PAGE FOUR THE M ICHGIGAN DAILY THURSDAY, JAN. 27, 1939 PAGE FOUR THU~$DAV, JAN'. Z'~, 1D38 THE MICHIGAN DAILY Edited and managed by students of the University of Michigan under the authority of the Board in Control of Studer*- Publications.s Published every morning except Monday during the University year and Summer Session. Member of the Associated Press The Associated Press is exclusively entitled to the use for republication of all news dispatches credited to It or not otherwise credited in this newspaper. All -rights of republication of all other matter herein also reserved. En',?rcd at the Post Office at Ann -Arbor, Michigan as second :lass mail matter. Subscriptions during regular school year by carrier, ;4.00; by mail, $4.50. Member, Associated Collegiate Press, 1937-38 REPRE8ENTED FOR NATIONAL ADVERTISING BY NationalAdvertisingService, Inc. College Ptblishers Representative 42O MADIsoN AVE. NEW YORK. N. Y. CNICAGO - BOSTON - LOS ANGELES - SAN FRANCISCo Board of Editors MANAGING EDITOR ...............JOSEPH S. MATTES EDITORIAL DIRECTOR...........TUURETENANDER CITY EDITOR................. WILLIAM C. SPALLER NEWS EDITOR ..................ROBERT P WEEKS WOMEN'S EDITOR ..................HELEN DOUGLAS SPORTS EDITOR .., -.................IRVIN LISAGOR Business Department BUSINESS MANAGER.............ERNEST A. JONES CREDIT MANAGER.................. DON WILSHER ADVERTISING MANAGER ....NORMAN B. STEINBERG WOMEN'S BUSINESS MANAGER ........BETTY DAVY . WOMEN'S SERVICE MANAGER ..MARGARET FERRIES NIGHT EDITOR: ROBERT I. FITZHENRY I, The editorials published in The Michigan Daily are written by members of the Daily staff and represent the views of the writers only. Who Opposes This Bill, Anyay?. , , T WOULD SEEM LOGICAL to infer that since there is a sizeable South- ern bloc in the Senate opposed to the anti-lynch- ing bill, that a majority of the constituents of these senators, and thus a great portion of the South, would also be opposed to the measure. Despite this supposition, among the influential newspapers in the deep south that support the bill and condemn the attempt to sabotage it by filibuster are: the New Orleans Tribune, the Louisville Courier-Journal, the Richmond Times- Dispatch, the Arkansas Gazette, the HeraldCour- ier (Bristol, Tenn.), the Greensboro (N.C.) Daily News, and the New Orleans Item. While Louisiana's Senator Ellender was in the midst of his six day filibuster, the Item declared editorially: "We have reason to believe that a majority of the Southern people favor federal action against lynching. So many of them do that a long filibuster would be a fight in a bad cause ... " At the same time that Senator MccKellar of Tennessee opposed the measure, the Herald Courier stated in an editorial: "Southern senators now attacking it (the bill) and filibustering against it do not reflect the sentiment of most -f the Southern people." In addition to these editorial comments the American Institute of Public Opinion recently showed that 57 per cent of the Southern voters fav--led the anti-lynching bill. "The anti-lynching bill is an attack on the South," screams the Senate opposition. "It in- sults Southern law enforcement officers," What part of the South, and what class, does the oppo- sition defend from "attack" and "insult?" Dennis Flanagan Is A Good Offense The Best Defense?... N EWS FROM the Capital indicates that President Roosevelt contem- plates seeking a large increase in the strength of the army, complementing the augmentation of the navy accomplished by the half billion dlollar appropriation passed last week by the House of Representatives. If the gigantic increase in the fleet so readily voted by the national legislature was reason for alarm, the present project is trebly so. For if it is difficult to conceive a war in which the navy would be used for a defensive purpose, it is next to impossible to envision the army in a defensive role. The land forces of the country could only be used defensively upon American soil; that is, if the nation were invaded by a hostile armed force. Rep. Taylor, chairman of the House appropria- tions committee, speaks of the necessity for the United States' "getting ready to defend itself." He informed the press that the President and chairmen of five house committees concerned with the natonal defense had discussed "what other countries had been doing" in their