W The Weather Continued cold today; tomor- rom, possible snow flurries and colder. C7, A6F Ap 4jjtr4 t 9 an ~Iatj Editorials Who Opposes 'T'his Bill, Anyway? .. . is A Good Offense The Best Defense? VOL. XLVIII. No. 91 Two-Day Cold Spell Lets Up; "Ontario Is Hit Only Two Lives Reported Lost But Undetermined Number Still Isolated Transportation By Snow Shoes Only A storm which had crippled a quar- ter of Michigan for two days rolled on into Ontario Wednesday, leaving only scattered areas still in trouble. The work of returning to normal life and travel in the upper peninsula started immediately. ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, THURSDAY, JAN. 27, 1938 PRICE FIVE CENTS 4 4 1 i U.S. Responsible For Present Threat Of War, Ames Charges, Largest Naval BillIn History I Before Senate 1 .1 Killed "In Paris AMiombs Explode PARIS, Jan. 26.-(A')--Fourteen men were killed and 10 injured to- day when two truckloads of hand grenades. recently confiscated from the Revolutionary band C.S.A.R., ex- ploded in Villejuif, Paris suburb. I i Canadian Statesman Says America Should Have Joined League Early By WILLIAM J. ELVIN Sir Herbert Ames, Canadian states- man and former treasurer of the League of Nations, charged the Unit- ed States with direct responsibility Sir Herbert Ames will lecture on the subject, "Does German Rearm- ament Necessarily Mean War?" at 4:15 p.m. today in Natural Science Auditorium. for the present war cloud in Europe, in an interview last night with the Daily. "If the United States had joined th Leagii of Natinnc and bhen a Canadin States man $549,227,842 Request The explosions, occurring as the Request grenades were being loaded into army Enters Blockade Behind trucks for removal to Artillery Park anti-Lynching Filibisteir at Versailles, wrecked the municipal pyrotechnic laboratory and damaged many residences in the vicinity. Southern Senators i Residents of Villejuif, hearing the4 o terrific explosions, ran panic-stricken S 11r e Of SuC C ss to police stations. They declared they first thought the blasts were from a ,II sudden air raid which they had been The laregst peace-time naval appro- taught by military experts would priation bill in history, providing herald the beginning of the next war. $549,227.842 for expenditure in the fiscal year beginning next July 1,i. V. took its place today in the Senate Civil Service Legislative jam developing behind the anti-lynching filibuster. Committee approval sent to the 'oard M eets Senate floor a measure containing k approximately $140,000,000 for war- -e ship repalcements and totalling $32,- I 684,534 more than the previous peace- time record, the 1937-38 supply mea- Approve 100 Types sure. Included in the replacement allow- Michigan Employes For ance was $119,900,000 for construction No and machinery and $20,700,000 for New Qualifying Exams armor, armament and ammunition on war vessels. . I More than a hundred job classifi- The Senate committee increased cations, covering many of the em- the construction and machinery item ployes under the state civil service, in the House bill by $2,536,850 to per- were approved today by the Michi- mit work on 25 vessels commissioned gan Civil Service Commission in a prior to last July 1. meeting at the Union vesterday. i t 4 Niagara 'Honeymoon ridge' Periled ily lee NIAGARA FALLS, Jan. 26.--(A' -A shift in wind tonight appeared to have saved Niagara's towering "Honeymoon Bridge" from im- mediate danger of destruction. NIAGARA FALLS, N.Y., Jan. 26. -(A')-Niagara's high-flung Inter- national Bridge, from which thou- sands of honeymooners have watched the cataract, was warped and threatened with slow destruc- tion tonight by the worst Niagara River ice jam in 30 years. Also in the grip of the ice and facing ruin were the famous twin steamboats, the "Maids of the Mist," known to tourists the world over. The graceful 1,200-foot "Falls View" bridge, once the world's longest steel arch, groaned and rumbled in the darkness as a 60- foot wall of ice surged against its base. Several light steel frames in the bridge foundation on the Ameri- can shore buckled this afternoon, but none fell and engineers said the bridge definitely was "break- ing up." Grinding floes reached 60 feet up the Canadian side of the gorge and shoved the "Maid of the Mist" steamers from the drydock where they have spent each win- ter for years. One of the "Maids" appeared to be seriously damaged, and the fate of the other could not be determined. While only two lives were reported us lu lostund termiesumberse rertilld guarantor of French security," Sir lost, undetermined numbers were still Herbert declared, "France would have snow-bound in isolated retreats and treated Germany leniently, the Ger- homes. Their rescue was the