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October 01, 1937 - Image 5

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1937-10-01

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League Council
Appoints New,
Secretary - Treasureship Is
Divided Into Separate
Posts In New Plan
Aim Is Efficiency
A change has been effected in the
League Council, according to Hope
Hartwig, '38, League president, who
announced that Helen Louise Arner,
'38, will.replace Margaret Ann Ayers,
'38, former 'third vice-president of
the League. Miss Ayers will have
the position of treasurer, and Janet
Allington, '38, former secretary-
treasurer, will be secretary.
It was felt that the division of
the secretary-treasurership into two
positions would result in more effi-
cient administration, Miss Hartwig
stated, because the work of the com-
bined posts was too heavy for one
Constitution Amended
The constitution of the League
Council was amended to provide for
the new officer at the Council meet-
ing Tuesday, Sept. 28. There are now
15 instead of 14 members of the
Miss Arner, a member of Alpha Phi
sorority, was publicity chairman of
Assembly Banquet, and a member of
Sophomore Cabaret, house reception
and orientation committees in 1935-
36. In 1936, she was on the League
Fair committee, and she is now social
chairman of the Orientation Com-
Was Ticket Chairman
Miss Ayers, a member of Gamma
Phi Beta sorority, was ticket chair-
man of Assembly Ball and assistant
chairman of the theatre-arts com-
mittee in 1935-36. In 1936-37 she was
a member of the orientation commit-
tee, social committee, theatre-arts
committee and Wyvern. She was also
assistant chairman of last year's Jun-
ior Girls' Play.
A member of Collegiate Sorosis,
Miss Allington was secretary of Wy-
vern, a member of the theatre-arts
committee and orientation commit-
tee, and J.G.P. ticket chairman in
1936-37. She is also a member of
CHICO, Calif., Sept. 30.-(R)-Eu-
gene Pallette, rotund comedian, in-
curred a fractured left wrist today.

New League Treasurer nd Secretary SororityHead,
WT-- 1T 1


(Continued from Page 4)
day. Wednesday and Friday at 11
D'clock in 401 Mason Hall.

T"e period of the new appointments i c. Administrative Board, by
w ill be three years, sistant Dean W. R. Humphreys.
b. Members of the Library Com- f. Academic Counselors, by P
mittee to succeed E. A. Walter.
1. Prof. Louis I. Bredvold as rep-. g. Statistics on freshman em


wed iestercay
Marjorie Link To Marry
Henry Berkmeyer, Jr.,
Early Next Summer
Two weddings and three engage-
ments of University students have

Electrical Engineering 71, Study ofI
Illuminating Design, will meet Wed-
nesdays 3 to 5 p.m., to suit the con-
venience of those who have so far

rcsentative of Group I. ment by Registrar Ira M. Smith.
2. Prof. Max Handman. repre- 7. Announcements and new busi-
sentative at large. ness.
6. Reports: 8. The Honors Degree Program in
a. Executive Committee, by Prof. Liberal Arts will be a special Order
George R. La Rue, of business for the November meet-
b. Executive Board of the Graduate! ing.
School by Prof. Peter Field.
c. Advisory Committee on Univer-'C
sity Affairs, by Prof. Arthur S. Aiton.
d. Deans' Conference, by Dean E. Choral Union Concerts: Concerts
H. Kraus. (Continuea on Page 6)

been announced recently. enrolled in it. The next session will
Jean Greenwald. '37, daughter of be on Oct. 6. See bulletin board of
Mrs. Freda Greenwald of New Ken- E.E. Department for problem assign-
sington, Pa., was married to Thomas ments.
Calvan Butler, son of Dr. and Mrs.
Thomas Butler, also of New Kensing- To the Members of the Faculty of
Jon, at 11:45 a.m. yesterday at the' the College of Literature, Science,
Presbyterian church in New Kensing- and the Arts:
ion. iThe first regular meeting of the
Mrs. Butler, who was president of faculty of the College of Literature,
Delta Delta Delta sorority last year, Science, and the Arts for the aca-
was attended by Mrs. William Ed- demic session of 1937-38 will be held
wards, matron of honor, and Phyllis in Room 1025 Angell Hall, Oct. 4,
iFerguson, who acted as maid of hon-tA
sir. The bride wore white satin. Miss 1937, at 4:10 p.m. A large attendance
Ferguson was dressed in a gown of at this initial meeting is particularly
aqua silk trimmed with brown vel- desired. Edward H. Kraus.