con- ference Tuesday. The conference was character- ized, he said, by "genera: determination to brace up on our preparedness." Few will dispute the necessity for maintaining a national defense of adequate strength in this generation of international immorality and ag- gTession, but before hastening into the greatest THE FORUM Residents Protest To the Editor: As residents of Allen-Rumsey House, we wish to take exception to a letter which appeared in the "Daily" of January 25. That letter did not express t. opinions of the majority of the residents. Although minor unsatisfactory con- ditions may exist in the dormitory, we can offer no complaints against either the management or the proctors. We should like to express our com- plete confidence in Mrs. Niles' ability and judg- ment as house director and to repudiate ma- liciously untrue charges made by a malcontent who chose to cover his craven anonymity with the signature "Allen-Rumsey House." EDITOR'S NOTE: The above communi- cation was signed by 31 residents of the Al- len-Rumsey Dormitories. Mr. Hinckley Again To the Editor: Now that the hornets' nest has been stirred up, I deem it necessary to correct a few false im- pressions which have apparently been created. Let it be understood, however, that I do not retract any statement which I made, although I deny several points which I was falsely accused of making; far be it from me to start anything that I can't at least attempt to finish. mn the first place, I objected not to Mr. Freed- mans criticism of "his (Ford's) defiance of the NLRB or his Japanese subsidiaries," but his ver- milion statements concerning the undesirabilty of possessing the qualities of "rugged individual- ism," which I still insist, despite the sarcastic comment from the more radical of the "Progres- sives," is constitutional Secondly, the editor's note appended to my letter in the January 21 issue of the Daily was grossly unfair, as were the deletions accorded my innocuous contribution to the Forum, inasmuch as it implied that I had branded Mr. Freedman a Communist (or communist); also it implied a lack of care in my perusal of the original edi- torial of January 19. Neither of these allegations is based on fact, and as a matter of form, I wish to express publicly my resentment. It is difficult to take seriously those who dis- parage by sarcasm and insinuation. I wrote my original letter in the hope of presenting the con- servative's side without indulging in personal. ities; I believed I had made that clear when I rebuked Mr. Freedman for neglecting to present any form of constructive criticism. Evidently, however, there are those that cannot enter into debate without losing sight of the main issues by the presentation of disconnected contradictory facts. It is a fault of the amateur logician to generalize on insufficient evidence-a single fact. Naturally there are policies of big business which are not strictly in accordance with the sympathies of either conservative or progressive; this I admit without hesitation. But in the name of heaven why must it naturally follow that these progressives must lay down laws and irrevocable opinions based on single instances which, as far as anyone lunows, may be excep- tions to the general rule? Just to prove that point. I acknowledge the care with which Mr. George G. Mutnick read my letter. He alone has been able to reason with his brains, rather than with his emotions. Out of four "progressives" who thought enough of the matter to express themselves about it, he is the only one who is willing to grant the opposition at least a few points. And if "Frank Merewether" would stick to his point instead of attempting to make our "valiant little band of true-blue Americans" appear ridic- ulous by allegedly profound verbiage interspersed with his own peculiar brand of sarcasm, he would gain much more appreciation and attention than he obviously has. I believe that it is just as well that "Merewether" achieved anonymity by his literary allusion, for it 'seems to me that his arguments are amorphous. True, they are stag- gering in their allegations and accusations, but if one stops to consider and analyze them, they are structures of words without logical founda- tion. Incidentally, "Mr. Merewether," what is so wrong with "true-blue Americanism?" Progress, Frank, is achieved by construction, not destruc- tion. I