PAGE FOUR THE MICHIGAN DAILY SATURDAY, OCTOBER 2,1937 IM - 77 THE MICHIGAN DAILY Edited and managed by students of the University of Michigan under the authority of the Board in Control of Student Publications. Published every morning except Monday during the University year and Summer Session. Member of the Associated Press The Associated Press is exclusively entitled to the use for republication of all news dispatchescredited to it or not otherwise credited in this newspaper. All rights of republication of all other matter herein also reserved. Entered at the PosttOffice at Ann Arbor, Michigan as second class mal matter. Subscriptions during regular school year by carrier, $.00; by mail, $4.50. Member, Associated Collegiate Press, 1937-38 REPRESENTED FOR NATIONAL ADVERTISNG Y National AdvertisingService, Inc. College Publishers Representative 420 MADisoN4 AVE. NEW YORK, N. Y. CHICAGO - BOSTON -.LOS ANGELES - SAN FRANCISCO Board of Editors MANAGING EDITOR.............JOSEPH S. MATTES EDITORIAL DIRECTOR.............TUURE TENANDER CITY EDITOR. .. .. .. ............IRVING SILVERMAN Willam Spaller Robert Weeks Irvin Lisagor Helen Douglas NIGHT EDITORS:Harold Garn, Joseph Gies, Earl R. Gilman, Horace Gilmore, S. R. Kleman, Edward Mag- dol, Albert Mayo, Robert Mitchell, Robert Perlman and Roy Sizemore. SPORTS DEPARTMENT: Irvin Lisagor, chairman; Betsy Anderson, Art Baldauf, Bud Benjamin, Stewart Fitch, Roy Heath and Ben Moorstein. WOMEN'S DEPARTMENT: Helen Douglas, chairman, Betty Bonistee, Ell'n Cuthvert, Ruth Frank, Jane B. Holden, Mary Alice MacKenzie, Phyllis Helen Miner, Barbara Paterson, Jenny Petersen, Harriet Pomeroy, Marian Smith, Dorothea Staebler and Virginia Voor- hees. Business Department BUSINESS MANAGER..............ERNEST A. JONES CREDIT MANAGER....................DON WILSHER ADVERTISING MANAGER . . ..NORMAN B. STEINBERG WOMEN'S BUSINESS MANAGERA.......BETTY DAVY WOMEN'S SERVICE MANAGER ..MARGARET FERRIES * Departmental Managers Ed Macal, Accounts Manager; Leonard P. Siegelman, Local Advertising Manager; Philip Buchen, Contracts Manager; William Newnan, Service Manager; Mar- shall Sampson, Publications and Classified Advertis- ing Manager; Richard H. Knowe, National Advertising and Circulation Manager. NIGHT EDITOR: HAROLD GARN Feed One, ury Four ..-- A BILL HAS BEEN INTRODUCED in the Alberta Legislature giving the chairman of a board constituted by the Alberta Social Credit Act the power to force newspapers to publish his statements on gov- ernmental policy and tactics, the power to obtain from papers the sources of their information and to disclose the identity of any writer of edi- torials, feature or news. Penalties include empowering the Lieutenant- Governor-in-Council to suspend a newspaper's publication for a definite period or until a further order. The Lieutenant-Governor is also empowered to punish offenders by prohibiting the publica- tion of any information emanating from any persons or source specified by order. Of the five provisions mentioned above, Qne is desirable in a democracy and four are dis- tinct attacks on freedom of expression in the press. We believe that divulgence of a writer's iden- tity is no violation of civil liberties but rather a safeguard against the use of "unbiased" col- umns by interested parties for their personal ag- grandizement. If newspapers, however, were forced to dis- close their news sources a real danger to the freedom of the press would result. Despite the fact that Hearst and others of the same gentry often hide behind the shield of unnamed news sources, the limitations upon criticism of social, political and economic institutions resulting from a compulsory disclosure of confidential news sources would constitute an even greater ill. Moreover, newspapers, forced by law to pub- lish any and all statements by an officer of the state, may easily degenerate into a publicity sheet for that official's political advancement or for a private interest working through an official. Further, the power to suspend publication can become a political monkeywrench to be thrown by the "ins" into the machinery of the "outs." But most insidious of a provisions is that allowing the state to prohibit publication of information emanating from sources specified by the government. This would enable insiders, with an axe to grind either for their personal benefit or for their policies, to silence dissent and to keep from the public the other side of the story. We might well adopt laws that bring the press to account before the people for misinformation and bias, but the three points representing