rAtE FOUK THE MICHIGAN DAILY FRIDAY, OCTOBER 1, 19 Edited and managed by students of the University of Michigan under the authority of the Board in Control of Student Publications. Published every morning except Monday during the University year and Summer Session. Member of the Associated Press The Associated Press is exclusively entitled to the use for republication of all news dispatches credited to it or not otherwise credited in this newspaper. All rights of republication of all other matter herein also reserved. Entered at the Post Office at Ann Arbor, Michigan as second class mail matter. 'Subscriptions during regular school year by carrier, $400; by mail, $4.50., Member, Associated Collegiate Press, 1937-38 REPRESENTED FOR NATIONAL ADVERTISING BY National Advertising Service, Inc. College Publishers Representative 420 MADISON AVE NEw YORK. N. Y. CHICAGO - BOsTON LS ANGELES SAN FRANCISCO Board of Editors MANAGING EDITOR.............JOSEPH S: MATTES EDITORIAL DIRECTOR...........TUURE TENANDER CITY EDITOR................... IRVING SILVERMAN William Spaller Robert Weeks Irvin Lisagor Helen Douglas NIGHT EDITORS:Harold Garn, Joseph Gies, Earl R. Gilman, Horace Gilmore, S. R. Kleiman, Edward Mag- dol, Albert Mayo, Robert Mitchell, Robert Perlman and Roy Sizemore. SPORTS DEPARTMENT: Irvin Lisagor, chairman; Betsy Anderson,hArt Baldauf, Bud Benjamin, Stewart Fitch, Roy Heath and Ben Moorstein. WOMEN'S DEPARTMENT: Helen Douglas, chairman, Betty Bonisteel, Ellen Cuthvert, Ruth Frank, Jane B. Hoden, Mary Alice MacKenzie Phyllis Helen Miner, Barbara Paterson, Jenny Petersen, Harriet Pomeroy, Marian Smith, Dorothea Staebler and Virginia Voor- hees. Business Department BUSINESS MANAGER..............ERNEST A. JONES CREDIT MANAGER ....................DON WILSHER ADVERTISING MANAGER ....NORMAN B. STEINBERG WOMEN'S BUSINESS MANAGER ........BETTY DAVY WOMEN'S SERVICE MANAGER ..MARGARET FERRIES Departmental Managers Ed Macal, Accounts Manager; Leonard P. Siegelman, Local Advertising Manager; Philip Buchen, Contracts Manager; William Newnan, Service Manager; Mar- shall Sampson, Publications and Classified Advertis- ing Manager; Richard H. Knowe, National Advertising and Circulation Manager. NIGHT EDITOR: JOSEPH GIES Ho-Hum No*.1. T'H' DAILY editorial page was ac- cused yesterday of slighting the women and their whimsies in favor of really important subjects confronting the nation and world. The accusation, startling in content, was made by several members of the women's staff and one or two outsiders. "Do you know how rude Michigan men are?" our Susan B. Anthony asked. "I mean really they are rude. "Oh! Listen to this. Marian told me about a dietician up at the Hospital. She is good looking-really she is. The other day she met four Michigan men abreast on the sidewalk. They didn't move and she had to step off the walk. "She told Marian and Marian told her to keep going straight next time and the men would have to move. Well, next time she walked straight and some men ran right into 'her and bruised one of her shoulders. "Really! I don't care. Honestly that hap- pened," Susan told the scoffers. "Anyway, I don't see why you don't run an editorial on it." You Can't Lose Face Now . . . I NSTEAD of having a nation of mutilated and deformed mascu- linity after the next war, it is quite possible that we will have a host of Clark Gables and Robert Taylors. For in order to get soldiers for his insurgent army, General Francisco Franco has disclosed that all men who are injured in action will be given free plastic surgery treatments. General Franco is going to help those "for- tunate" men who have joined his army, provided they lose their faces in actual warfare and provided they do not die in the process. Of course, the common soldier will have to wait his turn, until the generals and upper army-staff officers have been repaired. Thus the general of the Spanish rebels shows that all the improvements in modern warfare have not been made in the engineering lines. The posting of beautiful women around the re- cruiting office to inveigle the prospective soldier into signing on the dotted line is passe. Now the soldier can be button-holed by merely being shown a book of pretty pictures with the en- ticing query: "Which will yours be!" Oh- henu-RY.