THE MICHIGAN DAILY THE MICHIGAN DAILY .: i- 7 13 1 Edited and managed by students of the University of Michigan under the authority of the Board in Control of $tudent Publications. Published every morning except Monday during the University year and Sumni r Session. Member of the associated Press The Associated Press is exclusively entitled to the. use for republication of all news dispatches credited to It or. not otherwise credited in this newspaper. All rights of republication of all other matters herein also reserved. Entered at the Post Office at Ann Arbor, Michigan, as second class mail matter. Subscriptions during regular school year by carrier, $4.00; by mail,-$4.50. REPRESENTED FOR NATIONAL ADVERTISING BY National Advertising Service, Inc. College Publishers Representative 420 MADIsoN AVE. NEw YORK, N. Y. CmNiCAO -O'STOf . Los ANGjLES -,SANi FRARCISCO Member, Associated, Collegiate Press, 1938-39 THE SCREEN j By HARVEV-SWADOS The Childhood O f F axim Gorky The Art Cinema League has done us another service in bringing The Childhood of -Maxim Gorky to the Lydia Mendelssohn. This picture is beyond doubt one of the finest films ever to have come out of the Soviet Union. That is say- ing a greatdeal, because the Soviet movie indus- try has been turning out the finest pictures in the world ever since those bad early days when they had nothing but a couple of hand crank. cameras, anda few feet of film. Things are different now, and with *all the modern equipment they are turning out pictures that nobody will forget. Naturally the finest thing about their movies is the acting. Gorky is no exception. This picture has no conventional plot, and you miss it for a while; the first few sequences are confusing. But once you have the feel of it, you see scene after scene of the most beautiful acting, the most subtle and moving camera work. Gorky was an orphan, and as a small boy he went to live with his grandparents and his uncles. A strange family-the grandfather sweet and gentle one moment, a roaring sadist the next, the grandmother a brave, warm-hearted, fable- spinning woman, the uncles sly, crafty morons. Gorky's childhood is unfolded with a warm and tender humanity by director Mark Donskoi; there is the same love for human beings, all kinds of human beings, that characterized Gorky theman's life and writing. There is the same hatred of oppression and the same love for free- dom. I cannot praise the acting highly enough. The grandparents in particular are magnificent. But I must draw attention to the direction. In one episode after another, you see the effect of people's actions, people's beliefs, upon the im- pressionable boy; time after time he is hiding in the corner, over the stove, behind grandma's skirts, under the bed, drinking it all in. You can; see the impact of the beatings, of the old employee going blind, of the gay, dancing young man beirg crushed under the cross, of the grand- father's sadism, on the boy Gorky, and you are seeing it through the boy's eyes, you are be- ginning to understand the motivations that drove the writer on to his work. Donskoi's use of the camera is splendidly simple. You cannot miss his constant use of simple groups of figures or of single figures against nothing more than the open sky, nor can you forget the white-beared old man gone blind, wandering in front of the burning house, his chalky face sharp against the flames. See this picture. Board Managing Editor . Editorial Director . City Editord Associate Editor. . Associate Editor . . Associate Editor Associate Editor Associate Editor, Associate Editor Bobk Editor. . Women's Editor Sports Editor . of Editors . Robert D. Mitchell Albert P. Maylo Horace W. Gilmore * Robert I. Fitzhenry S. R. Kleiman Robert Pernman *~ ~ a G ar ilman William Elvin Joseph Freedman . . Joseph Gies * . Dorothea Staebler . . Bud Benjamin Business Department Business Manager . Philip W. Bghen Credit Manager . . . . Leonard P. Siegelman Advertising Manager . . . William L. Newnan- Women's Business Manager - . Helen Jean Dean Women's Service Manager . . . Marian A. Baxter NIGHT EDITOR: NORMAN A. SCHORR The editorials published in The Michigan, Daily are written by members of the Dailys staff and represent the views of the writers only. Catholicism And The War In Spain. . e A LETTER to the editor printed in yesterday's Daily accuses us of an anti-Catholic viewpoint. "I am much disappoint- ed," the writer said, "by the sudden outbursts against Catholicism which have appeared in the editorials of your paper. Although