infringement of civil rights should be killed in Alberta and buried there to prevent spread of infection. large degree of responsibility for the cultural standards and literary tastes of their graduates The fundamental cause however goes beyond the colleges. Bookless college graduates are the by- products of a busy, bustling America. Extract the idea that education is solely a preparation for work and literature becomes relevant. Undergraduates have felt that there was no time for literature in college, and as they felt that way there was no time. Leisure has never been a problem, however-they know how to loaf. Too many college students have been fright- ened away from literature. They have somehow acquired the notion that to read and appreciate literature calls for an individually peculiar men- tal set-up. Nothing is farther from the truth. A discriminating enthusiasm for life is the only requirement for an appreciation of literature. A New Kind Of Football.. .. A"S MICHIGAN opens its first game of the season today, throughout the country there will be small high schools play- ing their first games of their history. The reason is a new kind of football-six-man football- that has been spreading in the last two years through small towns of the West and South. Six-man teams consist of a center and two ends, and in the backfield, a quarterback, half, and fullback. The field is 80 by 40 yards instead of 100 by slightly more than 50. It has all of the plays and technique of regular football, includ- ing blocking, tackling, passing, kicking, runs, and a greater chance for trick plays. The game is particularly adapted to the needs of the small school, because there is no necessity for large squads and m~uch expensive equip- ment. It was invented three years ago in Ches- ter, Neb., and now there are leagues in Arkansas, Mississippi, Tennessee, North and South Dakota, Montana, and Oregon. Over 70 schools have teams in North Dakota. Six-man probably is not destined to ever re- place 11-man in the colleges and large schools, but for the small town and small school it has brought the great American fall sport. These schools acclaim it as being faster than the reg- ular game, with more scoring, and as being easier for the audiences to understand. They also stress its convenience for them. Whether the game will spread this fall to new leagues and new states is a matter of question, but it seems to be a fairly safe conjecture that it will. Perhaps someday it will find popularity in college intramural and "Jay-Vee" leagues. UNDER THE CLOCK with DISRAELI TO HORSE! TO HORSE! First, there is a rumor about those Aggies who came over to play house-you guess what kind- on our lawn the other day. During the inves- tigation an Ann Arbor street cleaner inadver- tently got on their trail with his broom. He was found, it is said, wandering around the stadium sniffing through 'his mustaches, puzzled but ready for action. When questioned, he said he thought he was following a parade. * * * * THE JABBER RIDES AGAIN Now we leave you; to the words of fire ad frenzy of old Jabber Wok, who comes out of the hoary past to fling the rusty gauntlet at the bare and calloused feet of our country cousins. Hurrah for Jabber Wok! Under the goal posts at five o'clock! OLD JABBER WOK, whose sudden demise from this job of columning was celebrated long before Disraeli laid an ink-smudged finger on his first typewriter key, is spinning dizzily in his grave at the disappointing inactivity here in regards to the goal-post hari-kari at the Stadium the other day. From what information filtered through the sod and six feet of grade A gravel, Jabber hears that them there Aggies snuck into the Stadium the other night and, using some sort of bucolic instrument, sliced through about half the outer layer of the goal-posts. But this isn't half as surprising as the subse- quent apathy among Michigan students. It's to be expected that the Aggies would have to cut through the posts to get them down, the sissies; two years ago they didn't cut them, and didn't get them. Last year they cut 'em and got 'em. Where, oh where is the student spirit that used to resent the slightest pretensions to greatness on the part of M.A.C.? Not one word has been heard so far about defense of them there posts. The Daily should have had a banner two inches high: "TRY AND GET 'EM WIN OR LOSE; WE'LL DEFEND 'EM." After all, there's only a limited number of students up yonder in the East Lansing pastures, and there must be 1,000 able-bodied males in the class of '41 down here, which is equal to approx- imately 8,000 Aggies