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October 01, 1937 - Image 1

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1937-10-01

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The Weather
Showers, cooler today; to-
morrow cloudy, possibly rain.


A6F A61


Ho-Hum, No. 1..,
You Can't Lose Face Now .. .



Chinese Reds
Mass To Hold
Shantung Line
Against Japs
Universal Boycott Of Jap
Goods Demanded By
British Laborites
Soviets Rumored
Advising Chinese
SHANGHAI, Sept. 30.-W--Chi-
nese Communist troops and armies
of western provincial war lords were
ordered into action today in an ap-
parently united Chinese battle
against Japanese invaders.
Two hundred thousand more Chi-
nese Communists were mustered to
join their former enemies, Chinese
Nationalist troops, on the northern
fronts. An American observer re-
ported thatRFGRFGRFGRFGaoinR
riors of all Chinese clans are leav-
ing interior and coast cities for the
North China and Shanghai battle-
Japanese were reported continuing
their advances in the north. But
around Shanghai, terrific Japanese
assaults failed to budge the en-
trenched Chinese armies. A Japanese
spokesman admitted Nippon's forces
had made only slight gains.
Far to the south, Chinese reported
Japanese warships had destroyed a
fleet of Chinese junks at Swatow.
Nanking, China's capital, had its
third day of respite from Japanese
bombardment. Officials said they be-
lieved Japanese withheld their raid-'
ers because of hostile world opinion.
(A Japanese spokesman at Geneva
said bombardment of Chinese cen-
ters will continue, if necessary. In
London, the British Labor Party
planned to demand an emergency
session of Parliament as the first
step toward a world boycott of Jap-
anese goods.
(An informed source in London
said British colonial authorities at
Hongkong had opened an inquiry
into the reported sinking of a fleet
of Chinese fishing junks by a Jap-
anese sub~marine.)
Canton, like Nanking, had respite
from Japanese bombardments. North
of Canton, however, a school, several
houses, and a Confucian hall were
reported destroyed at Tsingyuen. Ci-
vilian casualties there were estimated
to number 200.
The new force of 200,000 Chinese
Communists was mustered in Kiang-
si province to meet the Japanese ad-
vance through eastern Hopeh to the
borders of the coastal province of
Japanese declared they had been
informed that Marshal Vassily Gal-
ents-Bluecher, commander-in-chief
of Soviet Siberian forces, was advis-
ing the Chinese armies. Japanese
also said munitions and other mil-
itary supplies were being shipped into
China from Soviet Russia across the
western province of Sinkiang.
Tokyo Disclaims Blame

Pep Meeting Tonight To Gird
Varsity For Battle With State
Kipke, Brumm To Address
Rally While Team Rests
At Barton Hills Retreat
Michigan's football team will be
spurred to victory, in absentia, to-
da when 1,500 student rooters in
vaeHill Auditorium at 7:30 p.m.,,
sing their best songs and yell new
cheers on the eve of the opei
game against Michigan State College.
The team will relax at Barton Hills.
The entire Varsity Band, largest;
in University history, will make its
first public appearance of the se-
mester, when it assembles outside'
Morris Hall to begin its march
around the campus. It will arrive
in front of the auditorium at 7:30 :<
The pep meeting is being sponsored . .
by the Men's Council in order to in- COACH HARRY G. KIPKE
terest students in the game, Hugh H. s
Rader, '38, president of the Council
said yesterday. Bob Williams, '38, several new yells, will be distributed
head cheerleader, will lead the yells. at the door of Hill Auditorium, when
Chief speaker of the evening will be it opens at 7 p.m. According to
Coach Harry G. Kipke, assisted by
Prof. John L. Brumm of the journal- Rader, fraternities may take their
ism department. rushees to the rally, which will end
Mimeographed sheets of songs and ! at 8 p.m.

