erts Meet
Publication in the Bulletin is constructive notice to all members of the University.
Copy received at the office of the Assistant to the President until 3:30 P.M;
11:00 A.M. on Saturday.
For Discussion
Road Financing Is Topic
Of 25th Conference At
Union Tomorrow
More than 700 State, county and
local highway administrators arWd
highway engineers are expected to at-
tend the 25th annual Michigan High-
way Conference which will begin at
10 a.m. tomorrow in the Union.
The three-day meeting is being
sponsored by the engineering college
in cooperation with the State High-
way Department and the Michigan
Association of Road Commissioners
and Engineers.
Financing Is Theme
The financial problems involved
in highway construction will be the
principal theme of the eight sessions
into which the conference will be
divided, Prof. Roger L. Morrison of
the highway engineering department,
said -yesterday. The State' finances
will be discussed by Deputy Com-
missioner G. Donald Kennedy at to-
morrow's morning meeting and -R.
H. Harrison,rassistant district engi-
neer of the U. S. Bureau of Public
Roads, will talk on federal partici-
pation in State and County 'Highway
finance. Professor Morrison will pre-
An address by Governor Fitzgerald
at the conference, which. was an-
nounced previously, remains doubtful
since he has not indicated definitely
whether he will attend.
Illustrated Talk Wednesday j
.V. B. Steinbaugh, consulting engi-
neer of the State Highway. Depart-
ment, will present an illustrated talk
on the Blue Water Bridge at Wednes-
day afternoon's session, in addition
to studies of the Secondary Federal
Aid Prograrm by Charles E.. Hayes,
of the State Highway Department,
and Allan Williams of Ionia County.
Other features of the conference
will be a discussion of Modern Syn-
thetics Thursday by Ernest L. Foss,
of General Motors, and a talk on
"Black Top" surfaces for roads by
E. L. Roettiger, of the Wisconsin
Highway Department.
Canadian Scientist,
Ex-Professor, Dies
According to word received here
last week Dr. J. Playfair McMurrich,
one of Canada's most distinguished
scientists and a former member of
the University Medical School, died
at Toronto after a brief illness. He
Bahai Speaker
Lectures Here
On Thursday
Barbara Tinker Praises Chines
After Recent Trip In War Z
(Continued from Page 4)
.he Existence and Nature of God will
:e held at Lane Hall, eight o'clock
onight. Mr. Kenneth Morgan will
ead a discussion on "The Problem of
The Hiawatha Club will hold an
important business meeting tonight
at 8 o'clock in the Union. All mem-
bers are urged to be present.
Scandinavian Club to hold a Valen-
tine's Party tonight at 8 in Lane Hall
Spanish Play'Tryouts: La Sociedad
Hispanica will present Martinez Sier-
ra's "Sueno de una noche de Agosto"
on April 4. Any student may try for
a part. Tryouts will be held at 3
p.m. in Room 302 R.L. on Tuesday,
Feb. 14, and on Wednesday, Feb. 15.
Faculty Women's Club: The play
reading section will meet this after-
noon, Feb. 14, at 2:15 p.m. in the
Mary B. Henderson Room of the
Michigan League.
Newman Club Executive Council
will meet at 4 p.m. today at St. Mary's
Student Chapel. Attendance is com-
Coming Events
International Center:
1. Special attention is called to
the two classes in spoken English un-
der the direction of the Speech Clinic
to be held Tuesday and Thursday
evenings from 7 to 8 o'clock. Foreign
students who have found themselves
handicapped in their work by their
difficulties with English or students
who wish to improve their pronunci-
ation are urged to take advantage of
this opportunity provided f r e e
through the generous cooperation of
Dr. Muyskens and his staff. The first
class meets tonight, Tuesday, Feb. 14.
2. The usual tea Thursday after-
noon at 4, and Recreation Night Fri-,
day evening from eight to twelve, was 79 years old.
The bridge tournament is to start Dr. McMurrich was professor of
this Friday evening, and a class is anatomy in theUniversity from 1894
promised for beginners who want to to 1907 and director of the anatomic-
learn to play laboratory from 1898 to 1907. He
3. Two new features are provided taught anatomy at the University of
in the Intramural Sports Night Sat- Tcronto until his retirement in 1930,
urday evening at the Intramural and was dean of the graduate school
Building and the Music Hour from there for eight years.
two to five Saturday afternoon at the He was given the honorary degree
Center. of doctor of laws by the University in
4. Next Sunday at 7 o'clock, fol- connection with the diamond jubilee
lowing the regular supper, Dr. Clover celebration in 1912, and held other
is to give her thrilling account of her degrees from the University of To-
trip down the Colorado River, illus- rcnto, Johns Hopkins University and
trated by her remarkable moving pic- the University of Cincinnati.
The English Journal Club will meet
Thursday evening, Feb. 16 at 8 o'clock
in the West Conference Room of the
Rackham Building. Dr. H. T. PriceI
will speak on "The Methods of Tex-
tual Criticism. Faculty members and
graduate students are invited to at-
Women Debaters: All women in-
terested in intercollegiate or intra-
mural debating during the semester
are urged to be present at a meeting
in Room 3209 Angell Hall Wednesday,
Feb. 15, at 4 p.m.
Graduate Luncheon: There will be
a graduate luncheon, Wednesday,
Feb. 15, in the Russian tea room of
the League at 12 noon, cafeteria style.
Professor Howard Ehrmann of the
History Department will give an in-
formal talk on "Colonial Aspirations
of Fascist Italy." All graduate stu-
dents are cordially invited.