for defense purposes. At least, it used to be, although a similar ratio has now gone down from eleven cops for one student to ten students for one cop. Old Jabber can rest quietly only when he remembers that in the old days the students ran the State Militia out of town twice. * * * * Michigan, 'tis true, lacks practice in defending goal posts, since for yars and yars the team always managed to do that for them, and will probably turn the trick again tomorrow. But the Barn Boys shouldn't be let off that easily in any case, so why not challenge them to get the dad-durned posts win or lose, and then, remem- IT SEEMS TO ME By Heywood Broun Justice Black should have learned a useful thing in his encounter with the reporters at Norfolk. By now he ought to know that it is practically impossible to say nothing. I am not referring to the art of keeping silent. The prac- titioners of this craft are few enough, but their name is legion in comparison to those who can make the lips move in audible comment and still let nothing slip forth which will scratch the surface of the record. Often I have heard men in public and private life complain of the per- sistence of the inquiring reporter. Sometimes they even feel that the interrogator has no other purpose but to annoy them. Such a delusion rests upon ignorance or practical human psy- chology. * * *< * I Would If I Could' A good digger comes to know that he has his quarry on the wing the moment he can get the potential news source to the point of making the remark, "I have nothing to say." Even such a cagey answer carries the connotation that the speaker could if he would. It suggests that in his breast there lies matter of great moment which he does not care to di- vulge. The door which leads to cross-examina- tion is already on the latch. A single interviewer or a well co-ordinated. group will proceed from that point into worrying the beleaguered celeb- rity into defining the character and shape of that nothing which he has to say. Even though the man upon the stand sticks to his formula of negation a properly devised series of questions serves to make a record of a sort. There may be a kind of sound ranging in the process. For instance, I maintain that it is legitimate jour- nalism in certain circumstances for the reporter to include in his story the tone of Mr. X in saying nothing about the weather and the emotional color of his refusal to discuss some pressing political point. But I am not at all sure that it is not easier for the man who could be mum to face a battery of questioners rather than one or two highly skilled excavators. Every reporter has seen some good potential story ruined by the fact that somebody in the group asked the wrong question at the wrong time and allowed the trout to get off the hook. It is not always skill, but some- times sheer chance, which delivers the reluc- tant witness into the hands of the press. * * * * Evasion Time Is Past Thus, in the case of Justice Black, he would have almost succeeded in that rare feat of saying nothing at all if he had not grown careless or chivalrous in answering the question of a woman reporter. At least one of her confreres attributed great guile to the lady in question, although I am not sure it was not a lucky hit. Her query was, "Where can we find you in Washington, Senator? Will you go to your office in the Senate Office Building?" And to this Hugo Lafayette Black was quoted as replying, "I'll probably go to my office in the Supreme Court." And with that the pack had something. It seems to me that it was fair for them to infer that Mr. Justice Black had indi- cated a determination NOT to resign. The gentle- man from Alabama is skilled in the art of cross- examination and knows the answers as well as the questions, but he ought to realize that there is no getting away from a persistent and legiti- mate curiosity on the part of the American people. Within certain definitely narrowing limits he has a right to pick his time. But he should fence no longer. He must come clean. On The Level By WRAG Well, Michigan State is in town today and the whole Michigan campus has its fingers crossed that the home team's goal line won't be crossed. *i * * * It would be nice for a change if the Wolverine football team stole the show from the Michigan band. * * * * For the last three years the Fighting Hun- dred's performance at the half has been the only thing that kept the Michigan stands from running out for a beer before the sec- ond period. *~ * * *' And rumors have it that the band has an- other good stunt beneath its capes for the State game. The