Generally fair today with
possible snow flurries.
Sir iAan
. 6 1 1 1 1 - i
VOL. XLIX. No. 112
Senate Votes
For 6,000New
Combat Planes
In AirCorps
Leahy Urges Establishment
Of Guam Naval Base
To Senate, Committee
Norris Decries Cost
Of New War Planes
WASHINGTON, Marcn 6.- (P) -
A bill authorizing the Army Air Corps
to increase its strength to 6,000 war
planes won the approval of the Sen-
ate today after a debate which em-
phasized the "threat" of the dictator
nations to the democracies of the
The vote, 54 to 28, was staken to-.
ward the close of a day which also
saw the Navy again bring forward,
forcefully, its proposal for the estab-
lishment of a naval air base on the
far-away island of Guam, a project
which the House rejected.
Admiral Leahy, Chief of Naval Op-
erations, appeared before the Senate
Naval Affairs Committee to urge the
proposal, saying the strategic posi-
tion of such a base in the western
Pacific would give it "inestimable
value," to this country and act as a
strong "deterrent" for any nation
which might contemplate an attack
upon Hawaii or the Pacific coast of
the United States.
The Senate's vote came in the
course of its consideration of the
$358,000,000 rearmament bill, carry-
ing the bulk of the Administration's
national defense program. The mea-
sure already has passed the House,
but that body voted for a 5,500-plane
Air Corps.
After the House vote, however, Sec-
retary Woodring urged that this limi-
tation be raised by' 500 planes. He
said that since mass purchases of
planes meant lower prices, it might
prove possible to buy more planes
than first expected with the money
Congress has been asked to appropri-
ate. So that the army might be able
,o take advantage of such savings, he
wanted the plane authorization in-
By contrast with the 5,500 authori-
zation in the House bill, and the 6,-
000 voted today by the Senate, pres-
ent law permits the Air Corps to
maintain a strength of 2,300 planes.
Gen. H. H. Arnold, Chief of the Air
Corps, testified before the Military
Committee, it actually has less than
900 fighting planes.
Foes of the increase to 6,000 'planes
were led by Senator Clark (Dem.,
Mo.), who argued that the increase
was "simply a gratuitous attempt on
the part of the Army to get addition-
al funds."
Under the measure, he said, the
Army could go ahead and contract for
planes and then send the bill to Con-
gress in the form of a request for a
deficiency appropriation.
"There is not a line in this bill," he
shouted at the Senate, "that would
prevent the government from being
obligated to the extent of $1,000,000,-
000, $2,000,000,000, or any number of
The cost of airplanes was discussed
by several Senators, Senator Norris
(nd.,,Neb.), among them, demanding
that Congress investigate "fabulous
prices" and what he called an "arti-
ficial increase in airplane costs to
this government."
Senator Tobey (Rep., N.H.), Clark
and several others called attention to
a statement made before the Military
Committee by General Malin Craig,
the Chief of Staff, that the cost of
some airplanes had risen from $50,000
to $200,000.
Edmonson To Talk
At Vocational Hour
Louis Untermeyer, noted ,oet and
Dean James B. Edmonson of the
school of education will be the speak-
er at this week's vocational coffee
hour to be held at 4:30 p.m. Thurs-
day in the small ballroom and ter-
race of the Union. it was announced
yesterday by Donald Treadwell, '40,
Union orientation chairman. Dean
Edmonson will speak on "Education,
as a Profession," Treadwell said.
Dean Edmonson's talk will be one
of a series of similar vocational ad-
dresses which have been given in the
Union during the current school year.
Dean Samuel T. Dana of the forestry
school was the speaker last week.
Following Dean Edmonson's talk,
Treadwell said, there will be a period
allotted for discussion. Coffee and
hn+ rnnninta willhpsenrved onnthe
Cagers Whip Northwestern Five
To End Season Out Of Cellar'
Parley Head
To Erlewine
Discuss Suggested Topics
At Luncheon Meeting
In League Yesterday
Hammond Elected
Committee Official
Ralph Erlewine, '39BAd., was
elected chairman of the executive
committee of the 1939 Spring Parley
and James Hammond, '40A, was
chosen secretary at a luncheon:meet-
ing of the committee held in the
League yesterday.
