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March 05, 1939 - Image 1

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The Michigan Daily, 1939-03-05

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The University
And Fraternities. . .




Imbued with that sudden inspira-
tion which lifts an ordinary team to
championship heights, Michigan's
downtrodden basketball crew reared
up from the depths of the Big Ten
cellar last night to shatter the title
hopes of mighty Indiana, 53 to 45, be-
fore 4,500 Field House fans.
Their missing touch regained and
bolstered by a new born drive and
determination,, this r'idiculed Michi-
gan team lost its treasured lead on
10 different ocasions during the game
but always it fought back with a
surge that was not to be denied.
Led by lanky Jim Rae, who turned
in his finest performance in two years
of basketball, the Wolverines went
to a 32 to 29 lead at the half and
withstood , Hoosier challenge in the
second period to add another chapter
to a season of Conference upsets.
Rae Good Defense Too
Rae, superb at all times last night,
sank eight field goals and three fouls
for 19 points, 15 of them in the first
half. Still slowed up by a troublesome
back injury, the Toledo junior fired
in shot after shot from the fore-
court and stymied the Hoosier attack
on defense with a brilliant rebound
As sweet as victory was for Michi-
gan, so was it bitter for Indiana.
Combined with Ohio State's 51 to 35
victory over Purdue, the evening cost
the Hoosiers a championship which
had been virtually within grasp. De-
feated' only once in their first 10
games,'th'y dropped consecutive deci-
sions- to 'urdue and Michigan and
" id their almost certain title blast-
ed n two stunning upsets.
Inconsolable was Indiana's brilli-
ant all-Conference guard, Capt. Ernie
Andres, who took second honors with
15 points. Heartbroken and crushed,
Andres had to be assisted off the floor
by his teammates. Even Hoosier
Coach Branch MacCracken was shed-
ding unashamed tears at the close.
"Two games tocinch a title," he
cried, "and we had to hit two hot
teams in a row."
'Hot' ichigan
Michigan last night had all the at-
tributes with which "hot" teams are
blessed' They had the treasured
touch, the irrepressible drive, and a
victory starved determination nur-
tured by eight Conference defeats
after a promising pre-season Eastern
As Waldo Fisher, who scouted the
games for Northwestern, the Wolver-
ines' final opponent tomorrow night,
"Michigan finally used their of-
fense. They deviated slightly by mov-
ing Harmon into the pivot, but the
way Rae was getting those follows,
and the way that team fought, they
were almost unbeatable."y
Benrie Oosterbaan smiled calmly
and tried to suppress his enthusiasm
by smoking a cigarette:
"I told you," he said. "I knew we'd
get hot once at home. We've got con-
(Continued on Page 6)
Puckmen Snap
Trounce Illinois By 3-1;
Cooke Scores Twice
Playing before a respectable crowd
last night at the Coliseum, Michi-
gan's faltering hockey team took a
turn for the best when they handed
their Big Ten rivals from Champaign
a 3 to 1 defeat, and at the same time
ended a four game losing streak.
Although Coach' Eddie Lowrey's
squad has turned in better perfor-
imances in other games this current
season, at no time were they ever se-
riously troubled by the shaky Illini
outfit. As the contest passed the
half-way mark the game proceeded

to look more like one of the local
intramural contests.
Keeping the play in the visiting
team's territory for the majority of
the game After 10 minutes of the first

