pneu- mococcal Infections." Graduate Education Club willmeet this afternoon at 4:15 p.m. in the High School Auditorium. (Note change). Dean Edmonsonand cer- tain staff members will take part in a panel discussion on the topic "What Are Some of the More Significant Problems and Proposals Submitted at the Cleveland Meeting" Staff members, Graduate and Under- graduate students are invited. Marriage Relations Course: The third lecture in the series will be given by Dr. Ira S. Wile in the Rackham Lecture Hall tonight, 7:30 p.m. Open Forum: Rev. Henry Lewis will lead the Open Forum discus- sion on "Questions ;Raised by Pro- fessor Neibuhr" this evening at 8 p.m. Lane Hall. Christian Science Organization: There will be a short meeting of the members in Room 212, Hill Auditori- um at seven o'clock before the lec- ture. Lecture to supercede the regu- lar meeting. Student Senate, meeting tonight at 7:30, in Room 302 of the Michigan Union. JGP: There will be a meeting of women who are in the singing chor- uses at 4 p.m. today and tomorrow in the League Undergradue offices. The Beginning Class in Social Danc- ing, sponsored by the League Under- graduate Fund, will hold the secod meeting of a series of eight tonight at 7:30 in the Ballroom of the League, It is possible to join the class al- though you were not at the first meeting The Intermediate. Class in Social Dancing, sponsored by the League" Undergraduate Fund, will hold the second meeting of a series of eight tonight at 7:30 in the Ballroom of the League. It is still possible to join the class although you were not ,at the first meeting. Bookshelf and Stage Section of the Faculty Women's Club will meet to- day at 2:45 p.m. at the home of Mrs. Milton J. Thompson, 1511 Morton Ave. Mrs. Robley C. Williams is as- sisting hostess. The Michigan Uaies will conduct their second semester initiation of new members tonight in the Womens Lounge of the Rackham Building. All wives of students and internes who are interested are urged to be present. A social hour will follow the initiation ceremony. Coming Events International Center: Tuesday, March 7. Seven o'clock. Speech clinic for students wanting help in their spoken English. Wednesday, March 8. Seven o'clock. Music hour. Victrola program of sym- phonic music. The Recreation Room.