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March 05, 1939 - Image 4

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The Michigan Daily, 1939-03-05

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Charges Against Franco's Religious
Sincerity Unproven, Reader Writes


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ditor . .
or . . .


. Robert D. Mitchell
* rAlbert P. May10
* Horace W. Gilmore
. Robert I. Fitzhenry
. 8. R. Kliman
* . Robert Perlman
. . . Earl Gilman
. . William Elvin
. . Joseph Freedman
* * .Joseph Gies
. . Dorothea Staebler
. . Bud Benjamin

Business Department
iess Manager, . . , . Philip W. Buchen
'd1t Manager .,*Leonard . legelman
rertising Manager . . . William L. Newnan
men's Business Manager . . Helen Jean Dean
men's Service Manager . . . Marian A. Baxter
The editorials published in The Michigan
Daily are written by members of the Daily
staff and represent the views of the writers
'he University
Lnd Fraternities .---
A LARGE GROUP of fraternity men
.V believe that President Ruthven's
best pronouncements concerning fraternities
e new and conclusive evidence that the Uni-
rsity is slowly preparing to abolish fraternities
:the campus. Analysis of the President's re-
arks in his report to the Regents, however,
dicates that he is instead justifying the asser-
,ns of other fraternity men who believe that
e real purpose of recent actions of the Univer-
y is to turn fraternity influence and policies
objedtives felt to be in keeping with the Uni-
rity tradition and "their own expressed
'Desiring a large measure of autonomy, these
janizations have consistently failed to accept
ponsibility for fostering the ideals and for-
.rding tpe work of the University," the Presi-
Pr said. "For the most part, also, they have
t been able to provide satisfactory housing for
eir members
'The University will try to aid its fraternities if
ey will help themselves by living up to their
pressed ideals .
When this matter is discussed among fraternity
n, the conclusion is usually arrived at that
University should make a definite statement
policies to which the fraternities would be
>ected to accede. On the other hand, such a
Cnite statement, would be open to the criticism
t the University would be paternalistic in
Ing to dominate the fraternities by a rigid
le of rules or policies. The University, there-
e, has maintained that these expected stand-
s of conduct and procedure should come from
bin the fraternities as an expression of their
i ideals..
n discussions with fraternity members on
se matters, it is always said that the majority
the members prefer to hold to accepted edu-
Tonal standards and ideals of conduct, and
t it is a certain minority only that neglects
maintain these standards and fails to enter
> the general spirit. The weakness of this
use lies in the fact that the majority of the
[nbers are willing to accept the disapprobation
ught upon their houses by this failure, rather
n to demand observation on the part of all
nbers of the definite standards to which they
fess. What the fraternities are asked to see is
t they mfust take a positive leadership both
the affairs of their own houses and in those
he campus at large, as well, rather than to
tinue a negative acceptance of the situa-
'as it is.
'he alumni of the house must also bear some
t of the responsibility for this situation in
ch the fraternities periodically find them-
es. At the moment of attack they assure the
iinistration in sincerity that they desire that
ir fraternities. hold to definite standards
eptable to the University, but they do not
0pt the responsibility for seeing that this'
it of view is kept constantly before the chap-
. Hence, as soon as the present memberships
e left the houses, the incoming members are
tely uninstructed as to the degree of coopera-
that the University expects of them. The
versty authorities do not wish to be con-
Ttly put in the position of reiterating these
actives, in order to obtain cooperation from

