"'° ~THE MICHIGAN DAILY FRIDAY, O1CTOBER 1, 1937 11. "V= NEWS IN BRIEF Classified Directory . '1 Place advertisements with Classified Advertising Department. Phone 2-3241. I chigan been unconfirmed, Paris authorities' The classified columns close at five Mih g n were informed. o'clock previous to day of insertion. AFBox numbers may be secured at no TAKE IT FROM FARLEY-Off-- extra charge. iCash in advance only lec per reading the-reservation Democrats will all be L nline for one or two insertions. 10c per "rg k on the bandwagon in reading line for three or more insertions. "right bako tebnwao n(On basis of five average words to line).I 1940, yelling their hardest for Roose- i ESPIONAGE-British War Office Minimum three lines perinsertion.e _ velt's program," predicted Postmas- officials were duped into allowing;' - ter General James A. Farley at a Robert Beyer, 58-year-old German NOTICES Saginaw luncheon. At the same chemist to work for months in their _______ . time the political major domo re- secret laboratory at Woolwich Arsen- SEWING SHOP: Coats shortened timaetit wasldisclsedawhen Beyerrwas and relined, garments altered.A fused to comment on the possibili- al,It was disclosed when Beyer wa Gr Tel 2-3902 ties of a third term for his chief. sentenced in Old Bailey Criminal ! ves._. .____ 100,000 W O R K L E S S - Mayor Court to six months imprisonment for KEMPF Music Studios, 312 S. Divi-; Couzens reported 100,000 persons in fraud. Beyer, it was learned, was in- sion. Phone 6328. Piano, voice, pipe Detroit unemployed, 14,393 families troduced to War Office officials by organ. Leave orders for expert on welfare and 11,500 on WPA proj- three peers.piano tuning. 13 ects 67,035 families are receiving temporar vrelief the mav oyrn id FOR SALE A LOVELY two-room apartment newly furnished. Utilities fur- nished. Girls preferred. Phone 8767. 48 APPROVED for men students one two-room suite, one double room. 1105 E. Washington. 44 TWO LARGE front single rooms nicely furnished. Fireplace and pri- vate lavatory. 602 Monroe. 41 FOR RENT: Three large single rooms, recently decorated. Phone 8654. 921 Dewey Ave. 38 SINGLE room near campus suitable for business woman or graduate{ woman student. Telephone 5712.# 50 SINGLE ROOM. Upperclassman or graduate. 1208 S. University. 52 Handkerchiefs.................2c Socks (pr.) .....................3c Pajamas .......:............10c CO-ED LIST Slips .........................loc Dresses ........................25c Panties .... 7cup Handkerchiefs .................2c Pajamas ....................10c up Hose (pr.) ..................... 3c SATISFACTION GUARANTEED Individually Done-No Marking LAUNDRY. 2-1044. Sox darned. low prices. GROUND FLOOR furnished apart- FOR RENT: A single room with bath. - - ment, electric stove, electric refrig- $25 a month. 911 Forest Ave., LOST AND FOUND erator, steam heat. Clean and Phone 9068. Private entrance. 57 LOST: Four honor keys Saturday. All homelike. Call at 813 E. Ann St.LOT:ForhoorkysSauda. l 46 HELP WANTED engraved. Return to W.P.A. Gra- ROOMS for students. $1.50 up. Jen- STUDENT salesman, hustler. Salary ham. 2-3236. Reward. 45 nings House. 1142 E. Catherine. and commission. Call 6460 for ap- i WILL the person who found my wal- 8 pointment. 51 let please contact me at 821 E. _ .University or 4018 as soon as pos- ROOMS TO RENT: Preferably to LAUNDRY sible. 