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September 30, 1937 - Image 4

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The Michigan Daily, 1937-09-30

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PAG~E Voun



Edited and managed by students of the University of
Michigan under the authority of the Board in Control of
Student Publications.
Published every morning except Monday during the
University yearvand Summer Session. y g
Member of the Associated Press
The Associated Press Is exclusively entitled to the
use for republication of all news dispatches credited to
it or not otherwise credited in this newspaper. All
rights of republication of all other matter herein also
Entered at the Post Office at Ann Arbor, Michigan as
second class mail matter.
Subscriptions during regular school year by carrier,
$4.00; by mail, $4.50.-
Member, Associated Collegiate Press, 1937-38
NationaAdvertising Service Inc.
College Publisers ,Reresntatvl '
Board of Editors
William Spaller Robert Weeks Irvin Lisagor
Helen Douglas
NIGHT EDITORS:Harold Garn, Joseph Gies, Earl R.
Gilman, Horace Gilmore, S. R. Kleiman, Edward Mag-
dol, Albert Mayio, Robert Mitchell, Robert Perlman
and Roy Sizemore. I
SPORTS DEPARTMENT: Irvin Lisagor, chairman; Betsy
Anderson. Art Baldauf, Bud Benjamin, Stewart Fitch,
Roy Heath and Ben Moorstein.
WOMEN'SaDEPARTMENT: Helen Douglas. chairman,
Betty Bonisteel, Ellen Cuthvert, Ruth Frank, Jane B.
Holden, Mary Alice MacKenzie, Phyllis Helen Miner,
Barbara Paterson, Jenny Petersen, Harriet Poneroy,
Marian Smith, Dorothea Staebler and Virginia Voon-
Business Department
Departmental Managers
Ed Macal, Accounts Manager; Leonard P. Siegelman,
Local Advertising Manager; Philip Buchen, Contracts
Manager; William Newnan, Service Manager; Mar-
shall Sampson, Publications and Classified Advertis-
ing Manager; Richard H. Knowe, National Advertising
and Circulation Manager.
The Bishop's
Letter. ...
toral letter of the Spanish Bishops
of a few weeks ago, denouncing the Republican
Government and justifying the rebellion against
it, now appears to have been inspired by Gen.
Franco in a more direct manner than was at
first believed. A letter received and subsequently
published by the Catholic Basque newspaper,
Euzko Deya, from I. Cardinal Goma, Primate of
the Spanish Catholic Church, indicates that the
circular was sent out at the request of the gen-
eralissimo as part of his campaign on the prop-
aganda front.
In the letter Cardinal Goma tells of "an indi-
cation I had received from the Head of the
State," (the title by which Franco allows him-
self to be known in Rebel territory) and urges
the necessity of the general's signing it in order
to help "suppress and counteract adverse opin-
ion and propaganda which have contributed to
form abroad an atmosphere completely opposed
to the movement even in a great section of
the Catholic press, and which has found an
echo in the political and diplomatic circles di--
recting the international situation." Further on
the Cardinal makes the statement that "an
opinion contrary to the nationalist movement is
prevalent even among Catholics, especially in
England, France and Belgium, and that even
in circles highly favorable to us there is a belief
that the war must be brought to an end through
an accord between the belligerent parties." One
can imagine the indignation with which so sub-
versive a suggestion as the last mentioned would
be greeted by the Head of the State.
The fact that Catholic sentiment in many
places is crystallizing against the Franco re-
gime, as the Cardinal points out, and that many
intelligent Catholics now realize that the cause
of the Church is not that of fascism, may be
taken as a heartening sign. In the meantime
the efforts of highly placed Spanish clergymen
on Franco's behalf will suffer from the growing
suspicion that church property as well as church
ideology plays a part in their considerations.
The Clawless

Tiger .
THERE'S A SMELL of rotten flesh
these days in Gotham as the ema-
ciated Tamnmany tiger succumbs slowly to the
La Guardia cancer.
Tammany, hall of fame for yesteryear's race
of super politicians-William Marcy (Boss)
Tweed, Charles F. Murphy, John Kelly and Dick
Croker-rocks precariously on its foundations.
Its tycoons of today are puny men, ward heelers,
nothing more, who ken not the changing of the
old order. Quivering pygmies with hardly one
idea among thom, yet divided they stand like
a group of warring Indians whose signs got
crossed. Completely incapable of comprehend-
ing the trend of affairs that sent their star into
sudden eclipse, they flounder hopelessly, knee
keep in archaic political tradition.