*** L ITTLE ABNER APPELBY, a jun- ior at Michigan State College, was ready for the kill. "By God I got it!" His cowlick quivered and the fire in his eyes -the devil in him, folks in Paw Paw always said -intensified. "Let's get the swine good. Let's go down to that 'intellectual's town' and saw the goal posts a thought that he, as well as Coach's boys, was doing his bit for M.S.C. They nursed their thought with M.S.C. songs, told jokes and talked of how State was rising in this world. Each also held a thought that the campus would accord him due honor for this little deed. As the touring car sped through Ann Arbor the tempora-rily dampened enthusiasm revived, and it was a lively bunch of farmers who filled the town with echoes of "Hooey Michigan!" and "B-b-rr-r-pp Michigan!" (Hank Bunker, of Pinckney, scored heavily when he quipped, "I can't see the town. There's a cow standing in front of the depot.") The way to the Stadium goal posts was ob- structed only by the darkness, but even the dark thrills a rustic with juvenile emotions in his breast. You will understand this if you can remember when, as a youngster, you stole away from home at midnight for a conference and a cigarette in the freshly-dug cave. The goal post was obstinate to the pipe cutter. "Well, I'll be. The 'brains' down here changed the goal posts-or something. They won't cut hardly at all." "If I only had my pa's steel saw. By golly it'll cut anything." "Here,Little Abner, lemme try. Light a match. Sure, that'll be all right." Hank led the bucolic cut-ups from the field. He bore his leadership, which Little Abner lost with the partial failure of his plan, with cynical and fatalistic courage. Anyway, as he told the little band, they would have the goal posts Sat- urday. S* * * * "YEAH, honey, we got 'em O.K. They'll come down Saturday at a little push. Ho-ho, but gee it was funny-Bert said " "Oh, Henry, that'll be fun. Who went to Ann Arbor with you?" "Little Abner, Bert, Blup and ... " "Hey, Henry, Mary told me you cut 'em in half." "Yeah. We went down last night." "Atta boy, atta boy-who went with you?" "Hey Henry, I hear . ', "Oh, Henry . '- "Yippee! More fun than chasin' a greased pig.", UNDER THE CLOCK with DISRAELI THE DEMISE OF A DOPE The scene is a small apartment near campus, the living room, smokefilled and crowded. Six of the group are lolling on the couch. Fourteen stand around the radio, eight of them are anx- iously scanning their watches. Bo is sitting in an easy chair beside the radio, trying to read. Moe speaks. Moe: I got ten-fifty-nine. Chorus: I got fifty-eight! I got fifty-seven. Eleven fifty-five! Bo: Hell, what is this? An auction? Moe: Benny Goodman comes on at eleven. Bo: Well, so what? I'm trying to study. I'd rather hear a good German band, anyway. Moe: Keep quiet, willya? Study then and shut up, wont'ya, Chorus: Comawn, it's eleven. Gee-sus, make it snappy. Shut up, Bo. Moe tunes in Benny Goodman and they all sit on the edge of their seats. Six more collapse onto the couch and thirteen light cigarettes. The atmosphere is tense, you see. It is also thick enough to cut with a knife, but all Bo has at hand is a nail clipper with which he nips out4 little bits. Moe: Gawd! He's taking off! Chorus: Gawd! Gawd! Gawd! (Echo from under the couch "Gawd") Moe: Listen to him go to church. What a ride! Chorus: That Krupa! That clarinet! Now Goodman's in the groove! Moe: I' drather hear Goodman than anyone else, wouldn't you? Chorus: Yeah man! Oh, swing it-4stomp- stomp-stomp stomp stomping ... Bo: I'd rather hear a German band. The chorus stares and Moe points accusingly at Bo. They all rush around him shouting. Listen to that clarinet, that drum. Barrel- house! Riffing! A-a-ah that trio surpasses any- thing, even Goodman himself. Listen to that iam! They shout and bang the table, the floor, the radio. It is bedlam. It is a regular four- poster bedlam. An argument starts between Moe and a voice in the chorus. The voice: How about Dorsey? Moe (shouting): I mean relatively speaking I mean relatively Goodman is better. The Voice: Krupa makes the band. They crowd and shout and pummel one an- other until the atmosphere is so thick they can't see. Only Bo's head can be seen through the little hole he has nipped in the atmosphere with his nail clippers. There is sudden silence and through the murk comes the voice of an an- nouncer. Announcer: For the past half hour you have been listening to Ernie Schnitzelhau- ser's German Band in a group of request num- bers. This is station ... Moe: Bo! Bo: What, Moe? Oh, the radio. I changed it about fifteen minutes ago when I thought you guys were through listening. Gees, this Schnit- zelhauser's good, isn't he? There is sudden calm. Moe and the Chorus