first man republic would not have fallen, consideration of hundreds of highway and there would be no threat of war workers and volunteer helpers. today." The latest search was that started Three treaties were drafted at the by State Police and Luce County Versailles Conference, Sir Herbert sheriff's officers for four Newberry declared, the first being the Covenent youths missing on the snow-covered of the League of Nations, the second roads since 2 a.m. Tuesday. a treaty of mutual assistance between School Chldren Trapped Great Britian and France and the Forty-two persons, including 35 third a similar treaty between the boys and girls, still were trapped in United States and France. The pur- a school near Ironwood, but food was pose was to give France security from plentiful and they were prepared to future attacks and to allay fear. wait out the storm. when the United States Senate voted .A northbound Chicago train, more against joining the League, he said, than 36 hours overdue at Calumet it was a severe blow to the League. Wednesday night, was locked in snow f At the same time, Sir Herbert con-k 60 miles south of Houghton. tinued, the Senate repudiated the In many locations, miners and mine Versailles draft treaty to help France. maintenance crews were still ma- Britian, not wishing tohassume the rooned at their work but, as far as entire responsibility, then followed was reported, all had food. Schools suit. were closed throughout the northern France thus found herself in the territory. League deprived of the right of mdi- The State Highway Department re-' ported it had 80 pieces of equipment and between 3,000 and 4,000 men Gina Cigna Here fighting the storm's effect in the north. The Department estimated it In 8th O w ould spend $50,000 to open thelhw y.L e St e s epe Se s highways. Lower State Escapes Storm FSopranoS The lower part of the state escaped French Dramatic Soprano the brunt of the storm, but heavyl Sings Tomorrow Night snow was reported generally and Wednesday temperatures were down Gina Cigna, dramatic soprano, will near zero. More snow and cold was give the eighth program in the Choral predicted for Wednesday night and1 Union Concert Series at 8:30 p.m. Thursday.mtomorrow in Hill Auditorium. "Snow shoeing only mode of trans- Born near Paris, Miss Cigna is a tf W the wd from the p- ... SIR HERBERT AMES * .* *; vidual action and without guarantee of help, Sir Herbert pointed out, and she therefore adopted a policy of (Continued on Page 2) New Anti-Trust Laws Needed, Rictber gSays Former NRA Chief Urges1 Statutes Be Revised To Allow Closer Regulation NEW YORK, Jan. 26.-(A)-Don- ald Richberg, former NRA admin- istrator, tonight urged a revision of the anti-trust laws to permit greater self-regulation by business under gov- enrment supervision. He said government must encour- age private business and business must assume greater public responsi- bilities if the present government and industrial systems are to survive. "The Government of the United States and the business of the United States cannot live apart,",he assest- ted in an address prepared for de- livery before the northeastern lum- bermen's association. "Government and business, as we know them today, will either work together and live together or they will die together. Free enterprise and free government will survive, or, in [the destruction of one, both will be destroyed."I Richberg, Washington attorney who' Southern Senators confidently claimed victory tonight in their stub- born struggle to prevent the passage of the anti-lynching bill. Secure and undisputed in the knowledge that they command enough votes to defeat a motion to limit debate, they lightheartedly de- nounced that effort as "gag rule" de- signed to end free speech in the Sen- ate. Chinese Check Japanese With Ambush Tactics Far-Flung Guerilla Attacks And Revitalized Air Force Halt Japanese Progress day) SHANGHAI, Jan. 27, (Thurs- day)-(A')-Chinese military leaders declared today guerilla warfare on China's far-flung battlefronts and a! revitalized air force have brought j -t -~,o U..- The classifications covering welfarei workers, nurses, prison guards, con- servation workers, highway equip- ment operators, inspectors and thel state institutional personnel were rushed through at the request of William Brownrigg, state personnel director, in order that qualifying and open examinations can be held in those divisions in the near future. "I'm very much afraid that our budget may be inadequate for the first year, depending upon the num- ber of applicants for examination," Brownrigg told the commission, meet- ing in Ann Arbor because of the ill- ness of chairman George Burke, Uni- versity attorney. It looks as if we'll have from 7,000: to 10,000 applicants for the open competitive examinations for clerks to be held Feb. 12, and if we have this tremendous response our costs will obviously be higher." He pointed out The Civil Service Commission placed the offices of the Governor and the Board of Regents on the unclassified list yesterday, there- by saving Governor Murphy and the members of the Board of Re- gents the trouble of taking ex- aminations on their qualifica- tions. Tankers Down MichiganState By 67-17 Score; Tomski And Hutchens Set Pace In Easy Victory; Relay Record Shattered By DAVID ZEITLIN EAST LANSING, Mich., Jan. 26.