i The Weather Fair, not so cold today; to- morrow snow, and somewhat warmer. C, 4.... r Lit igu Ar i3attij. Editoriav& Would That It Were So. . . ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, FRIDAY, JAN. 28, 1938 PRICE FIVE CENTS 'VT VT VhfNo. 9 1 "Y a. ===== aa . u. a IN is . . Japs Charge U. S. Official Was Insolent Claim American Diplomat Deserved Slap In Face From Sentry At Nanking State Department Reveals Sharp Note SHANGHAI, Jan. 28.--(Friday)- ()-A Japanese statement today charged a Japanese sentry slapped the face of John M. Allison, ranking United States diplomat at Nanking, after the American adopted what was called an "insolent attitude." The incident was reported to have occurred Wednesday in Nanking and a second American, whose name was not given, was said to have been man- handled also by Japanese soldiers at the same time. The statement, carried by Domei (Japanese news agency and attrib- uted to a Japanese military spokes- man as his account of the episode) al- leged: Adopts Insolent Attitude "The case arose from the insolent attitude adopted by Allison who sought to deal with Japanese soldiers as a policeman would treat a law breaker. "It must also be attributed to an attitude by Allison characterized by outspoken criticism of Japanese army practice which he engaged in not- withstanding his official status." Domei said Japanese authorities had apologized and were trying to settle the incident locally. Allison protested immediately to the Jap- anese consul general afte the as- sault Wednesday. Allison is third see- retary to the Embassy. (The State Department at Wash- ington Thursday made public a sharp Anerican note, presented to Japan Jan. 17, protesting against "flagrant disregard" of American rights by Japanese troops at Nanking and other Chinese cities,. Dispatch Strong Note I (The note, strongest since the Jap-' anese -sinking of. th ,American gun- boat Panay, said the disregard of American rights could not be recon- ciled with previous Japanese assur- ances that American interests would be respected and demanded the as- surances be enforced.) (A Dome dispatch received in Tokyo said the army announced Al- lison had been struck by a corporal and "an investigation reveals the sol- .dier's outrageous conduct seems trace- able to a critical attitude on the part of the American diplomat.") Japanese reports on the attack con- flicted. Advices received early today said Allison was manhandled when he refused to leave a house where he had gone with "Japanese gendarmes to conduct an investigation." i-Hop Rules Are Disclosed By Committee Regulations adopted by the J-Hop committee to govern the dance on Feb. 11 at the Intramural Build- ing were discosed yesterday by Rob- Britain Rearms To Stand Firm Senate Blocks Propose Plan "ramatic"oprano Against GermanyAmes Claims For Revising Asserts Hitler Is Sincere ucceeded, Sir Hbert said, to a - M arket M o eI'kiderable degree, When Germany s' Mare! I~l .Declring G eII~la i sked Britain if she would. invacdc Wants No More War 3ermany to punish her for repudiat- Ing the Treaty of Versailles, Britain ogteTet fvraleBianOverwhemingly Defeats Revision Committee Lists By WILLIAM J. ELVIN eplied in the negative. It was this Britain is rearming in order that lack of agreement, according to Sir Effort To Limit Debate; Salaried Chief Executiv she may be strong enough in a few (Continued on ae ) sh BarkleyGives Up Hope As Main Reform Move years to grant some concessions to Germany and refuse others with the Brings Band Here ultimatum, "No, you can't have that, , (Southerners Sure Suggests Redu ction mnd we're ready to fight it out if you *'YF ia insist upon it," Sir Herbert Ames, Ca- IMe sril al Of C overniing ioari nadian statesman and former treas- urer of the League of Nations, said in WASHINGTON, Jan. 27.-(P)-The NEW YORK, Jan. 27.----)--The his lecture yesterday .at Natural Sci- Senate's confirmed dislike for limiting most drastic and far-reaching re- ence Auditorium. the length of its members' speeches vamping of administrative machinery "I believe Hitler was sincere," the proved a mountainous barrier to the in the 146 years of its existence was speaker said, "when he declared three Anti-Lynching Bill today. proposed today for the New York years ago that Germany had nothing The chamber voted overwhelming- Stock Exchange by a committee of to gain from another war and was ly, 51 to 37, against limiting debate brokers and business men who have ready to conclude non-aggression drastically and thus end the effort been studying its problems at the re- pacts with her neighbors." of southern Senators to talk the bill quest of its president, Charles R. Germany, now