ad much colder
wv continued cold.
No. 95
eIs Slated
mament Bill
Rite Early Controversy,
eastire Is Anticipated
a Experience No Delay
-ter Suggests It
%1rin 'Valentine'
SHINGTON, Feb. 14-M)-The
took up a bill embodying the
i the AdmnistratioA's defense
m today with passage a fore-
onclusion and with Represen-
Harter (Dem.-Ohio) suggest-
"valentine" for the Dictators
iform of an immediate expan-
f American air forces.
ough defense and rearmament
een a major subject of contro-
in Washington since the Euro-
Crisis of last fall, virtually all
ship was rempved fromj to-
liscussion by the decision of a
icai caucus last week to back
easure almost in toto.
ctons were not directed at the
al to increase the army quota
nes, but followed the attitude
by the Republican caucus,
he increase should be spread
a longer period, lest1 a great
r of planes quickly become ob-
ddition to the plane increase,
ag the army's total to 5,500,
st of $300,000,000, the measure
AA increase in the pnlisted
th of the Army Air Corps from
to 45,000 and the addition of
officers to the regular Army,
ing 1,111 for the Air Corps.
n appropriation of $23,750,000
wark the defenses of the Pana-
knal, including additions to its
time garrison.
n appropriation of $34,500,000
which the Army is to order
ions and war materials as a
of "educating" ,American in-
- In the production of these
er, Chairman of the Military
ommittee which studied the
n features of the bill, said that
sing the nation's air strength
do more than any other single
to show foreign nations "that
can to defend ourselves and
herties against any, and all
s and that we are ready and
do so"
inding the House that today
. Valentine's Day, he said that
olleagues wished "to send Herr
and the other dictators a val-
"they should "put through this
gram immediately."
crm System
VII Double
Its Capacity
Insion Made Possible
rough Combination ,
Of PWA Grants
tor's Note: This is the second in
es of brief articles on the dorni-
ituation as it now is and as it will
en the units under construction
University now operates 11
ories which house over 1,500
ts. When the units now under
uction are completed, the num-
' students residing in dorms
e more than doubled, sky-
ng 'to a figure of 3,253.
i a part of the University's
ion program, a combination
VA grants made possible the
uildings, which comprise the
part of a $6,000,010 construe-
rogram now under way.
resent there are only three
dormitories housing men. The
r's Club holds 270; Fletcher
ikes care of 58, and the com-
rely new Allen-Rumsey Houses
e for 116, a total of 444.
,n the expansion of facilities
pleted, the Union group will
809; the East University Ave.
vill take care of 410, and "Vic-
Vaughan House," the Medical
dormitory, will house .141.
he new units will provide 1,360
esidence, more than three times
esent total.
*ently, women have far better
Local Boy Makes Good
On 'Information Please'
1Myron Wallace, '39, travelled to
New York City last week to appear as
4uest authority on "Information
Please," a radio program in which the
radio audience reverses the regular
order and peppers the "experts" with
Not only did "Mike," as he'is fa-
miliarily called over at Morris Hall,
received seven offers for jobs in va-
rious radio stations throughout the
country as a result of his broadcast,
but he also painted the town red
with such celebrities as Tommy Farr
and Max Schmeling.
Wallace was the first in a series of
university and college students to
appear as guest authority on "'Infor-
mation Please."
Brigham Cites
Housing Needs
Says High Wages Preceed
Economic readjustment is e'ssen-
tial before the great majority of our
population can be adequately housed,
Prof. George B. Brigham of the archi-
tectural school warned last night in
his lecture, "A Roof Over Our Heads
-Cooperative Housing," sponsored
by the Extension Service. The talk
was the fourth in a series of eight
lectures comprising a noncredit course
on "Contemporary Problems and the
Cooperative Movement."
Architects are lowering building
costs, Professor Brigham said, by
better planning, mass-production
methods and pre-fabrication. But un-
til wages are substantially increased,
the gap between incomes and hous-
ing costs will prevent all but three and
a half per cent of the population from
obtaining adequate homes.
Since adequate housing is too lofty
a goal for the present, Professor Brig-
ham insists that architects must
plan for the intermediate step of
minimum housing-the building of
homes containing little more than
the bare necessities of modern life.
Nazi Refugee
Plan Acepted
Intergovernmental Group
Authorized To Establish
Private Settlement Unit
LONDON, Feb. 14-03)-The In-
tergovernmental Committee 'o Re-
fugees provisionally accepted a Ger-
man plan today for removing Jews
from Germany and authorized estab-
lishment of a private international
settlement to help pay the $300,000,-
000 cost.
It was understood the German plan
stipulated: 1
1. From 10,000 to 200,000 young
Jewish wage earners would emigrate
as soon as possible and would be ex-
pected to help their families emigrate
2. The remaining Jews would be
permitted to return to their jobs in
trade and industry, but only a scat-
tering of Jews would be permitted in
Aryan businesses.