very much in tune with the times, your attitude on, Catholicism is distasteful." The particular editorial to which the letter referred asked whether those Catholics who sup- port Franco in Spain do so in full knowledge of his policies, especially those in regard to Catholi- cism as a State religion. It quoted from an official publication of the Rebel government, proving that Franco's "devotion to the Catholic Church is based not upon a religious feeling, but upon the cynical belief that the Fascist State can use the Church for its own ends." The writ- er of the letter, a Catholic, quite evidently recog- nizes that true Catholics cannot support Franco, for he said, "it should not be construed . . . that American Catholics welcome a Fascist victory in Spain." But, going upon the assumption. that Loyalist Spain is communistic, he says the Catholic "does not have to take sides in the Spanish conflict. One looks askance to them both and after a fashion typically American." First, in regard to the supposed anti-Catholic attitude of the Daily, it is difficult to believe that anyone who has read this column regularly could claim that the Daily has ever attacked any race or religion. But a distinction must be drawn between an attack on a group, and an attack on the ideas expressed by some members of a group. A recent Gallup poll indicated that 40 per cent of the Catholics in America favor Franco. Certainly, it is hardly an attack upon Catholicism to point out that they are sadly mistaken. This was all the editorial in question attempted to do. But in addition it was directed to that group of Catholics, 30 per cent of the total, who believe with the writer of the letter, that they need not take sides on the Spanish question. The writer of, " the letter, however, confuses the issue when he, says, "The United States Government judged within its power by legislating the neutrality act; and that the degenerate consciences of less-idealistic nations has overpowered our legis- lation is a bit out of the way of America's busi- ness." The question of whether or not the. United States acted within its power has no relation to the question. The embargo allows Franco to obtain arms from the United States via Germany and Italy, but cuts off these neces- sary materials from the legitimate government. Obviously those who favor the embargo are help- ing Franco win his war. And, for this reason, Franco sympathizers have been campaigning strongly for its maintenance. There are, however, a few people who oppose fascism in Spain and yet honestly believe in the maintenance of the embargo for fear that we might be involved in war. This attitude is worth consideration. But consideration tells us that we will only become involved in an European war if American credit is extended, or if American ships are sunk, American sailors killed, or Ameri- can goods destroyed at sea. The Nye investiga- tion into America's entrance into the World War demnntated the truth of this statement. Yet Iif5em to Me Heywood Broun When the Daughters of the American Revolu- tion refused to permit Miss Marion Anderson to give a concert in Constitutional Hall in Wash- ington it seemed to me one of the most monstrous and stupid things which have .}zoccurred within America in years. And yet I wrote noth- ing about it. All I could say was that it was stupid and monstrous and a piece of that sort is merely a kind of holding-the-franchise col- umn. Moreover, as I grow more mellow and my arteries harden I am less interested in denunci- ation and more eager to find opportunities for affirmation. It seems to me the better way. Often a point can be more eloquently scored by pointing with pride than by viewing with alarm. And in the case of Miss Anderson the oppor- tunity for such a gesture is now wide open. The date refused to the great' contralto is April 9. On that day Marian Anderson should be heard not only by the citizens of Washington but by the nation. Already such an outstanding American artist as Jascha Heifetz has paid tribute to the genius of the singer against whom the doors of the D.A.R. are locked. She Is A Great Singer But let us forget the Daughters. It is p to some radio chain or musical organization to offer, and, indeed, to plead, with Miss Anderson to ao cept the facilities of a national hookup so that everyone in our nation can hear one of the most glorious voices now vital in the world. At such a celebration no mention should be made of the erring organization, and I do not think it is necessary to place any emphasis upon