bunch is planning to play "The Fu- neral March" three times, getting sourer with each rendition. * * * * Then, if Michigan is leading at the half, they plan to come through with "The Victors." So maybe the old strain will drip sentiment after a drought of three years. * *' * If they can't play "The Victors" this time, the Band ought to begin practicing on "That Old Feeling." If Michigan is losing, the song ought to be appropriate even for the Seniors. * * * * Yesterday Ganna d'Eingorne Fraenkel Coch- rane McCormick (alias Ganna Walska) married Harry Grindell-Matthews, the inventor of the "death ray." Miss Walska claims to be a concert rinohr btcrvitics for nears have been calling Bloody Harlan DAILY OFFI A Federal grand jury at Frankfort, Publication in the Bulletin is cons Ky., has indicted 22 Harlan County Usiversity. Copy received at the am coal companies, 24 executives of the -g302100.m. on Saturday. companies, the Sheriff and 23 depu- ties and former deputies on charges SATURDAY, OCT. 2, 1937 of conspiring to deprive the employes VOL. XLVIII. No. 6 of their rights and priviliges under Apparatus Exchange: The Regents the Constitution. at their meeting in March, 1927, au- If this charge appears general, thorized an arrangement for the sale there can be no doubt, after the evi- of scientific apparatus by one de- dence recorded by the Senate Civil partment to another, the proceeds of Liberties Committee last spring, that the sale to be credited to the budget such a conspiracy and such depriva- account of the department from tion of rights did take place in Har- which the apparatus is transferred. lan County. If it is argued that the prosecution of crime there should Departments having apparatus have been left to State and local au- to sntdescti e ref doite *thorities, the answer is that both' to send description thereof to the thoritigeiehanserisathatybhothUniversity Chemistry Store, of which these agencies have repeatedly shown Prof. R. J. Carney is director. The unwillingness and inability to cope Chemistry store headquarters are in t The coal companies of Harlan Room 223 Chemistry Building. An County, owned for the most part by effort will be made to sell the ap- absentee proprietors, have exercised paratus to other departments which ,despotic sway, holding the local au- are likely to be able touse it. In 'thorities in the hollow of their hand, some instances the apparatus my be crushing the civil liberties of the sent to the University Chemistry miners ruthlessly under heel. Prose- store on consignment and if it is not 'cution was started by former Gov- sold within a reasonable time, it will ernor Laffoon against Sheriff Mid- be returned to the department from dleton, a one-time bootlegging con- which it was received. The object vict, who, since assuming office, in- of this arrangement is to promote vested $102,000 in three years on a economy by reducing the amount of vesed 102000m treeyeas o aunused apparatus. It is hoped that maximum annual salary of $4460, but departments having such apparatus the present Governor dropped the w deamethavn appart - charges. J will realize the advantage to them- - The stories of repression and atro- selves and to the University in avail- city which witnesses told the La- ing themselves of this opportunity. Follette Committee would have seemed utterly fantastic in a free Student Organizations: Officers of country, except for the intrinsic evi- student organizations are reminded dence of their truth. According to that only such organizations as are the witnesses, the intimidation prac- approved by the Senate Committee ticed by company thugs holding on Student Affairs may insert notices commissions as Sheriff's deputies in the Daily Official Bulletin. Until ranged all the way from verbal Oct. 25 last year's list of approved threats to murder by dynamiting organizations will be used, but after and shooting into homes by night. that date only such groups as have The Commonwealth Attorney was on qualified for approval this year, by retainer by two of the companies, submitting lists of officers to the and even one of the judges was finan- Dean of Students, 2 University Hall, cially interested in the coal industry. and otherwise complying with the Under these circumstances, the Committee's rules, will be allowed to country will applaud if the powers exercise this privilege; of the United States District Court- and the Department of Justice can Social Chairmen for fraternities, be invoked to restore civil liberties to sororities and other student organ- "Bloody Harlan." izations are reminded that all