Varsity Debate: There will be a
meeting of all men interested in sec-
ond semester Varsity debate in Room
4203 A.H., 4 o'clock Wednesday, Feb.
Tau Beta Pi will have a sleigh ride
and party on Friday, Feb. 17. The ride
will start from the Union at 8 p.m.
and further particulars will be found
on the Mechanical Engineering bulle-
Deutscher Verein Meets
To Plan Spring Activity
The Deutscher Verein will hold its
first meeting of the semester at 8
p.m. today in the League. The eve-
ning's entertainment will feature
German folk songs and dancing and
the program for the coming months
will be outlined with special emphasis
on the play which is an annual spring
activity of the Verein.
tin board. Members are asked to sign
there by Wednesday.
The first class in beginning social
dancing will meet in the League Ball-
room at 7:30 on Feb. 21. There will
be further notice about the inter-
The Interior Decoration Group of
the Faculty Women's Club will meet
at three o'clock on Thursday after-
noon in the Michigan League Build-
ing. Professor Harlow 0. Whitte-
more, Chairman of the Landscape
Design Department, will give an il-
lustrated lecture regarding "Land-
scape Gardening on the Home
Grand Illusion: Tickets for this
prize film will go on sale Wednesday
at the Mendelssohn box office. Call
6300. Saturday matinee at 2:30 p.m.
Mrs. Moffett To Show'
Pictures Of 'Universal
House Of Worship'
Mrs. Robert Lee Moffett of Chicago,
Ill., Baha'i lecturer and teacher, will
talk on "A Universal Hous, of Wor-
ship; Its Beauty and Meaning" at
8 p.m. Thursday at the League.
Pictures of the Baha'i House of
Worship now being finished at Wil-
mette, Ill., will be shown for the first
time in Ann Arbor. The beauty and
symbolism of this buildingehas at-
tracted attention of architects and
artists throughout the country.
Mrs. Moffett has travelled exten-
sively in Europe and the Near East
and now devotes her time to lecturing
on international relations, universal
religion and world unity. For four
years she was secretary of the Inter-
national Relations Department of the
Illinois Federation of Woman's Clubs
and for some time field secretary of
the World Unity Foundation of
New York. She has also studied world
affairs at the League of Nations
School in Geneva, Switzerland.
If Barbara Tinker, Grad., of the
anthropology museum, had suspected
that two years of air raid alarms,
planic-stricken refugees and over-
bearing Japanese soldiers awaited her
in China, she would never have cho-
sen to go there in November, 1936.
At least that is what she says now.
Miss Tinker went to stay one yearI
in China 'collecting antique pottery
and textiles but two years passed
before she was able to complete her
Before the war broke out, in July,
1937, Miss Tinker lived with a Chin-
ese family who had adopted none of
the western customs, so she had to
learn to speak Chinese in order to
make her wants known,
On the event of the war, she de-
cided to accept an offer to do research
at a museum in Chentu, Ssu-Chuan,
some 1500 miles into the interior. She
3 hurried out of Peiping two hours be-
fore the railroad was wombed, cut-
ting the city off from the rest of the
She was told that the first lap of
her trip would take two weeks by bus,
but with the outbreak of the war it
actually took two and one half
months. Part of the way she walked;
1 part she traveled by ox-cart, junk
and huakan, a kind of sedan chair.
Aftertstanding forty eight hours on
the platform of a train srowded with
war refugees, she arrived in Sianfu,
capital of Shensi, the town where
Gen Chiang Kai-Shek was ikdnap-
ped. Miss Tinker discovered that she
had walked into a hotbed of trouble
and intrigue, and she had committed
the dangerous error of having an
unused Japanese visa in her pass-
port. In those troublous times this
alone was enough to cause her arrest
on suspicion of espionage. Five days,
in a Chinese jail ensued before the
and she was released to continue her
journey. She harbors no grudge
against the Chinese, however, say-
ing that it was merely a natural re-
sult of venturing into the war-zone.
The delay she termed, mildly enough,
a "nuisance."
A new difficulty presented itself
then; high in the mountains, 100niles
away from any English or Americ
she ran out of money. Since Pei
was cut off by the army, she was
able to send for more. Only by
assistance of a friendly Chinese
men and a peddler who loaned he
month's wages of three dollars,
she able to go on. Finally she arr
at her destination. For five mo
she remained at the universit:
Chengtu. At first the war seemec
away, but when Nanking fell,
people began making feverish pr
rations to escape farther up the r
Miss Tinker decided she had
Since the regular railroad had
boombed, she was forced to go o
land by bus through Kwechov
province against which foreig
are warned because of the dar
from bandits. The buses wer(
crowded with refugees that no sc
ules were kept, and Miss Tinker
forced to wait at each station v
twelve suitcases filled with mat
she had collected arrived one by
In Chungking, the present ca
of China, she had her first tast
an air-raid. At the time the fun
procession of the governor of the
vince streched for more thar
mile through the street. No air
shelters had been constructed
cause the city is built on rock. T
was nothing for the people to do
await their fate. The courage of
Chinese, Miss 'Tinker says, was
hibited then as itehas been n
times; not one members of the
cession ran for shelter, but, aft
moment's hesitation, they resu
their slow progress down the st
a perfect target for enemy pla
Fortunately, the Chinese planes
back the invaderĀ§, and the city
spared from the bombs.
On the way to Hongkong,
Tinker was again impressed with
courage of the Chinese fisher.
who continued to ply their trade
though they knew that detectior
the enemy meant that th".ey woulc
machine-gunned by the warships
After two years In the war 2
Miss Tinker was "quite relieved
return to the United States. At :
sent she is engagedin the Univer
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