the fact that Miss Anderson is a Negro. The answer to the bigots both hereand abroad can be most eloquently expressed in her own singing voice. In the extraordinary notes within her range there are sounds which make the whole world kin. Surely there is nothing particularly radical in the notion that no frontiers of race or creed or nationality or color can be set up against the great and gifted of the world. I would go further than that, but here is a beginning, The statement that great art in music, writ- ing, painting, sculpture stands on its own seems obvious that it is amazing that dissent should enter. But there is official dissent abroad, and the heresy has come within our borders. To me it would seem most appropriate if some great German could be included in the program of tribute to Marian Anderson. Naturally the name of Thomas Mann comes to my mind. I grow! fretful of the lengths which hysteria here is approaching. Hatred of Hitler has spurred a few on the silliest sort of denunciation of all things German. No matter what the Nazis have done or may do, they are powerless to touch the integrity of true German culture. * * * Out Of Heart And Mind I hope I speak out of a rational point of view. But some emotion enters in since I am of Ger- man blood. My grandfather was not only Ger- man but a Prussian of the Prussians. He was a lavish host and put on big champagne supper parties in Brooklyn, and so he died before I was born. I have no notion whether or not we would have been companionable. But I refuse to admit that I am in some curious way tainted because I am a German-American once removed. At the Bund meeting I feared for awhile that it might be twice removed. Nevertheless and notwithstanding, let us on April 9 give an affirmative answer to the shoddy science of those in any land who talk tP tosh and nonsense of Aryanism. Let us put it on the positive side and let us listen while those who are beyond question among the great of America join with Marian Anderson in a cele- bration of the international unity of art and the artists. And to me it would seem'most fitting if Eleanor Roosevelt should act as chairman for this evening of fellowship and fraternity. Not SoFast, Gentlemen - The Republican National Committee is report- ed to be enthusiastically optimistic over pros- pects for the presidential election of 1940. En- couraged by the spotlight of popularity focused on Thomas E. Dewey, New York district attorney, the committee dopesters visualize him as presi- dential timber anti foresee certain victory. With no intent to disparage. Dewey, we sub- mit that not all of the committee's reasoning will bear scrutiny. Michigan, for example, is chalked up as "definitely Republican." It would be more accurate to say that Michigan's Republi- can administration is "definitely on trial." There was a time when the people of Michi- gan just looked for the picture of Abraham Lincoln on the ballot and voted straight. That was when Michigan was "definitely" Republican. But they aren't voting for pictures any more. They think more about principles. There are two results the people expect their State government to get: Progress toward a genuine merit system in civil service,, and. eco- nomy in State administration. A party majority that ignores these public demands is by no means sure of reelection. -The Detroit News Don't Yell - Influenza oL What's Sattee -'* THE SEEING EYE, Inc., will be dis- tinctly displeased with this item, but sentiment for a truly noble or- ganization shouldn't prevent the ex- pose of a rebel within its ranks. We were standing at the side entrance of the Union the other day when through the door plunged a big harnessed dog, pulling his blipd master behind him. The tolerant old gentleman cooed quietly to the animal as it jumped and barked and disported itself very unlike the trained friend it has been painted. Evidently the blind man was waiting for an automobile to pick him up, but the dog, impatient and irascible, continued to harrass his sightless master by straining at the leash, almost upsetting the trusting gentleman with its rambunctious be- havior. There comes a time in every man's life when irritation exceeds patience, and the tyranny in his soul manifests itself. This was it. Dispensing with dignity for the nonce, the man ad- dressed the dog yin language which the comic strip artists disguise in this manner: "Y4@K%*!" The dog responded with an ugly snarl, whereupon the blind man drew back his right leg and booted the dog in. the slats. When the car finally