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January 26, 1938 - Image 4

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The Michigan Daily, 1938-01-26

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WEDNESDAY, JAN. 26, 1938




Edited and managed by students of the University of
Michigan under the authority of the Board in Control of
Studen* Publications.
Pub1ushed every morning except Monday during the
University year and Summer Session.
Member of the Associated Press
The Associated Press is exclusively entitled to the
use for republication of all news dispatches credited to
It or not otherwise credited In this newspaper. All
rights of republication of all other matter herein also
ERn' ed at the Post Office at Ann Arbor, Michigan as
tecond ;,lass mail matter.
Subscriptions during regular school year by carrier,
$4C00; by mail, $4.50. -
Member, Associated Collegiate Press, 1937-38
National AdvertisingServiceiInc.
College Publishers Relresentatiwe
Board of Editprs
NEWS EDITOR ...................ROBERT P WEEKS
Busines Department
The editorials published in The Michigan
Daily are written by members of the Daily
staff and represent the views of the writers
Possible Results
Of The Irish Stew...
King Henry II to carry the Norman
conquest across to Ireland, he touched off 14
centuries of misunderstanding and strife, cul-
minated only last Dec. 29 with Eamon de Valera
proclaiming to the world that henceforth Ireland
must be considered as a sovereign, independent
nation. Now, less than a month after that proc-
lamation, Mr. de Valera and a party of Irish
ministers are in London conferring with English
officials in an effort to negotiate an amicable set-
tlement of the common concerns of both nations.
Coming so soon after the establishment of
what is in effect the "nation" of Eire, one is na-
turally led to wonder whether the new constitu-
tion actually marked the transition of the 26
counties of the Free State from a British do-
minion to the status of a wholly independent na-
tion, or was only a change of name and of inter-
nal form of government. In all likelihood, a com-
bination of both possibilities would be the best
approximation of the truth. The new constitu-
tion ignores Great Britain entirely, and by Great
Britain's tacitly accepting being ignored thus,
the former Free State apparently has as much
legal independence as it wishes to exercise. On
the other hand, the latest expression of coopera-
tion on the part of de Valera indicates that
Ireland will on its own volition maintain such
relations with Great Britain as to keep it a mem-
ber of the British Commonwealth.
In his radio address on the night of the
proclamation of the new constitution, de Valera
announced its intention in a moderate but defini-
tive tone. He said then:
"In this constitution, the tradition of aspira-
tions of our people for national independence, na-
tional unity and the unfettered control of their
domestic and foreign affairs has been set as the
basic principles of the law by which we are hence-
forth to be governed."
De Valera's action caused hardly more than a
ripple in England. The only circumstance under
which England would take any measures that
would impinge on Ireland's sovereignty probably
would be the danger of a foreign power using
Ireland to imperil British defense. Otherwise
the, English seem content to let the Irish alone.
In fact, any British dominion could lawfully ex-
ercise the prerogatives of an entirely independent
nation if it felt that its sovereignty was being
Perhaps the only explanation of de Valera's
amity gestures then, is that he now realizes that

while the development of the British Common-
wealth under the statute of Westminster makes
it possible for Ireland to have the status of a
virtual republic within the commonwealth, there
are pressing practical considerations, such as the
precarious economic situation of the country,
which necessitate improved relations with Great
Accor'ding to London and Dublin dispatches
the talks now in progress in England are likely
to revolve about the questions of trade, defense
and prestige, with the controversial question of
incorporating Northern Ireland into the Free
State, receiving conspicuous inattention. Mr.
de Valera must realize by now that neither Eng-
land nor Northern Ireland would accede to com-
pulsory unification and that his only recourse is
to peaceful, long-time methods of persuasion.
For the London discussions to bear fruit, two