- (Special to the Daily)-Michigan's Varsity swim team extended its long- time aquatic supremacy over Mich- igan State here tonight, winning every first place, including firsts in both relays to capture a 67-17 decision. Walt Tomski and Ed Hutchens paced the Wolverines in their one- sided triumph. Each won two free- style races and swam fast laps in the 360 yard free-style relay event which Michigan won in 3:17.5, a new record for the Spartan tank. The latter was the only new mark made during the evening's meet. Tomski Wins Twice Tomski turned in a pair of fast performances, being clocked in 23.9 seconds for the 50-yard distance and 53.7 seconds for the century. Hanley Staley, unheralded Varsity diver, gave a steady performance off Lewis Proffers Olive Branch To AFL Based On Status Quo0 CIO President Pruposes 2 Unions Amalgamate In Convention Speech Boom Roosevelt For Third Term MIAMI, Fla., Jan. 27.-(P)-- William Green, president of the American Federation of Labor, said tonight a new peace proposal made by Chairman John L. Lewis of the CIO at Washington "is just the same old thing" and con- tained objectionable features of a plan previously rejected. Green said "no one will be de- ceived" by Lewis' suggestion be- fore the United Mine Workers' convention. "It is identical with the im- possible plan proposed by Lewis toward the end of the Washing- ton peace conferences." WASHINGTON, Jan. 26.--(IP)--The CIO unions will join the American Federation of Labor next week if the Federation will take them as they stand, John L. Lewis announced to- night. As an alternative, the CIO leader offered to take all AFL unions into the CIO as they stood. His peace proposals, the most defi- nite he has yet made, caused some ex- citement among observers *of labor trends. The offers were announced at an uproarious session of the United Mine Workers convention. Lewis said his purpose was to quiet "those abroad in the land who say this labor con- troversy is terrible." The Lewis speech was the high spot of the day's session, but another de- velopment was the introducton of eight resolutions by union locals fa- voring a third term for President Roosevelt. The convention has yet to act on the resolutions. Lewis emphasized his peace pro- posals by declaring: "If the AFL is so anxious for peace, we'll make a proposal. We all want peace-peace with honor. "If the AFL wants peace, I will recommend to the 4,000,000 members of the CIO that on the first day of February they march into the AFL, horse, foot and dragoon, if the AFL will issue charters to the CIO units and later call a convention to arrange the details. "If that be not pleasing to the AFL, we offer the alternative proposal that on the first day of February AFL unions march into the CIO, horse, foot and dragoon, receive charters, and hold a convention later to ar- range details." The convention came to its feet, cheering, whistling and applauding. Lewis beamed. Previously Lewis had declared that no one had been "hurt" by the CIO fight. He said unionism had made gains in steel, automobiles, rubber, the transportation industry and the radio industry, then added: "Why, even the AFL is no weaker. Everywhere the CIO has gone in and organized a basic industry, it has made it safe for the AFL to come in and gather up the butcher, the baker and the candlestick maker." A canvass of delegates showed they thought Lewis referred to William Green, AFL presidentrand a member of the United Mine Workers for 48 years. Lewis' speech brought to a close an afternoon of rank-and-file speech- making in support of the CIO and against the AFL. Three justices per peninsula as residents started the long job of diging out. Snow was 30 inches deep on the level and had drifted into banks as high as 30 feet. Governor Murhy's instructions for full relief to storm-sufferers brought few calls for help, northern welfare agents reported. Rumania Eases Jewish Pressure' I .r aorlvuu its NiH a ews I "find' of Arturo Toscanini, and made her professional debut in 1929. In her eight years as a professional artist; she has appeared in leading roles at major opera houses all over the con- tinent, but made her debut at the has