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January 30, 1938 - Image 4

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The Michigan Daily, 1938-01-30

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SUNDAY, JAN. 30, 1938

FOUR SUNDAY, JAN. 30, 1938


S r


Edited and managed by students of the University of
Michigan under the authority of the Board in Control of
Studen+' Publications.
Published every morning except Monday during the
University year and Summer Session.
Member of the Associated Press
The Associated Press is exclusively entitled to the
use for republication of all news dispatches credited to
it or not otherwise credited in this newspaper. All
rights of republication of all other matter herein also
En n.red at the Post Office at Ann Arbor, Michigan as
second glass mail matter.
Subscriptions during regular school year by carrier,
$4.00; by mail, $4.50.
Member, Associated Collegiate Press, 1937-38
National AdvertisingService, Inc.
College Publishers Representative
Board of Editors
NEWS EDITOR..................ROBERT P. WEEKS
Business Department
CREDIT MANAGER ....................DON WILSHER
The editorials published in The Michigan
. Daily are written by members of the Daily
staff and represent the views of the writers

dom of the press that the American reading
public must beware of lest they read colored and
distorted news.
Lincoln Steffens was standing in a square in
Moscow just after the revolution had deposed the
Tsar and while Kerensky was still in office. Hear-
ing a pro-German speaker, Steffens asked an
interpreter to find out why the crowd tolerated
German propaganda. He was informed that
it was an exercise of the right of free speech.
Turning to the interpreter the great journal-
ist said, "Then your people don't understand
the difference between liberty and license?" A&
mitting his ignorance of the difference and of
the very existence of license, the interpreter
pressed for a clarification whereupon Steffens
replied, "The distinction is very important in
America. Liberty, liberty is the right of any
proper person-I mean anybody in a good social
position-to say whatsoever that everybody be-
"License," he continued, "is not a right. It is an
impertinence. License is the impudence of some
son-of-a-gur, who has no right to live on earth
anyway, to say some damned thing that is true."
Very seriously, the crowd conferred and then
through the interpreter announced that if the
definitions were correct "then it is license we
Russians believe in and not liberty."
And if our publishers' definition is correct,
then we Americans want license and not freedom
of the press.
Robert Perlman.
Silk Stockings
And War. ..
coming to realize that an economic
boycott will not only halt Japanese aggression
in China but will be a powerful weapon in the
fight against future wars.
The progress of the present boycott of Jap-
anese-made goods is indicated by a recent report
in "Business Week" that 55 hosiery manufac-
turers- throughout the country have begun to
produce lisle hose and that at the style show
at New York's smart Waldorf-Astoria a few
weeks ago, lisle hose in Chinese Red and Chinese
Green were featured. We have seen that F. W.
Woolworth, S. S. Kresge and the F. and W.
Grand Stores received a great deal of free and'
favorable publicity last month by announcing
that they had stopped buying Japanese goods.
The AFL and the CIO, afraid of injuring their
own workers in the silk manufacturing industry,
nevertheless, have come out strongly against
goods "made in Japan." The American Student
Union, the American Negro Congress and the
Artists' Congress are strongly supporting the
The results of the activity of these relatively
small groups can be seen in the following facts
taken from "Business Week": The United States
is Japan's largest market. Of the $170,000,000
worth of imports to America in 1936, $95,000,-
000 was raw silk. Our silk imports, according
to the Nation, show a decrease of approximately
25 per cent as compared with the same months
of 1936. And although there was a general in-
crease in American foreign trade last year, the
United States Department of Commerce Report
also shows that trade with Japan, in both im-
ports and exports, declined sharply as compared
to 1936.
Japan's national debt has now reached 10,000,-
000,000 yen, (approximately $3,000,000,000). How-
ever, the stringent new taxes will not yield one-
twentieth of the expenses for carrying on the
winter campaign in China. According to the
New Republic, the Bank of Japan finds on hand
some $854,000,000 worth of unsold government
bonds and it is very doubtful that another Henry
Ford will be found who will consider those bonds
as good an investment as "our Hank" thought
when his Japanese branch bought so many shares
in the Japanese armament firm.
Barring an economic collapse, which is within
the realm of possibility and a revolt of the masses,
which is much less likely, Japan's present supplies
will carry her through approximately three more
months. What after that? No one knows. But
one thing is certain. A Japan without foreign
trade would be immediately humbled both eco-
nomically and politically. And a humbled Japan
would prove to the world the deadly effect of an

economic boycott in stopping wars.
Malcolm Long.
O.)n The Level

teware *
LOf Freedom ...