stand in breathless rage. The storm breaks. Nobody has an umbrella. They rush Bo and pummel him. He is finally a bloody mass of pulpy flesh. He is gasping in his last throes. Bo: O gawd, just once more . . . just once before I go . . . let me listen . . . to ... Wayne King . he's on 11:45 ... (he expires). IT S T O E=EMS MUSIC By WILLIAM J. LICHTENWANGER The Musical Season ME. By Heywood Broun This is to introduce myself to readers of the Michigan Daily. First of all, I was born in Brooklyn. That isn't precisely notable but combined with other circumstances it helps out. You see, I moved to New York at the age of eleven months and five days. It was a wise decision and I have remained there ever since. That practically makes me eligible for membership in the small band of New Yorkers who were actually born there. Notoriously New York draws many aggressive and able citizens from other parts of the country, and, in order to make room for them, the natives have to move out. These folk from the far-flung kingdoms take the island from the New Yorkers just as the Dutch bargained it away from the In- dians. I would never have been allowed to re- main but for the fact that they said, "After all, he's only a Brooklynite." In presenting my credentials it will be possible to skip all the early harrowing years of infancy and adolescence. I'm saving that up for a novel. Upon leaving school I went to Harvard and re- mained four years but I was not graduated at the end of the period. The trouble was elemen- tary French and it has not yet been conquered in spite of a year spent with the A.E.F. as a war correspondent. * ,* * * Call Me Uncle Heywood For two summers before getting out of college I worked on New York newspapers during the summer. This makes me a veteran of more than twenty years and the youngsters around the office call me Uncle Heywood. In the beginning it was my intention to leave some doubt about my age in the hope that through the confusion I might get a break. But having said so much I might go through in order to quiet the rumor that I am fifty. I was born in 1888, but unfortunately late in the year. If anybody bobs up to ask why all these dull details should be given in an introductory col- umn for The Daily I can only say that "It Seems To Me" is by design a personal column. The opinions about men and affairs which will be ventured from time to time are wholly my own. Nobody else should be blamed. I purpose to say what I think. Of course, I could be wrong. That has happened. * * * * From Diamond To Drama After college I was a baseball writer for several seasons which led naturally enough to my being made dramatic critic for The New York Tribune. Ethel Barrymore, who was playing at the time, remarked in commenting on a somewhat adverse review, "All the critics liked me except one who I understand is a baseball reporter. Baseball is our national game and I like it, but after all there is a good deal of difference between thie diamond and the drama, is there not?" That was the first and most useful publicity I ever received. . Sporting editors around the country came to my rescue and asserted that baseball writers were much more proficient and important that dramatic critics. I became al- most the symbol of an oppressed people and I felt like Dreyfus or Dred Scott. I left the drama to be a war correspondent. Reporters have many advantages in war. Be- cause of the uniform prescribed for us, we looked like major generals at a distance and we had the fastest automobiles in the Expeditionary Force. And if we ever got in a spot where the Germans were shooting at us, it was always pos- sible to remember that it was close to press time back home and that we had to leave the front and file a story. General Pershing, himself, spoke to me once. He said, "How did you get so much mud on your uniform?" After the war I became a columnist and I'm still working at it. On The Level Tonight is date night and the fraternities are going to jeopardize their chances by getting rushees blind dates. The fraternity men think they are doing both the rushee and the fraternity some good by proving how many girls they know on campus. But some of the blind dates will be worse than going to a five-hour lab as far as the freshmen are concerned. As usual, the frosh will find the dance floors too crowded and the gals too empty. But some of the new boys are no bargains either. The girls can stay out until 1:30 a.m. tonight, but a lot of them will be wishing they could go