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October 03, 1937 - Image 2

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1937-10-03

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Dunham Calls
For Michigan
Welfare Unit
Formation of a Michigan Citizens'
Welfare League to promote a sound,
adequate and effective welfare pro-
gram for Michigan, was proposed yes-
terday by Prof. Arthur Dunham of
the Institute of Public and Social
Administration before the Michigan
conference of Social Legislation in
Speaking before the section on so-
cial legislation, Professor Dunham
emphasized that the cardinal princi-
pal of such a league should be cure
and prevention.
Organizations more or less similar
to the proposed league are to be found
in New York, Pennsylvania, Ohio,
Massachusetts and Missouri, the
speake rstated and they have notable
reco'ds of constructive achievements
in several of these states.
Such a league, he said, must be im-
partial - non-political, non-partisan
and non-sectarian. It should be A
citizen's organization, controlled by
nop Political, professional or other spe-
cial-interest group, he added.


SEWER EXPLOSION kills five in
Detroit. Five workmen were killed
and at least a score of others injured
when a bulkhead collapsed under
pressure in an interceptor sewer. "A
terrible roar and a rush of air that
seemed like it was going 75 miles an
hour" was the way in which two of
the workers who escaped described
the catastrophe. A manhole cover-
weighing about 100 pounds-landed
90 feet away.
TROIT-William Hawthorne waited
today to face a first degree murder
charge in court Monday-but his in-
terests centered on the mental reac-
tion which led him, a former inter-
collegiate athlete and psychology stu-
dent, to kill his wife and a man
friend. "I wasn't working and did not
have enough money to give Kay the
things she wanted," he told police.
Hawthorne had been brooding over
the fact that he was not as rich as

f~issiiied Oireeiiry

P~lace advertisements with Classifiedj
Advertising Department. Phone 2-3241.
The classified columns close at five
'cck previous to day of insertion.
Boxnumnbers may be secured at no
extra charge~,
Caah in advance only 11c per reading
line for one or two insertions. 10c per
radin.g line for three or more insertions.
'(on basis of five average words to line).
Minimum three lines per insertion.
KEMPF Music Studios, 312 S. Divi-
sion. Phone 6328. Piano, voice, pipe
organ. Leave orders for expert
piano tuning. 13
NURSERY SCHOOL reopen for fall
term. Ages 3 to 4 years. Hours 8
to 12. Frances McNaughton. 5837.
SEWING SHOP: Coats shortened
avndrelined, garments altered. A.
Groves. Tel. 2-3902. 55
old and new suits, overcoats, at $3,
$8, $25. Ladies fur coats, typewrit-
ers, old gold and musical instru-
ments. Phone Sam. 6304. 2x
WANTED: Piano for practice in pri-
vate home. At least four hours
daily. Near campus. Call Miss Hal-
pert, 2-1156. 61
SINGLE ROOM in private home.
Southeast. Suitable for graduate
student or instructor. Phone 9485.
PART TIME barber. Either full time
or part-time barber shop porter.
Apply Ferry Field Barber Shop.
806 S. State. 60
MY HOME for sale. 230 Wildwood
Ave. Call 4801 for appointment or
University extension 431. 64
SCOTCH terrier puppies for sale.
Call Mrs. Inch. Ypsil. 'State Hos-
pital. 2040. 62
FOR SALE: Leica camera and case,
Model G. with Summar 50MM,
focus f:2 lens. Call 5114 between
12-1 and 6-7.
FOR RENT: Room available for girl
student near campus. Call 8142.
Miss Wagner or Miss Baker.

TWO SUITES reasonably priced, sec-
ond floor. 311 Thompson. 54
WEST SIDE: Several pleasant bed-
rooms. Home privileges, garage. 100
Longmen Lane. 8949. 18
SINGLE room. Well furnished, rent
reasonable. Across from Architec-
tural School. 912 Monroe. Call 9741.
SINGLE ROOM. Upperclassman or
graduate.01208 S. University. 52
EXPERIENCED laundress doing stu-
dent laundry. Will call for and
deliver. 4863. 1x
Phone 5594-Call For and Deliver
Shirts .........................14c
Tops ......................... 4c
Socks (pr.) ..,.................3c
Pajamas ....................10c
Slips ..........................10C
Dresses... ..................25c
Panties ......................7c up
Handkerchiefs ................. 2c
Handkerchiefs............c. .2
Pajamas...................10c up
Hose (pr.) ..... .... 3c
Individually Done-No Marking
LAUNDRY. 2-1044. Sox darned.
Careful work at low prices.
STUDENT washings. Men preferable.
Call and deliver. Write Box 1 Daily.
BLACK leather purse in Michigan
League Tuesday noon. Return of
personal contents would be greatly
appreciated. Reward, 6944. 1311
Walnut. 49
SMALL golf bagette Elgin watch.
Black band. Lost Friday night in or
near Union. Reward. Call 2-2276.
BLACK and tan pen pencil at regis-
tration. Name on pen. C. L. Mey-
ers Phone 329 Mosher. 65