O UR COLLEAGUES of the press on the
publishing end have been ranting a
good deal lately about "freedom of the press"
and much of: their. venom has been directed
against the National Labor Relations Board. They
are particularly irked at the NLRB because the
Supreme Court in the Associated Press case of
April 12, 1937 not only held the National Labor
Relations Act constitutional but declared that a
publisher could not fire a newspaperman for
union activity.,
We suspect, after reading some of the wailing
and weeping that has been goint on at every pub-
lishers' convention since the NLRB decision, that
the real bogey that is "threatening the funda-
mental right of freedom of the press" is none
other than Uncle Heywood Broun's militant
American Newspaper Guild.
But what is this freedom of the press that
publishers prize so highly? Some examples of it
have come to our attention recently.
The Detroit News of Sunday, January 23,
informs us that Mayor Reading thinks some
gesture, possibly national in scope, should be
made to celebrate Henry Ford's 75th birthday.
Now we don't want to enter into an argument
on the merits of Ford's philosophy, but he is on
the pan at present for trying to buck the NLRB
and Government in general. Consequently any
attempt to whitewash the gentleman must be
viewed critically. So when we read in the
same article that "his friends and admirers are
insisting that a man is 75 years old only once
and remembering the contribution he has made
to the world's progress, it is thought only fitting
that something unusual be arranged," we begin
to wonder who are all these friends and admirers
who remember Ford's contribntion to progress
and who think something should be done. If they
have any material existence other than on the
newspaper's copy desk, as readers we want to
know their names, in accordance with ethical
journalistic practice.
We also noticed that Benjamin Stolberg is
writing a series for the Scripps-Howard papers
on the CIO, with emphasis on the Communist
influence in the organization. One of Stolberg's
articles on the Pacific Coast maritime situation
appearing in the New York World-Telegram,
stated, "The resulting bitterness is incredible. It
broke up the powerful Maritime Federation of
the Pacific, which today is on its last legs." But
in the columns of the San Francisco News the
same article said, "The resulting bitterness is
incredible. It threatens to break up the powerful
Maritime Federation of the Pacific."-
Evidently the Scripps-Howard editors on the
West Coast had to change "broke up" to
"threatens to break up" and had to 'omit the
news that the Federation is "on its last legs" when
they were on home territory.
But most astonishing is the information that
on Dec. 21 the Indianapolis News omitted the
story carrying the report of the Senate Civil
Liberties subcommittee on the use of labor es-
pionage by 2,500 American firms. Now even
The Michigan Daily sometimes misplaces an an-
nouncement of a local tea, but it's hard to imag-
ine a story of the length and importance of
the LaFollette report fluttering unnoticed to the
floor of the city room. Incidentally, the report
mentioned that in Indianapolis exists "a typ-
ical concentration of some of these Pinkerton
Comnlete objectivity is imnossible in newsnauer

