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October 05, 1937 - Image 4

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The Michigan Daily, 1937-10-05

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NationalAdvertisingService, Ic.
College Publishers Representative
Board of Editors
William Spaller Robert Weeks Irvin Lisagor
Helen Douglas
NIGHT EDITORS:Harold Garn, Joseph Gies, Earl R.
Gilman, Horace Gilmore, S. R. Kleiman,'Edward Mag-
dol, Albert Mayo, Robert Mitchell, Robert Perlman
and Roy Sizemore.
SPORTS DEPARTMENT: Irvin Lisagor, chairman; Betsy
Anderson, Art Baldauf, Bud Benjamin, Stewart Fitch,
Roy Heath and Ben Moorstein.
WOMEN'S DEPARTMENT: Helen Douglas, chairman,
Betty Bonisteel, Ellen Cuthvert, Ruth Frank, Jane B.
Holden, Mary Alice MacKenzie, Phyllis Helen Miner,
Barbara Paterson, Jenny Petersen, Harriet Pomeroy,
Maran Smith, Dorothea Staeblernand Virginia Voor-
Business Department
Departmental Managers
Ed Macal, Accounts Manager; Leonard P. Siegelman,
Local Advertising Manager; Philip Buchen, Contracts
Manager; William Newnan, Service Manager; Mar-
shall Sampson, Publications and Classified Advertis-
ing Manager; Richard H. Knowe, National Advertising
and Circulation Manager.
Election ..
T ODAY MARKS the beginning of
an epoch in the history of the
city of Detroit. For the primary elections, re-
gardless of their outcome, will be remembered
as the first time in which labor participated as a
group in Detroit politics.
Organized labor is on the march in Detroit,
so clearly and irrevocably that the expression has
become a by-word. There are already 200,000
workers enrolled under the banner of the UAW
alone, a sufficient number to be the controlling
factor in city politics, if they are capable of any
degree of concerted-action. It is inevitable that
sooner or later Detroit's industrial workers will
take the share in the government of their com-
munity to which their numbers entitle them.
Meanwhile, the forces inimical to progressive
labor will continue to do their best to hamper
its political action by confusing the issue before
the voters, a practice in which long experience
has made them adept. All three of Detroit's
large newspapers, horrified at the thought of a
labor government, are daily consecrating front
page editorials to the necessity of the respectable
propertied citizenry getting out and going to the
polls to "save Detroit's non-partisan form of
government." The fact that there are no political
varties participating in the election makes this
sudden concern on the part of a press which has
not always shown such regard for non-par-
tisanship appear somewhat overwrought, but the
editorials explain that 'a national political or-
ganization, thinly disguised as a labor union" is
the partisan hobgoblin they are attempting to ex-
orcise. This method of campaigning has a double
advantage. On the one hand the defense of non-
partisanship affords good ground for righteous
indignation, always a favorite political attitude,
and on the other it avoids the necessity of too
openly attacking the rights of organized labor in
a city whose open-shop tradition has lately been
overthrown and where factory workers form a
good share of any newspaper's circulation.
Probably no more than half of the city's 600,-
000 registered voters will participate in the pri-
maries today and in the run-off elections Nov. 2,
in which the candidates ranking highest in to-
day's balloting will be listed for election. If the
auto workers and their fellow union members
have become sufficiently conscious of their
strength and their place in society to turn out
in force, they have every chance of gaining con-
trol of the city's administration and of seizing
those weapons appertaining to it which in the
past has proven so powerful in the hands of
labor' s enemies.