home at about ten. There is only one consolation for the men. There is no place in town where one can really spend a lot of money. For a dollar a fellow can have a swell time. That is, if the girl will cooperate. The boy needn't feel cheap if he doesn't take a cab to haul the Judy all over town. Taxis are used in Ann Arbor only on rainy nights, football days, and to go out to the Aloha Pi and Like Barnum's elephants, Ann Ar- VOL. XLVIII. No. 5 bor musical seasons seem to grow FRIDAY, OCT. 1, 1937 "bigger and better" every year. In . Frea has r , noc o his oreast f te lcal ramtic The Bureau has received notice of his forecast of the local dramatic the following Civil Service Examina- season, Jim Doll remarked last week tions: that "From both sides of the foot- Associate and assistant botanists, lights, Ann Arbor is one of the most $3.200 and $2,600 a year respectively; active places in the country for Bureau of Plant Industry, Depart- theatre activity." The same thing ment of Agriculture. can be said, with even greater as- Medical social worker, $3,800 a surance, in regard to musical activity year; associate and assistant medical in Ann Arbor. ya;ascaeadassatmdcl workers, $3,200 and $2,600 a year re- The Michigan student is in a po- spectively; Children's Bureau, De- sition to receive as much musical partment of Labor. nourishment as his appetite de- Senior engineer, $4,600 a year; En- mands. The world's greatest living gineer, $3,800 a year; associate en- artists and milsical organizations are gineer, $3,200 a, year; assistant en- brought here in the Choral Union- gineer, $2,600 a year. May Festival series. In addition to Associate dentist, $3,200 a year; personally participating in prac- veterans' administration, U. S. Pub- tically any form of musical activity lic Health Service (Treasury Depart- -from the study of musical acoustics ment), and Indian Field Service (De- to playing in a symphony orchestra- partment of the Interior), the student can hear many local ar- Associate medical officer, $3,200 a tists, many of whom have a national year. reputation, and students studying Principal animal husbandman, $5,- music professionally. Finally he may 600 a year; Bureau of Animal Indus- enjoy the musical facilities of nearby try, Department of Agriculture. Detroit. Lineman apprentice, salary at pre- RACHMANINOFF HEADS vailing rate, City of Detroit. CHORAL UNION SERIES Calculating machine operator (fe- male). $1.560 a year. city of D trnit I, 1 t t DAILY OFFICIAL BULLETIN Publication in the Bulletin is constructive notice to all members of the mlsiversity. Copy received at the often at the Aaataut to th Prw14e * ft 3:30 11,00 aj%. on Saturday. First in importance, among the sev- eral series of concerts sponsored by the School of Music of the Univer- sity is the series of Choral Union- May Festival concerts, which are, in- cidentally, the only concerts to which there is any admission charge. This year the season will open on Oct. 27 with a recital by Sergei Rachmaninoff, renowned Russian composer and pianist. The remain- ing nine concerts of the winter sea- son will present the Boston and Cleveland symphony orchestras; the Chorus of the University of Helsinki; the Roth String Quartet of Buda- pest; Fritz Kreisler and Georges En- esco, violinists; Ruth Slenczynski, 12-year-old pianist; Gina Cigna, so- prano; and Richard Crooks, tenor. Then in the spring, the May Fes- tival series of six concerts will bring back for the third successive year the Philadelphia Orchestra, under Eugene Ormandy, in addition to numerous soloists and the local Choral Union and Children's Fes- tival Chorus. UNIVERSITY SYMPHONY WILL GIVE CONCERTS Through the Faculty Series of a dozen or more concerts a season, the School of Music each year presents a number of its faculty as soloists and performers in small ensembles. In addition, this Series sponsors the concerts, usually four each season, of the 'University Symphony a fully- instrumentated orchestra of from 60 to 80 pieces, conducted by Musical Director Earl V. Moore. Besides giving its concerts, the Orchestra annually accompanies the Choral Union's Christmas presenta- tion of The Messiah, assists selected student soloists in a concerto con- cert, takes part in all May Festival rehearsals, performs accepted stu- dent compositions and transcriptions, and further serves as a reading lab- oratory in orchestra literature. Mem- bership in this group is open, by try- out, to any student in any depart- ment of the University. In