S' s THE MICHIGAN DAILY PAGE FIVE Knight %Pate I By MARIANNE The merry pace is still on . . with all the novelty of "the first week back" still beaming here and there . . . and a most fitting climax was reached with a grand and glorious week-end ... knights and dates were cele- brating everything from our moral victory to that prospective pledge they think so securely "sewed up" . .. There didn't seem to be a single lull .. . unless 'twas these few silent moments after Michigan State hal its man over Foreign Group To Be Honored By President To Ilol dAnnual ReceptionI Tomorrow; C. D. Hurrey To Be Guest Of Honor Two-Way Coats Are In \s7 Two Assembly Meetings Held; TeaAnnounced Explaining Of Petitioning And Interviewing Given By Helen Jesperson the line for that final touchdown . . . but even that wasn't for long and More than 300 invitations have you can bet your bottom dollar we'll all be back again with the same old for foreign students, given by the enthusiasm . . . when Minnesota comes to town. president of the University, which will be held at 8 p.m. tomorrow in the Needle In A Haystack . . . League, according to Prof. J. Raleigh Seventy-five thousand people is no small estimate of the crowd that Nelson, counselor to foreign students. stormed the stadium Saturday . . . if you were looking for a friend in all The reception has been planned to give foreign students an opportunity that mob . .. no doubt you can understand that in the full sense of the to meet the president, and deans of phrase . .. we did see several people among the throngs that were braving their respective colleges as well as the mists and keeping their fingers crossed for a more pleasant turn of academic advisers and representatives weather . . . Alice Bassett and Priscilla Abbott (saving their curls beneath of various American young people's gay peasant scarfs) were talking with Reed Alexander before the kickoff . . organizations. Erla Dodge and Frank Edgar were also there cheering for our comeback . . Those who will be in the receiving and we saw Elise Reeder with Dick Stroud trying to make their way through line will include Vice-president and the crowds to their seats . .. Nancy Stonington, Jane Lord and Joan Mathi. Mrs. Clarence S. Yoakum, who will eson were all pulling rain coats closer around them as the mist kept coming . .. Ruth Sawyer and Doug Gregory were having much fun with Michigan State friends . . Barb Lovell and Frances Carney were among other loyal supporters who had lots of pep and enthusiasm ... speaking of enthusiasms, Ruth; Jacobson, Harry Block, Zelda Dairs and Jerry Dick were a bit over-anxious . . . and found themselves in difficulties . .. The spirit was super and we take our hats off to Revelli and that display of some of the finest formations we ever saw . . . There were cer- 1 tainly no tears shed after the game (although there may have been plenty the evening before, after a few unpleasant incidents) . . . and there's lots in store from that football team . . . you can tell by the opening game and1 some of the season's promising players . . . and here's hoping we can turn: out another 75,000 at Northwestern next week-end ... receive in the absence of President and Mrs. Ruthven, Dean and Mrs. Joseph Bursley, Dean Alice Lloyd and Professor and Mrs. Nelson. Deans of the various colleges will receive their students in the Grand Rapids Room and the Ethel Fountain Hussey Room of the League. Charles D. Hurrey, general secre- tary of the committee on friendly re- lations among foreign students, will be the guest of honor. He is coming from New York to confer with Univer- sity authorities on problems which Chinese students must meet because of the present war in China. Refreshments will be served, and decorations will be furnished by the Announcement of the first under- graduate tea of the League was made y and further information concerning petitioning for positions on the As- sembly board was given by Helen Jes- person, '38, president of Assembly, at two meetings of the independent women's organization yesterday. The tea will be given for all under- ;f graduate women Friday, Oct. 22, in a /the League Ballroom, and Charlie Zwick's nine-piece band is to furnish the music, according to Betty Gat- ward, '38, social chairman of the a League. Thefirst meeting was held at 5 I p.m. yesterday for league house rep- resentatives and the second, at 7:30 p.m. for dormitory presidents. Miss Jesperson explained