A Week To Prepare...
To the Editor:
With final examinations dangerously near, with
term papers, demanding finishing touches, and
with a. few extra exams .crowding our schedules,
students cannot help feeling smothered and tense
by an overload of work. -This situation is espe-
cially critical to those who are made to feel that,
good grades are stepping stones to opportunity.
It is with this omnipresent condition in mind that
I propose a seven-day. reading period during
which time the student would be able to inven-
tory, codify and digest his haphazardly assimilat-
ed knowledge, at least to a greater degree than
he has already done during the semester.
This proposal recognizes a definite need. It
has been tried, in various forms, and proven
successful in other more able schools, notably
Harvard and Oxford. It would constitute a
pleasant break between a long period of study
and an examination period of concentrated men-
tal and physical strain. Naturally the proposal
should be subjected to close scrutiny and debate.
In the hope of stimulating discussion, I submit
a few points and count erpoints:
(1.) "That the student will refrain from
studying during the semester and will cram dur-
ing the allotted period."
a. This criticism might be less poignant
following these three considerations:
1. Examination come with sufficient fre-
quency to keep the student attuned to the
progress of the course.
2. Seven days is a palpably inadequate
period to allow the student to even entertain
the apprehension of digesting a semester's
3. There are a large number of students
attending our university for all the knowl-
edge that the school will impart. They are
a minority, to be sure, but a substantial
(2.) "That since all students are at the same
advantage or disadvantage, the seven day rest
period is not needed."
1. This argument entirely evades the
issue. Are we at school merely to secure
grades or do we desire to absorb as much of
all as our faculties permit. This proposal is
not meant to maintain a certain level or
gradient of learning, but to raise that level.
Grades will still remain the barometer, but
as a more firmly and intelligently organized
group of subjects, an organization of learning
permitted in a seven-day rest period.
Naturally I haven't exhausted the pros and
cons of this measure. I sincerely feel that thisI
seven-day reading period merits more promi-
nence than what has been in the past accorded
to it. I beseech you to think of it when you are
pounding out belated term papers. Think of it
when you have an hour exam before even allow-
ing yourself to prepare for finals. Above all
bear it in mind during the unnecessarily high
fatigued and high tensioned period of final exam-
inations in the light of how such a futile wear
and tear might be mitigated by a seven-day read-
ing period.
-Harold Ossepow.
Alien Corn?...
To the Editor:
Well, Mr. McCann, you certainly put your
neck in the noose of criticism last week. I
personally, don't see how a reputable concern
like the Michigan Daily can keep a narrow-mind-
ed person such as yourself on their staff. ~
You state that the Hop committee was ex-I
tremely fortunate in securing Jimmy Dorsey and
then go on' to "fluff off" Kyser. I don't see how
such an "educated" person as yourself can over-
look Kyser and his fine band. They are per-
haps one of the most versatile and most enter-
taining bands in the country today. His in-
tonation, tone quality, phrasing and precision
are beyond reproach. You also state that his
music is artificial and effete. Kay and his
outfit play with more feeling and finesse than

the Jimmy Dorsey band of today, but of course,
you wouldn't be able to sense that. Music is
an art which you must know something about
before you can truly understand and appreciate
its intricacies. From. your past columns in the
Daily I have concluded that you know very little
about music; in fact, I don't think you even
know the meaning of "corn."
You say, "What we think of Kay Kyser etc.,
etc.. . ." What does your, or several other people
people's, opinion amount to in contrast to sev-
-ral thousand.
May I be so bold as to predict that Kay Kyser
will be the most popular band of the Hop?
Don't misunderstand me, Mr. McCann. I think
the Dorsey combination is very fine; in fact
it is one of the finest "in the groove" swing bands
of the day. He features some very fine solo men
and as a whole the ensemble dish (sic) out a lot
of that "on the beat" swing. I think you were
very discourteous to turn out such an article
deriding Kyser's prowess, and when I read your
article I was prompted to remit this missile in de-
fense of Kyser and also to relief my feeling of
I believe that this year's J-Hop has the finest
combination of bands that it has had in a long
time and I predict that they will be very
much enjoyed by Joe College and Clara Campus.
I hope you enjoy yourself at the Hop, Tom,
and no doubt I shall see you milling around
Kyser's stand among a few hundred others.
-Russ Rollins.
A fountain of death for germs, has been report-

