TH E MICHIGAN DAILY SATURDAY, OCTOBER 2, 193'1 University, a limited number of ception on Sunday afternoon, Oct. 3,1 American students interested in get- from 4 to 6 p.m., in the second-floor ting acquainted with representatives lounge room. Lane Hall. of other lands will be included. Stu- Lutheran Student Club will meet in Subject, "Unreality." Golden Text are cordially invited. Mr. Leach or classmen: Florence McConkey, '38, Jer. 2:5. Mr. Lewis is available for student in- Jeanette Lindsay. '38, Bill Morse, '38, Sunday School 9:30 a.m. terviews daily, Monday through Fri- and Guy Orcutt '39, will speak on the day at Harris Hall, 11-12 and 4-5, or Ann Arbor Friends (Quakers): The by appointment. Tea is served each subject "If I Were a New Student." A Blood stains stretching for a full half mile along the Plymouth Rd. to the entrance of the cemetery in- dicated that the crime had been conmitteed at some unknown place. Sheriff Andres stated that the bodies must have been in the car for some time since the blood seeped through to the road. This led authorities to believe the killing might have taken place in or near Detroit. Officers reported that an unnamed' witness at the home of Professor Greene stated that at 9:30 a.m. the mother was sitting in the car and the boy was playing on the lawn when Ruth McHenry came out of the house carrying several. packages and wear- ing a long black coat. Sheriff's dep- dents wishing to take this tour must Zion Parish Hall, corner of Fifth Ave. first Friends' meeting this fall will afternoon. Students are invited to cordial invitation is extended to all F rart Z p I) leave their names in Room 9. Univer- and Washington St. Sunday at 5:30 be held at the Michigan League at stop at Harris Hall for a cup of tea students of Presbyterian affiliations csity Hall, office of the Foreign Stu-'p.m. Supper will be served at 6 p.m. 5 p.m. Sunday, Oct. 3. Meeting for any afternoon. and their friends. worship, followed by reports of the The old "Minerva Seal" of the dent Counselor, before Friday noon, Student Pastor H. 0. Yoder and Pas- Friends World Conference and the Saint Andrew's Episcopal Church: Church Worship services in Trin- University, presented to the Board as the party must be limited to 30. or E. C. Stellhorn will be the speak- 'egional conference at Wilmington, Services of worship Sunday, Oct. 3 ity Lutheran Church will be held at of Regents on April 5, 1843, by Major The bus will leave from Angell Hall ers. Every Lutheran Student on this Ohio, by members of our group who are: 8 a.m. Holy Communion, 9:30 10:30 a.m. with sermon by the pas- Jonathan Kearsley, and used for 40 Saturday promptly at 1 p.m. The campus is urged to be present. attended. Cafeteria supper. All in- a.m. Church School, 11 a.m. Kinder- tor. Rev. Henry 0. Yoder. Lutheran years after, was, in all its essential fare will be one dollar. terested are welcome. New students garten, 11 a.m. Holy Communion and Student Club will meet in'Zion Lu- features, identical to the frontispiece The International Council, and faculty members are particularly Sermon by The Rev. Henry Lewis. theran Parish Hall at 5:30 p.m. Sun- which appeared in the famous "blue Nclson Fuson, Chairman. invited. day evening. Forum hour of the club back speller" of Noah Webster, will meet Monday, Oct. 4, at 4 p.m., Arthur Dunham, Clerk, First Presbyterian Church: Meet- will follow the supper. published in 1829, according to an Junior Research Club: The Octob- at headquarters. Practice will begin 1217 W. Huron St. ing at The Masonic Temple, 327 S. article in the current issue of the er meeting will be held on Tuesday, immediately. It is planned to affili- (Ann Arbor 2-3085). Fourth Ave.: Unitarian Church, Sunday at 11 Michigan Alumnus by Dr.dFrank E1 Oct. 5, at 7:30 p.m., in Room 20HM ate this year's team with the National10:45 a.m., "Beyond Good and o'clock, Rev. H. P. Marley will speak Robbins, assistant to President Ruth- Natural Science Building. Rifle Association. First Congregational Church, Wil- Evil" is the subject