Ifeci ilo Ae
Heywood Broun
"Spike" Hunt, a good newspaper man, has
written a good book called "One American."
The reviews have been enthusiastic, but I think
that some of the critics have been a little pun-
ishing to Mr. Hunt even in their praise. The
general line seems to be that "Spike" is the best
loved journalist in America
and that he hasn't got an
enemy in the world. This
.s carried on in the sugges-
tion that he has never said
an unkind word about any-
body here or abroad.
"Spike" is a lot better than
that and so is his book. It is
undoubtedly true that he has
a genuine interest in all sorts
of people. He will drill through a bpre for
hours in the hope of eventually striking enough
water for a well. And, again, he will suffer the
talk of great or small men whom he dislikes for
the sake of finding the animating force which
makes them function.
But that isn't a kind of Eddie Guestism. It is
merely the fundamental requirement in a good
* * * *
The Careful Approach
To my notion, no great news gatherer is a
neutral. Truth can be found only by men with
passion in their packs. At the same time, an
investigator defeats his own purposes if he goes
around with a chip on his shoulder and a pencil
and a notebook in his right hand.
Every novice learns that the best way to check
any news source is to bein taking notes. The
sight of a pencil will remind the quarry that he
has let his hair down and that it would be
wise for him to pin it up again. The person
who is about to spill real stuff will either dry
up immediately or apply cloture by saying, "Of
course, you must remember that all this is off
the record."
A good reporter must learn to crawl through
the jungle grass-even on his belly, perhaps--
and get close to the lions and tigers of world
affairs before they take to cover or claw him
in the face.
And so a genial personality is one of the first
requirements of the man who would get informa-
tion. Frazier Hunt, to give him his full fancy name
has the outward manifestations of a town greeter.
You might readily take him for a Rotarian even
at close range. He has the warm handshake
and the genial smile.
* * *
The Test Of Time
He has learned to keep his temper under
trying circumstances, because ever since he was
16 years old people have been pulling that old
wheeze of "How's the weather up there?" And
tundreds and probably thousands of times
"Spike" Hunt has laughed at the witticism as if
it were the best joke in the world. Men who
are more than 6 feet 4 have to acquire a surface
geniality or accept an inferiority complex. We
live in a world in which dwarfs seem to get all
the breaks.
But one can smile and smile and still keep a
sharp dagger within easy reach. The outward
manifestations of "Spike" Hunt must be for-
gotten when one comes to consider his inner
spiritual graces. He can cut the heart out of a
stuffed shirt with as much skill as any journalistic
surgeon of our time. He can be mean and bitter.
In other words, he really is a good guy, and
,"One American" is an autobiography which you
ought to read for both pleasure and profit.
where it burrows into upholstery and doesn't come
out for a day.. All five of us ride home in front
seat wearing top hats and tails.
Worst feature of University-Elementary Eco-
nomics instuctors.

Best feature of University-Automobile ban.
Worst football game-Chicago-Michigan game
this year.
Most exciting athletic event-Purdue-Michigan
overtime basketball game in '36.
Biggest disappointment-Carillon tower and
Michigan's loss to Wisconsin quintet this year.
Best dance of year-The Foo Costume Ball.
Most successful idea-The Michigras.
Best job of year-George Quick's Gargoyle.
Biggest foole-After a good start, panorama
editors just forgot about it all.
Biggest surpr-ise-POO on FOO causes POO
to lose money.
Biggest waste of time-planned for Model Sen-
S. * * * *
This Year's Crop of Wishes:
1. An early understanding among fraternities,
Dorm Committee, and University to lead to more
dormitories for the men who need them.
2. Another Michigras as big as last year's.
3. For Michigan's basketballers to come out
of slump.
4. A change in the present 40-hour limit in
one subject.
5. For football training table.
6. That rumor concerning Veenker is only a
7. For more events like Tommy Dorsey's
Well-goodbye, and God pass you.
With bated breath we have awaited the out-