addition to the University Sym- phony, there is a Little Symphony of 13 picked student artists, conducted by Thor Johnson, young American conductor who returns to Ann Arbor after a year spent in private study with leading European conductors. The Little Symphony was organ- ized by Mr. Johnson in 1934 and in two short seasons acquired a re- markable reputation, particularly as a result of its tours through the South and Midwgpt. Plans for this season call for two tours as well as several series of concerts in Ann Arbor and lower Michigan. )RGAN RECITALS WILL CONTINUE; DUPRE TO PLAY In the series of Twilight Organ Re- citals, presented weekly or bi-month- ly on Wednesday afternoons, Prof. Palmer Christian, University Organ- st, each year gives a comprehensive survey of the field of organ literature, in which he is assisted by Prof. E. Williain Doty and occasional dis- tinguished visiting artists. Professor Christian will inaugurate the series this year year with a recital at 4:15 p.m. Wednesday, Oct. 6. On the fol- lowing Wednesday, but at 8:30 p.m., instead, one of the most renowned of modern organists, Marcel Dupre, will appear in a recital in which he will be assisted by his daughter, Margueritte, at the piano. Foremost among the concerts on the Student Recital Series are those of the University of Michigan Con- cert Band, directed by Prof. WilliamI D. Revelli. The Concert Band of 90 pieces, somewhat differently arranged than in the Band which will be heard on the streets and in the stadium during the next few weeks, will of- ficially commence its season with a part on the program of its own an- nual Varsity Night, to be held this year on Oct. 26. Later in the year the Band plans to make a short con- ert tour in Michigan and Indiana. ii ,VV, a c l, 6 y i e ob. Posting machine operator (fe- male), $1,561 a year; city of Detroit. Lineman, salary at prevailing rate; city of Detroit. Dietitian (female), $1,860 a year; city of Detroit. For further information, please call at the office, 201 Mason Hall. ( University Bureau of Appoint- ments and Occupational Infor- mation. Attention University Employes: Whenever possible charge all person- al long-distance telephone calls and telegrams placed through the Univer- sity telephone system, to your resi- dent phone. Herbert T. Watkins. First Mortgage Loans: The Univer- sity has a limited amount of funds to loan on modern well-located Ann Arbor residential property. Interest at current rates. Apply Investment Office, Room 100, South Wing, University Hall. Faculty, School of Education: The first regular luncheon meeting of the faculty will be held on Monday, Oct. I RADIO By JAMES MUDGE Rah! Rah!-the Varsity Show minus John Held, Jr. returns to the air waves at 8 p.m. tonight over WLS. Alabama is the scene of the festivi- ties with their local talent taking part. Without Held this show should be vastly improved. At the same hour NBC airs Lucille Manners, soprano; Bourdon's orches- tra; and the dean of sport scribes, Grantland Rice. Music from Hollywood at 8:30 p.m. -the songs of Alice Faye and the music of Hal Kemp. Kemp now on the Coast is working the Cocoanut Grove-this is one of the finest shows of the week. Hollywood Hotel comes along at 9 p.m. via WJR. This show gets very icky at times but Frances Langford is always the tops and tonight Ken Murray and "Oswald" get aboard the show. Raymond Paige, the movie maestro, wields the baton over this airing. 11,7 Bands come and go but there seems to be one gang that always are on deck playing good danceable music- Ted Weems, and you catch them at 9:30 p.m. from WGN, Chicago. Another cig show at 10 p.m.-and .t's the music of Tommy Dorsay, the out-of-the-world vocals of Edythe Wright and some others-a WJZ show. Also at 10 a.m. is one of the saddest guys in radio-Frank Crumit. He is strictly 1812 and will be heard with Kitty Carlisle and a studio band. Benny Meroff has finally landed in New York after a few years on the road-his band is aired tonight by the CBS and over WJAS. 11:30 p.m. finds Russ Morgan hit- ting the waves via WEAF. The little fat man with the corny trumpet has gone and got himself a mighty fine band-Henry Busse NBC's it at midnight. WJZ is the outlet, Now hang on you swing lovers- Guy Lombardo jives on in the groove at midnight via WJR. Rita Rio, sugared darling of the gal leaders, has an NBC spot at 12:30 p.m. with her all-gal band. Her greatest rival is Ina Ray Hutton who at present seems to have a corn- er on the good fem musicers. 