To the Editor.:
This letter is in answer to your editorial "The
Church of the State" of Tuesday, Feb. 28 and
to the letter which appeared in your open forum
on Sunday, Feb. 16, both of which question the
Catholic concept and practice of religious toler-
In the first place I should like to say that
something more does need to be said about
General Franco's religious sincerity. You com-
pletely misunderstood the passage quoted in your
editorial in support of the thesis that Franco
et al are cynical opportunists who are using the
Church to further their political ends. Certainly,
whatever Franco's other faults may be, it seems
a bit unfair to accuse him of insincerity in
religion on the basis of such flimsy evidence. The
meaning of the last quoted passage in your
editorial is so obvious to anyone with even a
smattering of information about Catholic doc-
trine that one suspects that when you read
this passage your emotions had the better of
your reason. The passage in question does not
refer to the state as the object of the respect
and devotion which the splendor of public wor-
ship by the authorities will revive in the hearts
of the multitude. It refers to the Divinity which
is present and worshipped in the Mass. The
people will be led back to the faith and to God
when "they see the armed forces presenting arms
at the holiest of sacraments." Whether or not
this will result in a religious revival is neither
here nor there. The point is that you have not
proven your charges of religious insincerity
against Franco. If you still think your interpre-
tation was right, you might reprint the pssage
so that your readers can decide for themselvee.
Tolerance And Indifferentism
As for the great to do on the part of Mr. Bates
and you about Catholics and religious tolera-
tion, it might be helpful to define what one
means by tolerance. Tolerance must be dis-
tinguished, from indifferentism. Indifferentism,
which is a peculiarly modern disease, is the
belief that religious doctrines, or dogma, are
all of equal value (or .are equally valueless)
in worshipping God, in determining morality,
and in living thegood life. Most modern Protes-
tants and most moderns with a Protestant back-
ground 'identify tolerance and indifferentism.
But there can be no tolerance in this sense,
where truth is concerned, since no one is tol-
erant of what he believes to be error. The toler-
ant man, including the tolerant Catholic, is he
who says, "I am convinced that you are in
grievous error and I would like to convert you
to what I believe to be the truth. If I did not,
what I believe would not be worth believing. But
I do not wish to confiscate your property and
deprive you of your political rights, or burn you
at the stake (as was done to heretics in Spain
and Portugal), or hang and disembowel you
(as was done to priests in Elizabethan England."
A Catholic can and should be tolerant. He can-
not be an indifferenist. Of course the tolerant
Catholic agrees with Jacques Maritain, the emi-
nent French scholastic philosopher, in deplor-
ing the narrow, nationalistic, unCatholic type-
of Catholicism which seems to be growing up
in Spain. And he fears, if the news accounts of
relations between Germany and Spain on cul-
ture and propaganda are, true, that the Church
will be sold down the river.
Catholics Practice Tolerance
Incredible as it may seem, the modern Catholic,
who believes in One True, Visible, Catholic, and
Apostolic Church, can at the same time believe
in real religious toleration. Catholics believe
and practise this now, and Catholics have be-
lieved and practised it in the past. In support
of this assertion I quote from a nineteenth
century historian, W.E.H. Lecky, who was hardly
a friend of the Church:
'In the English colonies in North America
there existed, in the latter half of the seventeenth
century, an amount of religious liberty consid-
erably greater than had yet been established in
Europe. The Virginian Episcopalians, it is true,
proscribed the Puritans and Catholics, and the
New England Puritans proscribed and persecut-
ed the Episcopalians and Quakers; but the con-
stitutions of the Quaker States, and the con-
stitution of Rhode Island . . . laid down, in the
most emphatic and unqualified terms, the doc-
trine of complete religious liberty. It is . . . a
remarkable fact that Maryland, which was

founded by the Catholic Lord Baltimore, as
early as 1632, and which contained a large pro-
portion of Catholics among its earliest colonists,'
preceded them in this path. It accorded per-
fect freedom to all Protestant sects, welcomed
alike the persecuted Puritans of Virginia and
have undoubtedly made their greatest contribu-
tion, although some criticism has been leveled
at the lack of interest of members of each house
in the affairs of other students and organizations.
Any fraternity man will say at once that he
has received many contributions from his mem-
bership in the form of companionship, inspira-
tion and lifelong friendships, but this contri-
bution to the individual is not considered by
University authorities to be the only advan-
tage of the fraternities to the college.
Criticisms of the place that fraternities hold
in college life have been coming with greater
frequency from college administrators not only'
at' Michigan but at many other large universi-
ties. In fact in a few institutions fraternities
have been definitely abolished. This situation
will have to be met constructively by the fra-
ternities if they are to continue to grow and hold
their influence which has played such a color-
ful part in the long traditions of college life.
It is going to be necessary not only for the mem-
bers, but for the alumni as well,, to do more
than merely avow their desire to lead in activi-
ties both of the student body and the University.