Martin Urges
Labor Peace
CIO And AFL Must Unite
Says UAW President;
300 Delegates Attend
Delegates Chance
DETROIT, March 4.-(AP)-Homer
Martin, ousted from the Congress of
Industrial Organizations, sounded a
call for unity between the CIO and
the American Federation of Labor as
he opened a convention here today of
his faction of the United Automobile
"We shall fight," the elected UAW
president said in a prepared greeting
to convention delegates, "to unite the
labor movement within the automo-
bile industry, as well as the AFL and
the CIO."
Martin assembled his followers in
today's meeting after his opponents
in the UAW called a union convention
for Cleveland March 27 and gained
CIO recognition for their organiza-
tion. Each faction claims to be the
"official" union; suits for determina-
tion of the issues are pending in cir-
cuit court here.
Enthusiastic delegates lifted Mar-
tin from the speaker's platform,
placed him on their shoulders and
paraded about the hall.
In his address to the convention
this afternoon Martin declared that
"In the conduct of the opposition we
see everything that a union should
neither do nor tolerate." He called
for observance of contracts" and said
the opposing factions in the UAW
represented two philosophies.
"One," he said, "is autocratic and
dictatorial with the poisoning in-
fluence of organized and determined
Communism in its midst. The other,
our movement, is democratic, devot-
ed to freedom, dedicated to human
rights under law, determined to
achieve and possess autonomy."
Martin estimated that "about 300"
delegates .representing UAW locals
"from coast to coast" were present at
today's meeting.
They assembled in the face of
threats by the CIO to remove chart-
ers of locals which sent official dele-
gates, and warning by CIO-controlled
locals that members attending the
Martin meeting would face suspen-
Fr. Lobo To Speak
To ASU On Spain
The Rev. Fr. Leocadio Lobo, who
arrived from Spain three days ago
to tour the country in behalf of
Spanish children, and Shaemus
O'Sheel, Irish poet, will speak here
Friday afternoon under the auspices
of, the American Student\Union.
Father Lobo, who is vicar of the
San Genes parish in Madrid, will
tell the real story of what is happen-
ing in Spain today.,
Shaemus O'Sheel, a graduate of
Columbia University and a member of
the League of American Writers, has
been active for 35 years in the cause
of Irish freedom.

Gandhi Fast
Brings Flood
Of Protests
Warn British Authorities
'Step In Before Strike
Causes Leader's Death'
Business In Bombay
Comes To Standstill
RAJKOT, India, March 4.-()-
Messages from all over India poured
in on British authorities today urg-
ing immediate intervention to stop
the "fast unto death" of Mohandas<
K. Gandhi before it led to dangerous
consequences. +
As the shrivelled, 69-yearlold mas-t
ter politician, whose influence is aI
potent force on India's millions, end-t
ed his second foodless day, his vi-
tality was reported low.
The Health Minister of the Bombay
presidency flew here to watch his<
health, fragile even before he began<
his sixth hunger strike to persuadeI
the native ruler of Rajkot State. Tha-
kore Saheb Shri Dharmendrasinhji,
to give its people a voice in the gov-
Most business in Bombay was at a
standstill during the day. The Bom-1
bay Stock Exchange and Cotton Mar-
ket closed after prices declined and
traders became fearful- of a slumpt
because of the unsettled political sit-
The Congress Party (Indian Na-t
tionalist) government of the United
Provinces telegraphed King George
VI's viceroy of India, the Marquess
of Linlithgow, urging him to inter-3
vene. It warned that if anything
should happen to Gandhi "we consid-
er the ultimate responsibility yours."
The Congress Party issued a state-
ment threatening the resignation of
all Congress Party governments un-
less the Viceroy acted within 24 hours.
The party also sent a telegram to the
Marquess of Zetland, Britain's Secre-
tary of State for India, urging im-
mediate British intervention and1
warning that "disastrous conse-
quences" might result from any de-
"No option is left to the paramount
power (Britain) but to intervene
forthwith to avoid what may be the
catastrophic result of the obstinate
attitude of the ruler of Rajkot based
on the advice of parties reputed to be
irersponsible," the Federation of In-
dian Chambers of Commerce tele-
graphed Lord Linlithgow.
Gandhi, who has had no nourish-
ment since he sipped a cup of hot
goat's milk at noon Friday, still was
determined not to eat until the 'ruler
of this western India state meets his
demands for administrative reforms.
Rajkot officials were equally firm int
rejecting Gandhi's demands and in'
insisting that the ruler "takes no re-
sponsibility" for any truble growing
out of the spiritual leader's hunger:
strike. H