To the Editor:
The Michigan League, the Student
Religious Association, the Michigan
Union and several other campus or-
ganizations have joined together to
sponsor a Student Senate. It is
planned that the Student Senate will
represent campus interests and will
serve as an organ of campus-wide
opinion on internationand and na-
tional problems as they affect the
Michigan students.
Members of the Senate are elected
at large from among the whole stu-
dent body by the whole student body.
Any scholastically eligible student
may have his name placed on the of-
ficial ballot as a candidate by handing
in at the Lane Hall office of the Stu-
dent Senate, between Monday, Feb.
28 and Friday, March 4, from 4:00 to
3:00 p.m., the names of five students
who are willing to nominate him and
3 registration fee of 25 cents to offset
'he costs of 'printing. Voting will take
place on March 11, between the hours
of 7:30 a.m. and 7:30 p.m. at desig-
iated spots to be announced. Any stu-
lent is eligible to vote upon presenta-
'ation of his identification card. Vot-
ng will be by proportional represen-
tation, each student marking a 1 op-
posite his first choice and so forth.
The rules of counting will be issued
ater by the Board of Elections.
If any of the members of your or-
ganization are interested in becoming
-andidates for membership in the
Student Senate, will they please fol-
low the above method of petitioning
for a place on the ballot. Candidates
are permitted to place after their
names on the ballot a designation not
exceeding three words in length. This
designation may be that of a recog-
nized campus organization provided
that the student has the official sanc-
-ion of that organization as testified
>y a written approval by the chair-
man or other presiding officer and
which is to accompany the petition.
Since places on the ballot are as-
3igned with respect to the time at
which the nominating petiiton was
filed, it is to the advantage of the
candidate to file his petition as early
as possible.
Organizations or individuals desir-
ing further information are invited to
call the Student Senate Office at
Lane Hal daily throughout the school
week from 4:00 to 6:00 p.m.
Martin B. Dworkis,
Sponsoring Committee,
Student Senate.
New York Philharmonic-Symphony,
Georges Enesco conductor. Sibelius'
Swan of Tuonela, Dvorak's Fifth
Symphony in E minor (From the New
World), Mendlessohn's Fourth Sym-
phony in A major ("Italian"). 3-5,
Ford Sunday Evening Hour, Fritz
Reiner, conductor, Elizabeth Reth-
berg soprano soloist. Overture to Mo-
zart's The Marriage of Figaro, Wein-
gartner's transcription of Weber's
Invitation to the Dance, "Hungarian
Dance" from Dohnanyi's Ruralia
Hungarica, excerpts from Rimsky-
Korsakow's Scheherezade, aria "Ab-
scheulicher, wo eilst du hin?" from
Beethoven's Fidelio, songs of R.
Strauss, Marx, and Densmore. 9-10,
Coolidge String Quartet, playing
Beethoven's Quartet in E fiat, Op.
127. 3-3:45, NBC Red.
Rochester Civic Orchestra. Guy
Fraser Harrison conductor. Overture
to Mozart's The Magic Flute, Rach-
maninoff's Concerto for Piano No. 2
in C minor, Andante from Kallini-
kow's First Symphony, and the Antar
Symphony of Rimsky-Korsakow. 3-4,
NBC Blue.

Philadelphia Orchestra, Eugene Or-
mandy conductor. "An Hour in Old
Vienna," with Mozart's Overture to
The Marriage of Figaro, Allegro from
Schubert's B minor ("Unfinished")
Symphony, selections from JohannI
Strauss. 9-10, NBC Blue.
Cleveland Symphony, Artur Rod-
zinski conductor. Overture to Mo-
zart's The Magic Flute, Beethoven's
Eighth Symphony in F major, "Pa-
vane pour une infant defunte" and,
Daphnis et Chloe Suite No. 2 of Ravel.
8:45-9:45, NBC Blue.
Eastman School of Music (Roches-
ter), Howard Hanson conductor. Con-
certo Grosso for Two String Or-
chestras by Pierre Locatelli, 18th
century violinist-composer; "Piano e
Forte" for Two Brass Choirs by Gio-
vanni Gabrielli, 16th century organ-
ist and composer; "Symphony" by
Cannabich, an 18th century German.j
9-10 p.m., NBC Blue.
Metropolitan Opera Company in
Richard Strauss' light-hearted Der
Resenkavalier, revived this season.
Lotte Lehman, Kerstin Thorborg,
Emane Tiszt Friedrich Schorr. Sn-