some of his friends,
-President Roosevelt tells state of
Washington. He headed east to Fort
Peck Dam, Mont., with an assurance
"I'm going to come back again." The
presidential train stopped 20 minutes
at Spokane while a crowd of 10,000
cheered wildly as the President ap-
peared and spoke briefly.
Federation of Labor convention start-
ing Monday at Denver thrusts at the
Roosevelt Administration's labor pol-
icy. Making their attacks openly af-
ter months of back-stairs criticism,
most of the Federation leaders cen-
tered their fire on Labor Secretary
)Perkins and the National Labor Rela-
tions Board. Both were accused of
partiality to John L. Lewis' rebel
Committee for Industrial Organiza-
tion in administering federal labor
Lakes Transit Corporation seamen
prepared tonight to choose between
(A.F of L. and CIO seamen's unions
for their collective bargaining agent.
An agreement reached early today
between company officers and repre-
sentative of both unions ended a two-
day "sit-down" strike that CIO lead-
ers said had affected seven companies
ships in five Great Lakes ports.
Hillel Will OrganizeI
Palestine Club Here
An organization meeting of the
Palestine Club, formerly the Avuka,{
will be held at 4:30 p.m. today at thel
Hillel Foundation. The Palestine
Club has as its aim the acquaintance
of its members with the development
of Palestine as anhomeland for Jews
and the history and philosophy of the
Zionist movement.
The group will do work which will
be of material value to the Jewish
National Fund and the Hebrew Uni-
versity in Palestine, the leaders hope.
Bernard Haber, who has been a
resident of Palestine for the past
10 years, will head the Organization
Committee. Committee members are
Joseph Stein, Miriam Miller and Eu-
gene Edelman.
Prof. Dice Spent Summer
Studying In New Mexico
Prof. Lee R. Dice of the Museum of
Zoology spent the summer in New
Mexico studying the distribution of
the small mammals of the region'.
Among the specimens brought back
by Professor Dice are 400 mice to be
used for breeding purposes.

Football's Fun
To One And All
But Policemen
Everybody had a good time at th-
game yesterday-everybody but local
police, state troopers and sheriff's
deputies. For them it was a head-
At 10:30 a.m. Ann- Arbor's police
force. 32 strong and weary from the
all night vigil at the theatre riot, met
at headquarters. It didn't matter what
shift they were ordinarily on-they
had to be there anyway. The sheriff's
office sent as many men as it could
spare, while 12 State troopers were
detailed football duty.
After instructions the officers scat-
tered and directed traffic over car-
congested roads until the game start-
ed. Then they reported at the Sta-
dium-but not to watch the players.
Instead, they patroled the aisles,
watching for objectional drunks,
pickpockets or any other nuisances
that needed their attention.
Five minutes before the game was
over they left. The mob rush for
the goal posts and battle between
Michigan and MSC supporters didn't
interest them because it was all in a
spirit of fun. Where they were most
needed was at the traffic posts and
there they went for another hour. By
that time it was past supper hour
and they were mighty glad when they
could report to the police station once
Jagain and,:disband.I
But for men on night duty the job
{was just starting. Jubiliant students,
alumni and pseudo-alumni were left
strictly alone but anyone who overdid
a good thing was either taken home
by police or locked up for an hour or
two to sleep it off.
If anyone was too "gone" to know
his own name and was without iden-
tification, however, he was taken to
jail as were objectional.. celebrants
who became disorderly. About 4 a.m.
[today the last "Whoopee!" had died
away and the police could resume
their normal life-for another two
weeks at least.
Fraternities, Sororities
Subject Of Hillel Forum
Rabbi Bernard Heller will lead a
forum on the subject "What Frater-
nity and Sorority You Should Not
Join," this evening at the Hillel
Foundation. Hillel will also sponsor
a pop concert this afternoon.
Although services do not begin of-
ficially until next week, a preliminary
service was held Friday night at the