Tells Congre

Country Will Not Approv



In Europ

President's Speech Is Praised
By All But Nazi News Service

LONDON, March 4 -(e)- Presi-
dent Roosevelt's speech today attack-
ing "tyranny" and defending democ-
racy met general approval in Bri-
tain and France but drew fire from
Nazi Germany where one newspaper
termed the President "the Don Quix-
ote of democracy."
Britain's government - controlled
British Broadcasting Company in
approving tones re-broadcast excerpts
of the speech in German and Italian,
particularly the references to "tyran-
ny" and "the dark ages." '
French observers, although express-
ing disappointment that Mr. Roose-
velt limited his address almost ex-
clusively to internal affairs, praised
his "defense of democracy."
Late afternoon London newspapers
front-paged the speech, emphasizing
that part which referred to the return
of "forms of government which for
two thousand years have proved their
tyranny and their instability alike."
WASHINGTON, March 4 -(k-(
President Roosevelt's emphasis on
reaffirmation of the principles of
liberty under democracy in his ad-
dress to Congress today brought ex-
pressions of approval from most legis-
lators, regardless of party.
There was praise also for the
speeches by Chief Justice Hughes and
Speaker Bankhead.
Senator King (Dem.-Utah) said
he believed the President's speech
would "do much to allay the fears of
those who may have believed that
the executive department contem-
plated too much invasion of the
rights of individuals."
BERLIN, March 4.-(,P)-The offi-
cial German news agency in account

Gafencu And Col. Beck
Confer On Annexation
Of Carpatho -Ukraine
The possibility of a new and fur-
ther partitioning of Czechoslovakia
giving Poland and Hungary a com-
mon border was reported to be the
subject of important week-end talks
between Rumanian and Polish for-
eign ministers. Meanwhile, in EU-
rope's other troublous sector, Gener-
alissimo Francisco Franco at the
gates of Madrid appealed by means
of loudspeakers for surrender with-
out further bloodshed.
In Warsaw, Grigore Gafencu, for-
eign minister of Rumania, and Col.
Joseph Bec, Polish foreign minister,
are meetina to d, , intprnptional
problems, and both Polish and ru-
manian quarters said Gafencu and
Col. Beck would discuss the possibili-
ty of Hungarian annexation of Car-
patho-Ukraine, easternmost province
of Czechoslovakia, thus bringing the
Polish and Hungarian borders to-
gether on Rumania's north.
In Spain, besides using the batter-
ies of loudspeakers, Franco rocketed
into Madrid cardboard cartridges
filled with propaganda sheets

of President Roosevelt's Washington
speech today said the President
"turned -from misrepresentations and-
remarkable 'interpretations' to down-
right lies."
The account carried by the DNB
News Bureau under a New York
dateline said "He lied that religion
is persecuted in nationally governed
states so that 'no one can 'honor God
in his own way."'
(Mr. Roosevelt in his address be-
fore a joint session of Congress said:
"Where democracy is snuffed out
there, too, the right to worship God
in one's own way is circumscribed or
The Lokal Anzeiger, first Nazi
newspaper to comment, banner-lined
the speech under a caption which
said: "Roosevelt Indulges In Fresh
Attacks." It compared him to the
Spanish knight who attacked wind-
Belden Named
As Chairman
Of Michigras
Third Annual Carnival Set
For May 5-6; Ferris
Wheel To Feature Fair
Plans for the third annual Michi-
gras, to be held May 5 and 6 in Yost
Field House, were begun yesterday
with the naming of committeemen.
Donald Belden, '39E, recording secre-
tary of the Union, will act as general
chairman. Eliot Robinson, '39, was
chosen as Belden's assistant.
Last year, after a gala opening pa-
rade, more than 8,000 enthusiastic
students packed the huge field house
to attend the two-day carnival. Re-
ceipts from the affair were used to
create a fund for the University Band
and to aid in the construction of a
women's swimming 'pool. This year,
Belden said, receipts will be given to
the Women's Athletic Association, the
band, the Men's Glee Club and the'
Dean's Goodwill Fund.
The various entertainments at the
carnival will be substantially the
same as those last year, Belden stat-
ed, with the accent on fraternity and
sorority booths. In 1938's carnival
booths ranged from Chi Phi's "rat
race" to Beta Theta Pi's "Follies Ber-
serk." Arrangements are being made
for the customary ferris wheel and
"loop-o-plane" which have been fea-
tured the festival in the last two
Members of the executive commit-
tee for the carnival will be Belden,
Paul Brickley, '39, Horace Gilmore,
'39, Robinson, James V. Halligan,
'40F&C, Norma Curtis, '39, and Hiar-
riet Sharkey, '39.
Chairman of the publicit com-
'(Continued on Pale 3)