Martin Avoids City Orders
Plea For Talk Clean-Up Of
On Dismissals Restaurants'
Plays Hide-And-Seek With Deplorable Sanitation Is
40 UAW Members As! Infecting Patronizers,
They Besiege His Hotel Check-UpReveals

Ann Arbor Local Law Held Adequate,
Registers Protest If Only Enforced.
The following wire to Homer Declaring there was urgent need
Martin, president of the United for more sanitary conditions in Ann
Automboile Workers of America, Arbor's restaurants Mayor Walter S.
was sent from Ann Arbor last iarbor'seu t ayorhalte
night by the Broach unit of the Sadler disclosed today that the
International Union, UAWA, health department under the direc-
Local 503: tion of recently appointed health-
"Mr Homer Martin engineer Franklin H. Fiske is pressing
nCare UAWAHofman Build- a rigorous drive to clean up the cities

Will Sponsor
Men's Sports!
Fraternities May Clash
With Unaffiliateds In
Campus 'World Series'I
The Independent Men's Organiza-
tion will sponsor all sports activities
for non-affiliated men at the I-M
Building throughout the year, it was
announced yesterday by officials of

Bleachers Atop
Stadium Fi r s t
In 4 Seasons
80,000 Fans To Witness
Clash Between Michigan,
MichiganState Squads
For the first time since the Ohio
State game in 1933 when a record
breaking crowd of 93,000 rabid foot-
ball enthusiasts jammed in to seel
the battle, there are temporary'

ing, Detroi, , lcn.
Local 503 unanimously pro-
tests dismissal of Victor Reuther
as its organizer. Future of
IUUAWA in Ann Arbor depends
on success of present organiza-
tionl drives. Workers in auto
plants here demand immediate
return of our organizer Reuther
who is familiar with local condi-
The action was taken at a reg-
ular meeting of the Broach unit
called to elect permanent offic-
ers. A protest delegation will be
sent to Martin, probably Satur-
Five telegrams were sent last
night by individual members of
the Broach unit and other Ann
Arbor units.
DETROIT, Sept. 30.-(AP)--Nearly

eating places.
"Enforcement of more rigid health
standards is an important part of
our administrative program," Mayor
Sadler stated, and recent complaints'
indicate necessity for a check-up!
both in the city's rooming houses andI
restaurants Existing laws are suf-
ficient to remedy the situation of
poorly enforced ones, he said.
Forsythe Deplores Conditions
University health officials concur-
red with Mayor Sadler in emphasis-
ing the need for higher standards.1
Dr. Warren E. Forsythe, director of
the health service stated that condi-
tions in many places were deplorable.
"Examinations indicate that glass-
ware and china especially in res-
taurants where the dishwashing is
done by hand are frequently con-
taminated." Health regulation in

the organization and the I-M. bleachers atop the Michigan Sta-
The sports program will be the dium.

first project of the year to be under-
taken by the Independent Men's Or-
ganization, 'which has for its aim
greater participation of independentt
men in University activities, throughi
the organization of all, undergraduatef
non-affiliated men. The organization
was first formed last semester. (

According to Harry Tillotson,
Michigan ticket manager, there will
be from 75,000 to 80,000 spectators
watching the Michigan State game
tomorrow afternoon, if the weather
is good. There is a sell out already
for the 75,000 seats in the regular
stadium, and as no one is to be
turned away the 12,000 additional
bleacher seats will be in demand.