compliment Mr. Richard Loeb, 40, on his sarcasm; but what, oh what, is he talking about? It is a peculiar commentary that out of four persons who deigned to answer my letter, only Mr. Mutnick did not resort to sarcasm to prove my contentions ridiculous, irrelevant, convention- alized dogma. I consider him a true progressive, in the literal sense of the word. To return to Mr. Freedman, I should like to request that in the future his editorials be spe- cific and aboveboard; subtle insinuations are almost always ineffective, especially in a com- munity where it may reasonably be assumed that a certain amount of intelligence is centered. I didn't want to start an argument, but so long as the only ariswer I can get to my state- ments-which, I repeat, were made in good faith, and without attempting to cast aspersions on Mr. Freedman's political beliefs-is sarcasm, just so long will I stick to my guns. And no amount of half-baked irony will cause me to run up the white flag. I sincerely hope that this has clarified and es- tablished my political position-a position which I'll be glad to defend in open debate or anything else the progressives have to offer, after the spectre of final examinations has come and gone. So, for the time being, a merry J-Hop to all, and to 1alla Food-night. IiIeins Ic Mew Heywood Broun The working newspaper men who arouse my envy most are the fellows who begin their dis- patches with "En Route by Air to Timbuctoo." I couldn't even write a column while flying. Some little time ago I was in a big, substantial plane eight thousand feet above Columbus, Ohio. It is, in its own right, a friendly city, but viewed from that altitude it seemed all spikes and spires. It looked like a nasty place to land, and the only word which came into my mind was "Ouch!" But there at the other end of the cabin was Paul Gallico gaily thumpin away a little masterpiece upon his portable. "You can have the machine as soon as I get through," he called in a spirit of good comradeship. Another friend had just tossed me a marked copy of a magazine to call my attention to a piece entitled "Flying Is Still Dangerous." My friend did not seem to have any personal faith in the conclusions of the author. He just wanted to put me at ease. But even with all this help I declined Gallico's generous offer. Even though my contribution had been of little worth, I didn't want to have it wasted. My resolution was to wait until there was earth under my feet and a reliable copy boy standing by my side. That Old Devil Temperament None of this is reasonable. Neither tempera- ment nor timidity becomes a newspaperman. I have written from political conventions and been very little bothered by the fact that the keynote orator was viewing with alarm from over my left shoulder. The city room of a, newspaper is not quite as frenzied as motion picture stories would have it, but there is still too much noise for a columnist to hear a good paragraph drop. Once I did a dispatch from a lower room of the citadel of Verdun under a very mild bombardment. I have even filed from those seats beside the prize ring which are humorously supposed to be re- served for the working press. A running story is always tough because of the visiting and highly partisan fireman who has his left elbow on your typewriter. He keeps his right hand free in order to give advise to his favorite. "Downstairs! In the breadbasket!" he shouts as he encourages the challenger. And as he shouts he illustrates his meaning with pantomime, barely grazing the chin of the hard-working reporter' who is trying to think up a snappy lead. "In the breadbasket! He doesn't like it down there!" To which, on at least one occasion, the outraged author exclaimed, "Who the hell does?" and sneaked over a very good right hook on his own account. The Manly Art It is encouraging to read that at the last bout in the Garden the reporters themselves put on a battle royal. This has encouraged me in my yearning for retirement and a quiet spot in which to do the typing. I can no longer make the weight. At the battle between Dempsey and Gibbons in Shelby, Mont., the good-natured crowd pelted the working press with beer bottles. When Firpo knocked, or shoved, Dempsey out of the ring the classic chassis of the champion landed in the lap of Grantland Rice, but did not miss me by much. And so I am swearing off "en