attended some of President them increasing success against the' Metropolitan Opera only last season. Roosevelt's recent conferences on Japanese invaders. Her earliest artistic talent was in business - government cooperation, They contended the Japanese were the field of painting, and she was sent proposed the following legislative ac- over-extended in a vast area of Cen- With Note Of Relief GENEVA, Jan. 26,-()P)-Foreign Minister Istrate Micescu of Rumania tonight indicated the anti-Jewish at- titude of the government of Premier Octavian Goga would be less aggres- sive. This indication, which British and French spokesmen said was given to British Foreign Secretary Anthony Eden and French Foreign Minister Yvon Delbos, was stated to have been one of the developments which put main problems before the League of Nations Souncil well on their way to- ward settlement. Both spokesmen said Micescu's at- titude indicated the matter of Ru- mania's treatment of Jews would not be given urgent attention before the council. On the question of the strength of the League, Foreign Minister Joseph Beck of Poland was expected to join Eden and Delbos tomorrow in a gen- eral statement of faith in the interna- tional organization. Delegates were divided into two camps on, whether to keep sanctions provisions in the League covenant. 500 CIO Men Plan Strike In Jersey JERSEY CITY, N.J., Jan. 26.-(A) -Five hundred men, members of the Steel Workers Organizing Commit- tee, an affiliate of the Committee for Industrial Organization, went on strike late today in the local plant of to the Academy of Fine Arts in Paris. tion: tral China and were being harassed that initial expenses have taken a the one meter diving board to take At the same time she studied piano 1. "Monopolistic and unfair prac- constantly by fast-moving guerilla large slice of the budget because of a well-earned victory over Wolverine at the Paris Conservatoire, but re- tices should be more clearly defined, forces striking repeatedly at "thin the necessity of renting offices and Hal Benham, sophomore diver who ceived no formal voice training. Her both in the interest of enforcement communication lines." equipment. definitely showed the effects of a voice studies were carried on by her- and to protect honest efforts to com- Guerilla tactics, the Chinese said, There are about 2,000 clerical po- (Continued on Page 3) self, mainly by listening to records ply with the law. were being employed more and more, sitions under the civil service for theI and going to operas and concerts. n administrative body should with the result that the Japanese 7,000 applicants of which an unde- -. be specifically empowered to pass on have been prevented from undertak- termined number will be vacated by the prima facie legality of coopera- ing further advances. later qualifying tests. Of Beer To Minors CongressJ- op tive activities (through trade asso- Japanese efforts to smash Chinese Some 600 classifications must be ciations or special agreements), so defenders in Central China by seizing completed and examined by June 30, LANSING, Jan. 26.-(P)-Governor Booths Sold OIut that business organizations can un- the vital Lunghai and Tientsin-Pukow the director said, and the examination Murphy called the Liquor Control dertake a great many programs ab- IRailways, which cross at Suchow, ap- writing staff is well ahead of schedule. Commission before him today and or- solutely necessary to protect and pro- parently have bogged down in the He reported to the commission that dered it to "clean up scandalous con- mote business and employment, with- face of Chinese resistance, he was getting excellent cooperation ditions" in drinking houses. Independents To Sponsor out being subject to undeserved prose- Information received from Ameri- from department heads "They report The Governor said he was espe- Special Breakfast cutions and penalties. can missionaries at Tenghsien, about civil service is giving them a con- cially interested in seeing that places 65 miles north of the Lunghai line, in- venient out from jobhunters and sav- selling beer and liquor to minors were All independent booths at the Culbertsons Terminate dicated the Japanese virtually have ing them valuable time," he said.' deprived of their licenses. J-Hop sponsored by Congress, inde- 'pbeen stalled for three weeks 90 miles pendent men's organizaton, have been Contract In Reno Court north of Suchow. S filled~~~~Pr Huwa Shihedyetrdy yT1races - emocratilc filled it was announced yesterday by RENO, Nev., Jan. 26.