A Complete and Select Stock of
. at




New Fall Fashions Are Casual;
Plaids Are Tops' For Campus

314 South State



Feature1 length which buttons at the neckline

vet and Mrs. Edwards wore a formal
dflrl ?l Sl lnJ.J VVwit i V t tim

1 Ado

l 11--- V

High Necklines, Buttons'
And Novel Designs
Sport and afternoon clothes have ay
dash and gaiety of design which
ceems to have caught the zest of our
autumn air. The stress lies on the
casual note; soft lines are the smart-
est; and simplicity increases their
A dress ideal for classroom wear is
a jersey dress in black with a royal
blue top. The gored skirt is full and
the high, pointed, rolled collar of the
blouse closes in back of the neck with
a slide fastener.
Plaid Suits Are In Style
For campus wear a red and green
plaid suit is smart. The fitted jacket
features patch pockets and wide la-
pels; the skirt has a kick pleat in the
center front. A jersey cardigan,
striped in shades of brown, is in ex-
cellent contrast over a plain brown
woolen dress. A brown wool jacket
with tab buttons goes well with a
green wool skirt, as does a green
striped wool vest.
One of two jackets which were
created for wear over sweaters and
skirts is brown wool gabardine; the
(other is Sienna brown English suede.
The former has roomy patch pockets,
narrow, pointed men's lapels, and in-
verted pleats in back. The suede
jacket is a box-coat of fingertip

Michigan Theater Bldg.
Clear and sheer chiffon hose.
Fine appearance and durable.
Either 3 or 4-thread weight.
$1.00 value.
Others at 59c to $1.15.
With Zipper Front,
Others at $1.95 to $2.95.

Party Will Be Held
For Foreign Group
An acquaintance party, sponsored
by the International Council, will be
given at 8 p.m. today in Room 316
at the Union, according to Prof. J.
,Raleigh Nelson, counselor to foreign
This is the first of a series of en-
tertainments which have been plan-
ned for the foreign students by the
council. All students, especially grad-
uates, are invited to attend this party
and meet the new foreign students
on campus.
Entertainment for this party will
be in the way of American games and

oland has toivre lasi 1Kie iuiwg evuuin .x
back d A reception was held at the Hill- meeting
crest Country Club in New Kensing been di
An afternoon tea or an evening date ton following the ceremony. (pages1
would find you triumphant in a belt- Mr. and Mrs. M. W. Link of Oak 2. Me
less, very fitted, bright blue crepe Park, Ill, announced the engagement Blancha
with new shirred bosom Its high neck- of their daughter, Marjorie, to Henry G. Ruth
linet h gigte roat, is caught in Berkmeyer, Jr., son of Mr. and Mrs. H. H. B
frnd yours lfarge eweledcblak wo Henry Berkmeyer of Hoyleton, Ill. 3. Int]
n s The wedding will take place-in June. professo
with a shirred panel running from the Miss Link, who was a student at the 4. Re
University, is affiliated with Kappa mittee.
prove what a smart girl you are. Kappa Gamma sorority and Mr., Prof.
Berkmeyer is attending Kirskville Prof.
0i F College of Osteopathy in Kirksville, Prof.
Mo. Prof.
e Ea Louise Van Etta, the daughter of Prof.
il l ntenta Mr. James Van Etta, formerly of De- 5. Ele
troit and now of San Francisco, will a. 1V
hi e k- nd become the bride of Donald A. Mey- Commit
ers, son of Mrs. Harry J. Meyers, of GeorgeI
Birmingham, in San Francisco, Oct. 2. whose t
With rushing taing the lead in
all activities at the various fraterni- -
ties and sororities on campus, only six
houses have planned events for this f GOODYEAR'S PRESENT I N
Alpha Tau Omega will open the
year with a tea dance which will be
given from 4:30 to 6 p.m. tomorrow.
Prof. and Mrs. W. Emmons and Mr. Lucien LeLong -
and Mrs. L. A. White will chaperon
the party, according to Crosby Wy-
man, Jr., '38E, who is in charge of
the arrangements.
An alumni reunion of Delta Theta \
Phi will be given at 2:30 p.m. tomor-
row at the Union. Lambda Chi Alpha
has planned a dinner to be given to-
morrow in honor of 15 members who A new fragrance . . friend
are coming from East Lansing for to laughter and kin to dan-
An informal radio-dance will beger . . . inspiring and con-
row, dr rdoning each adventure .
held from 9 p.m. to midnight tomor- Iprastohaln o
row, at the Phi Beta Delta house. Iperhaps too headlong for
The chaperons will be Mr. and Mrs. some, too unpredictable for
Moses Cohodes of Iron Mountain and others . . . but delightfully,
Mr. and Mrs. Benjamin Grant of De- mischeviously, wilfully im-
troit, according to Arthur Cohen, '38, promptu!
social chairman. Phi Chi will alsoy e
give an informal radio-dance tomor- by the dram
row, according to H. G. McGavran, at the
'38M. Dr. and Mrs. M. E. Gump, Mr. COSMETIC COUNTERS
and Mrs. Lyle Waggoner and Mr. and
Mrs. George Wynn will chaperon.
From 6 p.m. to midnight tomorrow,
a dinner-dance will be given by Phi(1
Kappa Psi. Dr. William Brace and
Mr. and Mrs. Guy Parker have been
invited to chaperon, according to DOWNTOWN ST(
James W. Sargent, '39, who is in
charge of the arrangements.
Because It's Got What It Takes
It's the College Choice
over any two others combined