route," "ring- side" and play-by-play stories. When I write now I want to have my feet upon the ground and all the doors and windows shut. On The Level Maxwell Anderson's The Star Wa- THURSDAY, JAN. 26, 1938 128, will be issued pass tickets for the goni, playing at the Empire Theatre, I VOL. XLVHL No. 91 Gina Cigna concert that evening. is a mousey, and I have not confused After 4 o'clock no tickets will be is- my "l's" and "m's," comedy of the Dormitory Directors. Sorority Chap- nsuedl "if I had to do it all over again" erons, Househeads. During the ex-s _ variety. The appropriate descrip- amination period, women students Women's Fencing Club: There will tion for Mr. Andersons play is that may obtain out of town permission be no meeting of the club until the most horrible of all horrible adjec- from their househeads. There will be first week of the second semester. tives, cute. no late permissions granted during Stephen Minch, (Burgess Mere- the examination period, Jan. 29 To Holders of J-Hop Ticket Re- dith) is an inventor who has become through Feb. 9. There shall be no ceipts: Tickets not called for will be old in the service of the Company over-night guest in any approved sold to juniors at the Union ticket for which he works and which com- undergraduate house or dormitory desk starting at 1:00 p.m. Friday, pany pays him exactly $27.50 per during the examination period. Jan. 28. week while they accrue the enor- Students and others are warned mous profits that his numerous in- To the Members of the Faculty of that resale of tickets for more than ventions produce. His wife, Mar- the College of Literature, Science, and the original purchase price renders tha (Lillian Gish), after 35 years I ----------------- of married life, tells him what she Final Examination Schedule, First Semester, 1937-38: College of Litera- thinks of him and wishes to God, ture, Science, and the Arts, Graduate School, School of Education, School of that she had married Charlie Duffy Forestry. back in the good old days and thati ~~~~-~~~___~-~ _ - -- - - Steve had married Hallie Arlington. Exm T Time of Examination-- (Charlie and Hallie are married, in- Group of First Semester Second Semester cidentally, and Charlie is Steve's Letter Exercise boss.) The outburst causes Steve ------- and his life-long chum Hanus (Rus- A Mon. at 8 Mon., Feb. 7, 9-12 Wed., June 8, 9-12 sell Collins) to be late for work at B Mon. at 9 Fri., Feb. 4, 9-12 Mon., June 6, 2- 5 their laboratory in the factory and C Mon. at 10 Wed., - Feb. 2, 9-12 Tues., June 7, 9-12 they are summarily fired by Charlie. D Mon. at 11 Mon., Jan. 31, 9-12 Mon., June 6, 9-12 What disturbs honest Steve most of E Mon, at 1 Tues., Feb. 8, 2- 5 Mon., June 13, 9-12 all is that his new invention will be F Mon. at 2 Mon., Jan. 31, 2- 5 Sat., June 4, 9-12 appropriated and scrapped by the G Mon. at 3 Tues., Feb. 8, 9-12 Thurs., June 9, 9-12 company since he used company H Tues. at 8 Mon., Feb. 7, 2- 5 Mon., June 13, 2 5 time and company materials to con- I Tues. at 9 Tues., Feb. 1, 2- 5 Tues., June 7, 2- 5 struct it. J Tues. at 10 Wed., Feb. 2, 2- 5 Thurs., June 9, 2- 5 This new invention is the star- K Tues. at 11 Tues., Feb. 1, 9-12 Fri., June 10, 2- 5 wagon, a piece of inventive hokum L Tues. at 1 Wed., Feb. 9, 9-12 Tues., June 14, 9-12 on the part of Mr. Anderson that M Tues. at 2 Fri., Feb. 4, 2- 5 Fri., June 10, 9-12 looks like a hybrid between a frigi- N Tues. at 3 Thurs., Feb. 3, 9,12 Sat., June 11, 2- 5 daire, a radio, and a safe, and that O Special Sat., Feb. 5, 9-12 Wed., June 8, 2- 5 will let Steve, Martha, et al, live their P Special Sat., Feb. 5, 2- 5 Sat., June 11, 9-12 lives all over again, as Martha wants Q Special Sat., Jan. 29, 2- 5 Tues., June 14, 2- 5 it now. So, to get the star-wagon R Special Thurs., Feb. 3, 2- 5 Sat., June 4, 2- 5 out of the factory, Steve hires two - thugs to move it, and in a very comi- Any deviation from the above schedule may be made only by mutual agree- cal scene that falls comically flat, ment between students and instructor and with the approval of the Examina- the thugs do not move it: Steve has tion Schedule Committee. to try out his new invention to pre- N.B. Within the past year, the time of exercise for several of the. courses vent them from smashing what they listed in the Literary Announcement has been changed, but due to an over- think is a safe. sight