40 United Automobile Workers these places must be raised to pro-
played a lively game of hide-and- tect both students and townspeople,
seek with their international presi- he said.
dent in his hotel today. undeterred e for the health service, de-
by a revolver he pointed at them .Ietrfo h eat evie e
clared that a recent chemical analysis
from the door of his suite. of glassware from restaurants in Ann
The game finally ended when be- Arbor gave striking evidence of thet
spectacled Homer Martin, object of need for greater sanitation precau-
the hunt, and Walter Reuther, head tions. Although it is difficult in the
>f the UAW's big Detroit west side extreme to assign causes for the1
local, appeared in the hotel lobby spread of diseases, he said, we have1
late this afternoon and Martin in- indications that improper washing of
formed the group he would meet with glassware has resulted in the infec-
them at union headquarters, nearby. tion of patrons with colds.1
"I am willing to discuss the whole Kitchens Too Crowded
situation," Martin told them. Fiske, a graduate of the University
Protest Dismissals in 1937, stated that much of the
Some of the protesting delegation trouble has resulted from improper
said their complaints involved re- facilities. Many eating establish-
cent dismissals of union organizers ments have kitchens crowded beyondl
and delays in amending an agree- capacity, he said. Declaring that
ment with General Motors Corp. health regulations would be enforced
They pressed closely about thieto the Hilt, Fiske declared that he
union president and Reuther an was aiming especially at establish-I
escorted them to anauditorium at ments which in the past "had made'
UAW headquarters, lifting the seven- no effort to carry out the sanitary
hour siege of Martin's hotel.s n provisions."
He explained that his first two
Three times the pursuers had ths in e had ben occupid
caught up with Martin. in surveying the situation in Ann Ar-
Once-in the hotel lobby he told bor and that he believed results were
them, "see you later." already noticeable in the health de-
Tiring of waiting, a committee of partment's campaign.
five, one a woman, went to Martin's

Rebirth Of Europe' I
Sought By It Duce
ROME, Sept. 30.-(4)-Premier.
Mussolini told the cheering throng
which welcomed him home from Be-
lin tonight that Italy and Germany
are joined to seek a "rebirth of Eu-
In one of the shortest speeches Il
Duce ever has made, he proclaimed:
"Blackshirts-I bring a profound
and indelible memory of my conver-
ations with the Fuehrer of Germany.
Italian and German friendship, con-
secrated in the policy of the Rome-
Berlin axis, has become engraved on
the heart of two nations in these days
and there it will remain.
"Theobjects of this friendship are
strict solidarity between the two rev-
olutions Fascist and Nazi, the rebirth
of Europe and peace between the peo-
ples worthy of the name."
(In Berlin, Mussolini had predict-
ed Europe would turn Fascist. He had
joined with Hitler in renewed denun-
ciation of Communism.)
Detroit Gas Co.
Workers Spurn
CIO In Vote
Emp>loyes Ballot 2-1 For
Company Union, Fraud
Charged By Losers
DETROIT, Sept. 30.-(P)-Detroit
City Gas Co. employes chose the
American Labor League and the Em,
ployes' Associa~tion rather than the
Committee for Industrial Organiza-
tion today to represent them in bar-
gaining with the company by a vote
of more than two to one.
The balloting, conducted by the
city election commission, showed 1,-
052 votes for the Labor League and
507 for the Gas and By-Products
Coke Workers' Union, a CIO affiliate.
The American Labor League and
the Employes' Association formed a
single unit to oppose the CIO group.
Martin Wagner, international vice-
president of the CIO union, issued a
statement after the result of the elec-
tion was announced in which he
charged irregularities.
"We consider the vote just a tem-
porary setback and we are investigat-
ing gross irregularities in connection
with the election," Wagner said.
From the victors' camp came a
statement by the Labor League at-
torney, William McDowell.
"This shows that employes can do
for themselves without help from an
outside organization," he said. "It
just goes to show that there can be
executives as well as politicians
among employes."
League Holds
Isolation Policy
Hinges On Italy
GENEVA, Sept, 30. --UP)- The
League of Nations Committee on Po-
litical Questions tonight adopted a
resolution which would pin the fate
of nonintervention in the Spanish
civil war on Premier Mussolini's at-
titude towards withdrawal of Italian
Accepted after two hours and a
half of bitter debate, the resolution
recommended an end to non-inter-
vention unless Italy withdraws Ital-
ians serving with Insurgent forces.
Delegates of Austria, Hungary,
Bulgaria, Portugal, South Africa, and
the Irish Free State opposed the res-.
olution on various grounds. Debate
centered on the section which said

that if negotiations for withdrawa
of foreign combatants failed, mem-
bers of the League which are parties
to the Spanish non-intervention
agrement "will consider ending the
policy" of non-intervention.
President Eamon De Valera of the
Irish Free State objected that the
section was a "threat" and said his
government intended to preserve the
policy of non-intervention.