building "the most to death. Gay. powerful fighting machine that the Final Vote Impossible The governing committee of the world has ever seen," the speaker Senator Barkley of Kentucky, the exchange met late today, received, declared, is "united, proud and or- Democratic leader, soon afterward and held for further action, proposals ganized under a leader whom the acknowledgedfit would be impossible which included replacement of the great majority of the people admire, to obtain a final vote on the Anti-preent non-salaried member pres- trust and obey." Lynching measure. He told the Sen- ident with a paid "outside" chief ex- Some territory which Germany lost ate he would call upon advocates of ccutive; abolition of the existing law as a result of the wrsol er-t legislation shortly to decide as a result of the war should be re-t n committee, which has been regarded 4 tuned o hr, Sr -Hrbet delarwhebther they wanted to continue de- turned to her, Sir 'Herbert declared, TOMMY DORSEY i t r k as the real policy-making body of ther but those which are chiefly non- * *bating it o take up some other legisn exchange, and admission of repre- Teutonic, should notSouthern Senators generally said entativesof the general public to Germany needs economic help, Te IOl lr eh Int g ry i they were confident that their fight the Board of Governors. speaker said, but she is too proud against the Anti-Lynch bill had been Present Recommendation to ask for it. Other nations will not ' on and that it soon would be laid The committee, headed by Carle C. t help her under present circumstances,-TO. G iv e willYaside. Conway, chairman of the Continen- Sir Herbert stated, because they can-TTaie not beuret statdthemoney willbe CtIn~ 'Shall Stand Firm' tal Can Co., presented its recommen- not be sure that the money will be Concert H e r el However, Senator Wagner (Dem., dations simultaneouly to Gay, in New 'used for non-military purposes. He 1N.Y.) co-author of the bill declared: York, and to Chairman William O.t quoted Anthony Eden's statement re- "I shall stand firmly for the pas- Douglas ,of the SEC, in Washington. garding this question: "Economic col- Alumnae To Sponsor Band sage of this legislation so long as a The latter, last fall, issued a virtual laboration and political appeasement At Yost Field House majority of the Senators who believe "reorganize - or else" ultimatum to go hand in hand.'' hslgsaio tn ihm, h xhne Hitler's peaceproposals were de- On Tuesday, Feb.i22A this lgiaonedtndl wthe me the exchange. signed to drive a wedge between Lynch Bill itself commands a clear Of the proposal for a salaried chief1 France and Britain, and they have Tommy Dorsey and his nationally- majority of Senate votes, shutting off offir, the report said: ________ _ _known band will present their senti- debate proved an entirely different "The affairs of the stock exchange mental swing music at a concert to question. To achieve their objective have attained such significance and , be given at 8:30 p.m. Tuesday, Feb. it was necessary that supporters of have so many ramifications that the Bor o He r 22, in the Yost Field House under the bill poll two-thirds of those cast. exchange needs a president who, upon , , " the sponsorship of the Michigan Instead they mustered less than a election, should divest himself of all Pla 1s O thmn g Alumnae Club majority. other business interests of every kind; The Alumnae Club is sponsoring the The Republicans voted almost sol- should be adequately paid; and should N" swing concert to raise money for the idly against applying the drastic clo- devote full time to his task.'' l ( 1. w ar in $5,000 pledge it recently made to the sure rule, after Minority Leader Mc- Ranking Member To Head Board Women's Athletic Association for its Nary of Oregon had announced that, The ranking member-officer of the swimming pool fund. Miss Linda1 although they favored the bill almost exchange. the committee suggested, Suinioiis Journal Gro ) 1 Eberbach is general. chairman Ito a man, they were "unwilling to should be chairman of the board of Committee And Magdol Mr. Dorsey, who will soon complete give up the right of free speech." governors, serving without salary. No an engagement at the Hotel Com- such office now exists. ' Is eeting Today nodore in New York City, will come The committee suggested: Giovanni Giovannini, Morris to Ann Arbor directly from playing at Governor Murph1. A board of governors for the ex- Greenhut and Charles A. Peake, all of' at the Junior Prom at Miami Unver- change of 32 persons, compared with the English Journal Club and Edward sity, Oxford, O. The day after his Feelin Fit, c the 50 at present. , performance