3. A "certain proportion" of what
remained of Jewish property and capi-
tal would be put in trust from which
emigrating Jews would be able 'to
finance a small part of their ex-
4. Jews would be permitted to buy
with percentages of their property
German machinery and other goods
needed for setting themselves up in
new lands.
5. Jews would be promised no fur-
ther purge if they "behaved" while
the scheme was operating.
6. An office would be set up in Ber-
lin to supervise "orderly" emigration,
Germany specified that the scheme
must be worked on a five year basis
and this was accepted by the Com-
On Hi~ghways
More Than 700 Officials
Are Expected To Attend
Three Day Convention
Finances Will Be
Subject Of Meet
Financing highways in Michigan
will be the theme of the 25th annual
Michigan Highway Conference which
opens at 10 a.m. today in the Union
More than 700 State, county and
local highway officials, highway en-
gineers and industrial representatives
are expected to attend the three-day
meeting which is being directed by
the College of Engineering in cooper-
ation with the State Highway De-
partment and the Michigan Associa-
tion of Road Commissioners and En-
Michigan Highway Finance and
Federal Participation in State and
County Highway Finance will be dis-
cussed at the opening session this
morning by Deputy Commissioner G.1
Donald Kennedy and R. H. Harrison,
assistant district engineer of the U.S.
Bureau of Public Roads, respectively.
Oakland County Engineer Leon Belk-
nap will talk on McNitt Road Finance
and Prof. Roger L. Morrison, of the
highway engineering department, wi 11
The Secondary Federal Aid Pro-,
gram will be the principal subject at
the afternoon meeting, with talks by
Charles E. Hayes, of the State High-
way Department, and Allan Williams,
Ionia County Engineer. V. B. Stein-
baugh, consulting engineer of the
State Highway Department, will al,o
(Continued on Page 6)
Union To Conduct
Freshman Mixer
A reception for freshmen entering
the University this semester will be
held at 4:30 p.m. today in the small
ballroom of the Union, it was an-
nounced by Harry Howell, '40, Union
committeeman. Freshman women
are especially invited to attend the
affair, Howell added.
The reception will be held in con-
junction with the customary Union
Coffee Hour, Howell said.
Bolitho, Chronicler
Of British Royalty,
Speaks Tomorrow
Hector Bolitho, biographer of Brit-
am's royal family, will present his
answer to the question "Why do the
British Still Have A King" in the
sixth feature of the current Oratori-
cal Association Lecture Series. The
lecture is scheduled for Thursday
night in Hill Auditorium.
Mr. Bolitho has been writing royal
biographies since 1924, when he first
went to live in Windsor Castle after
travelling with the then Prince of
Wales in the Antipodes. In addition to
an intimate knowledge of the last
two Windsor kings, he has studied
the. history of the English crown
from hitherto inaccessible archives.
Mr. Bolitho is best-known on this
side of the Atlantic for his three
international broadcastsr-the first
on the eve of the abdication of King'
Henry VIII, the second on the eve
of the coronation of George VI, and
the .last on New Year's day, 1938,
when he reviewed the first year of
the new reign.
In his lecture here, Mr. Bolitho
intends to disclose the inner charac-
ter of the monarchy and the reasons
for its hold over British sentiment.
White To Give
Lecture Today
Talk Is First Of A Series
On Journalism,
Lee A White, executive-secretary
of the Detroit News, wIll deliver the
first of a series of supplementary
lectures sponsored by the journal-
ism department at 3 p.m. today in
Room E, Haven Hall. The address will
be followed by an entertainment in
the department's offices at which
time students may discuss newspaper
work with Mr. White.
The lectures, dealing with prob-
lems of newspaper policy and man-
agement, are designed to supplement
the curricula in journalism, accord-
ing to Prof. John L. Brumm, head
of the department. They have been
devised by the department in con-
junction with a committee of editors
and publishers of local papers in
The lectures will be given by edi-
tors and publishers in Michigan and
Canada every Wednesday afternoon
at 3 p.m. throughout the semester.
Track Teams
Squad 77-18
One Field House And Two
Dual Meet Records Fall
In One - Sided Contest
Chances For Title
Repeat Look Good
One Field House record and four
dual meet records fell last night be-
fore the onslaught of one of Michi-
gan's greatest track teams as the
Wolverines administered a 77-18 lick-
ing to a weak Michigan State squad.
* The evening's performance left
little doubt in the minds of the fol-
lowers of Michigan's track fortunes
that Coach Charlie Hoyt has again
come up with a well-balanced ag-
gregation, one which appears to be
fully capable of retaining the Big
Ten Indoor title his teams have won
for the last five years in a row.
Capt. Bill Watson led the record
breakers last night as he tossed the
shot 51 ft. 5% in. for a new. Field
House record as well as a new dual
meet record. The old mark of 51
ft. 2% in. was his own, set in last
year's Spartan encounter. Michigan
scored a sweep in the shot as Bob
Hook and Tom Lawton also bested
the lone Michigan State entry.
Elmer Gedeonthe towering Michi-
gan hurdler, showed a world of class
in the high stick event as he broke
fast from his blocks and won by five
yards over team-mate Stan Kelley.