4, 12 o'clock noon, at the Michigan Union. Social Chairmen for fraternities, sororities and other student organ- izations are reminded that all party requests must be filed in the office of the Dean of Students for Dean Bursley's approval on the Monday before the event for which approval is requested. Fraternities and Sororities are re- minded that only members of the University Senate and their wives, or persons selected from a list submit- ted to the Dean of Students by the organization at the beginning of the year may be used as chaperons for social events. Additions to the ap- proved list, as well as the names on the list itself, must be acted upon by Dean Bursley prior to their use as chaperons. Extra Curricular Activities. Man- agers and chairmen of extra cur- ricular activities are reminded that they should submit to the chairman of the Committee on Student Affairs, Room 2, University Hall, a complete list of all students who wish to par- ticipate in their respective enter- prises during the second semester, in order that their eligibility for such activities may be checked. The names should be persented on blank forms to be obtained in Room 2. J. A. Bursley, Dean of Students. Notice: Will the person or depart- ment which borrowed a Monroe 'cal- culating machine, No. 193,253, from the Department of Mathematics dur- ing the summer, 1937, please return this machine immediately to the de- partment office, as the machine is needed for instructional purposes. Choral Union Tryouts: Forner members must register at the office of the Musical Director at the School of Music before Oct. 8. Acceptance for membership for the current year will be based on previous record. New members may register and try out from 4 to 6 p.m. on Oct. 1, 4, 5, 6 and 8. Acceptance for membership will be based on quality and range for voice, and sight-reading ability. Earl V. Moore, Director of Choral Union. Sunday Library Service: On all Sundays from October to June, ex- cept during holiday periods, the Main Reading Room and the Period- ical Room of the2General Library are kept open from 2 p.m. to 9 p.m. Books from other parts of the building which are needed for Sun- day use will be made available in the Main Reading Room if request is made on Saturday to an assistant in the reading room where the books are usually shelved. Singers, Men and Women: Stu- dent soloists who would like to be in winter musical to be given by Play Production and the School of Music are urged to report for tryouts Tues- day afternoon from 4:30 to 5:30 at the Laboratory Theatre, behind the Union. You may bring music with you. Academic Notices Important Notice to New Graduate Students: All students registering in the Graduate School this semester for the first time are urgently re- quested to meet in Hill Auditorium, Oct. 2, at 8 a.m. The occasion will be a brief statement by the Dean of the School and a special form of a gen- eral examination. This is purely an experiment intended to aid the School in determining whether or not it can by such means be of great- er assistance to you in your future plans. The examination itself is ver~y gen- eral and calls neither for special knowledge nor preliminary prepara- tion. Those of you who have had ex- perience with such examinations or systematic forms of analysis will know that one such is insufficient to sample ability adequately. We do not, therefore, expect it to do more than be an additional aid to your instruc- tors in advising you. We invite your cooperation and in return will see that you are fully in- formed regarding any points of sig- nificance. Such information will be given individually and kept as con- fidential and personal material. Two pencils will be all the equip- ment needed. C. S. Yoakum. Graduate Students: Ph.D. Exam- inations in Chemistry: Preliminary and qualifying examinations will be held as follows: Analytical chemistry, Oct. 22, 1 p.m., Room 151 Chem. Organic chemistry, Oct. 29, 1 p.m. Room 151 Chem. Physical chemistry, Nov. 5, 1 p.m. Room 151 Chem. Those planning to take any one of these examinations are requested to consult Professor Bartell not later than Oct. 15. Anthropology 31 will meet in Room 25, Angell Hall. by the Choral Union at Christmas time is an Ann Arbor tradition. This organization of over 300 voices, ,rained and conducted by Dr. Earl V. Moore, is, like the Orchestra and Band, open by try-out to any student in the University, and plays an im- portant role in several of the pro- Srams .of the annual May Festival I+ i