through in the old Tiger hunting grounds he
was unable to cope with the unfailing support
accorded his two competitors in the remaining
four boroughs.
The two competitors, now that the ground
has been cleared of unnecessary obstructions,
appear to be on the threshold of a real old
fashioned political debacle. Candidate Jeremiah
T. Mahoney, Democrat of the old school, ha;,
alleged himself the people's choice on several
counts. As president of the A.A.U. in 1935 he
fought valiantly for non-participation in the
Nazi Olympics, thus bidding for the Jewish vote
which he sought further in the initial stages
of his campaign by addressing a Jewish audience
in Yiddish! A law partner of Senator Wagner
this scion of the Mahoney family has been known
to voice phrases of liberalism on several occa-
sions, never very forcefully to be sure, but still
there's a possibility that a liberal strain lurks
somewhere in his craggy frame, planted there
perhaps by his lawyer-senator partner, and good
for some liberal votes in November.
Mahoney, it must be allowed, is the better type
of New York vote snatcher, but compared to
his more illustrious competitor he's a political
pygmy. Fiorello H. La Guardia has secured for
himself a singular place in the line of New York's
mayors as the most talented incumbent ever to
grace that office. An immigrant child from the
East Side melting pot of half Jewish and half
Italian extraction, La Guardia fought, scratched
and bit his way with no holds barred into the
big-time political arena. Political affiliations
were of small moment as he allied himself in
turn with the Republicans, LaFollette Socialists,
Republicans again, Fusionists and Labor. No
machine politics put Fiorello into office. His has
been a personal victory, a tribute to the indi-
vidual, which has been more than justified. To
him there stands as a monument his social
program, his parks, playgrounds, housing, and
bridge construction, the new life he has infused
into a lethargic hierarchy of municipal depart-
ments and lastly there will stand forever the
lethal blow he struck the Tiger.
Yes, the November mayoralty race looks
like La Guardia by quite a few noses.



Coming Events

Publication in the Bulletin is constructive notice to all members of t b
Walversity. Copy received at the.U mttba AmIUat to tb Prealdm*
untE 3:0; 211:00 a.m. an Saturday.



The freshmen are a merry crew. Time was
when their's were the tribulations of the world.
There were tales told of the Engineering Arch
where sophs and seniors used to sit, waiting to
roast the potted ones. Heads down, they would
sit, talking among themselves, or counting the
cracks in the sidewalk, lest some sauntering frosh
suspect he was even the casual object of an up-
perclassman's thought. When the ungainly gait
-freshmen were always ungainly in those days
-stamped a passerby as a freshmen and the grey
pot verified it, a command would snap out. "Off,
frosh! Off with it!" And the cap would come
off before the freshman passed bowing onward.
Freshman after freshman removed pot after
pot, and so sweet brotherhood and honest affec-
tion was nourished in the bosoms of the new-
comers. But now though pots went out when
'38 handsomely strode upon the campus, the
freshmen themselves have assumed them. We
always thought it was sort of a humiliation, but
not the frosh. They got tradition. And no one
seems to care. It certainly is a far cry from
the day some wit engaged in rhinie baiting under
the Arch moaned that freshmen women should
also have some distinguishing bit of apparel.
Then he went back to his recreation. "Off, frosh!
Off with it!"
And then there were the freshman games
during homecoming. That wasn't so long ago
that Joe Hinshaw, who may or may not be
around here at this moment, was dancing around
a street light with his crew of sophs, on Thomp-
son Street. The circle was wide and dark, the
yellow light of the street lamp fell rather weakly
on all but the inner group who reached at a shiv-
ering freshman with his back to the pole, ripped
his shirt off, danced some more, reached for the
freshman and deftly removed his pants. Then
the freshman broke through the line dashing up
Thompson, on to Cheever Court, with the sophs
shouting "Down with thirty-eight!" and after
him. Yes, my merry green crew, those were the
days and we haven't found those pants since.
Would the Dekes look around the house please?
There's a sentimental attachment, we graduated
from high school in those.
* * * *
PANORAMA is great stuff. Last week there
were several ace cameramen snapping at
gullibles going through the Arcade. When the
gullibles wanted to know where they could get
the pictures, they were told that the pictures were
for Panorama and that for a buck they could
see themselves in action in every edition during
the year. The bucks rolled in. It's a swell pub-
licity stunt but there are going to be a lot of
gullibles snapping back at cameramen when that
next issue appears because there wasn't any film
in the cameras.
An Infant's Lament to His Fond Parent
I think that I shall never see
A drink as nice as milk can be.
A drink that doth in drinking spare
The drunk his morning-after care.
The drink which is not ostracized
So long as it is pasturized.
Carbohydrates, and that's not all,
Vitamins enough to pall.
Fats and ash and H2O,
Lots of things to make me grow-