about the petitioning and interviewing for the 40 positions on the Assembly board open to non-affiliated women. Peti- Reversible topcoats will solve the tioning will be held today and to- wrap prblem on days when the morrow in the Undergraduate Office weatris obtful. ade ofe bof the League. Petition blanks will weatherisdobtfuega be available in the outer office, and ardine on one side, they will servej as raincoats; when worn the other applicants are to fill them out and way, they are smart looking sport put them in the box provided for coats. them, Miss Jesperson stated. IInterviewing is to begin from 3 to 5 p.m. Thursday, and will continue -envOak Seaon Friday at the same hours, in the New Dance Season Council Room of the Undergraduate Commencesrfoday Office, said Miss Jesperson. Y Announcement will be made next week of the names of those who are The new season of League dancing to fill the 40 positions. The first classes will begin at 7 pm. today in meeting of the new Assembly board the League ballroom. These lessons will be Monday, Oct. 11, according are offered in a series of eight for $3. to Miss Jesperson. Girls who enjoy dancing are invited by Jean McConkey.'38, vice-president of the League, who is in charge of the Phalen, W hite classes, to assist. The classes at 7 p.m. will be held for beginners; thcse at 8:15 p.m., for the intermediate rrie Ie group. The classes are under the direction Betrothal Told of Douglas Gregory, '39, who has been recognized as a dancer. This summer .T.O.'s And D.K.E.'s Play Host. . . University greenhouses. After the game the A.T.O.'s and D.K.E.'s had guests back to the house (P s for a bit of a social hour.. . at the Deke house Mary Lavan and Hi Collins karnegiePresents were talking it over with Mary Irwin and Ted Grace.. . Katharine Mead and *fn ToU Richard Wangeling were here and there at the A.T.O. house . . . and Ucssyryniversity Nancy Gossard, Harry Clark, Nancy Saibert and Ted lrazer were talking with friends between dances . . . Given to the University by the There were, no doubt, more people in our fair city after the game Carnegie Foundation, an electrical 1victrola and a collection of classical than we've seen in many long months .. . traffic jams, no taxis, congested records will be placed in the League restaurants and everything else that sounds like mobs .. . were causing much some time this semester, according to excitement . . . freshmen were scurrying to rushing dinners, parents were Hope Hartwig, '38, president of the looking for sons and daughters, and alums were greeting old friends . . H League. (from way back when Michigan was really "somethin' ") . . . So come The gift is one of several made Saturday night 'and we were all ready for the first football dance of the throughout the United States by the year . . . every place in town was packed . .. the League was filled with en- Foundation to foster an interest in thusiasm (proof of this statement: you should have heard Bob Kenning good music. When the machine ar- lead a cheer after Charlie Zwick's college medley and the response it rives, it will be placed in a special brought) . . . we saw Mary Skinner and Herb Gibbs standing with Jean C room in the League, and there will Geyer listening to the music . . . Saturday was a big night at the Union, probably be a special operator for it, too . . . what with the All-State dance . . . Jean Smith and Waldo Abbott Miss Hartwig stated. Students will were talking with Don Siegel ... and the high spot of the evening was the stated times, and it will be also used Big Apple that some one started and all joined in ...t to provide music for special occasions. DON'T WAIT FOR A DOWNPOUR !! Dew! NELLO-S EEN -Matci2g - Raincoat $5.00 Umbrella- $2.95 MELLO-SHEEN*-A wonderful new featherweight material made of Pure Silk, beautiful finish. r Contains no rubber @ No odor. * Waterproof 0 Fast Color. * Will not stick, peel or harden. * Easily cleaned with damp cloth. * Not affected by heat or cold. " Tested and Certified. Raincoats well tailored. White and all popular colors. Umbrellas to match, sturdy 16. rib frames. 