pulled up to the curb, the battle was still raging. But we suspect that some 'of the faith in this world had been de- stroyed in the melee. CARTOON OF THE WEEK: The New York Times' reprint of G. White's (Tampa Tribune) "take-off" of the Nazi rally in New York re- cently. The picture depicts a uni- formed American addressing an out- raged Nazi official (with swastika armband, moustache and look of hor- ror on his face): "My names is Jones of the U.S.A. I'dlike permission to open a camp in YOUR country teach- ing American principles and democratic government, similar to your bunds in OUR country." The foremost Nazi in the cartoon. has leaped to his feet, indignant to the marrow, his hair on end, crying: "What!" Behind him a be-medalled lieutenant clamps his hands over his eyes and groans: "Ach Himmel!" A third official, his presence of mind undisturbed by this unprecedented, brash request, shouts for the guards. And into the room charges a battalion. of bayonetted storm troopers, the spir- it of liquidation unmistakably regis- tered on their faces. Asks White in his caption: "Well, Why Not?" THE TERM "rat race has a variety of connotations, we know, but the Phi Gam frat club, directed by that eminent hurdler, E. Gedeon, has its own version. Despite Prof. Maier's experiments indicating a connection between rodent and human behavior, the Phi Gams haven't yet reached the point where they are willing to accept the quadruped as one of them. So of an evening, when the small-. talk exhausts itself, the boys organize posses for the annihilation of tle furry trespassers. They sneak into the darkened kitchen, armed with sticks and empty milk bottles, and at a given signal, the lights go on and the big putsch begins. One of the lads claims to have swatted down seven of them in one meeting. n x I Magic ord .. OFF THE CUFF: In his excellent book, "Lords of the Press, George Seldes illustrates the license assumed by the press by relating how George Bernard Shaw, leaving the hall after a lecture, was accosted by a blind man and his tin cup . . . Shaw uttered those magic words "Press and pro- ceeded unshorn along his way . . Professionalism has invaded the ranks of Michigan athletes, tsk, tsk . . . On the heels of Jack Brennan's an- nouncement of signing with the Green Bay Packers, Don Siegel gives pro boxing the fling ...Can it be that the Wolverines, frustrated by four years of "amateurism,"- have "j'ined up" as a compensatory fillip. Trivia, etc. . . That repudiated sportswriter, whose name we shan't dignify by mentioning (but who coughed up cigarette butts at a track -meet the other night, although he claimed what really happened was that a lung collapsed), was such an accurate sports reporter in his day that he had Andy Uram, a runt, play- ing first base for Minnesota two years ag6 . . . Uram was, of course, a third baseman, but the so-called "sports writer" never could get it straight which was third and which was first . Also we can hold naught but ad- miration for a lad, no matter how inaccurate, whose imagination can conjure up the picture of S. Terry stealing second base . . . As for the exaggerated altercation with Uram, the aforementioned Brennan, who will DAILY OFFICIAL BULLETIN Publication in the Bulletin is constructive notice to all members of the University. Copy received at the office of the Assistant to the President until 3*30 PM.: 11:00 AM. on Saturday. The Editor Gets Told FRDAY, MARCH 3, 1939 i VOL. XLIX. No. 10$ Notices Faculty Tea: President and Mrs. t Ruthven will be at home to faculty' members and residents of Ann Arbor Sunday from 4 to 6 pm.. Faculty of the College of Litera-F ture, Science, and the Arts: The fifth t regular meeting of the faculty of thei College of Literature, Science, and C the Arts for the academic session ofT 1938-39 will be held in Room 1025 An- L gell Hall, March 6, 1939, at 4:10 p.m. t Agendap 1. Adoption of the minutes of the meeting of Feb. 6, 1939 which have been distributed by campus mail. 2. Discussion of reports submitted with this call to the meeting. a. Executive Committee prepareds by Prof. Warner G. Rice. b. Executive Board of the Gradu-n ate School, prepared by Prof. FloydF E. Bartell. c. Senate Advisory Committee ont University Affairs, prepared by Prof. Arthur S. Aiton. d. Deans' Conference, prepared by' Dean Edward H. Kraus e. Copy of letter from Assistant Registrar Williams to Dean Kraus. 