The Weather Snow and continued Cold, Stronig northwe-stern wimbi., 12- sic igan~ jkit Editora1iv ~Possible Rsilts Of The Irish Stew,,. VOL. XLVIII. No. 90 ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, WEDNESDAY, JAN. 26, 1938 PRICE FIVE CENTS 'I f ! Bigger Army Is Hinted At By Roosevelt President Ready To Ask More Money For Both Branches Of Defense Preparedness Urged By House Leader WASHINGTON, Jan. 25.-(P)-The United States Army may be greatly strengthened at the same time that the Navy is being built up. President Roosevelt conferred for an hour and a half this afternoon with the chairmen of five house com- mittees dealing with national defense, and it was disclosed that both branches of the fighting service are under consideration for supplemen- tary appropriations. For weeks, it has been known that the President 'was preparing to ask more money for -the fleet, but not much had been said previously about the army. It was reported today, however, that powerful leaders inter- ested in the land forces were press- ing for increased appropriations. Discuss National Defense Mr. Roosevelt said merely that he and the House committeemen had discussed the needs of national de- fense-army and navy-from many angles. He added that his message on in- creased appropriations would be ready Thursday or Friday but refused to give details. Rep. Taylor (Dem., Colo.), chair- man of the appropriations committee, said the President's message would not be startling but added that "The United States is getting ready to de- fend itself." In general, he, said, the conference was characterized by- "general deter- mination to brace up on our prepared- ness. "There was a discussion of what other countries had been doing, he said. Senators Confirm Court Appointee WASHINGTON, Jan. 25.-(/P)- Solicitor General Stanley' Reed, chief defender of Roosevelt legislation be- fore the Supreme Court, won unani- mous Senate confirmation today for a seat on the tribunal.- The 53-year-old Kentuckian is ex- pected to assume his new duties next Monday. It will be necessary for him to resign his present position and to take oaths to support the Constitu- tion and to administer justice impar- tially. He will be the 77th person to sit on the high tribunal. Reed was appointed to succeed Jus- tice George Sutherland of Utah, who 'retired January 18 at the age of 75. Steel In- Black Despite Decline I n Production Dividends On Preferred Stock Paid As Usual By U.S. Steel Board NEW YORK, Jan. 25.--P)-De- spite an unprecedently rapid decline in operations, the United States Steel Corp., kept its records in black ink for the fourth quarter of 1937, re- porting today a net income of $4,- 577,893 compared with $30,617,638 in the previous three months period and $20,650,780 the like quarter of 1936. Directors of the corporation de- clared a regular dividend of $1.75 on the preferred stock, but took no ac- tion on the common stock dividend. The quarter report showed earnings of $1.27 a share on the preferred stock, compared with $2.79 a share on the common in the previous quarter and $1.65 a share on the common in the like 1936 period. Net income for the full year of 1937, before allowing for Federal surtax on undistributed profits, amounted to $99,930,836, equal to $8.58 a share on the common stock, as against $50,- 525,684 or $2.90 a common share in 1936. Myron C. Taylor, chairman, said Sthe declining demand for steel pro- ducts "continued during the last three months of the year, reaching the lowestlevel in December, in which month production was only 32.3 per cent of capacity." Long War Would Aid China's Victory Hopes, Dr. HaShih Says Chinese Educator Believes what they wanted in North China, apan lreay Woriedeven to the extent of taking Peiping JapanAlreadyWJuly. This was because the Chi- Over Conflict's Length nese government saw that it was not prepared for a war and could expect I By ROBERT MITCHELL no outside intervention in a war with I A drawn-out war in the Far East Japan Heavy Losses Reported On Yangtze River 3 _ _ i Death i sses Local Matt. As Train Wrecks Auto An Ann Arbor man miraculously escaped injury yesterday when a train struck and completely destroyed his car. The accident occurred at 12:57 p.m. when a southbound train of the Ann Worst Storm In ManyYears Ravages State will not only hurt Japan's ambitions for world prestige, but also appears the most likely way for China to win out in the present conflict, ac- cprding to Dr. Hu Shih, prominent Chinese educator, who is in Ann Ar- bor to give a University lecture today. Japan has already become worried about its campaign in China, Dr. Hu Shih declared, because it is being forced to put more war materials and money into China than it had antici- pated. Most of such military energy, he said, had been planned and built Dr. Hu Shih will give ai University lecture on "Democ-I racy vs. Fascism 'in China," at{ 4:15 p.m. today in the Natural1 Science Auditorium. . up for a conflict against a more pro- minent opponent in which the stakes and prestige to be gained were greater. As materials continue to go into the present campaign, the Japanese are faced more and more with the prob-; lem of replacing them and building back their power. "The Japanese went into the war not expecting much opposition from China," he ponited out, "because for six years they had been able to do Lewis Warns IAgainst Wage,1 PriceCollapse:( Miners Cheer CIO Chief As He Urges Federal HousingAppropriation WASHINGTON, Jan. 25.