"IGHT THE MICHIGAN DAILYeSm WORLD OF BOOKS arches For A Lost Dream Of Days hen America Was Free .. . nan follies and of shabbly compro- ing at his young son, Dinny, he thinks, rnises which, in the end, managed to "This child will be here after me, oe, somehow, more or less and iron- floig ihu nwig hr ically, heroic." Thisrbrilliantly con-following, without knoning, where I zeived character is the welding force have been before him. And he will which unites the whole saga, and hurt himself and those whom he :ridges the gap between the disillu- loves, just as I have; and some dayj ;ioned and morally exhausted Shelby he will come to the place where I am ind his vigorously alert predecessors now. And maybe he will remember Both symbolically and chronological- me then, and want to-." He makes an effort to break through the wall The exploits of the seafaring and that stands so implacably between rontiering Parkers and Thralls are every man and someone he loves, and emorable enough, and are related says: "Sit down, son. I . . . I'd kind vith a vivid and thoroughgoing gusto, of like to talk to you." But the fel- )ut it is in the story of John Thrall's lows are waiting, Dinny says, and hisI ,ersonal struggle from the little father watches him hurry away across >rairie town where he undertakes to the grass. dit and publish a liberal newspaper The solution for Shelby, which may o a curiously gallant hospital death or, may not be satisfactory to the hat the author develops the full pow- reader, depending on the quality of r of his writing. Shelby loves his his imagination, is to break away Ild man in the inarticulate way sons from the city and his sordid star-re- lo love their fathers, and when the porter career to run a little country ztter is gone, he thinks, in that clas- newspaper as his father did 50 years ically futile way people have of earlier. It is a poetic and quite sat- hinking about the dead, "He's gone isfactory conclusion, although pos- away and I never had a chance to tell sibly not as lucid a clarification of the him how much I-" And later, look- "dream" idea as it might have been. FOWLER His First Novel In Years Pleasant, Hardly Deep SixI SALUTE TO YESTERDAY, by Gene Fowler. Random House, New York. 1937. $2.50. By EARL R. GILMAN If you want something which will reek with significance, you probably would not appreciate Gene Fowler's first novel in six years: Salute to Yes- terday. However, if you desire a book day However, if you desire a book which will provide entertainment and not involve your mind to too great an extent, this effort should more than suffice. Salute To Yesterday is really an ex- cursion into the picturesque and now obsolete scene that used to be the Rocky Mountain sector in the days when people rushed forth from the so-called sane east to stake claims in the area the government had op- ened up. Fowler gives us the wild and wooly west as they saw itchiefly through the character of Captain James Job Trolley. the captain's discomfiture is his daughter, Faustine, who, in the inter- ests of science and chemistry, insists on dyeing the captain's underwear aj different hue every day. Trolley con- siders this sufficient cause to disin- herit her, although he is living on her income. But under all the covering of hi- larity, there is a certain nostalgia which forces the sympathy of the reader for Trolley and all that he stands for-the w older generation which is being pushed out of the scene by the younger and more busi- ness-like modern set. After the last page is read, the reader wonders if he has been quite right in laughing at the ridiculous antics of Trolley- and if he has not offended-since the worlds that Fowler creates are almost too real for laughter. ~~ F Hansen's~ TYPEWRITERS - SUPPLIES 'Master' Typewriter Service 611 East William Phone 2-1611 TIME TO WRITE LETTERS A LARGE AND COMPLETE STOCK OF STATIONERY (at WAHR'S BOOK STORE 316 South State Street Uf 11 I r Read and Use The Michigan Daily Classi fi d Ads. It is seldom that you can just open " la book to any old page and begin yst5eryM ay erling RL-o enedIreading with as much equilibrium and assurance as if you had begun with By Autobiography Of 'Rudolph' the first page. Fowler's Salute To J Made up of a group of character HE DID NOT DIE AT MAYERLING, nounced his right to the throne. His sketches and experiences of the pre- - THE AUTOBIOGRAPHY OF liberal colleagues planned and ex- viously mentioned Captain Trolley, 'R,' written in collaboration with ecuted a fake suicide in order to al- description and the ability to create lenry Lanier. J. B. Lippincott Co., low him to retire to private life with-impossible situations and prove them ?hiladelphia, 1937. $3.00. out being pointed at and harangued to be really possible, helps maintain By ELLIOTT MARANISS the rest of his life. Baroness Vetsera Fowler has been att.emting to The strange thing about history is icovered te pot and had to be write this novel for about six years, that killed.explainsthesauthobut because of his insatiable interest despite its great stress upon The consensus of historians is that in almost anything under the sun, in- facts, dates and incidents it never the story is interesting but uncon- cluding prize fighters, wrestlers, purports to be irrevocably definitive vincing. The claims made for it by newspapermen, .indigent actors, poli- And complete, even in its treatment of the collaborator Henry Lanier and ticians, waifs and his incredible pets, :ubjects about which no new evi- the publishers are of the s has had to forego this rollicking ca- rousal until a few months ago. fence or