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March 04, 1939 - Image 6

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The Michigan Daily, 1939-03-04

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'o Draw

German Department Lays Plans
For Summer Deutsches Haus

Facsimiles Transmitted By Wireless

Publication in the Bulletin is constructive notice to all members of the University.
Copy received at the office of the Assistant to the President until 3:30 P.M.;
11:00 A.M. on Saturday.

)0 Educators

Snu al Three-Day Sessioni
Features Syin pos iu ms
On Academic Subjects
More than 400 educators and re-
earch men from State colleges and
dniversities will attend the 44th an-
ual meeting of the Michigan Acad-,
my of Science, Arts and Letters'
iere March 16, 17 and 18, Prof. L. J.
toung of the forestry school who is
ecretary of the Academy, announced
Departing from the procedure of
ormer years, the symposiums and
ectures in 15 varied fields from an-
hropology to zoology will be con-.
ined to a two-day period, and the
eneral reception will be held on
riday night instead of Thursday.
'he program for Thursday will con-
ist of a single meeting of the Acad-
my Council, a group of present offi-,
ers and former presidents of the or-
Features of the three-day session
vill be addresses by Dr. George H.
Vhipple, dean of the Universiy of i
tochester School of Medicine and
)entistry, and Prof. A. E. R. Boak
i the history department, who is
'resident of the Academy.
In connection with the program of
she botany section !a photographic
xhibit including material gathered
y Academy members, and illustrat-
ng the use of photographyhin plant
cience research and t'eaching will
e offered in the West Exhibit Room
f the Rackham building. Further
isplays will be opened in the Uni-
ersity museums from 8 a.m. to 5 p.m.
Laily, and in the Clements Library
rom 2 to 5 p.m. daily.
Officers of the Academy are: Pro-]
essor Boak, president; Prof. H. R.
[unt of Michigan State College, vice-
resident; Professor Young, secre-
;ary; E C. Prophet of Michigan State
jollege, treasurer; Prof. W. C. Steere
f the botapy department, editor;
V, W. Bishop, librarian.
Present CCC
Aim Praised
Diamond Asks Education
Goal Be Retained
If there is a movement on foot toi
nake the primary objective of the
MCC camps military, it is to be
oped that the educational aim may
>e retained and that the present effi-
ient staff of advisers may continue
o function on this frontier of Ameri-
an education, Prof. Thomas Diamond
'f the School of Education says in
he February issue of the School of
Aducation Bulletin which appeared
Professor Diamond states that there
vere three opinions on what was the
rimary objective of the camps. Since
he army was made responsible for
heir success, some thought that our
outh would be given military train-
ng. Others believed that the purpose
ras to get work done cheaply. The.
thers were educators who felt that
omething besides improved roads
,hd forests or cannon fodder would
.ave to come from the CCC camps.
row this part of education has been
ecognized and it is hoped that it will
Also appearing in this issue was a
eport on the Conference on Curicu-
4m Problems held here Jan. 14, and
rticles by Prof. Howard Y. McClusky
f the School of Education on "The
fommunity Seminar for Adult Edu-
ation" and by Dr. T. Luther Purdom,
irector of the Bureau of Appoint-
1ents and Occupational Informa-
ion on 'Personality and Employ-
dr. Nilsson Lauds

Fine College Spirit
When Xi Psi Phi dental fraternity
eld their 50th anniversary celebra-
on hire recently, at least one mem-
er of that group, Dr. Vern H. Nils-
>n, supreme editor of the fraternity,
'as greatly impressed by the Uni-
T. Hawley Tapping, general secre-
ary of the Alumni Association, re-
eived a letter yesterday from Dr.
llsson, saying "I am still thrilled at
hat great enthusiastic college spirit
> evident at Michigan."
Xi Psi Phi was founded here in
889. At the recent birthday celebra-
on, the fraternity dedicated a
iemorial stone bench on campus.
Hoffman To Speak Here
The Rev. Conrad J. Hoffman, Jr.,
>rmer member of the International
efugee Committee, will speak on
The Refugee Problem" at 6:45 p.m.
>morrow at the Westminster Guild
neeting. Reverend Hoffman spent
ast summer in Germany and Austria
tudying the plight of the non-Aryan