3. New business. First Mortgage Loans: The Univer-n sity has a limited amount of fundsn to loan on modernwell-located Ann Arbor residential property. Interestv at current rates. Apply Investmentn Office, Room 100, South Wing, University Hall. '' Apparatus Exchange: The Regents at their meing in Maren, 1927, au- thorized an arrangement for tme salep of scientific appratus by one de-F partment to another, the proceeds ofp the sale to be credited to the budgetF account of the department from p which the apparatus is transferred. ' Departments having apparatus which is not in active (use are advised k to send description thereof to the o University Chemistry Store, of which a Prof. R. J. Carney is director. The s Chemistry store headquarters are in Room 223 Chemistry Building. An effort will be made to sell the ap- w paratus to other departments which e are likely to be able to use it. In n some instances the apparatus may be w sent to the University Chemistry i store on consignment and if it is not a sold within a reasonable time, it will be returned to the department from which it was received. The object of this arrangement is to promote a economy by reducing the amount of 9 unused apparatus. It is hoped that departments having such apparatus will realize the advantage to them- h selves and to the University in avail- d ing themselves of this opportunity. v Shirley W. Smith. i w Engineering and East Engineering Libraries: Beginning March 4 and on every Saturday thereafter for the du- ration of the second semester the libraries will be open from 1-5 p.m.J in addition to the schedule previously F maintained. Funds for this purpose have been made available by the En-s gineering Council. Kothe-Hildner Prize in German:s Two prizes, of $30 and $20 respec- tively will be awarded to students taking German 32 in a translation competition (German-English and English-German) to be held the lat- ter part of March. Students whor wish to compete and who have nott yet handed in their applications6 should do so immediately and obtain final directions. . Academic Notices School of Education Students, Changes of Elections: No course may be elected for credit after Saturday, March 4. Students enrolled in thist school must report all changes of elec- Y tions at the Registrar's Office, Room 4, University Hall. Membership in a class does noti cease nor begin until all changes have been thus officially registered. Ar- rangements made with the instruc- tors are not official changes. Sociology 54, discussion section 1, meeting in 225 Ahgell Hall, Friday at 11, will transfer to 18 Angell Hall be- ginning this Friday. Economics 54: Make-up final will be held in Room 207 Ec. on Friday, March 10, at 2:30 p.m. Please in- form Professor Peterson of your in - tention to take this examination. Recreational Leadership: The class is to dress for activity.' Exhibitions Exhibition, College of Architecture: Photographs and drawings of Mich- igan's historic old houses made dur- ng the recent Historical American Buildings Survey are being shown, through the courtesy of the J. L. Hud- son Company of Detroit. Third Floor Exhibition Room, Architectural Bldg., through March 11. Open daily, 9 to 5. The public is cordially invited. Lectures University Lecture: Dr. P. Sargent Florence, Professor of Commerce at the University of Birmingham, Eng- land, will lecture on "The British Cooperative Movement" at 4:15 p.m., Thursday, March 16, in the Rackham Lecture Hall, under the auspices of the Department of Economics. The public is cordially invited. Events Today International Center: (1) We have been fortunate in securing Mr. Conway Magee, winner of the 1939 Detroit Bridge Tourna- ment, to conduct a class in bridge for beginners as a part of the regular Friday evening Recreation Night at the International Center. The class will begin promptly at 8:15 this Fri- day evening. As in the case of all services at the Center there is no registration fee. (2) The monthly Intramural Sports Night for students at the Internation- al Center will be held this Saturday, March 8, at 8. o'clock, at the Intra- mural building. Badminton, swim- mning, handball, codeball, indoor golf, squash, shuffleboard, and ping pong will be available. Both men and women are invited. Students will meet at the Center at 7:45 and go down to the Intramural Building to- gether. Suomi Club: The recently-elected president of the Suomi Club, Edna E8;andelin, '39, cordially invites all Finnish students to participatein a program of social activities at Lane Hall this evening at 8 p.m. The vice- president, Toivo Liimatainen, is chair- man of the evening's festivities, which naturally include the proverbial