Three additional members of the
committee were selected at a prelim-
inary meeting in the League Sunday.
Elected were Clarence Kresin, '39.
Robert Rosa, '39; and Robert Perl-
man, '39.
Faculty advisers invited to the
luncheon meeting were Dr. Edward
G. Blakeman, Counselor of Religious
Education, Kenneth Morgan, direc-
tor of the Student Religious Associa-
tion, Shirley W. Smith, vice-presi-
dent and secretary of the University;
Prof. Mentor L. Williams of the
English department, Prof. Ralph
Hammett of the College of Archi-
tecture, Dean Erich A. Walter, assist-
ant dean of the literary college, Prof.
Karl Litzenberg, Prof. Wilber Hum-
phreys ,nd Prof. Bennett Weaver of
the English department, Dr. Raphael
Isaacs of the School of Medicine,
Prof. Ratcliffe of the School of Busi-
ness Administration, Prof. Robert
Angell of the sociology department,
Prof. Paul Henle of the philosophy
department, Prof. John Shepard of
the psychology department, and
Ralph Danhof of the sociology de-
Nominations were entertained for
further members of the executive
committee selected among the under-
(Continued on Page 6)
Spangler Elected
Head Cheer Leader
For Coming Year
Smith Slated I n B t wanin H lI
For National
Budget Head
-Daily Photo by Lakatos
Snick (No. 4) leaping for the ball in his last basketball game for
the University of Michigan.
Michigan Finance Director iJ n si e
Admits Roosevelt Offer
To FillDouglas' Post
Reports Indicate Offered Budget Post
Early Acceptance
Harold D. Smith, appointed State
budget director by former Gov. Frank
Murphy and director of the Bureau
of Government of the University from
1934 to 1937, last night confirmed
earlier Washington reports that he
was in lone for the post of Federal
Budget Director.
Lansing dispatches quoted him as
saying that he had not yet accepted
the appointment to succeed Lewis W.
Douglas, who quit the post in 1934,
but was weighing the offer which
came from President Roosevelt. How-
ever, he was reported to have told
intimate friends that "it begins to
look as though I could not afford to
The former Governor chose Smith,
who was Executive Secretary of the
Michigan League of Municipalities, HAROLD D. SMITH
for the State budget post two years
ago. Since then Smith has been di-
recting a program of reorganization Englshm an
of the State's fiscal affairs that is
not yet completed. His term of tof-
fice does not expire until July. W illD iscuss
Murphy, now Attorney-General,
recommended Smith to the President
for a budget post, anA at the same
time Daniel W. Bell, the civil service
subordinate who has served as act- Prof. P. Sargant Florence of the
ing budget director since Douglas' University of Birmingham, England,
resignation, asked to be relieved of his will deliver 'a University lecture on
post because of ill health. An investi- "The British Cooperative Movement"
gation conducted by the National at 4:15 p.m. Thursday, March 16 in
Emergency Council revealed Smith the Graduate School Auditorium. He
to be the best qualified of possible recently collaborated with several
candidates for the job. Washington prominent British economists in a
reports indicated that since his re- study of cooperation in England.
turn Saturday, the President definite- In "Consumers' Cooperation in
ly decided to appoint him. Great Britain," a historical afid criti-
According to Prof. Robert W. Ford cal survey-the first of its kind with
of the economics department, present reference to any national cooperative
director of the Bureau of Govern- movement-Professor Florence and
ment, "It is an excellent appoint- his associates received assistance from
ment, Mr. Smith is fitted in every cooperative officials (notably the di-
respect for the job." rectors of the Cooperative Wholesale
As budget director Smith will face Society) with whom the whole text
one of the most difficult and politi- was discussed before publication; but
cally crucial problems in the Admin- the project was initiated and finan-
istration. ced independently of the cooperative.
Michigan closed the Conference
basketball season with a 32-26 victory
over Northwestern last night, to climb
out of the Big Ten cellar but 3,200
disappointed fans weren't sure just
why or how.
For those who watched the Wol-
verines upset king-pin Indiana Satur-
day, last night's affair was a big let-
down. The fire was out and both
teams were as cold as yesterday' po-
tatoes as far as basketball was con-
cerned although they furnished plenty
of entertainment.
