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March 04, 1939 - Image 2

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1939-03-04

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Huge Canal at Yroenhoven To Strengthen Belgium Defense
4 4
f h
For war and peace, Belgium is building the Albert Canal, connecting Liege and the Meuse river valley, in
the east, with Antwerp on the west near the North Sea. This is the canal bridge at Vroenhoven. The canal will
accommodate boats of 2,000 tons and will have six giant locks to raise or lower them. The elevation between
Liege and Antwerp changes 195 feet.
- ay

Four Institutes
To Meet Here
Sessions Are Sponsored
By Extension Service
Four institutes will meet here in
the near future under the auspices
3f the Extension Service, Dr. Charles
A. Fisher, director, announced yester-
The second assembly of Michigan
Assessors' Training Institute will be
held March 20 and 21. Agencies co-1
operating with the Extension Service i
include: the State Board of Control
for Vocational Education, the Michi-
gan Municipal League, the Michigan
State Tax Commision, the Michigan
chapter of the National Association of
Assessing Officers.
The Foremen's Institute will be
held April 22 under the auspices of
the Extension Service and the Na-
tional Association of Foremen.
From May 1 to 5 the Seventh An-
nual Adult Education Institute will
meet here, sponsored by the Exten-
sion Service and the Michigan Fed-
eration of Women's Clubs.
The Institute for Retail Coal Mer-
chants will meet May 16, 17 and 18.
Read Daily Classified Ads

Publication in the Bulletin is constructive notice to all members of the University.
Cop- iecelved at the office of the Assistant to the President until 3,:30 P.M
11:00 A.M. on Saturday.

VOL. XLIX. No. 109
Faculty Tea: President and Mrs.
Ruthven will be at home to faculty
members and residents of Ann Arbor
Sunday from 4 to 6 p.m.
Faculty of the College of Litera-
ture, Science, and the Arts: The fifth
regular meeting of the faculty of the
College of Literature, Science, and
the Arts for the academic session of
1938-39 will be held in Room 1025 An-
gell Hall, March 6, 1939, at 4:10 p.m.
1. Adoption of the minutes of the
meeting of Feb. 6, 1939 which have
been distributed by campus mail.
2. Discussion of reports submitted
with this call to the meeting.
a. Executive Committee prepared
by Prof. Warner G. Rice.
b. Executive Board of the Gradu-
ate School, prepared by Prof. Floyd
E. Bartell.
c. Senate Advisory Committee on
University Affairs, prepared by Prof.
Arthur S. Aiton.
d. Deans' Conference, prepared by

Dean Edward H. Kraus.
e. Copy of letter from Assistant
Registrar Williams to Dean Kraus,
3. New business.
Engineering and East Engineering
Libraries: Beginning March 4 and on
every Saturday thereafter for the du-
ration of the second semester the
libraries will be open from 1-5 p.m.
in addition to the schedule previously
maintained. Funds for this purpose
have been made available by the En-
gineering Council.
Faculty, School of Education: The
regular luncheon meeting of the Fac-
ulty will be held Monday noon, March
6, 12:15, at the Michigan Union.
To University Employees in Ad-
ministrative, Secretarial, Stenograph-
ic, Clerical and Similar Positions:
The Business Office desires to know
what individuals would be desirous of
participating should the Regents find
it possible to open to employees of
the above classifications the oppor-
tunity to purchase old-age annui-
ties on exactly the same terms and
conditions that they are now pur-
chased by members of the academic
(Contijueed on Page 4)