Fin- nish "kahvitarjoilu." Mrs. Reino Ta- :ala is the present secretary of the rganization, which is particularly nxious to reach the new incoming tudents of Finnish descent. Bowling Exhibition: Andy Varipapa, world famous bowler, will give a free exhibition of trick shots this eve- ning at 7:30 at the Union alleys. He will also give free instructions at 2:30 n the afternoon on Friday, Saturday and Sunday. Stalker Hall: Class in "Through the New Testament led by Dr. Brashres t the Church at 7:30 p.m. Party at 9 o'clock. Congregational Student Fellowship has cancelled the sleigh-ride for to- day, and instead will accept the in- vitation of the Presbyterian Westmin- ster Guild to their country dance. We will meet at Pilgrim Hall at 8:45 p.m. Friday Evening Services: Reform services will be held tonight at 8 p.m. at the Hillel Foundation. Dr. Isaac Rabinowitz will speak on "The Arab- Jewish Parleys in London." Mrs. Hirsch Hootkins will be hostess at the social following the services. Hillel Sunday Supper: Reservations should be made today at the Founda- tion office. Coming Events Faculty, School of Education: The regular luncheon meeting of the Fac- ulty will be held Monday noon, March 6, 12:15, at the Michigan Union. The Graduate Outing Club will meet Saturday evening, March 4, at 6:30 p.m. atrthe corner of State and Packard Streets to attend the as- ketball game. At 9:30, following the game, they will start from the northwest door of the Rackham Building and go for a moonlight hike to Geddes Lake. Later refreshments will be served in the club room. All graduate students are invited. The Bibliophiles will hold their next meeting Tuesday, March 7, at 2:30 at the home of Mrs. James Rett- ger, 513 Oswego Street. Tap Dancing: A beginning class in tap dancing will be offered to men anid women students. Organization meeting Monday, March 7, at 4:30 p.m. in Barbour Gymnasium, Room 15. 1Hillel Foundation: There will be a meeting of old members of and try- outs for the Hillel News Business staff Saturday at 2 p.m. at the 'Hillel Foundation. Alpha Phi Alpha fraternity will hold its first March meeting on Monday, March 6, 1939, at 9 p.m. in the Michi- gan Union. The room number will be posted on the Union bulletin board. Good Friday To the Editor: At a meeting of the Executive Council of the Newman Club of the University of Michigan on Tuesday, Feb. 21, the following resolution was voted: Resolved,, That the University of Michigan Christian students should be formally excused from classes to observe the Three Hours on Good Friday. We believe that a little explanation is in order. The "Three Hours" referred to are- the hours from noon until 3 p.m. on the afternoon of Good Friday, which this year falls on April 7. It is during these hours that Christ, the Found- er of the Christian religion, was hanging on the cross at Calvary. These hours are the most solemn of the ecclesiastical year, and the devo- tion shown by Christians during them is exceed- ingly profound. It is the one time of the year when Christians take time off from all other distractions, and concentrate on the life of Christ, with special emphasis on its bitter end. With these thoughts in mind, we hereby re- quest the President of the University to honor this resolution by officially excusing from com- pulsory class attendance the Christian students enrolled in the University. The Newman Club Norbert Winn, '39F&C Corresponding Secretary create a "Red" scare and seize power them- selves. When the revolt broke out in 1936, the Rebels were acting with the aid of Italian Fas- cists, utilizing Italian planes, but not one mem- ber of the Cabinet of Spain was a Communist. There were 16 Communist representatives in the Spanish Parliament out of a total of more than 500. Spanish relations with the Soviet Union were in such bad state that passports issued in - July, 1936, were stamped "not good for the U.S.S.R." In fact, it has been definitely estab- lished, that the first Russian aid to the Spanish government arrived many months after the war broke out and the fascists were well supplied. with Italian planes, munitions and troops and German planes and technicians. There was and. is, however, a progressive-government in Madrid, a government hardly more radical than the, New Deal. And a successful progressive movement always stirs up reaction among privileged groups. With more than 90 percent of the Spanish people Catholic, it is evident that the issue in Spain is not Catholicism any more than it is communism. except that in Franco Snain "no E