That's What's
The Matter ...
SOME 120,000 Japanese troops are
being rushed to Manchukuo to
tluell a revolt there.
Approximately 3,000 of Il Duce's soldiers have

11 Duce Der Fuehrer,
And Oswald. .
Times" published a letter from Dr.
Herman Finer, reader in Political Science at the
London School of Economics, concerning the
tactics of the Fascist march to power in Italy.
Dr. Finer pointed out that in many respects
the methods of Sir Oswald Mosley, who seeks
to emulate Mussolini and Hitler in Great Britain,
corresponded closely to those of the Italian mas-
ter. Specifically, Dr. Finer mentioned the tech-
nique of fascist marches into, and, if possible,
through, working class districts and areas chiefly
populated by Jews and other anti- and non-
fascist groups.
The purpose of these marches, said Dr. Finer,
was two-fold: first, if the march were broken
up by hostile elements, then the fascists could
claim that "vicious, alien reds" were undermin-
ing democracy by preventing free speech and
assembly. If, alternatively, the march proceeded
in peace, the fascists could claim that they had
over-awed these same "vicious, alien reds" by
their great strength and tremendous power, thus
creating an illusion of a mass-movement which
might attract further adherents to the colors.
On.Sunday the truth of Dr. Finer's comparison
of Sir Oswald Mosley to Mussolini became very
evident. Marching from Westminster towards
south-east London and the slum districts of the
capitol's East End, Mosley and his fascist troops
were met by a large number of anti-Fascist
demonstrators. These anti-Fascists had made
no attempt to invade the conservative West End
of London, but sought only to prevent Mosley's
invasion of their own district for the propa-
ganda purposes Dr. Finer so ably set out in his
letter to the "Times." No doubt today Mosley
will engage in a great denunciation of the 100,-
000 who sought to prevent his military march,
and he who would, if he came to power, deny all
free speech to those who did not agree with him
will berate the government for failing to preserve
his free speech, in this case meaning his free
right to take his troops into areas definitely
hostile to fascist ideas.
Sir Oswald has as much right to march his
troops through London's East End as has a Dub-
liner to wear an Orange tie on St. Patrick's
day, but the contribution of either of these
gentlemen to-the cause of law-and-order is very
doubtful, to say the least.
Texas Guinan, the late and the lamented, was
never a hypocrite. She called a spade a spade
-and a sucker, a sucker. In our town, however,
is an implement resembling a shovel, but adopted
to be pushed into the ground with the foot. And
with the reckless abandon of the third grade
speller, the word sucker has metamorphosed into
the word student. Tex was only in this town
for a couple of days back in 1930. She played the
town and probably played to full houses. She
was colorful and a great entertainer. But we
think that more than a mere entertainer, she
was a great educator. Why?
She had to be, to impart in two evenings to
a class of forty thousand, one half of whom
can lay no claim to brightness, skill and all the
knowledge she accumulated in her lifetime. We
refer specifically to the gentle-like picking a
pocket-art-like safe cracking-of giving the
sucker the gladhand and the lightening of his
financial cares. We mean no disrespect to Miss
Tex. Nor, on the other hand do we mean any
respect for the clever claim jumpers whom we
encounter in our daily meanderings in Ann
Arbor. Were this a desert, we might call them
desert rats. But it is not a desert, but, on the
surface a respectable community and a fertile
one-for our fellow citizens in Ann Arbor.

Happy A'nn Arbor! The city of opportunity
where gold propagates gold in the eight
thousand guinea pig pocketbooks of eight
thousand students. 0 happy burg, where
each earthquake is welcome and landladies
pray that another wall will crack so that
they can slip another double-decker into the
fissure and rent that third floor store room
as a suite.
Nuts-filberts, cashews and pistachios! Should
we waste good column space enumerating the
kicks a student-pardon me, sucker-has against
this generous town of Ann Arbor, where the
police read Dick Tracy and the merchants think
of the students as visiting firemen . . .?
But after last Friday's debacle perhaps the
Michigan Theatre will have learned that com-
mon sense is more often proof against property
damage than the advancing lines of a crew of
Gilbert and Sullivan cops, whose outspoken
statements have always run to such deep seated
sagacity as "We'll get those students. We'll show
'em who's running this town." We won't press
the point of tear gas being used on students, nor
say further on the riot last Friday, which from
all standpoints was regrettable. But we would
like to ask who is running this town. Somebody
must know. Certainly not we, who pay a large
share of the cost of running it. We wouldn't
have the damn place. It's pretty and we love it-
from the Bell eastward-but we don't want it.
We wouldn't want to take a part of it home with
us. In the first place, we couldn't afford to buy
it, and secondly, we think our family would kick
us out with it. "My Gawd," they'd say, "what are
you going to do with that! Take it back where
von ot it Put it hak next to the TTnivesitv