-(IP)- Whistling, cheering miners in con- vention assembled heard John L. Lewis warn Government and industry today to keep the wage scale up. If wages and prices are allowed to collapse, there will be "a complete economic, social and political de- bacle," Lewis told 2,000 of his United Mine Workers. One school of economists, he said, wants production costs cut to stimu- late production. "The answer to that is that it has not worked, and it never will," the CIO chief said, then scornfully snort- ed: "We tried that under President Hoover." The miners booed. As the first medicine for economic ills, Lewis advocated immediate Fed- eral appropriation of six billion dol- lars-five for a gigantic low cost housing program and one for this winter's relief needs.! Ford Co. Opens Defensef Against NLRB Charges ST. LOUIS, Jan. 25.--UP)-The Ford Motor Company began its defense to- day at a National Labor Relations Board hearing against charges by the CIO United Automobile Workers of America of unfair labor practices at A long war offers three possibilities for China to emerge victorious, Dr. Hu Shih stated. First, although China would be largely devastated physically' by a long combat, Japan would be greatly weakened politically and ec- onomically. It not only planned most of its resources for other internation- Japanese Losing Ground Arbor railroad struck an automobile Upper Peninsula Swept By driven by Ben Mummery, 544 Eliza- In Bitter Fighting Near Beth St. Mummery was taken to St. Wind And Snow; Roads Sceie Of Panay Incident Josephs Mercy Hospital where he Blocked By Huge Drifts was treated for minor injuries. He Twas released immediately.Ff 'A l e f Japs' ThoUghllt Ready No other serious accidents were re- FIty Children Left ported to either police or sheriff's of- cIStaddIn ch o For Big Offensive ficers yesterday despite dangerous ) tranded hi Shool weather conditions. r . i t 1 7 7 al actions, but probably is not strong SHANGHAI, Jan. 26.-(Wednes-I enough to carry the financial and day) -(iP)-Heavy casualties were re- economic strains of a war lasting ported today in- bitter hand-to-hand more than a year or two, he explained. fighting along the Yangtze River "The second possibility," Dr. Hu above Nanking as reinforced Chinese Shih declared, "is that in a long war, and Japanese armies launched new international incidents such as the offensives simultaneously. Panay incident, accummulate and Chinese said both sides suffered se-f pave the way for other nations to be vere losses as they fought for hours involved. Those nations most likely at close range near Wuhu, 60 miles to be involved in the Far East would;up the river from the former Chinese probably enter the war to China's capital, apnes rhips se advantage, he said. He listed Rus- ing Chinese positions. sia, GreathBritain,hand America as They placed their own casualties at nations that might some day be" 400, but made no estimate of the en- drawn in. emys As a last chance, he pointed out I ms. thas demoraticeowersointerested The Chinese reported they had cap- thatermationacolwect interested tured Hohsien, 25 miles down the against war might possibly decide to river from Wuhu, near the scene of step in and force an end to the con- the bombing of the United States gun- flict through economic or military boat Panay Dec. 12.I measures. China does not expect this Along the Tientsin-Pukow Railway eventuality, however, he explained, north of Nanking Chinese forces re- unless it should come as the result of ported they were driving back Jap- its petitions to the League of Na- anese near Pengpu, advance point of tions. the invaders northward drive toward Asked whether China had the re- Suchow, strategic rail junction 320 sources for a long war, Dr. Hu Shih miles northwest of Shanghai. described both its man-power and At the same time. Chinese cavalry credit situation as equal, if not su- was said to have surrounded the perior to, those of Japan. Military Japanese garrison at Tsining, Shan- supplies are received through Can- tung Province city taken by the Jap- ton and other sea-ports, because the anese last week on their southward so-called Japanese blockade cannot advance toward Suchow.1 operate against neutral shipping un- The big Japanese offensive in south less war has been declared, he said. Shantung, according to Chinese ad- Some supplies are coming from Indo- vices, was being held up until rein- China, and a few from Russia. forcements arrived. Dr. Hu Shih, who is Dean of the A Hongkong dispatch said Japanese Literary School of the Chinese Na- continued their aerial bombardment tional University of Peiping, is recog- of the Canton-Kowloon railway in nized as an outstanding scholar, and South China, striking closer' to Can- has been well-known in both intellec- ton than at any time since they tual and political circles of China. As opened their attacks. professor of philosophy and adminis- Hsu Shih-Ying, China's ambassa- trator in a number of Chinese univer- dor to Japan, stopped in Shanghai sities, he has been a leader in the de- on his way to Hankow, temporary velopment of modern education in capital, with a declaration that "I China.