PAGE TWO MICHIGAN , THURSDAY, .l'AM. W; 1998. THP aMR+ICH 4.d!['a .L" flA IV .. ;i.a.URSD~lAFA. .TAN na . * Rt Arboretum Free This Season: Of Ma j orAcecidents Forsythe Reports~ Sprained Ankles Most Common 'Winter Mishap Now There have been no serious acci- dents in the Arboretum this year as a I result of skiing and tobogganing, Dr. Warren E. Forsythe, drector of the health Service said yesterday. h former years many students have suffered broken arms and legs, and fractured skulls, but this year, he said, there has been a minimum oft serious accidents, most of them con- sisting of sprained ankles. At, present, the Health 'Service In- firmary is Lull, most of the patients having colds. There is also the usual am ceunt of flu prevalent at this time of" year because of changing weather conditions. There is no danger, how- ever, of any epidemic, Dr. Forsythe explained. This year has been very satisfactory from the standpoint of student health, he said. Chinese Scholar. Praises:,Youtih finds New Social Fe'eling Growing In America (Continued from Page 1) relief of the sufferings of millions. A groaui) of students at Cornell and Columbia universities, he said, de- cided to adopt the language of the people of China instead of the lan- guage of the poets, which had been used previously. Today as a result, Dr. Hu~ declared, the language of the people has been officially adopted in the schools of China, replacing the difficult language of the upper classes, This has resulted in a happier life for millions of school children, Dr. Hiu said, and it can be considered as another example of the effective- ncss~ and: vigor of the Chinese youth movments. EVENING RADIO K PROGRAMS W XYZ P.M. 6:00olea', in Review. 6:15- Facifindt er. 6:45 - !owell 'ThomIas. 7:00 --Easy Are-. 7:15--Mr.Ke. S 7:30--Green Hornet. II 8:00- To- Be Announced. 8:30-March of Time. 9:00---Rochester Philharmonic. 9:30--American Town Meeting. it):30 -Jamboree. 11:00-John McKay. 11 :30-Jimmy Grier. 12 :00-Lowry Clark. 12 :30---Carwood Van Orel) C KLW t P.M. 6:00-'Tr t'Reporter. 6:15 -News- and Sports. (i:30 - El I)t:Lbn1le. 6i:45--R1.hinmMen. 7:00 -Sport scast. 7:30-- -United Press Bulletins. 7:45-- Samimy Kaye Orcb. 8:00 --Louis Katyanan Oreb - 8 :30-,-H-appy Hal's Housewarming. - 9:00--Kay Kyser Orchi. 9 :30-Sinfonietta. 10:00---Witeh's Tale. 10:30--henry Weher Music. 1] :00-Canadilan Club Reporter. 11:15-"Tlieatre Digest." 11:45--Art Kassel Orch. 12:00- -Benny Goodman Orch. 12 :30 ---Kayv Kvser Orch.- WJR (:00 Nteensou Sports. 6:15--Coinedy Stars. 6:30- Mel('ody and Rhytshlii 6:45- \Jcr'"1 x's rietirs, 7:00---.Poetic Melodies. 7 :30----Gabr iel Heatter. 8:00--Kate 81mith. 9:00--Majoc r Bowes. 10:00---JM uii °,i .1 10:30--The untijls 11:0- HedlneNews. 11 :15---Cab Calloway Otreb. 1 :30- .Leightoni Noble Orchi. 12:00 -Danec Music. WW'J T1M. 6:00 T1': oo Sport',. f6:15 'i+n ld Prank. 6:30----iiri t(I. 6:45°-1Vl-Muir ca Mon>Si ijts. 7:00--Air os 'i' Andy. 7;:15---"House Party." 7:45- Sporti Review. 8 :00-RLudy Vallee. P :00---"Good News of 111:38" 10:00-Kraft Music Hall. 11:00-Newscast. 11 :10-Webster. Hall Orch. 11:30-Dance Music. 12 :00-Dance Music. R I DERS Is your pen ready for exams? 302 South State Street " 4'Issi - LAUNDRY LAUNDR'Y. 2-1044. Sox darned. Careful work at low praces. j . WANTED TYPING, neatly and accurately (lone. l Mrs. Howard, 613 I-ill St. Phione 5244. 3x VIOLA STEIN, 706 Oakland. Phonef 6327. Experienced typist. Reason - able rates. 2,, ClsOTHING .WANTED TO BUY: An,. old and new suits, overcoats, at $3. $8. $25. Ladies frill coats, typewrit- er's, old gold and lmusical ins~trui- m ients. Ready cash waiting for you. Phone Saul. 6304. 2x E FOR RENT PRIVATE family will renit one double r-oom. $7. New furniture. Simmons f Sinnerspring twin beds. Indirect I 'mps furnished. 1133 Forest. Phone 2-3380. 329 GRADUATE student has two room Iapartment to sh-are with non-grad-1 iate student. Call or leave message ini apartment mailbox. Apt. 21. 2161 S. Ingalls. 328 EXCEPTIONAL ROOM foi' graduate .ttl.ldent or biiiness gir~l i large! 1,rivate hrome. CloFe to campus.1 Phone 782,5; 407 E. Kingsley.- 330 +BOARD: Graduates 01' faculty family.;r Double r'oom~, fireplace, private bathr, sundeck. Phone 2-2943 after six. SIX-ROOM apartment. Very moderni in McEnter Apartmenlts. 