By Heywood Broun
Hugo Lafayette Black has one conspicuous
weakness. At the moment I am not referring
to the charge that he is or has been a member
of the Ku Klux Klan. !'What I have in mind
is his singular ineptitude in regard to publicity,
or personal relations if you like. If he has an
adequate answer to tle allegation hurled against
him he should have made it long ago. And if
his reply is less than sufficient it will not grow
in effectiveness through the long delay. "Lafay-
ette, we are here," is a far more inspiring slogan
than, "Mr. Justice Black is not at home to the
newspaper men."
I think myself that the Senatorial record of
the gentleman from Alabama gives every indi-
cation that he would make an excellent Justice
of the Supreme Court, no matter what his earlier
record may have been. And yet, obviously, a
political blunder has been made.
Many grossly unfair and inaccurate things
are being said by conservatives and reactionary
forces which are eager to seize upon an ad-
Can't Expect Much Fairness
In politics, as in pugilism under the rules of the
New York Boxing Commission, you cannot win
on a foul, and blows below the belt are just your
hard luck. It is a little too much to expect that
Republicans and other opponents of the New
Deal are going to be scrupulous in fair play when
they see a good issue opening up before them.
I must admit that I believe the other side in sim-
ilar circumstances would be foolish not to do the
But a few observations might as well be made
for the sake of the record, which may become
more apparent after the tumult slackens. In the
first place, there is no possible connection be-
tween the President's proposal to add additional
justices to the High Bench and the appointment
of Hugo Black. The name was sent up in the
usual fashion. It came as a good deal of sur-
prise, although the Senator's name was on the
list of some of the forecasters as a possible long
Didn't Even Vote
It was said by several commentators that a
unanimous Senate had agreed that Joe Robinson
was entitled to the nomination, and that the
"club" would not even tolerate the mention of
any other name. If Robinson had lived and the
President had chosen him he probably would
have been confirmed with a whoop and a tiger
and not a soul would have risen to say "Nay."
That would have been Senatorial courtesy.
The fact remains that President Roosevelt
has had a bad break in the luck. But it is mon-
strously unfair to throw the whole burden of
the blame on him. The Senate ought to be in a
position to size up the qualifications of its own
members. And it is interesting to note that
Burton K. Wheeler, who is now one of the loud-
est squawkers about the appointment of Hugo
Black, did not vote against the confirmation.
It is true he didn't vote for it. He wasn't suffi-
ciently interested to vote at all.
On TheLevel
With the first football game coming along
Saturday, everyone seems to be worried about
the Michigan team this year.
* * * *
That is, everybody except Minnesota. The only
thing that the Minnesota team will have to worry
about this year is scholarship.
* * * *
For the fourth straight year, Michigan is an
unknown quantity. Nothing is certain but the
fact that Michigan quarterbacks will signal for
a line plunge with seven yards to go on third
The old Michigan "punt, pass, and pray"
system also seems to be doomed. Michigan
not only lacks dependable punters and pass-

ers; but, from the church attendance on
campus, she hasn't enough prayers to carry
the system through.
* * * * ,
But the stands will no longer be able to call
the referees blind when they make a bum de-
cision. A new ruling this year requires each
official to pass a complete physical examination,
including an eye and ear test.
* * *
We wish this had been in effect last year when
Michigan's touchdown lateral against Illinois was
ruled a forward and the score was not allowed.
Some on campus can remember back when
Michigan State was on the schedule merely
for a warm-up game.
* * * *
Now M.S.C. is kept on the schedule to make
the Michigan team fight harder to win a game
from some team they meet later.
* * * *
It's gotten so bad that a fellow walked into
a barber shop the other day with a thousand
dollars to bet on State. All he got was a haircut
and a shave.
*' * * *
However, experts give Michigan an even
chance to keep State rooters from pulling down