party St. Louis Post-Dispatch. requests must be filed in the office of the Dean of Students for Dean Bursley's approval on the Monday A Better Way .before the event for which approval is requested. I AL BULLETIN structlve notice to all members of ah am at the AssLtaat to the Prms1* M The International Schoolboy Fel- lowship plan, whose principals are now on their way between the United1 States and Great Britain, Germany, and Ireland, is one which deservesI the support of all friends of worldi amity. Thirty-one youngsters left New York a few days ago to study in European schools, and a like num- ber of English, German, and Irish lads will come here to take their places--not only in school, but in the homes they have left; for it is part of the plan that parents of a boy who goes abroad shall receive "another son" to cherish during his absence. Obviously, the chief benefit of the mutual arrangement lies in the fact that these youngsters will live in the+ homes of other youngsters in anoth- er land. Thus seeds of friendship will be sown which in future years should bear good fruit. After all, lasting peace must come through the awakened consciousness of the in- dividual. The International School- boy Fellowship plan seems one good method of accomplishing such an awakening. The Christian Science Monitor. RADIO J By JAMES MUDGE Football takes to the King works1 carries1 net-j these fall afternoons-NBC the Drake-Notre Dame clash Fraternities and1 Sororities are re-t minded that only members of the University Senate and their wives, or persons selected from a list submit- N ted to the Dean of Students by the organization at the beginning of the I year may be used as chaperons for social events. Additions to the ap- proved list, as well as the names on the list itself, must be acted upon by E Dean Bursley prior to their use as chaperons. t Extra Curricular Activities. Man- agers and chairmen of extra cur- ricular activities are reminded that they should submit td the chairman of the Committee on Student Affairs, Room 2, University Hall, a complete 1 list of all students who wish to par- ticipate in their respective enter- prises during the second semester, in order that their eligibility for such activities may be checked. The names should be persented on blank forms to be obtained in Room 2. J. A. Bursley, Dean of Students.3 Rhodes Scholarships: Candidates for the Rhodes Scholarships should procure before the 8th of October an information blank from the Secre- tary of the History Department, 119 Haven Hall, and should see me in 117 Haven Hall during my office1 hours on or before Oct. 18. Arthur Lyon Cross. j i Sunday Library Service: On all Sundays from October to June, ex- cept during holiday periods, the Main Reading Room and the Period- ical Room of the General Library area kept open from 2 p.m. to 9 p.m. Booksfrom other parts of the building which are needed for Sun-, day use will be made available in the, Main Reading Room if request is, made on Saturday to an assistant in the reading room where the books are usually shelved. Pianos for Practice: Persons hav- ing pianos in their homes which they would like to rent to students by the hour are invited to leave their addresses at the office of the Univer- sity School of Music, telephone 7513. Choral Union Tryouts: Former members must register at the office of the Musical Director at the School of Music before Oct. 8. Acceptance for membership for the current year will be based on previous records. New members may register and try out from 4 to 6 p.m. on Oct. 1, 4, 5, 6 and 8. Acceptance for membership will be based on quality and range for voice, and sight-reading ability. Earl V. Moore, Director of Choral Union. Singers, Men and Women: Student soloists who would like td be in the winter musical to be given by Play Production and the School of Music, are urged to report for try-outs "Tuesday afternoon from 4:30 to 5:30 norning examination, English, will -eport on Monday afternoon. Those vho missed the Friday morning test, 'sychological, will report on Tues- lay. These examinations take prece- lence over all other appointments in- luding class work. Be on time. C. S. Yoakum. English 230: (Studies in Spenser rnd His Age). This class will meet in 213 A.H. on Monday from 4-6. M. P. Tilley. Mathematics 291: Will meet Mon- o'clock. All Disciple students and heir friends are cordially invited. Speech 71: Methods in Speech heading meeting Thursday and Fri- ay at 9:00 and Tuesday at 1:00 will lave another section for people with :onflicts and it meets at 1007 East 'uron St. at the Institute of Human kdjustment. To the Members of the Faculty of the College of Literature, Science, and the Arts: The first regular meeting of the faculty of the College of Literature, Science, and the Arts for the aca- lemic session of 1937-38 will be held in Room 1025 Angell Hall. Oct. 4, 1937, at 4:10 p.m. A large attendance tt this initial meeting is particularly lesired. Edward H. Kraus. Agenda: 1. Adoption of the minutes of the neeting of June 7, 1937, which have been distributed by campus mail (pages 350-359). 