feenlo 5e
1eywood Broun
I wish I had studied harder when I was a grow-
Ong lad. Science is a stranger to me. My cur-
riculum was based upon the silly system of tak-
ing no coursse which came much before 11 in the
morning, or were more than one flight of stairs
These were all affairs in which some professor
talked amiably, and we were supposed to take
j otes and did not. Naturally I didn't run into
tough subjects like chemistry
and physics. I have never
been in a laboratory, except
as sightseer.
My reason for repining
right now is that I have just
- spent my annual evening
with Paul De Kruif. If he is
a kindly section of the re-
search worker group, then I
believe that sort of training
should be universal and compulsory. Never have
I known a man who pursued knowledge with such
gusto. He rides to microbes as other men follow
hounds. I almost can imagine him sounding
"tantivvy" before taking up a test tube. Pity the
poor bacterium which learns that this G-man of
the germs is on its tram.
The Best Of All Talkers
The doctor is very good for me, and I refer less
to helpful hints on health than his salutary
effect upon my manners. It wasn't always so,
but I have become one of those pests who tries
to get the floor and hold it. A kindly friend,
who was seeking to get in a word edgewise, com-
plained that this was a filibuster which had con-
tinued for twenty years. He was mistaken. Once
a year it is broken. Nobody can take the play
away from Paul De Kruif when he gets talking.
In my time I have rudely interrupted my bet-
ters on numerous occasions. Once I nailed Her-
bert Bayard Swope in full flight and brought
him fluttering to earth for fully fifteen seconds.
That can't be done with De Kruif. Not. only
does he know his stuff, but he presents it with
such passion that the would-be heckler finds
himself in the teeth of the hurricane. Paul is
pretty big, and when you try to say, "But just a
second, Doc,' he sort of pushes you out of the
way. Once when I attempted a rebuttal I found
myself ten miles away, but I could still hear
A few years ago I lost an apartment lease be-
cause De Kruif came bounding in at 10 in the
morning filled with information on the latest
laboratory discoveries concerning those ailments
which were once known in the press as "social
The landlord said that he didn't object so much
to the candor of my scientific friend, but to his
vocal carrying power. le stated that some of
the other tenants did not care to face the facts
of life so early in the morning. Indeed, he ex-
pressed his opinion that one more such lecture
might give the place a bad name.
Both Motors And Microbes
But as a matter of fact, Paul De Kruif is just
as well informed on motors as on microbes. He
can discourse as eloquently on Homer Martin as
on the common cold.
Generalizations are dangerous, but I am won-
dering whether it may not be always so that
most discussion should be left to men of factual
training. I don't suppose it would be practical
to bring up every little boy and girl as a physi-
cist or chemist. But everybody who means to
come out into the world and be articulate ought
to serve an apprenticeship. In that period, how-
ever long or short, the neophyte should rigorously
eschew opinion. He should be trained to put one
little fact after another and keep his yap shut.
The graduation ceremony would be severely
simple. On some spring day the all-wise dean
of the institution I have in mind would approach
a promising pupil and tap him on the shoulder.

But instead of saying, "Go to your room," he
would remark. "You've learned your stuff. Now
it's your turn to talk."
An introvert's retaliation was bared the other
night when one of the campus intellectual Ivory
Towerites tried for his first date on campus
and was refused. He took his revenge on all
womanhood by spending the night at the Library
reading John Stuart Mill's "The Subjection of
Since they made the Gargoyle's "Heavenly
Seven," Theta Chi's Howard Crusey and
Jack Thompson have been renamed "Crusey-
nova" and "Thom-suan" by their brothers.
A Worker's Dictionary has been, put on the
iarket for sale recently, containing this spar-
kling definition: Job-a short period of speed-
up between two layoffs.
At a southern university, a physics course is
taught by a dwarfish little man named Dr. El-
liot. The students in his class have suggested
that he write an autobiography and call it "Dr.
Elliot's Five-Foot Self."
*t* * K*