THE SEASON has been late start- THURSDAY, SEPT. 80, 1937
ing in the New York theatre and VOL. XLVII. No. 4
this lateness seems to have effected The Bureau has received notice of
the rest of the country. The Cass the following Civil Service Examina-
Theatre in Detroit is dark this week ( tions:
after trying out last week a new play Associate and assistant botanists,
honor Bright, a first play by a young $3,200 and $2,600 a year respectively;
author, Micaela O'H syara. Bureau of Plant Industry, Depart-
Next Sunday evening Yes, My Dar- mn fArclue
ling Daughter will begin a week's ment of Agriculture.
run. The original company of this Medical social worker, $3,800 a
play by Mark Reed, author of Petti- year; associate and assistant medical
coat Fever, is .still playing in New workers, $3,200 and $2,600 a year re-
York. The road company is headed spectively; Children's Bureau, De-
by Florence Reed who appeared here partment of Labor.
a few seasons ago as Lady Macbeth. Senior engineer, $4,600 a year; En-
The following .week, beginning Sun- gineer, $3,800 a year; associate en-
day, October 10th, the original com- gineer, $3,200 a year; assistant en-
pany of Tovarich will be at the Cass. gineer, $2,600 a year.
Other plays scheduled at the Cass Associate dentist, $3,200 a year;
but with no definite dates as yet, are veterans' administration, U. S. Pub-
Helen Hayes in Laurence Houseman's vtrn'amnsrtoU .Pb
e I yes11 Luree Hosemns lic Health Service (reasury Depart-
Victoria Regina, Maurice Evans mnlietadIdahil Service (TrauyDr-
Shakespeare's Richard II; Brother ment), and Indian Field Service (De-
Rat, the farce about military schools. ateto teItro)
You Can't Take It With You, th Associate medical officer, $3,200 a
Pulitzer Prize winner by George year.
Kaufman and Moss Hart; Charlotte Principal animal husbandman, $5,-
Greenwood in Leaning-on Letty. 600 a year; Bureau of Animal Indus-
Some time before Christmas, ac- try, Department of Agriculture.
cording to present plans-very likely Lineman apprentice, salary at pre-
to be changed-the Cass will have vailing rate, City of Detroit.o
Talullah Bankhead in Shakespeare's Calculating machine operator (fe-
Antony and Cleopatra. It is booked male), $1,560 a year, city of Detroit.
for one night at the Michigan The- Posting machine operator (fe-
atre here, December 18th--during male), $1,560 a year; city of Detroit.
Christmas vacation, unfortunately. Lineman, salary at prevailing rate;

in Room 225

41 will meet hereafter

rTHE DETROIT Federal Theatre is
planning to play one week in
each month at a downtown theatre.
Between these engagements they will
have a policy of "bringing plays to
the people." They will produce plays
from their repertory at high schools
and other institutions. The first of
these performances will be matinee
and night, October 8th, at the Cass
Technical High School. The play
will be Marlowe's Doctor Faustus.
Plays in rehearsal now are Albert
Bein's Let Freedom Ring, Eugene
O'Neill's Anna Christie, Chalk Dust,
and They Too Arise, the prize win-
ning play by Arthur Miller, '38.
A SECOND SERIES from the Film
Library of the Museum of Mod-
ern Art will be shown at the Mendel-
ssohn on five Sunday evenings from
October 17th to February 20th. These
are pictures assembled from the col-
lection of pictures of historical in-
terest being collected by the Film
Library. Those who saw the first
series will assure you that they are
interesting and amusing. Commer-
cial exploitation of the pictures is
not permitted so only members of
non-profit organizations can see the
series. You can join the Art Cinema
League (and get a season ticket to
the five programs) for a dollar.
On October 8th and 9th, they will=
have a showing at the Mendelssohn
of Carnival In Flanders (it's French
title is La Kermesse Heroique). Other
pictures the Art Cinema League plans
to bring are The Eternal Mask, Joris
Ivens' The Spanish Earth, Masque-
rade in Vienna, Beethoven's Concerto,
The Thirteen, The Wave, and The
Other organizations here have not
made plans for the season so these
will have to be announced later.
Jim Crowley, now coach at Ford-
ham, takes the role of sports com-
mentator on the Kate Smith show at
8 thru WJR Henry Youngman, come-
dian, the music of Jack Miller's band
and Kate's vocalizing will be piped
coast to coast, boundry to boundry
for the first time in quite a spell -.-.
Rudy Vallee's NBC Variety Hour is
aired at the same time via WLW.-
Drama takes the spot at 8:30 with
NBC airing George Bernard Shaw '
"Back to Methuselah." Peggy Wood,
star of the American stage, has the
leading role, and Louis Hector, radio's
famous Sherlock Holmes, also in the
cast . . . Joe Sanders leads his very
fine band at 9 over MBS and CKLW
from the Blackhawk n Chi-The Ole
Left Hander takes the gang to the
coast very soon to be replaced by Kay
Kyser, Joe Commercials' idol . . Bob
Burns, pinch hitting for Bing Crosby.
takes the nod over the Kraft Music
Hall tonight at 10 over WWJ. Johnny
Trotter waves the baton on this sec-
ond team . . . The March of Time
again at 10:30-This a CBS affair,
local outlet is WJR . . . 11:15 finds
the music of Barney Rapp from
WLW, Andy Kirk via WMAQ, and
Freddy Martin given to you by WGN.
Bits: Rudy Vallee will be a ballet
dancer in his next movie-isn't that
'touching?-The Jessica Dragonette
show takes a nose-dive come Oct. 6.
. Hal Kemp is trying to keep it dark
that he is a Delta Sigma Phi-the
brothers would want free tickets to
his Chesterfield show . . . Jack Oakie
has the honor of being a beauty judge
for the dark lassies of Kingston, Ja-
maica-he'll do it by mail . . . The