2. Memorial to the late Prof. Frank Blanchard. Committee: President A. . Ruthven, Professors C. R. Larue, [. H. Bartlett, Chairman. 3. Introduction of new members of professorial rank. 4. Report of the nominating com- nittee. The committee consists of: Prof. John G. Winter, Chairman. Prof. Verner W. Crane. Prof. Theophil H. Hildebrandt. Prof. Ora S. Duffendack. Prof. Warner G. Rice. 5. Election: a. Members on the Executive Committee to succeed Professors George R. La Rue and C. F. Remer, whose terms of office have expired. The period of the new appointments will be three years. b. Members of the Library Com- mittee to succeed 1. Prof. Louis I. Bredvold as rep- 'esentative of Group I. 2. Prof. Max Handman, repre- entative at large. .6. Reports: a. Executive Committee, by Prof. George R. La Rue. b. Executive Board of the Graduate School by Prof. Peter Field. c. Advisory Committee on Univer- sity Affairs, by Prof. Arthur S. Aiton. d. Deans' Conference, by Dean E. H. Kraus. c. Administrative Board, by As- sistant Dean W. R. Humphreys. f. Academic Counselors, by Prof. E. A. Walter. g. Statistics on freshman enroll- ment by Registrar Ira M. Smith. 7. Announcements and new busi- ness. 8. The Honors Degree Program in Liberal Arts will be a special order of business for the November meet- ing. Concert Carillon Recital: Wilmot F. Pratt, University Carillonneur, will give a recital on the Charles Baird Carillon n the Burton Memorial Tower, Sun- day evening, Oct. 3, at 7:30 o'clock. Lectures University Lecture: Einar Gjerstad, Director of the Swedish Academy in Rome will lecture on the subject, 'Excavations in Cyprus," on Friday, Oct. 8, 4:15 p.m. in the Natural Sci- ence Auditorium. The public is cor- dially invited. Illustrated Lecture: On "Dutch Art" by Prof. Alphons P. A. Voren- camp, West Gallery, Memorial Hall, Monday, Oct. 4, 4:30 p.m. Free to Art Association members and Univer- sity students. University Lecture. Dr. Edward J. Dent, Professor of Music, Cambridge University, will lecture on the sub- ject "History of the Fugue" Thurs- day afternoon, Oct. 7, at 4:15 p.m. in Lydia Mendelssohn Theatre. This lecture given for music students is open to the public, and all those in- terested are invited without admis- sion charge. Charles A.' Sink, President. Events Of Today Greek Students: All Greek stu- dents and students of Greek descent are cordially invited by the Delta Epsilon Pi to attend an open in- formal meeting at the Union, Sat- urday, 8 p.m. The purpose of this meeting will be to introduce the new Greek students to the Delta Epsilon Pi. and CBS airs the Nebraska-Minne- sota game. Both hit the air at 2:45 . . . Eddie Dooley, the Chesterfield football reporter, gives the scores at 6:30 via WJR . . . Dick Stabile, form- er first sax with Ben Bernie, brings his band to the air by MBS at 7:15 ... The Four Californians, something very fine in the line of small orchs, is aired at 7:15 by WGN Chicago-it's worth your time . . . "Swingin' in the righteous groove"-CBS presents the Saturday Night Swing Club with the nations leading improvisors on all horns. Started as an experi- ment, this show is one of CBS's best sellers, and if you want to get edu- cated, dial this strictly "on-the- beat" session . . . 7:30 is the time and WJR the outlet. Johnny presents Russ Morgan and his band, the Swing Fourteen and Charles Martin over WJR and the CBS tonight at 8:30 . . . Some more education - Professor Quiz throws the questions and very 'blue-bookish" at that-and WABC carries this fea- ture at 9 . . . Joe Sanders shouts "The Ole Left Hander" at 9:30 from WGN -nearing time for him to leave . . The Hit Parade again takes the air at 10 with WJR carrying the pop tunes of the day-Al Goodman's orch plays them . . . 11:30 finds Ozzie Nelson leading the band and comes thru WBBM, Chicago-Ozzie has plenty of jazz men in his organiza- tion but hotel spots mean soft music, and so -. - Literature For Collegians . . . CRITICS of contemporary America have repeatedly made the charge that the culture of our era is typified by a lack of standards, an apparent absence of an inner