. . University Symphony..
Prelude and Fugue in E minor-
Bach. Like the majority of Bach's
organ works, this Prelude and Fugue
was composed during the years 1708-
1717 when the young composer was
court organist at Weimar, then a
provincial capital destined to becom
one of the great cultural centers of
Germany. In length the work is not
pretentious, but its compactness of
structure and the exclusion of all but
the most potent material give it an
imposing grandeur and immensity of
The Prelude is pervaded with aura
of melancholy and a restless yearning
which raises its voice in an impotent
attempt at fulfillment, then turns to
the Fugue for satisfaction. This comes
after the theme, at first mild and
easy-going, finally culminates in a
summary proclamation, delivered
with resolute calmness, yet also with
overwhelming power. In his orches-
tral transcription Thomas Steunen-
berg, a graduate student in compo-
sition, has reexpressed the music of
Bach with great, though undertract-
ing, skill, and with a high regard for
both the possibilities and the dangers
latent in the full modern orchestra.
(a) Minstrels; (b) Gollowog's Cake-
walk-Debussy. In these two addi-
tional transcriptions for full, though
sparingly used, orchestra is clothed
music as far, in its innocuous wit and
.harm. from the awe-inspiring ma-
jesty of Bach as could be imagined.'
Minstrels, transcribed by Henry
Bruinsma, Grad., is from the first of
Debussy's two books of 12 piano pre-
ludes, published in 1910. The min-
strels in this case are not the ro-
mantic bards of medieval times, but
the blackfaced comedians of old-
time vaudeville.
The Golliwog's Cake-walk, tran-
scribed by Donn Chown, '38M, was
published two years earlier than
Minstrels as a movement of the suite
entitled 'The Children's Corner,"
which also contains a humorous piece
describing a famous elephant whose
name Debussy insisted to his dying
day was "Jimbo." Because of is
syncopated 'hythms, the Golliwog's
Cake-walk has come to be known, in-
accurately. as one of the first pieces
of jazz.
Recitative and Aria from "Jeptha.
--Handel. It is easy, if admittedly
trivial, to note a coincidence in Vhe
fact that the aria "Waft Her. An-
gels," 'in which Jeptha commends the
spirit of his sacrificed daughter to
the skies, was one of the last of the
thousands of musical numbers com-
posed by Handel. Composition of
Jeptha, the oratorio'libretto of which
was supplied by the cleric, Dr. Thom-
as Morell, was begun in January, 1751.
The next month, while composing the
second part. Handel was stricken
with the first stages of the blindness
which rendered his last eight years
dark. Amidst terrific agony, both of
spirit and body, Jeptha was finally
completed on Aug. 30, yet "Waft Her,"
from the final part, is one of the com-
poser's serenest inspirations. The re-
citative "Deeper and Deeper Still"
which customa'ilyisdsungbefore -the
aria in concert, was not composed in
that order but is found in the second
part. In the intent of its text, how-
ever, as well as in its unusual dra-
matic intensity, the recitative com-
plements the meaning and supreme
lyricism of the aia.

(Continued from Page 2)
been taken up in class will be dis-

Symphony Orchestra, Thor Johnson,
Conductor, will give a concert in Hill
Auditorium, Wednesday evening, Jan.

26, at 8:30 o'clock, with the following
History 11, Lecture I. There will be'a soloists participating: Miss Mary
review lecture given by Mr. Reichen- HalinMm.albertin eM, ar.
bach in this course at 7:30 p.m., Hamlin, Mr. Albert Zbinden, and Mr.
Thursday, Jan. 27, in 1025 A.H. James Milliken, pianists: and Mr.
Aero. 4, Airplane Structures: The Thomas Williams, tenor. Two of the
final examination in this course will numbers on the program have been
be held for both sections on Satur-i transcribed for the orchestra and
day, Jan. 29, from 8-12, in Room! wll. be conducted by Mr. Henry
1024 East Engineering Building. Bruinsma and Mr. Donn Chown.
Aero. 6, Experimental' Aerodynam-
ics; The final examination in this
course will be held on Tuesday, Feb. Etchings, Aquatints and Mezzotints
1, from 8-12, in Room 2300 East En- by Professor Alexander Mastro-Va-
ginering Building. lerio of the College of Architecture,
in the South Gallery, Alumni Mem-
English I and II Final Examination orial Hall; and Etchings, Lithographs
Schedule, Tuesday, Feb. 1, 2 p.m. nd W i and Woodcutn Eth Clhigs thngA A.4

Publication in the Bulletin is constructive notice to all members of the
University. Copy received at the office of the Assistant to the President
until 3:30; 11:00 a.m. on Saturday.