option of the minutes of the
of June 7, 1937, which have
Istributed by campus mail
morial to the late Prof. Frank
Ld. Committee: President A.
.ven, Professors C. R. Larue,
artlett, Chairman.
;oduction of new members of
rial rank.
port of the nominating com-
The committee consists of:
John G. Winter, Chairman.
Verner W. Crane.
Theophil H. Hildebrandt.
Ora S. Duffendack.
Warner G. Rice.
Members on the Executive
tee to succeed Professors
R. La Rue and C. F. Remer,



416 West Huron

Dial 8270

erms of office have expired

... with a "yo! ho! ho!"
for Fall comes ...


It's New
It's Adorable !

.. _._.. ___. ...... _ __.m ___ ,...w, ____.--
------ -

only ONE chance to prove how liii-
portant it is to any home, office or
shop. Its sparkling purity is evi-
dent in the first drink.


. (j
3i _
.. ....
_ ._

What a gay spot of color the Cape Cod-er will make
on a dull rainy day!
Bright yellow, cut-off short jigger fashion, huge patch
pockets, shiny gold buttons, and brown velveteen lining
the reversible collar. They'll lift your morale any day,

they're so "darn cute" !
9V& W Wzqam

A Wholly New and Superlative Model
of the Revolutionary Sacless Penl
--Parker's Speedline Vacumatic!


" rrr - -r.r
6 ®
: D T Vii.PF f.


Stop today at any good pen
counter and see Parker's latest and
greatest achievement-the Parker
Speedline Vacumatic. A princely
new model of the Pen that does
what no other pen can do.
Here's a new all-time high in ink
capacity, yet size reduced to a
slender, restful Speedline.
A Pen that shows the ENTIRE
ink supply-shows when to refill
-hence one that never runs dry
in classes or exams.
The world's smartest style-
Parker's exclusive laminated Pearl
and Jet-wholly original.

And not merely modern in style,
but modern also in mechanism. Its
revolutionary SACLESS Dia-
phragm Filler radically departs
from earlier types, whether they
have a rubber ink sac or not. A
patented invention-GUARAN-
TEED mechanically perfect.
Once you try this pedigreed
Beauty, with its marvelous
Scratch-Proof Point, you'll feel
sorry for anyone who doesn't have
it. Go and see and try it today. The
Parker Pen Co., Janesville, Wis.
Makers of Quink, the new pen-clean-
ing writing ink. 15c, 25c and up.

... a slanting flap,
(with metal eyelets)
like a patch over a
pirate's eye, gives
this square-toe..heel
SUEDE brogue a

$ 395

j 75o


Because the wise young woman
will warmly dress with "woolies"
as a "basis." October's nice and
sunshiny, but it's crisp and damp
too. Save yourself a cold by get-
ting into "woolies" early.
50 Wool and 50% Silk
$1.00 each
25% Silk and 20% Wool





ACS t ri

k, f1

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