Council To Direct With the bleachers the stadium will'
The sports program will be ad- hold 87.000 fans, but the late comers
ministered by the newly-formed In- will be high up in the clouds.
dependent Sports' Council, composed Tickets have gone so fast that the
of sports leaders in the organization' coaches and officials, usually a sure
and the officials of the I-M, to be I source of good seats are unable toI
represented by Earl Riskey, assistant get seats even for their friends.
'I-M director. This Council will con- Norman Frimodig, Michigan State
duct the registration of independent the 12,000 tickets allotted them were
men interested in participating in the all gone and that there was a call for
sports program in addition to admin- more. The Spartan backers are com-
istering the various leagues, it was ing en masse to see their team try to
All non-affiliated undergraduate take their fourth straight from the
Alme n oa regite .ndid a o th Wolverines.
men may registerindividuallyoragt To show how fast the tickets are
teams in the independent leaguesgon,50tceswrsntoGad
from 11 a.m. to noon and from 3-5 going, 504 tickets were sent to Grand,
p.m. any day except Sunday at Room Rapids Monday morning, and before
306 at the Union, or any time during Tuesday noon there was a frantic call'
the day at the I-M Building. The ( for more. In Detroit over a thousand
the ay t te IM Bildng.Thetickets were sold in one day at the
first sport to be organized will beCtickets wereesoth ndy.h
touch football, the competition in ticket offices there.

Black To Give
Reply To Klan
Charge Today
In Radio Talk
May Speak From Office
In Supreme Court Hall
At 8:30 P.M.
All Three Networks

To Carry Address
WASHINGTON, Sept. 30.--(T)--
Associate Justice\Hugo L. Black will
ask the public 'tomorrow night to
judge his fitness for membership on
the Supreme Court.
For the first time, he will reply
to those who accuse him of affiliation
with the Ku Klux Klan and contend
that he thereby is disqualified for
service upon the nation's highest
Spoken, possibly, from his cham-
bers within the glistening marble.
walls of the Supreme Court building
itself, his words will be carried to
the distant corners of the country
by the National, Columbia and Mu-
tual broadcasting networks.
Talk Will Be Precedent
It will be the first time a member
of the court ever has delivered a
radio speech of a controversial na-
ture while in office. Never has such a
speech originated from the court
What Black will say furnished a
subject for excited speculation to-
night. Will he deny the charges?
Will he produce evidence that he
long since severed any connection
with the hooded order? Will he seek
to disprove the newspaper articles
saying he is a life member? These
questions predominated.
As yesterday, when 60 reporters
besieged him with questions upon
his return from Europe, Black uttered
no public word today about the Klan
charges. He could not be reached
at the home of Clifford Durr, a gov-
ernment attorney, where he and Mrs.
Black are staying temporarily. Nor
did he appear at the Capitol, or Court
A 'close friend of the Justice said
he left the Durr home early in the
"He wanted to be all by himself
somewhere and work on his state-
hment," he added.
Scheduled For 9:30
Arrangements for the radio speech
were made through Durr. Kenneth
H. Berkeley, Washington manager
for the National Broadcasting Com-
pany, sent for reporters at noon and
made the announcement.
The speech is scheduled to go on
the air at 9:30 p.m., Eastern Stand-
ard Time, and while Black plans
to speak for but 20 minutes, a full
half-hour has been reserved for him,
so that if he should wish to expand
his remarks a longer time will be
The place from which the justice
speaks will not be decided until to-
morrow, the broadcast official said,
but it might be from the Durr home,
from a Washington hotel, or:
"Perhaps, he may speak from his
office in the Supreme Court building.
He has several places in mind."
2nd Car Abandoned
By Bandits Is Found
MIDLAND, Mich., Sept. 30.-(P)-
With a second abandoned automobile
as a clue, officers sought tonight to
clear up all ramifications of an at-
tempted bank robbery here Wednes-
day in which one gunman was killed
and another wounded.
The second automobile was found
eight miles south of Corunna, in
Shiawassee county, at noon today.
A letter in it, addressed to Jack Gra-
cey, of Hamtramck, the dead robber,
apparently connected it definitely
with the robbery attempt.
The license plates on the motor car
were issued to Steve Kalisz, also of
Hamtramck. Kalisz was being ques-
tioned here by state police and sher-
iff's officers when the discovery was
reported. He said he knew Gracey
and Anthony Chebatoris, thehwound-
ed robber, and that Gracey had bor-
rowed his automobile, but denied he
knew of the robbery plans.
Double Earthquake Felt