Dr.d K ruf Urges Cooperation
For Continued Medical Success
"Teamwork" is necessary among the case of tuberculosis in which the
modern medical men if they are to diagnosis is accomplished through the
fulfill their fundamental obligations X-Ray operated in the hands of an
of relieving human suffering and pre- experienced roentgenologist. Not only
venting human dying, Paul de Kruif, is tuberculosis cured by method of
'13, noted author, stated in a recent "fresh-air, rest-in-bed and good
article in the Journal of the Associa- food" commonly accepted by the lay-
tion of Medical Students. man, but it is also affected by such
The doctor's duties todp.y are the complicated procedures as collapsing
sanie as in the days of Hippocre tes, the lung.'
Dr. de Kruif pointed out, but the
modern medical man is far better Mathematics Club
equipped than the "horse and buggy"
old timer. To Use I-M Gym
Doctors are better equipped today,
Dr. Kruif explained, because they The Mathematics Club will use the
are\the products of the transition in
the physician from the "bedside com- facilities of the Intramural Building
forter and layer-on-of-hands" to a the night of March 8 in the first of
"fighter for life equipped with a for- a series of athletic meetings, it was
midable arsenal of weapons against announced today. The small gymna-
diverse kinds of death." sium will be reserved for the mem-
The profession has become special- bers of the faculty and graduate stu-
ized, Dr. de Kruif emphasiged, and its dents who compose the club. After
"heart" is the laboratory where men the regular hours, the club will have
and women skilled in physics, chem- 'exclusive use of the swimming pool.
istry, bacteriology and microscopy The Intramural department is in-
correlate tole work of the general augurating a series of such nights for
practitioner. the various departments in the
In proof of the inability of the University in an attempt to encour-
general physician to cope with the age the faculty's use of the building.
technical diagnosis so necessary in
the profession, Dr. Kriuf illustrated Sealer Taken In Tow
how the old time doctor when con-
fronted with "suspicious pains, lumps HALIFAX, Nova Scotia, March 3.
or bleedings" in a patient must neces- -(Canadian Press)-The steamer
sarily send him to a pathologist. This Imogene took in tow the leaking seal-
specialist is prepared to differentiate er Ranger 12 miles off Newfound-
malignant from benign tumors with land's southeast coast late today af-
the equipment in his laboratory. ter gale-lashed seas balked efforts to
In further proof, Dr. de Kruif cited remove 132 crewmen of the vessel.
Classified Directory
CLASSIF I E D LOST-Green reversible coat during
Interfraternity swim Wednesday
ADVERTISING night. Will the person who took it
by mistake please return it, and all
RATES will be forgiven. Phone 5940. 4311
Effective as of February 14, 1939 LOST-Monday night between Hill
CASH ON LY!Auditorium and Ferry Field, ladies
1cpeeaSing lwhite gold wrist watch, jewelled.
12c per readng line (on bis o Reward. Call 8027 or 1107 So.
five average words to line) for one State St. - 430
or two insertions.
10c per reading line for three or FOR SALE

Seek CCC Camp Site
GRAND HAVE1 --.P)--Army offi-
cers and soil conservation officials.
arrived in Ottawa County Friday seek-
ing sites for establishment of Civil-
ian Conservation Corps camps. Their
decision will be announced in Chica-
go later.


SHOWS TODAY AT 2:00 - 4:00 - 7:00 - 9:00 RM.

. .I


Starting Today !


'life of America's army of to-
'morrow. See their thrilling vice
r tories that put Army in every
season's "biggest game". Share
their rivalries in the loves that start
with a kiss on Flirtation Walk!

ines per inser- FOR SALE--$400 DeLuxe edition
Corpus Juris, good condition, 71
Delivery Serv- volumes; 14A Annotations to 1937
1 if you wish to inclusive, for $150. Box 10. 429
eked up (10c LAUNDRIES
formation call LAUNDRY -2-1044. Sox darned.
at 420 Maynara Careful work at low prices. 9
ENT WASHED SAND and Gravel, Drive-
way gravel, washed pebbles. Killins
or double with Gravel Company, Phone 7112. 17
ree rooms, share
asonable. 314 E. CASH PAID for your discarded
425 clothing. Claude Brown, 512 S.
Main. 311
ed. Miss Allen, painting. Budget plan if desired.
e. Phone 2-2935 Dial 7209. 181
WANTED-Clothing wanted to buy.
le rates. L. M. S u i ts, overcoats, typewriters,
Ynard St., phone watches. Sam pays the most. Phone
271 6304 for appointment. 388


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Interesting and True Scenes of.
Facts about Pneumonia THE NEW POPE /a II..,>.. -
AM J/f CLE ! f A .'.": ?_ .wo _a I

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