-(A')-A brief, Chinese military leaders pointed to Robert Kleiner, 38, chairman of the private trial ended in a divorce here regeneration of their air force as publicity committee. today for Mrs. Josephine Culbertson, presaging "growing opposition to theP ogressIn hina*,P raises ooth Kleiner also said that all indepen- bridge expert, who charged her hus- Japanese aerial offensives." _ dent men who have signed up for band, Ely, with "extreme mental Japanese said Chinese pressure on participation in booths will find the cruelty." Hangchow, 125 miles southwest of A Great War and a Great Depres- Despite the present centralization lists on the Congress bulletin board in No details of the testimony, given Shanghai, had been lessened. Chinese sion have brought a new political and of government for military needs, the Union lobby. to District Judge Thomas F. Moran, troops in that area were said to have! social consciousness to the youth of trends in China are toward the es- Congress will sponsor special after- were made public but Mrs. Culbert- withdrawn to the southwest. America, Dr. Hu Shih said yesterday at the Rotary Club luncheon in the tablishment of a democracy under a dance breakfasts following the "Hop" son's attorney, George Springmeyer, At Wuhu, where severe fighting has Union for sons and daughters of Ro- Constitution, Dr. Hu Shih, Chinese in one of the private dining rooms of said the cruelty was "purely of a men- I been going on and both sides have Unia ns and th ersi o -educator and phil sh, Cai- theUnon tl atre" ufere hav lsssth Cinsetarians attending the University. euao n philosopher, told a Ui- the Union. tal nature." suffered heavy losses, the Chinese The burden of political and social versity lecture audience yesterday. said Japanese received 10,000 rein- reforms has fallen inevitably upon the Representatives from all sections of Frigid W eather M ay Destroy F shrn the weckage of a plane that the nsshoulders of the younger intellectuals China were to have voted Nov. 12 on a I DJapanese said they shot down at in al countries except the Anglo- constitution, he said, providing for a " U-g- -anking, they reported they found Saxon, Dr. Hu said, and he attributed government based on the American Life 11 Local Lakes, azard aVsthe body of an Occidental. They said this willingness of youth to fight for principle of the separation of powers. (this was the first such evidence they reforms to a "carefree and courageous This constitution would have further had obtained of foreign participation attitude" which is not to be found provided for an entire government By CARL PETERSEN the oxygen content reaches a ratio in the Chinese-Japanese conflict among the more conservative adults branch devoted to making govern- Fish life in southern Michigan lakes of two parts of oxygen to one million of the older generation. ment a profession, and for "censors" is in serious danger of being destroyed of water. In the winter of '35-'36, The growth of the Communist Party to act as a check on over-extension J if the heavy snow and cold of the which was especially hard, a survey lOld Grad DedicatesN piv in China he pointed out can be at- f fTb th t j t 4 1 r t ,, May Quit Cour Name Cardozo, Brandeis And McReynolds WASHINGTON, Jan. 26.-(P)-Re- ports circulated in congressional cir- cles today that Supreme Court Jus- tices Cardozo, Brandeis and McRey- nolds were considering retirement. One authority said Cardozo had advised President Roosevelt informal- ly that he thought ill-health neces- sitated his retirement. Mr. Roosevelt was reported to have suggested that the Justice wait until } r 1 f past few weeks continues, Dr. A. S. Hazard, director of the Institute of Fisheries said in an interview yester- day. Snow falling on< ice covering the lakes, he said, prevents plants in the lake bottoms from getting light neces- sary to carry on the process of photo- of two representative lakes in south- ern Michigan showed that 1,200 to 1,- 500 fish per acre were killed by an under supply of oxygen resulting from snow and ice on top of the lake. There is great danger of this con- dition resulting, said Dr. Hazard, only when the snow covering lasts for a lvi et O lm-IA tributed to the great interest of Chi- Rnnk 7'n P r 3. IJ&LF( A ti uvvn A tp 1 "tut""tuNut r- Major Flavius E. Loudy of the U.S. Navy a member of the Early Birds an organization composed of men who flew the box kites that passed for planes in the prewar days and a grad- nese youth in political movements. ['he training of young officers for war against Japan, "our neighbors," Dr. Hu cited as a contemporary example of rejuvenation of Chinese institu- tions by youthful blood. The students of the United States. o Power y e governmen . Pointing out that various individual autocratic regimes have failed in China since the overthrow of the Manchu dynasty in 1912, Dr. Hu de- lared that democracy was the only political system natural to the demo- cratic social structure in the country.