the persecuted Episcopalians of Massachusetts,
granted them every privilege which was possessed
by the Catholics, and exhibited, for the first
time since the Reformation, the spectacle of a
Government acting with perfect toleration and
a steady and unflinching impartiality towards
all sects of Trinitarian Christians. Something,
no doubt, has been said with truth to qualify its
merit. The measure was a defensive one.
Maryland's Catholic Record
The toleration was only extended to the be-
lievers"'in the Trinity. The terms of the charter
would have made the suppression of the An-
glican worship illegal; but still the fact re-
mains, that, so far as Trinitarian Christians were
concerned, the legislators of Maryland, who were
in a great measure Catholic, undertook to try
the experiment, not only of complete religious
toleration, but also of complete religious equal-
ity; and that, at a time and in a country where
they were almost entirely uncontrolled, they
fulfilled their promise with perfect fidelity. In
1649, when the Legislature contained both Pro-
testants and Catholics, a law was made, solemn-
ly enacting that 'no person within this province,
professing to believe in Jesus Christ, shall be in
any way troubled, molested, or discountenanced
for his or her religion, or in the free exercise
thereof;' and by the Catholics, at least, the
promise of this law was never broken. The shame-
ful sequel is soon told. The Protestants speedily
multiplied in the province. They outnumbered
the Catholics, and they enslaved them . . . The
Catholics were excluded from all prominent
offices in the State which a Catholic had found-
ed. Anglicanism was made an Established
Church, and in 1704 the mass was forbidden,
the priesthood were proscribed, and no Catholic
was any longer permitted to educate the young."
(A History of England in the Eighteenth Century
8 vol., New York, 1878, Vol. I, pp. 299-300.)
Bates' Assumptions Faulty
To conclude with Mr. Bates.-His letter is
based on several assumptions unwarranted by the
facts. Among these are the assumptions that the
Loyalist government was democratic and was all
sweetness and light, that anyone who opposed
and criticized it was ipso facto a fascist with
aspirations for the office of grand inquisitor.
Mr. Bates expresses the, indeed, dlecidedly "un-
pleasant suspicion" that Msgr. Sheen and other
Catholics who have not crusaded for the Loyalists
are hypocrites and liars. His entire letter 'is
pointed towards making this exceedingly ugly
accusation. So as a result, Mr. Bates may some
day receive an equally nasty letter from some
Catholic who has lost his temper, who uses
Mr. Bates' own method of reasoning against him.
The letter might read like this:
In view of your support of an antidemocratic,
atheistic government which even before July
1936 encouraged and condoned the desecration
of churches and persecuted Catholics as Catho-
lics, not as political opponents, persecuted wo-
men merely for practicing their religion, devout
American Catholics would like to know whether
you and other "liberals" of your ilk "give more
than lip service to the American principle" of
religious toleration. "The unpleasant suspicion
will not down" that some of you "liberals" (what-
gver you may mean by that vague virtue word)
are very hypocritical in your talk about religious
toleration, that you want religious toleration
only for those whose religious beliefs are loose
enough not to prevent them from agreeing with
your' political and social ideas (whatever degree
of pink they may be),-"in other words that"
your religious toleration "is a matter of policy,
not of conviction," that you really entertain a
deepseated, unyielding, malevolent hatred of all
religion and especially of the ,Catholic religion.
"Just how tolerant are you,'Mr. Bates?"
It would be very unfortunate if Mr. Bates
should receive such an unfair and unjustified
letter. But what is sauce for the goose, is sauce
for the gander. -Robert G. Walker

