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March 03, 1939 - Image 6

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The Michigan Daily, 1939-03-03

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laun Will Talk.
t Testimonial
For Dr. Heller
illel To Honor Retiring
Head At Farewell Fete;
Ruthven Will Speak
I ,
ull program arrangements have
n completed for the testimonial
iner to be given Tuesday, March
in the Union in'honor of Dr. Ber-
rd Heller, retiring director of the
al Hillel Foundation, it was an-
unced yesterday by Ronald Freed-
n, '39, chairman of the program
ks previously announced, Dr. Louis
Mann, Rabbi of the Chicago Sinai
agregation, and nationally famous
olar and lecturer, will be the
acipal speaker of the evening. Dr.
nn, head of the country's largest
orm Jewish congregation, has
)wn Dr. Heller for many years.,
dartin M. Alexander, '39M,' 'vill
toastmaster at the dinner. Rev.
ary Lewis of St. Andrews Episco-
Church, will deliver the invoca-

Reinhold Niebuhr Closes SRA Series

British Policy Seen As Action
In Self Interest By Professor

Farewell greetings "will be given by
Dr. Heller's friends. President Alex-
ander G. Ruthven will also speak.
Prof. I. Leo Sharfman of the eco-
nomics department will talk for the
members of the faculty. Samuel Both-
man, local merchant, will speak for
the members of the community which
Dr. Heller has served for the past
nine years.
Dr. Leo Franklin of the Beth-El
Congregation in Detroit will speak as
a fellow rabbi. Dr. Isaac Rabinowitz,
successor to Dr. Heller in the director-
ship of the Foundation, will talk as
a cp-worker and Dr. Edward W.
Blakeman, Counselor in Religious
Education, will also extend farewell
U.S. And Brazil
Complete Pact
Agreement' Will Provide
For New Cooperation
WASHINGTON, March 2.-R)-
Brazil and the United States have
agreed in principle, informed persons
said tonight, on a three-fold program
for economic and commercial coop-
Following a conference between Os-
waldo Aranha, Brazilian foreign min-
ister, and Secretary Morgenthau and
Undersecretary_ of State Welles at
the treasury today, it was learned the
three-fold agreement included:
1. Credits approximating $20,000,-
000 to free Brazil's frozen exchange,
permitting payments now in arrears
to American business:
2. Credits from the export-import
bank to finance exporters in this
country seeking Brazilian markets,
3. Creation of a central reserve
bank in Brazil, which would probably
operate, through the cooperation of
the United States stabilization fund,
to secure greater stability in Brazilian
national currency and foreign ex-
President Roosevelt
Returns From Cruise
JACKSONVILLE, Fla., March 2--
(u')-The cruiser Houston returning
President Roosevelt from the fleet
maneuvers around the West Indies
was speeding by the Bahamas to-
night as Navy Yard officers at
Charleston,vS.yC., arranged _for its
arrival by 3 p.m., tomorrow.
White House staff members who
had maintained temporary head-
quarters in Coral Gables, Fla., for
the two weeks the Chief Executive has
been at sea could not give the exact

-Daily Photo by Schoch
Giving the Protestant view on the subject, "The Existence and
Nature of God," Prof. Reinhold Niebuhr spoke to a capacity audience
in the Rackham auditorium last night. His lecture was the last in a series
of three which were sponsored by the Student Religious Association.
Pictured above at Lane Hall are (left to right): Samuel Grant, '40, vice
president of Hillel; Kenneth Morgan, director of the SRA; Professor
Niebuhr; and Morton L. Linder, '40, Daily reporter.
Nothing Sacred' Under Radcliffe
Colored Pencil RatingSystem

(Continued from Page 1)
gested that Great Britain and France
cooperate in matters pertaining to
foreign affairs. These two countries
then were to face the European dic-
tatorships and seek to maintain peace
and a rule of law favorable to them-
selves through the power believed to
exist in an Anglo-French union.
The third policy proposed that Bri-
tain withdraw from Europe, strength-
en her Empire ties, and then arm
to enforce her independence.
Professor Heneman is of the opin-
ion that the British government's at-
tempts to follow all three of these
policies, containing elements opposed
to each other, made the eventual col-
lapse of the British system of mudd-
ling inevitable.
Policies Undergo Change
Since 1936, largely because of in-
creasing threats from Fascist Italy
and Nazi Germany and because of
the decline of the League of Nations,
the nature of the policies suggested
earlier has undergone a change. It
has been recognized that a new situ-
ation has arisen on the continent,
Professor Heneman said, and that the
alternatives for Britain are therefore
somewhat different. Again he out-
lined three policies that have been
One school of thought holds that
Great Britain should insist that or-
der be maintained in Europe and that
changes in the status quo should be
made by peaceful methods. These
changes should be made through the
League if possible, but if not through
the League, then by common consent
of the democracies as opposed to any
of the dictatorships seeking changes
by threats and by force. As a part
of this policy, it has been suggested
,that British re-armament be pushed
forward at a rapid pace.
Alternative Policies
An alternative policy holds that
Britain should ally herself openly
with France and Soviet Russia. These
powers should then serve notice on
Italy, Germany, and Japan that there
must be no alterations in the status
quo by resort to violent methods.
After the three first-named countries
have formed this alliance and have