-,, 1 i i F 4 Increase Seen Certain It was to Taylor that the President, wrote recently that "world eventsd have caused me growing concern" and that "the United States must recog- nize" facts. The President's message is regard- -A- -fintoinrea gpthe request- Eligibility Rule Policy Changed For New Term" All Students To Be Deemed Ineligible For Activity; Until Proof Established Attention of students in extra- curriculgr activities was called yes- terday to the change in the procedure to be followed by those desiring toj take part in these activities, and by the chairmen and managers involved. At the beginning of each semester; and summer session, every student shall be presumed to be ineligible for any public activity until his eligibility is affirmatively established the fol- lowing way: 1. By obtaining ,from the chairman of the Committee on Student Affairs in the office of the Dean of Students a written certificate of eligibility, and, 2. By presenting the certificate of eligibility to the chairman or man- ager of the student activity in which he wishes to participate. The chairman or manager of anyC activity shall file with the chairman of the Committee on Student Affairs, before permitting the students in- volved to participate, the names of all those who have presented certificates of eligibility, and a signed agreement to exclude all others from participa- tion. In securing certificates of eligibility for the second semester, studenits were asked to bring a record of their first semester grades with them. Slcond semester certificates of eli- gibility will be required after March 1. House Defers Geiger_.Action Probe Of Judge Is Halted In Anti-Trust Case WASHINGTON, Jan. 25.-(A)-The House Judiciary Committee decided after an "exploratory" hearing today to defer action on Attorney General Cummings' complaint that Federal Judge Ferdinand A. Geiger of Mil- waukee had obstructed justice. Robert H. Jackson, head of the Justice Department's anti-trust di- vision, contended Geiger erred in dismissing a Grand Jury before it could return indictments for anti- trust law violation against three auto- mobile finance companies. e - Representatives of the Milwaukee and Wisconsin Bar Associations re- torted that Geiger acted correctly be- cause, they said, the Justice Depart- ment was trying to use the threat of criminal prosecution to obtain a con- sent decree. bring no peace terms." Tn T.. nkvn R LAmn Tit. akphikn Smfl~a ed as certin tonce ed appropriations for the 1939 fiscal year for army and navy above the } om s Zill 1 Before Rep. May's committee high I army officers declared today that 2,- I B arcelona 200 commissioned officers should be added to the regular army. This would bring the number to 14,659.d Insurgent Raiders Strike 'There is "urgent immediate need"! sretR ies Srk for more officers in the air corps, In Early Morning Brigadire Gfie.LorenzO D. Gasser Brigadier en.LBARCELONA, Spain, Jan. 25.-IP) said' 3 1.. ..l ......... 4 .. yn hp, kV J -Insurgent bombers in two neavy (raids on Barcelona were estimated to- )hnson Leads night to have killed about 150 per- I sons and wounded almost twice as Imany. Concert T oday IThe first of the day's attacks came in the early morning when 40 bombs, AFL Declines asked in the House of Peers why the "Chinese incident" was not called a war. He said the United States was Ant - Japanese maintaining "a fair and just atti- tude," but that Great Britain was supplying arms and munitions to China. Foreign Minister Koki Hirota ad- ELab Pmitted that the hostilities had de- veloped into a major conflict but said Goes 'Too Far'; Boycott the time had not yet arrived to de- W. clare war. He said "only a small inue, However, amount of arms and munitions is be- ing supplied to China by Great Bri- MIAMI, Fla., Jan. 25.