Plans for a home for men students
for the summer session, the Deutsches
Haus, affording an opportunity to re-
ceive considerable training in spoken
German, were announced yesterday
by Dr. Otto G. Graf of the German
The Deutsches Haus will be a resi-
dence for men students and its dining
room will also be open to women in-
terested in or taking German, Dr.
Graf said. It will be located in the
Perry To Talk
On Journalism
Adrian Editor Will Speak
Here Wednesday
Third in a series of speakers on
journalism, Stuart Perry, editor of
the Adrian Telegram, will speak on
"The Newspaper and the Courts" at
3 p.m. Wednesday in room E, Haven
Mr. Perry is a graduate of the law
school, has served as a trustee of
the School of Journalism at Columbia
University and is a national officer of
the Associated Press. Following the
address coffee will be served in the
office of the journalism department
for, any interested in meeting ,Mr.
Perry and talking with him.
The series is being conducted by
the department of journalism to
afford students of journalism and
others interested an opportunity to
hear and talk:with experienced news-
papermen and authqrities in the field
of journalism. Lee 'A White of the
Detroit News and R. Ray Baker of
Booth newspapers have appeared on
past programs.
Spring Tomcs? Blah!
Eat"Green Vegetables
Don't drink that sassafras tea!
Throw away that sulphur and mo-
lasses! Green vegetables provide the
best spring tonic to overcome that
logy feeling, according to Dr. F. W.
Fabian, Michigan State College re-
search bacteriologist.
"We're living in a new era," Dr.
Fabian explains. "We were not able
20 or 30 years ago to get green vege-
tables during the entire year. But
now, because they're available at all
times of the year, our diets have
changed, and we don't need spring
tonics to pep us up."
Spring tonics, Dr. Fabian main-
tains, only clear the digestive tract
and act as laxatives. Eating green
vegetables will bring about the same

Alpha Sigma Phi fraternity the cor-
ner of Hill and Forest and will be
under the direction of Dr. Graf.
Experiences in past summers with
German groups has indicated con-
siderable interest in such a project,
Dr. Graf said. In the summer of 1936,
Prof. Henry W. Nordmeyer of the
department inaugaurated a German
table which met daily in the League.
A number of extra-curricular activi-
ties, such as picnics and illustrated
talks were a part of the group's activi-
ties during the summer.
The following summer, Dr. Graf
said, the German table was held in
the alcove of the League cafeteria
and again a number of students
availed themselves of the opportuni-
ties to hear and use German.
On the basis of student interest
in the German table, it was deemed
advisable, Dr. Graf pointed out, to
centralize the table and German club
activities in a student house. Con-
sequently, arrangements have been
completed and a business manager
has been employed and plans for the
complete summer sessigh are being
drawn up by Dr. Graf and other mem-
bers of the German department.
All men students interested in mak-
ing residence in the Deutsches Haus
and all men and women who would
like to take their meals in the house,
should inform either Dr. Graf or the
secretary of the German department.

The nation's homes may soon be
fitted with radio-receiver-like ap-
paratus like that above to receive
their news items and reading ma-
eriatl by wireless as shown at right.
The machine, put on the market by
a radio manufacturer, is being dem-
onstrated at Morris Hall, where
"facsimiles" are being received from
Cincinnati at 2 a.m. The picture
(right) show a top view of the ma-
chine with cover removed.
It is claimed that the facsimile
received will not make headway in-
to the newspaper market, but that
it will send only news flashes such;
as are broadcast now by radio.

Church and the Student." AlWthese
are under the general theme of "The
Church in Conflict Areas."
First Methodist Church. Dr. C. W.
Brashares will preach on "Collective
Courage" at the Morning Worship
Service at 10:40 o'clock.
St. Andrew's Episcopal Church,
Sunday: 8 a.m. Holy Communion; 9
a.m. Breakfast and Study Group,
Harris Hall; 9:30 a.m. Junior Church;
11 a.m. Kindergarten; 11 a.m. Holy
Communion and Sermon by the Rev-
erend Henry Lewis; 7 p.m. Student
meeting, Harris Hall, discussion of
Niebuhr lecture.
First Baptist Church, Sunday 10:45
a.m. Dr. E. W. Blakeman, Counselor
in Religious Education for the Univer-
sity, will fill the pulpit. The Church
School meets at 9:30 a.m. Mr. J.
E. Wiessler, leader.
Roger Williams Guild, 6:15 p.m. Dr.
Leroy Waterman will preside at a
j forum when questions arising out of