By Heywood Broun
ANYBODY who has ever done any newspaper
work around an army in war time learns
to distrust atrocity stories. Rumors travel as
fast as machine gun bullets and go much further.
Almost invariably it is impossible to run the tale
of horror down to its original source. I still re-
member wasting two days along the Western
Front in pursuit of the man who was supposed
to have seen a Canadian soldier crucified by the
Germans. There were at least a dozen British
officers who assured me that the story was au-
thentic, but the soldier who had seen it was al-
ways some captain located in a village twenty
kilometers away, and when I found him he would
admit that he got it from another fellow who
was just a little further down the line. Of course,
I never caught up with the original eye-witness,
and I felt convinced that he did not exist and
that the story was a fabrication.
Truth will not stand the strain of being passed
through half a hundred hands. Today Spain
stands as a particularly fertile field for the man-
ufacture of atrocity stories. No one doubts that
the conflict has been extraordinarily brutal, and
certain aspects of the campaign constitute a kind
of guerilla warfare where anything can happen.
But the strictness of the censorship and the dif-
ficulties of news coverages practically preclude
a reliable check-up on very many of the most
blood-curdling yarns which are current among
the sympathizers on either side.
Evidence Of Censor's Approval
But I feel that an exception must be made for
the latest report upon the progress of Franco's
crusade to civilize Spain. The story in question
comes from a large news agency and carries the
caption. "With Spanish Insurgent Armies,"
which would mean that it emanated from an ac-
credited reporter with Franco's forces, and that
the story had been duly read and passed by the
Spanish Rebel Censorship.
I saw the-story in New York Herald Tribune,
which has not been accustomed to being overly
partisan to the loyalist side. Moreover, the epi-
sode described did not occur in the heat of
battle, but at a formal review.
Franco's Foreign Legion is made up of Italian
and German volunteers and men of many other
nations. By chance the organization also includ-
ed a sergeant who happened to be Spanish. He
decided to go back to his own people, and during
the fighting around Madrid he slipped across the
lines and joined the loyalists. A few days later
he was recaptured. Here is the story as passed
by Franco's censor:
"His regiment was called out on parade and
he was marched the length of the ranks. Then
his battalion was called forward, and in front of
his battalion his company was called out. He
was rolled the length of the company under the
feet of the men he had deserted. He was kicked
to death by their hobnailed boots. A bullet or a
knife was too good for him, the Legion felt."
* * * *
Fits Into Creed Of Fascism
Now this thing did not occur up an alley.
It was not done in hot blood. There was no
breach of discipline. A formal order of the
commanding officer was carried out, and far
from veiling the incident the story is proudly
given to the world as an example of the might,
glory and power of Franco. It is given out ad-
visedly because it fits into the cardinal tenet of
the creed of Fascism.
These men would conquer the world by post-
ing terror upon the pathway of mankind. They
will have their answer, and let us hear no more
from those who say that Franco is a dedicated
soul who fights only to serve the gentle name of
On The Level

Fraternity rushing has finally crawled into
the home stretch and it's an even money bet that
both the rushees and the rushers will finish
At least the fraternity men will be glad to
stop talking about what each freshman did in
high school, and be able to say, "O.K., Jarp-
handle. You're on pledge duty tonight."
* * * *
The freshman never tires of telling what he
did back at Our Lady of the Ozarks High School,
but he'll be plenty glad when it's all over and
he won't have to listen to 41 fraternities all tell-
ing him that they are all the best on campus.
* * * *
But after this week, he'll have to start buying
his own cigarettes and pouring the water at
* * * *
That is, unless he lives in the new dormitories
and is allowed to eat only one meal per week
with his new brothers. The fraternities practi-
cally built the new dorms last year so that the
independents might have nicer places in which
to live.
* * * *
Some called it charity last year, and some
couldn't be quoted on their ideas of the new
dorms, but the Japanese would have called
the movement plain "hari kari."
* * * *