It Seems To Me
It seems distinctly possible that the
sweep of Fascism has been definitely
checked, not by some line of fortifi-
cations or airplane armada but by
the conclave of
Cardinals. In its
the ballots cast in
choice of a new
Pope the Catho-
lic Church has
i. .;.;;> sses' v e ry definitely
rejected the the-
ory of isolation.
Cardinal Pac-
elli functioned as
a diplomat in his role as Papal Secre-
tary of State. As Pope Pius XII it is
fair to assume that he will be no
ivory tower leader of his vast con-
gregation. In a strict sense, "isolation"
is not within the Catholic philosophy
since the Church is international
in its membership and has welcomed
into its fold men and women of all
races and nationalities. But dispatch-
es from abroad have indicated that
both Mussolini and Hitler desired the
election of some one venerable and
far removed from the world's actuali-
ties. It would have pleased the dicta-
tors had the new Pope been a Cardinal
temperamentally inclined to state
spiritual doctrine without underlin-
ing the manner in which it might be
implemented into immediate and con-
crete action by men and nations.
Pope Pius XII has traveled widey
in the service of his Church. He has
observed both the Americas at first
hand and talked with our President.
There may be a great significance
in his choice of the name Pius, for
here, at least, is a hint that he will
follow in the footsteps of the late
Pontiff in vigorously opposing the
theories of racial prejudice enunciat-
ed by Hitler.
Here Are Hopeful Signs
Italia dispatches, before the deci-
sion of the Cardinals, indicated that
Mussolini was opposed to the election
of Pacelli, and already he has been
attacked by the controlled press of
the Nazis. Here are hopeful signs, and
it is encouraging to remember that
it was Cardinal Pacelli who was in-
trusted with carrying through the
peace pleas of Pope Benedict before
the ending of the World War.
I think that the chance for peace in
our own days has been improved by
the fact that the spiritual leader of
[nore than 300,000,000 men and wo-
men on the face of the earth is vigor-
ous in mind and body. Both Catholics
and non-Catholics will pray that his
talents and abilities will promote the
k~ind of peace which can be made by
curtailing the fantastic dreams and
schemes of aggressor statesmen. Any
other kind of peace will be written
only in water which will soon change
to blood.
Of course, it would be both reck-
less and presumptuous to attempt
any detailed prediction as to the
probable policies of the new Pope. But
already there is palpable indication
that the Catholic Church is in no
mood to temporize or accept man-
dates, or even hints, from the bullies
of our day. In its own tradition and
structure the Catholic Church repre-
sents an eternal barrier to narrow
nationalism. It is committed to the
great vision of universal fellowship
and fraternity brought into the world
by Jesus.
* * *
No Chance Against Church
Hitler has a plan, but it wars at
every point with the plan of Christ
Not even the most ardent Catholic
would say that the intentions of Jesus
have been fulfilled to the hilt. But it
is a way of life which has endured
for centuries. It will be with us when
such a word as "Fascism" is forgot-

Quite recently I talked to a news-
paper friend of mine who is now a
priest. I said to him that I wanted
to know if there was anything in
Catholicism which stood in the way
of any person who believed in politi-
cal and economic progressivism. And
my friend smiled and answered:-
"Don't you realize that you're a little
naive, Heywood? You like to call your-
self a radical, but the doctrines of
the Church to which I belong imply
so many deep changes in human rela-
tionship that when they are accom-
plished-and they will be-your own
notions will be nothing more than an'
outmoded pink liberalism."
Whenever the Church militant be-
gins to march there is no force in
the armaments of dictators which can
stay its progress.
Dr. Charles Courboin, organist.
12-12:15, CKLW.
Radio City Music Hall, Erno Rapee
cond. Bach-Vivaldi Concerto, Two
Spanish Dances (Granados), Te
Deum (Kodaly), Suite from The Bolt
(Shostakovich). 12-1, KDKA, WOWO.
New York Philharmonic Sym-
phony, Joseph Knitzer violinist, John
Barbirolli cond. Overture to Rosa.-
munde (Schubert), Brahms' Third,
Symphony, Poeme (Chausson), Tzi-

Publication in the Bulletin is constructive notice to al members of the University.
Copy received at the office of the Assistant to the President until 3:30 P.M.;
11:00 A.M. on Saturday.