here, Dorsey will broad- 2. Three of these governors, to be itor, have been asked to appear be cast in Louisville, Ky. 14. For Exam ination nominated by the president, to repre- fore the Board in Control of Student A campus poll will probably be sent the general public. Publications committee to describe taken to determine the pieces stu- Governor Murpny returned to 3. Six governors to represent non- their plans for a student literary dents would like to hear Mr. Dorsey University Hospital yesterday for a member or member partners of ex- publication play, Mrs. Walter Maddock chairman routine physical examination and change firms having their principal (continued on page 2) tl eotr Invrfl etri business outside New York City. The meeting is being held one week -- told reporters "I never felt better in es o e or after the Board named Prof. Louis A. ~ u . my life." 4. Terms of governors would be Stirauss of the English department, I Loyalsts [solat ig " He was expected to leave either to- 3 years, and they would be ineligible Prof. Edson R. Sunderland of the Law R day or tomorrow to return to his ex- to succeed themselves after serving Scool adro. dla A. MeLahTru lecutive duties. 2 terms, except after an interval of lin of the Romance Languages de- -1The Governor was examined yes- at least 1 term. partment members of a committee to BARCELONA, Jan. 27.-(-P---Span- terday by his personal physician, Dr. - determine the need for such a mag- ish government troops were reported Cyrus C. Sturgis, director of the a rine htonight to have surrounded several( Simpson Memorial Institute, to check Strike Riot Movie Mr. Oreenhut, Mr. Peake and Mr.thousand Insurgent troops in the his progress in overcoming an illness rGiovannin were placed on a commit- Celadas sector, eight miles north of which put him in the hospital for ro Be Shown Feb. 2 te by the English Journal Club for Teruel. several weeks last fall. the same purpose. On Magdo's peti- The maneuver wa said to have Exercise Good For Him tionetoste Barseeing ad reial isolated the Insurgents from the main He said that he was convinced that The first showing in Ann Arbor of lion to the Boardiy seekn a revivn body of Generalissimo Francisco policy of exercise was good for the films of the Decoration Day strike of the Daily's Sunday supplement Franco's attacking forces on the stra- him. He explained that he rides horse- riot in which five men were killed at rofessor Strauss's committee was tegic eastern front. back at Michigan State College and the South Chicago Republic Steel formed. In an effort to drive against the kates frequently and thus is able mill will be given at a Unity Hall Recognition was noted last week Government's rear the Insurgents hadto work until midnight after his daily Town Meeting on the subject of Un- by the Board of the need for a student concentrated troops at Celadas from x employment at 8 p.m. Tuesday at the magazine, and the desire was ex- where they could swing east and e said that e had gained 10ses.nitaian Church, it was announced pressed to see some publication spon- south to cut through Government pounds since Christmas. yesterday. Groo.ed lines. overnor Murphy gave reportesr William Haber of the co- World Treaty Seen Solution For Pressing Economic Ills Plan Made By Ex-Premier Van Zeeland Of Belgium In International Report Powers Are Urged To Draft Compact WASHINGTON, Jan. 28.-()--A # world economic pact should be ne- gotiated to remedy economic mal- adies, Belgium's ex-premier Paul Van Zeeland, suggested today. Under the agreement, democratic and authori- tarian nations alikebwould collaborate to remove trade barriers, stabilize currencies, consolidate international debts and open up colonies. Van Zeeland stated his programin a report made under mandate from the British and French governments and forwarded by them to this gov- ernmenty GINA CIGNA * * * Cigna To Offer Eighth Choral Concert Today Soprano Debut At Hill To Make L In Presenta Auditorium Local ation Gina Cigna, dramatic soprano. will make her first Ann Arbor appearance at 8:30 p.m. today in Hill Auditorium in the eighth program of the Choral Union series. Madame Cigna has been known in this country since she made her debut at the Metropolitan Opera last season after having scored successes in lead- ing opera houses in every country of Europe. She has also appeared in this country at the Chicago and San Francisco Operas. Born near Paris, she showed artistic talent when she was young, mainly in the field of painting. She was sent toy the Academy of Fine Arts in Paris, and to the Paris Conservatoire, where she studied piano. Her parents did not recognize the quality of her voice, however, and