offers a cogent lesson for many an-
other industry today. Some years
ago the anthracite industry became
highly unionized and highly capital-
ized on the basis of high prices then
obtaining for its coal. Wage scales
and rates of returns to owners were
set up which could not be maintained
when competition from the oil burner
came along.
Mines closed, and workers, instead
of having good wages, had none. Toj
feed their families, thousands of them
began digging coal surreptitiously
from company property for whatever
they could get and without the liro-
tection of safety regulations. Legally
it was theft, but in the view of their
neighbors it was self-preservation and
perhaps no more of a drain on com-
pany resources than relief taxes
might have been.
Coal was trucked into New York
City at prices consumers would pay.
But the buyer could not be sure of
grade or weight and the situation has
been satisfactory to nobody, least of
all to the legitimate anthracite in-
dustry, which has needed to adapt its
sales methods to hold its own against
fuel oil. A greater flexibility of price
and wage structures and a fuller un-
derstanding with its employes would
have made this possible. When labor
and capital in any industry ask too
much from the consumer they invite
The Christian Science Monitor.
Time For A Study
Georgetown University at Washing-
ton has established a brain research
#nstitute, equipped with 5,000 human
and animal brains which Dr. Othmar
Solnitzky, its director, announced will
be available for study by students,
surgeons and scientists from all over
the globe.
This is encouraging news, and we
trust the new institute will devote its
major attention to the human brains
in that vast collection. For, consid-
ering what opportunities this world
offers mankind for living in peace
and plenty, and then seeing what
mankind does with those opportuni-
ties, nothing is much more certain
than that the human race needs to
have its brains examined.
The Pittsburgh Press.

approved by the Senate Committee
on Student Affairs may insert notices
in the Daily Official Bulletin. Until
Oct. 25 last year's list of approved
organizations will be used, but after
that date only such groups as have
qualified for approval this year, by
submitting lists of officers to the
Dean of Students, 2 University Hall,
and otherwise complying with the
Committee's rules, will be allowed to
exercise this privilege.
Attention University Employes:
Whenever possible charge all person-
al long-distance telephone calls and
telegrams placed through the Univer-
sity telephone system, to your resi-
dent phone. Herbert T. Watkins
First Mortgage Loans: The Univer-
sity has a limited amount of funds
to loan on modern well-located Ann
Arbor residential property. Interest
at current rates. Apply Investment
Office, Room 100, South Wing,
University Hall.
Identification Cards will be given
out to all students in Room 4, Univer-
sity Hall on Wednesday and Thurs-
day, Oct. 6 and 7. Please call for them
at once, as they will be required for
admission to football games. It is
essential that these cards be properly
signed with owner's name and ad-
dress., They will be invalid until this
is done.
J. A. Bursley, Dean of Students.
Women Students Attending the
Northwestern Football Game: Women
students wishing to attend the North-
western-Michigan football game are
required to register in the office of the
Dean of Women.
A letter of permission from parents
must be received in this office not
later than Friday, Oct. 8. If a student
wishes to go otherwise than by train,
special permission for such mode of
travel must be included ii the par-
ent's letter.
Graduate women are invited to reg-
ister in the office.
Byrl Fox Bacher,
Assistant Dean of Women.
1. Life Annuities or life insur-
ance either or both may be purchased
by members of the faculties from
the Teachers Insurance and Annuity
Association of America and premiums
for either life Annuity or life In-
surance, or both, may be deducted at
the written request of the policy-
holder from the monthly payroll of
ft~h U niv ity d~r in ch rc ill I