Here -By Seismograph
Two distinct earth tremors sim-
ilar to those experienced last year
were felt in Ann Arbor yesterday
Because the University seismo-
graph, located in the Observatory,
has been disconnected during the

suite. They pounded and kicked on
Points Revolver j
There stood the former minister!
who became a labor leader, in his
shirtsleeves. A revolver in his hand'
ninp t. R b t G Cllohv of nD

Graduate Awarded
Safety Essay Prize

WASHINGTON, Sept. 30.-UP._
The United States and Japan reached
a diplomatic deadlock tonight over
the question of responsibility for in-
jury to Americans and American
property in China.
The Tokyo government capped an
exchange of notes by refusing to ac-
knowledge liability. The Unitedt
States previously had warned Japan
repeatedly that it would be held ac-
countable for damage resulting from
its military operations.
The expression concerning liability
was only one phase of Japan's reply
to a sharp American protest against
the bombing of Chinese non-combat-
Book Review
Club Formed.
By New SRA
The formation of a new book re-
view club which will review outstand-
ing books dealing with important
contemporary problems was an-
nounced yesterday by Kenneth Mor-
gan, director of The Student Relig-
ious Association, successor to the old
Student Christian Association.
The new organization will be
known as the Association Book
Group and will function as an organ
of the Association.
"It is the purpose of the Associa-
tion Book Group to bring together
students who are interested in re-
views and discussions of current
books dealing with broad cultural,(
a nin n"A vali inttc rir 'hln , 11 ,-r

,which will begin within a few weeks.'
Expect Large Turnout
"We believe the tur~nout for in-
dependent sports will be much greater
than in the past." Elmer Mitchell,
director of the I-M activities predict-I
t 2d yesterday, "because of the in-
terest and enthusiasm of the Inde-
pendent Men's Organization in the
project. The I-M will cooperate to'
the fullest extent with the organiza-
tion to make its sports program a
complete success." The system of
awards to individuals of winning
teams may be revived, he further
As soon as arrangements can be,
completed, officials announced, ant

University High

punuet e au Ju erL cT a ag er ozl e -
troit, leader of the committee.t
"I mean business," Martin assert-
ed. "What's all this noise?"1
"We want to know when you are

going to see us,' he was told.
}S oMartin put the gun away.-
Il"I"I am in conference; it is import-
New J urai A rt ant" the union head replied. "I'll
see you at the first opportunity."
He closed the door. The commit-
tee returned to the lobby.
Archifeettir- Sc l fresco The game began this morning when;
Is Painted By Castagne, the unionists, representing them-
Artist In Charge selves as "rank-and-file" members of
locals in Flint, Pontiac and Detroit,
University High School will soon placed pickets at all hotel exits and
announced they'd see Martin before'
display a new mural, depicting a anoeft y
cross section of high school activities, he left.