0 ONANOFF DETACHABLE HANDLES. *REG. U. U. PAT. OFP. NO. 392,547 " Other Oiled Silk Raincoats at $3.95 * Umbrellas at $1.95 U. S.Pat. No. 2,082,106 YEL L New way of burning tobacco -better, cooler, cleaner. Car. buretor-Action cools smoke. Keeps bottom of bowl absolutely dry. Caked with honey. At dealers' now. UPDRAFT LATEST DISCOVERY IN PIPES rm -mm p -- -- A Complete and Select Stock of PARKER PENS - at O.D .MORRILL 314 South State Marie Sawyer, '38, and Gregory had On the social calendars of former a professional audition in the Rain- students there appear the announce- bow Room, Radio City. Miss Sawyer j ments of a wedding and an engage- and Gregory will give an exhibition ment. dance at the first meeting of the class. Margaret Phalen, daughter of Mr. According to Miss McConkey these and Mrs. J. Thomas Phalen of Erie, classes were organized to give stu- Pa., and W. Stoddard White of De- dents an opportunity to learn to troit, son of Mr. and Mrs. Lee A. dance, or to improve their dancing 'White of Birmingham, were married by learning news steps. Saturday in the Rectory of the Ca- thedral -in Erie. F A graduate of the class of 1935, Wom en To Fie Mrs. White was a member of The Daily staff for three years. She was also publicity chairman of the LeagueI For Com m ittee durig"hersenir":ea". Her flaII tions were with Theta Phi Alpha sor- Jo P*P osts ority and Theta Sigma Phi, national journalism society. Mr. White was a Daily staff mem- Petitioning for committees for the ber for two years and a member of 1938 Junior Girls Play will be held Sigma Delta Chi fraternity and Alpha today and tomorrow, according to Epsilon Mu. Roberta Chissus, '39, general chair- Virginia Carol Allmand, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. John T. Allmand, man. The petitions can be obtained and Erwin H. Hass, son of Mrs. Otto in the Undergraduate Office of the C. Hass of Detroit, will be married at League, and a box will be placed 8:30 p.m. today at St. Joseph's Epis- there to hold the completed blanks. copal Church in Detroit. The bride- elect was a former student of the Interviewing by Judiciary Council University where she belonged to will not be necessary for committee Gamma Phi Beta sorority. positions, but chairmen of the various Miss Allmand's maid-of-honor will committees may interview the appli- be a sorority sister, Mary Earnshaw, cants. The committees are music, who graduated from the University in tickets, finance, ushers, makeup, cos- '35. Among the bridesmaids will be tumes, publicity, dance, properties Betty Roberts, also a members of and programs. Gamma Phi Beta, who attended the The music committee will take care University for two years. of the composition of music for the Mr. Haas graduated from the De- play, and the costume committee will troit School of Law in 1935. Following plan and help make the costumes. the ceremony, a reception will be held Members of the finance committee in Grosse Pointe. will be in charge of collecting money New Short Skirts , EMAD ! Increase Demand -NT AFor Smart Hosiery _NTI There's many a college miss who is fearful these days because skirts WEEDS . . . woven tra- are going up, up and up to fifteen mill that duplicates even inches from the floor, and hosiery has come into its own again. mate, and tailored with su- Something very different in the fall under the eye of a master assortment of hose in a shade that se ageless classics will hold goes well with that new black evening fdress (uneven hemline), is the new d lovely colors to a ripe old I Sherry tone. It is very sheer and has ver lending to you an air-of a strange purplish cast. Then, too, istinction. there's the Iridescent shade. In the daytime it's a deep copper; at night it changes to red. ZINCESSE REEFER . . . Copper, so popular this summer, beautifully fitted it makes has deepened a bit for fall and is reed-like. Young single just the thing for those afternoon dresses. Chippondale is the newest e, seamed from shoulder to and perhaps the most sensational. It ifully lined and interlined. is deeper than copper, being more a $45.00 mahogany red. Something really rev- olutional is the distinct beaver brown W CASUAL COAT.. . gayly shade intended to be worn with ight red plaid ...with this bla ck. i rFurthermore, the heels of the hose raight back, and clean cut aIe going up along with the dresses. rikingly outlined. Fiench heels and v-shaped heels are !4.0being shown in Vogue. $49.tl i r Mmmw _ _ KENWOOD TII WITH AN ENGLISH ACCE 4. # r < 2 bt4: < : : Q KENWOOD TS ditionally in a the English cli perb 'perfection designer. The their shape an V age ev ( well-dressed d: Left . . . PR so slim and your figure breasted styl hem. Beaut Right.. . NE lined with br year's slim, st shoulders sti 11 './. 7 Other Kenwood Topcoats .$35.00 HEM II $35.00