Chief Justice Hughes Says
Safeguard Of Liberty Isl
Safeguard Of Democracy
President Requests
New Arms Grant
WASHINGTON, March 4.- (1) -
Upon a cheering, gala joint session of
Congress, President Roosevelt and
Chief Justice Hughes impressed to..
day the thought that the individual
liberty guaranteed by the Constitu-
tion is this nation's defense' against
those who would destroy democracy.
Gathered in the big hall of the
House of Representatives were the
members of both branches of Con-
gress, commemorating the first meet--
ing of the national legislature under
the constitution, 150 years ago today.
With them were the members of the
Cabinet, the Supreme Court, the
heads of the Army and Navy, and
the diplomatic envoys of more than
50 foreign countries.
No Encouragement To Tyranny
"Today," said the President "with
many other democracies, the United
States will give no encouragement to
the belief that our processes are out-
worn, or that we will approvingly
watch the return of forms of gov-'
ernment which for two . thousand
years have proved their tyraniy and
their instability alike.",
He served notice, too, that the Unit-
ed States would not stand passive and
silent while religious liberty was de-
nied in other lands, but would use
every "peaceful means" to preserve
religious and personal freedom.
"Where democracy is snuffed out
there, too, the right to worship Go"
in one's own way is circumscribed pr
abrogated," he said. "Shall by
our passiveness, by our silence, by as-
suming the attitude of the Levite who
pulled his skirts together and passed
by on the other side lend encourage-
ment to those who today persecute
religion or deny it?
"The answer is 'no,' just as in the
days of the first Congress of the
United States it was 'no'."
Chief, Justice Hughes said the moat
significant fact in connection with
the anniversary "is that after 10
years, notwithstanding expansion of
territory, enormous increase in popu-
lation a n d profound economic
changes, despite direct attack and
subersive influences, there is every in-
dication that the vastly preponderant
sentiment of the American people is
that our form of government shall be
Bankhead Speaks Too
"Our guarantees of fair trials," Mr.
Hughes- said, "of" due process i h
protection of life, liberty androp
erty-which stands between the citi-
zen and arbitrary power--of religious
freedom, of free speech, free presb
and free assembly, are the safeguarda
which have been erected against the
abuses threatened by gusts of pas-
sion and prejudice which in misguid-
ed zeal would destroy the basic in-y
terests of democracy."
Speaker Bankhead spoke briefly,
asserting the present was a time for
"reappraising the soundness and de-
sireability of our democratic form of
government." He mentioned "er-
tain sinister influences and minori-
ties" and suggested that the nation
had, perhaps been to generous in its
hospitality to such elements.
Then, discussing freedom of re-
ligion, he went on to say that this
country would not be silent at its de-
nial elsewhere in the world for, he
said, "that essential of the rights of
mankind goes back also to the origins
of representative government."
Roosevelt Asks
For $123,000,000


Churches Hold
Forums Today
Groups To Discuss Nature
And Existence Of God
Symposiums on the nature and ex-
istence of God are being featured at
three Ann Arbor churches in addi-
tion to the talks on, "The Church in
Conflict Areas," illustrated lectures
and an exhibition of clay modeling
by a member of the art school.
Prof. John F. Shepard of the psy-
chology department will present the
pschologist's attitude toward the God
controversy at the Liberal Student
Union meeting at 7:30 p.m. in the
Unitarian Church.
Prof. Leroy Waterman, chairman of
the Oriental languages department,
will lead an informal open forum at
6:15 p.m. at the Roger Williams Guild
meeting. Questions on the recent lec-
ture, "Existence and Nature of God,"
have been compiled. Dick Steding,
'39, president, will preside. Prof. Ed-
(Continued on Page 3)


Inquiring Reporter Discovers
Campus Catching Spring Fever

Daly Photos By Freedman
"In the Spring, a young man's
fancy turns to . . ." Well, what do
you think?
Sensing that there might be vary-
ing opinions as to the direction of
young men's' thoughts, come green-
up time, this column has foregone
questions concerning war and poli-
tics and social prtblems for today
and attempted to discover what magic
is in this thing called Spring.
THE QUESTION: Assuming that
spring is on its way, how does the
saying, "a young man's fancy turns
." apply to you?
THE PLACE: Union steps.
THE ANSWERS: Harry Sonne-
born, '40: "You're a little late. Spring
fever hits me about the first of
November. A n y -
how I get fall fey-
'ev er, winter fever
and summer fever,
so my opinion is
backed by four
times the experi,
ence of the aver-
1.1 n m i ..rn1 4*m