data have been uncovered possible nature. Lanier says in the The central character, Captain or centuries. That, perhaps, is the introduction, "I believe this story James Job Trolley, whips the series eason it has proven so fertile a field to be precise fact." The publishers of what, at first appear to be inconse- or all sorts of writers to partake in, declare: "The narrator should know quentional sorties, into a semi-pur- ruacks and fakes as well as serious l for he is Rudolph's secret son-now poseful story. The captain, who in- tudents and men of intellectual re- a successful American man of prom- cidentally got his title not on the pute. And that too, perhaps, is why inence. He has for his statementsh seas but on Cherry Creek which t is difficult to summarily dismiss the documentary evidence that close patronizing during a torrential rain le Did Not Die At Mayerling-The scrutiny has only emphasized as bona *s a lovable character of the dear old lutobiography of "R," A Habsburg fide. His story makes one of theiaysvae.f rho became an American, without, most astounding scoops of modern d inge it least, a comparison with the most historical journalism." During his entire life, the captain idely accepted historical version of The readei will probably do well, has feuded with Col. Anthony Steele, .he tragedy that unfolded itself in the , however, to keep his tongue in his apman oimse wealth ho imperial shooting lodge of Mayerling. ! captain accuses of killing his son. cheek and await more convincing This is the only serious note to an There seems to be a boom on May- evidence. otherwise riotous account of the cap- rling at the moment among the ex- tan's lusty exploits and gallant de- )onents of the lively arts. Maxwell fts whstycexryoith themte \nderson's versified opus The Masque -Forthcoming Books- feats which carry with them the spirit f Knsdaigwt h aesb of the old West in the locale of the SKings dealing with the same sub- THnHNIG Ajew. ect managed to last several months THE CHANGING A M E R I C A N nEspecially entertaining are the ac- ;n Broadway. More recently a French NEWSPAPER, by Herbert Brucker. counts of how the captain wins a Pul- -iotion picture company produced Columbia University Press, New York. itzer journalism prize for writing a :Iayfrling, with Charles Boyer cast BREAD AND CIRCUSES, by Willson three-page store about a blizzard is the bewildered young Crown Whitman. Oxford Press, New which cut off the regular news sources ?rince Rudolph. And now the pub-I York. and necessitated filling the pages ication of the autobiography of the THE ENEMY GODS, a novel by Oliv- with the captain's yarn; and of how anonymous Mr. "R" who claims that er LaFarge. Houghton, Mifflin, and the captain spends the prize money t was not Rudolph at all but an im- Co., New -York. to build an ill-fated replica of the old >rovised substitute recruited from ENDS AND MEANS, by Aldous Hux- Civil War Monitor, on which he hadi he Vienna morgue who was found ey. Harper's, New York. once sailed, for the annual Memorial lead beside the body of the beautiful THE MERRY, MERRY MAIDENS, by Day parade which heretofore had 3aroness Marie Vetsera that bleak Helen Grace Carlisle. Harcourt, never contained any floats. At the norning of Jan. 30, 1899, is likely to Brace, New York. crucial moment, the Monitor's salute :eep . the ball rolling for quite a REHEARSAL IN OVIEDO, by Joseph to the governor back-fires and ignites hile. It seems that princes and Peyre. Knight, New York. the captain's float. ings aren't even allowed to die. AMERICA SOUTH, by Carleton I Aiding to the general confusion and Mr. "R" claims that he is Ru- Beals. J. B. Lippincott Co., Phila- lolph's legitimate son. He says that delphia. le is now an American business man YOU HAVE SEEN THEIR FACES, by .nd cannot, "for obvious reasons" re- Erskine Caldwell and MargaretID urin eal his identity. His father, he says, Bourke-White. Viking Press, New lisheartened because of his failureI York. t t o o persuadethe emperor to liberalize rMYIRELAND, by Lord Dunsany. ta ir he Austro-Hungarian empire, re- j Funk and Wagnalls Co., New York. IF &AHEAI Hours That LIV ENHANCE THEM WITH CLOTH RENEWED BY QualityDR CLEANING (leaning Means Added Quality Every woman knows that long remembered occasions -hours that live - are associat- ed afterwards with what she wore. Some shining gown; a ravishing opera wrap that is still her special joy; or a lovely negligee made, perhaps, from a Spanish mantilla her her hero brought home from the war. She knows with equal certainty that these wardrobe treasures can be preserved only with the aid of a quality dry cleaner, whose reputation is built soundly on skilled crafts- manship and character. For twenty years ENERGIZED clothes have been noted for being Full of New Life and Wear. Energizing gives new resistance to soiling. It gently removes difficult stains and spots. Only by seeing would you be-e lieve the, freshness and beauty that Ener- gizing brings back to silks and woolens. One trial and you'll surprise your friends by saying It's ENERGIZED. I Phone 4191 Today i I ,hroens , - ____- --________________----- ------ - _-ii SECRETARIAL and BUSINESS TRAINING NEW TERM OCTOBER 4 Day and E veninig Classes All te' will bc g the school year please accept our invi- to make Follett's your B R O W S I N G DQUARTERS. xtbooks reported out of stock last week e ready for you Monday. FO LLETT'S MICHIGAN BOOKSTORE 322 South State at North University BOB GRAHAM, Manager 1 r The best training if you are looking for a position good I Hamilton Business College William at State Phone 7831 I r I k I I