Check Shows Local Restaurants
Are Dispensing Unsaitary Food
(Continued from Page1) remained after they had been
would ha dd dy ucleaned, dried and placed for the next
they would have died in dry utensils." patron, he said.
Business practices of certain res- j "The reasons for this are plain. In.
taurants have resulted in patrons many restaurants the rinse water
being served with contaminated food did not go above 100 degrees Fahreri-I
continued Dr. Gates. "Principal dan- heit or slightly above body tempera!
ger lies in meat improperly cooked," ture. This is not sufficient to kill or-
he stated. "Two cases of trichinosis ganisms, for the Ann Arbor health
were recently called to our attention rules specify at least 180 degrees Fah-
developing as the result of improperly renheit," he said.
cooked sausage. We believe that fresh "It was also disclosed by the survey
meat being bootlegged into the city that in order to economize many res-
without proper inspection causes taurnants had used the dishwater
many different types of parasitic over and over until about half liquid
infection." and half solid food remained," he
"Meat freshly slaughtered often said. "This is extremely dangerous
contains parasites of various types since soap loses its power to clean
which are destroyed when it is aged and disinfect under quch conditions,
the proper period four to six weeks Dr. Gates said.
under scientific refrigeration. This The second survey showed the
aging process also improves the qual- j large number of organisms on dishes
ity and flavor of the meat," he said. washed by hand, he stated.
. There is danger also in the practice The third was even more inter-
of some restaurant in preserving esting according to Dr. Gates as it
small portions of food for use in hash disclosed the numbers and kinds
and chicken salad, he said. "Unde- of organisms. According to Phillip
sirable organisms are permitted to Forsbeck, State epidemioligist, the
grow under favorable conditions and number of typoid carrier in the pop-
various types of toxic food poisoning uation is fairly high.
result. Exotoxins are produced which These abuses can be corrected in
cause diarrhoea. nausea and vomiting the following manner, Dr. Gates stat-
and in a few cases death." ed. Restaurants can be required to
Three surveys were conducted in; install electric dishwashers since the
all according to Dr. Gates. The first tests show that organisms are absent
showed that as much as one-third ofI when dishes are sterilized in this fa-
the bacteria present on plates and! shion. Or a chlorine solution may be
silverware before dishes were washed used as a rinse when sanitary condi-
tions are not up to standard. Other
TTT - cities have adopted these methods1
Hour IsS lite with successful results.
For Extension
Buildin Class NORTH WES
The Extensios Course, Building 2,
which is scheduled for Room 231 An-
gell Hall at 7:00 p.m. Monday will S
meet in the future at 7:30 p.m. in the
same location.
The change is made to accommo-
date the members of the courses
coming form Detroit and also the Round
local business men. This is a non-
credit course. Membership is still
open, according to Ivan N. Cuthbert
of the firm of Cuthbert and Cuthbert,
architect and engineer of this city, Leave Ann Arbor 1
who instructs in the course.
The subject matter covers the No Tickets Sold Aft
reading and interpretation of blue-
printed plans and specifications, es-
timating, appraising and an intensive
practical study of building construc-RandC r
Building 2 has not been presented
before. Those who have completed
the general course Guilding I or have 12 Nickels Arcade
a working knowledge of building con-
struction are eligible.

Parr To Give
Initial Sermioii
(Continued from Page 1
lowship hour will be held at 5:30
p.m. tonight. At 6:30 p.m. the Guild
meeting offers the topic, "If I were
a'New Student." Prof. Howard Mc-
Cluskey will speak on "An Upper
The Student Club of the Zion Lu-
theran Church will meet at 5:30 p.m.
The sermon for the Morning Service,
10:30 a.m., will be on "The New Mar.."
The Trinity Lutheran Student Club
meets in Zion Lutheran Parish Hall
at 5 p.m. A student supper will be
served at 6 p.m., to be followed by the
Forum Hour at 6:45 p.m.
An open house for Lutheran Stu-
dents will be given under the aus-
pices of the Walther League at 8 p.
Each Sunday morning at Stalker
Hall students meet to discuss current
religious problems at 9:30 a.m. Dr.
George E. Carrothers, Bureau of Co-
operation with Educational Institu-
tions, leads the discussion.
The Sunday Morning Worship serv-
ice commences at 10:45 a.m. Profes-
sor Palmer Christian of the School of
Music is at the console and directs
the choir. Dr. Charles W. Brashares
will speak on "Of Justice."
Each Sunday evening from 6 p.m.
to 8 p.m. there is to be a Wesleyan
Guild meeting and fellowship supper
at Stalker Hall. Dr. Brashares will
speak on "How Do Men Believe in
God?" tonight.



i R




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