served this notice, it is proposed that
they arm to the teeth to show that
they mean business.
Other elements have suggested that
Great Britain seek a rapprochement
with the dictatorships, particularly
with Germany.
Conservatives Vacilating
Great Britain, under the Conserva-
tive party, has not followed any of
these policies to the exclusion of the
others, and much of the confusion in
England now is due to this vacillating
attitude. An examination of the poli-
cies pursued by this group in recent
years reveals, Professor Henemank
said, that the Tory party is in large
measure responsible for the circum-
stances which caused the crisis last
At times of crisis in the League
;ystem of Collective action, the Con-
servative party has been a partner
in consistent sabotage, Professor
Heneman declared. In 1931 and 1932
it was Manchuria that was sacri-
ficed to Japan in violation of the
principles upon which the League was
founded. In 1935 and 1936 the Brit-
ish government was willing to give
Ethiopia to Mussolini. In 1937 the
British government revealed unmis-
takable sympathy with the fascist
and royalist elements which were en-
gaged in rebellion against the Span-
ish republic, and only this week the
British government has recognized
this insurgent regime as the legiti-
,mate government of Spain. In 1938
the remaining democracy in Central
Europe, Czechoslovakia, suf'fered
eclipse largely due to British acqui-
escence in German demands.
State Senate Passes
Appropriations Bill
LANSING, March 2-M)-The Sen-
ate passed the first appropriation bill
of the legislative session today, vot-t
ing 23 to 8 to continue a $110,000-a-
year allotment for advertising Michi-
gan, after a bitter floor fight in1
which economy pledges were tlhei
issue. The measure now goes to thei
House of Representatives.f

To End Today
Collection Of Unpaid Dues
Sought By Committee
A two-day drive to raise unpaid
senior class dues in the literary col-
lege ends today. Dues, which are one
dollar per student, may be paid at
stations set up in Angell Hall lobby,\
University Hall, and'General Library,
the League and the Union.
The funds will be used to finance
senior class activities this year and
to sponsor Alumni activities of the
class, Colburn Cherney, chairman of
the class finance committee explained
yesterday. Monies remaining in the,
class treasury after commencement
help the Alumni Association to keep
in touch with all graduates and pro-
vide information as to their where-
abouts and occupations.x

istrator shall designate as chairman,
and equal numbers representing
employers and employes."
Religion Merchants
"For the four committees thus far
appointed," Professor Dickinson said,
"Mr. Andrews has relied rather heav-
ily on large retail merchants for
public representatives, namely, Mr.
Louis Kerstein, head of the Filene
store in Boston, is chairman of the
Garment Committee, and Mr. Don-
ald Nelson, vice-president of Sears,
Roebuck and Co., is chairman of both
the Cotton and Woolen Committees.
Academic economists and other teach-
ers and researchers also appear
among public representatives. Thus,
Profs George Taylor of Pennsylvania,
an outstanding labor abritrator, is a
member of both Cotton and Woolen
Committees and also chairman of the
newly appointed Hosiery Commit-
tee. The short experience thus far
available indicates that these types
of consumer advocates are rather
more effective than those improvised
in the NRA."
NRA Recognizes Small
"It is somewhat doubtful, however,
whether the Fair Labor Standards
machinery is notably more successful
than that of the NRA in recognizing
the functions and problems of small
and remote enterprises," Professor
Dickinson declared, "The committee-
men,"' he pointed out, "are naturally
drawn from the larger establish-
ments and associations, and the in-
terests of these larger units are most
clearly apparent to them, although
each puts the general public interest
foremost, as he sees it."
"There remains too much of the
tendency which was so objectionable
in the NRA, of the high-wage and
high-price producers and merchants
to utilize governmental authority to
handicap their competitors, especially
in the South, who were and are ad-
justed to lower wage rates and or
lower prices; for the latter are all
merely 'chiselers' in the eyes of the

Girls In Dormitory Rate
Dates When Signing In
Bright Red Is 'Swell'
Men who date college girls found
another reason for complaint this
week when a piece of feminine skull-
duggery was uncovered behind the
doors of a girls' dormitory at Rad-
cliffe College.
Under this plot, designed to banish
another bit of privacy from the lives
of college men, the girls are forced
to systematically report to their sis-
ters the results of every date.
It's all done with colored pencils.
"It's really very simple," one of
the college beautiful explained. "We
have to register anyway when we
return fr m a date, so now we do
it with dferent colored pencils."
Under the plan, the girl signs in
with the color of pencil that indi-
cates how satisfactory the evening's
entertainment was to her.
Bright red, for example, tells the
dormitory girls of a "perfectly swell
This new "date reporting" system
was devised, the girls say, because
they "simply must report the salient
features of dates if they expect to

share the big moments of their dor-
mitory pals."
Telling the story to all of a girl's
friends takes up a good part of a
college girl's morning, so something
had to be down, it is explained.
"Take green," one girl said. "An
entry in that color means a girl
had just a plain nice time-a date
with a Harvard man for instance
They usually average green."
Purple is tops. A report written in
purple means that the evening's ex-
perience was "too, too divine." The
official girl's definition is "all this
and heaven too.",
As for the other colors:
Brown means "just a job," doing
anything that takes up a night, but
isn't "exactly fun."
Yellow means "an utter flop."
Blue indicates an "ambulance."
This is dormitory terminology for a
plain walk.
Worker Is Injured
Injured yesterday afternoon when
the scaffolding upon which he was
standing collapsed, Marvin C. Land,
609 Lawrence, was released from St.
Joseph's Mercy Hospital after treat-
ment. Land was working on the con-
struction of the dormitories in the
Union group.


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