city of Detroit.
Dietitian (female),
city of Detroit.

$1,860 a year;

For further information, please call
at the office, 201 Mason Hall.
University Bureau of Appoint-
ments and Occupational Infor-
Aero Eng. 15, Theoretical Aerody-
namics: This class will meet on Tues-
day and Thursday at 9 a.m. in Room
2300 East Engineering Bldg., and at
11 a.m. on Tuesday in Room 1300
East Engineering Bldg.
Aero. Eng. 6, Experimental Aero-
dynamics: The lecture in this course
will be held on Thursday at 11 a.m.
in Room 1300 East Engineering Bldg.
Anthropology 31 will meet in Room
25, Angell Hall.
Economics 181 will meet in Room
205 Mason Hall.
R. S. Ford.
Section 3 of English 35 (Mr. Ret-
tger's section) will meet in 201 South
Wing, not 201 U.H.
English 230. Studies in Spenser and
His Age. This class will meet in
2213 Angell Hall on this Thursday at
4 p.m. to decide on a time of meeting
for the semester.
M. P. Tilley.
English 297 (Walter) will meet for
arrangement of class hours Thurs-
day, Sept. 30, at 4 p.m. Room 3216,
My section of English 297 meets
this Wednesday evening from 7:30
to 9:30 in Room 406 General Library.
R. W. Cowden.
Students in my section of English1
211, should report to my office, 32271
Angell Hall, between 2 and 5 this
Wednesday afternoon.
R. W. Cowden.
English Seminar 300B will meet in
2215 A.H., Wednesday, Sept. 29, at
1 p.m. J. R. Reinhard.
English 293 will meet Wednesday,
Sept. 29, at 4 p.m. in 2235 Angell
Hall. W. G. Rice.
English 197 (English Honors
Course) will meet on Thursday at 3
p.m., in 2235 A.H. Students are
expected to have read a considerable
part of the first assignment.
W. G. Rice.
English 31, Section 16. Mr. Nelson's
class will meet hereafter in 2215
Angell Hall.
N. E. Nelson.
English 259 will meet Thursday
from 3,5 p.m. in 3217 A.H.
J. L. Davis
"The required Hygiene lectures for
women will be postponed until second
Margaret Bell, M.D.
Sophomores, College of Literature,
Science and the Arts: From Sept. 27
to Oct. 2 the Sophomore Classifica-
tion Committee will meet in Room 9,
University Hall.
Important Notice to New Graduate
Students: All students registering in
the Graduate School this semester
for the first time are urgently re-
quested to meet in Hill Auditorium,
Oct. 2, at 8 a.m. The occasion will be {
a brief statement by the Dean of the
School and a special form of a gen-
eral examination. This is purely an
experiment intended to aid the
School in determining whether or
not it can by such means be of great-
er assistance to you in your future
Theaexamination itself is very gen-
eral and calls neither for special
knowledge nor preliminary prepara-