no corresponding change was made in the Examination Group Letter. Here begins the throw-back to 1902 In order to avoid conflicts in such cases, the time of exercise-rather than the and the passing years and Act 3 Scene Examination Group Letter-must be employed in determining the time of 2 shows Steve and Martha and Hanus examination. in the old cottage, with apparently - everybody having gone through the the Arts: The fourth regular meeting l them void. Whenever possible re- same bad dream and everybody damn of the faculty of the College of Liter- sale should be made through the J- glad that they are what they are and Hop Committee. not two other people and that if they ature, Science, and the Arts for the had to live life all over again, it academic session of 1937-38 will be would be the same one. held in Room 1025 Angell Hall Feb.A demic Notices This calloused observer was rather 7, 1938, at 4:10 p.m. English 190: Junior Honors. Mr. disappointed over the sentimental Edward H. Kraus. Weaver will be in his office (2218 truck Maxwell Anderson has seen Agenda: Angell Hall) for consultation with fit to present his audience, but even' 1.Adoptio of the minutes of the candidates from 11 to 12 on Tbui's- though he does not want to admit it,I meeting of Dec. 6, 1937, which haveI he did enjoy The Star Wagon. The been distributed by campus mail day, Jan. 27. acting of Burgess Meredith, Lillian Hpages 391-399). Gish, and Russell Collins did much 2. Reports. History .: Lectrb II. Students towards that end and it is to them, a. Executive Committee, by Pro- should come to the final examination rather than to Mr. Anderson, that I fessor H. D. Curtis. provided with Goode's outline map of must take off my hat in the deepest b. University Council, by Prof es- Europe No. 116, or, if an adequate respect and appreciation. sor R. D. McKenzie. supply of this is not obtainable, with c. Executive Board of the Grad- N 'm N DD THEATRE By NORMAN T. KIELL The Fallen Star Wagon DAILY OFFICIAL BULLETIN Publication in the Bulletin is constructive notice to all members of the University. Copy received at the office of the Assistant to the President until 3:30; 11:00 a.m. on Saturday. i.. V. 1.lAl+V {A VaYL yvwau vim. v . ... -- . i. _ n _ 1_ _ 1 L _.. T..,....1.......... A Ti U uate School, b y rofessor A. E. R. j nna Christie Boak. Aid. Advisory Committee on Univer- The Detroit Federal Theatre, has sity Affairs, by Professor P. W. Slos- taken advantage of the release of the son. plays of Eugene O'Neill to the Fed- e. Deans' Conference, by Dean E. eral Theatre and has selected the H. Kraus.I great American dramatist's "Anna 3. Consideration of Honors Degree Christie" as its next production, to be Program. given for one week at the Cinema Theatre in Detroit, beginning Tues- All Students in the Mechanical day evening. Feb. 1. Following its Engineering Department who entered showing at the Cinema, the play will the University in September 1937 with be toured through the state. as was advanced standing please call at the preceding Federal Theatre at- Room 339 West Engineering Bld., the traction, "Boy Meets Girl," and "Let afternoon of Feb. 9, or any time on Freedom Ring." Feb. 10, and get a classification num- Under the direction of Verner Hal- ( ber. 1 r C C 1 t Y L1 F i j 1 t dene, "Anna Christie" is interpretedf by a cast headed by Peggy Fenn as Anna; Ray Rawlings. as Mat Burke; Elynor Hill as Marthy Owen and A. Courtney White, well known for his many roles on Broadway, as Chris Students in Mathematics 123, Sec. sem., 1936-37: Uncalled for notebooks from last semester are available in Room 3018 A.H. These will not be kept after Feb. 20.1 By WRAG The present freezing streak has made for at least one funny story. Hell, Michigan-a town about twenty miles from Ann Arbor-has frozen over again. In view of the fact that the town is so near to campus, it is comparatively easy for a Mich- igan student to go to Hell, if he can round up a car. The football team seems to have been going there for the last four years. Another humorous story has finally come true when the dean and 42 members of the Class of '35 recently carried the traditional ivy chain around Drake's campus and later found out they had been carrying poison ivy. 11 Then there was the kitten who went to see a professional tennis game because his old man was in the racquet. Chalk up another point