The tactics of Northwestern's Coach
"Dutch" Lonberg stopped any dem-
onstration on the part of the Michi-
gan offensive forces.
"I purposely held my defense in
close to nullify the Michigan height
advantage," he admitted after the
game. And it did just that. The
front line was unable to penetrate
the Wildcat tight semi-zone defense
and when the long shots failed to
drop, a low score game was inevi-
Even at that, Coach Bennie Ooster-
baan's boys were good enough to whip
the visitors who finished higher in
the standings. Northwestern had the
lead only once and for but a brief
period. At the four-minute mark
they lead 4 to 3 but two foul shots
gave the Wolverines a lead they never
again relinquished.
It was this very ability to make
good on free throws that handed
Michigan the ball game. Both quintets
,scored 10 field goals, but when it
came to the foul shooting the Wild-
cats were badly outclassed. The Wol-
verines made good on 12 out of 15
while Northwestern could sink only
six while missing 11. Big Bob Voights,
All-Conference gridder, personally
watched four bounce off.
Capt. Leo Beebe closed his career
by making good four free throws out
of four totaling eight points for the
evening'to break his slump in his last
chance. Center Jim Rae topped all
the scorers with nine points but his
superb shooting of Saturday was miss-
ing as those push shots wouldn't drop.
Forward Charlie Melchoir led the
Wildcats with eight markers.
Although fancy ball-handling was
conspiciously absent most of the
game, the jarring play of guards Ad
Vance' and Bob Voights of North-
western plus the fight of little Char-
ley Pink and his teammates provid-
ed action.
Pink turned in a courageous floor
game and although suffering a char-
ley horse in his left thigh near the
(Continued on Page 3)
University Has Now Reached
Full CapacityRuthven Warns'
Terms Reports Of Higher mitories. Many laboratories, he said,
now have as many students as they'
Tuition And Enrollment can possibly take care of.
Slash 'Baseless' Rumors Cam];us rumors that the "limita-
tion" phrase in Dr. Ruthven's re-
By STAN M. SWINTON port to the Regents meant either an
President Ruthven's warning in increased tuition pr a limitation on
his annual report that the number the number of out-state students
of ;students must be limited unless pemitted to enroll are baseless, he
the University's capacities are en- said, pointing out that neither action
larged was made to "let the people would result in a student body
of the state know the great demand materially changed in number.
for higher education must either be The housing problem is no longer
met or it must frankly be said that so acute as to result in a limit on
the demand is' not going to be met,, enrollments, since the dormiories will
he declared yesterday. soon be ready for occupancy, Dr.
A university's capacity is deter- Ruthven declared.
mined by the number of teachers
and the amount of laboratory and
other equipment available, Dr. Ruth-Vocational G
yen said. Already the limit has been o ato a Gud
reached in the Medical School with
the number of students regulated andTo Changed
the capacity will soon be taxed in
other schools and departments. un-
less provisions are made for enlarged (Editor's Note: This is the first of a
enrollment, he declared. series of articles written in cooperation
enrolmen, hedeclredwith the Bureau of Appointments and
At present the chemistry depart- occupational Information, dealing with
ment is overcrowded, Dr. Ruthven vocational problems of college stu-
said, as are some engineering de- dents.)
partments and the Law School dor- By JACK CANAVAN
Michigan's new head cheerleader is
Ted Spangler, '40, of Bryan, Ohio.
He was presented the silver mega-
phone, traditional symbol of his new
position, between the halves of the
Michigan - Northwestern basketball
game last night by the outgoing head-
cheerleader, Robert Canning, '39, of
Tonawanda, N.Y.
ance Seen Vital
Industrial Order
point out. More important, perhaps,
it may spell human misery, blighted
hopes and lost ambitions.