Psychology 157 will meet in Room
1121 Natural Science Building in-
stead of as announced.
Students of Mathematics: The
comprehensive examination in Math-
ematics for students entering upon
concentration in this field will be
held in Room 3011 A.H. on Thursday,
Sept. 30, from 4 .to 6 p.m.
Mathematics 161: Will meet at 1
p.m., Monday, Wednesday and Fri-
day in Room 3011 Angell Hall in-
stead of as announced.
Mathematics 235: Will meet at 9
o'clock instead of 8 o'clock, in the
same room, 3010 Angell Hall.
Mathematics 297, Analysis Situs:
Preliminary meeting to schedule
hours, at 3 o'clock, Wednesday, Sept.
29, in Room 3020 Angell Hall.
Mathematics 300, Orientation Sem-
inar: Preliminary meeting for ar-
rangement of hours, Wednesday,
Sept. 29, at 4 p.m., in Room 3201
Angell Hall.
Mathematics 370: Meeting of those
interested to decide on the hours and
subjects; 3 o'clock Thursday, Sept.
30, in Room 3001 Angell Hall.
Choral Union Concerts: Concerts
as follows will be given in the 59th
Annual Choral Union Series:
Oct. 27, Sergei Rachmaninoff.
Nov. 9, Cleveland Orchestra, Artur
Rodzinski, conductor.
Nov. 19, Richard Crooks.
Nov. 29, Fritz Kreisler
Dec. 8, Boston Orchestra, Serge
Koussevitzky, conductor.
Jan.,10, Ruth Slenczynski.
Jan. 18, Helsinki Chorus.
Jan. 28, Gina Cigna.
Feb. 17, Roth String Quartet.
March 1, Georges Enesco.
Orders for season tickets may be
mailed to or left at the office of the
School of Music on Maynard St., at
$12, $10, $8, and $6. Each season
ticket contains a coupon good for
$3 when exchanged later in the year
toward a season May Festival ticket.
Orders aresfiled in sequence and will
be filled in the same order. Tickets
will be mailed out about the eleventh
of October.
Organ Recitals: The following
schedule of complimentary recitals
on the Frieze Memorial Organ is
announced. Admission is free, ex-
cept that small children for obvious
reasons, will not beradmitted. In
order to prevent overcrowding the
Auditorium on the occasion of the
concert by Marcel Dupre, admission
tickets will be issued. These may be
obtained free of charge as long as
they last by calling at the office of
the School of Music, Maynard St.
Oct. 6, 4:15, Palmer Christian;
Oct. 13, 8:30, Marcel Dupre; Oct. 20
and 27, 4:15, Palmer Christian; and
Nov. 10, 4:15, E. William Doty.
University Lecture: Einar Gjerstad,
Director of the Swedish Academy in
Rome, will speak on the subject,
"The Excavations in Cyprus," (illus-
trated) at 4:15 p.m., Friday, Oct. 8,
in the Natural Science Auditorium.
The public is cordially invited.
Events Today
University Men's Glee Club. Re-
hearsal tonight for old members and
all men who are interested in joining
the club, 7:30 p.m., Glee Club Room
305, Michigan Union. Tryouts fol-
low rehearsal. First concert trip next
week. David Mattern.
There will be a meeting of the Pub-
licity Committee of the League at 5
p.m. on Thursday in the Undergrad-
uate Offices. Everyone must be

Coming Events
Acquaintance Party for Foreign
Students:, The International Council
invites all foreign students and other
students specially interested in in-
ternational affairs to an Acquaint
-ance Party, next Friday evening at
8 p.m. in Room 316, Michigan Union.
This will be of special interest to stu-
dents in the Graduate and profes-
sional schools.
Christian Science Organization at
the University of Michigan will hold
its first service, Tuesday evening at
8:15 p.m., Oct. 5, in the Chapel of
the Michigan League Building.
Theatre-Arts Meeting: There will
be a meeting of the Theatre-Arts
Committee on Friday, Oct. 1 at 4 p.m.
at the League. All those interested
please attend. Room will be posted
on League bulletin board.

given individually and kept as con-
fidential and personal material.
Two pencils will be all the equip-
ment needed. C. S. Yoakum.


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