SUNDAY, JAN. 30, 1938

Notice to Faculty Membrs: Dr. and
Mrs. Ruthven will be at home to
members of the faculty and residents
of Ann Arbor next Sunday, Feb. 6,
(one week from today) at 4:00 p.m.
A meeting of the Senate Committee
on University Affairs will be held on
Monday, Jan. 31, at 4:10. Members
of the University having matters ap-
propriate for discussion by this group
will please forward them to the un-
C. W. Edmunds, Chairman.
Faculty, College of Literature, Sci-
ence, and the Arts: It is requested by
the Administrative Board that all in-
structors who make reports of In-
complete or Absent from Examination
give also information showing the
character of that part of the work
which has been completed. This may
be done by the use of the symbols,
I(A), X(B), etc.
University of Michigan Press Pub-
lications. Members of the University
faculties are entitled to buy publica-
tions of the University of Michigan
Press at a discount of 10 per cent
from list price. For the convenience
of members of the faculty and others,
arrangements have been made for the
sale of Press publication s at the
University of Michigan Press Build-
ing, 311 Maynard Street.
Women Students: Moving may
take place any time after Wednes-
day, Feb. 9. Women moving from
University dormitories must remove
all belongings by noon, Friday, Feb.
11. Students entering the dormitory
for the new semester should see the
Director of the dormitory who will
set the time of their admittance.
University Women Attending J-Hop.
The closing hour for womens resi-
dences the night of the J-Hop, Feb.
11, will be 3:30 a.m. For those wh
plan to attend a breakfast afterward
the closing hour will be 4:30 a.m.
Kansas University Alumni and other
Kansans interested, luncheon Michi-
gan League, Monday, Jan. 31, 12:30
Call Mrs. Harold D. Smith, phone
4066 for reservations.
Faculty, College of Engineering:
There will be a meeting of this fac-
ulty on Wednesday, Feb. 2, at 4
o'clock, p.m., in Room 348, West En-
gineering Building. The order of'the
meeting will be: Coordination Com-
mittee reports on revised aeronautica
curriculum, proposed municipal en.
gineering program; a new 2.0 schol-
arship rule.
Sophomores L.S. and A. All Sopho-
mores must have their elections ap.
proved by Feb.. 5. All students wh
have not yet received a card please
into Room 9, University Hall an
make an appointment for a confer-
ence. The office will be open frorr
10 to 4:30 p.m.
Phi Kappa Phi: Graduate Fellow.
ships, each with a stipend of $500 fo
one year, have been established b3
the Honor Society of Phi Kappa Phi
These Fellowships will be administer-
ed in accordance with the following
regulations :
1. The Phi Kappa Phi Fellowships
shall be awarded each year to under-
graduate members of Phi Kappa Phi
each of whom wishes to enroll as a
candidate for an advanced degree ir
a graduate school in some Americar
College or University. A student reg-
istering in a professional school suc?
as Law or Medicine is not eligible
Within these requirements no restric
tion shall be placed upon the field o1
2. The receipients of these Fellow-
ships shall be selected from among a
list of applicants as prescribed below
(a) Those eligible to apply for on
of these Fellowships shall include
members of Phi Kappa Phi who, dur-
ing the year preceding the proposec
graduate study, were elected to mem-
bership in the society as seniors.

(b) To be eligible for consideration,
applicants for these Fellowships shal
be filed on or before the 15th of
March with the Secretary of the So-
ciety Chapter in which the applicani
was elected to membership, on blanks
which shall be available for distribu-
tion from the office of each Chapter
(c) Each Chapter of Phi Kappa
Phi shall select each year, in a man-
ner to be determined by that Chap-
ter, from among those of its members
who are eligible to file and have filed
applications for Fellowships within
the prescribed time, the one applicant
whom they consider the most wortmy
of receiving one of these Fellowships.
(d) A Committee of the National
Society shall award the Fellowships
to the applicants whom they judge to
be most worthy among those whose
I applications, not more than one from
each Chapter, have been submitted by
the several Chapters.
(e) The final awards shall be made
by the Committee and the successful
applicants - shall be notified by the
Secretary General of the Society not
later than June 1.

Metallurgical Engineers: Classifica-
tion lists which will determine time
signed in Room 2028 E. Engineering
and order of classification may be
Bldg. after Monday, Jan. 31, at 1:30
Naval Architecture and Marine En-
gineering: Students expecting to
classify for the second semester should
consult the classification list in Room
326 West Engineering Building for
the time of their classification.
Change of Address: All students
registered with the Bureau, whether
leaving school in February or not,
are reminded that they should be sure
to notify us of any change of ad-
dress. If you are leaving school at
this time, it would be advisable to


Publication in the Bulletin is constructive notice to all members of the
University. Copy received at the office of the Assistant to the President
until 3:30; i1:00 a.m. on Saturday.

fice if

up on your record in the of-
you have not done so recently.
hours 9-12; 2-4; 201 Mason
University Bureau of Ap-
pointments and Occupation-
al Information.