The problem is essentially one of
setting up objective standards for the
measurement of both men and
aQrePrs a.nal vin the twn dr ifitting
P'resident's Message Declared
Defense Of Democrat ic Ide,
Roosevelt Takes Realistic President's statements were pa
larly. cogent and meaningfv
View Against Intolerance, significantly pointed out tha
Daily Reporter Contends origin of the right to freed
worship goes back to the ori
(Editor's Note: This article was writ- representative government. "
ten after consultations with several democracy is snuffed out," h
members of to'e political science de- "there, tdo, the right to worsh
partment.) in one's own way is circum
By ELLIOTT MARANISS or abrogated. Shall we by our p
President Roosevelt's speech to a ness, by our silence, by assumb
joint session of Congress Saturday attitude of the Levite who pul
introduced a new and unprecedented skirts together ahd passed by
phase in the development of Ameri- other side, lend encouragem
can democracy: in addition to a fer- those who today persecute v
vent exaltation of democi atic prin- or deny it?"
ciples and religious freedom. Mr. The President's thundering
Roosevelt stressed the necessity for to the question he posed has
an active and vigilant defense of berated in the hearts of men
these principles.will all over the J world. But
In a world increasingly given over also, by strong implication,
to rising forms of autocracy and bar- warning to those forces in the
barism, Americans have been com- denying religious liberty to pe
pelled to re-examine the very founda- other lands, that the United
tions of the democratic idea. States-, would not stand "passive and
men, authors and political scientists, but would use every "peaceful]n
while passionately affirming their be- to preserve religious and p
lief in the ultimate victory of democ- freedom.
racy, have at the same time been Not for freedom of religion
telling American men and women the President added, does this
that we must act now if we are not contend by ever peaceful mean
to be engulfed by the totalitarian believe in the other freedoms
tide. It is, they tell us, later than we Bill of Rights, the other freedon
think. The President's speech indi- are inherent in the right
cates that he not only is an ardent choice by free men and wome:
democrat and champion of religious That means democracy to us
and civil freedom, but that he has the Constitution . . . democra
also sensed the urgency of the situa- ercised by representatives cho
tion: his speech is a tract for the people themselves."
times-idealistic and exalted in
phraseology, yet permeated by a . "
pragmatic and affirmative viewpoint. oen rs WUll an
Paramount in our own democratic
structure, the President said, is the Saturday At Lei
Bill of Rights, which represents "a
vast chasm between our democracy "Senior Night at the League
and those reversions to personal rule in a series of activities of the
which have characterized these re- class in the literary school,
cent years." Trial by jury, freedom held from 9 p.m. to 1 a.m. Sa
to assemble, freedom of speech, free- in the League ballroom,
dom of the press and freedom of Stewart, senior class preside
religion are the front-line bulwarks nounced last night.
in the fight for the preservation and All students are invited to
extension of democracy. but special invitation is exter
In regard to freedom of religion, the seniors in the literary scho
--+r,.inmanfwill'h+ p mc ho t
Study Conference
On Mortgages S
7 C7
Students interested in banking and
real estate will have the ,opportunity
to hear authorities in these fields
Thursday at a Mortgage Study Con-
ference under the co-sponsorship' of
the School of Business Administra-
tion in the Rackham Building.
At a luncheon in the Union, Dean
Clare E. Griffin of the business ad-
ministration school will welcome the
more than 100 delegates from bank-
ing houses and real estate associations
who are expected to attend. Prof.
Richard TT Ratiliff nf the husiness
Vocational guidance, educators ,'u' y 0Jgl
agree, is one of the crying needs of them together. Its solution, experts
the age. tell us, will materially reduce the
waste of human and technological
Never was the need more acute, resources which constitutes a major
they tell us. for appraising the apti- indictment of our modern economic
tudes and interests of entering fresh- society.
men, steering them ito the proper Educators in the past have been
courses and eventually depositing prone to fix the blame on industry.
them in the "right" job. Unscientific 'personnel policies; hir-
From the new industrial revolu- ing on the basis of phrenology and
tion of the 'thirties with its minute "character guessing" were familiar
specialization of management and relics of a passing era. Business men,
office staff, its keel stress on effi- on the other hand, charged colleges
ciency, have sprung new job require- with failure to turn out properly
ments. The day of the Alger hero, trained graduates in the fields where
if it ever existed, has vanished, The they were needed.
college diploma, likewise, is no longer Today the trend is toward fuller
the "open sesame" to the employee's utilization of the facilities which
entrance or the office door. And the science and psychology have placed,
nrofessions remain traditionally over- in+ jhp h -i~ rf fPcan+nc, o ann_