so she received no for- mal voice training. She carried on her training by herself, mainly by listen- ing to records and going to operas. She made her professional debut at La Scala in 1929, under the eri- couragement of Toscanini. Her program tonight will include : "O del mio dolce ardor," by Gluck; "Danza, danza Fanciulla," Durante; "Se tu M'ami se sospiri," Pergolesi; "Divinites du Styx," Gluck; "L'invi- tation au voyage," Duparc; "Vocalise Etude," Ravel; "Adieu," and "Tou- jours," by Faure; "Vissi d'Arte," fron "Tosca," by Puccini. Dunham Goes To 2_Meetings Institute Of Social Work Teacher In Louisiana Prof. Arthur Dunham of the Insti- tute of Public and Social Administra- tion will attend a meeting of the Fed- eral Social Security Board's Advisory Committee on Training and Personnel and the annual meeting of the Amer- ican Association of Schools of So- cial Work today and tomorrow in New Orleans. In his capacity of community or- ganization professor in the graduate social work curriculum of the Insti- tute, a division of the Graduate School, Professor Dunham will repre- sent the University, one of the 33 member schools in the Association. Consulted Roosevelt The Belgian, who came to Wash- ington ilast year and saw President Roosevelt in the course of his inves- tigation preliminary to the report, urged a conference of representatives of the United States, Great Britain, Germany, France and Italy to prepare the economic pact. He predicted the agreement "would impart to the world the impetus which it is awaiting in order to re- cover its confidence in the pacific destiny of nations." Declaring himself against economic self-sufficiency, Van Zeeland pro- posed, first of all, a lowering of trade barriers. He also favored elimination, through bilateral agreements, of "a whole series of regulations or of ad- ministrative practices which, by a re- strictive interpretation or by an abuse of regulations in forces, result in ex- cluding certain foreign products." Seek International Standard An "international monetary staid- ard to be sought in the reestablish- ment of the gold standard, though on a considerably altered basis" was an- other suggestion by the Belgian. In order "to return to complete freedom of all movements of funds" in international payments, he sug- gested: "The suppression of all restrictions on payments for merchandise." "The past," he said, "should first be liquidated. The liquidation of the past implies an agreed adjustment of external debts which weigh on the country, as far as may still be neces- sary and warranted." His solution was "consolidation" of the debts, through "bonds issued to the creditors by the debtor state in the currency of the creditor." "International institutions," he said, should be set up to provide "some kind of extra facilities for mobilizing the bonds for commercial purposes." Enter Petitions Early, Model Senate Urges 7 1, 1 Q i. C C rt A. Reid, '$9E, chairman. They are s follows: 113 nMAnd A two-year graduate course, in- eluding classroom and supervised field "Dancing must cease at saa.miu. nomics department will be in charge workandaesis, eas to temaster ights must be out at 3:30 a.m.h some insight into the gubernatorial n "There shall be no spectators, the "TT 4 1f~ u t T 3 life. Hie said he changed his clothes of the discussion on unemployment, of Social Work degree, )nly persons admitted to the hall shall AFL A nd CIO M ust Jon1 Forces for riding in the "governor's man- e those bearing tickets issued by the ion" Then he explained the "man-mr gN Hpcommittee. *tdFrankensteen Tells GroHere sion" is his automobile. 0OUCX flto n rid e'At i[ C "Nocorsageshall be permied to1 Fra ke sp Ue e The Governor lives in a Lansing ho- be worn at the Hop (committee wom .--telthestaesidnc. He delinedto T pples Before H uge Ice Jam "There shall be no decorations of The AFL and the CIO must get to- process such as lead poisoning, better use a house on the Michigan State _ ndividual booths except by the Hop gether, dual unionism creates chaos working conditions, payment of wages campus which was prepared for him nitidea and confusion, there should be only on company time and overtime rates la fal by the college NIAGARA FALLS, N.Y., Jan. 27.- Besides surrounding the bridge Committee, one legitimate labor movement, Rich- which have cut down the amount of las.-America's famous "Honeymoon piers, ice appeared to have all but en- All charges for taxicabs in excess ard Frankensteen, vice-president of overtime and reduced the number of Bridge" which for 39 years arched veloped the Ontario hydro-electc >rdinahe shouldabeorepred t the t the United Automobile Workers em- Iaccidents, a large part of which came I nt1gis i4 across Niagara's dizzy gorge, crashed jcommission's million dollar generat- ordinance should be reported to the atically told an audience composed as a result of fatigue from too long ] in an ice jam late today with a roar ing station at the foot of the falls.