56 ure-medics. Access to comfortabe -_-_- ulliiay1 lC, Ll l y sa . Uu Kansas City BLACK MOMENTS-Controversy raged over the appointment of Jus-1 tice Hugo L. Black and split the American Bar Association wide open in a disorderly meeting climaxed by an unsuccessful drive for a resolu- tion condeming judicial member- ship in a secret order "actuated by religious and racial animosity." The thorny task of drafting a suit- able resolution was labored over last night by the Resolutions Committee and today an attempt will be made to reach an agreement that may be published as the official convention opinion. Paris SELASSIE NIGHTMARE-Il Duce in his efforts at pacification and col- onization, has maintained firm hand on Ethiopia despite native agitation, French advices from Djibouti indi- cated. Reports of large scale fighting be- tween Italians and Ethiopians had There And Here VICTORIAN sofa and Courier and President Roosevelt sailed into Ives prints. Dial 2-1187 evenings.1 British Columbia aboard a warship ! 47 the ashes of Edward A. Filene FOR RENT started home on the Ile de France, FOR_ _ _N_ aboard the same ship was Mrs. James TWO SUITES reasonably priced, sec- Roosevelt. !ond floor. 311 Thompson. 54 lounge room. Phone 2-2161. 31 WEST SIDE: Several pleasant bed- rooms. Home privileges, garage. 100 Longmen Lane. 8949. 18 TWO room furnished cottage. Insu- lated. Circulating heater. Prefer married couple, $15. a month. 4220 Plymouth Rd. Phone 740F5 (dial 116) after 5 p.m. 43 EXPERIENCED laundress doing stu- dent laundry. Will call for and deliver. 4863. lx SILVER LAUNDRY Phone 5594-Call For and Deliver MEN'S LIST Shirts .........................14c Shorts.......................4c Tops .......................... 4c CLOTHING WANTED TO BUY SAM welcomes old students and new. Suits and overcoats at $3 and $25. Ladies fur coats. Typewriters, old gold and musical instruments. Phone 6304 for appointment. Read Daily ClassifiedAds ._._ _ ..... w C~ior alti nion Con Fifty-Ninth Annual Series, 1937-1938 cerits r...... .4 . .- LAST TIMES TODAY! HE TAMES CONVICT RIOTS FOR BUSINESS! HE TAMES DIZZY DAMES FOR PLEASURE! ANN SHERIDAN ."Barton MacLANE TOMORROW Laugh! Gasp! Whistle Those Tunes ! Milton Berl. Harriet Killiard William Brady SJeromeCowan Thelma Leeds -- EXTRA POPEYE CARTOON News of the Day COMING SOON "Toast of New York" BOSTON SYMPHONY ORCHESTRA RICHARD CROOKS 1. 2. TEN GREAT PROGRAMS Rachmaninoff, Pianist wE The Cleveland Orchestra GEORGES ENSECO DNESDAY, OCTOBER 27 TUESDAY, NOVEMBER 9 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. ARTUR RODZINSKI, Conductor Richard Crooks, Fritz Kreisler, V T Tenor iolinist FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 19 MONDAY, NOVEMBER 29 Boston Symphony Orchestra SERGE KOUSSEVITZKY, Conductor WEDNESDAY, DECEMBER 8 Ruth Slenczynski, Pianist MONDAY, JANUARY 10 Helsinki University Chorus I I " I NOW SHOWING 8. 9. lo. MARTTI TURUNEN, Conductor Gina Cigna, Soprano The Roth Quartet TUESDAY, JANUARY 18 FRIDAY, JANUARY 28 THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 17 PETER LORRE as the famous Saturday Evening Post sleuth to I Georges Enesco, ViolinistTUESDAY, Tbbk Fast, MrMeo MARCH I a will I a - with VIRGINIA FIELD THOMAS BECK SIG RUMANN Executive Producer Sot M. Wurtzet Directed by Norman Foster Based on a story by J, P Marquond >; >:. .' '' >. :: .. SEASON TICKETS (including $3.00 May Festival C'upon) may be ordered by mail, to be selected in sequence $6.00, $8.00, $10.00 and $12.00 each. Address CHARLES A. SINK, President, School of Music, May- nard Street. Ann Arbor. Michiaan I I E li jx~-. II I I ..~I Ii I I IF