The Big Ten champ's time of :.08 flat
tied the Field House record held
jointly by Bob Osgood and Willis
Ward, and broke the dual meet mark
by a tenth of a second.
The mile relay quartet of Breid-
enbach, Balyeat, Hayes, and Faulk-
ner furnished the prettiest running
of the evening as anchor-man Faulk-
ner flashed home a good 90 yards in
front. The time of 3:19.8 tied the
Field House record and established
a new dual meet record as well as
establishing the Wolverine team as
a very definite threat to Ohio State's
Big Ten mile-relay supremacy.
Wes Allen accounted for the other
meet record as he went over 6 ft. 3'/2
in. in the high jump. The record was
formerly held by Willis Ward.
Wilbur Greer, of Michigan State,
the IC4A sprint champion,, won the
(Continued on Page 3)
11 IC I 11/I I I I 1 1 I I I I I I I/i1 1
Students Overcrowd
As State-wide Epidemic Invades City
Infection Victims Turned
Away As Bed Facilities
Are Found Inadequate
A campus-wide epidemic of an un-
determined respiratory tract infec-
tion was reported by the Health Ser-
vice yesterday. Twelve to 20 students
are being turned away daily, the regu-
lar capacity of 30 beds, supplement-
ed by 30 more in the south depart-
ment of the Service, being complete-
ly filled.
The exact nature of the epidemic
is not known, Dr. Warren E. For-
sythe, director of the Health Service,
said yesterday. It is an infection of
the respiratory tract accompanied by
fever, which might be a simple cold,
influenza or grippe, he stated.
More than 20 people were turned
away yesterday, who ordinarily
would have been ordered to bed if
the facilities were available. There
are probably many more students sick
in fraternity and rooming houses,
resting the illness out, Dr. Forsythe
Dr. Forsythe warned students to
go to bed for several days if they
feel ill. Medical treatment is not
vital, he explained, but rest and
plenty of fruit juices and liquids is
When the Health Service has its
news building, which should be com-
pleted by next year, they will be able
to handle such emergencies, Dr. For-
sythe asserted, in explaining that the
Service is handicapped by lack of
facilities and help.
Students who have been turned
away from the Health Service are re-
ceiving treatment at home. The first
symptoms of the illness is a tired,
run-down feeling, similar to that pre-
ceding a cold, followed by fever, and
other common cold symptoms. Two
or three days in bed should be suffi-
cient to effect a cure Dr. Forsythe
said, if it is begun promptly.
Prof. Pollock Talks Today
Prof. James K. Pollock of the po-
litical science department will give
an address on "State Legislatures" at
4:15 p.m. today in the amphitheatre
of the Rackam building. This is the
last of the Public Affairs series of lec-
tures being sponsored by the Ameri-
can Association of University Women.
Health Department Finds
Cause Of Undulant Fever
Mystery At State College
LANSING, Feb. 14 -(P)--- State
Health Department investigators to-
day traced an outbreak of undulant
fever which caused the death of one
Michigan State College student and
the illness of several others 10 days
ago to faulty plumbing in a college
laboratory building and to a defective
Dr. Athur Newitt, director of the
State's Bureau of Epidemiology, said
"inadequate" plumbing in the col-
lege's bacteriology building had per-
mitted bacteria-infested water to be
siphoned from an isolated basement
laboratory to other parts of the build-
ing which students occupied.
Sanitary engineers from the health
department, he related, tested the
water system and discovered that it
provided only one-fourth of the pro-
per pressure. As a result, he said,
opening a number of taps in various
oarts of the building caused the tap
in the basement laboratory to suck
air and to siphon any accessible water
to upper parts of the building.
Italy's Interests In Spain A nalyzed By Staff ifriter
(Editoxs Note: This is the second of
a series of articles written with the co-
opetation of members of the political
science faculty.)
Foremost of the international prob-
lems confronting the post-Barcelona
world is the question of whether a
complete Franco victory in Spain is
to be the prologue to a "Mediterran-
ean-Munich," the dawn of the long-
Paper spokesman, has generalized in
these terms: "Italy intends only to
assist Franco whenever it may be
necessary in defending his political
victory, already threatened from
abroad, and it does not, in fact, in-
tend to impose a victory of its own
or, rather, it does not intend that a
new political regime in Spain should
conform to this or that obligatory
tendency toward Fascism or philo-
will now be in regard to its colonial
demands of France. The Italian gov-
ernment has officially disclaimed any
connection with the "spontaneous"
demands put forward in the Italian
Chamber last November for "Tunis!
Corsica! Nice!". Most experts, how-
ever, have questioned the "spontan-
eity" of such an outburst in a totali-
tarian state, and the campaign in
the Italian press makes it difficult
The Italians are, however, less
likely to forgo their demand for
Tunis, which is a long-standing bone
of contention between France and
Italy. The active nationalist policy
pursued by both French and Italians
in Tunisia in post-war years has re-
sulted in constant friction. The ter-
ritory, according to a League of Na-
tions study, is still comparatively
undeveloped, but it is already an im-