the recent lectures on "The Existence
and Nature of God" will be presented
and discussed. Meeting will be held
in the Guild House, 503 E. Huron.
Zion Lutheran Church, E. Wash-
ington at S. Fifth Ave. Worship Serv-
ices at 10:30 with sermon by the pas-
tor, Ernest C. Stellhorn.
Trinity Lutheran Church, E. Wil-
liam at S. Fifth Ave. Worship Serv-
ices at 10:30 with sermon "The King
Loves His Subjects" by the pastor,
Henry 0. Yoder.
Unitarian Church: 11 a.m. Rev-
erend H. P. Marley will speak on the
subject: "Does the God Concept To-
day Raise More Questions than It
7:30p.m. Professor Shepard of the
Psychology department will lead the
student discussion on' the subject,
"A Psychologist Looks at the God
9 o'clock coffee hour.
Christiaan Student Prayer Group:
A fireside hour of song and fellow-
ship is open to all students.
Time : 4:15 p.m.. Sunday.
Place: Fireplace Room, Lane Hall.
Reformed and Christian Reformed
Church services will be held Sunday,
March 5, in the. Women's League
Chapel at 10:30 a.m. and 7:30 p.m.
Rev. T. Iff Will speak at both services.
First Church of Christ, Scientist,
409 So. Division St.
Sunday morning service at 10:30.
Subject: "Man."
Golden Text: Ecclesiastes 2:26.
Sunday School at 11:45.

JHobbs States Antarctic Continent
Was First Discovered In 1820

Despite the maze of claims and{
counter claims as to the true dis-
coverer of the Antarctic Continent,
the credit for that discovery must be
given to a Connecticut sea captain,
Nathaniel B. Palmer. This state-
ment by Prof. William H. Hobbs of
the. geology department has created
heated discussions in European and
American newspapers and periodi-
cals; it has been recently published
in Professor Hobb's book, "Discover-
ies of Antarctica" for the American
Philosophical Society.
The most reliable, evidence and
records, Professor Hobbs claims, prove
that Captain Palmer on Nov. 18, 1820
was the, first to sight Antarctica.
Palmer's discovery is all the more re-
markable, he asserts, when it is real-
ized that at the time of the discovery,
Palmer was commanding a ship con-
siderably smaller than any of the
caravels in which Columbus dis-
covered America or any of the sloops
used in the America Cup competition.
Captain Palmer, he explains in the
publication, was one of a group of
New England sea captains who set out

for the South Shetland Islands in the
summer of 1820 for the specific pur-
pose of hunting seals. Palmer's sloop,
the Hera, was especially built, he says,
to be used in rounding up herds of
seals to facilitate their capture by
the other members of the expeditions.
The credit for the actual discovery
of the continent has been niisplaced,
Professor Hobbs pointed out in his
publication, by the mass of rumors,
forgeries, and "fictionalized explora-
tions" connected with Antartcica.
One of the most outstanding of these
"fictionalized explorations,"'he claims,
was the voyage of James Weddell, an
officer in the British Royal Navy.
Aftder sealing expeditions in the
Antarctic seas from 1821 to 1824,
Weddell published a map in 1825 of a
new continent called "Trinity Land"
whose coastline, he claimed, had
been described to him by several sea
captains who had explored it, Profes-
sor Hobbs explained. Weddell also
claimed to have voyaged toward the
South Pole to the extreme latitude of
74 degrees, 15 minutes in open sea
both going and returning.
By means of present day informa-

Epidemic Termed
Mild Form Of Flu
The epidemic of mild influenza that
has affected more than 1,500 students
during its three-week duration, con-
tinued to wane yesterday, according
to a report by Dr. William grace.
or several weeks. Health Service
authorities were unable to identify the
mild but widespread infection. Labor-
atory tests have shown it to be a mild
form of influenza, that is spread by
nose and mouth discharges, and pos-
sibly by some other unknown means.
tion and research, Professor Hobbs
said, we can prove that Weddell's
sketch of the coastline of the An-
tarctic continent was completely im-

New York Regents
Urge Progressive
Education Methods
Progressive educational methods in-
volving the use of motion pictures and
radio programs on ka scale never be-
fore attempted, was advocated in the
recently issued Regent's Inquiry of
the New York Board of Education.
fUnder the proposal, a State School
of the Air would be organized to
broadcast lessons on citizenship, so-
cial sciences and current events. Tp-
gether with motion pictures, the
broadcasts would supplant classroom
procedure; and also provide a means
of self-education for adults. These
conclusions are the result of an in-
tensive survey by Dr. Luther Gulich,
director of the inquiry, and Dr. Eliza-
beth Laine, member of the research
The use of motion pictures in
schools will require exploration and
experimentation by educators cooper-
ating with picture producers, under
the sponsorship of a state agency, Dr.
Laine said.
Adults would derive most benefit
under this proposal, Dr. Laine be-
lieves, from the radio courses in so-
cial sciences "where the greatest aid
is needed and where the greatest
gains may be expected."



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