(Continued from Page 2)
C. Browni
G. Browni
Al. Nelson
Otis .
The Graduate Outing Club, follow-
ing a short business meeting at the
Rackham Bulding at 3 p.m. to-
day, will hike to Barton Hills,
and those who desire may skate on
Barton Pond. Supper will be served
in the club room. All interested are
invited to attend.
The Lutheran Student Club will
meet at Zion Parish House, 5:30 p.m.
today. Miss Francis Wang will
speak about current conditions in
China at the discussion hour at 6:45.
Hillel Program Today,: 6 p.m., Cost
Supper. 7:30 p.m., Forum, Rabbi
Leon Fram, "Riddles of Our Time."
Coming Events
The Women's Research Club will
meet Monday, March 6, 1939, at 7:30
pm. in the West Lecture Hall of the
Rackham Building. Miss Katharine
C. Turner will speak on "Richard
Hovey's Poetry in Relation to Certain
Tendencies of the 1890's." Miss Dor-
othy Myers will speak on "The W.P.A.
Michigan State Wide Museums Proj-
k German Table for Faculty Members:
The regular luncheon meeting will be
held Monday at 12:10 p.m. in the
Founders' Room of the Michigan
Union. All faculty members interest-
ed in speaking German are cordially
invited. There will be a brief in-
formal talk by Dr. Hans H. Gerth on,
"Die Universitaten im gegenwartigen
Mathematics Short Course: The
preliminary meeting for the short
course to be given by Dr. Elder this
semester in "Analytic Theory of
Numbers" will be held on Monday,
March 6, at 3 o'clock, in 3201 A.H.
This course will meet for five weeks.
The, Junior Research Club: The
March meeting will be held Tuesday,
March 7, at 7:30 pm. in the amphi-
theatre of the Rackham Building.
Dr. J. W. Leonard of the Institute
for Fisheries Research will speak
on "The Bottom Fauna of Trout
Streams and its Relation to Trout
Prof. W. J. Nungester and Prof.
L. F. Catron will speak on "Pneu-
mococcal Infections."
The Graduate Education Club will
hold a meeting Tuesday, March 7, at
4:00 in the Graduate Education Li-
brary, University Elementary School.
Dean Edmonson and three members
of the staff will give brief reports on
recent educational meetings held in
Cleveland. All graduate students tak-
ing courses in Education are welcome.
Deutscher Verein: Meeting Tues-
day, March 7 at 8 p.m. in the Michi-
gan Union. (Note change of meet-
ing place). "Ein lustiger Abend" with
folksongs, readings, and games has

been planned.
Graduate Luncheon: There will be
a graduate luncheon, March 8 at 12
noon in the Russian Tea Room of
the League, cafeteria' style.
Dr. Thomas N. E. Greville of the
Mathematics Department will, dis-
cuss "Extra-Sensory Perception."
All graduate students are cordially
Graduate Education Club will meet
Tuesday afternoon, March 7, at 4:15
in the High School Auditorium. (Note
change). Dean Edmonson and cer-
tain staff members will take part in
a panel discussion on the topic "What
Are Some of the More Significant
Problems and Proposals Submitted
at the Cleveland Meeting." Staff
members, Graduate and Under-
graduate students are invited.
Women's Badminton Tournament:
All women students entered in the'
Women's singles badminton tourna-
ment are asked to get in touch with'
their opponents and arrange a time
to play. The courts in Barbour Gym-+
nasium will be open every night ex-