Academic Notices
Economics 51: Rooms for final ex-
am., Thursday morning, Feb. 3:
25 A.H., Travis.
35 A.H., Polk.
1035 A.H., Aldrich.
231 A.H., Dufton.
205 M.H., Anderson.
103 R.L., Colberg.
Relativity, Mathematics 178, second
semester: Persons interested in this
course who have conflicts, please
communicate with Professor Rainich
Mathematics 36, Section 1 (Lit. Col-
lege, Dr. Myers): This section will
have its final exam in Room 202 Ma-
son Hall, Friday, Feb. 4, 9-12 a.m.
English 35 (Section 3) : Final ex-
amination for Mr. Rettger's section
will be held on Monday, Jan. 31, 2-5
p.m., in the regular classroom.
English I and II Final Examination
Schedule, Tuesday, Feb. 1, 2 p.m.
English I.
Ackerman 2003 A.H.
Allen, 215 A.H.
Baum, 225 A.H.
Bertram, 2014 A.H.
Cassidy, 215 A.H.
Calver, 4003, A.H.
Cowden, 3227 A.H.
Dean, 4203 A.H.
Ellinger, 203 U.H.
Everett, 3231 A.H.
Foro, 2203 A.H.
Giovannini, 103 R.L.
Green, 1209 A.H.
Greenhut, 35 A.H.
Haines, W. Phys.
Hanna, 208 U.H.
Hart, 201 U.H.
Hathaway, 302 M.H.
Helm, 1025 A.H.
Knode, 229 A.H.
Knott, 1025 A.H.
Leedy, W. Phys.
Ogden, 1025 A.H.
Peterson 2215 A.H.
O'Neill, 103 R.L.
Peake, 205 S.W
Schenk, 4003 A.H.
Stibbs, 2235 A.H.
Stocking, 301 U.H.
Taylor, W. Phys.
Walcutt, W. Phys.
Weimer, 103 R.L.
White, 2215 A.H.
Wells, 2235 A.H.
Williams, 1025 A.H.
Woodbridge, 103 R.L.
English II.
Roellinger, 2054 N.S.
Stevens, 18 A.H.
Nelson, 4208 A.H.
Room Assignment for Final Exam-
inations in German 1, 2, 31, 32. Jan,
29, 1938, 2-5 p.m.
German I.
N.S.A., Diamond, Graf, Gaiss,
Schachtsiek, Striedieck.
1025 A.H., Willey, Philippson, Su-
dermann, Braun, Van Duren.
1035 A.H., Scholl.
German 2.
C. Haven Hall. All sections.
German 31.
25 A.H., Gaiss, Diamond, Graf,
Van Duren.
231 A.H., Willey, Reichart, Philipp-
1035 A.H., Scholl.
301 UH., Wahr.
201 U.H., Hildner.
German 32.
203 U.H., Nordmeyer.
306 U.H., Eaton.
Political Science 1 and 2. Final ex-
amination Thursday, Feb. 3, 2-5 p.m.
The following rooms have been as-
Hayden's section, 25 Angell Hall
Kitchin's sections, 35 Angell Hall
Dorr's sections, 25 Angell Hall
Cuncannon's sections, 205 Mason
French's sections, 231Angell Hall
Kallenbach's sections, C Haven
Kline's sections, 1025 Angell Hall
Sociology 51, Final Examination,

Saturday, Feb. 5, 2-5 p.m.
A-E, C Haven Hall.

Student Senate

With the grace of God and faculty, this will
be the last appearance of this column. However,
we won't be sad and obituary-like about it be-
cause that would scent of other columns that have
burdened this page all year.
* * * *
One thing though-no jokes used here have
ever been over the heads of the readers. Most
of the humor has been used over the dead bodies
:f early century joke writers.
* * * *
And this columnist, unlike last year's, will
not close by telling of how he fell in love
during his sophomore year. That would be
going too far back, and then too, it's hard
to remember 'all the twenty or thirty girls
who should be mentioned.
Instead, let us close with some personal
bests, worsts, and wishes-
Best laugh-Day after Hell Week, and new
member starts off speech at Initiation Banquet
with, "Unaccustomed as I am to public spank-
ing .- .
Most forced laugh-Any class, any professor's

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