- "~pCotro . oflghigshlaetl eoics lasse ine laomyeser hous Si cthat drowned out Niagara itself. A United States border official, who I "he hands of the Hop Committee and day in Angell Hall. The unions are definitely and legal- SSatur ay The sound of the 1200 foot black would not give his name, was stand- nteeaedo the o Commiatlea- hoe and dIykinwgthat I sek 1y responsible for their actions and{ steel arch smashing on ice far below ing on the ice 200 feet from the bridge delegated to the orchesra lead- We hope, and I know tha speak lyoresosibe fortheiratondhthy__ drew crowds running from all parts when it fell. r. for thrank and ie of the auto contracts, he continued, though hey Reason For Disappearance of this honeymoon resort. "I had just looked at my watch," "The Hop Committee shall be re- workers as well as for myself, that are aga t incooatio bridge fell so swiftly that he said. "It was : p.m (EST) I sponsible for the proper conduct, we will get together," he said. With The sit-down strike brought many' Said To Be Studies Thebrdeflso wity hahead."tas4102pm(ETI ile the o all gt ithe w e a of the gains workers enjoy today.hethrongs on the rim of the gorge heard groaning steel, and then the attending the Hop. Smoking in the ufacturers and the consuming public said, and its use was poetic justice" Robert W. Ettinge; '41, has been scarcely saw it go. Other thousands webs of steel aboe the American pier booths oron the floor of the hall is who suffer he continued, citing sel- against those plants which refused to missing since Saturday, it was re- who rushed up saw only the wreckage buckled and slipped. absolutely forbidden, and is permitted I fishness among some leaders of both abide by the Wagner Act and guaran- ported yesterday. of the gossamer steel frame, now ly- "The American end dove thnough only in the place provided for that organizations as one obstacle, among tee collective bargaining, it was a de- Ettinger left his boarding house at ing torn and crumpled on the ice 200 clear in water, but the Canadian end purpose. The use, possession or show- others, in the way of amalgamation. fensive weapon against labor spies 521 E. Jefferson for the Phi Beta feet below.rs tainwte, buttthebumendian thd puros. IDelta fraternity where he is a pledge, Concern at first was felt for a still rested on its abutment on the ing the effect of intoxicants will not Wage increases have not had any and professional strike breakers em- and his landlady, believing him to be dozen workmen who had been trying Canadian shore. be tolerated. Offenders shall be eject- part in this recession, Frankensseen ployed by managements. (Contnued on Pace 21 ecaedTIhe atinuryse The UAWA does not use force in staying at the fraternity, house, did to protect the foundations from ice'"Then the center of the bridge declared. In the auto industry -nt o n not discover his absence until yester- but an hour later the International twisted with a roar, and finally the cifically he pointed to wage raises organizing workers, he went on, and day Railway Company, owners of the Canadian side slipped down its bank. ProgAressive Club To Hold of about 12 dollars of the total cost the proof, he said, is that in every Enrolline in the University last bridge formally announced that all "The sound of metal crashing to The sponsoring committee for the Student Model Senate will send a letter to all recognized campus organ- izations tomorrow, urging them to nominate their candidates and de- sciribing the process of election. "The Michigan League, the Stu- dent Religious Association, the Mich- igan Union and several other campus organizations," the letter begins, "have joined together to sponsor a Student Senate. "It is planned that the Student Senate will represent campus inter- ests and will serve as an organ of campus-wide opinion on international and national problems as they af- fect the Michigan students." Urging that candidates file their petitions early since places on the ballot are alloted in order of their re- ceipt, the letter concludes with the announcement that offices at Lane Hall are open 4 to 6 p.m. daily for further information. May 'Educate' Industry In Making Munitions WASHINGTON, Jan. 27.-(P)- House military committee members said tonight President Roosevelt's new national defense program probably would include plans to "educate" pri- vate industry in munitions produc- I