day, March 8 at 4 p.m. Any frater-
nity wishing to submit petitions to
the Committee must have them in by
the above date and hour.
The Bibliophiles will hold their
next meeting Tuesday, March 7, at
2:30 at the home of Mrs. James Rett-
ger, 513 Oswego Street.
Hillel Play: Anyone interested in
working in the box office for the
Hillel Play call Eleanor Feldman at
2-2591 by Tuesday evening.
Bookshelf and Stage Section of the
Faculty Women's Club will meet on
Tuesday, March 7. at 2:45 p.m. at the
home of Mrs. Milton J. Thompson,
1511 Morton Ave. Mrs. Robley C. Wil-
liams is assisting hostess.
Monday Evening Dramatic Club:
Faculty Women's Club, at the Union,
7:30 Monday night.
Disciples Guild (Church of Christ):
10:45 a~m. mornin worship. Rev.
Frederick Cowin, minister. .
5:30 p.m. Social hour and tea.
6:30 p.m. Mr. and Mrs. H. L. Pick-
erill will speak briefly on the topic
"The Purpose, Significance and
Problems of Engagement." Ques-
tions submitted by members of the
Guild will be the basis for discussion
following the talks. This is the third
In a series of programs on "Court-
ship, Marriage, and Home-Building."
Stalker Hall: Class at 9:45 a.m.
Prof. Elmer Leslie of Boston Univer-
sity will be the leader on the sub-
ject: "The Christian Emphasis of'
James." Wesleyan Guildnmeeting at
the Church at 6 p.m. The discussion
groups begun last week will be con-
tinued. The subjects are: "Peace,"
Church and the Student." All these
are under the general theme of "The
Church in Conflict Areas."
First Methodist Church. Dr. C. W.
Brashares will preach on "Collective
,Courage" at the Morning Worship
Service at 10:40 o'clock.
St. Andrew's Episcopal Church,
Sunday: 8 a.m. Holy Communion; 9
a.m. Breakfast and Study Group,
Harris Hall; 9:30 a.m. Junior Church;
11 a.m. Kindergarten; 11 a.m. Holy
Communion and Sermon by the Rev-
erend Henry Lewis; 7 p.m. Student
meeting, Harris Hall, discussion of
Niebuhr lecture. .
First Baptist Church, Sunday 10:45
a.m. Dr. E. W. Blakeman, Counelor
in Religious Education for the Univer-
sity, will fill the pulpit. The Church
School meets at 9:30 a.m. Mr. J.
E. Wiessler, leader.
Roger Williams Guild, 6:15 p.m. Dr.
Leroy Waterman vgll preside at a
forum when questions arising out of
the recent lectures on "The Elstence
and Nature of God" will be presented
and discussed. Meeting will be held
in the Guild House, 503 E. Huron.
Zion Lutheran Church, E. Wash-
ington at S. Fifth Ave. Worship Serv-
ices at 10:30 with sermon by the pas-
tor, Ernest C. Stellhorn.
Trinity Lutheran Church, E. Wil-
liam at S. Fifth Ave. Worship Serv-
ices at 10:30 with sermon "The King
Loves His Subjects" by the pastor,
Henry O. Yoder.
Unitarian Church: 11 a.m. Rev-
erend H. P. Marley will speak on the
subject: "Does the God Concept To-
day Raise More Questions than It
7:30 p.m. Professor Shepard of the
Psychology department will lead the
( student discussion on the subject,
"A Psychologist Looks at the Clo

9 o'clock coffee hour.
Christian Student Prayer Group:
A fireside hour of song and fellow-
ship is open to all students.
Time: 4:15 p.m. Sunday.
Place: Fireplace Room, Lane Hall.
Reformed and Christian Reformed
Church services will be held Sunday,
March 5, in the Women's League
Chapel at 10:30 a.m. and 7:30 p.m.
Rev. T. Iff will speak at both services.
First Church of Christ, Scientist,
409 So. Division St.
Sunday morning service at 10:30.
Subject: "Man."
Golden Text: Ecclesiastes 2:26.
Sunday School at 11:45.
First Presbyterian Church, 1432
Washtenaw Ave.
10:45 a.m., Morning Worship Serv-
ice. Dr. Robert J. McCandliss, who
has just recently returned from China,
will speak on the topic "A Mission
Faces the Storm of War." Palmer
Christian at the Organ and directing
the choir.

The Editor
Gets Told

Backs Plan To Criticize


To the Editor:
More than a week ago the Daily carried a
story that the Student Senate would set up
boxes around campus to collect student's criti-
cisms of their profs and courses. It was explained
that this was to be the first step in a long-range
program of student evaluation of the University,
for is it not they for whom the institution is
being maintained?
Nothing has been done about this propo$l
yet. Yet the need for such a move is undeniable.
Surely, when a member of the faculty has been
giving the same course for the last 15 years in
the same way, and if his students feel it is out-
moded and no longer is in keeping with the
times, an expression of this feeling is essential
if a satisfactory faculty-student basis is to be
maintained. More important, it is a fundamental
basis for progress and improvement.
We've talked to many of our friends and we
all feel the same way about this problem: stu-
dents should no longer be told, "Hush, hush!"
let things go as they have been going. If the#
were good for your fathers we should accept
them for ourselves (especially if ten-year un-
touchable programs embody these points).

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