A state commission in Pennsylvania Publication in the Bulletin is con
reaches the conclusion that "bootleg" {alversity, Copy received at the o
coal mining in the anthracite region UU 330; U00 a.m. em Saturday.
will die out naturally through ex-
haustion of the accessible surface de- TUESDAY, OCT. 8, 1937
posits of the hard coal Already such VOL. XLVIII, No. 8
operations are commonly reported to
be declining.Student Organizations: Officers of
If the story of bootleg coal is enter- student organizations are reminded
ing a final chapter, it nevertheless that only such organizations as are

structive notice to all members at atl
ne at the Astaat to the PrsMsd
monthly and remit the same to the
8. The University accounting of-
fices will as a matter of accommo-
dation to members of the faculties or
employes of the University, who de-
sire to pay either annuity premiums
or insurance premiums monthly, de-
duct such premiums from the pay-
roll in monthly installments. In the
case of the so-called "academic roll"
the premium payments for the
months of July, August, September,
and October will be deducted from
the double payroll of June 30. While
the accounting offices do not solicit
this work, still it will be cheerfully
assumed where desired.
9. The University has no arrange-
ments wth any insurance organiza-
tion exc .pt the Teachers Insurance
and Annuity Association of America
and contributions will not be made.by
the University nor can premium pay-
ments be deducted except in the case
of annuity or insurance policies of
this association.
10. The general administration of
the annuity and insurance business
has been placed in the hands of the
Secretary of the University by the
Please communicate with the un-
dersigned if you have not complied
with the specific requirements as
stated in (3) above.
Herbert G. Watkins, Ass't Secy.
To the Members of the University
Council: There will be a meeting of
the University Council on Monday,
Oct. 11, at 4:15 p.m., Room 1009, A.H.
Agenda: Report of the Committee
Relating to the Development of Sta-
tistics; Election of vice-chairman.and
secretary; appointment of standing
Louis A. Hopkins, Secretary.
Phillips Scholarships: The examin-
ations for these scholarships, which
are open to all freshmen in the Col-
lege of Literature, Science and the
Arts, will be held on Tuesday, Oct.
12, at 4 p.m. in 2016 Angell Hall. Can-
didates will be examined on four units
of Latin or four units of Latin and
two of Greek. Freshmen who wish,.
to participate should register with
Professor Blake, 2024 Angell Hall, or
Dr. Copley, 2026 Angell Hall, before
Thursday, Oct. 7.
Singers, Men and Women: Student
soloists who would like to be in the
winter musical to be given by Play
Production and the School of Music
are urged to report for try-outs
Tuesday afternoon from 4:30 to 5:30
at the Laboratory Theatre, behind
the Union. You may bring music
with you.
Academic Notices
English 197, English Honors Course,
will meet on Tuesdays from 3-5 p.m.
in 408 Library.
W. G. Rice.
College of Literature, Science a d
the Arts, School of Music, and School
of Education: Students who received
marks of I or X at the close of their
last term of attendance (viz., semes-
ter or summer session) will receive a
grade of E in the course unless this
work is made up by Oct. 27. Students
wishing an extension of time should
file a petition addressed to the ap-
propriate official in their school with
Room 4 U.H. where it will be trans-
Robert L. Williams,
Asst. Registrar.
Students, College of Engineering:
Sophomore, junior and senior stu-

dents who are working for degrees in
any of the following departments are
requested to report at the secretary's
office, 263 West Engineering Bldg.,
unless they have done so this semes-
Five-year programs combined with
Combinations of any two programs.
Mathematics, or combinations of
mathematical and technical pro-
Physics, or combinations.
Astronomy, or combinations.
Engineering-Law program.
Engineering-Business Administra-
tion program.
Metallurgical Engineering program.
A. H. Lovell, Secretary.
Outdoor Sports Class, Women Stu-
dents: The outdoor sports class will
meet at the Campus Bicycle Shop at
3:20 p.m. No class in case of rain.
Physical Education Majors: Educa-
tion F7 (Physical Reconstruction)
will meet today at 1 p.m. in Room
4408 University Hospital. Doctors
Hammond and Stryker will be the in-
structors on this course.
Preliminary Examinations for the
Ph.D. Degree in Economics: These
examinations will be held on Nov. 1,
2 and 3. All those who contemplate
writing papers at this time should
leave their names and the fields in
which they expect to write in the De-
partment office as soon as possible.
SI. L. Sharfman.