-(P'-The tain" and "even this, theoretically, is Executive Council of the American a business proposition." Federation of Labor declined today to join European trade unionists in an economic alliance against Japan. Moehlman Pays Tribute Representatives 'of Great Britain, France, Switzerland, Sweden, Russia I To Maurice Keyworth' and the Netherlands projectednthe aI-' liance at Brussels, Jan. 15, contem A new book, "Social Interpretation plating Governmental embargoes -Principles and Practices of Coi- against Japanese goods with a scheme munity and Public-School Interpre- for mutal economic compensation for d tation," by Prof. Arthur B. Moehlman any losses entailed by the movement. f of the School of Education was pub- The conference sought an explicit lished last week by the D. Appleton- (By The Associated Press) The worst winter storm in years aged throughout the Upper Penin- ula of Michigan Tuesday, piling new- allen snow in drifts 20 feet high, locking highways, and marooning undreds in stalled automobiles, iso- ated farms, schoolhouses, and mines, Gathering Monday night, the storm wept down on Lower Michigan Tues- ay, but in a lesser degree, and ap- >arently its full force was centered long Lake Superior. Fifty children, marooned in a town- hip school five miles front Ironwood, aced the prospect of spending an- ether 48 hours in their classrooms. oad crews pushed huge tractor plows o the school Tuesday morning to ring them food, but no attempt was nade to carry the pupils out. Miners Marooned In Gogebic County, three separate rews of miners employed in two nines have been stranded withut :ood since Monday night. Road con- n.ssion workers in snowshoes reached mne group of 25 with food and were eported to be fighting huge drifts to, 0 others. In the midst of the storm, Mar- luette firemen fought a raging fire n the heart of the business district or 10 hours. A 35-mile-an-hour ale and man-high drifts in the treets hampered them. Two build- ngs were destroyed. Day Crew Snowbound Empoyes on the Monday day crew t the Ironton mine, near Bessemer, vere snow-bound in a company build- ng but report said they had adequate food and water. At the Greenwood Mine of the In- land Steel Co., near Ishpeming, 25 men had been marooned since Mon- lay afternoon. They had water, but no food, reports said. Twenty-five thers were reported snowbound in a ;asoline station two miles from Ish- peming. They were enroute to the Greenwood mine when snow blocked the road. Night Watchman Trapped A road crew was trying to reach a trapped night watchman on a WPA reservoir project a half mile from Ironwood. Marquette's road commission had 130 men fighting the drifts early Tuesday, and later doubled the num- ber. They reported that about 150 persons were rescued from stalled au- tomobiles in snow banks as high as 15 to 20 feet. Elsewhere in the Upper Peninsula, highway crews, augmented by farmers and recruits from small towns, fought to keep highways and telephone lines clear: Murphy Speeds Aid LANSING, Jan. 25.-(P)--Governor Murphy ordered state welfare agen- cies today to consider themselves "a little Red Cross' and rush relief to snowbound' Upper Peninsula resi- dents. "Pay no attention to red tape and routine,' the Governor ordered the welfare department and Emergency Relief Administration as he received reports of a paralyzing storm above the straits. George F. Granger, acting Emer- gency Relief Administrator, said ad- ditional funds would be made avail- able immediately for the relief of the needy. He said food, clothing and fuel would be made available to avert suffering. Welfare Commissioner James G. Bryant ordered his field staff to cooperate "to the full." Murphy voiced alarm following a survey of storm conditions. "We must not permit this to become a catas- trophe," he said. "The sick and the hungry must receive care without de- lay. Fire Sweeps Marquette MARQUE'ITE, Mich., Jan. 25.--(P) -Only the shells of two buildings in Marquette's business district re- mained tonight after a 15-hour fight against a fire. Three men were hurt in combatting the flames, which were under control as darkness fell. Unofficial estimates of the dnmage ranged upwards to a half million dol- 1 .r' Three Piano Soloists Will SupplementOrchestra The University Symphony Orches- tra, with Thor Johnson conducting,' will give a concert at 8:30 p.m. today in Hill Auditorium. Soloists will be Mary K. Hamlin, pianist; James D. Milliken, pianist;, Thomas W. Williams, tenor, and Al-' bert T. Zbinden, pianist. Two of the; numbers on the program have been transcribed for the orchestra and will be conducted by Henry A. Bruinsma, Grad.; and Donn M. Chown, '388M. The program consists of Prelude! and Fugue in E minor, Bach; FirstI Movement from Concerto in D minor for Piano and Orchestra, Mozart; 'Deeper and Deeper Still" and "WaftI Her Angels," from Jeptha," Handel; First Movement from Concerto No. 1 in D minor, Brahms; "Minstrels," De- bussy; "Golliwog's Cake Walk," De- bussy, and First Movement from Con- certo No. 2 in C minor, Rachmaninoff. The organization played the first in a series of four concerts in Tledo recently and will make a three-week trip through the South, playing at many universities and colleges. Dur- ing the Spring Vacation, the orches- tra will tour upper Michigan. State WPA Moves To Combat Slump LANSING, Jan. 25. - (AP) - The Works Progress Administration an- swered the current business reces- sion today with an announcement most of them small, were dumped on the city within three minutes. Six of the missiles struck within a city block, each killing from one to six sleeping persons. The jail in the central. section was damaged. Ground activities along the battle fronts generally were quiet