downward trend of grades during the
spring semester is
primarily prompt-
ed not by thoughtsa
of love - but of.
lovely thoughts-
of warm sun baths
on the roof, idly
watching the girls
pass by-and of
half-clothed frolics
on the green of Ferry Field."
George Johnson, Union doorman:
"You have touched a subject very
dear to my heart.
The spring, ah,
yes, the beautiful
spring, when the
irdsand the bees
and all the women
try to get in the
front door. With
t h e coming of
warm weather, my
thoughts turn toward swimming and
taking a girl for a nice walk."
Loren Wicks, '42: "A young man's
fancy is avariable subject. I especially
feel so sorry for the
engineering s t u -

On Wednesdayt
The career, of Hrarrison Forman,
celebrated author, explorer, news-
photographer and lecturer, who is1
scheduled as the next attraction of
the Oratorical Association, has been
crowded with remarkable exploits and'
achievements. He will speak here
As technical director of "Lost Hori-
zon," cameraman for "March of
Time" and Paramount News, Mr. For-
man has had varied experiences in
the Far East. Going to China as an
airplane pilot and instructor, he flew
into the interior to sell airplanes to
provincial warlords and study Chinese
language, art and customs.
In 1929 he organized one of the
most amazing treks in twentieth cen-
tury exploration-the expedition over
the Marco Polo Trail to Tibet. For
two years he traveled alone through
Tibet as a holy man and sorcerer,
returning with invaluable pictures,
data and manuscripts.
In 1935 Mr. Forman revisited Tibet
to film the return of the Panchen
Lama, spiritual head of Buddhism,
the religion of one-third of the world.
In 1936 Hollywood drew upon his
vast knowledge of Tibet to make the
film "Lost Horizon."
Upon his return to the Orient in
1937, Mr. Forman interviewed the
high ranking Living God of Tibet,
Jama Japa; obtained the first pic-
tures of the Chinese Red Army, and
:gnnnnd th wnrld with his nictues1

Busy Time Awaits Untermeyer
During His Three Weeks, Here

To demonstrate to students the
creative and practical qualities of
poetry and prose and to encourage
their study, Louis Untermeyer, noted
America poet and anthologist, will
spend three week on campus, begin-+
ning Saturday, lecturing, conducting
classes and participating in informal
discussions, according to Prof. Carl E.
Burklund of the engineering English
department, which is sponsoring Mr.
Untermeyer's stay here.
The principle lecture which Mr.
Untermeyer will deliver in Ann Arbor
will be given at 8:15 p.m. Monday,
March 13 in the Graduate School
Auditorium on "The Pet vs. the A-
erage Man."
In addition to this lecture, Mr.
Untermeyer will conduct Professor
Burklund's class in contemporary
poetry at 7 p.m. Tuesday, March 14,
21 and 28 in the North Lounge of the
Union. On these occasions the class
will h nnpn tn all students interest-,

sor Burklund said, but under no con-

ditions will he be able to read stu-
dent manuscripts.
Mr. Untermeyer is one of the few
literary figures who have made a suc-
cess in both the business and artistic
worlds. He retired from a large man-
ufacturing jewelry business, of which
he was vice-president and factory
manager-having been one of the
first men in the country voluntarily
to reduce working hours-to devote
himself exclusively to writing, and his
many collections and original vol-
umes have been widely read. His an-
thologies have been adopted as text-
books in high schools and universi-
ties throughout the United States.
Before his 50th year he had written
and compiled more than 30 volumes
of porse and verse. He has won the
Enit Prize for the best book on Italy
written by a non-Italian, "The Don-
key of God," and another, "The Book
nf Tiving Verse." was hailed as the


President Roosevelt asked Cong
today to provide the money imm
ately for a $110,000,000 program
the purchase of "critical items'
equipment for the army, includ
anti-aircraft artillery, semi-auto
tic rifles, anti-tanks guns, tanks,
tillery, ammunition and gas mas
The President also asked $6,539
for strengthening the nation's
coast defenses and $7,300,000
training of 20.000c ivilian airnlane

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