for the women in their battle against "West Coaster '37." The only woman in the Forestry School plans to take a couple of Lit courses next semester so she can meet some Michigan co-eds. The exhibition of subconscious paintings by a Michigan graduate has caused quite a bit of Christopherson. Chester Adams as Scolo1ui rsmn ieh Lary, David Carnes as Johnson School of Music Freshmen: Fresh- Richard Hicks as the Postman. ancd man Group 69A and B, will meet with Edward Masson and William Wil- their adviser Thursday, Jan. 27, at 4 liams as two Longshoremen, complete p.m. in Room 205, School of Music the cast. Building. - - Stage sets and costumes were de- Fellowships and Scholarships in signed by James Doll, formerly as- Graduate School: Application blanks sistant to Valentine B. Windt, Play for these awards can be obtained at Production's Director, Jacques La- the Graduate School Office, 1006 An- Pere, technical director, is in charge gell Hall. All application blanks of the lighting. with supporting material must be filed "Anna Christie," one of O'Neill's in the Graduate School Office by Feb. best plays, has won outstanding suc- 15, 1938. 1 cess both as a stage show and as a film, the great Garbo starring in the School of 74usis Students: Music screen version. Following this play, Students who elect courses in prac- the Detroit Federal Theatre will pre- tical music are requested to enroll; sent George Bernard Shaw's "Arms for such courses (this in addition to and the Man." Tentative plans call all other registrations) and to make for a Detroit premiere at the Cinema arrangements for lesson periods, stu-, Theatre, with a third state tour in dio practice, etc., at the office of the accordance with what is now gen- President of the School of Music as erally believed will become the stan- far in advance of the opening of the dard policy of the Federal Theatre in second semester as possible, to avoid Michigan. confusion and last minute em- ---- barrassment. TAX REVISION BILL Candidates for the Teacher's Cer- . A tax revision bill will be on the tificate, June 1938: Before mak- President's desk by Feb. 1. declares ing elections for the second semester Chairman Harrison of the Senate Fi- each candidate should check the re- nance Committee. Since Senator Har- quii'ements in his or her major and' rison usually tries, at least, to keep his minor teaching fields, as outlined in promises, the hope that business will the School of Education announce- be relieved from unfair and intoler- ment, page 39 and following. able burdens within a reasonable time may be said to have some foundation. The Bureau has received notice of It will probably take more than the the following Civil Service Examina-; tax bill to restore confidence, but tax, tions: Elevator Conductor, $1.080 a revision is a good plade to start. year. --Los Angeles Times . ,N,'oi.'' f fg. QtnA*i r. ys[ rnms lc u1 Psychology 55: Thursday, Jan. 27 at 8 p.m. in Room 2054 N.S. Building, Professor Shepard will meet those students in Psychology 55 who are interested in further discussion, Questions for review, or- questions on religion and ethics which have not been taken up in class will be dis- cussed. History 11, Lecture I. There will be a review lecture given by Mr. Reichen- bach in this course at 7:30 p.m., Thursday, Jan. 27, in 1025 A.H. Aero. 4, Airplane Structures: The final examination in this course will be held for both sections on Satur- day, Jan. 29, from 8-12, in Room 1024 East Engineering Building. Aero. 6, Experimental Aerodynam- ics: The final examination in this course will be held on Tuesday, Feb. 1, from 8-12, in Room 2300 East En- giner'ing Building. English I and II Final Examination Schedule, Tuesday, Feb. 1, 2 p.m. English I. Ackerman 2003 A.H. Allen, 215 A.H. Baum, 225 A.H. Bertram, 2014 A.H. Calver, 4003 A.H. Cassidy, 215 A.H. Cowden, 3227 A.H. Dean, 4203 A.H. Ellinger, 203 U.H. Everett, 3231 A.H. Foro, 2203 A.H. Giovannini, 103 R.L. Green, 1209 AH. Greenhut, 35 A.H. Haines, W. Phys. Hanna, 208 U.H. Hart, 201 U.H. Hathaway, 302 M.H. Helm, 1025 A.H. Knode, 229 A.H. English II. Roellinger, 2054 N.S. Stevens, 18 A.H. Nelson, 4208 A.H. Knott, 1025 A.H. Leedy, W. Phys. Ogden, 1025 A.H. Peterson 2215 A.H. O'Neill, 103 R.L. Peake, 205 S.W. Schenk, 4003 A.H. Stibbs, 2235 A.H. Stocking, 301 U.H. Taylor, W. Phys. Walcutt, W. Phys. Weimer, 103 R.L. White. 2215 A.H.