English I.
Ackerman 2003 A.H.
Allen, 215 A.H.
Baum, 225 A.H.
Bertram, 2014 A.H
Calver, 4003 A.H.
Cassidy, 215 A.H.
Cowden, 3227 A.H.
Dean, 4203 A.H.
Ellinger, 203 U.H.
Everett, 3231 A.H.
Foro, 2203 A.H.
Giovannini. 103 R.L.
Green, 1209 A.H.
Greenhut, 35 A.H.
Haines, W. Phys.
Hanna, 208 U.H.
Hart, 201 U.H.
Hathaway, 302 M.H.
Helm, 1025 A.H.
Knode, 229 A.H.
English II.
Roellinger, 2054 N.S.
Stevens, 18 A.H.
Nelson, 4208 A.H.
Knott, 1025 A.H.
Leedy, W. Phys.
Ogden, 1025 A.H.
Peterson 2215 A.H.
O'Neill, 103 R.L.
Peake, 205 S.W.
Schenk, 4003 A.H.
Stibbs, 2235 A.H.
Stocking, 301 U.H.
Taylor, W. Phys.
Walcutt, W. Phys.
Weimer, 103 R.L.
White, 2215 A.H.
Wells, 2235 A.H.
Williams, 1025 A.H.
Woodbridge, 103 R.L.
Geography I: Final examination,
Wednesday, Feb. 2, 2-5 p.m. Stu-
dents whose names begin with A
through C will be examined in Room
2235 A.H.; D through H, in Room
2231 A.H.; and I through Z, in Room
25 A.H.
Room Assignment for Final Exam-
inations in German 1, 2, 31, 32. Jan.
29, 1938, 2-5 p.m.
German I.
N.S.A., Diamond, Graf, Gaiss,
Schachtsiek, Striedieck.
1025 A.H., Willey, Philippson, Su-
dermann, Braun, Van Duren.
1035 A.H., Scholl.
German 2.
C. Haven Hall. All sections. ?
German 31. {

Group in the North Gallery, Alumni
Memorial Hall; daily 2 to 5 p.m. in-
cluding Sundays, Jan. 12 through 26,
under the auspices of the Ann Arbor
Art Association.
University Lecture: Dr. Hu Shih,
Dean of the Chinese National Univer-
sity, Peiping, will lecture cn "De-
mocracy versus Fascism in China,"
on Wednesday, Jan. 26, at 4:15 p,..
in the. Natural Science Auditorium
under the auspices of the Depart-
nent of Political Science. The public
is cordially invited.
University Lecture: Sir Herbert
Ames, lecturer and former Canadian
statesman,, will lecture on "Does Ger-
man Rearmament Necessarily Mean
War?" on Thursday, Jan. 27, -in Nat-
ural Science Auditorium at 4:15 p.m,,
under the auspices of the Depart-
ment of Political Science. The public
is cordially invited.
Events Today
University Broadcast, 3-3:30 p.m.
Class in Radio Diction-Prof. G. E,
Luncheon for Graduate Students
on Wednesday, Jan. 26, at 12:00 in
the Russian Tea Room of the League.
Cafteria service. Dr. Mowat G. Fra-
ser of the School of Education will
speak informally on "New Plans for
American Higher Education." This
will be the lastluncheon until the
first of the second semester.
Attention to all Chinese Students:
Dr. Hu Shih will speak to us on Wed-
I nesday evening from 7 to 9 at the
Michigan Union.
An Assembly of the students of the
School of Dentistry will be held at
4:15 on Wednesday, Jan. 26, in the
Dental School Amphitheatre. The
address will be given by Professor
John L. Brumm of the Department of
Journalism on the subject, "The Men-
ace of Efficiency."
? Forestry Club: Meeting Wednesday,
Jan. 26, 7:30 p.m., Room 2054 Na-


25 A.H., Gaiss, Diamond, Graf, tural Science Bldg. Dr. Albert S.
Van Duren. Hazzard Director of the Institute for
231 A.H., Willey, Reichart, Philipp- Fisheries Research, will give an il-
son. lustrated lecture on "The Place of
1035 A.H., Scholl. Fisheries Management in Forestry."
301 U.H., Wahr.
201 U.H., Hildner. The Music Section of the Faculty
German 32. Women's Club will meet Wednesday,
203 U.H., Nordmeyer. Jan. 26, at 8 p.m. at the home of Mrs.
306 U.H., Eaton. George Granger Brown, 1910 Hill St.