Tuesday, Spanish dispatches to Cerberes said, except for grim trench warfare at Teruel and an artillery bombard- ment of Madrid in which four per- sons were reported killed and six wounded. its St. Louis plant. guarantee of mutual aid from the Daniel Bartlett, Ford attorney, said United States but the AFL council he would seek to show the labor board replied it was "not prepared at pres- "is working with the CIO and pre- ent to go as far as suggested." judges all other labor organizations." The council gave assurances, how- ever, that the anti-Japanese boycott Century Company.I The book is dedicated to Maurice Keyworth, late Superintendent of Public Instruction who was killed in an automobile accident June 22, 1936, eight days before his inauguration into this office. Psychologist Here To Assume Child Guidance Institute Duties By CARL PETERSEN on procedure and methods of investi- Dr. Nils Y. Wessel of Rochester ar- gation to local organizations engaged rived yesterday in Ann Arbor to take' i work of this character. Diagnosis up his duties as psychologist for the of individual cases of child delin- Michigan Child Guidance Institute, queny, called to the attention of the directed by Prof. Lowell W. Carr, of Institute by its field men, will also be the sociology department. carried on. It is this type of work in TheInsitue, as rovdedforbywhich Dr. Wessel is to be engaged, the alstitute was povided frt insaid Professor Carr. The Institute bill, passed by the Legislature at the will have two psychiatrists by the end of the 1937 Spring Session, which middle of February to deal with cases appropriated $40,000 a year for the referred to it by the local juvenile next two years to set up the Institute courts. Finally, the Institute will under a board of trustees composed of1 supply technical advice to local judges une moahnrd of th nrustfes co.psd of engaged in child delinquency work. UIIC H~1iJJ f 01 B1I dLUI fl R e t.L voted at the last AFL convention "will be aggressively applied by labor and its friends throughout the United States" and said "definite results" al- ready had followed. The Senate filibuster against the anti-lynching bill was discussed, AFL officials expressing disappointment atI the delay to other legislation in which labor is interested. The council delayed a decision until later in its two-week session on the - - - F d ran 0 Towns On Huron Should Own Water-Fronts, Curtis Declares By STAN SWINTON Michigan Central would shift its ma- Public ownership of water fronts in ior traffic elsewhere or that smokeless e ngines may be provided are the chief towns bordering on the Huron River hopes mo y improv dedtarn thischief was urged by Henry S. Curtis, execu- 'opes foiprvmetnhsi LhUpe, [I C01 mCUemn. n hsdie- I 5 1 5 II appeal o the Ynnsyivam a ree tion of labor from an order that it tive secretary of the Huron-Clinton oust its CIO affiliates. Parkway committee, in a University oust is CIObroadcast yesterday. ,r 0 Resolutions urging that public own- Sership be effected have been sent to Aid For*ChineseImayors, chambers of commerce and park board chairman of all cities concerned, including Ann Arbor, he Donations to be used for relieving revealed. distress among the civilian population "River front is natural park area," in China will be accepted by the, Mr. Curtis said last night in explain- Washtenaw County chapter of the ing his radio statement. "Through- American Red Cross, it was an- out the nation cities are taking it over nounced yesterday. and using it for recreational purposes The appeal for funds, which was -for pools, skating rinks and play- suggested by President Roosevelt, isI grounds. Also ,of course, the land is part of a nation-wide drive for aid. muh more hautiful when it is useI 1 fine hn rlool a-t-a l t 7 I C t the memoers oI me eoara of ege n It is at present located in the Trick More disturbed cases will be sent to Buisding atpreentcoraedofN.tUniver- Ann Arbor to be examined in the psy- Building, at the corner of N. chiatric clinic to be established here, sity and State St for which a psychiatrist is being se- Its functions, according to Profes- lected by Prof. Raymond W. Wag- sor Carr, are five-fold. First of all, it goner, director of the department of will conduct research in the field of psychiatry and a member of the ex- child delinquency. Publicity and in- ecutive committee of the Institute. formation dealing with child delin- Professor Carr will be relieved of His other six suggestions are to add to the river scenery by teaching school children the river's early history; pro- vide a parkway along the peaks be- side the valey and beautify the bluffs with winding trails, reforested areas and beautifying structures. Banks of the river, Mr. Curtis be- lieves, should be cleared of dumps and offensive structures. Pollution of the water should stop and erosion into the river should be halted if possible. rhe stream itself should be beautified by cleaning up the bed and planting lagoons and marshy borders with water flowers. Can nan, nnc. 1ri fnnfh' a 4in