220 S.L C rges 1S' Ih rtile Lc ague Cove~nant, but, "tihe prob- FREE l:AUTO TI rTS C 1 W , ~t abilities are that some moification I will1 ' have to be made to induce the A safety lane" for free tesing of Di reetlory W _A ~ War esp flsiJigetaiostojin"automobiles for brakes, headlights, -- --"I think the League has been ser- 1wheel alignment, hornxs, windshield Thayer, opposite Hill Auditor ium- -------- (Continedro._ _ge 1 iously weakened," hie said, " by fail- ''ipers, tires and tail-light will be Phone 785. 34 keeing Gemany eak an poe- I ure of the powers to carry the coven-I operatedintesrgudrth Phne775.32 kepngGemay ea ad owr-ant throughi to its end. The League lspnohin o the sArngn derbr pthie FURNISHED APARTMENT wanted I less. That policy was maintained, he has never had a fair trial because the spnosiIfteAnAbrplc for J-H61p week-end. Near Law said, for 15 years. Then Germany ex-I principles of tile covenant have never jdepartmeuit, it was announced yester- Clutb. Send r'espon~se to Box 8. { ploded and repudiated entirely the1 been applied 100 per cent." day. 1,APGE front room. Priva-te home.ITet fVrsils ' No other students. Telephone 8455. At present time, Sir Herbert said, itOmk 525 S. Fourth Avenue. 325 is unlikely that England or France ________MARSHALL Cut-Rat rug - ___will propose any serious revision of;~ j FRONT SUITE for two men students. 231 SOUTH STATE - Phone 9242 - 8 Doors North of Kresge's 3 blocks from campus. Reasonable. graved Florentine Cook. Reward. 500 Kleenex 28e, 1 dz. Hatex 20c; jr.-super, 36 Modess 55c, Tampax 33 Meals if desired. 420 S. Division. Call 4541._________________ ________________ 318 - 40c Value NEW TATTOO ---~ - - ------- -PET; Grey angora cat. Answers to on fFeh-DlcosL TI (oNE-ROOM apartment. Private bath. Sunda,. Phone 6923. 624 Church. Re- Ion fFeh eiiu Suitable for graduate student. Oil war'd. 321 I C e~inr-eppli.11ir:ie heat. Call 8169. 911 Forest. 303 -____ -- - - --------- -- ----FOR SALE APARTMENT for rent. Six rooms, ---__ lic'ely fur-nished and will aceommo- '29 ESSEX Challenger coupe. 6 cylin. date four adults. 621 Forest. 322 dei' motor in good condition, good - -------- ----- - -- __---'---------tires, new battery, special- carbur'c- FOR RENT: A single and a double tor. Private owner. See Hubert room11 for Jewish girls. 1511 Wash- Goldman. 727 S. State Street or t,'naw. Telephone 3851. 316 Room 2620 East Engineering Build- 1114^JUDSON COURT off Church. ing." 331 Ten mfinlutes from camnpus. Two( FOR SALE: Tuxedo in excellent con- doubles, wa in, quiet. Phonie 9862. dition. Average size. Finely tailored, 323 Glen tihe Tailor. 631 E. University. .: ' " . "' I CHERRIES ... 19c 43c "a real helix while studying" j Stays on, you bet" I , IWe stock Max Factor's, Colonial .Dames, Barbara Gould -products FOUR ROOMS first floor. Twvo en- trances. Furnished, hot water, - stcam' heat. All utilities included except gas, Redecorated. 617 Law- rence cor'ner' State. 319 NOTICES TYPING-_Carefully and ,acc'urately, done, L. M. Heywood, 803 E. King- sley St. Phone 8344. 106# FOR SALE OR EXCHANGE BEAUTIFUL country es-tate of 14 itc 'es with stream, landscaped. H~as nice colonial home and other buld.- ings. Call Whaley or Clapp. Phone 2-1964; evenings 2-1170. 320 LOST AND FOUND I I LOST: Pi Phi pin.Satigrday night. En- I Campus CUT- RATE DrugsI 218 S. State - -- NEXT TO GOLDMAN'S ---_---- Phione 9392 2:00 - 4:00 - 7:00 - 9:00 P.M. TODAY and FRIDAY ! "The 'Hurricane" With -___ DOROTHY LAMOUR JON HALL 1Quart Russian Mineral tOil TODAY ONLY (;0c (AIAX 50C IDr. West '.TOOTHBRITS 1 Both .for 59c% 5 lb. Wrisley Water Softener 1 11- I Coming Saturday GRACE MOORE "I'll Take Roma I, ncet L29c 44c a _ P I I. I, «I Ploin-t Wath Pride t?' : l S.# .. V. The Student Cried" ::::; A;:; -: s To a service may rooam-mate sug- 9ested. It's quick a nd it's neat and i b ijust can't be beat 0 09and the Value, just can't be bested. r- I, I Price perib. 00I lOc BU NDLE 2 Su-its of Underwear 3 Spairits CHandkerchiefs 3Pairs of Socks 2 IBath Towels 1 Pair Pajamas COST "99c VARSITY LAUNDRY Phone 23-1-23 I; I Sh*i'rts, Extra 0 * * 0 12c Whv ite Swan Laundry and Dory Cleaning Company Phone 4117 TROJAN LAUNHDRY - I. N I I I (Full Dress Shirts are not included in this Special Price)' I , 0 I- I I I