First movements from Piano Con-
certos by Mozart, Brahms, and Rach- History 47: Final examination,
maninoff. From the opening move- Wednesday, Feb. 2, 2-5. Students
ments of these concertos can be made whose names begin with A to M in-
interesting comparisons concerning clusive will come to C Haven; stu-
the music's texture, style and manner dents whose names begin with N to ZI
of composition as well. In the Mo- inclusive will come to 35 A.H.
zart D minor Concerto (K.V. 466) is V. W. Crane
an excellent example both of the-
classical concerto form of Mozart's History 11, Lee. I: Final examina-
time and of the unbelievable ease and tion, Monday, Jan. 31, 2-5 p.m. Mr.
fertility with which he wrote. The Reichenbach's sections will meet in
Concerto is a product of the com- Natural Science Auditorium. Mr.
poser's latest and most productive pe- Hyma's sections will meet in Room
riod, being completed in a short time B, Haven. Mr. Pierce's sections will
at Vienna in the early part of 1785. meet in Room C, Haven.
The firstnperformance occurred on Albert Hyma
Feb. 11, and the score was so newly
finished that a fullrehearsal be- History 11, Lecture II, Final exam-
tween Mozart and the orchestra was ination, Wednesday, Feb. 2, 2-5:
not possible. The form of the open- Ewing's and Slosson's sections in
ing movement is entirely conventional Room 205 Mason Hall; all other sec-
but well-wrought, beginning with the tions in Natural Science Auditorium.
customary double exposition-one for Bring outline maps of Europe as well
the orchestra and onE for the piano. as bluebooks.
The Brahms Concerto (also in D Preston 'W. Slosson!
minor. Op. 15), on the other hand,,
was brought to completion only after History 39: The examination letter
numerous false starts and vicissitudes. in this course should be J instead of
The material contained in the first C.
movement was originally conceived-
for a symphony which the young !History 125: The examination letter
Brahms, probably at the goading of in this course should be E instead of
the impatient Schumann, tried un- D.
sucessfully to create, and then was!
turned into a sonata for piano duet. Iistery 131: The examination let-
Finally it emerged in this, Brahms' ter in this course is omitted in the
first concerto, where it is symphonic announcement. It should be F.
in character although unconventional'
in form and expressive of a poetic Mathematics, College of Literature,'
grandeur. Science, and the Arts: The examina-
The Rachmaninoff movement from tions in Mathematics 1, 2, 3, 4, and 7
the C mino' Concerto is, finally, still will be held Saturday, Feb. 5. 2-5 p.m.,
less rigid in str-ucture and less re- I according to the following schedule:{
strained in its emotions. Its colors Anning, 2003 A.H.
are warmer and more vivid than those Bradshaw, 231 A.H.
of Brahms, and its impelling main! Coe, 35 A.H.

The program will be given by Mrs.
Grace Johnson Konold, soprano, ac-
companied by Mrs. Helen Snyder, and
Mrs. Mischa Titiev, pianist.
1Dramxa Section: Junior Group of


A.A.U.W. is meeting Wednesday eve-
ning. Jan. 26, at 8 o'clock at the home
of Evelyn Bychinsky, 1133 White St.
All members interested are cordially
invited to attend.
University Girls' Glee Club: There
will be a regular meeting tonight at
7:15 at the League. This will be the
last meeting before exams. All mem-
bers are urged to be present.
Publicity Committee Meeting at the
League today at 5:00 in the under-
graduate offices. All members must
be present.
Corning Events
The Political Science Club will meet
informally with Sir Herbert Ames at
a tea to be held Friday, Jan. 28, at 4
p.m., in the Michigan League. We
urge all members to be present.
Iota Alpha: The initiation banquet
for the Beta Chapter, Iota Alpha will
be held on Thursday evening, Jan.
27, 1938, at 6:30 p.m. at the Michi-

gan Union.
The speakem of the evening will be
Professor Harley Bartlett.
Cercle Francais: The time of the
Cercle Francais picture for the Michi-
ganensian has been changed to
Thursday. at 5:15. It will be at Dey's
studio; all members are required to
be present.
Bowling: The bowling alleys at the
Women's Atha sRtolinr -r e"

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