THE MICHIGAN DAILY r DAILY OFFICIAL BULLETIN SUNDAY, OCT. 3, 1937 VOL. XLVITL No. 7 Student Organizations: Officers of student organizations are reminded that only such organizations as are approved by the Senate Committee on Student Affairs may insert notices in the Daily Official Bulletin. Until Oct. 25 last year's list of approved organizations will be used, but after that date only such groups as have qualified for approval this year, by submitting lists of officers to the Dean of Students, 2 University Hall, and otherwise complying with the Committee's rules, will. be allowed to exercise this privilege. Social Chairmen for fraternities, sororities and other student organ- izations are reminded that all party requests must be filed in the office of the Dean of Students for Dean Bursley's approval on the Monday before the event for which approval is requested. Fraternities and Sororities are re-1 minded that only members of the 117 Haven Hall during my office by the hour are invited to leave their Andreas Faste University Senate and their wives, or hours on or before Oct. 18. addresses at the office of the Univer- George P. Hansen persons selected from a list submit- Arthur Lyon Cross. sity School of Music, telephone 7513. Arne Erickson ted to the Dean of Students by the Phillips Scholarships: The examin- Choral Union Tryouts: Former Erick Granbom organization at the beginning of the ations for these scholarships, which members must register at the office Jens Jensen (earhimaybemuserasmchaperonstforKenneth Efenso yeae* may be used as chaperons for are open to all freshmen in the Col- of the Musical Director at the School . Kenneth Evenson social events. Additions to the ap- lege of Literature, Science and the of Music before Oct. 8. Acceptance Oscar A Nels beforeta wl s h nms niAlfred Petersen proved list, as well as the names on Arts, will be held on Tuesday, Oct. for membership for the current year Please respond promptly. the list itself, must be acted upon by 12, at 4 p.m. in 2016 Angell Hall. Can- will be based on previous records. Dean Bursley prior to their use as didates will be examined on four units New members may register and try .N chaperons. of Latin or four units of Latin and out from 4 to 6 p.m. on Oct. 1, 4, 5, 61 A cademiC Nonces two of Greek. Freshmen who wish and 8. Acceptance for membership Attention New Students: Make-upj Extra Curricular Activities. Man- to participate should register with will be based on quality and range for examinations for all freshmen who agers and chairmen of extra cur- Professor Blake, 2024 Angell Hall, or voice, and sight-reading ability. missed the tests during the week of ricular activities are reminded that Dr. Copley, 2026 Angell Hall, before Earl V. Moore, Director l ivn a 3pm on riua ciiisaermne htThursday, Oct. 7. of Choral Union. Orientation will be given at 3 p.m. on they should submit to the chairman Monday and Tuesday afternoons, Oct. of the Committee on Student Affairs, Sunday Library Service: On all Singers, Men and Women: Student 4 and 5, in Room 205 Mason Hall. Room 2, University Hall, a complete Sundays from October to June, ex- soloists who would like to be in the Those who missed the Wednesday list of all students who wish to par- cept during holiday periods, the winter musical to be given by Playm ticipate in their respective enter-I Main Reading Room and the Period- Production and the School of Music morning examination, English, will prises during the second semester, ical Room of the Gen'eral Library are are urged to report for try-outs report on Monday afternoon. Those1 in order that their eligibility for kept open from 2 p.m. to 9 p.m. Tuesday afternoon from 4:30 to 5:30 who missed the Friday morning test,j such activities may be checked. The Books from other parts of the at the Laboratory Theatre, behind Psychological, will report on Tues- names should be persented on blank building which are needed for Sun- the Union. You may bring music day. forms to be obtained in Room 2. day use will be made available in the with you. These examinations take prece- J. A. Bursley, Dean of Students. Main Reading Room if request, is dence over all other appointments in- made on Saturday to an assistant in - Scandinavian Club: Will the fol- Rhodes Scholarships: Candidates the reading room where the books lowing old members please call either cluding class work. Be on time. for the Rhodes Scholarships should are usually shelved. Carl Johnson 5746 or Siguard Lyn- C. S. Yoakum. 1 procure before the 8th of October an ner 2305 and leave their new tele- information blank from the Secre- Pianos for Practice: Persons hav- phone numbers: Chemistry 45: Due to the lack of tary of the History Department, 119 ing pianos in their homes which Chet Andersen room students assigned to Section III. 1 Haven Hall, and should see me in they would like to rent to students Mary Jane Lange will meet with Section I. or II. on t Monday, previously. G. H. Gillette. French 102 will meet on Monday at the scheduled hour. Prof. C. A. Knudson. E.E. 7a, Building Illumination, will meet in two sections, one on Mon- days at 3 p.m., the other on Thurs- days at 11 a.m.. both in Room 246- 248 West Engineering Building. It is hoped that the Thursday section may contain as many as possible of the architects, and the Monday section students of public health. H. H. Higbie. English 230: (Studies in Spenser: and His Age). This class will meet in 2213 A.H. on Monday from 4-6. M. P. Tilley. Faculty School of Education: The first regular luncheon meeting of the faculty will be hel don Monday, Oct. 4, 12 o'clock noon, at the Michigan Union. Mathematics 297: Will meet Mon- o'clock. All Disciple students and their friends are cordially invited. . Speech 71: Methods in Speech Reading meeting Thursday and Fri- day at 9:00 and Tuesday at 1:04 will have another section for people with conflicts and it meets at 1007 East Huron St. at the Institute of Human Adjustment. To the Members of the Faculty of the College of Literature, Science, and the Arts: The first regular meeting of the faculty of the College of Literature, Science, and the Arts for the aca- demic session of 1937-38 will be held in Room 1025 Angell Hall. Oct. 4, 1937, at 4:10 p.m. A large attendance at this initial meeting is particularly desired. Edward H. Kraus. Agenda: 1. Adoption of the minutes of the meeting of June 7, 1937, which have been distributed by campus mail (pages 350-359). 2. Memorial to the late Prof. Frank Blanchard. Committee: President A. G. Ruthven, Professors C. R. Larue, H. H. Bartlett, Chairman. (Continued on Page 4) INSTRUCTIONS ];very form of dancing. Open 10 to 1Q. Ter ace Garden Studio. Wuerth Theatre Bldg. Ph. 9695 1 2nd Floor daa_900an Tesayat1:0-il A I _, I F 1' J4 ,' NAA U E T Even in Defeat! 27 Years of MICH. NORTH- d WESTERN 0 Football History MICH. MSC MICH. MSC MICH. MSC MICH. N.W. 0 1910 1911 1912 1913 1914 1915 1916 1917 1918 S. .e... 6 ......15 ..... 55 ..... 7 ..... 3 ..... Q ......27 ..... 21 3 3 7 12 0 24 0 0 6 919 920 921 922 923 924 925 926 927 ....26 ......35 .. . 30 ......63 ... 37 ..7 ......39 ......55 ......21 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1928 1929 1930 1931 1932 1933 1934 1935 1936 1937 ..... 3 ..... 17 ..... 0 ..... 0 26 20 ...... ...., 20 ....,. 7 0 0 0 0 0 6 16 25 21 1917 1919 1924 1925 1932 1933 1934 1936 1937 .".... 12 ..... 16 ..".. 27 .1 2 . .... 15 .. ... 13 .. 6 ...".. 0 21 13 0 6 6 13 9 III 0 "A Michigan Tradition for 27 Years" Phone Four Branches for Your Convenience III I)1 Z1 214 South State Street 1 1 5 nl l-k ni r~r i Fi A',r^,,.I