of Dr. W. p. on "Earth Never Tires." yen. There will be a business meeting Liam and State. Lemon's sermon at the morning wor- 7:30 p.m., Liberal Students' Union, In the Webster frontispiece M- following which Prof. Arthur E. Sigma Rho Tau: All active and past 10:45: Service of worship. Sermon ship service. Music by the student Dr. Y. Z. Chang, Exchange Profes- erva is pointing out to a young per- Woodhead cf the Zoology Depart- members of the Stump Speakers' So- by the new pastor, Dr. Leonard A. choir under the direction of Prof. E. sor from the University of Nanking son the temple of Knowledge, a pan- ment will talk on "Recent Research Stump Taks' Parr. His subject will be the "Way W. Doty of the School of Music. The vill speak on "Significance of the theon-like structure with a dome in the Field of Human Parasitic Pro- :iety of Sigma Rho Tau should be to Go." musical numbers will be as follows: Far East Conflict." tabled "Fame." In the Michigan tozoa." present at a general meeting to be 6:00: Student Fellowship. Prof. S. Organ Prelude, "Liebster Jesu. Wir 9:00 o'clock, Social Hour for stu- version, Minerv ismsea dand the held Tuesday evening, Oct. 5, at 7:30 A. Courtis will speak. His subject Sind Hier" by Bach; Anthem, "Come dents. young person is in modern dress. wil be "Pesnal Discipline" Dr Robbins ascribes the similarity Women's Research Club: Import- p.m., in Room 214 W. Eng. Important wl e Persona"BDssd aeine-MHoly Ghost" by Palestrina; Solo, to the remarkable application of the ant meeting, Monday, Oct. 4. at 7:30 plans for the coming year must be "Blessed are the Meek" by Ward- The Christian Students' Prayer engraving to the Latin motto which p.m., 3024 Museums Bldg. Constitu- made. Please be prompt. Harris Hall: Dean Alice Lloyd will Stephens. Group will hold its initial meeting appears on the Michigan seal. It tional revision to be considered. speak to the Episcopal Student Fel- . 5:30 p.m. Westminster Guild, stu- for the year at the Michigan League reads in translation "Minerva showsl First Church of Christ, Scientist.lowship Sunday evening at 7 p.m. group, supper and fellowship hour. Building Sunday evening, Oct. 3 at and where hser hand points, Students interested in Christian 409 S. Division St. Morning Serv- Refreshments will be served. All At the meeting which follows Prof. 7:30 p.m. For room inquire at desk, alet us follow." It is r. Robbins' be, Science are cordially invited to a re- ice 11 o'clock. Episcopal students and their friends I Howard Y. McClusky and four upper Everyone welcome. uties believe the gun, a .22 caliber re- lief that Major Kearsley, who dis- peating rifle, which she recently pur- covered the motto in the "Aeneid," chased in Detroit, was hidden under was struck by the appropriateness the coat. of the engraving, which had a na- Professor Greene said that Miss tion-wide circulation at that' time, McHenry stopped in at his house, and he converted it for use on the again about noon Thursday. Her I seal. I11 - - - idml& Choral Union Concerts Fifty-Ninth Annual Series, 1937-1938 I r__ . _. _ ..___..__ __ ____.__.__.®.___ ___ _ _ ____... __._ L-- BOSTON SYMPHONY ORCHESTRA RICHARD CROOKS 1. 2. TEN GREAT PROGRAMS Rachmaninoff, Pianist GEORGES ENSECO WEDNESDAY, OCTOOER 27 The Cleveland Orchestra 3. 44. 5. 6. 7. ARTUR RODZINSKI, Conductor Richard Crooks, Fritz Kreisler, V Tenor iolinist TUESDAY, NOVEMPER 9 FRIDAY, NOVI MONDAY, NO Boston Symphony Orchestra SERGE KOUSSEVITZKY, Conductor WEDNESDAY, D Ruth Slenczynski, Pianist MONDAY, JA Helsinki University Chorus EMBER 19 VEMBER 29 ECEMBER 8 INUARY 10 kNUARY 18 kNUARY 28 RUARY 17 I U 8. 9. lo. MARTTI TURUNEN, Conductor Gina Cigna, Soprano The Roth Quartet Georges Enesco, Vio TUESDAY, JA FRIDAY, JA THURSDAY, FEB linist TUESDAY, MARCH 1 ____________________' SEASON TICKETS (including $3.00 May Festival Coupon) may be ordered by mail, to be selected in sequence $6.00, $8.00, $10.00 and $12.00 each. Address CHARLES A. SINK, President, School of Music, May- I| .. I| nard Street, Ann Arbor, Michigan. jN j j | I