John M. Caldwell, '37, was awarded
third prize in the college section of
the C.I.T. Safety Foundation awards
for essays on highway safety this
summer, it was announced yesterday.
Caldwell, from Terre Haute, Indi.,
was given a cash prize of $100 for his
discussion of psychological traits and
their influence in causing traffic and
highway accidents. Robert Phinney,
of the Newark College of Engineer-
ing, won first award.
The C.I.T. Safety Foundation con-
ducts its contests each year, with'
awards totaling $10,000. Three di-
visions are set up, one for high school
teachers, one for college students,
and one for high school students.
John W. Studebaker, United States
Commissioner of Education, Stephen
James, Director of the Highway Ed-
ucation Board, and Prof. Amos Ney-
hart of Penn State College were the
judges this year.


"open house" for non-affiliated men to be placed above and inside the
will be held at the I-M Building to main entrance, Dr. Edgar G. John-I
offer the independents, especially son, principal, annoupced yesterday.
freshmen, an opportunity to acquaint The artist, Alfred Castagne, and
themselves with the facilities of the his assistant have already begun

Reuther Won't Talk
Victor Reuther, one of ten United
Auto Workers union organizers who

I-M Building. the work which will be done in were fired Wednesday for "economy'
It was also predicted that a "world's tempora. The first fresco to be reasons, last night declared in local
series" would be held at the conclu- done in Ann Arbor was made by UAW headquarters at 115 E. Wash-D re D evil W ill.Atem pt Jdum p
sion of the individual sports' sched- Castagne last year in the Tappan ington St., "there is a lot that I would
ules in which the championship in- Street entrance of the Architecture like to say but the public press is no Of 'ng"e e Feet On UW i ' He
dependent team would meet the top- Building. Work will be carried on in place to air my union views." FOn Ivngs'
ranking fraternity team. ;the library daily for the next six Reuther came to Ann Arbor last
Special leagues will be formed, it months where students and visitors summer after he was transferred
(Continued on Page 6) may watch the process of decoration. from his post as organizer of the CIO Jimmy Goodwin, better known tot him dangling a few feet below thr
______________Through the efforts of the high union in Anderson, Ind. It was in followers of the intriguing sport of wire's 44,000 volt charge for severa
TtdI parachute jumping as "The Bayou minutes until he could free himself
school improvement committee, that city last February that a mo Bat-Man," will make his second ap- His girl partner in this stunt, a "two-
M.SC. Plans Renewal Of headed by Mrs. Myra Chapin, Uni- of vigilantes stormed a union meet-
versity High was able to launch the ing and threatened Reuther's life. pearance in Ann Arbor Sunday after- 'n-a-chute" jump was injured when
Banned Interclass 'Rush' project, financed by the WPA, the In this city Reuther, the brother of noon along with his troupe of dare- she landed on the rim of a steel rail-
school furnishing the materials only. Walter Reuther, who is president of devil automobile drivers, and accord- road car.
EAST LANSING, Sept. 30.-(,P Spectators will note that the two the large West Side local in Detroit ing to his own modest commitment, I The ground stunt crew will put on
The interclass "rush," which fell into wall beams, projecting on either end, and candidate for the Detroit City hopes to put on "a pretty fair show." a program including a head-on auto
disrepute at Michigan State College are balanced by the upright figures Council, was active in the organiza- Jimmy, who has just returned from collision at 40 miles per hour, both
in 1932 because of serious injuries by of pupils and teachers in the center tion of American Broach plant work- the National Air Races at Cleveland, drivers remaining in ,their drivers'
students, regained official recogni- of the mural. The lines of the floor ers. will make a 10,000 foot leap from a seats, a crash into a flaming wall with
tion today. i -ro,;~.. -- __ -a __ tn I n1 nn in his ht-winras the chief I a man on the hoA f+hai'nf ihc.

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