Famous Actor's Guild, a drama " I'll t Uana n suen cases win
show, gives to the air Helen Menken be remitted directly by the policy-
in "Second Husband" at 7:30 via holder, on the monthly, quarterly,
WJR ... Russ Morgan, Francis Adair semi- annual, or annual basis. The
and Charles Martin's Thrill and secretary's office has on file blank
Company provide music, song and applications for annuity policies, or
Cpanyoe W a oih life insurance policies, rate books,
patter over WWJ at 8 tonight .annual reports, and specimen pol-
Wayne King, the man with the swish icies, all for the convenience of mem-
WWJ is the outletyms. t: bers of the University staff desiring
to make use of them.
The CBS Al Jolson show with 2. The Regents at their meeting
Martha Raye, Parkyakarkus, and the of January, 1919 agreed that any
music of Vic Young takes off at 8:30 member of the Faculties entering the
via WJR. Miss Moutha will shout, service of the. University since Nov.
Young will play, and Jolson will get 17, 1915, may purchase an Annuity
off his usual "Corny" humor . . . Ben from the above-named Association,
Bernie leads the lads at 9 and WLW toward the cost of which the Regents
is the station ... Al Pearce starts his would make an equal contribution up
Nang for a half hour of wild fun also to five per cent of his annual salary
at 9 over WJR ... 9:30 is the opening not in excess of $5,000, thus, within
class time for Prof. Oakie to get the the limit of five per cent of the sal-
studes started. Stu Erwin, Ray Hat- ary, doubling the amount of the An-
ton and Bill Austin are the other nuity purchased.
gunny men-it's the music of Georgie 3. The purchase of an Annuity
Stoll. under the conditions mentioned in
A WJR show . .. Benny Goodman (2) above is made a condition of
takes the kids in hand at 10 and employment in the case of all mem-
teaohes the art of jive, the same sta- bers of the Faculties, except instruc-
tion carries it. Tommy Dorsay andtos whose term of Faculty service
his band take the air waves at 11 via does not antedate the University year
WABC . . . George Olsen and his 1919-1920. With instructors of less
Music of Tomorrow air 'at 11:30 and than three years' standing the pur-
WABC carries this also . . . The chase ofan Annuity is optional.
band of Dixie -Bob Crosby, swings 4. Members of the faculties who
via WJR at midnight. This great were in the service of this University,
crew is a marvel. At present in the or any of the colleges or universities
Book in Detroit associated by the Carnegie Founda-
Bits: Shep Fields and orch are tion for the Advancement of Teach-
Holly-wood bound for a picture- ing previous to Nov. 17, 1915 are ex-
with that band the picture should be pected to be provided with retiring
worse . . . Simone Simon, the win- allowances (annuities) by the Car-
some gal of flickers, may get an air negie Foundation itself, under its
contract soon . . . William Powell and latest modification of its original
Rosalind Russell may be aired soon non-contributory plan.
in an "After the Thin Man" series I 5. Persons who have become mem-
Benny Goodman wants a more bers of the faculties since Nov. 17,
prominent speaking part on the Cam- 1915 and previous to the year 1919-
el Show, but Mr. Sponsor doesn't 1920 have the option of purchasing
think it wise . . . Les Brown has lost annuities under the University's con-
his band-6 of the boys decided school tributory plan.
was the thing and have returned, 6. Any person in the employ of
causing a future name band to break the University may at his own cost
up. purchase annuities from the as-

French Film Opens
Art Cinema Series~
"Carnival in Flanders," the French!
movie entitled "La Kernesse Hero-j
ique," will be shown at the Lydia
Mendelssohn Theatre Friday and
Saturday, Oct. 8 and 9, by the Art

sociation or any of the class of fac-
ulty members mentioned above may
purchase annuities at his own cost in
addition to those mentioned above.
The University itself, however, will
contribute to the expense of such
purchase of annuities only as indicat-
ed in sections 2, 3 and 5 above.
7. Any person in the employ of
the University, either as a faculty
tnemhr or otherwise -mlesi dharrod

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